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- 136,000 Jobs Created in September, Unemployment Lowest Since 1969
- WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 05: (AFP OUT) U.S. President Donald Trump holds a plaque made by Brian Steorts the owner of Flags of Valor during a meeting with Steorts and other business owners and their families to discussing tax reform in the Oval Office of the White House on December …
- Job creation has cooled off in the second half of 2019 even as unemployment has remained near multi-decade lows.
- Report: White House Prepares Letter Daring Nancy Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote
- Report: White House Prepares Letter Daring Nancy Pelosi to Hold Impeachment Inquiry Vote…
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- Kevin McCarthy: Nancy Pelosi’s Impeachment ‘a Sham Process’
- …McCarthy:‘a Sham Process’…
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- Pelosi Dismisses McCarthy’s Impeachment Letter: We Hope Republicans Will ‘Follow the Facts’
- …Nancy: Violates Rules, Precedent!
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- …Pelosi: No Vote on Impeachment Inquiry…
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- GOP Congressmen: Volker Testimony Fails to Advance Democrats’ ‘Impeachment Agenda’
- GOP Congressmen: Volker Testimony Fails to Advance Dems’ ‘Impeachment Agenda’
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- Pentagon: Delay in Military Aid to Ukraine Did Not Affect National Security
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- U.S. Ambassador: ‘No Quid pro Quo of any Kind’
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- Sewell: Trump Illegally Having Foreign Govt’s Do Opposition Research
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- Democrat Susan Wild: Need to Ensure Impeachment Does Not ‘Overshadow’ Everything
- Democrat Susan Wild: Need to Ensure Impeachment Does Not ‘Overshadow’ Everything
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- Soros PAC Gives Planned Parenthood $350K to Turn Virginia Blue
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- Two Illegal Aliens Convicted for Helping the Illegal Alien Accused of Murdering Ron Singh
- Illegal Aliens Convicted for Helping the Illegal Accused of Murdering Ron Singh
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- Marianne Williamson Raises $3 Million in Third Quarter
- Marianne Williamson Raises $3 Million in Third Quarter
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- Kamala Harris: More Books, Pencils, Not Armed Teachers
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- Andrew Yang: ‘Trump-Centered’ Media Impeachment Narrative ‘Not Helpful’ for Dems
- Yang: Media Impeachment Frenzy ‘Not Helpful’ for Dems
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- Bernie Sanders Campaign Confirms His Participation in October Debate amid Health Scare
- Bernie Will Join October Debate After Health Scare…
- Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham: Pelosi’s Claim to Treat Trump Fairly Is ‘Laughable’
- WH: Pelosi’s Claim to Treat Trump Fairly Is ‘Laughable’
- Climate Saint Greta Thunberg is Tipped to Win the Nobel Peace Prize Next Week After Her UN Speech
- Furry-Vegan Convergence? “Sexy Vegan” Caught Sexually Assaulting His Dog
- Fallout Miami: Pro-Semite Homo-Con Brad Polumbo Caught Preying on Young Boys on Instagram
- Italy: African Fella Punches Random Italian Girl in Station Underpass
- Charles Martel
- It's all so tiresome.
- White Female Bystander Shot to Death by a Gorilla with Dreadlocks
- Charles Martel
- Florida: Coon Carjacks, Kidnaps White Family Who Were Returning Home from Disney World
- Charles Martel
- Nagger Indicted on Murder Charges After Killing White Man “Because of a Look the Two Exchanged”
- Charles Martel
- North Carolina: Fat Dindu Accused of Shooting Prominent White Doctor
- Charles Martel
- Silverback Shoots His White Coalburner and Leaves Her to Bleed to Death in a Parking Lot
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- Penis.
- OCT 4
- Mostly Sunny
- 94°69°
- 0%
- E 7 mph 55%
- OCT 5
- Sunny
- 95°71°
- 10%
- SE 4 mph 56%
- OCT 6
- Sunny
- 96°67°
- 10%
- SSE 6 mph 55%
- OCT 7
- Partly Cloudy
- 83°63°
- 20%
- N 17 mph 63%
- OCT 8
- Sunny
- 86°63°
- 0%
- NE 9 mph 50%
- OCT 9
- Sunny
- 91°67°
- 10%
- SSE 9 mph 48%
- OCT 10
- Partly Cloudy
- 92°65°
- 20%
- SSE 10 mph 62%
- OCT 11
- AM Thunderstorms
- 77°55°
- 40%
- NNE 15 mph 64%
- OCT 12
- Partly Cloudy
- 76°54°
- 20%
- N 13 mph 47%
- OCT 13
- Sunny
- 80°59°
- 0%
- NE 10 mph 43%
- OCT 14
- Partly Cloudy
- 85°63°
- 10%
- ESE 9 mph 52%
- OCT 15
- Scattered Thunderstorms
- 84°62°
- 40%
- SE 9 mph 60%
- OCT 16
- Partly Cloudy
- 83°61°
- 20%
- ENE 12 mph 60%
- OCT 17
- AM Showers
- 84°62°
- 40%
- ESE 9 mph 62%
- OCT 18
- Sunny
- 85°63°
- 20%
- SE 8 mph 61%
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- Current threat: Ice cream cone man. 🍦 🎅🏻
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- Sebastian Bosse
- November 20th, 2006. Another shitty day in a notable, yet shitty year. Another day of extreme bullying, isolation and alienation for the nerds, geeks and losers of the world. One of them, however, would take revenge against the savage masses - by perpetrating a school shooting at his former school, Geschwister Scholl-Schule, in Emsdetten, Germany. The shooter, Sebastian Bosse (Alias, ResistantX), had the genius idea that if he was going to aim for the high score, that he'd do this shit 18th century style - by gearing up with several caplock pistols and sawed off bolt-action 22lr rifles. Needless to say, this faggot only managed to shoot 5 fags, and gas 17 others with one of his many smoke grenades. Fearing Prison, he did the right thing, and rid the Earth of a loser - himself. Despite not even managing 1 frag, his gay ass massacre scared the shit out of Germans everywhere, as politicians called for the banning of violent video games. It took 10 years for this little dweeb to get his own ED article, and for good reason. He shall serve as a prime example of YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.
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- <Squee-G> You're old school? I beta tested the mother fucking abacus!
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- Buster Keaton (October 4, 1895 – February 1, 1966) was an American actor, comedian, film director, producer, screenwriter, and stunt performer. He is best known for his silent films, in which his trademark was physical comedy with a consistently stoic, deadpan expression that earned him the nickname "The Great Stone Face". Critic Roger Ebert wrote of Keaton's "extraordinary period from 1920 to 1929" when he "worked without interruption" on a series of films that make him "the greatest actor-director in the history of the movies". His career declined afterward with a loss of artistic independence when he signed with Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, his wife divorced him, and he descended into alcoholism. He recovered in the 1940s, remarried, and revived his career as an honored comic performer for the rest of his life, earning an Academy Honorary Award in 1959.
- Photograph credit: Bain News Service; restored by Fallschirmjäger
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- That's all. I'm going to go have sex with a pineapple. Look, if you're in love, you'll figure out a way to do it.
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