
Predator Stalking Shadows 35

Dec 11th, 2023
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  1. "Scott was pumping bullets into it, his mind half focused on his task and half full of such horror and rage at what had happened to Flynn that he had no idea where the other guys were or whether
  2. they too were still pumping bullets into the monster that had killed his friend. He only stopped shooting when the beast hit the ground and lay still."pg.233 chpt.9
  4. "But Scott couldn't make out the words. His ears still felt as if they were stuffed with cotton wool. Cook's advice was right on the mark. No sooner had Ishfaq and Collins come to a halt than the creature first raised its head, and then lurched groggily to its feet. It was injured, no doubt of that, but it still looked ready for a fight. As it swung its massive head toward them
  5. and once more unhinged its vast jaws, Scott again swung up his gun. Ahead of him he saw Ishfaq and Collins, mirroring his action. Cook, though, raised a hand: Hold your fire. He took a few steps closer to the creature, and as he did so, Scott saw him take something from a pouch on his jacket. He didn't realize it was a grenade until he saw Cook pull the pin. Almost casually, the old soldier tossed the grenade toward the alien dog as if offering it a tasty snack. The creature evidently saw it that way too, snapping the grenade from the air and swallowing it. Scott needed no encouragement to throw himself to the ground and cover his head. Seconds later there was a mighty BOOOOOM!"pg.234 chpt.9
Tags: Predator
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