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- ; HotkeyRequester.pbi
- ; Dec 1, 2014
- ; Windows Only
- ; Written in PB 5.31 x86
- ; Author: missile69
- ;
- ;
- ; License: Free to use, modify, or publish any way you wish. Credit appreciated,
- ; not required.
- ;
- ; Main function: HotkeyRequester(WindowNumber.i, Title$, Instruction$, *funcToCall)
- ;WindowNumber = Window that will respond to #WM_Hotkey. Usually your main window as closed windows
- ; can't respond to hotkey messages.
- ;Title$ = Title bar text
- ;Instruction$ =
- ;*funcToCall = Pointer to the function you want called when this hotkey is triggered. Function
- ; should not require parameters
- ;
- ;Return Value = ID number of hotkey if successfully set. Zero otherwise.
- ;
- ; Opens a simple window where your program's user can easily select pick a
- ; global hotkey. HotkeyRequester features "live" updating of their keypresses and
- ; color-based visual feedback to show the validity of their chosen Hotkey
- ;
- ; Global hotkeys, as opposed to PB's keyboard shortcuts, are
- ; available even when your program's window is not focused or is not visible.
- EnableExplicit
- Enumeration whk 100
- #wndHKRequester
- #tmrUpdate
- #fntHKDisplay
- ;Gadgets
- #lblHKDisplay
- #btnOk
- #btnCancel
- EndEnumeration
- Structure _UserHK
- vkey.i
- mods.i
- hWnd.i
- ID.i
- *function
- friendlyString.s
- EndStructure
- NewList hkList._UserHK()
- ;This flag ensures only one #WM_Hotkey message is received even if user keeps
- ;hotkey buttons pushed down.
- #MOD_NOREPEAT = 16384
- ;Colors
- #myGreen = $37A537
- #myRed = $BE3F3F
- Procedure.i _whk_idExists(hkID.i)
- Shared hkList()
- If hkID
- ForEach hkList()
- If hkList()\ID = hkID
- ProcedureReturn @hkList()
- Break
- EndIf
- Next
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn 0
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.i _whk_isDuplicate(*UserHK._UserHK)
- Shared hkList()
- Protected r.i
- ForEach hkList()
- If hkList()\mods = *UserHK\mods And hkList()\vkey = *UserHK\vkey
- r = #True
- Break
- EndIf
- Next
- ProcedureReturn r
- EndProcedure
- Procedure WM_HOTKEY_Event(wParam.i, lParam.i)
- ;This function should be called from your window callback when a
- ;#WM_HOTKEY message is received.
- Shared hkList()
- ;Debug "WM_HOTKEY id = " + Str(wParam)
- If _whk_idExists(wParam)
- CallFunctionFast(hkList()\function)
- EndIf
- EndProcedure
- Procedure RemoveHotkey(hkID.i)
- ;Returns non-zero on success, else returns zero.
- ;hkID = ID number associated with this hotkey. #PB_All can be used to unregister all
- ; hotkeys when your program ends.
- Shared hkList()
- Protected i.i
- If hkID = #PB_All
- ForEach hkList()
- UnregisterHotKey_(hkList()\hWnd, hkList()\ID)
- i + 1
- Next
- ClearList(hkList())
- ;Debug "Unregistered " + Str(i) + " Hotkeys"
- ElseIf hkID
- ;If the given hotkey ID is valid, unregister it and delete from list.
- If _whk_idExists(hkID)
- UnregisterHotKey_(hkList()\hWnd, hkList()\ID)
- DeleteElement(hkList())
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.i _whk_addHotkey(*UserHK._UserHK, Test.b = #False)
- ;Hotkey = Pointer to filled out _userHK-structured variable. \ID value is always auto-generated
- ; and the is the return value.
- ;Test = If true, unregisters the hotkey before exiting and doesn't add it to our hkList().
- ;
- ;Return Value = Hotkey ID on success. 0 on error (usually means that hotkey is already used by another program).
- Shared hkList()
- Protected r.i
- Static hkAutoID.i
- hkAutoID + 1
- With *UserHK
- If \friendlyString And \function And \mods And \vkey
- \ID = hkAutoID
- If _whk_isDuplicate(*UserHK) = #False
- r = RegisterHotKey_(\hWnd, \ID, \mods, \vKey)
- If r
- If Test
- UnregisterHotKey_(\hWnd, \ID)
- hkAutoID - 1
- Else
- AddElement(hkList())
- hkList()\friendlyString = \friendlyString
- hkList()\function = \function
- hkList()\hWnd = \hWnd
- hkList()\ID = \ID
- hkList()\mods = \mods
- hkList()\vkey = \vkey
- EndIf
- r = \ID
- Else
- hkAutoID - 1
- EndIf
- Else
- hkAutoID - 1
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndWith
- ProcedureReturn r
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.i HotkeyKeycode(hkID.i)
- ;Returns the key code associated with given ID.
- Shared hkList()
- If _whk_idExists(hkID)
- ProcedureReturn hkList()\vkey
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn #Null
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.i HotkeyModifiers(hkID.i)
- ;Returns the modifiers associated with given ID. They can be any combination
- Shared hkList()
- If _whk_idExists(hkID)
- ProcedureReturn hkList()\mods
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn #Null
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.s HotkeyFriendlyName(hkID.i)
- ;Returns the user-friendly hotkey description associated with the given hkID
- Shared hkList()
- If hkID
- If _whk_idExists(hkID)
- ProcedureReturn hkList()\friendlyString
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn #NULL$
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.i isHotkey(hkID.i)
- ;Returns non-zero if this hotkey ID is valid and registered. Zero when not.
- If hkID
- ProcedureReturn _whk_idExists(hkID)
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn 0
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.i _whk_checkKB(*UserHK._UserHK)
- ;Checks Ctrl, Alt, Shift and Keycodes 48-122 which correspond to all numbers and basic visible characters.
- ;Since hotkeys can only have one vKey code associated with them, this function only returns the key code
- ;for the first (lowest numbered on Ascii chart) pressed key it finds even if, for example, two letters
- ;were pressed.
- ;
- ;Return value = Non-zero if keyboard state was successfully retrieved. The _UserHK structure passed by
- ; reference will have its mods, vKey, and friendlyString fields filled in if their
- ; corresponding keys were pressed.
- ClearStructure(*UserHK, _UserHK)
- Protected r.i, i.i
- Dim kb.b(255)
- r = GetKeyboardState_(@kb())
- If r
- With *UserHK
- If kb(#VK_CONTROL) & $ff > 1
- \mods + #MOD_CONTROL
- \friendlyString + "Ctrl + "
- EndIf
- If kb(#VK_MENU) & $ff > 1
- \mods + #MOD_ALT
- \friendlyString + "Alt + "
- EndIf
- If kb(#VK_SHIFT) & $ff > 1
- \mods + #MOD_SHIFT
- \friendlyString + "Shift + "
- EndIf
- If \mods
- \mods + #MOD_NOREPEAT
- EndIf
- For i = '0' To 'z'
- If kb(i) & $ff > 1
- ;Debug Chr(i) + " pressed!"
- \friendlyString + Chr(i)
- \vKey = i
- Break
- EndIf
- Next
- EndWith
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn r
- EndProcedure
- Procedure.i HotkeyRequester(WindowNumber.i, Title$, Instruction$, *funcToCall)
- ;WindowNumber = Window that will respond to #WM_Hotkey. Usually your main window as closed windows
- ; can't respond to hotkey messages.
- ;Title$ = Title bar text
- ;Instruction$ =
- ;*funcToCall = Pointer to the function you want called when this hotkey is triggered. Function
- ; should not require parameters
- ;
- ;Return Value = ID number of hotkey if successfully set. Zero otherwise.
- Protected._UserHK currKeys, prevKeys
- Protected r.i, e.i, h.i, w.i, hkIsValid.i
- Protected MaxHK$ = "Ctrl + Alt + Shift + W"
- If IsWindow(WindowNumber)
- WindowNumber = WindowID(WindowNumber)
- If OpenWindow(#wndHKRequester, 0, 0, 400, 150, Title$, #PB_Window_ScreenCentered|#PB_Window_SystemMenu)
- TextGadget(#PB_Any, 10, 10, WindowWidth(#wndHKRequester) - 20, 36, Instruction$, #PB_Text_Center)
- ButtonGadget(#btnOk, 320, 105, 70, 35, "OK")
- DisableGadget(#btnOk, #True)
- ButtonGadget(#btnCancel, 240, 105, 70, 35, "Cancel")
- ;Set up hotkey display area
- LoadFont(#fntHKDisplay, "Arial", 14, #PB_Font_Bold)
- StartDrawing(WindowOutput(#wndHKRequester))
- DrawingFont(FontID(#fntHKDisplay))
- h = TextHeight(MaxHK$) + 20
- w = TextWidth(MaxHK$) + 20
- StopDrawing()
- TextGadget(#lblHKDisplay, (400-w)/2, 50, w, h, "None", #PB_Text_Center|#SS_CENTERIMAGE)
- SetGadgetColor(#lblHKDisplay, #PB_Gadget_BackColor, #White)
- SetGadgetFont(#lblHKDisplay, FontID(#fntHKDisplay))
- AddWindowTimer(#wndHKRequester, #tmrUpdate, 150)
- Repeat
- e = WaitWindowEvent()
- Select e
- Case #PB_Event_Timer
- If _whk_checkKB(@currKeys)
- With currKeys
- ;If keys were pressed
- If \friendlyString
- ;Show pressed keys to user
- SetGadgetText(#lblHKDisplay, \friendlyString)
- If \friendlyString <> prevKeys\friendlyString
- SetGadgetColor(#lblHKDisplay, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, #Black)
- EndIf
- If \mods And \vkey
- If \mods <> prevKeys\mods Or \vkey <> prevKeys\vkey
- \function = *funcToCall
- \hWnd = WindowNumber
- ;Test this hotkey combination.
- r = _whk_addHotkey(@currKeys, #True)
- If r
- ;Hotkey is good and able to be registered
- prevKeys = currKeys
- hkIsValid = #True
- SetGadgetColor(#lblHKDisplay, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, #myGreen)
- Else
- hkIsValid = #False
- SetGadgetColor(#lblHKDisplay, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, #myRed)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndIf
- Else
- ;Keep showing previous valid hotkey if there is one
- If prevKeys\ID
- If GetGadgetData(#btnOk) = 0
- DisableGadget(#btnOk, #False)
- SetGadgetData(#btnOk, 1)
- EndIf
- SetGadgetText(#lblHKDisplay, prevKeys\friendlyString)
- SetGadgetColor(#lblHKDisplay, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, #myGreen)
- Else
- If GetGadgetData(#btnOk)
- DisableGadget(#btnOk, #True)
- SetGadgetData(#btnOk, 0)
- EndIf
- SetGadgetText(#lblHKDisplay, "None")
- SetGadgetColor(#lblHKDisplay, #PB_Gadget_FrontColor, #Black)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- EndWith
- EndIf
- Case #PB_Event_Gadget
- Select EventGadget()
- Case #btnOk
- If prevKeys\ID
- ;Add hotkey for real this time.
- r = _whk_addHotkey(@prevKeys)
- EndIf
- Break
- Case #btnCancel
- r = 0
- Break
- EndSelect
- Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
- r = 0
- Break
- EndSelect
- ForEver
- RemoveWindowTimer(#wndHKRequester, #tmrUpdate)
- FreeFont(#fntHKDisplay)
- CloseWindow(#wndHKRequester)
- EndIf
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn r
- EndProcedure
- #Myname = "Date-n-time-inserter-v0.7"
- Define appname.s = GetFilePart(ProgramFilename())
- Enumeration
- #Window
- #SysTrayIcon
- #Menu
- #change_hk
- #Exit
- #icon
- EndEnumeration
- Procedure myWinCallback(hWnd.i, uMsg.i, wParam.i, lParam.i)
- If uMsg = #WM_HOTKEY
- WM_HOTKEY_Event(wParam, lParam)
- EndIf
- ProcedureReturn #PB_ProcessPureBasicEvents
- EndProcedure
- Procedure pasteStuff()
- Protected i.i, txt$
- ; continue if all keys are free
- Repeat
- For i = 0 To 1000
- If GetKeyState_(i) <= -1
- Break
- ElseIf i = 1000
- Debug "all keys are free"
- Break 2
- EndIf
- Next
- Delay(10)
- ForEver
- Define n.INPUT
- n\type = #INPUT_KEYBOARD
- txt$ = FormatDate("%yyyy.%mm.%dd %hh:%ii",Date())
- SetClipboardText(txt$)
- ; AddGadgetItem(textField,-1,txt$)
- n\ki\wVk = #VK_CONTROL : n\ki\dwFlags = 0
- SendInput_(1,@n,SizeOf(n))
- n\ki\wVk = #VK_V
- SendInput_(1,@n,SizeOf(n))
- n\ki\dwFlags = #KEYEVENTF_KEYUP
- SendInput_(1,@n,SizeOf(n))
- n\ki\wVk = #VK_CONTROL
- SendInput_(1,@n,SizeOf(n))
- EndProcedure
- Define ev.i, hkInsTimestamp.i, txt2.s = "Press the key combination you want To associate With this action", icon
- CreateImage(#icon,16,16)
- StartDrawing(ImageOutput(#icon))
- Circle(8,8,7,$000000)
- StopDrawing()
- If OpenWindow(#Window, 0, 0, 500, 500, #Myname, #PB_Window_Invisible)
- SetWindowCallback(@myWinCallback(), #Window)
- ; icon = ExtractIcon_(WindowID(#Window),appname,0)
- AddSysTrayIcon(#SysTrayIcon,WindowID(#Window),#icon)
- SysTrayIconToolTip(#SysTrayIcon,#Myname)
- CreatePopupMenu(#Menu)
- MenuItem(1,#Myname)
- DisableMenuItem(#Menu,1,1)
- MenuBar()
- MenuItem(#change_hk,"Change Hotkey")
- MenuItem(#Exit,"Exit")
- HotkeyRequester(#Window, #Myname, txt2, @pasteStuff())
- Repeat
- ev = WaitWindowEvent()
- If ev = #PB_Event_SysTray And EventType() = #PB_EventType_RightClick
- DisplayPopupMenu(#Menu,WindowID(#Window))
- ElseIf ev = #PB_Event_Menu
- Select EventMenu()
- Case #change_hk
- If isHotkey(hkInsTimestamp)
- ;If the hotkey was already set, delete it before showing requester again
- RemoveHotkey(hkInsTimestamp)
- EndIf
- hkInsTimestamp = HotkeyRequester(#Window, #Myname, txt2, @pasteStuff())
- If hkInsTimestamp
- SetMenuItemText(#Menu,#change_hk, "Hotkey: "+HotkeyFriendlyName(hkInsTimestamp))
- Else
- SetMenuItemText(#Menu,#change_hk, "Hotkey: None")
- EndIf
- Case #Exit
- Break
- EndSelect
- EndIf
- Until ev = #PB_Event_CloseWindow
- EndIf
- RemoveHotkey(#PB_All)
- End
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