
Python functions for etc.

Feb 28th, 2016
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  1. from sympy import poly, symbols
  2. from sympy.ntheory import npartitions
  5. def a231599_row(n):
  6.     """ T(n,k) is the coefficient of x^k in Product_{i=1..n} (1-x^i) """
  7.     if n == 0:
  8.         return [1]
  9.     x = symbols('x')
  10.     p = 1
  11.     for i in range(1, n+1):
  12.         p *= poly(1-x**i)
  13.     p = p.all_coeffs()
  14.     return p[::-1]
  17. def a026807(n, k):
  18.     """ A026807: T(n,k) = number of partitions of n with all addends >= k """
  19.     if k > n:
  20.         return 0
  21.     elif k > n/2:
  22.         return 1
  23.     else:
  24.         vc = a231599_row(k-1)
  25.         t = len(vc)
  26.         vp_range = range(n-t, n+1)
  27.         vp_range = vp_range[::-1]  # reverse
  28.         r = 0
  29.         for i in range(0, t):
  30.             r += vc[i] * npartitions(vp_range[i])
  31.         return r
  34. def a026794(n, k):
  35.     """ A026794: T(n,k) = number of partitions of n with smallest addend k """
  36.     if n == k:
  37.         return 1
  38.     return a026807(n - k, k)
  41. def dictprodsum(pdict):
  42.     s = 0
  43.     for key in pdict:
  44.         s += key * pdict[key]
  45.     return s
  48. def dictunion(a_input, b):
  49.     a = a_input.copy()
  50.     for key in b.keys():
  51.         if key in a:
  52.             a[key] += b[key]
  53.         else:
  54.             a[key] = b[key]
  55.     return a
  58. def dict_to_list(pdict):
  59.     """ Turns a partition dict into a partition list, e.g. {4: 2, 5: 3, 6: 1} to [4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6]. """
  60.     plist = []
  61.     for key in pdict:
  62.         plist += [key for i in range(0, pdict[key])]
  63.     return sorted(plist)
  66. def dict_to_valnum(pdict):
  67.     """ Turns a partition dict into the corresponding value in A194602, e.g. {4: 1, 6: 1} to 479. """
  68.     if pdict == {}:
  69.         return 0
  70.     plist = dict_to_list(pdict)
  71.     pstr = ''
  72.     for entry in plist:
  73.         pstr += '0' + (entry-1) * '1'
  74.     return int(pstr, 2)
  77. def valnum_to_dict(pval):
  78.     """ Turns a value of A194602 into the corresponding partition dict, e.g. 479 to {4: 1, 6: 1}. """
  79.     if pval == 0:
  80.         return {}
  81.     elif pval < 0:
  82.         return "The number entered was negative."
  83.     binstr = "{0:b}".format(pval)  # n converted to binary string
  84.     binarr = binstr.split('0')
  85.     pdict = {}
  86.     for addend_str in binarr:
  87.         addend = len(addend_str) + 1
  88.         if addend == 1:
  89.             return "The number entered was not a value of A194602."
  90.         elif addend in pdict:
  91.             pdict[addend] += 1
  92.         else:
  93.             pdict[addend] = 1
  94.     return pdict
  97. def dict_to_keynum(pdict_input):
  98.     """ Turns a partition dict into the corresponding key of A194602, e.g. {4: 1, 6: 1} to 39. """
  99.     pdict = pdict_input.copy()
  100.     result = 0
  101.     last_smad = 1
  102.     while True:
  103.         if pdict == {}:
  104.             return result
  105.         n = dictprodsum(pdict)
  106.         smad = min(pdict.keys())  # smallest addend
  107.         for i in range(last_smad, smad):
  108.             result += a026807(n - i, i)  # number of partitions of ``n`` with smallest addend equal to ``i``
  109.         last_smad = smad
  110.         pdict.pop(smad)
  113. def keynum_to_rownum(pkey):
  114.     """ Returns the sum of the parts of the partition, i.e. the partitions row number.
  115.    E.g. for 94 ({3: 1, 5: 2}) the row number is 13."""
  116.     if pkey == 0:
  117.         return 0
  118.     row = 1
  119.     while True:
  120.         row += 1
  121.         pnum = npartitions(row)
  122.         if pkey <= pnum - 1:
  123.             return row
  126. def keynum_to_smad(pkey, row):
  127.     """ Returns the smallest addend and the number of partitions with smaller smallest addends.
  128.    E.g. for  94 (in row 13) the smad is 3 and the n.o.p. with smaller smad is 91. """
  129.     if pkey == 0:
  130.         return 1
  131.     smad = 0
  132.     count = 0
  133.     while count <= pkey:
  134.         smad += 1
  135.         nop_with_smaller_smad = count
  136.         count += a026794(row, smad)  # add n.o. partitions of ``row`` with smallest addend ``smad``
  137.     return smad, nop_with_smaller_smad
  140. def keynum_to_dict(pkey):
  141.     """ Turns a key of A194602 into the corresponding partition dict, e.g. 39 to {4: 1, 6: 1}. """
  143.     if pkey == 0:
  144.         return {}
  146.     row = keynum_to_rownum(pkey)
  148.     (smad, nop_with_smaller_smad) = keynum_to_smad(pkey, row)
  150.     # partition to be found is ``pos``-th among partitions of ``row`` with smallest addend ``smad``, counted from 1
  151.     pos = pkey - nop_with_smaller_smad + 1
  153.     # step upwards until all addends ``smad`` are gone, recursively use this function on that partitions key number
  154.     rem = 1
  155.     while a026794(row - rem*smad, smad) > pos:  # while a removed addend ``smad`` was not the last one
  156.         rem += 1
  157.     result1 = {smad: rem}  # the ``rem`` addends ``smad`` that were removed become part of the result to be returned
  158.     new_row = row - rem*smad  # the row of the new partition with the smallest addends removed
  159.     key_count = 0
  160.     for smaller in range(1, smad):
  161.         key_count += a026794(new_row, smaller)
  162.     new_pkey = key_count + pos - 1
  163.     result2 = keynum_to_dict(new_pkey)
  164.     return dictunion(result1, result2)
  167. def keynum_to_valnum(pkey):
  168.     """ Turns a key of A194602 into the corresponding value, e.g. 39 to 479. """
  169.     return dict_to_valnum(keynum_to_dict(pkey))
  172. def valnum_to_keynum(pval):
  173.     """ Turns a value of A194602 into the corresponding key, e.g. 479 to 39. """
  174.     return dict_to_keynum(valnum_to_dict(pval))
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