
2.6 Patch Notes

Feb 20th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Bugs fixed:
  2. - Number keys can now move items in inventories normally
  3. - Number keys no longer duplicate gadgets
  4. - Fixed console warning about System.out
  5. - Morphs now correctly cleared when switching worlds
  6. - Clicking emote heads no longer dupes them
  7. - Paintball gun no longer occasionally produces error on MC <1.12.2
  8. - Trampoline now generates correctly on MC <1.12.2
  9. - Blocks from MC >= 1.13 now correctly refresh when changed by mounts and such
  10. - Snowman pets no longer leave snow trails in cold biomes
  11. - Pets are properly removed when server shuts down
  12. - Rocket gadget no longer removes all other rockets when exploding
  13. - Plugin now correctly disables when not compatible with server
  14. - Correctly handles config comment support on 1.18.1
  15. - Mobs can no longer pick up the Thor's Hammer gadget when thrown
  16. - Rocket gadget and Ethereal Pearl gadget no longer kick for flying
  17. - "/uc treasurechest" no longer throws an error when using coordinates with decimals
  18. - No longer deletes item in slot 5 when switching to a world with MV-Inventories enabled
  19. - Shift-clicking menu item in creative no longer duplicates it
  20. - Pet renaming no longer throws an error on 1.17 and up
  21. - UC no longer throws an error when a player-type NPC dies
  22. - Disconnecting with an active pet no longer throws an error.
  23. - Wither pet now respects Pets-Are-Babies option
  24. - Wither pet no longer goes out-of-control when Pets-Drop-Items is disabledcommands
  25. - Fixed errors about async entity add/removed
  26. - Fixed treasure chests sometimes not being removed on server shutdown
  27. - Mounts now work slightly better with ViaVersion (but not perfectly)
  28. - Now correctly handles other plugins preventing players from dropping items.
  29. - Pets no longer regain their default AI when unloaded by the server.
  31. Features added:
  32. - Config option for most particle effects to increase or decrease the number of particles it creates
  33. - Pets-Are-Silent setting that prevents pets from making sounds when enabled
  34. - Antigravity gadget now uses Levitation effect when available
  35. - Permission node "ultracosmetics.bypass.cooldown" will allow you to bypass some cooldowns to some degree. Some cooldowns are enforced anyway to prevent bugs.
  36. - Config option to set where treasure chests should be opened.
  37. - Custom WorldGuard flags, "uc-treasurechest" and "uc-cosmetics" which control whether players can open treasure chests or use cosmetics in regions.
  38. - Config option to change the number of treasure chests opened per key from 1-4
  39. - Adding '*' to the "Enabled-Worlds" list in config will enable UC in all worlds. This is now the default.
  40. - Config option to disable WorldGuard integration
  41. - Omitting block lines from the design settings will skip those blocks and not change them. Same with particle effect line.
  42. - New pets: Goat, Bee, Panda, Fox, Silverfish! Thanks @Chris6ix!
  43. - Blocks placed by horse-type mounts are now configurable
  44. - Speed of each mount is now configurable (except cart mount)
  46. Other notes:
  47. - UC now only supports versions: 1.8.8, 1.12.2, 1.13.2, 1.14.4, 1.15.2, 1.16.5, 1.17.1, and 1.18.1. Other major versions will cause UC to shut down, and other minor versions may break UC.
  48. - UC will issue a warning if server version is too far apart from UC version to function correctly
  49. - Permission node "ultracosmetics.bypassdisabledcommands" is now "ultracosmetics.bypass.disabledcommands"
  50. - Many more translation keys were added for new and old messages
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