DiscoDude: ---BEGIN SESSION---
DiscoDude: Session logging commenced
Kalos: =========================
Kalos: Struko: "Well, consider that part of the test. If you got caught then you clearly weren't up to snuff now. not getting part is as much a part of the job as doing it, if not more." she looked with the usual passive smile she always seemed to have.
25 minutes remain.
Amoni Steeltower: ( <@!Miri> <@!Keith> )
Miri: "Ha! You know, she's right about that. Doesn't matter how much firepower you've got; if you can't cover your tracks, you won't last long..."
Keith: Keith just groans
Kalos: "Exactly. Miri's got the right idea."
Keith: "Alright, fine. Where are we eating now, I guess?"
Kalos: "Eating?"
Keith: "You said we were going to have dinner now, or did my spiel suck the memory out of your brain?"
Keith: "Am I this annoying?"
Kalos: "Well, here."
Keith: "Oh."
Kalos: you are afterall, in basically the cafeteria
Keith: Keith visibly facepalms
Kalos: "But I just ate, so, what would you want off the menu?" which has basically anything you'd imagine
Keith: "Normally I go with microalgae soup, but... Today I'll have a nightshades leaves salad, with extra potato leaves. Small portion, of course." Keith orders, before looking over to Miri "What about you?"
Kalos: Seemingly as you speak it, theres the sound of some robots working, plates moving around behind the 'kitchen' glad windows-
Kalos: A couple of plates delivered to a 'robotic chef' which is just a couple of arms, and there's a Vulporter as well, helping along.
Kalos: particularly in getting the ingredients from the fridge.
Miri: "Burger. Ooh! One of those fancy Martian Angus ones. With mustard and onions and pickles; hold everything else. And sweet potato fries."
Kalos: "Nightshade? reading that as 'poisonous potato'"
Kalos: "Wonder if we even have that." she mused, looking back to the kitchen side behind you two
Keith: "Solanaceae, it is a family of plants way back from human's homeworld. If you have potatoes and tomatoes, then you have them. I hope they didn't get engineered to be non-poisonous, it gives an extra kick on the palate."
Miri: "Ah, like pufferfish, right?"
Keith: "Not... Not as deadly. But still poisonous, yes."
Kalos: after a moment. keith, you get a message: 'from the chef' - 'this is poisonous to many species are you sure?'
Kalos: the steak meanwhile is grilling, onions and pickles put alongside it.
Kalos: "Oh, so you don't grow tired of living?" Struko giggled.
Keith: Keith sends a message back: 'from the client' - 'I am engineered to be heavily resistant to ingested poisons. I am sure'
Keith: "Like my wine, I can handle a bit of poison."
Kalos: Struko: "oh, so you get drunk and high on this stuff? what's it like?"
Kalos: 20 minutes remain
Keith: "If feels like my insides are having a party. Or maybe trying to kill a fire. One of the two. It is a bubbling feeling of warmth deep down that irradiates as my body kicks in high gear to neutralize the poison quickly."
Keith: "Also, It tastes very bitter. And my palate got engineered to appreciate bitterness so it is goood."
Kalos: On your HUDs you'd be able to see Amoni and adem circling around the block
Kalos: just as more distantly, more signals, as military forces are starting to now close in
Kalos: "You chose to like bitterness, rather than just make everything sweet?"
Kalos: "are you sure you're not a pet?" struko laughed for a moment, before she glanced over at Miri "what about you?"
Kalos: "Do you even eat?"
Keith: Keith looks at Miri, hoping to see her getting a facefull of burg
Miri: Keith gets what he wants.
Miri: She has a brief deer-in-the-headlights moment as she swallows.
Kalos: THe vulporter arrives, the dishes cooked up in the kitchen apparrantly in quite a jiffy. It was carrying a couple of covered plates, setting them in front of Keith and Miri
Miri: (ah, whoop XD)
Keith: (Delete and repost, heh)
Keith: Keith opens his, still watching Miri
Kalos: the covers lifted, it is the requested meals~
Kalos: paired with forks, knives, space napkins, etc;
Amoni Steeltower: (space napkins)
Kalos: space napkins.
Kalos: the vulporter taking the covers, and heading back to the kitchen with a "Bon Apetit.". Service with a smile, too.
Miri: "I need to eat at least a little, since my brain's still organic," she says, lifting the lid of her plate. "You'd be surprised what I can get away with. All the same...you've heard of 'cyborg psychosis,' right? What happens when a living brain has to live like a robot for too long? Well, I'm perfectly capable of enjoying regular food regardless, and it's supposed to help keep me mentally healthy. At least, that's what I tell myself." She giggles a bit, and then chows down.
Kalos: 15 minutes remain
Keith: "As for me... If I don't know the difference between one food and the next from taste, how do I know that I am eating the correct kind of nutrients?" Keith says, before getting a fork and starting to eat from his salad
Kalos: "You trust your labels. You can just add flavors to everything, can't you?"
Kalos: different entry points begin to be marked for demolition/dynamic entry
Keith: Keith smirks as he sees the entrance he jammed open being marked for entry
"Well. Personally I like to eat microalgae soup without flavoring."
Miri: "He's a bit of a masochist," Miri croons.
Kalos: Struko: "when you're done eating, this all reminded me of something."
Miri: looks up, mid-mouthful.
Amoni Steeltower: (ohboy)
Keith: Keith swallows, and looks over to Struko, tilting his head
Kalos: "I said when you're done~. It is unpleasant."
Amoni Steeltower: (Well, at least she's being polite about it)
Keith: Keith groans
"I went through your circles of hell, how worse can it be?"
Kalos: "Are you really so eager to hear now?"
Kalos: 10 minutes remain
Keith: "I don't have a problem..." Keith then looks over to Miri
Kalos: "Well, my fellow kitty~. What do you think? your friend here revels in misery." Stuko looked then to Miri
Miri: "I have a super alloy stomach. Give us the goods."
Miri: is internally sweating.
Kalos: "I was thinking of another ending, for the people we execute, and your burger reminded me."
Keith: "Oh, of course."
Keith: "That'd be a change of pace down in circle one and two..."
Keith: "And a boost to the cafeteria."
Kalos: a grin of a sort began to form. "Some place do afterall, still occaisionally partake in non-grown meat."
Miri: pauses for a second, then finishes another mouthful. "Well, I guess you could call that sweet revenge," she says, chuckling at her own non-joke, before setting a reminder to have her gastrointestinal system thoroughly scrubbed after this.
Kalos: "Make them as any beast, and send them off, to await their fate, as number two million and twelve"
Keith: "Here's a question for you, however."
Keith: "Why kill them?"
Keith: "For example..."
Kalos: "Well, at some point, even we tire of seeing their sad faces, you know~"
Kalos: "tagged at the ear, with no hope for someone to recognize them, we wouldn't be carrying this out. some poor backwater world's farm would."
Keith: "Hm, I see... Well, that does reminds me of a thing I have been meaning to try."
Keith: "Because I can lose limbs at will, autotomy and all, so I have been wondering how the best way to cook my tail, should one day I lose it. Sadly, I never had the chance to do so, with work being so oppressing."
Miri: nods at Keith, pointing her fork for emphasis: "Perpetual autocannibalism! Sick." She punctuates the statement with a grin.
Keith: "There'd need more nutrient intake as that... You do not become a perpetual motion machine just by eating yourself, after all."
Kalos: "I'm not a chef, better you go to some virtual chef school for that kind of thing. and You don't have a mission yet, so now might be a good time.... but frankly even I think that's weird."
Kalos: 5 minutes remain
Keith: "Really? Really? You are going to kinkshame me? You?!" Keith says, actually in a jesting tone, sticking a tongue out to Struko, before starting to get back to his salad
"Speaking of kink... Man, I still regret that we were not able to bring Puri in here, we could have had such nice pet..."
Kalos: "You did your job, Fucker's dead."
Miri: "That reminds me, Struko...what are you into? Besides the whole general sadism thing?" She laughs as if to say "I'm not judging, obvs!"
Kalos: Struko blinks.- and looks away, eyes glazing over for a moment......
Keith: "Do I smell a threesome?~"
Kalos: raid timer is at 1 minute
Keith: "Uh... Miri, maybe we went a bit too forward."
Keith: <Runi, Struko is glazing over, she might know.>
Kalos: Runi: <Use your judgement>
Kalos: "Eh? whatever you were saying, SOmething's going on-" she returns to reality. "go get your guns, or a bigger gun."
Amoni Steeltower: <The forces are gathering something fierce right now>
Keith: "Well, fuck." Keith pushes his plate away, and pulls... His force pistol "Where is the armory?"
Amoni Steeltower: <We're in Puri's car if we need to chase her above ground...>
Keith: <She seems to think we are with her, she's aware of it going hot, tho.>
Keith: "Uuh... This map..."
Kalos: "You figure that out!" Struko begins to more or less powerwalk out of the room, reaching into her side, flesh seeming to part....
Amoni Steeltower: (Well, smart use of that mod)
Kalos: she has a pouch, too. and she pulls out a gun from it
Keith: Keith tries to not get inflatuated at her mods, he drops down and follows her "Miri! Let's go!"
Miri: whips out her pistol and follows, waiting for just the right moment to finally hold Struko at gunpoint.
Kalos: some kind of fancy energy weapon, maybe- she's rounding a corner, heading to the elevators.
Kalos: Basically everyone right now is running around to different armories, grabbing their guns
Kalos: there's 10 seconds left. Follow her to the elevators?
Amoni Steeltower: <We're about to breach, Struko?>
Keith: ( Y/N)
Keith: <Elevators, following> Keith follows her!
Kalos: Miri?
Miri: (Yes)
Kalos: you clamber inside. THere's two others, as the door closes, one of them is the kingpin from before, only now in a combat hardsuit, and the other is someone random you've never met, carrying a force rifle
Kalos: Struko opens a panel, hits a button. THe elevator flies on downward...
Kalos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Yy_wTW-OJs plays at low volume ofc.
Amoni Steeltower: <Whats the sit-rep?>
Keith: <Gravity falling fast, two extra joined us three.>
Amoni Steeltower: <Pods?>
Miri: <We're with Struko, elevator going down. Gonna try to apprehend once we get her cornered.>
Amoni Steeltower: <We're breaching>
Miri: <...that is the plan, right, Keith?>
Keith: <We are living beacons. We are powerless to stop her.>
Keith: "Well... What... Are we doing now?"
Kalos: "What are you two schmucks doing here?"
Kalos: "I thought I told you to go get armed?"
Miri: "Uh...we kinda thought you were heading for the armory yourself?"
Keith: "I am not particularly a good shot anyways. I am better at following the trail that won't get me killed."
Kalos: miri
Kalos: roll fast talk~
Kalos: or acting
Kalos: acting works to
Miri: (aaaaaa 1 sec)
Miri: (both are 14)
Miri: !g 14
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 9 (degree 5; success)
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (3+6+5) = 14
Kalos: "... Fine, you two are gonna join me in my safe room then, too late now."
Kalos: "We're going on a trip to funtime land." the elevator stops
Kalos: and lets out into a large closed off hangor
Kalos: "seal your biosuits" struko says
Keith: Keith seals his biosuit, revealing its original colors of 'civilian camouflage pattern'... But then, after a second, the colors shift again, and it changes to the 'kill squad pattern', dark with red accents.
Kalos: massive mechanical sounds heard, as the doors begin to open, air swapping for hyperdynamic dust
Miri: doesn't technically need hers but engages it anyway.
Kalos: You and the two following, start across the catwalks to her ship
Kalos: which is indeed, labeled on the side, 'funtime land'
Kalos: airlocks opening up
Kalos: and then....
Kalos: she paused.
Miri: "Something wrong?"
Kalos: "There's a massive ship, waiting just outside..."
Kalos: .r 1d2
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 1d2. Result: (1) = 1
Kalos: Miri
Miri: (?)
Kalos: Struko suddenly grabs you by the shoulder with one hand, or so she tries
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (1+3+6) = 10
Kalos: you have a -3 to defend.
Miri: (what do I roll?)
Kalos: any defense.
Keith: (Parry or dodge)
Miri: (uh. what options do I have besides "dodge"? because that's a measly 9)
Keith: (I suggest... backstepping)
Keith: (for a +3 on your dodge)
Kalos: to jump away, yea
Kalos: or let her grab you
Kalos: or
Kalos: roll HT
Kalos: to 'extra effort' for a +2
Kalos: failure means something might break
Keith: (This means setting your robotic body into overdrive for a fraction of a moment)
Miri: (okay, does the failure just determine whether i take extra damage, or...?)
Kalos: ('redlining')
Miri: (okay, to be clear)
Miri: (i would roll my HT of 10 first, then roll a dodge + backstep at -3, which balances out to my default dodge of 9?)
Miri: (er...11, with the +2 modifier from the "redline" roll?)
Keith: (That... would be it. You'd have about 62% of chance on the second roll... But you have only 50% of chance on the first one)
Kalos: So after me looking things up...
Kalos: it appears as though you don't roll HT
Kalos: you just spend one.
Kalos: https://i.gyazo.com/a0d643d2a360404e951c38caeaad183b.png
Keith: (Your HT lowers by 1 until you get fixed, risky)
Miri: (yikes)
Miri: (i think i'll just take the dodge roll)
Miri: !g 9
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 11 (degree -2; failure)
Keith: My luck is recharged
Keith: do you want it?
Kalos: decide now, before I move on
Kalos: its a grapple.
Miri: (sure)
Miri: !g 9
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 11 (degree -2; failure)
Miri: (same story XD)
Keith: hey
Keith: two rerolls
Keith: <@!Miri>
Keith: roll another
Miri: !g 9
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 11 (degree -2; failure)
Kalos: FATED
Miri: (the dice...do not like me tonight XD)
Keith: what
Kalos: .r 1d
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 1d. Result: (2) = 2
Kalos: 2 control points
Kalos: she points her gun at your head. "DID YOU DO THIS?!"
Kalos: now for you to make one hell of an acting roll
Keith: Keith squints
"Are you..."
Kalos: she's gonna lick your face. and gonna determine if you taste like a liar
Miri: "What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck. What the hell makes you think I did this?"
Miri: !g 14
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 11 (degree 3; success)
Keith: Keith points a finger to his own head, with a perplexed expression, and tries to see if she realizes
Kalos: I'm about to make her response, so if any lucks are being thrown around
Kalos: now's the time
Kalos: (or rather)
Kalos: (the reply roll)
Keith: (Well, I... Used my luck... Sorry)
Keith: (I didn't make a calendar because we didn't get points either...)
Kalos: you fool
Keith: (Nor any replacement reward)
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (4+6+4) = 14
Kalos: THe glares for a couple of moments more. gun held there.....
Kalos: but her resolve fades. "... Narirela's ships are here."
Kalos: she lets go, and lowers her gun
Keith: "... By the way..."
Keith: "You removed her head before, remember...?"
Kalos: She glares to keith for a moment
Kalos: (I realize It might have been fitting for her to just blow Miri's head clean off)
Kalos: (and have her be fine. haha)
Kalos: "The ship's not gonna work."
Miri: (that would've been funny; Miri slumps to the ground, plays dead, and then the next thing Struko knows she's the one getting suplexed)
Miri: ("Bitch! This is what you get when you don't check the blueprints!")
Kalos: "Plan B-" Struko says, and stars to run across the catwalks. lackeys following
Kalos: not to the elevator, but to somewhere else
Keith: Keith follows as well!
Keith: <Struko noticied the ships, she's going for plan B.>
Kalos: She goes to a seemingly random patch of wall
Miri: <Whatever the hell that is!>
Kalos: stops a good 15 feet away
Kalos: aims her gun
Kalos: fires.
Kalos: a massive plasma bolt flies out and explodes -
Kalos: blowing away the false wall, and revealing a tunnel
Kalos: this wasn't on any blueprint
Keith: <[Keith pings this maps part to Runi, and sends a message] Secret passage>
Kalos: The tunnel lights up, and.... there's basically a tram car there., which she moves to sit into
Miri: "Hey, hold on! What is this shit?"
Keith: Keith rushes over to it.
Kalos: "YOu act like you've never seen a secret passage before!"
Miri: shrugs and follows Keith.
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (2+5+1) = 8
Kalos: Varen: <dispatching soldiers to the other end. passage is recognized.>
Kalos: the tram car begins to move, once everone was within, and it stars down a long long hallway....
Keith: Keith folds his arms and leans against the seat
Keith: "I didn't get to finish my salad..."
Keith: "... I guess this is the least of my problems now..."
Kalos: "yea, and I gotta start my operations up fucking somewhere else now. and lay low. THey'll be after your butts too,"
Keith: "No kidding."
Keith: "... I guess once we finish this we can start revealing state secrets. But not before."
"Let's call this... An insurance in trying times."
Kalos: "Oh yea? like what?"
Kalos: "but wont matter. Just gotta tell'em what you did. You're in here with me."
Kalos: several minutes will pass.
Keith: "Oh, like Fama. Did you see that event before the arrival of the spectrum ship on the last place where it held a race? That's Fama. An actual god. An uncaring, cruel, god, with monks worshipping him and people coming over to him for some sort of guidance."
Keith shrugs
"I guess people will worship you if you are a god, even if you don't care about them"
Kalos: "Tell me later" she sighed
Kalos: only a later wouldn't quite come
Keith: (BRB, oops)
Kalos: the ceiling behind the tram collapses as a cannon shoots through it from above
Kalos: and the same ahead of it- the tram hitting the breaks hard to not have a crash
Kalos: Struko and the others don't say much- just bracing themselves... only as from the holes in the ceilings. a couple of heavy battlesuits drop in, and with them several more soldiers. "SURRENDER, AND COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP."
Miri: (is this the part where Miri and Keith can hold her at gunpoint?)
Kalos: Yep.
Kalos: Struko and others stand, looking out both ends of the tunnel trolley
Amoni Steeltower: <Miri... Keith... sitrep?>
Miri: "Hey, Strukie," Miri says, holding her gun to Struko's head. "You never did tell me...just what all are you into?"
Kalos: two others look as though they were going to surrender. dropping their weapons.
Kalos: Struko however, If she's gonna die she's gonna die like a jojo villain
Amoni Steeltower: (oh shit)_
Keith: "You... Let the foxes into the henhouse..."
Kalos: "SO it WAS you...."
Kalos: she snap-fires at Miri's head. because of course
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (2+6+5) = 13
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (3+1+2) = 6
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (1+6+4) = 11
Adem Nineball: <Hey, sitrep? SITREP!!>
Kalos: you can roll to dodge
Kalos: she doesn't crit
Miri: !g 9
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 10 (degree -1; failure)
Keith: <@!Miri> , Miri's hollow head is getting shot
Miri: (it ain't hollow but she doesn't need it XD)
Miri: (per se)
Amoni Steeltower: <Guys?...!>
Kalos: her head explodes, no match for the plasma weaponry- "PERISH"
Keith: "YOU SHOT HER HEAD, YOU IDIOT! HAHAHAHAHA!" Keith manages, almost a maniac laugh
Kalos: the mechs both now , fire.
Kalos: of course, their weapons aren't bullets in this scenario
Kalos: its sonic stun cannons
Miri: recoils from the blast, still standing upright. After a moment's confusion, she pats around the smoking stump between her shoulders; a quick diagnostic confirms what her hand tells her. "Ohhhh you BITCH! You're gonna PAY FOR THAT!"
Kalos: Miri, roll HT at +3
Miri: !g 13
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 12 (degree 1; success)
Kalos: keith roll at whatever your normal health bonus is vs that shit
Kalos: at...
Kalos: -10
Keith: oh
Keith: so, like
Kalos: -2?
Keith: yeah
Kalos: yes.
Keith: .ra 10
Pseudobot: <@!Keith> Rolled against 10. Result: [3,6,5] = 14. Margin of Failure: 4. Failure
Keith: should I luck this for lols
Kalos: you can. but struko also needs to roll
Kalos: and she rolls after her two allies
Keith: oh wait
Keith: <@Kalos> , what is the armor divisor on sonic stun?
Kalos: (5)
Kalos: but
Kalos: I included it already
Keith: eh, his armor is no match to it
Keith: Keith goes down
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (4+5+1) = 10
Kalos: mook 1 falls
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (4+6+6) = 16
Kalos: kingpin falls
Miri: (also i edited her reaction a little XD)
Kalos: struko roll:
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (1+6+1) = 8
Keith: Oh no
Kalos: making her luck, keith?
Keith: you are not going to withstand this, bitch
Keith: .rab 2
Pseudobot: <@!Keith> is rolling 2 times.
Result 1: [2,3,3] = 8.
Result 2: [2,5,2] = 9.
Keith: fuck you
Kalos: you don't roll
Kalos: I do
Kalos: .rab 2
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> is rolling 2 times.
Result 1: [3,3,1] = 7.
Result 2: [3,2,3] = 8.
Kalos: but
Kalos: fate spits in thine eye
Keith: fuck you twice
Kalos: Only Miri remains standing, along with struko, whom has very similar mods to Keith in this regard
Keith: Oh wait
Keith: this was not a legal use of luck
Keith: it wasn't recharged haha
Kalos: oh
Kalos: that's true
Kalos: so...
Kalos: you can luck yourself
Kalos: oh
Kalos: nevermind lol
Kalos: hey amoni
Kalos: still got your wishing luck?
Keith: <@!Amoni Steeltower>
Amoni Steeltower: (uuuh)
Amoni Steeltower: (how long has it been since I used it for the re-roll?()
Kalos: what reroll
Amoni Steeltower: (For the tactics leadship)
Amoni Steeltower: (thingy)
Amoni Steeltower: ( lucked that)
Keith: (Oh, it was 14 minutes ago)
Kalos: ah.
Kalos: Struko stares at you paused., Miri
Kalos: Miri
Kalos: if you're gonna play dead
Kalos: now's the time
Miri: (dammit i already had her react vocally so that's not gonna fly XD)
Miri: (uh. what would be my best combat option right now.)
Kalos: try to break her weapon, perhaps
Keith: (AOD dodge)
Kalos: or that
Kalos: all-out-defense dodge
Amoni Steeltower: knock it out her hand
Keith: (AOD +4 dodge, heh)
Miri: (yeah, time for my Sonic Stun Tonfa to finally earn its keep)
Miri: (lvl is 14; is that what i roll?)
Keith: (This is like hitting Keith, Miri, you'd need a way stronger stunner than this)
Kalos: I would reccomend not hitting her
Kalos: consider hitting her gun just hard
Kalos: roll vs 11 if you want to do that
Miri: (all right; !g 14, or something else?)
Keith: ||Keith's plan:
Taunt Struko so she goes after him instead
Get stunned, bitch.||
Miri: (because "swing" under my Sonic Stun Tonfa attack is 14)
Keith: (yeah, but hitting a weapon is at -3)
Miri: (okay, so it'd be 11, then?)
Kalos: (yep)
Keith: ( As Kalos said)
Kalos: (you can gain a +4 for an all out attack)
Kalos: (but)
Kalos: (this leave you defenseless)
Miri: (death or glory, i guess! XD)
Miri: !g 15
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 6 (degree 9; success)
Amoni Steeltower: (nuuuuuuuuuu)
Keith: one short of crit
Miri: whips out her Sonic Stun Tonfa and aims for Struko's gun!
Miri: (uhhh...did I need to crit?)
Keith: (No)
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (6+4+1) = 11
Keith: (But crits tho)
Kalos: she fails to parry with it
Kalos: roll damage
Miri: (1d+2 cr = 1d6+2?)
Keith: (Yep)
Miri: !r 1d6+2
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 1d6+2 for 7 [1d6 = 5]
Keith: (Nice)
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (1+3+5) = 9
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (3+6+1) = 10
Kalos: the gun is unready, but she kept it in her hand... and it seems to still function for the moment
Kalos: struko re-readies it
Kalos: roll HT AGAIN
Keith: me?
Kalos: no
Kalos: Miri
Miri: !g 10
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 8 (degree 2; success)
Kalos: struko's turn:
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (3+5+2) = 10
Keith: could you not
Kalos: I'll take Miri's serendipity
Miri: (can the gun jam or something)
Miri: (or did you have something more dramatic in mind)
Kalos: The battery falls out of the gun as she pulls the trigger
Kalos: wasting her turn
Kalos: your turn Miri
Miri: (okay, so what can I do now to incapacitate her)
Miri: (because again)
Kalos: That's a good question
Kalos: what can you do against a weapon?
Kalos: you can try the tonfa
Kalos: its just unlikely
Miri: (what would it take to grab it out of her hand)
Amoni Steeltower: (hehehe)
Kalos: roll grappling
Kalos: (DX or wrestling skill)
Miri: !g 14
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 12 (degree 2; success)
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (5+6+5) = 16
Kalos: she fails to defend
Kalos: roll 1d6
Miri: !r 1d6
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 1d6 for 4 [1d6 = 4]
Kalos: 4 control points- the gun's unreadied, but not out of her hand
Kalos: .r
Pseudobot: <@!Kalos> Rolled 3d. Result: (4+3+4) = 11
Miri: (me, too?)
Miri: !g 10
DiscoDude: <@Miri> rolled 8 (degree 2; success)
Kalos: Struko shudders for a moment... but soon, just as she tries to wrest it from your grip
Kalos: falls over
Kalos: onto the pile with the others.
Miri: stands there, headless, panting out of habit, over Struko's incapacitated body. "You," she hisses over her neck speaker, "owe me a fuckin' HEAD."
Keith: Keith's body is letting out a soft beeping noise, coming from his left shoulder... It is a rythimic one, and not that fast paced.
Miri: "Shit. Keith! Keith, are you okay?" She runs over to him and checks him.
Kalos: Runi <"Good thing Miri's basically immune to sonic stunners... and had a good head between her shoulders.>"
Kalos: the soldiers all come running on this way
Kalos: and quickly cover struko and company in dozens of sci fi cuffs and bindings
Keith: Soon, Miri gets a ping of some device asking to print data on her HUD
If she accepts, she gets this:
Subject name: Keith Smith
Status: Uncouscious, sonic stunning. Stable vitals and neural readouts.
Kalos: ===========================================
Kalos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG7jKUHsLfY
Amoni Steeltower: hehe
Amoni Steeltower: (prologue?)
Kalos: Keith, you can wake up at will now.
Kalos: and chatter
Kalos: but
Keith: ( <@!Miri> of you read up, I think you can figure the reason of the soft beeping )
Miri: (not really?)
Keith: (... Let me help a little bit)
Keith: The HUD message that Miri gets is encapsulated in a square, and said square has a line extending from it that tracks all the way to Keith's left shoulder, no matter which way she looks, indicating it to be the source of the message.
Miri: (ah, so he's got a built-in biomonitor. Shoulda been obvious. XD)
Keith: Keith, after some time begins to stir... Then wake. His eyes slowly opens, and looks around
( <@!Miri> , where would you be, after Keith was out of it for about 3-4 mins? )
Miri: (right by him)
Amoni Steeltower: (Are we here in that time?(
Amoni Steeltower: (Just get there?)
Keith: (It is 4 minutes, that's... not a lot of time, you probably will get to arrive later, sorry)
Amoni Steeltower: ( :< )
Keith: Keith's gaze lingers on Miri, after he had scanned the area, his hand lifts a bit, before slowly hovering over to her neck stump, stopping once it reaches where her head would be.
Miri: "Bitch broke my favorite toy," she says, a bitter chuckle in her voice.
Keith: "... I saw it..." Keith pauses, before continuing "How will... How will I give you a victory kiss now?"
Miri: "Dunno. We'll figure something out. Maybe there're enough pieces left to put it back together. Or maybe Runi can find somebody who makes Dr. Sorsteuberson look like an amateur playing with Erector sets. Hell, I gotta admit this place itself has given me some ideas." She rubs her neck stump. "Fuck. Or maybe I'll just rock the headless look from here on out. What do you think? Kinda draws the eye to the important stuff, doesn't it?" She laughs as she indicates her ample chest.
Keith: Keith smiles, his eyes lingering on her considerable assets, before such gaze is turned upwards, to the camera she has on her neck stump "I must admit, it has always been one of the many perks of working with you, Miri, and you do rock the headless look better than anybody else... But..."
Keith once again extends a hand, now, searching for Miri's own hand, before holding it, despite his hand being considerably (though not drastically) smaller than hers
"There is... Other perks of having been working with you for all this time..."
Miri: "...It's been an adventure, Keith, and I'm glad you feel the same way."
Amoni Steeltower: (Daaaaaaw~)
Adem Nineball: (aaaw)
Keith: Keith shifts, his legs moving about, at first it seems he is getting up, if rather slowly "Thanks Miri, for all the moments we had together..." He says, as he adjusts himself, but then, he leans forwards, his arms wrapping around Miri for a hug, but... His head... Rests between her boson. "And thanks for sav-... I... I missed the mark..." He goes still after that
Miri: "Heh. I'll admit...you always felt almost like a kid brother to me. Which I guess is part of why, y'know, doin' that always felt so awkward. I'm still down for it if you are...we can wait till we've figured out what if anything to do about my sudden-onset decapitation..."
Keith: Keith adjusts himself in the hug, un-burying his head from her chest, and bringing it closer to her camera, before gazing into it.
"I must admit myself, it... I always felt about you like... Well... It hard to explain. But, despite your assets, sexuality was never the main focus. I always looked at you as a competent partner I could rely upon. I knew you always had my back, and that I always had yours..."
Keith then frowns a little bit
"We... It has been a troubled trip until here... First we had Dom die... But then reality changed several times, until it brought him back, then, when we became knights, Lily remained behind, and, on our first mission... Dom got caught and gave up on being a knight. Lastly, Cyril left us on our last mission..."
"I... I don't want to see you go, Miri... I don't want to lose you."
Keith then looks to the side "Sorry, I went on a rant, didn't I?"
Miri: "Heh. It's fine. Y'know...nothing says we can't stick together after all this."
Keith: Keith then turns back to gaze into Miri's camera, before a smile slowly forming "Miri..."
Keith: "Should we..." Keith then seems a bit nervous, as if unsure, his tail taps behind him a couple of times "Um... Should... Should we..."
Keith: "... Vows?"
Miri: "Like wedding vows? I'm not sure if I'm ready for that kind of commitment," Miri laughs. "But if this is gonna be like one of those solemn blood oath-type things, like 'we won't rest till we catch the three-legged man' or something...I'm down. Little short on blood, but I'm sure whatever Chierun god officiates over this kinda stuff is okay with a sincere verbal contract between close comrades, amiright?"
Keith: Keith chuckles, then... Laughs, before shaking his head
"Ah... You know. I... Nevermind what I just said, just..."
Keith pauses, before releasing Miri from what might have been... An uncomfortably long hug... Flopping back down where he was seating
"About the head thing, I know you like rocking the headless look, and, really, I don't mind at all. If... You feel better doing it like that." Keith then smiles "Then I'd prefer what you felt better with"
Keith then looks to the side "You... As much as it would mean to me to do this..." Keith looks down "You don't actually need to do it, Miri, I believe our relationship, as I have said, is way more than... That. And I don't mean a romantic involvement."
"What I mean is!" Keith looks up, back to Miri's camera, before fistpumping "BUDDY COP RELATIONSHIP!" He grins, far too pleased with himself about that than he should
Miri: "Heh. All right. Just so you know, my door - and drawers - are open if you ever change your mind." She strikes a pose. "...shit! I can't wink! I can't wink like this!"
Keith: Keith laughs
"Use your hands, like this.~" Keith says, putting two fingers over his right eye, in the form of a sideways 'V', before he momentarily closes the two fingers, just for a moment, winking with the eye behind it at the same time
Keith: "... I might knock on your door to hang out more. For as buddy as we are, we didn't have that much fun together. And I mean regular fun."
Keith pauses, then chuckles, then laughs- loudly... Eventually he recovers himself
"I stand corrected. Two compound words."
Keith: "We should do that shit more often, fuck."
Miri: "Ha ha ha ha ha. Well, at least all I need to play that is a voice. Hell, think about it...I have the perfect poker face now!"
Keith: "More like no-face" Keith does fingerguns "Eyyy"
Keith: "So... Struko is currently out of our collective hands... I think she's supposed to get a fair trial... But. We can flex our knight privilege a bit, to get her under our custody... Possibly permanently."
Amoni Steeltower: You two see a familiar hover car drive on in to the scene...
Keith: Keith starts to perk up, and looks over the hover car
Keith: "Wait... Isn't that..."
Amoni Steeltower: Amoni pops out (as well as <@Adem Nineball> ?) And looks around
Keith: (We might have to archive this sol RP. Adem reportedly is... very late over there)
Keith: (And Ryusui might likewise be somewhat tired)
Adem Nineball: I AM STILL
Adem Nineball: And silent
Adem Nineball: yeah i'll admit im a bit busted
Adem Nineball: er, tired.
Keith: !end