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- Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory has been corrupted.AkibaThe MidnightThe ElectricBeat Master ExtraHigh ScoreScoremasterScoremaster ChampionCombo BreakerOld School Beat MasterPerfectionistBad BeatDestroyerDestroyer DeluxeBlockographySuper Beat MasterSuper Beat Master DeluxePlaytimeTotalityNameObjectiveCompleted##0%Prefabs/AchievementScriptableObjects/AchievementsType not found: , infoActivation attribute does not implement the IContextAttribute interfaceCannot create an abstract class '{0}'.typeCreateInstance cannot be used to create this type ({0}). is an open generic typeDefault constructor not found..ctor() of (unknown)No constructor found for {0}::.ctor({1})Type '{0}' doesn't derive from MarshalByRefObject.key is nullIV length is invalid ({0} bytes), it should be {1} bytes long.Key is too small ({0} bytes), it should be {1}, {2} or {3} bytes long.The authentication or decryption has failed.Ambiguous matching in method resolution({0,6} {1,6})Can't set handle: the playable is not an AnimationLayerMixerPlayable.Can't set handle: the playable is not an AnimationOffsetPlayable.NormalHighlightedPressedDisabledCannot call IPlayable.SetHandle on an instance that already contains a valid handle.Can't set handle: the playable is not an AnimatorControllerPlayable.assemblyStringassemblyString cannot have zero lengthAn application exception has occurred.inputBufferinputOffset< 0inputCountOverflowoutputBufferoutputOffsetArgIterator does not support Equals., Version=, Culture=, PublicKeyToken=, UnityEngine.Module, UnityEngineParamNameValue does not fall within the expected range.Parameter name: Argument cannot be null.Argument is out of range.ActualValueOverflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.arrayOnly single dimension arrays are supported.comparer is null and value does not support IComparable.indexindex is less than the lower bound of array.lengthValue has to be >= 0.index and length do not specify a valid range in array.value does not support IComparablevalue does not support IComparable.Comparer threw an exception.length < 0index < lower boundindex + length > sizeNo IComparable or IComparable<{0}> interface found.convertersourceArraydestinationArrayValue must be >= 0 and <= Int32.MaxValue.sourceIndexdestinationIndexDestination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower boundsArrays must be of same size.(Types: source={0}; target={1})Must be in the Int32 range.Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the array's lower bounds.lengthselementTypeType must be a type provided by the runtime.Array type can not be voidArray type can not be an open generic typelowerBoundsArrays must contain >= 1 elements.Each value has to be >= 0.Length + bound must not exceed Int32.MaxValue.matchactionvaluesEach value has to be >= 0 and <= Int32.MaxValue.index1index2index3indicesArray was not a one-dimensional array.Index has to be between upper and lower bound of the array.Collection is read-onlyIndex has to be >= lower bound and <= upper bound of the array.keysThe comparer threw an exception.comparisonComparison threw an exception.ccapacityThe initial capacity can't be smaller than zero.Must have only 1 dimensions.Index is less than 0 or more than or equal to the list count.startIndexDoes not specify valid index.countCan't be less than 0.Start index and count do not specify a valid range.Index must be >= 0 and <= Count.listLess than 0 or more than list count.CapacityMust be more than count.This collection is read-only.Source array type cannot be assigned to destination array is less than the number of bytes requiredArgRange_StringIndexArgRange_StringRangeArgRange_NonNegativeUndefined length encoding.Tag: {0} {1}X2Length: {0} {1}Value: {0} oidtimeyyMMddHHmmZ1920yyyyMMddHHmmssZ{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}:{5}{6}yyyyMMddHHmmsszzzasn1Only integer can be converted.asnEncodedDatax2 Information Not AvailableSSL Client AuthenticationSSL Server AuthenticationSMIMESignatureUnknown cert typeSSL CASMIME CASignature CA ({0})RawDataRFC822 Name=DNS Name=Unknown ({0})= can't be emptyName cannot be emptyArgument value {0} is not valid.accessfileNameEmpty name is not legal.Empty file name is not legal.fileName '' must not include a path.Could not find file ''Duplicate file name 'Duplicate name 'Module file name '' must have file extension.Persistable modules are not supported in a dynamic assembly created with AssemblyBuilderAccess.RunAssembly was already saved.A module-only assembly can only contain one module.The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.version_Name_CodeBase_Version_PublicKey_PublicKeyToken_HashAlgorithm_StrongNameKeyPair_VersionCompatibility_Flags_CultureInfoneutral, PublicKeyToken=null, Retargetable=Yes_HashAlgorithmForControl_HashForControlThe public key is not valid.<></Key size not supported by algorithm.elementattributeTypeType is not derived from System.Attribute.Element is not a constructor, method, property, event, type or field.GVR Audio SpatializerSoundEffectsInvalid AuthorityKeyIdentifier extensionKeyID=An object with ID was included in a fixup, but it has not been registeredtargetfunctionPassed argument 'args[0]' is of the wrong type. Type:{0} Expected:{1}Scan method must be implemented in derived classesName:
- eventCamera:
- sortOrderPriority:
- renderOrderPriority: Invalid BasicConstraints extensionSubject Type=CAEnd EntityPath Length Constraint=Nonevaluebi1 out of rangebi2 out of rangeOperation would return a negative valuebitNum out of rangecharSet length less than radixcharacterSetThere is no such thing as radix one notationradix010123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZMONO_REFLECTION_SERIALIZERnoType is not marked as Serializable.serializationStreamserializationStream supports seeking, but its length is 0Input or Encoding is a null reference.The stream doesn't support reading.BinaryReaderCannot read from a closed BinaryReader.Stream is invalidbuffer is nullindex is less than 0count is less than 0buffer is too smallToo many bytes in what should have been a 7 bit encoded Int32.Invalid binary file (string len < 0)outputencodingStream does not support writing or already closed.BinaryWriterCannot write to a closed BinaryWriterbufferbitsArray rank must be 1index is greater than array.LengthUnsupported typeEnum not startedEnum EndedIndex was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. Check array index and length.byteArrayValue must be positive.startIndex + length > value.LengthsupermatchFalseTrueObject is not a Boolean.Value is not equivalent to either TrueString or FalseString.targetTypeCenter: {0}, Extents: {1}srcdstsrcOffsetNon-negative number required.dstOffsetOffset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.Object must be an array of primitives.Button.onClick&Cannot create a byref type of an already byref typeValue is not a System.Byte.Value too large.This Calendar is read-only.Internal: M_EraNames not initialized!Trying to add {0} for graphic rebuild while we are already inside a graphic rebuild loop. This is not supported.Trying to remove {0} from rebuild list while we are already inside a rebuild loop. This is not supported.cultureobjIsUnicode__CrossContextNovell.Zenworks.Zmd.Public.UnixServerChannelNovell.Zenworks.Zmd.Public.UnixChannelType '' not foundAn instance of provider '' could not be created: chnlChannel {0} is not securable while ensureSecurity is specified as trueChannel already registered is not a valid channel type does not have a valid constructortruesThe value of index is less than zero, or greater than or equal to the length of s.Value is not a System.Chars contains more than one character.The position is not valid.sourcepredicateMD5SHA1offsetUnsupported security protocol type.SSL_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHASSL_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5SSL_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHASSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_56_MD5SSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_56_SHASSL_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_SHAUnsupported security protocol typeTLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_SHATLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5TLS_RSA_WITH_DES_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES40_CBC_SHATLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_56_MD5TLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_DES_CBC_56_SHATLS_RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_56_SHAUnknown client handshake message type: Unknown server handshake message received ({0})MONO_TLS_SESSION_CACHE_TIMEOUTCache session information were disposed.({0} {1} {2} {3})({0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5})({0} {1} {2} {3})
- object[{0}]:{1}
- IPermissionclassInvalid permission type '{0}', expected type '{1}'.__MetadataTypes__MetadataTypesModuleGetTypeFromHandleAssemblyWriteInvariantCultureToStringToBinaryTicksUnsupported primitive type: GetAssemblyIdUnhandled typecode in enum from __TypeMetadataWriteAssembliesWriteAssemblyWriteTypeDataWriteObjectDataWriteValueitemCollectionBase.OnValidate: Invalid parameter value passed to method: nullThe element cannot be found.RGBA({0:F3}, {1:F3}, {2:F3}, {3:F3})RGBA({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}){0} (0x{1:x}): {2} {3}{4}{5}MONO_DISABLE_MANAGED_COLLATIONyesoptionsOffsets and lengths must not be less than zeroOffset1 is greater than or equal to the length of string1Offset2 is greater than or equal to the length of string2Length1 is greater than the number of characters from offset1 to the end of string1Length2 is greater than the number of characters from offset2 to the end of string2Now allowed CompareOptions.prefixsuffixCompareInfo - Neither 'a' nor 'b' implements IComparable.CompareInfo/ attribute is required/configuration/system.runtime.remotingError in element : applicationlifetimechannelschannelserverProvidersclientProvidersproviderformatterclientservicewellknownactivatedsoapInteropinteropXmlTypeinteropXmlElementpreLoaddebugchannelSinkProviderscustomErrorssystem.runtime.remotingapplication/channels/channel/serverProviderschannels/channel/serverProvidersapplication/channels/channel/clientProviderschannels/channel/clientProviderschannelSinkProviders/serverProviderschannelSinkProviders/clientProvidersurlmodeElement '' is not valid in system.remoting.configuration sectionInvalid time valueSInvalid time value: DHMMSInvalid time unit: refdelayLoadAsClientChannelidid attribute is requiredurl attribute is required in client element when it contains activated entriesclrxmlleaseTimesponsorshipTimeoutrenewOnCallTimeleaseManagerPollTimeInvalid attribute: assemblyType and assembly attributes cannot be specified togetherEither type or assembly attributes must be specifiedrootobjectUriSingleCallSingletonwellknown object mode '' is invalidElement not allowed in this contextnewOut__Activator__CallSiteActivationAttributes__ActivationType__ContextProperties__ActivationTypeName__Uri__MethodName__TypeName__MethodSignature__Args__CallContextkey was invalidElements of the parameterTypes array cannot be nullparameterTypesMethod '' does not have a method body.The type is not yet created.ConstructorBuilder [''].ctor.cctorInvalid ASN1Invalid contentTypeInvalid contentIncorrect protocol version received from serverA context property did not approve the candidate context for activating the objectEither obj or ctx must be nullIContextPropertyCan not add properties to default contextContext is FrozenContextID: ctorMsgctxMin{0} Max{1} TOC{2} LJ{3} PJD{4} SM{5} IC{6} C0{7} C1{8} C2{9} C3{10} ET{11}{0} {1}conversionTypeinArrayoffset < 0 || length < 0offset + length > array.LengthValue is greater than Byte.MaxValue or less than Byte.MinValueValue is greater than Byte.MaxValueValue is less than Byte.MinValueValue is equal to Double.NaN, Double.PositiveInfinity, or Double.NegativeInfinityValue is greater than Byte.MaxValue or less than Byte.MinalueValue is equal to Single.NaN, Single.PositiveInfinity, or Single.NegativeInfinityValue is greater than Char.MaxValueValue is less than Char.MinValueThis conversion is not supported.Value is greater than Char.MaxValue or less than Char.MinValueValue is greater than Int16.MaxValue or less than Int16.MinValueValue is greater than Int16.MaxValueValue is greater than Int32.MaxValue or less than Int32.MinValueValue is greater than Int32.MaxValueValue is greater than Int64.MaxValueValue is greater than Int64.MaxValue or less than Int64.MinValueValue is greater than SByte.MaxValueValue is greater than SByte.MaxValue or less than SByte.MinValueValue is greater than SByte.MaxValue or less than SByte.MinalueNull object can not be converted to a value type.Cannot cast to destination type.Cannot cast to DBNull, it's not IConvertibleValue is not a convertible object: to Value is less than UInt16.MinValueValue is greater than UInt16.MaxValueValue is greater than UInt16.MaxValue or less than UInt16.MinValueValue is greater than UInt32.MaxValue or less than UInt32.MinValueValue is greater than UInt32.MaxValueValue is less than UInt32.MinValueValue is greater than UInt64.MaxValue or less than UInt64.MinValueValue is less than UInt64.MinValueEndCountdownchangeperfectCountdownTimerMONOCADCan't create a named channel via crossappdomainProcessMessageInDomainPart of OID doesn't fit in Int32strOID must have at least two partsInvalid OIDOID > 127 bytesSHASystem.Security.Cryptography.SHA1CryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.SHA1System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithmSystem.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.MD5SHA256System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256ManagedSHA-256System.Security.Cryptography.SHA256SHA384System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384ManagedSHA-384System.Security.Cryptography.SHA384SHA512System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512ManagedSHA-512System.Security.Cryptography.SHA512RSASystem.Security.Cryptography.RSACryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSASystem.Security.Cryptography.AsymmetricAlgorithmDSASystem.Security.Cryptography.DSACryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.DSADESSystem.Security.Cryptography.DESCryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.DES3DESSystem.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESCryptoServiceProviderTripleDESTriple DESSystem.Security.Cryptography.TripleDESRC2System.Security.Cryptography.RC2CryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.RC2RijndaelSystem.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManagedSystem.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelSystem.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithmRandomNumberGeneratorSystem.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProviderSystem.Security.Cryptography.RandomNumberGeneratorSystem.Security.Cryptography.KeyedHashAlgorithmSystem.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA1HMACSHA1MACTripleDESSystem.Security.Cryptography.MACTripleDESRIPEMD160System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160ManagedRIPEMD-160System.Security.Cryptography.RIPEMD160System.Security.Cryptography.HMACHMACMD5System.Security.Cryptography.HMACMD5HMACRIPEMD160System.Security.Cryptography.HMACRIPEMD160HMACSHA256System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256HMACSHA384System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA384HMACSHA512System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA512, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a X509DataSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoX509Data, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a KeyNameSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoName, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a KeyValue/DSAKeyValueSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.DSAKeyValue, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a KeyValue/RSAKeyValueSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.RSAKeyValue, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a RetrievalMethodSystem.Security.Cryptography.Xml.KeyInfoRetrievalMethod, System.Security, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3aSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509KeyUsageExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509BasicConstraintsExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089X509ChainSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain, System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e0891. is too small.Unknown blob format.Invalid blob headerInvalid blob.rsaError occured during a cryptographic operation.Unexpected error occured during a cryptographic operation.This instance is read onlyCulture name is not supported.Positive number required.Culture ID {0} (0x{0:X4}) is not a supported culture.Culture "" is a neutral culture. It can not be used in formatting and parsing and therefore cannot be set as the thread's current culture.zh-hanszh-hantzh-chszh-chtInvariant Language (Invariant Country)IVLiven_US_POSIXDateTimeFormatNumberFormatCan't get timezone name.year is not in a range between 1 and 9999.Can't get timezone data for [()] = "typeof ()H:m:s.fffffffzzzH:m:s.fffffffH:m:s tt zzzH:m:szzzH:m:sH:mzzzH:mH ttH'時'm'分's'秒'yyyy/M/dTM/yyyy/dTyyyy'年'M'月'd'日yyyy/d/MMMMyyyy/MMM/dd/MMMM/yyyyMMM/d/yyyyd/yyyy/MMMMMMM/yyyy/dyy/d/Myyyy/MMMM/dyyyy/d/MMMMMMM/d/yyyyd/MMM/yyyyMMMM/yyyy/dd/yyyy/MMMyy/MMMM/dyy/d/MMMMMM/yy/dd/MMMM/yyyy/MMM/dd/yy/MMMMMM/d/yyMMMM/d/yyd/MMM/yyMMMM/dd/MMMyyyy/MMMMd/MMMMMMM/yyParameters describe an unrepresentable DateTime.Value {0} is outside the valid range [{1},{2}].ticksGMT:Invalid DateTimeKind value.kindThe DateTimeStyles value RoundtripKind cannot be used with the values AssumeLocal, Asersal or AdjustToUniversal.styleThe DateTimeStyles values AssumeLocal and AssumeUniversal cannot be used together.Value is not a System.DateTimeString was not recognized as a valid DateTime.Order of month and date is not defined by {0}formatsFormat specifier was invalid.formatInvalid format stringGformat is not one of the format specifier characters defined for DateTimeFormatInfoOrder of year, month and date is not defined by {0}Order of date, year and month defined by {0} is not supportedOrder of month, year and date defined by {0} is not supportedAn array with exactly 13 elements is neededAn array with exactly 7 elements is neededSunMonTueWedThuFriSatSundayMondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdayJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberSuMoTuWeThFrSaAMPMMM/dd/yyyydddd, dd MMMM yyyyHH:mmHH:mm:ssMMMM ddyyyy MMMMdddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ssddd, dd MMM yyyy HH':'mm':'ss 'GMT'yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ssyyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'hh:mm ttH:mmh:mm ttyyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss.fffffffKeraThe UTC date and time that results from applying the offset is earlier than MinValue or later than MaxValue.DateTimeOffsetMinutesdateTime.Kind equals Utc and offset does not equal zero.dateTime.Kind equals Local and offset does not equal the offset of the system's local time zone.offset is not specified in whole minutes.offset is less than -14 hours or greater than 14 hours.The UtcDateTime property is earlier than MinValue or later than MaxValue. zzzUn-ended quoteInvalid Format String00% at end of date time string%% in date string\ at end of date time stringL{0} R{1} [{2}] {3} {4}Value {0} is greater than Decimal.MaxValue or less than Decimal.MinValuescale must be between 0 and 28Overflow on adding decimal numberValue is not a System.DecimalDecimal.TryParse does not accept AllowHexSpecifierError in System.Decimal.Parse79228162514264337593543950335No digits foundClosing Parentheses not foundOverflow on subtracting decimal numbers (Invalid character at position {0}Invalid exponent�?fallbackbytesUnknownReentrant Fallback method invocation occured. It might be because either this FallbackBuffer is incorrectly shared by multiple threads, invoked inside Encoding recursively, or Reset invocation is forgotten.No properties provideddoes not implement right interfaceButtonTextDropdownLabelArrowTemplateViewportContentItemItem BackgroundItem CheckmarkItem LabelScrollbarOption AOption BOption CImageInputFieldPlaceholderEnter text...PanelRawImageSliding AreaHandleScroll ViewScrollbar HorizontalScrollbar VerticalSliderBackgroundFill AreaFillHandle Slide AreaNew TextToggleCheckmarkIncompatible Delegate Types.methodtype is not a subclass of MulticastdelegateInvokemethod return type is incompatiblemethod argument length mismatchmethod arguments are incompatibletype is not subclass of MulticastDelegate.Couldn't bind to method ''.Unexpected proxy type.DelegateNull KeyWrong Key LengthKeyWeak KeySemi Weak KeyThis is a known weak, or semi-weak, key.keyAn element with the same key already exists in the dictionary.index larger than largest valid index of arrayDestination array cannot hold the requested elements!Cannot copy source collection elements to destination arrayVersionComparerHashSizeKeyValuePairsnot of type: The enumerator is positioned before the first element of the collection or after the last elementThe ListDictionary's contents changed after this enumerator was instantiated.Enumerator is positioned before the collection's first element or after the last element.X{0} Y{1} Z{2}pathPath is emptyPath contains invalid charsOnly blank characters in pathCannot create because a file with the same name already exists.Only ':' In pathThe Path does not have a valid formatPath contains invalid charactersPattern contains invalid characterspatternDirectory '' not found.Pattern is invalidsearchPatternPath is invalid{0}/{0} : {1}Directory not foundDivision by zeroDLL not found.Value is not a System.DoubleDouble doesn't support parsing with '{0}'.AllowHexSpecifierHow did this happen?Unknown char: Unknown charItem BlockerDropdown.valueThe dropdown template is not assigned. The template needs to be assigned and must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.The dropdown template is not valid. The template must have a child GameObject with a Toggle component serving as the item.The dropdown template is not valid. The child GameObject with a Toggle component (the item) must have a RectTransform on its parent.The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Text must be on the item GameObject or children of it.The dropdown template is not valid. The Item Image must be on the item GameObject or children of it.Dropdown ListxmlStringPQJYXSeedPgenCounter<DSAKeyValue><P></P><Q></Q><G></G><Y></Y><J></J><Seed></Seed><PgenCounter>AA==</PgenCounter><X></X></DSAKeyValue>Cannot export private keyKeypair was disposedrgbHashinvalid hash lengthno private key available for signatureno private key to exportMissing mandatory DSA parameters (P, Q or G).Missing both public (Y) and private (X) keys.rgbSignatureinvalid signature lengthcouldn't compute signature verificationstrNameDSA requires SHA1missing keySystem.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureDeformatterSystem.Security.Cryptography.DSASignatureFormatterMethod cannot be invoked.Another property by this name already existsA property with the name was not foundasciius_asciiusansi_x3.4_1968ansi_x3.4_1986cp367csasciiibm367iso_ir_6iso646_usiso_646.irv:1991utf_7csunicode11utf7unicode_1_1_utf_7unicode_2_0_utf_7x_unicode_1_1_utf_7x_unicode_2_0_utf_7utf_8unicode_1_1_utf_8unicode_2_0_utf_8x_unicode_1_1_utf_8x_unicode_2_0_utf_8utf_16UTF_16LEucs_2unicodeiso_10646_ucs2unicodefffeutf_16beutf_32UTF_32LEucs_4UTF_32BEiso_8859_1latin1byteCount is less that the number of bytes producedGetEncodingSystem.Text.ENCEncoding name '{0}' not supportedcodepageValid values are between 0 and 65535, inclusive.System.Text.CPCodePage {0} not supportedI18N, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=0738eb9f132ed756I18N.Common.ManagerPrimaryManagerThis Encoding is readonly.Invalid EncryptedDataInvalid versionmissing EncryptedContentInfomissing EncryptedContentInfo.ContentTypemissing EncryptedContentInfo.ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifiermissing EncryptedContentInfo.EncryptedContentinvalid EncryptedPrivateKeyInfoinvalid encryptionAlgorithminvalid algorithminvalid parametersinvalid saltinvalid iterationCountinvalid EncryptedDataFailed to read past end of stream.Cannot load class because of missing entry method.Object must be the same type as the enum. The type passed in was {0}; the enum type was {1}.enumTypeenumType is not an Enum type.Enum underlying type and the object must be the same type or object. Type passed in was {0}; the enum underlying type was {1}.Format String can be only "G","g","X","x","F","f","D" or "d".X4x4X8x8X16x16Invalid type code for enumeration.typeCode is not a valid type code for an EnumThe value parameter is not the correct type.It must be type String or the same type as the underlying typeof the Enum.An empty string is not considered a valid value.The requested value was not found.The requested value '{0}' was not found.SortedList.Enumerator: snapshot out of sync.Hashtable.Enumerator: snapshot out of sync.HashSet have been modified while it was iterated overshould never happen is not a supported mode.Current is not valid'Current' called before 'MoveNext()'MatchCollection in invalid state'Current' called after 'MoveNext()' returned falseCollection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.out of syncXDG_DATA_HOME.localshareXDG_CONFIG_HOME.configXDG_DESKTOP_DIRDesktopXDG_MUSIC_DIRMusicXDG_PICTURES_DIRPictures/usr/shareInvalid SpecialFolderuser-dirs.dirs$HOME/(0x{0,0:X8} 0x{1,0:X8})Event:{0} Character:\0 Modifiers:{1} KeyCode:{2}Event: Character: Modifiers: KeyCode:Event: {0} Position: {1} Modifiers: {2}Event: {0} "{1}"Attempting to select while already selecting an object.<b>Selected:</b>No moduleClassNameMessageHelpURLStackTraceStringRemoteStackTraceStringRemoteStackIndexHResultSourceInnerExceptionData{0}{0}Server stack trace: {0}{1}{0}{0}Exception rethrown at [{2}]: {0}{1}{0}{0}Exception rethrown at [{2}]: {0}Exception of type '{0}' was thrown.{0} {1} at<unknown method> {0} <0x{0:x5}> {1} <0x{0:x5}> [0x{0:x5}] in {0}:{1} ,] (ExceptionMethod ---> --- End of inner exception stack trace ---Type {0} expected {1} received.Results array is nullresultsInvalid type: {0} passed to event expecting {1}Internal error occurred.Invalid ExtendedKeyUsage extension1. AuthenticationClient AuthenticationCode SigningEmail ProtectionTime StampingOCSP Signingunknown ({0}){1}External exceptionAttempt to access a private/protected field failed.The handle is invalid.This method should not be called{0} is a directoryCould not find a part of the path "{0}".Reading more than 2GB with this call is not supportedUnexpected end of streamFileLoad_FileNameFileLoad_FusionLogI/O Error: {0} : {0} ----> {0}Unable to find the specified file.FileNotFound_FileNameFileNotFound_FusionLogCould not load file or assembly '{0}' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.File name: '{0}' ---> {0}[Unknown]handleInvalid.Invalid handle.bufferSizeEnum value was out of legal range.Enum value for FileAccess was out of legal range.Enum value for FileShare was out of legal range.Name has invalid charsAccess to the path '{0}' is denied.Append access can be requested only in write-only mode.Combining FileMode: {0} with FileAccess: {1} is invalid.Could not find file "{0}".Stream has been closedThis stream does not support readingnumBytesMust be >= 0Buffer too small. numBytes/offset wrong.This stream does not support writingarray too small. numBytes/offset wrong.asyncResultInvalid IAsyncResultThe stream does not support seekingStream does not support readingdestination offset is beyond array sizeReading would overrun bufferoriginInvalid SeekOriginAttempted to Seek before the beginning of the streamCan't seek back over pre-existing data in append modeAttempt to set the position to a negative valueThe stream does not support writingvalue is less than 0Stream does not support writingFullPathOriginalPathAn empty file name is not valid.Illegal characters in path.GETheadersproxyuriconnectionGroupNamecontentLengthtimeoutfileAccesspreauthenticateCan't add or remove from a fixed-size list.({0} {1})({0} {1} {2})Invalid format.value is null.+membersmembers[{0}]members [{0}] is not a field.Type {0} in assembly {1} is not marked as serializable.Uninitialized Strings cannot be created.APPEDELELISTMDTMMKDNLSTPWDRENAMERETRRMDSIZESTORSTOUSSL authentication error: CampaignScriptableObjects/00SingleScriptableObjects/Tracks/SingleTrackScriptableObjects/Campaigns/01AkihabaraScriptableObjects/Campaigns/02MidnightMixScriptableObjects/Campaigns/03ElectricSymphonyLevelDifficultyPlayerPrefs key not found. Added some values to avoid crash. Please set values before loading main scene.Music/MenuMainPrefabs/CountdownCanvasHandle is not allocatedDirectory Address: URL=IP Address=event:{0} con:{1} type:{2} dir:{3} pos:({4} {5}) delta:({6} {7}) vel:{8} attr:{9} scale:{10} rotA:{11} count:{12} p0:{13} p1:{14} p2:{15} p3:{16}GoKitno tween to extract easeCurve fromno curve found for tweenThe Web Player does not support loading files from disk..assetjar:file://!/assets/Rawtween duration must be greater than 0. coerced to float.Epsilon.not adding tween property because one already exists: tween failed to validate target: target validation failed. destroying the tween to avoid errors. Target type: adding a Tween with infinite iterations to a TweenChain is not permittedadding a Tween that doesn't match the isReversed property of the TweenChain is not permitted.adding a Tween with infinite iterations to a TweenFlow is not permittedadding a Tween that doesn't match the isReversed property of the TweenFlow is not permitted.could not find property with name: Shared UI MeshADA.D.overlapping?Shouldn't happenBoxrepeatButtonBeginGroupscrollViewArray should be exactly {0} bytes long.Value cannot be null.Argument of System.Guid.CompareTo should be a Guid.bpndArgument to Guid.ToString(string format) should be "b", "B", "d", "D", "n", "N", "p" or "P"Invalid format for Guid.Guid(string).{1}-{0} (x:{2}-{3}, y:{4}-{5})NULL - W: -, H: Margins: {
- }GUIStyle '{0}'You can only call GUI functions from inside OnGUI.No assembly data.HashAlgorithmoffset + countNo hash value computed.outputOffset + inputCountinputOffset + inputCountarrayIndexnot enough spacedictionarynegative capacityloadFactorload factorSize is too bigarray is multidimensionalarrayIndex is equal to or greater than array.LengthNot enough room from arrayIndex to end of array for this Hashtablenull keyLoadFactorKeyComparerHashCodeProviderKeysValuesequalityComparerKeys and values of uneven sizeKey duplication when adding: tablehighscorelist.length is only akiNormalakiTurbomidNormalmidTurboeleNormaleleTurboHighscorePlayer Prefabs/HighscoreHMACCannot change key during hash operation.legacyHMACModerequestUriactualUriallowAutoRedirectallowBufferingcertificatesconnectionGroupwebHeaderskeepAlivemaxAutoRedirectmediaTypeinitialMethodpipelinedsendChunkedredirectslocalTypeUser defined subclasses of System.Type are not yet supported.methLdtoken, Ldftn and Ldvirtftn OpCodes cannot target DynamicMethods.localTrying to emit a local from a different ILGenerator.methodInfoOnly Call and CallVirt are allowedMethod is not VarArgs method and optional types were passedLabel not markedThe label is not validThe label was already definedToo many sprite tiles on Image "". The tile size will be increased. To remove the limit on the number of tiles, convert the Sprite to an Advanced texture, remove the borders, clear the Packing tag and set the Wrap mode to Repeat.Using alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold greater than 0 on Image whose sprite texture cannot be read. Also make sure to disable sprite packing for this sprite.Random Insertion is semantically invalid, since this structure does not guarantee ordering.Array index is out of range.SelectAllInputField.onSubmitInputField.valueInvalid InputField.keyboardType value set. TouchScreenKeyboardType.NintendoNetworkAccount only applies to the Wii U. InputField.keyboardType will default to TouchScreenKeyboardType.Default .
- Input Caret!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~TrackingEventHandler - Invalid EventType: Value is not a System.Int16Value is too largeValue too large or too small.With AllowHexSpecifier only AllowLeadingWhite and AllowTrailingWhite are permitted.Not a valid number styleValue is not a System.Int32Input string was not in the correct formatValue is not a System.Int64Input string was not in the correct format: s.Length==0.Input string was not in the correct format: Has Negative Sign.Input string was not in the correct format: Has Positive Sign.Input string was not in the correct format: nDigits == 0.Input string was not in the correct format: no space between number and currency symbol.Input string was not in the correct format: No room for close parens.Input string was not in the correct format: Did not parse entire string. pos = s.Length = Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNextEnumeration already finishedcan only truncate the stackCannot cast from source type to destination type.Operation is not valid due to the current state of the objectPassed argument 'args' is invalid size. Expected size is 1255.255.255.255127.0.0.1::::1The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referencedAn invalid IP address was specified.ipStringprefixLengthaddrNot a valid IPv6 address{0:X4}:{0:X4}ffff:{0:x}An Isolated storage operation failed.No inverse!('', [])this is a read-only collectionKey can't be changed at this state.The given key was not present in the dictionary.parametersKeyPairKeyValuedefault[{0}][{1}][{2}].xml.monokeypairsCould not create machine key store '{0}'.Improperly protected machine's key pairs in '{0}'.Could not create user key store '{0}'.Improperly protected user's key pairs in '{0}'.<KeyPair>{0} <Properties>{0} <Provider Name="{0}" Type="{0}" />{1} <Container Name="{0}" />{1} </Properties>{1} <KeyValue Id="{0}" >{1} {0}{1} </KeyValue>{1}</KeyPair>{1}Not enough room from arrayIndex to end of array for this KeysCollectionInvalid KeyUsage extensionDigital Signature , Non-RepudiationKey EnciphermentData EnciphermentKey AgreementCertificate SigningCRL SigningEncipher Only Decipher Only(Layout Rebuilder for) InitialLeaseTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is RenewOnCallTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is SponsorshipTimeout property can only be set when the lease is in initial state; state is collectionDuplicate key in add.Array cannot be null.index is too largeNot enough room in the arrayAttempted lookup for a null key.{0} ({1}) (pinned){0} ({1})Null{0}__RemotingDataReturn value address cannot be 0.returnValueAddressManagedStream object must be non-nullstreamManagedStream object must be readable (stream.CanRead must return true)ManagedStream object must be seekable (stream.CanSeek must return true)No remoting information was found for the object.Unsupported MarshalAsAttribute foundAttempting to use a stencil mask with depth > 8MaskableGraphic.cullingChangedtoo many matchesi_MainTexValue is too small.Invalid column index!{0:F5} {1:F5} {2:F5} {3:F5}
- {4:F5} {5:F5} {6:F5} {7:F5}
- {8:F5} {9:F5} {10:F5} {11:F5}
- {12:F5} {13:F5} {14:F5} {15:F5}
- MD2MD4MD5SHA1Cannot access a class member.AssemblyNameMemberTypeCould not find constructor '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find method '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find field '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find property '{0}' in type '{1}'Could not find event '{0}' in type '{1}'Unhandled MemberType {0}GenericArgumentsMemoryStreamindex or count is less than 0.index+countThe size of the buffer is less than index + count.offset or count less than zero.offset+countThe size of the buffer is less than offset + count.Offset out of range. Attempted to seek before start of MemoryStream.locCannot expand this MemoryStreamNew capacity cannot be negative or less than the current capacity Position cannot be negativePosition must be non-negative and less than 2^31 - 1 - originExpanding this MemoryStream is not supportedCannot write to this MemoryStreamCannot write to this stream.StartAnimationAnimateLoadingIn Highscores >
- Akihabara Normal< Highscores >
- Akihabara Turbo< Highscores >
- Midnight Normal< Highscores >
- Midnight Turbo< Highscores >
- Electric Normal< Highscores
- Electric TurboFailed getting {0}. Submesh index is out of bounds.trianglesDefaultDimensionForChannel called for bad channelGetUVChannel called for bad uvIndexuvIndexNot allowed to access triangles/indices on mesh '{0}' (isReadable is false; Read/Write must be enabled in import settings)Not allowed to call RecalculateBounds() on mesh '{0}'The uv index is invalid (must be in [0..3]Invalid format. Expected BinaryElement.MethodCall, found Invalid format__GenericArgumentsInvalid format. Expected BinaryElement.MethodResponse, found Attempt to access a private/protected method failed.Method is not a builder methodCannot resolve method because it's declared in a generic class.Method '{0}' override '{1}' but it is not virtualMethod '{0}.{1}' does not have a method body.Method body should not exist.MethodBuilder []]Requested service not found. No receiver for uri Cannot cast from client type '' to server type 'Method not found in The remoting infrastructure does not support open generic methods.__OutArgs__ReturnCannot find requested field.Field '{0}.{1}' not found.MMClassNameMMMemberNameMMSignatureCannot find the requested class member.Member {0}.{1} not found.Cannot find the requested method.Method not found: '{0}.{1}'.*classNameType name can't be emptyMono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriterThe assembly for default symbol writer cannot be loadedMono.CompilerServices.SymbolWriter.SymbolWriterImplThe type that implements the default symbol writer interface cannot be foundDuplicate type name within an assembly.x out of rangeObject is not synchronizedmillisecondsTimeouttimeout out of rangeparameters do not match signaturefailed to convert parametersCannot create an instance of because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.Cannot create an instance of {0} because it is an abstract classVoid , ...'{0}' has more than one attribute of type '{1}Duplicate AttributeUsageAttribute cannot be specified on an attribute type.Late bound operations cannot be performed on fields with types for which Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.Non-static field requires a targetField {0} defined on type {1} is not a field on the target object which is of type {2}.Cannot set a constant fieldObject type cannot be converted to target type: valCould not find file "{0}"Too many open filesCould not find a part of the path "{0}"Access to the path "{0}" is denied.Invalid handle to path "{0}"Could not find the drive '{0}'. The drive might not be ready or might not be mapped.Could not create file "{0}". File already exists.Path is too long. Path: {0}Invalid parameterWrite fault on path {0}Sharing violation on path {0}Lock violation on path {0}Disk full. Path {0}Directory {0} is not emptyEncryption failedPath {0} is a directorySource and destination are not on the same deviceWin32 IO returned {0}. Path: {1}Access to the path is denied.Cannot create a file that already exist.Late bound operations cannot be performed on types or methods for which ContainsGenericParameters is true.methodInstantiationThe method has {0} generic parameter(s) but {1} generic argument(s) were provided. ByRef...StaticGetterAdapterFrameGetterAdapterFrameGet Method not found for 'Set Method not found for 'bindingFlagsCannot specify both Get and Set on a field.Cannot specify both Get and Set on a property.Cannot specify Set on a field and Invoke on a method.Cannot specify Set on a property and Invoke on a method.namedParameters cannot be more than named arguments in numberMust specify binding flags describing the invoke operation required.Constructor on type 'The best match for method has some invalid parameter.Cannot find method Used Missing.Value for argument without default valueprovidedArgsOnly the field value can be specified to set a field value.Cannot find variable collation.core.bincollation.tailoring.binMono INTERNAL ERROR (Should not happen): Collation tailoring table is broken for culture {0} ({1}) at 0x{2:X}zh-CHSzh-CHTjakocjkCHScjkCHTcjkJAcjkKOcollation.{0}.bincollation.cjkKOlv2.binThis operation cannot be performed with the specified delagates.Mutex is not ownedHashProviderReadOnlyCountThe comparer is nullkeys is nullvalues is nullName(Id(headerheader cannot be emptyname cannot be emptyInvalid NetscapeCertType extensionObject SigningObject Signing CA{0:X}culture is nullThe requested feature is not implemented.Operation is not supported.main{0} sub{1}Nullable object must have a value.A null value was found where an object instance was required.23456789#$NaN-Infinity‰InfinityThe value specified for the property is less than 0 or greater than 15The current instance is read-only and a set operation was attemptedThe specified format 'The Object you want to instantiate is null.Cannot instantiate a ScriptableObject with a position and rotationObjectNameThe object was used after being disposed.There are some fixups that refer to objects that have not been registeredThe object with ID could not be resolvedobjectIDThe objectID parameter is less than or equal to zeroThe object with Id has not been registeredarrayToBeFixedThe arrayToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zeroobjectRequiredThe objectRequired parameter is less than or equal to zeroobjectToBeFixedThe objectToBeFixed parameter is less than or equal to zeromemberNamememberThe obj parameter is null.An object with Id has already been registeredInternal error. Trying to destroy object that is already released to pool.Couldn't find type 'Unexpected binary element: Invalid binary formatSystem.RuntimeTypeSystem.RuntimeType[]Could not find type '{0}'.[]Unknow type tagSerializable objects must be marked with the Serializable attributeField "" not found in class The constructor to deserialize an object of type was not found.No surrogate selector was found for type The implementation of the IObjectReference interface returns too many nested references to other objects that implement IObjectReference.Cannot perform fixuptypeInfochannelInfoenvoyInfofIsMarshalledobjrefFlagsDo not use RemotingSurrogateSelector when deserializating1.2.840.113549. 7 DataContent TypeMessage DigestSigning Time3desBasic ConstraintsKey UsageEnhanced Key UsageSubject Key IdentifierSubject Alternative NameNetscape Cert Typemd5sha1nopbreakldarg.0ldarg.1ldarg.2ldarg.3ldloc.0ldloc.1ldloc.2ldloc.3stloc.0stloc.1stloc.2stloc.3ldarg.sldarga.sstarg.sldloc.sldloca.sstloc.sldnullldc.i4.m1ldc.i4.0ldc.i4.1ldc.i4.2ldc.i4.3ldc.i4.4ldc.i4.5ldc.i4.6ldc.i4.7ldc.i4.8ldc.i4.sldc.i4ldc.i8ldc.r4ldc.r8duppopjmpcallcalliretbr.sbrfalse.sbrtrue.sbeq.sbge.sbgt.sble.sblt.sbne.un.sbge.un.sbgt.un.sble.un.sblt.un.sbrbrfalsebrtruebeqbgebgtblebltbne.unbge.unbgt.unble.unblt.unswitchldind.i1ldind.u1ldind.i2ldind.u2ldind.i4ldind.u4ldind.i8ldind.ildind.r4ldind.r8ldind.refstind.refstind.i1stind.i2stind.i4stind.i8stind.r4stind.r8addsubmuldivdiv.unremrem.unandorxorshlshrshr.unnegnotconv.i1conv.i2conv.i4conv.i8conv.r4conv.r8conv.u4conv.u8callvirtcpobjldobjldstrnewobjcastclassisinstconv.r.ununboxthrowldfldldfldastfldldsfldldsfldastsfldstobjconv.ovf.i1.unconv.ovf.i2.unconv.ovf.i4.unconv.ovf.i8.unconv.ovf.u1.unconv.ovf.u2.unconv.ovf.u4.unconv.ovf.u8.unconv.ovf.i.unconv.ovf.u.unboxnewarrldlenldelemaldelem.i1ldelem.u1ldelem.i2ldelem.u2ldelem.i4ldelem.u4ldelem.i8ldelem.ildelem.r4ldelem.r8ldelem.refstelem.istelem.i1stelem.i2stelem.i4stelem.i8stelem.r4stelem.r8stelem.refldelemstelemunbox.anyconv.ovf.i1conv.ovf.u1conv.ovf.i2conv.ovf.u2conv.ovf.i4conv.ovf.u4conv.ovf.i8conv.ovf.u8refanyvalckfinitemkrefanyldtokenconv.u2conv.u1conv.iconv.ovf.iconv.ovf.uadd.ovfadd.ovf.unmul.ovfmul.ovf.unsub.ovfsub.ovf.unendfinallyleaveleave.sstind.iconv.uprefix7prefix6prefix5prefix4prefix3prefix2prefix1prefixrefarglistceqcgtcgt.uncltclt.unldftnldvirtftnldargldargastargldlocldlocastloclocallocendfilterunaligned.volatile.tail.initobjconstrained.cpblkinitblkrethrowsizeofrefanytypereadonly._platform_version_servicePackMicrosoft Windows NTMicrosoft Win32SMicrosoft Windows 98Microsoft Windows CEUnixXBoxOSX<unknown>Out of memory.Number overflow.invalid stateparsing "" - character range cannot have category \] range in reverse order.Unterminated [] set.Parsing "{0}" - Illegal \ at end of pattern.Insufficient hex digitsUnrecognized control character.Too many | in (?()|).Bad quantifier.Too many )'s.Not enough )'s.Bad optionsBad group name.Bad balancing group name.Bad conditional.Unterminated (?#...) comment.Bad grouping construct.Unexpected end of pattern.Illegal {x, y} - maximum of 2147483647.Illegal {x, y} with x > y.Malformed \k<...> named backreference.Incomplete \p{X} character escape.Unknown property 'Reference to undefined group number name ..path1path2Invalid pathArgument string consists of whitespace characters only.The specified path is not of a legal form.The specified path is not of a legal form (empty).UNC paths should be of the form \\server\share.\\Pathname is longer than the maximum lengthTheUserIdGoesHereSteamworks.NET.UserID - .akibad hash length for message too long1.2.840.113549. private key format1.2.840.113549. datainvalid PFX versioninvalid authenticated safeinvalid MACunsupported HMACmissing MAC saltinvalid MAC iterationInvalid MAC - file may have been tampered!1.2.840.113549. key encryptedunknown authenticatedSafe1.2.840.113549. oid invalid safeBaginvalid safeBag id1.2.840.113549. certificate typeunknown safeBag oidinvalid safeBag attributes idinvalid PKCS12 attributes idinvalid attribute idinvalid attribute value id(normal:({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1}), distance:{3:F1})This platform is not supported.No actions found for messageId: CancelFire1Fire2VerticalHorizontalCould not store preference valuePointer deserializatioon not supported.<b>Position</b>: <b>delta</b>: <b>eligibleForClick</b>: <b>pointerEnter</b>: <b>pointerPress</b>: <b>lastPointerPress</b>: <b>pointerDrag</b>: <b>Use Drag Threshold</b>: <b>Current Rayast:</b><b>Press Rayast:</b><b>Pointer Input Module of type: </b><B>Pointer:</b> The Rabin-Miller test can not be executed in a way such that its results are provableconfidenceinvalid PrivateKeyInfoinvalid versionmissing algorithm OIDinvalid private key formatmissing versionnot enough key parametersUnknown:{0}Missing DSA Y integer.Missing DSA parameters.Invalid DSA parameters.Error decoding the ASN.1 structure.Missing RSA modulus and exponent.Missing RSA modulus.Missing RSA public exponent.1.2.840.10040.4.1Cannot decode public key from unknown OID '{0}'.({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1}, {3:F1})Needs a non-negative numbergrowFactorQueue growth factor must be between 1.0 and 10.0, inclusivecolTwo arrays must have the same number of dimensions.Origin: {0}, Dir: {1}
- module:
- distance:
- index:
- depth:
- worldNormal:
- worldPosition:
- screenPosition:
- module.sortOrderPriority:
- module.renderOrderPriority:
- sortingLayer:
- sortingOrder: Key is too small ({0} bytes), it should be between {1} and {2} bytes long.Can't modify a readonly list.object must be MarshalByRefstub is not used in MonoThe session is finished and it's no longer valid.Bad record MACEither the provided async result is null or was not created by this RecordProtocol.Unknown record received from server.RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC4_40_MD5RSA_EXPORT_WITH_RC2_CBC_40_MD5SSL_TLS_Insuficient Securitybuffer underrunReceived 0 bytes from stream. It must be closed.Invalid protocol version on message received(x:{0} y:{1} w:{2} h:{3})(x:{0:F2}, y:{1:F2}, width:{2:F2}, height:{3:F2})RectOffset (l:{0} r:{1} t:{2} b:{3})Calling GetLocalCorners with an array that is null or has less than 4 elements.Calling GetWorldCorners with an array that is null or has less than 4 elements.RaycastRaycastAllGetRayIntersectionAllGetRayIntersectionNonAllocRaycastNonAllocinputstartatRegion ID {0} (0x{0:X4}) is not a supported region.Region name {0} is not supported.USUKINTERNAL ERROR: should not happen.Attempt to redirect activation of type '' which is already redirected.Channel template 'Provider template 'mode attribute is requiredonoffremoteonlyInvalid custom error mode: GetTypeGetHashCodeRemoteActivationService.remFieldSetterFieldGetterCannot create channel sink to connect to URL {0}. An appropriate channel has probably not been registered.Cannot create channel sink to connect to the remote object. An appropriate channel has probably not been registered.Cannot get the real proxy from an object that is not a transparent proxy.It is not possible marshal a proxy of a remote object.x_.remUri already in use: ResourceReader is closed.Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.Stream was not readable.Stream is not a valid .resources file, magic=0x{0:x}System.Resources.ResourceReaderThis .resources file requires reader class System.Resources.RuntimeResourceSetThis .resources file requires set class This .resources file requires unsupported set class version: PADMalformed .resources file (padding values incorrect)Stream is not a valid .resources file! It was possibly truncated.Deserialized object is wrong typeResourceSet is closed.0x{0,0:X8} Module:{1} Description:{2}Couldn't access random source.dataDPDQInverseQExponentModulusCouldn't decode XML<RSAKeyValue><Modulus></Modulus><Exponent></Exponent>Missing D parameter for the private key.Missing some CRT parameters for the private key.<DP></DP><DQ></DQ><InverseQ></InverseQ><D></D></RSAKeyValue>Incomplete private key - missing CRT.cannot export private keyprivate keyMissing private key to decrypt value.public keyMissing private keyMissing ExponentMissing ModulusPrivate/public key mismatchrgbDataNo RSA key specifiedSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatterSystem.Security.Cryptography.RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatterNo public key available.Missing hash algorithm.No key pair available.Specfied key is not an RSA keyThe key is a null referenceThe hash algorithm is a null reference.The rgbHash parameter is a null reference.FieldObjInsufficient state.Object fields may not be properly initializedMethodObjTypeObjSaveFileValue is not a System.SByte.Timer-SchedulerCampaignNr
- New HighscoreActivateMarkerScoreMergex SlideSyncsuperactivateScrollbar.valueScrollRect.valueInvalid XML attribute nameInvalid XML attribute valuetagInvalid XML stringDuplicate attribute : child<>"'&="/>PermissionStateA security error has been detected.{0}Type: {1}{0}Method: {1} {2}.{3}{0}State: {1}{0}Granted: {1}{0}Refused: {1}{0}Demanded: {1}{0}Failed Permission: {1}{0}Evidences:{0} {1}Frame: {0}{1} AppDomain: {0}{1} Assembly: {0}{1} Assert: {0}{1} Deny: {0}{1} PermitOnly: {0}{1}Invalid metadata format.Unknown metadata format.Invalid flags {0}SecurityPermissionFlagUnrestrictedFlagsOnMouseDownOnMouseUpAsButtonOnMouseUpOnMouseDragOnMouseOverOnMouseExitOnMouseEnterType '{0}' has more than one method with the following attribute: '{1}'.An error occurred during (de)serializationNull argumentname is nulltype is nullValue has been serialized is null.No element named could be found.type is null.addresshttpshttpProxy scheme not supported.://maximum number of service points reachedshapegameovermenuclickdropchangegoodMONO_COLLATION_QUICK_CHECK_DISABLEDCompareInfo Internal Error: Should not happen. {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5}CompareInfo Internal Error: Should not happen. '{0}' {2} {3} '{1}' {4} {5}MONO internal error. Failed to get TailContraction. start = {0} end = {1} string = '{2}'Enumerator not startedEnumerator endedEnumeration has not started.Enumeration has already endedList has changed.Value is not a System.Single.ButtonsScriptableObjects/CampaignsTrackInfoSongTrack - HighScoreSetSelectedObjectPrefabs/SingleTrack{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}Slider.valueExpected '{0}' but got {1}Insufficient close tag: {0}Invalid attribute value markup.xml:space'--' is not allowed inside comment markup.CDATAInvalid declaration markupDOCTYPEInvalid declaration markup.This parser does not support document type.End tag mismatch: expected {0} but found {1}XML name start character is expected.Valid XML name is expected.ampquotaposltgtGeneral non-predefined entity reference is not supported in this parser.Whitespace is expected.Unexpected end of stream. Element stack content is {0}{0}. At ({1},{2})Responsereturn%2C%20=%3D is multi-dimensionalarrayIndex is greater than or equal to array.LengthNot enough space in array from arrayIndex to end of arrayindex out of rangeKey '{0}' already exists in list.SortedList::internal error () at [capacity too smallSortedList is Read Only.Key not found and SortedList is fixed size.sortkey1sortkey2SortKey - ABBCCCtargetHost is null or an empty string.The server stopped the is is not both readable and writable.buffer is a null reference.offset is less than 0.offset is greater than the length of buffer.count is less than 0.count is less than the length of buffer minus the value of the offset parameter.The Stream is closed.asyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginRead.Couldn't complete EndReadasyncResult is null or was not obtained by calling BeginWrite.Couldn't complete EndWriteIO exception during read.IO exception during Write.initialCapacity<filename unknown> at <unknown offset>offset in file:line:column :{0}:{1}The requested operation caused a stack overflow.eskipFrames{0} {1} in {0}:line {1} {0} {0}.{1} {0}DebugUnityEngineLoggerDebugLogHandlerAssertUnityEngine.AssertionsprintMonoBehaviour (at \ExtractStringFromExceptionInternal called with null exceptionExtractStringFromExceptionInternal called with an exceptoin that was not of type System.ExceptionRethrow as UnityEditor.UnityEngine.System.UnityScript.Lang.Boo.Lang.UnityEngine.SetupCoroutinein (unmanaged)UnityEditor.EditorGUIUtility:RenderGameViewCameras (at(wrapper managed-to-native)(wrapper delegate-invoke)at <0x00000> <unknown method>at [0x in <filename unknown>:0 in SubmitLocal high scoreLocal high score MidnightLocal high score ElectricTotal playtimeTotal scoreCompleted campaignsCompleted campaigns in standard modeCompleted campaigns in turbo modeCompleted campaigns in normal difficultyCompleted campaigns in hard difficultyBiggest matchTotal MatchesScore### ### ##0{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}:{3:D2}Prefabs/StatiscticsScriptableObjects/Stats_StencilMaterial doesn't have _Stencil property_StencilOp doesn't have _StencilOp property_StencilComp doesn't have _StencilComp property_StencilReadMask doesn't have _StencilReadMask property_StencilWriteMask doesn't have _StencilWriteMask property_ColorMask doesn't have _ColorMask propertyStencil Id:{0}, Op:{1}, Comp:{2}, WriteMask:{3}, ReadMask:{4}, ColorMask:{5} AlphaClip:{6} ({7})_UseAlphaClipUNITY_UI_ALPHACLIPEndRead already called.EndWrite already called.Empty path not allowedpath contains invalid charactersThe minimum size of the buffer must be positiveCannot read streamStreamReaderCannot read from a closed StreamReaderindex + count > buffer.LengthCan not write to streamStreamWriterargsdestinationCannot be negativeCannot be negative.sourceIndex + count > LengthdestinationIndex + count > destination.LengthValue, startIndex and length do not refer to a valid string.ptrValue does not refer to a valid string.Cannot be negative, and should be less than length of string.Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.Input string was not in a correct format.Cannot be negative and must be< 0startIndex + count > this.lengthCannot be negative, and should not exceed length of string.Cannot be negative, and should point to location in string.startIndex > this.lengthInvalid value '{0}' for StringComparisoncomparisonTypeCount cannot be negative, and startIndex + count must be less than length of the string.Cannot be negative and must be less than or equal to length of string.idxnewLengthnewLength as to be <= lengthstartIndex + count > value.length< 0 || >= this.Length< 0 || > this.LengthstartIndex - count + 1 < 0totalWidtholdValueoldValue is the empty string.Count cannot be less than zero.Illegal enum value: Cannot exceed length of string.startIndex + length > this.lengthMust be greater than the length of the string.m_StringValuem_MaxCapacityStartIndex cannot be less than zero.Length cannot be less than zero.capacity must be greater than zero.maxCapacitymaxCapacity is less than one.Capacity exceeds maximum capacity.StartIndex and length must refer to a location within the string.sizecapacity was less than the current size.The old value cannot be null.The old value cannot be zero length.Capacity must be larger than lengthShould be less than or equal to MaxCapacitym_currentThreadStringReaderCannot read from a closed StringReaderdata isn't a correctly encoded RSA public key_publicKey_keyPairContainer_keyPairExported_keyPairArrayInvalid SubjectAltName extensionmenucklickManagersMySave{0}:/{1}First time starting?block size not supported by algorithmIVIV length is different than block sizeKey size not supported by algorithmCipher mode not availablePadding mode not availableIV is too small ({0} bytes), it should be {1} bytes long.CTS isn't supported by the frameworkInvalid input block size.invalid block lengthOFB isn't supported by the frameworkBad {0} padding. Invalid length {0}. Error found at position {0}.Unkown CipherModeObject is disposedParentTableSynchronizationflagSynchronization ErrorA system exception has occurred.Unable to invoke an invalid target.Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.Number of parameter does not match expected count.Arial.ttfFont '{0}' is not dynamic, which is required to override its sizeFont '{0}' is not dynamic, which is required to override its styleFont size and style overrides are only supported for dynamic fonts. Font '{0}' is not dynamic.BestFit is only supported for dynamic fonts. Font '{0}' is not dynamic.TextInfo - reader is nullwriter is nullNull ThreadStartThread creation failed.Thread was being abortedThread interruptedcallBacktimeout < -1Timeout is too big. Maximum is Int32.MaxValueThread State Error{0:D2}:{1:D2}Due time too largePeriod too largedueTimeperiodcallbackResulting timespan is too big.The timespan is too big or too small.Argument has to be a TimeSpan.This TimeSpan value is MinValue so you cannot get the duration.Value cannot be NaN.Outside range [MinValue,MaxValue]This TimeSpan value is MinValue and cannot be negated.D2D7daylightTimeskey expansionclient write keyserver write keyIV blockmaster secretClient certificate Private Key unavailable.client finished2.16.840.1.113730.4.1CN\s*=\s*([^,]*)0x{0:x}Invalid certificate received from server. Error code: Invalid certificate received from server.Invalid ServerFinished message received.server finishedInvalid cipher suite received from serverData was not signed with the server certificate.Read operations are not allowed by this stream8 bytes maximumWrite operations are not allowed by this streamTransformBlockTransformFinalBlockInvalid input lengthToggle.valueToggle {0} is not part of ToggleGroup {1}Input: FakedInput: TouchfId:{0} pos:({1} {2}) dia:({3} {4}) rotA:{5} attr:{6} delta:{7}songswitchParent of RectTransform is being set with parent property. Consider using the SetParent method instead, with the worldPositionStays argument set to false. This will retain local orientation and scale rather than world orientation and scale, which can prevent common UI scaling issues.This is a known weak key.Coroutine container not configured... did you forget to call Init?typesDerived classes must provide an implementation.TypeNameError loading 'not a generic type definitiontypeArgumentsThe type or method has {0} generic parameter(s) but {1} generic argument(s) where provided. A generic argument must be provided for each generic parameter.fullnameInterface must be declared abstract.<Module>type_Empty name is not legalIllegal nameUnable to change after type has been created.Could not load type '' from assembly '' because the parent type is sealed.' because it is an enum with methods.Type is concrete but has abstract method Parent does not have a default constructor. The default constructor must be explicitly defined.Interface method must be abstract and virtual.methodInfoBodymethodInfoDeclarationmethod body must belong to this typeEnumeration type is not defined.Type is not genericThis operation is not supported for this type.A type load exception has occurred.TypeLoadClassNameTypeLoadAssemblyNameCould not load type '{0}' from assembly '{1}'.Could not load type '{0}'.TypeLoadMessageArgTypeLoadResourceIDmenustartFadeInRight{0,0:X16}{1,0:X16}Value is not a System.UInt16.Value is not a System.UInt32.Negative numberValue is not a System.UInt64.pointerAccess to the requested resource is not authorized.dest_bufferindex + count > dest_buffer.LengthunicodeFFFEUnicode (Big-Endian)utf-16A Unity Runtime error occurred!UnityTypeUnitySerializationHolder does not support this type.UnityWebRequest has already been sent and its request method can no longer be alteredUnityWebRequest has already been sent and its URL cannot be alteredUnityWebRequest has already been sent; cannot modify the download handlerCannot set a UnityWebRequest's method to an empty or null stringPOSTPUTHEADUnityWebRequest has already been sent; cannot modify the upload handlerhttp://localhost/The stream is closedThe length of the buffer array minus the offset parameter is less than the count parameterAn attempt was made to seek before the beginning of the streamInvalid SeekOrigin optionThe position is larger than Int32.MaxValue.Unable to expand length of this stream beyond its capacity.Stream does not support writing.The buffer parameter is a null referenceThe current position is at the end of the capacity of the stream0123456789ABCDEFfileftpgophermailtonewsnntpnet.pipenet.tcpInvalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined because the parameter 'uriString' represents an absolute URI.Invalid UriKind value '{0}'.Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined: AbsoluteUriThis operation is not supported for a relative URI.<>%"{}|\^`;/?:@&=+$,digitloopbacklocalhostcharacterbaseUri.//..//..uriStringRelative file path is not allowed.Absolute URI is too shortURI scheme must start with a letter.URI scheme must start with a letter and must consist of one of alphabet, digits, '+', '-' or '.' character.Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed.Absolute URI when we expected a relative oneInvalid URI: Invalid port number//Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsedInvalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed. (%23%25%3FInvalid URI format^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?^(([^@]+)@)?(.*?)(:([0-9]+))?$ldapThe argument Uri's scheme does not match{0,0:X16}{1,0:X16}_{2,0:X16}skip:{0} netAccount:{1} skipButton:{2} addSelect:{3} ignore:[ utf-32BEUTF-32 (Big-Endian)utf-32UTF-32utf-7Unicode (UTF-7)Arg_InvalidUTF7ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/utf-8Unicode (UTF-8)Insufficient SpaceInvalid Vector2 index!({0:F1}, {1:F1})Invalid Vector3 index!({0:F1}, {1:F1}, {2:F1})({0}, {1}, {2})Invalid Vector4 index!There must be 2, 3 or 4 components in the version string.majorminorbuildrevisionArgument to Version.CompareTo must be a Version.Mesh can not have more than 65000 vertices({0} {1}) SamplingRate:{2} DataSize:{3} SampleLength:{4} Loop:{5}({6} - {7}, {8})Low({0} {1}Hz) High({2} {3}Hz)waitHandlesToo many handlesnull handlenull element foundwaitHandleTrackResurrectionTrackedObjectacceptconnectioncontent-lengthcontent-typedateexpecthostif-modified-sincerangereferertransfer-encodinguser-agentproxy-connectionContent-LengthTransfer-EncodingWWW-Authenticateaccept-charsetaccept-encodingaccept-languageaccept-rangesallowauthorizationcache-controlcontent-encodingcontent-languageif-matchif-none-matchproxy-authenticatepublicupgradevaryviawarningwww-authenticateset-cookieset-cookie2kvThis header must be modified with the appropiate property.invalid header name: headerNameinvalid header value: headerValueempty stringInvalid character in header
- _ProxyAddress_BypassOnLocal_BypassList_UseDefaultCredentialsHttpRequestCreatorFileWebRequestCreatorFtpRequestCreatorSystem.Net.This method must be implemented in derived classes^\s*\w+(?:\.\w+)+(\/.*)?$file://Win32Resource (Kind=, Name=m_userTokenm_nameToken-Name mismatch.Token doesn't match a user.m_typem_acctTypem_isAuthenticatedYou are trying to load data from a www stream which has not completed the download yet.
- You need to yield the download or wait until isDone returns true.0123456789abcdef@&;:<>=?"'/\!#%+$,{}|^[]`&;=?"'%+_encodedDistinguishedName; C=O=OU=CN=L=S=STREET=DC=UID=E=dnQualifier=T=SN=G=I=OID.pathLengthConstraintWrong type.Badly encoded extension.Unknown Key Usage ({0})Input data cannot be coded as a valid certificate.CERTIFICATECertificate instance is empty.Missing key algorithm parameters.1.2.840.113549. hash algorithm: rawUnable to decode certificate.-----BEGIN {0}----------END {0}-----[Subject]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Issuer]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Not Before]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Not After]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Thumbprint]{0} {1}{0}aaUnknown Asymmetric Algorithm Unable to decode public key.nameTypeSystem.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2[Version]{0} V{1}{0}{0}[Serial Number]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Thumbprint]{0} {1}{0}{0}[Signature Algorithm]{0} {1}({2}){0}{0}[Public Key]{0} Algorithm: {0} Length: {1}{0} Key Blob: {0} Parameters: certificatefindValueInvalid find value type '{0}', expected '{1}'.stringX509KeyUsageFlagsInvalid OID value '{0}'.X509DateTimeInvalid find type '{0}'.negative indexindex >= CountInvalid revocation mode. data cannot be coded as a valid CRL. [Non-matching signature algorithms in CRL]encodedDataInvalid ASN.1 TagServer Authentication (Unknown Key Usage (extensionInvalid X.509 extension.Expected a X509Extension instance. Invalid extensions formatindex >= array.LengthOff-line CRL Signing, CRL SigningEncipher OnlystoreNamestoreLocation*.cer*.crlInvalid store name (null or empty).RootTrustStore {0} doesn't exists.certsalgorithmsubjectKeyIdentifier
- mscorlib
- "\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x4\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0\x0"
- mscorlib.dll
- <Module>
- Object
- System
- .ctor
- obj
- Equals
- objA
- objB
- Finalize
- GetHashCode
- GetType
- MemberwiseClone
- ToString
- ReferenceEquals
- o
- InternalGetHashCode
- ValueType
- o1
- o2
- fields
- InternalEquals
- DefaultEquals
- Attribute
- element
- attributeType
- CheckParameters
- GetCustomAttribute
- inherit
- IsDefined
- _Attribute
- System.Runtime.InteropServices
- Int32
- provider
- System.IConvertible.ToBoolean
- System.IConvertible.ToByte
- System.IConvertible.ToChar
- System.IConvertible.ToDateTime
- System.IConvertible.ToDecimal
- System.IConvertible.ToDouble
- System.IConvertible.ToInt16
- System.IConvertible.ToInt32
- System.IConvertible.ToInt64
- System.IConvertible.ToSByte
- System.IConvertible.ToSingle
- targetType
- System.IConvertible.ToType
- System.IConvertible.ToUInt16
- System.IConvertible.ToUInt32
- System.IConvertible.ToUInt64
- value
- CompareTo
- tryParse
- s
- position
- exc
- ProcessTrailingWhitespace
- result
- Parse
- style
- CheckStyle
- pos
- reportError
- JumpOverWhite
- nfi
- foundSign
- negative
- FindSign
- foundCurrency
- FindCurrency
- exponent
- FindExponent
- other
- FindOther
- e
- allowHex
- ValidDigit
- GetFormatException
- fp
- TryParse
- format
- GetTypeCode
- MaxValue
- MinValue
- m_value
- IFormattable
- formatProvider
- IConvertible
- ToBoolean
- ToByte
- ToChar
- ToDateTime
- ToDecimal
- ToDouble
- ToInt16
- ToInt32
- ToInt64
- ToSByte
- ToSingle
- conversionType
- ToType
- ToUInt16
- ToUInt32
- ToUInt64
- IComparable
- IComparable`1
- T
- SerializableAttribute
- AttributeUsageAttribute
- validOn
- get_AllowMultiple
- set_AllowMultiple
- get_Inherited
- set_Inherited
- valid_on
- allow_multiple
- inherited
- AllowMultiple
- Inherited
- ComVisibleAttribute
- visibility
- Visible
- IEquatable`1
- Int64
- UInt32
- CLSCompliantAttribute
- isCompliant
- is_compliant
- UInt64
- Byte
- SByte
- Int16
- UInt16
- IEnumerator
- System.Collections
- get_Current
- MoveNext
- Reset
- Current
- IEnumerable
- GetEnumerator
- IDisposable
- Dispose
- IEnumerator`1
- System.Collections.Generic
- Char
- .cctor
- category_data
- numeric_data
- numeric_data_values
- to_lower_data_low
- to_lower_data_high
- to_upper_data_low
- to_upper_data_high
- GetDataTablePointers
- c
- GetUnicodeCategory
- IsDigit
- IsLetter
- IsLetterOrDigit
- IsLower
- IsSurrogate
- IsUpper
- IsWhiteSpace
- index
- CheckParameter
- ToLower
- ToLowerInvariant
- culture
- ToUpper
- ToUpperInvariant
- String
- startIndex
- length
- count
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<char>.GetEnumerator
- System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
- a
- b
- get_Chars
- Clone
- sourceIndex
- destination
- destinationIndex
- CopyTo
- ToCharArray
- separator
- Split
- options
- Substring
- SubstringUnchecked
- Trim
- trimChars
- TrimStart
- TrimEnd
- target
- change
- FindNotWhiteSpace
- table
- FindNotInTable
- strA
- strB
- Compare
- ignoreCase
- indexA
- indexB
- CompareOrdinal
- lenA
- lenB
- CompareOrdinalUnchecked
- CompareOrdinalCaseInsensitiveUnchecked
- EndsWith
- anyOf
- IndexOfAny
- IndexOfAnyUnchecked
- comparisonType
- IndexOf
- IndexOfOrdinal
- IndexOfOrdinalUnchecked
- IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCaseUnchecked
- IndexOfUnchecked
- LastIndexOfAny
- LastIndexOfAnyUnchecked
- LastIndexOf
- LastIndexOfUnchecked
- Contains
- IsNullOrEmpty
- totalWidth
- paddingChar
- PadRight
- StartsWith
- oldChar
- newChar
- Replace
- oldValue
- newValue
- ReplaceUnchecked
- testedCount
- ReplaceFallback
- Remove
- arg0
- Format
- arg1
- arg2
- args
- FormatHelper
- str
- Copy
- Concat
- str0
- str1
- str2
- str3
- values
- ConcatInternal
- Insert
- Join
- JoinUnchecked
- get_Length
- ptr
- n
- width
- left_align
- ParseFormatSpecifier
- ParseDecimal
- idx
- val
- InternalSetChar
- newLength
- InternalSetLength
- GetCaseInsensitiveHashCode
- CreateString
- enc
- dest
- src
- size
- memcpy4
- memcpy2
- memcpy1
- memcpy
- CharCopy
- CharCopyReverse
- targetIndex
- source
- InternalSplit
- InternalAllocateStr
- op_Equality
- op_Inequality
- start_char
- Empty
- WhiteChars
- Chars
- Length
- ICloneable
- IEnumerable`1
- Single
- f
- IsInfinity
- IsNaN
- IsNegativeInfinity
- IsPositiveInfinity
- Epsilon
- NaN
- PositiveInfinity
- NegativeInfinity
- MaxValueEpsilon
- Double
- d
- start
- end
- TryParseStringConstant
- byte_ptr
- ParseImpl
- State_AllowSign
- State_Digits
- State_Decimal
- State_ExponentSign
- State_Exponent
- State_ConsumeWhiteSpace
- State_Exit
- Decimal
- lo
- mid
- hi
- isNegative
- scale
- GetBits
- d1
- d2
- Add
- Subtract
- u64
- s64
- IsZero
- Floor
- Multiply
- Divide
- ThrowAtPos
- ThrowInvalidExp
- decPos
- expFlag
- exp
- throwex
- stripStyles
- res
- PerformParse
- decimal2UInt64
- decimal2Int64
- decimalIncr
- sDigits
- sign
- string2decimal
- decimalSetExponent
- decimal2double
- floorFlag
- decimalFloorAndTrunc
- pd1
- pd2
- decimalMult
- pc
- pa
- pb
- decimalDiv
- decimalCompare
- op_Increment
- op_Subtraction
- op_Multiply
- op_Division
- op_Explicit
- op_Implicit
- op_GreaterThan
- op_LessThan
- MinusOne
- One
- MaxValueDiv10
- flags
- Boolean
- FalseString
- TrueString
- IntPtr
- info
- context
- System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable.GetObjectData
- get_Size
- ToPointer
- value1
- value2
- Zero
- Size
- ISerializable
- System.Runtime.Serialization
- GetObjectData
- UIntPtr
- _pointer
- MulticastDelegate
- GetInvocationList
- follow
- CombineImpl
- BaseEquals
- needle
- haystack
- tail
- RemoveImpl
- prev
- kpm_next
- Delegate
- get_Method
- get_Target
- type
- throwOnBindFailure
- CreateDelegate_internal
- SetMulticastInvoke
- delArgType
- argType
- arg_type_match
- delReturnType
- returnType
- return_type_match
- firstArgument
- method
- CreateDelegate
- bflags
- GetCandidateMethod
- Combine
- delegates
- method_ptr
- invoke_impl
- m_target
- delegate_trampoline
- method_code
- method_info
- original_method_info
- data
- Method
- Target
- Enum
- get_value
- get_Value
- FindPosition
- enumType
- GetName
- get_underlying_type
- GetUnderlyingType
- name_hash
- names
- name
- FindName
- typeCode
- GetValue
- compare_value_to
- ToObject
- get_hashcode
- upper
- FormatSpecifier_X
- FormatFlags
- split_char
- Value
- Array
- System.Collections.IList.get_Item
- System.Collections.IList.set_Item
- System.Collections.IList.Add
- System.Collections.IList.Clear
- System.Collections.IList.Contains
- System.Collections.IList.IndexOf
- System.Collections.IList.Insert
- System.Collections.IList.Remove
- System.Collections.IList.RemoveAt
- System.Collections.ICollection.get_Count
- InternalArray__ICollection_get_Count
- InternalArray__ICollection_get_IsReadOnly
- InternalArray__IEnumerable_GetEnumerator
- InternalArray__ICollection_Clear
- item
- InternalArray__ICollection_Add
- InternalArray__ICollection_Remove
- InternalArray__ICollection_Contains
- array
- InternalArray__ICollection_CopyTo
- InternalArray__Insert
- InternalArray__RemoveAt
- InternalArray__IndexOf
- InternalArray__get_Item
- InternalArray__set_Item
- GetGenericValueImpl
- SetGenericValueImpl
- get_LongLength
- get_Rank
- GetRank
- dimension
- GetLength
- GetLongLength
- GetLowerBound
- indices
- SetValue
- GetValueImpl
- SetValueImpl
- source_idx
- dest_idx
- FastCopy
- elementType
- lengths
- bounds
- CreateInstanceImpl
- get_IsSynchronized
- get_SyncRoot
- get_IsFixedSize
- get_IsReadOnly
- GetUpperBound
- index1
- index2
- index3
- CreateInstance
- length1
- length2
- length3
- lowerBounds
- GetIntArray
- BinarySearch
- comparer
- DoBinarySearch
- Clear
- ClearInternal
- sourceArray
- destinationArray
- Initialize
- get_swapper
- Reverse
- Sort
- keys
- items
- i
- j
- int_swapper
- obj_swapper
- slow_swapper
- double_swapper
- gap
- new_gap
- swap_items
- combsort
- low0
- high0
- qsort
- swap
- compare
- TKey
- TValue
- comparison
- K
- V
- newSize
- Resize
- match
- TrueForAll
- action
- ForEach
- converter
- ConvertAll
- TInput
- TOutput
- FindLastIndex
- FindIndex
- FindAll
- Exists
- AsReadOnly
- Find
- FindLast
- ConstrainedCopy
- System.Collections.IList.Item
- System.Collections.ICollection.Count
- LongLength
- Rank
- IsSynchronized
- SyncRoot
- IsFixedSize
- IsReadOnly
- InternalEnumerator`1
- System.Collections.IEnumerator.Reset
- System.Collections.IEnumerator.get_Current
- System.Collections.IEnumerator.Current
- SimpleEnumerator
- arrayToEnumerate
- enumeratee
- currentpos
- ArrayReadOnlyList`1
- get_Item
- set_Item
- get_Count
- RemoveAt
- ReadOnlyError
- Item
- Count
- <GetEnumerator>c__Iterator0
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>.get_Current
- <i>__0
- $PC
- $current
- <>f__this
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<T>.Current
- Swapper
- object
- Invoke
- callback
- BeginInvoke
- EndInvoke
- ICollection
- IList
- IList`1
- ICollection`1
- arrayIndex
- Void
- Type
- m
- filterCriteria
- FilterName_impl
- FilterNameIgnoreCase_impl
- FilterAttribute_impl
- get_Assembly
- get_AssemblyQualifiedName
- get_Attributes
- get_BaseType
- get_DeclaringType
- get_FullName
- get_HasElementType
- get_IsAbstract
- get_IsArray
- get_IsByRef
- get_IsClass
- get_IsContextful
- get_IsEnum
- get_IsExplicitLayout
- get_IsInterface
- get_IsMarshalByRef
- get_IsPointer
- get_IsPrimitive
- get_IsSealed
- get_IsSerializable
- get_IsValueType
- get_MemberType
- get_Module
- get_Namespace
- get_ReflectedType
- get_TypeHandle
- get_UnderlyingSystemType
- EqualsInternal
- handle
- internal_from_handle
- throwOnError
- internal_from_name
- typeName
- GetTypeCodeInternal
- GetTypeFromHandle
- GetTypeHandle
- check_interfaces
- type_is_subtype_of
- type_is_assignable_from
- IsSubclassOf
- GetInterfaces
- IsAssignableFrom
- IsInstanceOfType
- GetArrayRank
- GetElementType
- bindingAttr
- GetEvent
- GetField
- GetFields
- GetMethod
- types
- binder
- modifiers
- callConvention
- GetMethodImpl
- GetMethodImplInternal
- GetMethods
- GetProperty
- GetPropertyImpl
- GetPropertyImplInternal
- GetConstructorImpl
- GetAttributeFlagsImpl
- HasElementTypeImpl
- IsArrayImpl
- IsByRefImpl
- IsPointerImpl
- IsPrimitiveImpl
- IsValueTypeImpl
- IsContextfulImpl
- IsMarshalByRefImpl
- GetConstructor
- GetConstructors
- invokeAttr
- namedParameters
- InvokeMember
- get_IsSystemType
- GetGenericArguments
- get_ContainsGenericParameters
- get_IsGenericTypeDefinition
- GetGenericTypeDefinition_impl
- GetGenericTypeDefinition
- get_IsGenericType
- gt
- MakeGenericType
- typeArguments
- get_IsGenericParameter
- get_IsNested
- make_byref_type
- MakeByRefType
- GetPseudoCustomAttributes
- get_IsUserType
- DefaultBindingFlags
- _impl
- Delimiter
- EmptyTypes
- FilterAttribute
- FilterName
- FilterNameIgnoreCase
- Missing
- Assembly
- AssemblyQualifiedName
- Attributes
- BaseType
- DeclaringType
- FullName
- HasElementType
- IsAbstract
- IsArray
- IsByRef
- IsClass
- IsContextful
- IsEnum
- IsExplicitLayout
- IsInterface
- IsMarshalByRef
- IsPointer
- IsPrimitive
- IsSealed
- IsSerializable
- IsValueType
- MemberType
- Module
- Namespace
- ReflectedType
- TypeHandle
- UnderlyingSystemType
- IsSystemType
- ContainsGenericParameters
- IsGenericTypeDefinition
- IsGenericType
- IsGenericParameter
- IsNested
- IsUserType
- MemberInfo
- System.Reflection
- get_Name
- GetCustomAttributes
- Name
- ICustomAttributeProvider
- _MemberInfo
- IReflect
- _Type
- Exception
- message
- innerException
- get_InnerException
- get_HelpLink
- set_HelpLink
- get_HResult
- set_HResult
- SetMessage
- SetStackTrace
- get_ClassName
- get_Message
- get_Source
- set_Source
- get_StackTrace
- get_TargetSite
- get_Data
- GetBaseException
- FixRemotingException
- sb
- mi
- GetFullNameForStackTrace
- trace_ips
- inner_exception
- help_link
- class_name
- stack_trace
- _remoteStackTraceString
- remote_stack_index
- hresult
- _data
- InnerException
- HelpLink
- HResult
- ClassName
- Message
- Source
- StackTrace
- TargetSite
- Data
- _Exception
- RuntimeFieldHandle
- RuntimeTypeHandle
- ParamArrayAttribute
- OutAttribute
- ObsoleteAttribute
- error
- _message
- _error
- DllImportAttribute
- dllName
- CallingConvention
- CharSet
- Dll
- EntryPoint
- ExactSpelling
- PreserveSig
- SetLastError
- BestFitMapping
- ThrowOnUnmappableChar
- MarshalAsAttribute
- unmanagedType
- utype
- ArraySubType
- MarshalCookie
- MarshalType
- MarshalTypeRef
- SizeConst
- SizeParamIndex
- InAttribute
- ConditionalAttribute
- System.Diagnostics
- conditionString
- myCondition
- SecurityAttribute
- System.Security.Permissions
- GuidAttribute
- guid
- guidValue
- ComImportAttribute
- OptionalAttribute
- FixedBufferAttribute
- System.Runtime.CompilerServices
- get_ElementType
- ElementType
- CompilerGeneratedAttribute
- InternalsVisibleToAttribute
- assemblyName
- all_visible
- RuntimeCompatibilityAttribute
- set_WrapNonExceptionThrows
- wrap_non_exception_throws
- WrapNonExceptionThrows
- DebuggerHiddenAttribute
- DefaultMemberAttribute
- memberName
- get_MemberName
- member_name
- MemberName
- DecimalConstantAttribute
- low
- FieldOffsetAttribute
- offset
- RuntimeArgumentHandle
- AsyncCallback
- ar
- IAsyncResult
- get_AsyncState
- get_AsyncWaitHandle
- get_IsCompleted
- AsyncState
- AsyncWaitHandle
- IsCompleted
- TypedReference
- klass
- ArgIterator
- sig
- next_arg
- num_args
- MarshalByRefObject
- get_ObjectIdentity
- set_ObjectIdentity
- requestedType
- CreateObjRef
- InitializeLifetimeService
- _identity
- ObjectIdentity
- Nullable`1
- get_HasValue
- has_value
- HasValue
- RuntimeHelpers
- fldHandle
- InitializeArray
- get_OffsetToStringData
- OffsetToStringData
- Locale
- msg
- GetText
- fmt
- MonoTODOAttribute
- comment
- MonoDocumentationNoteAttribute
- MonoLimitationAttribute
- SafeHandleZeroOrMinusOneIsInvalid
- Microsoft.Win32.SafeHandles
- ownsHandle
- get_IsInvalid
- IsInvalid
- SafeWaitHandle
- existingHandle
- ReleaseHandle
- CodePointIndexer
- Mono.Globalization.Unicode
- starts
- ends
- defaultIndex
- defaultCP
- cp
- ToIndex
- ranges
- TotalCount
- TableRange
- indexStart
- Start
- End
- IndexStart
- IndexEnd
- TailoringInfo
- lcid
- tailoringIndex
- tailoringCount
- frenchSort
- TailoringIndex
- TailoringCount
- FrenchSort
- Contraction
- replacement
- sortkey
- Replacement
- SortKey
- ContractionComparer
- Instance
- Level2Map
- replace
- Level2MapComparer
- MSCompatUnicodeTable
- GetTailoringInfo
- t
- contractions
- diacriticals
- BuildTailoringTables
- cjkIndexer
- catTable
- lv1Table
- lv2Indexer
- lv2Table
- SetCJKReferences
- Category
- Level1
- Level2
- Level3
- flag
- IsIgnorable
- IsIgnorableNonSpacing
- ToKanaTypeInsensitive
- ToWidthCompat
- HasSpecialWeight
- IsHalfWidthKana
- IsHiragana
- IsJapaneseSmallLetter
- get_IsReady
- GetResource
- raw
- UInt32FromBytePtr
- FillCJK
- cjkLv2Indexer
- FillCJKCore
- MaxExpansionLength
- ignorableFlags
- categories
- level1
- level2
- level3
- cjkCHScategory
- cjkCHTcategory
- cjkJAcategory
- cjkKOcategory
- cjkCHSlv1
- cjkCHTlv1
- cjkJAlv1
- cjkKOlv1
- cjkKOlv2
- tailoringArr
- tailoringInfos
- forLock
- isReady
- <>f__switch$map2
- <>f__switch$map3
- <>f__switch$map4
- IsReady
- MSCompatUnicodeTableUtil
- Ignorable
- CjkCHS
- Cjk
- SimpleCollator
- SetCJKTable
- GetNeutralCulture
- ext
- opt
- IsHalfKana
- GetContraction
- clist
- GetTailContraction
- FilterOptions
- GetExtenderType
- ToDashTypeValue
- FilterExtender
- IsSafe
- GetSortKey
- buf
- FillSortKeyRaw
- FillSurrogateSortKeyRaw
- s1
- idx1
- len1
- s2
- idx2
- len2
- sourceConsumed
- targetConsumed
- immediateBreakup
- CompareQuick
- CompareOrdinalIgnoreCase
- buffer
- ClearBuffer
- end1
- end2
- QuickCheckPossible
- skipHeadingExtenders
- ctx
- CompareInternal
- b1
- b2
- CompareFlagPair
- IsPrefix
- IsSuffix
- testWasUnable
- QuickIndexOf
- IndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCase
- ti
- noLv4
- IndexOfSortKey
- targetSortKey
- LastIndexOfOrdinal
- LastIndexOfOrdinalIgnoreCase
- orgStart
- LastIndexOfSortKey
- MatchesForward
- ct
- MatchesForwardCore
- si
- MatchesPrimitive
- MatchesBackward
- MatchesBackwardCore
- QuickCheckDisabled
- invariant
- textInfo
- cjkCatTable
- cjkLv1Table
- cjkLv2Table
- level2Maps
- unsafeFlags
- Context
- alwaysMatchFlags
- neverMatchFlags
- buffer1
- buffer2
- prev1
- quickCheckPossible
- Option
- NeverMatchFlags
- AlwaysMatchFlags
- Buffer1
- Buffer2
- PrevCode
- PrevSortKey
- PreviousInfo
- dummy
- Code
- Escape
- Index
- Optional
- ExtenderType
- value__
- None
- Simple
- Voiced
- Conditional
- Buggy
- System.Globalization
- lv1Length
- lv2Length
- lv3Length
- kanaSmallLength
- markTypeLength
- katakanaLength
- kanaWidthLength
- identLength
- sortkey1
- sortkey2
- get_OriginalString
- get_KeyData
- key
- OriginalString
- KeyData
- SortKeyBuffer
- lv1msb
- lv1lsb
- AppendCJKExtension
- category
- lv1
- lv2
- lv3
- isSmallKana
- markType
- isKatakana
- isHalfWidth
- AppendKana
- AppendNormal
- AppendLevel5
- bidx
- AppendBufferPrimitive
- GetResultAndReset
- len
- defaultValue
- GetOptimizedLength
- GetResult
- l1
- l2
- l3
- l4s
- l4t
- l4k
- l4w
- l5
- l1b
- l2b
- l3b
- l4sb
- l4tb
- l4kb
- l4wb
- l5b
- processLevel2
- frenchSorted
- PrimeGeneratorBase
- Mono.Math.Prime.Generator
- get_Confidence
- get_PrimalityTest
- get_TrialDivisionBounds
- bits
- GenerateNewPrime
- Confidence
- PrimalityTest
- TrialDivisionBounds
- SequentialSearchPrimeGeneratorBase
- GenerateSearchBase
- bi
- IsPrimeAcceptable
- ConfidenceFactor
- Mono.Math.Prime
- ExtraLow
- Low
- Medium
- High
- ExtraHigh
- Provable
- PrimalityTests
- confidence
- GetSPPRounds
- Test
- RabinMillerTest
- SmallPrimeSppTest
- BigInteger
- Mono.Math
- inData
- ui
- get_Rng
- rng
- GenerateRandom
- Randomize
- BitCount
- bitNum
- TestBit
- SetBit
- LowestSetBit
- GetBytes
- radix
- characterSet
- Normalize
- modulus
- ModInverse
- ModPow
- IsProbablePrime
- GeneratePseudoPrime
- Incr2
- bi1
- bi2
- op_Addition
- op_Modulus
- shiftVal
- op_LeftShift
- op_RightShift
- op_GreaterThanOrEqual
- op_LessThanOrEqual
- smallPrimes
- Rng
- Sign
- Negative
- Positive
- ModulusRing
- x
- BarrettReduction
- Difference
- k
- Pow
- mod
- constant
- Kernel
- AddSameSign
- big
- small
- MinusEq
- PlusEq
- SingleByteDivideInPlace
- DwordMod
- DwordDivMod
- multiByteDivide
- LeftShift
- RightShift
- MultiplyByDword
- xOffset
- xLen
- y
- yOffset
- yLen
- dOffset
- yOffest
- MultiplyMod2p32pmod
- modInverse
- CryptoConvert
- Mono.Security.Cryptography
- bytes
- ToInt32LE
- ToUInt32LE
- GetBytesLE
- blob
- FromCapiPrivateKeyBlob
- rsa
- ToCapiPrivateKeyBlob
- FromCapiPublicKeyBlob
- ToCapiPublicKeyBlob
- FromCapiKeyBlob
- includePrivateKey
- ToCapiKeyBlob
- KeyBuilder
- Key
- IV
- BlockProcessor
- transform
- blockSize
- rgb
- Core
- ib
- cb
- Final
- block
- blockCount
- DSAManaged
- dwKeySize
- add_KeyGenerated
- remove_KeyGenerated
- Generate
- GenerateKeyPair
- add
- keyLength
- GenerateParams
- get_Random
- get_KeySize
- get_PublicOnly
- NormalizeArray
- includePrivateParameters
- ExportParameters
- parameters
- ImportParameters
- rgbHash
- CreateSignature
- rgbSignature
- VerifySignature
- disposing
- keypairGenerated
- m_disposed
- p
- q
- g
- seed
- counter
- j_missing
- KeyGenerated
- Random
- KeySize
- PublicOnly
- KeyGeneratedEventHandler
- sender
- KeyPairPersistence
- keyPair
- get_Filename
- get_KeyValue
- set_KeyValue
- Load
- Save
- get_UserPath
- get_MachinePath
- root
- _CanSecure
- path
- _ProtectUser
- _ProtectMachine
- _IsUserProtected
- _IsMachineProtected
- CanSecure
- ProtectUser
- ProtectMachine
- IsUserProtected
- IsMachineProtected
- get_CanChange
- get_UseDefaultKeyContainer
- get_UseMachineKeyStore
- get_ContainerName
- xml
- FromXml
- ToXml
- _userPathExists
- _userPath
- _machinePathExists
- _machinePath
- _params
- _keyvalue
- _filename
- _container
- lockobj
- Filename
- KeyValue
- UserPath
- MachinePath
- CanChange
- UseDefaultKeyContainer
- UseMachineKeyStore
- ContainerName
- MACAlgorithm
- algorithm
- algo
- array1
- array2
- M
- Encrypt_v15
- hash
- hashValue
- Sign_v15
- signature
- Verify_v15
- tryNonStandardEncoding
- emLength
- Encode_v15
- emptySHA1
- emptySHA256
- emptySHA384
- emptySHA512
- PrivateKeyInfo
- get_PrivateKey
- Decode
- bigInt
- RemoveLeadingZero
- keypair
- DecodeRSA
- privateKey
- dsaParameters
- DecodeDSA
- _version
- _algorithm
- _key
- _list
- PrivateKey
- EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
- get_Algorithm
- get_EncryptedData
- get_Salt
- get_IterationCount
- _salt
- _iterations
- Algorithm
- EncryptedData
- Salt
- IterationCount
- RSAManaged
- keySize
- DecryptValue
- EncryptValue
- ToXmlString
- get_IsCrtPossible
- GetPaddedValue
- isCRTpossible
- keyBlinding
- dp
- dq
- qInv
- IsCrtPossible
- SymmetricTransform
- symmAlgo
- encryption
- rgbIV
- System.IDisposable.Dispose
- get_CanReuseTransform
- input
- output
- Transform
- inputBuffer
- inputOffset
- inputCount
- CheckInput
- outputBuffer
- outputOffset
- TransformBlock
- get_KeepLastBlock
- InternalTransformBlock
- padding
- ThrowBadPaddingException
- FinalEncrypt
- FinalDecrypt
- TransformFinalBlock
- encrypt
- BlockSizeByte
- temp
- temp2
- workBuff
- workout
- FeedBackByte
- FeedBackIter
- lastBlock
- _rng
- CanReuseTransform
- KeepLastBlock
- SafeBag
- Mono.Security.X509
- bagOID
- asn1
- get_BagOID
- get_ASN1
- _bagOID
- _asn1
- BagOID
- ASN1
- PKCS12
- password
- set_Password
- set_IterationCount
- get_Certificates
- get_RNG
- expected
- actual
- algorithmOid
- salt
- iterationCount
- GetSymmetricAlgorithm
- encryptedData
- Decrypt
- ed
- Encrypt
- found
- GetExistingParameters
- pki
- AddPrivateKey
- safeBag
- ReadSafeBag
- x509
- attributes
- CertificateSafeBag
- iterations
- safeBags
- EncryptedContentInfo
- cert
- AddCertificate
- RemoveCertificate
- attrs
- get_MaximumPasswordLength
- recommendedIterationCount
- _password
- _keyBags
- _secretBags
- _certs
- _keyBagsChanged
- _secretBagsChanged
- _certsChanged
- _safeBags
- password_max_length
- <>f__switch$map8
- <>f__switch$map9
- <>f__switch$mapA
- <>f__switch$mapB
- <>f__switch$mapF
- Password
- Certificates
- MaximumPasswordLength
- DeriveBytes
- set_HashName
- set_Salt
- aOff
- Adjust
- diversifier
- Derive
- DeriveKey
- DeriveIV
- DeriveMAC
- keyDiversifier
- ivDiversifier
- macDiversifier
- _hashName
- HashName
- X501
- seq
- reversed
- quotes
- entry
- AppendEntry
- countryName
- organizationName
- organizationalUnitName
- commonName
- localityName
- stateOrProvinceName
- streetAddress
- domainComponent
- userid
- email
- dnQualifier
- title
- surname
- givenName
- initial
- X509Certificate
- integer
- GetUnsignedBigInteger
- get_DSA
- get_IssuerName
- get_KeyAlgorithmParameters
- get_PublicKey
- get_RawData
- get_SubjectName
- get_ValidFrom
- get_ValidUntil
- GetIssuerName
- GetSubjectName
- decoder
- m_encodedcert
- m_from
- m_until
- issuer
- m_issuername
- m_keyalgo
- m_keyalgoparams
- subject
- m_subject
- m_publickey
- m_signaturealgo
- m_signaturealgoparams
- _dsa
- version
- serialnumber
- issuerUniqueID
- subjectUniqueID
- extensions
- encoding_error
- IssuerName
- KeyAlgorithmParameters
- PublicKey
- RawData
- SubjectName
- ValidFrom
- ValidUntil
- X509CertificateCollection
- X509CertificateEnumerator
- mappings
- System.Collections.IEnumerator.MoveNext
- enumerator
- X509Extension
- WriteLine
- extnOid
- extnCritical
- extnValue
- X509ExtensionCollection
- readOnly
- Mono.Security
- tag
- get_Tag
- set_Value
- CompareArray
- CompareValue
- anPos
- anLength
- content
- DecodeTLV
- anTag
- Element
- m_nTag
- m_aValue
- elist
- Tag
- ASN1Convert
- FromInt32
- oid
- FromOid
- ToOid
- time
- BitConverterLE
- GetUIntBytes
- GetULongBytes
- dst
- UShortFromBytes
- UIntFromBytes
- ULongFromBytes
- ContentInfo
- get_Content
- set_Content
- get_ContentType
- set_ContentType
- GetASN1
- contentType
- Content
- ContentType
- get_EncryptionAlgorithm
- get_EncryptedContent
- _content
- _encryptionAlgorithm
- _encrypted
- EncryptionAlgorithm
- EncryptedContent
- StrongName
- InvalidateCache
- set_RSA
- get_PublicKeyToken
- get_TokenAlgorithm
- publicKey
- keyToken
- tokenAlgorithm
- lockObject
- initialized
- PublicKeyToken
- TokenAlgorithm
- SecurityParser
- Mono.Xml
- LoadXml
- parser
- OnStartParsing
- text
- OnProcessingInstruction
- OnIgnorableWhitespace
- OnStartElement
- OnEndElement
- ch
- OnChars
- OnEndParsing
- current
- stack
- SmallXmlParser
- Error
- UnexpectedEndError
- IsNameChar
- IsWhitespace
- SkipWhitespaces
- HandleWhitespaces
- Peek
- Read
- Expect
- until
- handleReferences
- ReadUntil
- ReadName
- handler
- Cleanup
- ReadContent
- HandleBufferedContent
- ReadCharacters
- ReadReference
- ReadCharacterReference
- ReadAttribute
- ReadCDATASection
- ReadComment
- reader
- elementNames
- xmlSpaces
- xmlSpace
- nameBuffer
- isWhitespace
- line
- column
- resetColumn
- <>f__switch$map18
- IContentHandler
- IAttrList
- get_Names
- get_Values
- Names
- Values
- AttrListImpl
- attrNames
- attrValues
- SmallXmlParserException
- Runtime
- Mono
- GetDisplayName
- CollectionDebuggerView`1
- CollectionDebuggerView`2
- U
- Comparer`1
- System.Collections.IComparer.Compare
- get_Default
- _default
- Default
- DefaultComparer
- GenericComparer`1
- Link
- HashCode
- Next
- Dictionary`2
- capacity
- System.Collections.IDictionary.get_Item
- System.Collections.IDictionary.set_Item
- System.Collections.IDictionary.Add
- System.Collections.IDictionary.Remove
- System.Collections.ICollection.get_IsSynchronized
- System.Collections.ICollection.get_SyncRoot
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.get_IsReadOnly
- keyValuePair
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Add
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Contains
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.CopyTo
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.Remove
- System.Collections.ICollection.CopyTo
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.GetEnumerator
- System.Collections.IDictionary.GetEnumerator
- hcp
- Init
- InitArrays
- CopyToCheck
- Do_CopyTo
- TRet
- TElem
- make_pair
- pick_key
- pick_value
- Do_ICollectionCopyTo
- ContainsKey
- ContainsValue
- OnDeserialization
- TryGetValue
- get_Keys
- ToTKey
- ToTValue
- pair
- ContainsKeyValuePair
- <CopyTo>m__0
- linkSlots
- keySlots
- valueSlots
- touchedSlots
- emptySlot
- threshold
- serialization_info
- generation
- <>f__am$cacheB
- System.Collections.IDictionary.Item
- System.Collections.ICollection.IsSynchronized
- System.Collections.ICollection.SyncRoot
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<TKey,TValue>>.IsReadOnly
- Keys
- ShimEnumerator
- host
- get_Entry
- get_Key
- host_enumerator
- Entry
- Enumerator
- dictionary
- System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Entry
- System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Key
- System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.get_Value
- get_CurrentKey
- get_CurrentValue
- VerifyState
- VerifyCurrent
- next
- stamp
- System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Entry
- System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Key
- System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator.Value
- CurrentKey
- CurrentValue
- KeyCollection
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Add
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Clear
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Contains
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.Remove
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TKey>.GetEnumerator
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.get_IsReadOnly
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TKey>.IsReadOnly
- ValueCollection
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Add
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Clear
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Contains
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.Remove
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TValue>.GetEnumerator
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.get_IsReadOnly
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<TValue>.IsReadOnly
- Transform`1
- EqualityComparer`1
- System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.GetHashCode
- System.Collections.IEqualityComparer.Equals
- GenericEqualityComparer`1
- IComparer`1
- IDictionary`2
- IEqualityComparer`1
- KeyNotFoundException
- KeyValuePair`2
- set_Key
- List`1
- collection
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>.GetEnumerator
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.get_IsReadOnly
- System.Collections.IList.get_IsFixedSize
- System.Collections.IList.get_IsReadOnly
- newCount
- GrowIfNeeded
- AddCollection
- enumerable
- AddEnumerable
- AddRange
- CheckMatch
- GetIndex
- delta
- Shift
- CheckIndex
- CheckCollection
- RemoveAll
- ToArray
- TrimExcess
- get_Capacity
- set_Capacity
- DefaultCapacity
- _items
- _size
- EmptyArray
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.IsReadOnly
- System.Collections.IList.IsFixedSize
- System.Collections.IList.IsReadOnly
- Capacity
- l
- ver
- Collection`1
- System.Collections.ObjectModel
- ClearItems
- InsertItem
- RemoveItem
- SetItem
- IsValidItem
- ConvertItem
- list
- CheckWritable
- syncRoot
- ReadOnlyCollection`1
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Add
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Clear
- System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Insert
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.Remove
- System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.RemoveAt
- System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.get_Item
- System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.set_Item
- System.Collections.Generic.IList<T>.Item
- ArrayList
- EnsureCapacity
- InsertRange
- ThrowNewArgumentOutOfRangeException
- Synchronized
- ReadOnly
- DefaultInitialCapacity
- currentElement
- endFlag
- ArrayListWrapper
- innerArrayList
- m_InnerArrayList
- SynchronizedArrayListWrapper
- m_SyncRoot
- FixedSizeArrayListWrapper
- innerList
- get_ErrorMessage
- ErrorMessage
- ReadOnlyArrayListWrapper
- BitArray
- byteIndex
- getByte
- Get
- Set
- m_array
- m_length
- BitArrayEnumerator
- ba
- checkVersion
- _bitArray
- _current
- _index
- CaseInsensitiveComparer
- get_DefaultInvariant
- defaultComparer
- defaultInvariantComparer
- DefaultInvariant
- CaseInsensitiveHashCodeProvider
- AreEqual
- singletonInvariant
- sync
- m_text
- CollectionBase
- get_InnerList
- get_List
- OnClear
- OnClearComplete
- OnInsert
- OnInsertComplete
- OnRemove
- OnRemoveComplete
- OnSet
- OnSetComplete
- OnValidate
- InnerList
- List
- CollectionDebuggerView
- Comparer
- m_compareInfo
- DictionaryEntry
- _value
- Hashtable
- loadFactor
- equalityComparer
- set_comparer
- set_hcp
- GetHash
- KeyEquals
- AdjustThreshold
- hashes
- SetTable
- Rehash
- overwrite
- PutImpl
- arr
- mode
- CopyToArray
- TestPrime
- CalcPrime
- ToPrime
- inUse
- modificationCount
- hashKeys
- hashValues
- hcpRef
- comparerRef
- serializationInfo
- primeTbl
- Slot
- KeyMarker
- Removed
- EnumeratorMode
- FailFast
- currentKey
- currentValue
- xstr
- HashKeys
- HashValues
- SyncHashtable
- IComparer
- IDictionary
- IDictionaryEnumerator
- IEqualityComparer
- IHashCodeProvider
- Queue
- col
- growFactor
- Dequeue
- Enqueue
- grow
- _array
- _head
- _tail
- _growFactor
- QueueEnumerator
- queue
- SortedList
- initialCapacity
- IndexOfKey
- GetByIndex
- free
- GetImpl
- forceSize
- InitTable
- defaultCapacity
- invalid
- Stack
- ncapacity
- Pop
- Push
- contents
- modCount
- AssemblyHashAlgorithm
- System.Configuration.Assemblies
- MD5
- SHA1
- AssemblyVersionCompatibility
- SameMachine
- SameProcess
- SameDomain
- ISymbolWriter
- System.Diagnostics.SymbolStore
- emitter
- filename
- fFullBuild
- DebuggableAttribute
- modes
- JITTrackingEnabledFlag
- JITOptimizerDisabledFlag
- debuggingModes
- DebuggingModes
- IgnoreSymbolStoreSequencePoints
- EnableEditAndContinue
- DisableOptimizations
- DebuggerBrowsableAttribute
- state
- DebuggerBrowsableState
- Never
- Collapsed
- RootHidden
- DebuggerDisplayAttribute
- set_Name
- DebuggerStepThroughAttribute
- DebuggerTypeProxyAttribute
- proxy_type_name
- StackFrame
- skipFrames
- fNeedFileInfo
- skip
- needFileInfo
- iloffset
- native_offset
- file
- get_frame_info
- GetFileLineNumber
- GetFileName
- GetSecureFileName
- GetILOffset
- GetNativeOffset
- GetInternalMethodName
- ilOffset
- nativeOffset
- methodBase
- fileName
- lineNumber
- columnNumber
- internalMethodName
- returnNativeFrames
- init_frames
- get_trace
- get_FrameCount
- GetFrame
- frames
- debug_info
- FrameCount
- Calendar
- get_Eras
- CheckReadOnly
- GetDayOfMonth
- GetDayOfWeek
- GetEra
- GetMonth
- GetYear
- get_EraNames
- m_isReadOnly
- twoDigitYearMax
- M_AbbrEraNames
- M_EraNames
- Eras
- EraNames
- CCMath
- div
- remainder
- div_mod
- CCFixed
- FromDateTime
- date
- day_of_week
- CCGregorianCalendar
- year
- is_leap_year
- day
- month
- fixed_from_dmy
- year_from_fixed
- my_from_fixed
- dmy_from_fixed
- month_from_fixed
- day_from_fixed
- CompareInfo
- ci
- System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback.OnDeserialization
- get_UseManagedCollation
- locale
- construct_compareinfo
- free_internal_collator
- offset1
- offset2
- internal_compare
- assign_sortkey
- sindex
- first
- internal_index
- internal_compare_managed
- internal_compare_switch
- string1
- string2
- internal_index_managed
- internal_index_switch
- prefix
- suffix
- get_LCID
- useManagedCollation
- icu_name
- win32LCID
- m_name
- collator
- collators
- monitor
- UseManagedCollation
- CompareOptions
- IgnoreCase
- IgnoreNonSpace
- IgnoreSymbols
- IgnoreKanaType
- IgnoreWidth
- StringSort
- Ordinal
- OrdinalIgnoreCase
- CultureInfo
- useUserOverride
- read_only
- get_InvariantCulture
- get_CurrentCulture
- get_CurrentUICulture
- ConstructCurrentCulture
- ConstructCurrentUICulture
- get_Territory
- get_Parent
- get_TextInfo
- get_IcuName
- get_CompareInfo
- get_IsNeutralCulture
- CheckNeutral
- get_NumberFormat
- set_NumberFormat
- get_DateTimeFormat
- set_DateTimeFormat
- formatType
- GetFormat
- Construct
- ConstructInternalLocaleFromName
- ConstructInternalLocaleFromLcid
- ConstructInternalLocaleFromCurrentLocale
- construct_internal_locale_from_lcid
- construct_internal_locale_from_name
- construct_internal_locale_from_current_locale
- construct_datetime_format
- construct_number_format
- ConstructInvariant
- CreateTextInfo
- insert_into_shared_tables
- GetCultureInfo
- reference
- CreateCulture
- NumOptionalCalendars
- GregorianTypeMask
- CalendarTypeBits
- InvariantCultureId
- invariant_culture_info
- shared_table_lock
- BootstrapCultureID
- cultureID
- parent_lcid
- specific_lcid
- datetime_index
- number_index
- m_useUserOverride
- numInfo
- dateTimeInfo
- displayname
- englishname
- nativename
- iso3lang
- iso2lang
- win3lang
- territory
- compareInfo
- calendar_data
- textinfo_data
- optional_calendars
- parent_culture
- m_dataItem
- calendar
- constructed
- cached_serialized_form
- shared_by_number
- shared_by_name
- <>f__switch$map19
- <>f__switch$map1A
- InvariantCulture
- CurrentCulture
- CurrentUICulture
- Territory
- Parent
- TextInfo
- IcuName
- IsNeutralCulture
- NumberFormat
- DateTimeFormat
- DateTimeFormatFlags
- Unused
- But
- Serialized
- By
- Microsoft
- DateTimeFormatInfo
- GetInstance
- dtfi
- GetAbbreviatedMonthName
- era
- GetEraName
- GetMonthName
- get_RawAbbreviatedDayNames
- get_RawAbbreviatedMonthNames
- get_RawDayNames
- get_RawMonthNames
- get_AMDesignator
- get_PMDesignator
- get_DateSeparator
- get_TimeSeparator
- get_LongDatePattern
- get_ShortDatePattern
- get_ShortTimePattern
- get_LongTimePattern
- get_MonthDayPattern
- get_YearMonthPattern
- get_FullDateTimePattern
- get_CurrentInfo
- get_InvariantInfo
- get_Calendar
- set_Calendar
- get_RFC1123Pattern
- get_RoundtripPattern
- get_SortableDateTimePattern
- get_UniversalSortableDateTimePattern
- GetAllDateTimePatternsInternal
- FillAllDateTimePatterns
- GetAllRawDateTimePatterns
- dayofweek
- GetDayName
- GetAbbreviatedDayName
- FillInvariantPatterns
- dates
- times
- PopulateCombinedList
- _RoundtripPattern
- theInvariantDateTimeFormatInfo
- amDesignator
- pmDesignator
- dateSeparator
- timeSeparator
- shortDatePattern
- longDatePattern
- shortTimePattern
- longTimePattern
- monthDayPattern
- yearMonthPattern
- fullDateTimePattern
- _RFC1123Pattern
- _SortableDateTimePattern
- _UniversalSortableDateTimePattern
- firstDayOfWeek
- calendarWeekRule
- abbreviatedDayNames
- dayNames
- monthNames
- abbreviatedMonthNames
- allShortDatePatterns
- allLongDatePatterns
- allShortTimePatterns
- allLongTimePatterns
- monthDayPatterns
- yearMonthPatterns
- shortDayNames
- nDataItem
- m_isDefaultCalendar
- CultureID
- bUseCalendarInfo
- generalShortTimePattern
- generalLongTimePattern
- m_eraNames
- m_abbrevEraNames
- m_abbrevEnglishEraNames
- m_dateWords
- optionalCalendars
- m_superShortDayNames
- genitiveMonthNames
- m_genitiveAbbreviatedMonthNames
- leapYearMonthNames
- formatFlags
- all_date_time_patterns
- RawAbbreviatedDayNames
- RawAbbreviatedMonthNames
- RawDayNames
- RawMonthNames
- AMDesignator
- PMDesignator
- DateSeparator
- TimeSeparator
- LongDatePattern
- ShortDatePattern
- ShortTimePattern
- LongTimePattern
- MonthDayPattern
- YearMonthPattern
- FullDateTimePattern
- CurrentInfo
- InvariantInfo
- RFC1123Pattern
- RoundtripPattern
- SortableDateTimePattern
- UniversalSortableDateTimePattern
- DateTimeStyles
- AllowLeadingWhite
- AllowTrailingWhite
- AllowInnerWhite
- AllowWhiteSpaces
- NoCurrentDateDefault
- AdjustToUniversal
- AssumeLocal
- AssumeUniversal
- RoundtripKind
- DaylightTime
- get_Start
- get_End
- get_Delta
- m_start
- m_end
- m_delta
- Delta
- GregorianCalendar
- set_CalendarType
- m_type
- CalendarType
- GregorianCalendarTypes
- Localized
- USEnglish
- MiddleEastFrench
- Arabic
- TransliteratedEnglish
- TransliteratedFrench
- NumberFormatInfo
- get_CurrencyDecimalDigits
- get_CurrencyDecimalSeparator
- get_CurrencyGroupSeparator
- get_RawCurrencyGroupSizes
- get_CurrencyNegativePattern
- get_CurrencyPositivePattern
- get_CurrencySymbol
- get_NaNSymbol
- get_NegativeInfinitySymbol
- get_NegativeSign
- get_NumberDecimalDigits
- get_NumberDecimalSeparator
- get_NumberGroupSeparator
- get_RawNumberGroupSizes
- get_NumberNegativePattern
- set_NumberNegativePattern
- get_PercentDecimalDigits
- get_PercentDecimalSeparator
- get_PercentGroupSeparator
- get_RawPercentGroupSizes
- get_PercentNegativePattern
- get_PercentPositivePattern
- get_PercentSymbol
- get_PerMilleSymbol
- get_PositiveInfinitySymbol
- get_PositiveSign
- isReadOnly
- decimalFormats
- currencyFormats
- percentFormats
- digitPattern
- zeroPattern
- currencyDecimalDigits
- currencyDecimalSeparator
- currencyGroupSeparator
- currencyGroupSizes
- currencyNegativePattern
- currencyPositivePattern
- currencySymbol
- nanSymbol
- negativeInfinitySymbol
- negativeSign
- numberDecimalDigits
- numberDecimalSeparator
- numberGroupSeparator
- numberGroupSizes
- numberNegativePattern
- percentDecimalDigits
- percentDecimalSeparator
- percentGroupSeparator
- percentGroupSizes
- percentNegativePattern
- percentPositivePattern
- percentSymbol
- perMilleSymbol
- positiveInfinitySymbol
- positiveSign
- ansiCurrencySymbol
- validForParseAsNumber
- validForParseAsCurrency
- nativeDigits
- digitSubstitution
- invariantNativeDigits
- CurrencyDecimalDigits
- CurrencyDecimalSeparator
- CurrencyGroupSeparator
- RawCurrencyGroupSizes
- CurrencyNegativePattern
- CurrencyPositivePattern
- CurrencySymbol
- NaNSymbol
- NegativeInfinitySymbol
- NegativeSign
- NumberDecimalDigits
- NumberDecimalSeparator
- NumberGroupSeparator
- RawNumberGroupSizes
- NumberNegativePattern
- PercentDecimalDigits
- PercentDecimalSeparator
- PercentGroupSeparator
- RawPercentGroupSizes
- PercentNegativePattern
- PercentPositivePattern
- PercentSymbol
- PerMilleSymbol
- PositiveInfinitySymbol
- PositiveSign
- NumberStyles
- AllowLeadingSign
- AllowTrailingSign
- AllowParentheses
- AllowDecimalPoint
- AllowThousands
- AllowExponent
- AllowCurrencySymbol
- AllowHexSpecifier
- Integer
- HexNumber
- Number
- Float
- Currency
- Any
- RegionInfo
- get_CurrentRegion
- GetByTerritory
- construct_internal_region_from_name
- get_CurrencyEnglishName
- get_DisplayName
- get_EnglishName
- get_GeoId
- get_IsMetric
- get_ISOCurrencySymbol
- get_NativeName
- get_CurrencyNativeName
- get_ThreeLetterISORegionName
- get_ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName
- get_TwoLetterISORegionName
- currentRegion
- regionId
- iso2Name
- iso3Name
- win3Name
- englishName
- isoCurrencySymbol
- currencyEnglishName
- <>f__switch$map1B
- CurrentRegion
- CurrencyEnglishName
- DisplayName
- EnglishName
- GeoId
- IsMetric
- ISOCurrencySymbol
- NativeName
- CurrencyNativeName
- ThreeLetterISORegionName
- ThreeLetterWindowsRegionName
- TwoLetterISORegionName
- get_ListSeparator
- get_CultureName
- m_listSeparator
- customCultureName
- m_nDataItem
- m_win32LangID
- handleDotI
- ListSeparator
- CultureName
- ansi
- ebcdic
- mac
- oem
- list_sep
- UnicodeCategory
- UppercaseLetter
- LowercaseLetter
- TitlecaseLetter
- ModifierLetter
- OtherLetter
- NonSpacingMark
- SpacingCombiningMark
- EnclosingMark
- DecimalDigitNumber
- LetterNumber
- OtherNumber
- SpaceSeparator
- LineSeparator
- ParagraphSeparator
- Control
- Surrogate
- PrivateUse
- ConnectorPunctuation
- DashPunctuation
- OpenPunctuation
- ClosePunctuation
- InitialQuotePunctuation
- FinalQuotePunctuation
- OtherPunctuation
- MathSymbol
- ModifierSymbol
- OtherSymbol
- OtherNotAssigned
- IsolatedStorageException
- System.IO.IsolatedStorage
- BinaryReader
- System.IO
- encoding
- get_BaseStream
- Close
- numBytes
- FillBuffer
- bytes_read
- ReadCharBytes
- Read7BitEncodedInt
- ReadBoolean
- ReadByte
- ReadBytes
- ReadChar
- ReadDecimal
- ReadDouble
- ReadInt16
- ReadInt32
- ReadInt64
- ReadSByte
- ReadString
- ReadSingle
- ReadUInt16
- ReadUInt32
- ReadUInt64
- CheckBuffer
- m_stream
- m_encoding
- m_buffer
- charBuffer
- BaseStream
- BinaryWriter
- Flush
- Write
- chars
- Write7BitEncodedInt
- Null
- OutStream
- disposed
- stringBuffer
- maxCharsPerRound
- Directory
- CreateDirectory
- CreateDirectoriesInternal
- GetCurrentDirectory
- searchPattern
- GetFiles
- mask
- GetFileSystemEntries
- DirectoryInfo
- simpleOriginalPath
- get_Exists
- Create
- parent
- DirectoryNotFoundException
- EndOfStreamException
- File
- Delete
- Open
- OpenRead
- OpenText
- ReadAllBytes
- FileAccess
- ReadWrite
- FileAttributes
- Archive
- Compressed
- Device
- Encrypted
- Hidden
- Normal
- NotContentIndexed
- Offline
- ReparsePoint
- SparseFile
- Temporary
- FileLoadException
- Result
- fusionLog
- FileMode
- CreateNew
- OpenOrCreate
- Truncate
- Append
- FileNotFoundException
- FileOptions
- DeleteOnClose
- SequentialScan
- RandomAccess
- Asynchronous
- WriteThrough
- FileShare
- Inheritable
- FileStream
- access
- bufferSize
- isAsync
- noBuffering
- share
- anonymous
- get_CanRead
- get_CanWrite
- get_CanSeek
- get_Position
- set_Position
- WriteByte
- ReadInternal
- userCallback
- stateObject
- BeginRead
- asyncResult
- EndRead
- WriteInternal
- BeginWrite
- EndWrite
- origin
- Seek
- SetLength
- dest_offset
- ReadSegment
- src_offset
- WriteSegment
- st
- FlushBuffer
- FlushBufferIfDirty
- RefillBuffer
- ReadData
- InitBuffer
- full
- owner
- async
- canseek
- append_startpos
- buf_size
- buf_length
- buf_offset
- buf_dirty
- buf_start
- CanRead
- CanWrite
- CanSeek
- Position
- ReadDelegate
- WriteDelegate
- FileStreamAsyncResult
- ares
- CBWrapper
- completed
- wh
- OriginalCount
- BytesRead
- realcb
- FileSystemInfo
- force
- Refresh
- InternalRefresh
- CheckPath
- FullPath
- OriginalPath
- stat
- valid
- IOException
- MemoryStream
- writable
- publicallyVisible
- InternalConstructor
- CheckIfClosedThrowDisposed
- loc
- minimum
- CalculateNewCapacity
- Expand
- canWrite
- allowGetBuffer
- internalBuffer
- initialIndex
- expandable
- streamClosed
- dirty_bytes
- MonoFileType
- Unknown
- Disk
- Pipe
- Remote
- MonoIO
- GetException
- path_with_pattern
- DeleteFile
- GetFileAttributes
- GetFileType
- ExistsFile
- ExistsDirectory
- GetFileStat
- get_ConsoleOutput
- get_ConsoleInput
- get_ConsoleError
- get_VolumeSeparatorChar
- get_DirectorySeparatorChar
- get_AltDirectorySeparatorChar
- get_PathSeparator
- newPath
- RemapPath
- InvalidFileAttributes
- InvalidHandle
- ConsoleOutput
- ConsoleInput
- ConsoleError
- VolumeSeparatorChar
- DirectorySeparatorChar
- AltDirectorySeparatorChar
- PathSeparator
- MonoIOError
- MonoIOStat
- CreationTime
- LastAccessTime
- LastWriteTime
- Path
- path1
- path2
- CleanPath
- GetDirectoryName
- GetExtension
- GetFullPath
- WindowsDriveAdjustment
- InsecureGetFullPath
- IsDsc
- GetPathRoot
- IsPathRooted
- GetInvalidPathChars
- findExtension
- GetServerAndShare
- SameRoot
- CanonicalizePath
- InvalidPathChars
- DirectorySeparatorStr
- PathSeparatorChars
- dirEqualsVolume
- PathTooLongException
- SearchPattern
- WildcardChars
- InvalidChars
- SeekOrigin
- Begin
- Stream
- NullStream
- StreamAsyncResult
- SetComplete
- nbytes
- get_Exception
- get_NBytes
- get_Done
- set_Done
- done
- NBytes
- Done
- StreamReader
- stream
- detectEncodingFromByteOrderMarks
- DoChecks
- ReadBuffer
- FindNextEOL
- ReadLine
- ReadToEnd
- input_buffer
- decoded_buffer
- decoded_count
- buffer_size
- do_checks
- base_stream
- mayBlock
- line_builder
- foundCR
- NullStreamReader
- StreamWriter
- set_AutoFlush
- FlushBytes
- LowLevelWrite
- internalEncoding
- internalStream
- iflush
- byte_buf
- byte_pos
- decode_buf
- decode_pos
- DisposedAlready
- preamble_done
- AutoFlush
- StringReader
- CheckObjectDisposedException
- nextChar
- sourceLength
- TextReader
- NullTextReader
- SynchronizedReader
- TextWriter
- writer
- neverClose
- CoreNewLine
- NullTextWriter
- SynchronizedWriter
- UnexceptionalStreamReader
- dest_buffer
- CheckEOL
- newline
- newlineChar
- UnexceptionalStreamWriter
- UnmanagedMemoryStream
- closed
- fileaccess
- initial_pointer
- initial_position
- current_position
- Closed
- NativeResourceType
- System.Reflection.Emit
- Unmanaged
- Explicit
- RefEmitPermissionSet
- pset
- MonoResource
- MonoWin32Resource
- res_type
- res_id
- lang_id
- AssemblyBuilder
- directory
- corlib_internal
- ab
- basic_init
- get_Location
- emitSymbolInfo
- DefineDynamicModule
- transient
- GetModulesInternal
- exportedOnly
- GetTypes
- get_IsCompilerContext
- get_IsSave
- get_IsRun
- get_AssemblyDir
- not_supported
- fileNeedsToExists
- check_name_and_filename
- UnprotectedGetName
- dynamic_assembly
- entry_point
- modules
- dir
- cattrs
- resources
- public_key
- algid
- pekind
- delay_sign
- loaded_modules
- win32_resources
- permissions_minimum
- permissions_optional
- permissions_refused
- peKind
- machine
- type_forwarders
- pktoken
- corlib_object_type
- corlib_value_type
- corlib_enum_type
- corlib_void_type
- resource_writers
- version_res
- created
- is_module_only
- sn
- native_resource
- is_compiler_context
- versioninfo_culture
- manifest_module
- Location
- IsCompilerContext
- IsSave
- IsRun
- AssemblyDir
- AssemblyBuilderAccess
- Run
- RunAndSave
- ReflectionOnly
- ConstructorBuilder
- tb
- callingConvention
- parameterTypes
- paramModReq
- paramModOpt
- get_CallingConvention
- get_TypeBuilder
- GetParameters
- GetParametersInternal
- GetParameterCount
- get_MethodHandle
- GetILGenerator
- streamSize
- GetToken
- fixup
- inc
- get_next_table_index
- not_created
- ilgen
- iattrs
- table_idx
- call_conv
- pinfo
- init_locals
- TypeBuilder
- MethodHandle
- CustomAttributeBuilder
- DerivedType
- create_unmanaged_type
- elementName
- FormatName
- ByRefType
- DynamicMethod
- create_dynamic_method
- destroy_dynamic_method
- CreateDynMethod
- GetBaseDefinition
- get_ReturnType
- mhandle
- module
- skipVisibility
- nrefs
- refs
- referenced_by
- deleg
- creating
- ReturnType
- EnumBuilder
- CreateNotSupportedException
- _tb
- _underlyingType
- EventBuilder
- FieldBuilder
- get_FieldHandle
- get_FieldType
- GetFieldOffset
- get_UMarshal
- typeb
- marshal_info
- FieldHandle
- FieldType
- UMarshal
- GenericTypeParameterBuilder
- tbuilder
- mbuilder
- base_type
- ILTokenInfo
- member
- code_pos
- TokenGenerator
- opt_param_types
- ILGenerator
- token_gen
- add_token_fixup
- make_room
- emit_int
- opcode
- ll_emit
- target_len
- localType
- DeclareLocal
- pinned
- DefineLabel
- Emit
- arg
- con
- field
- label
- local
- meth
- token
- cls
- methodInfo
- optionalParameterTypes
- EmitCall
- MarkLabel
- label_fixup
- ig
- Mono_GetCurrentOffset
- void_type
- code
- code_len
- max_stack
- cur_stack
- locals
- num_token_fixups
- token_fixups
- labels
- num_labels
- fixups
- num_fixups
- LabelFixup
- label_idx
- LabelData
- addr
- maxStack
- Label
- LocalBuilder
- MethodBuilder
- returnModReq
- returnModOpt
- check_override
- mdecl
- set_override
- NotSupported
- MakeGenericMethod
- get_IsGenericMethodDefinition
- get_IsGenericMethod
- rtype
- override_method
- pi_dll
- pi_entry
- charset
- extra_flags
- native_cc
- generic_container
- generic_params
- permissions
- IsGenericMethodDefinition
- IsGenericMethod
- MethodToken
- get_Token
- tokValue
- Token
- ModuleBuilder
- assb
- fullyqname
- mb
- set_wrappers_type
- IsTransient
- attr
- DefineType
- AddType
- interfaces
- packingSize
- typesize
- className
- validElementsInArray
- search_in_array
- search_nested_in_array
- create_modified_type
- GetMaybeNested
- getUSIndex
- getToken
- getMethodToken
- RegisterToken
- GetTokenGenerator
- get_FileName
- CreateGlobalType
- dynamic_image
- num_types
- assemblyb
- global_methods
- global_fields
- is_main
- global_type
- global_type_created
- name_cache
- us_string_cache
- table_indexes
- symbolWriter
- type_modifiers
- FileName
- ModuleBuilderTokenGenerator
- OpCode
- get_OperandType
- get_StackBehaviourPop
- get_StackBehaviourPush
- op1
- op2
- push
- pop
- flow
- OperandType
- StackBehaviourPop
- StackBehaviourPush
- OpCodeNames
- OpCodes
- Nop
- Break
- Ldarg_0
- Ldarg_1
- Ldarg_2
- Ldarg_3
- Ldloc_0
- Ldloc_1
- Ldloc_2
- Ldloc_3
- Stloc_0
- Stloc_1
- Stloc_2
- Stloc_3
- Ldarg_S
- Ldarga_S
- Starg_S
- Ldloc_S
- Ldloca_S
- Stloc_S
- Ldnull
- Ldc_I4_M1
- Ldc_I4_0
- Ldc_I4_1
- Ldc_I4_2
- Ldc_I4_3
- Ldc_I4_4
- Ldc_I4_5
- Ldc_I4_6
- Ldc_I4_7
- Ldc_I4_8
- Ldc_I4_S
- Ldc_I4
- Ldc_I8
- Ldc_R4
- Ldc_R8
- Dup
- Jmp
- Call
- Calli
- Ret
- Br_S
- Brfalse_S
- Brtrue_S
- Beq_S
- Bge_S
- Bgt_S
- Ble_S
- Blt_S
- Bne_Un_S
- Bge_Un_S
- Bgt_Un_S
- Ble_Un_S
- Blt_Un_S
- Br
- Brfalse
- Brtrue
- Beq
- Bge
- Bgt
- Ble
- Blt
- Bne_Un
- Bge_Un
- Bgt_Un
- Ble_Un
- Blt_Un
- Switch
- Ldind_I1
- Ldind_U1
- Ldind_I2
- Ldind_U2
- Ldind_I4
- Ldind_U4
- Ldind_I8
- Ldind_I
- Ldind_R4
- Ldind_R8
- Ldind_Ref
- Stind_Ref
- Stind_I1
- Stind_I2
- Stind_I4
- Stind_I8
- Stind_R4
- Stind_R8
- Sub
- Mul
- Div
- Div_Un
- Rem
- Rem_Un
- And
- Or
- Xor
- Shl
- Shr
- Shr_Un
- Neg
- Not
- Conv_I1
- Conv_I2
- Conv_I4
- Conv_I8
- Conv_R4
- Conv_R8
- Conv_U4
- Conv_U8
- Callvirt
- Cpobj
- Ldobj
- Ldstr
- Newobj
- Castclass
- Isinst
- Conv_R_Un
- Unbox
- Throw
- Ldfld
- Ldflda
- Stfld
- Ldsfld
- Ldsflda
- Stsfld
- Stobj
- Conv_Ovf_I1_Un
- Conv_Ovf_I2_Un
- Conv_Ovf_I4_Un
- Conv_Ovf_I8_Un
- Conv_Ovf_U1_Un
- Conv_Ovf_U2_Un
- Conv_Ovf_U4_Un
- Conv_Ovf_U8_Un
- Conv_Ovf_I_Un
- Conv_Ovf_U_Un
- Box
- Newarr
- Ldlen
- Ldelema
- Ldelem_I1
- Ldelem_U1
- Ldelem_I2
- Ldelem_U2
- Ldelem_I4
- Ldelem_U4
- Ldelem_I8
- Ldelem_I
- Ldelem_R4
- Ldelem_R8
- Ldelem_Ref
- Stelem_I
- Stelem_I1
- Stelem_I2
- Stelem_I4
- Stelem_I8
- Stelem_R4
- Stelem_R8
- Stelem_Ref
- Ldelem
- Stelem
- Unbox_Any
- Conv_Ovf_I1
- Conv_Ovf_U1
- Conv_Ovf_I2
- Conv_Ovf_U2
- Conv_Ovf_I4
- Conv_Ovf_U4
- Conv_Ovf_I8
- Conv_Ovf_U8
- Refanyval
- Ckfinite
- Mkrefany
- Ldtoken
- Conv_U2
- Conv_U1
- Conv_I
- Conv_Ovf_I
- Conv_Ovf_U
- Add_Ovf
- Add_Ovf_Un
- Mul_Ovf
- Mul_Ovf_Un
- Sub_Ovf
- Sub_Ovf_Un
- Endfinally
- Leave
- Leave_S
- Stind_I
- Conv_U
- Prefix7
- Prefix6
- Prefix5
- Prefix4
- Prefix3
- Prefix2
- Prefix1
- Prefixref
- Arglist
- Ceq
- Cgt
- Cgt_Un
- Clt
- Clt_Un
- Ldftn
- Ldvirtftn
- Ldarg
- Ldarga
- Starg
- Ldloc
- Ldloca
- Stloc
- Localloc
- Endfilter
- Unaligned
- Volatile
- Tailcall
- Initobj
- Constrained
- Cpblk
- Initblk
- Rethrow
- Sizeof
- Refanytype
- Readonly
- InlineBrTarget
- InlineField
- InlineI
- InlineI8
- InlineMethod
- InlineNone
- InlinePhi
- InlineR
- InlineSig
- InlineString
- InlineSwitch
- InlineTok
- InlineType
- InlineVar
- ShortInlineBrTarget
- ShortInlineI
- ShortInlineR
- ShortInlineVar
- PEFileKinds
- ConsoleApplication
- WindowApplication
- PackingSize
- Unspecified
- Size1
- Size2
- Size4
- Size8
- Size16
- Size32
- Size64
- Size128
- ParameterBuilder
- PropertyBuilder
- get_PropertyType
- nonPublic
- GetAccessors
- GetGetMethod
- GetIndexParameters
- GetSetMethod
- set_method
- get_method
- PropertyType
- StackBehaviour
- Pop0
- Pop1
- Pop1_pop1
- Popi
- Popi_pop1
- Popi_popi
- Popi_popi8
- Popi_popi_popi
- Popi_popr4
- Popi_popr8
- Popref
- Popref_pop1
- Popref_popi
- Popref_popi_popi
- Popref_popi_popi8
- Popref_popi_popr4
- Popref_popi_popr8
- Popref_popi_popref
- Push0
- Push1
- Push1_push1
- Pushi
- Pushi8
- Pushr4
- Pushr8
- Pushref
- Varpop
- Varpush
- Popref_popi_pop1
- packing_size
- type_size
- nesting_type
- setup_internal_class
- create_generic_class
- GetFullName
- DefineConstructor
- requiredCustomModifiers
- optionalCustomModifiers
- DefineDefaultConstructor
- append_method
- DefineMethod
- returnTypeRequiredCustomModifiers
- returnTypeOptionalCustomModifiers
- parameterTypeRequiredCustomModifiers
- parameterTypeOptionalCustomModifiers
- methodInfoBody
- methodInfoDeclaration
- DefineMethodOverride
- create_runtime_class
- is_nested_in
- has_ctor_method
- CreateType
- GetConstructorsInternal
- reflected_type
- GetMethodsByName
- SetParent
- get_is_created
- check_not_created
- check_created
- argName
- check_name
- IsAssignableTo
- tname
- nspace
- num_methods
- methods
- ctors
- properties
- num_fields
- events
- subtypes
- pmodule
- class_size
- fullname
- createTypeCalled
- underlying_type
- is_created
- UnmanagedMarshal
- ToMarshalAsAttribute
- tbase
- mcookie
- marshaltype
- marshaltyperef
- param_num
- has_size
- AmbiguousMatchException
- escaped
- get_code_base
- get_fullname
- get_location
- GetCodeBase
- GetManifestResourceInternal
- InternalGetType
- ass
- aname
- FillName
- copiedName
- assemblyString
- partialName
- LoadWithPartialName
- load_with_partial_name
- securityEvidence
- oldBehavior
- GetModule
- getResourceModules
- GetModules
- GetExecutingAssembly
- _mono_assembly
- resolve_event_holder
- _evidence
- _minimum
- _optional
- _refuse
- _granted
- _denied
- fromByteArray
- ResolveEventHolder
- AssemblyCompanyAttribute
- company
- AssemblyConfigurationAttribute
- configuration
- AssemblyCopyrightAttribute
- copyright
- AssemblyDefaultAliasAttribute
- defaultAlias
- AssemblyDelaySignAttribute
- delaySign
- delay
- AssemblyDescriptionAttribute
- description
- AssemblyFileVersionAttribute
- AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute
- informationalVersion
- AssemblyKeyFileAttribute
- keyFile
- AssemblyName
- sc
- get_CultureInfo
- get_Flags
- get_KeyPair
- get_Version
- set_Version
- GetPublicKey
- get_IsPublicKeyValid
- InternalGetPublicKeyToken
- ComputePublicKeyToken
- SetPublicKey
- publicKeyToken
- SetPublicKeyToken
- codebase
- major
- minor
- build
- revision
- cultureinfo
- hashalg
- versioncompat
- processor_architecture
- Flags
- KeyPair
- Version
- IsPublicKeyValid
- AssemblyNameFlags
- Retargetable
- EnableJITcompileOptimizer
- EnableJITcompileTracking
- AssemblyProductAttribute
- product
- AssemblyTitleAttribute
- AssemblyTrademarkAttribute
- trademark
- Binder
- BindToMethod
- ChangeType
- ReorderArgumentArray
- SelectMethod
- indexes
- SelectProperty
- get_DefaultBinder
- ConvertArgs
- GetDerivedLevel
- FindMostDerivedMatch
- default_binder
- DefaultBinder
- selected
- ReorderParameters
- object_type
- target_type
- IsArrayAssignable
- from
- to
- check_type
- allowByRefMatch
- check_arguments
- m1
- m2
- GetBetterMethod
- t1
- t2
- CompareCloserType
- check_arguments_with_score
- check_type_with_score
- BindingFlags
- DeclaredOnly
- Static
- Public
- NonPublic
- FlattenHierarchy
- InvokeMethod
- SetField
- SetProperty
- PutDispProperty
- PutRefDispProperty
- ExactBinding
- SuppressChangeType
- OptionalParamBinding
- IgnoreReturn
- CallingConventions
- Standard
- VarArgs
- HasThis
- ExplicitThis
- ConstructorInfo
- ConstructorName
- TypeConstructorName
- CustomAttributeData
- ctorInfo
- ctorArgs
- namedArgs
- get_Constructor
- get_ConstructorArguments
- get_NamedArguments
- UnboxValues
- Constructor
- ConstructorArguments
- NamedArguments
- CustomAttributeNamedArgument
- typedArgument
- memberInfo
- CustomAttributeTypedArgument
- argumentType
- EventAttributes
- SpecialName
- ReservedMask
- RTSpecialName
- EventInfo
- get_EventHandlerType
- GetAddMethod
- cached_add_event
- EventHandlerType
- AddEventAdapter
- _this
- dele
- FieldAttributes
- FieldAccessMask
- PrivateScope
- Private
- FamANDAssem
- Family
- FamORAssem
- InitOnly
- Literal
- NotSerialized
- HasFieldRVA
- HasFieldMarshal
- PinvokeImpl
- HasDefault
- FieldInfo
- get_IsLiteral
- get_IsStatic
- get_IsPublic
- get_IsNotSerialized
- field_handle
- type_handle
- internal_from_handle_type
- GetFieldFromHandle
- GetUnmanagedMarshal
- IsLiteral
- IsStatic
- IsPublic
- IsNotSerialized
- ImageFileMachine
- I386
- IA64
- AMD64
- LocalVariableInfo
- is_pinned
- MemberInfoSerializationHolder
- Serialize
- genericArguments
- GetRealObject
- _memberName
- _memberSignature
- _memberType
- _reflectedType
- _genericArguments
- MemberTypes
- Event
- Field
- Property
- TypeInfo
- Custom
- NestedType
- All
- MethodAttributes
- MemberAccessMask
- Virtual
- HideBySig
- VtableLayoutMask
- CheckAccessOnOverride
- ReuseSlot
- NewSlot
- Abstract
- UnmanagedExport
- HasSecurity
- RequireSecObject
- MethodBase
- GetMethodFromHandleNoGenericCheck
- declaringType
- GetMethodFromIntPtr
- GetMethodFromHandle
- method_handle
- GetMethodFromHandleInternalType
- get_IsVirtual
- IsVirtual
- MethodImplAttributes
- CodeTypeMask
- IL
- Native
- ManagedMask
- Managed
- ForwardRef
- InternalCall
- NoInlining
- MaxMethodImplVal
- MethodInfo
- get_ScopeName
- InternalGetTypes
- IsResource
- filter_by_type_name
- filter_by_type_name_ignore_case
- defaultBindingFlags
- FilterTypeName
- FilterTypeNameIgnoreCase
- assembly
- fqname
- scopename
- is_resource
- ScopeName
- MonoEventInfo
- ev
- get_event_info
- GetEventInfo
- declaring_type
- add_method
- remove_method
- raise_method
- other_methods
- MonoEvent
- MonoField
- declaring
- GetParentType
- GetValueInternal
- fi
- SetValueInternal
- newName
- CheckGeneric
- fhandle
- MonoGenericMethod
- MonoGenericCMethod
- MonoMethodInfo
- get_method_info
- GetMethodInfo
- GetDeclaringType
- GetReturnType
- GetAttributes
- GetCallingConvention
- get_parameter_info
- GetParametersInfo
- ret
- callconv
- MonoMethod
- get_name
- get_base_definition
- InternalInvoke
- GetDllImportAttribute
- ShouldPrintFullName
- methodInstantiation
- MakeGenericMethod_impl
- reftype
- MonoCMethod
- MonoPropertyInfo
- prop
- req_info
- get_property_info
- optional
- GetTypeModifiers
- PInfo
- SetMethod
- MonoProperty
- CachePropertyInfo
- getter
- GetterAdapterFrame
- R
- StaticGetterAdapterFrame
- CreateGetterDelegate
- GetOptionalCustomModifiers
- GetRequiredCustomModifiers
- cached
- cached_getter
- GetterAdapter
- Getter`2
- StaticGetter`1
- ParameterAttributes
- In
- Out
- Lcid
- Retval
- Reserved3
- Reserved4
- ParameterInfo
- get_ParameterType
- get_IsIn
- get_IsOptional
- get_IsOut
- get_IsRetval
- get_Member
- ClassImpl
- DefaultValueImpl
- MemberImpl
- NameImpl
- PositionImpl
- AttrsImpl
- marshalAs
- ParameterType
- IsIn
- IsOptional
- IsOut
- IsRetval
- Member
- ParameterModifier
- _byref
- Pointer
- PortableExecutableKinds
- NotAPortableExecutableImage
- ILOnly
- Required32Bit
- PE32Plus
- Unmanaged32Bit
- ProcessorArchitecture
- X86
- Amd64
- PropertyAttributes
- Reserved2
- PropertyInfo
- ResourceAttributes
- StrongNameKeyPair
- GetRSA
- _publicKey
- _keyPairContainer
- _keyPairExported
- _keyPairArray
- _rsa
- TargetException
- TargetInvocationException
- inner
- TargetParameterCountException
- TypeAttributes
- VisibilityMask
- NotPublic
- NestedPublic
- NestedPrivate
- NestedFamily
- NestedAssembly
- NestedFamANDAssem
- NestedFamORAssem
- LayoutMask
- AutoLayout
- SequentialLayout
- ExplicitLayout
- ClassSemanticsMask
- Class
- Interface
- Sealed
- Import
- Serializable
- StringFormatMask
- AnsiClass
- UnicodeClass
- AutoClass
- BeforeFieldInit
- CustomFormatClass
- CustomFormatMask
- TypeDelegator
- typeImpl
- IResourceReader
- System.Resources
- NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute
- cultureName
- ResourceManager
- ResourceCache
- NonExistent
- HeaderVersionNumber
- MagicNumber
- resourceSetType
- PredefinedResourceType
- Bool
- DateTime
- TimeSpan
- ByteArray
- FistCustom
- ResourceReader
- ReadHeaders
- CreateResourceInfo
- type_index
- ReadValueVer2
- ReadValueVer1
- exp_type
- ReadNonPredefinedValue
- store
- LoadResourceValues
- readerLock
- formatter
- resourceCount
- typeCount
- typeNames
- infos
- dataSectionOffset
- nameSectionOffset
- resource_ver
- cache
- cache_lock
- ResourceInfo
- resourceName
- valuePosition
- ValuePosition
- ResourceName
- TypeIndex
- ResourceCacheItem
- ResourceValue
- ResourceEnumerator
- readerToEnumerate
- FillCache
- finished
- ResourceSet
- GetObjectInternal
- GetObject
- ReadResources
- Reader
- Table
- resources_read
- RuntimeResourceSet
- CloneDisposableObjectIfPossible
- SatelliteContractVersionAttribute
- Win32ResourceType
- NameOrId
- get_IsName
- get_Id
- id
- IsName
- Id
- Win32Resource
- get_ResourceType
- ResourceType
- Win32VersionResource
- CompilationRelaxations
- NoStringInterning
- CompilationRelaxationsAttribute
- relaxations
- relax
- DefaultDependencyAttribute
- loadHintArgument
- hint
- IsVolatile
- LoadHint
- Always
- Sometimes
- StringFreezingAttribute
- Cer
- System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution
- MayFail
- Success
- Consistency
- MayCorruptAppDomain
- MayCorruptInstance
- MayCorruptProcess
- WillNotCorruptState
- CriticalFinalizerObject
- ReliabilityContractAttribute
- consistencyGuarantee
- cer
- consistency
- ActivationArguments
- System.Runtime.Hosting
- COMException
- Winapi
- Cdecl
- StdCall
- ThisCall
- FastCall
- Ansi
- Unicode
- Auto
- ClassInterfaceAttribute
- classInterfaceType
- ciType
- ClassInterfaceType
- AutoDispatch
- AutoDual
- ComDefaultInterfaceAttribute
- defaultInterface
- _type
- ComInterfaceType
- InterfaceIsDual
- InterfaceIsIUnknown
- InterfaceIsIDispatch
- DispIdAttribute
- dispId
- ErrorWrapper
- errorCode
- ExternalException
- GCHandle
- get_IsAllocated
- Alloc
- Free
- GetTarget
- GetTargetHandle
- FreeHandle
- IsAllocated
- GCHandleType
- Weak
- WeakTrackResurrection
- Pinned
- InterfaceTypeAttribute
- interfaceType
- intType
- Marshal
- copy_from_unmanaged
- ofs
- SystemMaxDBCSCharSize
- SystemDefaultCharSize
- MarshalDirectiveException
- ErrorCode
- PreserveSigAttribute
- SafeHandle
- invalidHandleValue
- success
- DangerousAddRef
- DangerousGetHandle
- DangerousRelease
- SetHandle
- invalid_handle_value
- refcount
- owns_handle
- TypeLibImportClassAttribute
- importClass
- _importClass
- TypeLibVersionAttribute
- UnmanagedFunctionPointerAttribute
- UnmanagedType
- I1
- U1
- I2
- U2
- I4
- U4
- I8
- U8
- R4
- R8
- BStr
- LPStr
- LPWStr
- LPTStr
- ByValTStr
- IUnknown
- IDispatch
- Struct
- SafeArray
- ByValArray
- SysInt
- SysUInt
- VBByRefStr
- AnsiBStr
- TBStr
- VariantBool
- FunctionPtr
- AsAny
- LPArray
- LPStruct
- CustomMarshaler
- _Activator
- _Assembly
- _AssemblyBuilder
- _AssemblyName
- _ConstructorBuilder
- _ConstructorInfo
- _CustomAttributeBuilder
- _EnumBuilder
- _EventBuilder
- _EventInfo
- _FieldBuilder
- _FieldInfo
- _ILGenerator
- _LocalBuilder
- _MethodBase
- _MethodBuilder
- _MethodInfo
- _Module
- _ModuleBuilder
- _ParameterBuilder
- _ParameterInfo
- _PropertyBuilder
- _PropertyInfo
- _Thread
- _TypeBuilder
- ActivationServices
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Activation
- get_ConstructionActivator
- activationAttributes
- CreateProxyFromAttributes
- activationUrl
- CreateConstructionCall
- AllocateUninitializedClassInstance
- enable
- EnableProxyActivation
- _constructionActivator
- ConstructionActivator
- AppDomainLevelActivator
- _activationUrl
- _next
- ConstructionLevelActivator
- ContextLevelActivator
- m_NextActivator
- IActivator
- IConstructionCallMessage
- get_ActivationType
- get_ActivationTypeName
- get_Activator
- set_Activator
- get_CallSiteActivationAttributes
- get_ContextProperties
- ActivationType
- ActivationTypeName
- Activator
- CallSiteActivationAttributes
- ContextProperties
- RemoteActivator
- UrlAttribute
- get_UrlValue
- ctorMsg
- GetPropertiesForNewContext
- IsContextOK
- url
- UrlValue
- ChannelInfo
- System.Runtime.Remoting
- get_ChannelData
- channelData
- ChannelData
- ChannelServices
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels
- remoteChannelData
- objectUri
- CreateClientChannelSinkChain
- channelDataArray
- chnl
- RegisterChannel
- ensureSecurity
- channel
- RegisterChannelConfig
- prov
- CreateProvider
- GetCurrentChannelInfo
- registeredChannels
- delayedClientChannels
- _crossContextSink
- CrossContextUrl
- oldStartModeTypes
- CrossAppDomainData
- domainId
- get_DomainID
- get_ProcessID
- _ContextID
- _DomainID
- _processGuid
- DomainID
- ProcessID
- CrossAppDomainChannel
- RegisterCrossAppDomainChannel
- get_ChannelName
- get_ChannelPriority
- StartListening
- uri
- CreateMessageSink
- s_lock
- ChannelName
- ChannelPriority
- CrossAppDomainSink
- domainID
- GetSink
- get_TargetDomainId
- s_sinks
- processMessageMethod
- _domainID
- TargetDomainId
- IChannel
- IChannelDataStore
- IChannelReceiver
- IChannelSender
- objectURI
- IClientChannelSinkProvider
- set_Next
- ISecurableChannel
- set_IsSecured
- IsSecured
- IServerChannelSinkProvider
- SinkProviderData
- get_Children
- get_Properties
- sinkName
- children
- Children
- Properties
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Contexts
- get_DefaultContext
- get_ContextID
- get_IsDefaultContext
- get_NeedsContextSink
- RegisterDynamicProperty
- UnregisterDynamicProperty
- GetDynamicPropertyCollection
- req_msg
- client_site
- NotifyGlobalDynamicSinks
- get_HasGlobalDynamicSinks
- NotifyDynamicSinks
- get_HasDynamicSinks
- get_HasExitSinks
- Freeze
- GetServerContextSinkChain
- GetClientContextSinkChain
- forceInternalExecute
- CreateServerObjectSinkChain
- serverObject
- CreateEnvoySink
- newContext
- SwitchToContext
- CreateNewContext
- DoCallBack
- AllocateDataSlot
- AllocateNamedDataSlot
- FreeNamedDataSlot
- slot
- GetData
- GetNamedDataSlot
- SetData
- domain_id
- context_id
- static_data
- default_server_context_sink
- server_context_sink_chain
- client_context_sink_chain
- datastore
- context_properties
- frozen
- global_count
- namedSlots
- global_dynamic_properties
- context_dynamic_properties
- callback_object
- DefaultContext
- ContextID
- IsDefaultContext
- NeedsContextSink
- HasGlobalDynamicSinks
- HasDynamicSinks
- HasExitSinks
- DynamicPropertyCollection
- get_HasProperties
- NotifyMessage
- FindProperty
- _properties
- HasProperties
- DynamicPropertyReg
- Sink
- ContextCallbackObject
- ContextAttribute
- newCtx
- IsNewContextOK
- AttributeName
- CrossContextChannel
- IContextAttribute
- IContextProperty
- IContributeClientContextSink
- nextSink
- GetClientContextSink
- IContributeDynamicSink
- GetDynamicSink
- IContributeEnvoySink
- GetEnvoySink
- IContributeObjectSink
- GetObjectSink
- IContributeServerContextSink
- GetServerContextSink
- IDynamicMessageSink
- replyMsg
- bCliSide
- bAsync
- ProcessMessageFinish
- reqMsg
- ProcessMessageStart
- IDynamicProperty
- SynchronizationAttribute
- reEntrant
- set_Locked
- ReleaseLock
- ExitContext
- EnterContext
- _bReEntrant
- _flavor
- _lockCount
- _mutex
- _ownerThread
- Locked
- SynchronizedClientContextSink
- att
- _att
- SynchronizedServerContextSink
- ILease
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Lifetime
- get_CurrentState
- set_InitialLeaseTime
- set_RenewOnCallTime
- set_SponsorshipTimeout
- CurrentState
- InitialLeaseTime
- RenewOnCallTime
- SponsorshipTimeout
- ISponsor
- lease
- Renewal
- Lease
- get_CurrentLeaseTime
- Activate
- renewalTime
- Renew
- Unregister
- UpdateState
- CheckNextSponsor
- timedOut
- ProcessSponsorResponse
- _leaseExpireTime
- _currentState
- _initialLeaseTime
- _renewOnCallTime
- _sponsorshipTimeout
- _sponsors
- _renewingSponsors
- _renewalDelegate
- CurrentLeaseTime
- RenewalDelegate
- LeaseManager
- timeSpan
- SetPollTime
- identity
- TrackLifetime
- StartManager
- StopManager
- ManageLeases
- _objects
- _timer
- LeaseSink
- _nextSink
- LeaseState
- Initial
- Active
- Renewing
- Expired
- LifetimeServices
- get_LeaseManagerPollTime
- set_LeaseManagerPollTime
- get_LeaseTime
- set_LeaseTime
- get_RenewOnCallTime
- get_SponsorshipTimeout
- _leaseManagerPollTime
- _leaseTime
- _leaseManager
- LeaseManagerPollTime
- LeaseTime
- ArgInfoType
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging
- ArgInfo
- GetInOutArgCount
- GetInOutArgs
- _paramMap
- _inoutArgCount
- _method
- AsyncResult
- get_CompletedSynchronously
- get_EndInvokeCalled
- set_EndInvokeCalled
- get_AsyncDelegate
- get_NextSink
- replySink
- AsyncProcessMessage
- GetReplyMessage
- mc
- SetMessageCtrl
- SetCompletedSynchronously
- SyncProcessMessage
- get_CallMessage
- set_CallMessage
- async_state
- async_delegate
- object_data
- sync_completed
- endinvoke_called
- async_callback
- original
- gchandle
- call_message
- message_ctrl
- reply_message
- CompletedSynchronously
- EndInvokeCalled
- AsyncDelegate
- NextSink
- CallMessage
- ClientContextTerminatorSink
- _context
- ConstructionCall
- InitDictionary
- set_IsContextOk
- SetActivationAttributes
- InitMethodProperty
- _activator
- _activationAttributes
- _contextProperties
- _activationType
- _activationTypeName
- _isContextOk
- <>f__switch$map20
- IsContextOk
- ConstructionCallDictionary
- GetMethodProperty
- SetMethodProperty
- InternalKeys
- <>f__switch$map23
- <>f__switch$map24
- EnvoyTerminatorSink
- Header
- _Name
- _Value
- _MustUnderstand
- _HeaderNamespace
- HeaderNamespace
- MustUnderstand
- IInternalMessage
- set_Uri
- Uri
- IMessage
- IMessageCtrl
- IMessageSink
- IMethodCallMessage
- IMethodMessage
- get_ArgCount
- get_Args
- get_LogicalCallContext
- get_MethodBase
- get_MethodName
- get_MethodSignature
- get_TypeName
- get_Uri
- argNum
- GetArg
- ArgCount
- Args
- LogicalCallContext
- MethodName
- MethodSignature
- TypeName
- IMethodReturnMessage
- get_OutArgCount
- get_OutArgs
- get_ReturnValue
- OutArgCount
- OutArgs
- ReturnValue
- IRemotingFormatter
- ISerializationRootObject
- get_HasInfo
- _remotingData
- HasInfo
- CallContextRemotingData
- _logicalCallID
- MethodCall
- h1
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.set_Uri
- ResolveMethod
- clientType
- serverType
- CastTo
- aqname
- GetTypeNameFromAssemblyQualifiedName
- get_GenericArguments
- _uri
- _typeName
- _methodName
- _args
- _methodSignature
- _methodBase
- _callContext
- ExternalProperties
- InternalProperties
- <>f__switch$map1F
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.IInternalMessage.Uri
- GenericArguments
- MethodCallDictionary
- MethodDictionary
- set_MethodKeys
- AllocInternalProperties
- GetInternalProperties
- IsOverridenKey
- _internalProperties
- _methodKeys
- _ownProperties
- <>f__switch$map21
- <>f__switch$map22
- MethodKeys
- DictionaryEnumerator
- methodDictionary
- _methodDictionary
- _hashtableEnum
- _posMethod
- MethodReturnDictionary
- InternalReturnKeys
- InternalExceptionKeys
- MonoMethodMessage
- arg_num
- get_CallType
- arg_types
- rval
- call_type
- methodSignature
- CallType
- Sync
- OneWay
- OneWayAttribute
- RemotingSurrogate
- selector
- SetObjectData
- ObjRefSurrogate
- RemotingSurrogateSelector
- ssout
- GetSurrogate
- s_cachedTypeObjRef
- _objRefSurrogate
- _objRemotingSurrogate
- ReturnMessage
- outArgs
- outArgsCount
- callCtx
- mcm
- _outArgs
- _outArgsCount
- _callCtx
- _returnValue
- _exception
- _inArgInfo
- ServerContextTerminatorSink
- ServerObjectTerminatorSink
- StackBuilderSink
- _target
- _rp
- SoapAttribute
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Metadata
- get_UseAttribute
- get_XmlNamespace
- reflectionObject
- SetReflectionObject
- _useAttribute
- ProtXmlNamespace
- ReflectInfo
- UseAttribute
- XmlNamespace
- SoapFieldAttribute
- get_XmlElementName
- IsInteropXmlElement
- _elementName
- _isElement
- XmlElementName
- SoapMethodAttribute
- _responseElement
- _responseNamespace
- _returnElement
- _soapAction
- _namespace
- SoapParameterAttribute
- SoapTypeAttribute
- get_XmlTypeName
- get_XmlTypeNamespace
- get_IsInteropXmlElement
- get_IsInteropXmlType
- _xmlElementName
- _xmlNamespace
- _xmlTypeName
- _xmlTypeNamespace
- _isType
- XmlTypeName
- XmlTypeNamespace
- IsInteropXmlType
- ProxyAttribute
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies
- objRef
- serverContext
- CreateProxy
- TransparentProxy
- RealProxy
- classToProxy
- stub
- stubData
- transparentProxy
- InternalGetProxyType
- GetProxiedType
- InternalGetTransparentProxy
- GetTransparentProxy
- SetTargetDomain
- class_to_proxy
- _targetContext
- _server
- _targetDomainId
- _targetUri
- _objectIdentity
- _objTP
- _stubData
- RemotingProxy
- _cache_GetTypeMethod
- _cache_GetHashCodeMethod
- _sink
- _hasEnvoySink
- _ctorCall
- ITrackingHandler
- System.Runtime.Remoting.Services
- DisconnectedObject
- or
- MarshaledObject
- UnmarshaledObject
- TrackingServices
- NotifyMarshaledObject
- NotifyUnmarshaledObject
- NotifyDisconnectedObject
- _handlers
- ActivatedClientTypeEntry
- appUrl
- get_ApplicationUrl
- get_ContextAttributes
- get_ObjectType
- applicationUrl
- obj_type
- ApplicationUrl
- ContextAttributes
- ObjectType
- ActivatedServiceTypeEntry
- EnvoyInfo
- sinks
- get_EnvoySinks
- envoySinks
- EnvoySinks
- IChannelInfo
- IEnvoyInfo
- IRemotingTypeInfo
- Identity
- get_ChannelSink
- set_ChannelSink
- get_ObjectUri
- set_ObjectUri
- get_IsConnected
- get_Disposed
- set_Disposed
- get_ClientDynamicProperties
- get_ServerDynamicProperties
- _objectUri
- _channelSink
- _envoySink
- _clientDynamicProperties
- _serverDynamicProperties
- _objRef
- _disposed
- ChannelSink
- ObjectUri
- IsConnected
- Disposed
- ClientDynamicProperties
- ServerDynamicProperties
- ClientIdentity
- get_ClientProxy
- set_ClientProxy
- get_TargetUri
- _proxyReference
- ClientProxy
- TargetUri
- InternalRemotingServices
- GetCachedSoapAttribute
- _soapAttributes
- ObjRef
- get_IsReferenceToWellKnow
- get_ChannelInfo
- get_EnvoyInfo
- set_EnvoyInfo
- get_TypeInfo
- set_TypeInfo
- get_URI
- set_URI
- UpdateChannelInfo
- get_ServerType
- channel_info
- typeInfo
- envoyInfo
- _serverType
- MarshalledObjectRef
- WellKnowObjectRef
- <>f__switch$map26
- IsReferenceToWellKnow
- ServerType
- RemotingConfiguration
- get_ApplicationName
- set_ApplicationName
- get_ProcessId
- LoadDefaultDelayedChannels
- svrType
- IsRemotelyActivatedClientType
- RegisterActivatedClientType
- RegisterActivatedServiceType
- RegisterWellKnownClientType
- RegisterWellKnownServiceType
- RegisterChannelTemplate
- RegisterClientProviderTemplate
- RegisterServerProviderTemplate
- channels
- onlyDelayed
- RegisterChannels
- RegisterTypes
- SetCustomErrorsMode
- applicationID
- applicationName
- processGuid
- defaultConfigRead
- defaultDelayedConfigRead
- _errorMode
- wellKnownClientEntries
- activatedClientEntries
- wellKnownServiceEntries
- activatedServiceEntries
- channelTemplates
- clientProviderTemplates
- serverProviderTemplates
- ApplicationName
- ProcessId
- ConfigHandler
- onlyDelayedChannels
- paths
- ValidatePath
- ParseElement
- ReadCustomProviderData
- ReadLifetine
- ParseTime
- isTemplate
- ReadChannel
- ReadProvider
- ReadClientActivated
- ReadServiceActivated
- ReadClientWellKnown
- ReadServiceWellKnown
- isElement
- ReadInteropXml
- ReadPreload
- GetNotNull
- ExtractAssembly
- typeEntries
- channelInstances
- currentChannel
- currentProviderData
- currentClientUrl
- appName
- currentXmlPath
- <>f__switch$map27
- <>f__switch$map28
- get_ServerProviders
- get_ClientProviders
- get_CustomProperties
- CopyFrom
- Ref
- DelayLoadAsClientChannel
- _serverProviders
- _clientProviders
- _customProperties
- ServerProviders
- ClientProviders
- CustomProperties
- ProviderData
- CustomData
- FormatterData
- RemotingException
- RemotingServices
- GetVirtualMethod
- proxy
- IsTransparentProxy
- GetServerTypeForUri
- objectRef
- Unmarshal
- fRefine
- Obj
- ObjURI
- RequestedType
- NewUri
- GetRealProxy
- GetMethodBaseFromMethodMessage
- methodName
- GetMethodBaseFromName
- FindInterfaceMethod
- IsMethodOverloaded
- IsOneWay
- CreateClientProxy
- objectType
- CreateClientProxyForContextBound
- GetIdentityForUri
- RemoveAppNameFromUri
- proxyType
- clientProxy
- GetOrCreateClientIdentity
- GetClientChannelSinkChain
- realObject
- CreateClientActivatedServerIdentity
- CreateWellKnownServerIdentity
- RegisterServerIdentity
- objref
- GetProxyForRemoteObject
- GetRemoteObject
- RegisterInternalChannels
- ident
- DisposeIdentity
- GetNormalizedUri
- uri_hash
- _serializationFormatter
- _deserializationFormatter
- app_id
- next_id
- methodBindings
- FieldSetterMethod
- FieldGetterMethod
- ServerIdentity
- StartTrackingLifetime
- OnLifetimeExpired
- AttachServerObject
- get_Lease
- DisposeServerObject
- _objectType
- _serverObject
- _serverSink
- _lease
- ClientActivatedIdentity
- GetServerObject
- SingletonIdentity
- SingleCallIdentity
- SoapServices
- get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly
- get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs
- get_XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly
- typeNamespace
- CodeXmlNamespaceForClrTypeNamespace
- namspace
- GetNameKey
- GetAssemblyName
- xmlElement
- xmlNamespace
- GetXmlElementForInteropType
- GetXmlNamespaceForMethodCall
- GetXmlNamespaceForMethodResponse
- xmlType
- xmlTypeNamespace
- GetXmlTypeForInteropType
- PreLoad
- RegisterInteropXmlElement
- RegisterInteropXmlType
- ns
- EncodeNs
- _xmlTypes
- _xmlElements
- _soapActions
- _soapActionsMethods
- _typeInfos
- XmlNsForClrTypeWithAssembly
- XmlNsForClrTypeWithNs
- XmlNsForClrTypeWithNsAndAssembly
- Elements
- TypeEntry
- get_AssemblyName
- set_AssemblyName
- set_TypeName
- assembly_name
- type_name
- serverHierarchy
- interfacesImplemented
- WellKnownClientTypeEntry
- objectUrl
- get_ObjectUrl
- obj_url
- app_url
- ObjectUrl
- WellKnownObjectMode
- Singleton
- SingleCall
- WellKnownServiceTypeEntry
- get_Mode
- obj_uri
- obj_mode
- Mode
- BinaryCommon
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary
- GetTypeFromCode
- CheckSerializable
- byteArray
- dataSize
- SwapBytes
- BinaryHeader
- _typeCodesToType
- _typeCodeMap
- UseReflectionSerialization
- BinaryElement
- RefTypeObject
- UntypedRuntimeObject
- UntypedExternalObject
- RuntimeObject
- ExternalObject
- GenericArray
- BoxedPrimitiveTypeValue
- ObjectReference
- NullValue
- ArrayFiller8b
- ArrayFiller32b
- ArrayOfPrimitiveType
- ArrayOfObject
- ArrayOfString
- _Unknown4
- _Unknown5
- MethodResponse
- TypeTag
- PrimitiveType
- RuntimeType
- GenericType
- MethodFlags
- NoArguments
- PrimitiveArguments
- ArgumentsInSimpleArray
- ArgumentsInMultiArray
- ExcludeLogicalCallContext
- IncludesLogicalCallContext
- IncludesSignature
- FormatMask
- NeedsInfoArrayMask
- ReturnTypeTag
- BinaryFormatter
- get_DefaultSurrogateSelector
- set_AssemblyFormat
- get_Binder
- get_Context
- get_SurrogateSelector
- get_FilterLevel
- serializationStream
- Deserialize
- NoCheckDeserialize
- graph
- headers
- hasHeaders
- WriteBinaryHeader
- ReadBinaryHeader
- assembly_format
- surrogate_selector
- type_format
- filter_level
- <DefaultSurrogateSelector>k__BackingField
- DefaultSurrogateSelector
- AssemblyFormat
- SurrogateSelector
- FilterLevel
- CodeGenerator
- GenerateMetadataType
- GenerateMetadataTypeInternal
- LoadFromPtr
- gen
- EmitWriteTypeSpec
- EmitLoadTypeAssembly
- EmitWrite
- EmitWritePrimitiveValue
- EnumToUnderlying
- _module
- MessageFormatter
- surrogateSelector
- assemblyFormat
- typeFormat
- WriteMethodCall
- WriteMethodResponse
- elem
- headerHandler
- ReadMethodCall
- methodCallMessage
- ReadMethodResponse
- objects
- AllTypesArePrimitive
- IsMethodPrimitive
- internalKeys
- GetExtraProperties
- IsInternalKey
- ObjectReader
- readHeaders
- ReadObjectGraph
- ReadNextObject
- get_CurrentObject
- objectId
- ReadObject
- ReadAssembly
- isRuntimeObject
- hasTypeInfo
- ReadObjectInstance
- ReadRefTypeObjectInstance
- metadata
- objectInstance
- ReadObjectContent
- parentObjectId
- parentObjectMemeber
- RegisterObject
- ReadStringIntance
- ReadGenericArray
- ReadBoxedPrimitiveTypeValue
- ReadArrayOfPrimitiveType
- BlockRead
- ReadArrayOfObject
- ReadArrayOfString
- ReadSimpleArray
- ReadTypeMetadata
- parentObject
- valueType
- fieldName
- ReadValue
- SetObjectValue
- childObjectId
- RecordFixup
- assemblyId
- GetDeserializationType
- ReadType
- ReadPrimitiveTypeValue
- _surrogateSelector
- _binder
- _filterLevel
- _manager
- _registeredAssemblies
- _typeMetadataCache
- _lastObject
- _lastObjectID
- _rootObjectID
- arrayBuffer
- ArrayBufferLength
- CurrentObject
- TypeMetadata
- MemberNames
- MemberInfos
- FieldCount
- NeedsSerializationInfo
- ArrayNullFiller
- NullCount
- ow
- WriteAssemblies
- writeTypes
- WriteTypeData
- WriteObjectData
- IsCompatible
- get_RequiresTypes
- TypeAssemblyName
- InstanceTypeName
- RequiresTypes
- ClrTypeMetadata
- instanceType
- InstanceType
- SerializableTypeMetadata
- itype
- MemberTypeMetadata
- members
- ObjectWriter
- WriteObjectGraph
- QueueObject
- WriteQueuedObjects
- isValueObject
- WriteObjectInstance
- WriteSerializationEnd
- WriteObject
- CreateMemberTypeMetadata
- WriteArray
- WriteGenericArray
- WriteObjectArray
- WriteStringArray
- WritePrimitiveTypeArray
- BlockWrite
- WriteSingleDimensionArrayElements
- numNulls
- WriteNullFiller
- WriteObjectReference
- WriteValue
- WriteString
- WriteAssembly
- WriteAssemblyName
- GetAssemblyId
- GetAssemblyNameId
- firstTime
- RegisterAssembly
- WritePrimitiveValue
- WriteTypeCode
- GetTypeTag
- WriteTypeSpec
- _idGenerator
- _cachedMetadata
- _pendingObjects
- _assemblyCache
- _cachedTypes
- CorlibAssembly
- CorlibAssemblyName
- _assemblyFormat
- _typeFormat
- MetadataReference
- Metadata
- ObjectID
- FormatterAssemblyStyle
- System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters
- Full
- FormatterTypeStyle
- TypesWhenNeeded
- TypesAlways
- XsdString
- TypeFilterLevel
- FormatterConverter
- Convert
- FormatterServices
- GetSerializableMembers
- reflectedType
- GetUninitializedObject
- GetSafeUninitializedObject
- IDeserializationCallback
- IFormatter
- IFormatterConverter
- IObjectReference
- ISerializationSurrogate
- ISurrogateSelector
- ObjectIDGenerator
- GetId
- get_NextId
- NextId
- InstanceComparer
- System.Collections.IHashCodeProvider.GetHashCode
- ObjectManager
- DoFixups
- objectID
- GetObjectRecord
- RaiseDeserializationEvent
- RaiseOnDeserializingEvent
- RaiseOnDeserializedEvent
- record
- AddFixup
- arrayToBeFixed
- objectRequired
- RecordArrayElementFixup
- objectToBeFixed
- RecordDelayedFixup
- RegisterObjectInternal
- idOfContainingObj
- _objectRecordChain
- _lastObjectRecord
- _deserializedRecords
- _onDeserializedCallbackRecords
- _objectRecords
- _finalFixup
- _selector
- _registeredObjectsCount
- BaseFixupRecord
- manager
- strict
- DoFixup
- FixupImpl
- ObjectToBeFixed
- ObjectRequired
- NextSameContainer
- NextSameRequired
- ArrayFixupRecord
- MultiArrayFixupRecord
- _indices
- FixupRecord
- _member
- DelayedFixupRecord
- ObjectRecordStatus
- Unregistered
- ReferenceUnsolved
- ReferenceSolvingDelayed
- ReferenceSolved
- ObjectRecord
- SetMemberValue
- SetArrayValue
- get_IsInstanceReady
- get_IsUnsolvedObjectReference
- get_IsRegistered
- asContainer
- fixupToRemove
- RemoveFixup
- prevFixup
- UnchainFixup
- ChainFixup
- LoadData
- get_HasPendingFixups
- Status
- OriginalObject
- ObjectInstance
- Info
- IdOfContainingObj
- ArrayIndex
- FixupChainAsContainer
- FixupChainAsRequired
- IsInstanceReady
- IsUnsolvedObjectReference
- IsRegistered
- HasPendingFixups
- OnDeserializedAttribute
- OnDeserializingAttribute
- OnSerializedAttribute
- OnSerializingAttribute
- SerializationBinder
- BindToType
- SerializationCallbacks
- get_HasSerializedCallbacks
- get_HasDeserializedCallbacks
- GetMethodsByAttribute
- contex
- RaiseOnSerializing
- RaiseOnSerialized
- RaiseOnDeserializing
- RaiseOnDeserialized
- GetSerializationCallbacks
- onSerializingList
- onSerializedList
- onDeserializingList
- onDeserializedList
- HasSerializedCallbacks
- HasDeserializedCallbacks
- CallbackHandler
- SerializationEntry
- SerializationException
- SerializationInfo
- get_FullTypeName
- get_MemberCount
- AddValue
- SetType
- GetBoolean
- GetInt16
- GetInt32
- GetInt64
- GetString
- serialized
- fullTypeName
- FullTypeName
- MemberCount
- SerializationInfoEnumerator
- SerializationObjectManager
- RaiseOnSerializedEvent
- seen
- callbacks
- <RegisterObject>c__AnonStorey3
- <>m__2
- StreamingContext
- additional
- get_State
- State
- StreamingContextStates
- CrossProcess
- CrossMachine
- Persistence
- Remoting
- Other
- CrossAppDomain
- System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates
- tostr
- GetCertHash
- GetCertHashString
- GetEffectiveDateString
- GetExpirationDateString
- GetRawCertData
- fVerbose
- get_Issuer
- get_Subject
- rawData
- keyStorageFlags
- hideDates
- cachedCertificateHash
- issuer_name
- subject_name
- Issuer
- Subject
- X509KeyStorageFlags
- DefaultKeySet
- UserKeySet
- MachineKeySet
- Exportable
- UserProtected
- PersistKeySet
- AsymmetricAlgorithm
- System.Security.Cryptography
- set_KeySize
- xmlString
- FromXmlString
- param
- GetNamedParam
- KeySizeValue
- LegalKeySizesValue
- AsymmetricKeyExchangeFormatter
- CreateKeyExchange
- AsymmetricSignatureDeformatter
- strName
- SetHashAlgorithm
- SetKey
- AsymmetricSignatureFormatter
- Base64Constants
- EncodeTable
- DecodeTable
- CipherMode
- CryptoConfig
- CreateFromName
- MapNameToOID
- EncodeOID
- EncodeLongNumber
- algorithms
- CryptographicException
- insert
- CryptographicUnexpectedOperationException
- CspParameters
- dwTypeIn
- strProviderNameIn
- strContainerNameIn
- set_Flags
- _Flags
- KeyContainerName
- KeyNumber
- ProviderName
- ProviderType
- CspProviderFlags
- UseExistingKey
- NoFlags
- NoPrompt
- UseArchivableKey
- UseNonExportableKey
- UseUserProtectedKey
- algName
- rgbKey
- IsWeakKey
- IsSemiWeakKey
- weakKeys
- semiWeakKeys
- DESTransform
- iv
- r
- CipherFunct
- permTab
- preSwap
- Permutation
- byteBuff
- BSwap
- ProcessBlock
- GetStrongKey
- keySchedule
- dwordBuff
- spBoxes
- PC1
- leftRotTotal
- PC2
- ipTab
- fpTab
- DESCryptoServiceProvider
- CreateDecryptor
- CreateEncryptor
- GenerateIV
- GenerateKey
- ZeroizePrivateKey
- DSACryptoServiceProvider
- OnKeyGenerated
- persistKey
- persisted
- privateKeyExportable
- dsa
- useMachineKeyStore
- DSAParameters
- Counter
- G
- J
- P
- Q
- Seed
- X
- Y
- DSASignatureDeformatter
- DSASignatureFormatter
- get_BlockSizeValue
- set_BlockSizeValue
- get_Block
- KeySetup
- HashCore
- HashFinal
- algorithmName
- _algo
- _block
- _blockSizeValue
- BlockSizeValue
- Block
- set_ProduceLegacyHmacValues
- legacy_mode
- legacy
- ProduceLegacyHmacValues
- HashAlgorithm
- ComputeHash
- hashName
- get_Hash
- ibStart
- cbSize
- get_HashSize
- HashValue
- HashSizeValue
- Hash
- HashSize
- ICryptoTransform
- ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm
- KeySizes
- minSize
- maxSize
- skipSize
- get_MaxSize
- get_MinSize
- get_SkipSize
- IsLegal
- legalKeys
- IsLegalKeySize
- _maxSize
- _minSize
- _skipSize
- MaxSize
- MinSize
- SkipSize
- KeyedHashAlgorithm
- ZeroizeKey
- MACTripleDES
- strTripleDES
- Setup
- rgbData
- tdes
- MD5CryptoServiceProvider
- ProcessFinalBlock
- AddLength
- _H
- buff
- _ProcessingBuffer
- _ProcessingBufferCount
- PaddingMode
- Zeros
- ANSIX923
- ISO10126
- RC2
- AlgName
- get_EffectiveKeySize
- EffectiveKeySizeValue
- EffectiveKeySize
- RC2CryptoServiceProvider
- RC2Transform
- rc2Algo
- R0
- R1
- R2
- R3
- pitable
- RIPEMD160Managed
- Compress
- CompressFinal
- z
- F
- H
- I
- FF
- GG
- HH
- II
- JJ
- _X
- _HashValue
- _Length
- RNGCryptoServiceProvider
- Check
- RngOpen
- RngInitialize
- RngGetBytes
- RngClose
- GetNonZeroBytes
- _lock
- _handle
- RSACryptoServiceProvider
- Common
- RSAPKCS1KeyExchangeFormatter
- SetRSAKey
- random
- RSAPKCS1SignatureDeformatter
- RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter
- RSAParameters
- D
- DP
- DQ
- InverseQ
- Modulus
- Exponent
- RandomNumberGenerator
- rngName
- Rijndael
- RijndaelManaged
- RijndaelTransform
- SubByte
- indata
- outdata
- ekey
- Encrypt128
- Encrypt192
- Encrypt256
- Decrypt128
- Decrypt192
- Decrypt256
- expandedKey
- Nb
- Nk
- Nr
- Rcon
- SBox
- iSBox
- T0
- T1
- T2
- T3
- iT0
- iT1
- iT2
- iT3
- RijndaelManagedTransform
- _st
- _bs
- SHA1Internal
- InitialiseBuff
- FillBuff
- SHA1CryptoServiceProvider
- sha
- SHA1Managed
- SHA256
- SHA256Managed
- SHA384
- SHA384Managed
- reuse
- update
- inOff
- processWord
- word
- outOff
- unpackWord
- adjustByteCounts
- lowW
- hiW
- processLength
- processBlock
- xBuf
- xBufOff
- byteCount1
- byteCount2
- H1
- H2
- H3
- H4
- H5
- H6
- H7
- H8
- W
- wOff
- SHA512
- SHA512Managed
- rotateRight
- Ch
- Maj
- Sum0
- Sum1
- Sigma0
- Sigma1
- SHAConstants
- K1
- K2
- SignatureDescription
- set_DeformatterAlgorithm
- set_DigestAlgorithm
- set_FormatterAlgorithm
- set_KeyAlgorithm
- _DeformatterAlgorithm
- _DigestAlgorithm
- _FormatterAlgorithm
- _KeyAlgorithm
- DeformatterAlgorithm
- DigestAlgorithm
- FormatterAlgorithm
- KeyAlgorithm
- DSASignatureDescription
- RSAPKCS1SHA1SignatureDescription
- SymmetricAlgorithm
- get_BlockSize
- set_BlockSize
- get_FeedbackSize
- get_IV
- set_IV
- get_LegalKeySizes
- set_Mode
- get_Padding
- set_Padding
- IVValue
- LegalBlockSizesValue
- FeedbackSizeValue
- ModeValue
- PaddingValue
- BlockSize
- FeedbackSize
- LegalKeySizes
- Padding
- ToBase64Transform
- get_InputBlockSize
- get_OutputBlockSize
- InternalTransformFinalBlock
- InputBlockSize
- OutputBlockSize
- TripleDES
- TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider
- TripleDESTransform
- E1
- D2
- E3
- D1
- E2
- D3
- CodeAccessSecurityAttribute
- IBuiltInPermission
- IUnrestrictedPermission
- SecurityAction
- Demand
- Assert
- Deny
- PermitOnly
- LinkDemand
- InheritanceDemand
- RequestMinimum
- RequestOptional
- RequestRefuse
- SecurityPermission
- IsUnrestricted
- IsSubsetOf
- IsEmpty
- Cast
- SecurityPermissionAttribute
- set_SkipVerification
- m_Flags
- SkipVerification
- SecurityPermissionFlag
- Assertion
- UnmanagedCode
- Execution
- ControlThread
- ControlEvidence
- ControlPolicy
- SerializationFormatter
- ControlDomainPolicy
- ControlPrincipal
- ControlAppDomain
- Infrastructure
- BindingRedirects
- AllFlags
- StrongNamePublicKeyBlob
- pubkey
- ApplicationTrust
- System.Security.Policy
- fullTrustAssemblies
- Evidence
- get_HostEvidenceList
- get_AssemblyEvidenceList
- _locked
- hostEvidenceList
- assemblyEvidenceList
- _hashCode
- HostEvidenceList
- AssemblyEvidenceList
- EvidenceEnumerator
- hostenum
- assemblyenum
- currentEnum
- hostEnum
- assemblyEnum
- IBuiltInEvidence
- IIdentityPermissionFactory
- publickey
- IIdentity
- System.Security.Principal
- IPrincipal
- PrincipalPolicy
- UnauthenticatedPrincipal
- NoPrincipal
- WindowsPrincipal
- WindowsAccountType
- Guest
- Anonymous
- WindowsIdentity
- GetCurrentToken
- GetTokenName
- _token
- _account
- _authenticated
- _name
- _info
- invalidWindows
- AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute
- System.Security
- CodeAccessPermission
- ThrowInvalidPermission
- IPermission
- ISecurityEncodable
- IStackWalk
- PermissionSet
- set_DeclarativeSecurity
- CreateFromBinaryFormat
- <DeclarativeSecurity>k__BackingField
- DeclarativeSecurity
- SecurityContext
- Capture
- get_FlowSuppressed
- get_CompressedStack
- _capture
- _winid
- _stack
- _suppressFlow
- FlowSuppressed
- CompressedStack
- SecurityCriticalAttribute
- _scope
- SecurityCriticalScope
- Everything
- SecurityElement
- set_Text
- AddAttribute
- child
- AddChild
- Unescape
- IsValidAttributeName
- IsValidAttributeValue
- IsValidTag
- IsValidText
- SearchForChildByTag
- level
- GetAttribute
- invalid_tag_chars
- invalid_text_chars
- invalid_attr_name_chars
- invalid_attr_value_chars
- invalid_chars
- Text
- SecurityException
- get_Demanded
- get_FirstPermissionThatFailed
- get_PermissionState
- get_PermissionType
- get_GrantedSet
- get_RefusedSet
- permissionState
- permissionType
- _refused
- _demanded
- _firstperm
- Demanded
- FirstPermissionThatFailed
- PermissionState
- PermissionType
- GrantedSet
- RefusedSet
- RuntimeDeclSecurityEntry
- RuntimeSecurityFrame
- domain
- assert
- deny
- permitonly
- SecurityFrame
- frame
- _GetSecurityStack
- InitFromRuntimeFrame
- get_Domain
- GetStack
- _domain
- _assert
- _deny
- _permitonly
- Domain
- SecurityManager
- get_SecurityEnabled
- encodedPermissions
- _lockObject
- _declsecCache
- _execution
- SecurityEnabled
- SecuritySafeCriticalAttribute
- SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute
- UnverifiableCodeAttribute
- ASCIIEncoding
- System.Text
- GetByteCount
- charIndex
- charCount
- fallback_chars
- GetCharCount
- byteCount
- GetChars
- GetMaxByteCount
- GetMaxCharCount
- GetDecoder
- Decoder
- set_Fallback
- get_FallbackBuffer
- fallback
- fallback_buffer
- Fallback
- FallbackBuffer
- DecoderExceptionFallback
- CreateFallbackBuffer
- DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer
- get_Remaining
- bytesUnknown
- GetNextChar
- Remaining
- DecoderFallback
- get_ExceptionFallback
- get_ReplacementFallback
- get_StandardSafeFallback
- exception_fallback
- replacement_fallback
- standard_safe_fallback
- ExceptionFallback
- ReplacementFallback
- StandardSafeFallback
- DecoderFallbackBuffer
- DecoderFallbackException
- bytes_unknown
- DecoderReplacementFallback
- get_DefaultString
- DefaultString
- DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer
- fallback_assigned
- EncoderExceptionFallback
- EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer
- charUnknown
- charUnknownHigh
- charUnknownLow
- EncoderFallback
- EncoderFallbackBuffer
- EncoderFallbackException
- char_unknown
- char_unknown_high
- char_unknown_low
- EncoderReplacementFallback
- EncoderReplacementFallbackBuffer
- Encoding
- codePage
- _
- get_DecoderFallback
- set_DecoderFallback
- get_EncoderFallback
- SetFallbackInternal
- InvokeI18N
- codepage
- GetEncoding
- GetPreamble
- get_ASCII
- get_BigEndianUnicode
- code_page
- InternalCodePage
- get_ISOLatin1
- get_UTF7
- get_UTF8
- get_UTF8Unmarked
- get_UTF8UnmarkedUnsafe
- get_Unicode
- get_UTF32
- get_BigEndianUTF32
- windows_code_page
- is_readonly
- decoder_fallback
- encoder_fallback
- i18nAssembly
- i18nDisabled
- encodings
- body_name
- encoding_name
- header_name
- is_mail_news_display
- is_mail_news_save
- is_browser_save
- is_browser_display
- web_name
- asciiEncoding
- bigEndianEncoding
- defaultEncoding
- utf7Encoding
- utf8EncodingWithMarkers
- utf8EncodingWithoutMarkers
- unicodeEncoding
- isoLatin1Encoding
- utf8EncodingUnsafe
- utf32Encoding
- bigEndianUTF32Encoding
- BigEndianUnicode
- ISOLatin1
- UTF7
- UTF8
- UTF8Unmarked
- UTF8UnmarkedUnsafe
- UTF32
- BigEndianUTF32
- ForwardingDecoder
- Latin1Encoding
- StringBuilder
- maxCapacity
- set_Length
- set_Chars
- repeatCount
- AppendLine
- AppendFormat
- InternalEnsureCapacity
- constDefaultCapacity
- _length
- _str
- _cached_str
- _maxCapacity
- UTF32Encoding
- bigEndian
- byteOrderMark
- throwOnInvalidCharacters
- UTF32Decoder
- leftOverByte
- leftOverLength
- UTF7Encoding
- allowOptionals
- flush
- leftOver
- isInShifted
- InternalGetByteCount
- InternalGetBytes
- InternalGetCharCount
- InternalGetChars
- encodingRules
- base64Values
- UTF7Decoder
- UTF8Encoding
- encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier
- throwOnInvalidBytes
- bcount
- leftOverBits
- leftOverCount
- fallbackBuffer
- bufferArg
- emitIdentifier
- UTF8Decoder
- UnicodeEncoding
- GetBytesInternal
- GetCharsInternal
- CopyChars
- UnicodeDecoder
- System.Threading
- cs
- CreateCopy
- EventResetMode
- AutoReset
- ManualReset
- EventWaitHandle
- initialState
- IsManualReset
- ExecutionContext
- ec
- get_SecurityContext
- set_SecurityContext
- IsFlowSuppressed
- _sc
- Interlocked
- location1
- comparand
- CompareExchange
- location
- Increment
- ManualResetEvent
- Monitor
- Enter
- Exit
- Monitor_pulse
- Monitor_test_synchronised
- Pulse
- ms
- Monitor_wait
- millisecondsTimeout
- Wait
- Mutex
- initiallyOwned
- CreateMutex_internal
- ReleaseMutex_internal
- ReleaseMutex
- NativeEventCalls
- manual
- CreateEvent_internal
- SetEvent_internal
- ResetEvent_internal
- CloseEvent_internal
- RegisteredWaitHandle
- waitObject
- timeout
- executeOnlyOnce
- _waitObject
- _callback
- _timeout
- _state
- _executeOnlyOnce
- _finalEvent
- _cancelEvent
- _callsInProcess
- _unregistered
- SynchronizationContext
- syncContext
- SetSynchronizationContext
- currentContext
- SynchronizationLockException
- Thread
- get_CurrentContext
- CurrentThread_internal
- get_CurrentThread
- thread_local
- FreeLocalSlotValues
- GetDomain
- GetDomainID
- Thread_internal
- Thread_init
- GetCachedCurrentCulture
- GetSerializedCurrentCulture
- SetCachedCurrentCulture
- GetCachedCurrentUICulture
- GetSerializedCurrentUICulture
- SetCachedCurrentUICulture
- set_IsBackground
- SetName_internal
- Thread_free_internal
- set
- SetState
- clr
- ClrState
- GetNewManagedId
- GetNewManagedId_internal
- get_ExecutionContext
- get_ManagedThreadId
- GetCompressedStack
- lock_thread_id
- system_thread_handle
- cached_culture_info
- unused0
- threadpool_thread
- name_len
- abort_exc
- abort_state_handle
- thread_id
- start_notify
- stack_ptr
- jit_data
- lock_data
- current_appcontext
- stack_size
- start_obj
- appdomain_refs
- interruption_requested
- suspend_event
- suspended_event
- resume_event
- synch_cs
- serialized_culture_info
- serialized_culture_info_len
- serialized_ui_culture_info
- serialized_ui_culture_info_len
- thread_dump_requested
- end_stack
- thread_interrupt_requested
- apartment_state
- critical_region_level
- small_id
- manage_callback
- pending_exception
- ec_to_set
- interrupt_on_stop
- unused3
- unused4
- unused5
- unused6
- local_slots
- _ec
- threadstart
- managed_id
- _principal
- datastorehash
- datastore_lock
- in_currentculture
- culture_lock
- CurrentContext
- CurrentThread
- IsBackground
- ManagedThreadId
- ThreadAbortException
- ThreadInterruptedException
- ThreadPool
- callBack
- QueueUserWorkItem
- millisecondsTimeOutInterval
- RegisterWaitForSingleObject
- ThreadState
- Running
- StopRequested
- SuspendRequested
- Background
- Unstarted
- Stopped
- WaitSleepJoin
- Suspended
- AbortRequested
- Aborted
- ThreadStateException
- Timer
- dueTime
- period
- Change
- scheduler
- due_time_ms
- period_ms
- next_run
- TimerComparer
- Scheduler
- get_Instance
- timer
- new_next_run
- InternalRemove
- SchedulerThread
- ShrinkIfNeeded
- instance
- WaitHandle
- handles
- waitAll
- CheckArray
- exitContext
- WaitAny_internal
- waitHandles
- WaitAny
- get_Handle
- set_Handle
- WaitOne_internal
- explicitDisposing
- WaitOne
- CheckDisposed
- WaitTimeout
- safe_wait_handle
- Handle
- AccessViolationException
- ActivationContext
- CheckType
- CheckAbstractType
- CreateInstanceInternal
- AppDomain
- getFriendlyName
- getCurDomain
- get_CurrentDomain
- DefineInternalDynamicAssembly
- assemblyRef
- refOnly
- LoadAssembly
- assemblySecurity
- refonly
- InternalSetContext
- InternalGetContext
- InternalGetDefaultContext
- newguid
- InternalGetProcessGuid
- GetProcessGuid
- name_or_tb
- DoTypeResolve
- _mono_app_domain
- _process_guid
- type_resolve_in_progress
- assembly_resolve_in_progress
- assembly_resolve_in_progress_refonly
- _principalPolicy
- default_domain
- _domain_manager
- _activation
- _applicationIdentity
- AssemblyLoad
- AssemblyResolve
- DomainUnload
- ProcessExit
- ResourceResolve
- TypeResolve
- UnhandledException
- ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve
- CurrentDomain
- AppDomainManager
- AppDomainSetup
- application_base
- application_name
- cache_path
- configuration_file
- dynamic_base
- license_file
- private_bin_path
- private_bin_path_probe
- shadow_copy_directories
- shadow_copy_files
- publisher_policy
- path_changed
- loader_optimization
- disallow_binding_redirects
- disallow_code_downloads
- _activationArguments
- domain_initializer
- application_trust
- domain_initializer_args
- application_trust_xml
- disallow_appbase_probe
- configuration_bytes
- ApplicationException
- ApplicationIdentity
- _fullName
- ArgumentException
- paramName
- get_ParamName
- param_name
- ParamName
- ArgumentNullException
- ArgumentOutOfRangeException
- actualValue
- actual_value
- ArithmeticException
- ArrayTypeMismatchException
- AssemblyLoadEventArgs
- AttributeTargets
- Parameter
- GenericParameter
- BitConverter
- AmILittleEndian
- DoubleWordsAreSwapped
- DoubleToInt64Bits
- start_index
- PutBytes
- SwappedWordsInDouble
- IsLittleEndian
- Buffer
- ByteLength
- srcOffset
- dstOffset
- BlockCopy
- ByteLengthInternal
- BlockCopyInternal
- CharEnumerator
- Console
- inputEncoding
- outputEncoding
- SetEncodings
- get_Error
- OpenStandardError
- OpenStandardInput
- OpenStandardOutput
- newOut
- SetOut
- stdout
- stderr
- stdin
- ContextBoundObject
- allowWhitespaceOnly
- InternalFromBase64String
- FromBase64String
- inArray
- ToBase64String
- try_target_to_type
- DBNull
- conversionTable
- ticks
- hour
- minute
- second
- millisecond
- check
- kind
- AbsoluteDays
- what
- FromTicks
- get_Month
- get_Day
- get_DayOfWeek
- get_Hour
- get_Minute
- get_Second
- GetTimeMonotonic
- GetNow
- get_Now
- get_Ticks
- get_Today
- get_UtcNow
- get_Year
- get_Kind
- AddTicks
- AddMilliseconds
- AddSeconds
- ToBinary
- dateData
- FromBinary
- SpecifyKind
- DaysInMonth
- CheckDateTimeKind
- IsLeapYear
- styles
- dto
- setExceptionOnError
- exception
- CoreParse
- dfi
- YearMonthDayFormats
- valuePos
- min_digits
- digits
- leadingzero
- sloppy_parsing
- num_parsed
- _ParseNumber
- sPos
- invValues
- exact
- _ParseEnum
- maxlength
- _ParseString
- num
- ampm
- _ParseAmPm
- _ParseTimeSeparator
- _ParseDateSeparator
- firstPart
- secondPart
- firstPartIsDate
- incompleteFormat
- longYear
- _DoParse
- ParseExact
- formats
- ToLocalTime
- ToUniversalTime
- ParseTimeFormats
- ParseYearDayMonthFormats
- ParseYearMonthDayFormats
- ParseDayMonthYearFormats
- ParseMonthDayYearFormats
- MonthDayShortFormats
- DayMonthShortFormats
- daysmonth
- daysmonthleap
- to_local_time_span_object
- last_now
- Month
- Day
- DayOfWeek
- Hour
- Minute
- Second
- Now
- Ticks
- Today
- UtcNow
- Year
- Kind
- Which
- DayYear
- DateTimeKind
- Utc
- Local
- DateTimeOffset
- dateTime
- System.IComparable.CompareTo
- get_DateTime
- get_Offset
- get_UtcDateTime
- dt
- utc_offset
- Offset
- UtcDateTime
- DateTimeUtils
- CountRepeat
- ZeroPad
- ParseQuotedString
- useutc
- use_invariant
- GetStandardPattern
- date_time_offset
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- DelegateData
- method_name
- DelegateSerializationHolder
- GetDelegateData
- _delegate
- DelegateEntry
- del
- targetLabel
- DeserializeDelegate
- targetTypeAssembly
- targetTypeName
- delegateEntry
- DivideByZeroException
- DllNotFoundException
- EntryPointNotFoundException
- MonoEnumInfo
- get_enum_info
- get_Cache
- GetInfo
- global_cache
- global_cache_monitor
- sbyte_comparer
- short_comparer
- int_comparer
- long_comparer
- Cache
- SByteComparer
- ix
- iy
- ShortComparer
- IntComparer
- LongComparer
- Environment
- get_SocketSecurityEnabled
- get_NewLine
- get_Platform
- GetOSVersionString
- get_OSVersion
- get_TickCount
- variable
- internalGetEnvironmentVariable
- GetEnvironmentVariable
- folder
- GetWindowsFolderPath
- GetFolderPath
- config_dir
- home_dir
- ReadXdgUserDir
- InternalGetFolderPath
- get_IsRunningOnWindows
- GetMachineConfigPath
- internalGetHome
- mono_corlib_version
- os
- SocketSecurityEnabled
- NewLine
- Platform
- OSVersion
- TickCount
- IsRunningOnWindows
- SpecialFolder
- MyDocuments
- Desktop
- MyComputer
- Programs
- Personal
- Favorites
- Startup
- Recent
- SendTo
- StartMenu
- MyMusic
- DesktopDirectory
- Templates
- ApplicationData
- LocalApplicationData
- InternetCache
- Cookies
- History
- CommonApplicationData
- ProgramFiles
- MyPictures
- CommonProgramFiles
- EventArgs
- ExecutionEngineException
- FieldAccessException
- FlagsAttribute
- FormatException
- GC
- KeepAlive
- SuppressFinalize
- Guid
- h
- CheckNull
- CheckLength
- ToHex
- NewGuid
- FastNewGuidArray
- builder
- AppendInt
- AppendShort
- AppendByte
- BaseToString
- _a
- _b
- _c
- _d
- _e
- _f
- _g
- _h
- _i
- _j
- _k
- _rngAccess
- _fastRng
- GuidParser
- AtEnd
- ThrowFormatException
- strictLength
- ParseHex
- ParseOptChar
- ParseChar
- ParseGuid1
- ParseHexPrefix
- ParseGuid2
- _src
- _cur
- ICustomFormatter
- IFormatProvider
- IndexOutOfRangeException
- InvalidCastException
- InvalidOperationException
- LoaderOptimization
- NotSpecified
- SingleDomain
- MultiDomain
- MultiDomainHost
- DomainMask
- DisallowBindings
- LocalDataStoreSlot
- in_thread
- lock_obj
- slot_bitmap_thread
- slot_bitmap_context
- Math
- Abs
- Ceiling
- newBase
- Log
- val1
- val2
- Max
- Min
- Round
- Sin
- Cos
- Sqrt
- MemberAccessException
- MethodAccessException
- MissingFieldException
- MissingMemberException
- Signature
- MissingMethodException
- MonoAsyncCall
- cb_method
- cb_target
- out_args
- wait_event
- MonoCustomAttrs
- IsUserCattrProvider
- pseudoAttrs
- GetCustomAttributesInternal
- GetCustomAttributesBase
- GetCustomAttributesDataInternal
- GetCustomAttributesData
- AttributeType
- IsDefinedInternal
- property
- GetBasePropertyDefinition
- GetBase
- RetrieveAttributeUsage
- corlib
- AttributeUsageType
- DefaultAttributeUsage
- AttributeInfo
- usage
- inheritanceLevel
- get_Usage
- get_InheritanceLevel
- _usage
- _inheritanceLevel
- Usage
- InheritanceLevel
- MonoTouchAOTHelper
- FalseFlag
- MonoTypeInfo
- full_name
- default_ctor
- MonoType
- get_attributes
- GetDefaultConstructor
- GetConstructors_internal
- InternalGetEvent
- GetFields_internal
- icase
- GetPropertiesByName
- assembly_qualified
- getFullName
- CheckMethodSecurity
- ReorderParamArrayArguments
- type_info
- MulticastNotSupportedException
- NonSerializedAttribute
- NotImplementedException
- NotSupportedException
- NullReferenceException
- NumberFormatter
- MantissaBitsTable
- TensExponentTable
- DigitLowerTable
- DigitUpperTable
- TenPowersList
- DecHexDigits
- GetFormatterTables
- GetTenPowerOf
- InitDecHexDigits
- FastToDecHex
- ToDecHex
- FastDecHexLen
- DecHexLen
- ScaleOrder
- InitialFloatingPrecision
- ParsePrecision
- InitHex
- defPrecision
- ResetCharBuf
- cnt
- GetNumberFormatInstance
- set_CurrentCulture
- get_IntegerDigits
- get_DecimalDigits
- get_IsFloatingSource
- get_IsZero
- get_IsZeroInteger
- RoundPos
- decimals
- RoundDecimal
- shift
- RoundBits
- RemoveTrailingZeros
- AddOneToDecHex
- CountTrailingZeros
- Release
- SetThreadCurrentCulture
- NumberToString
- FastIntegerToString
- IntegerToString
- precision
- FormatCurrency
- FormatDecimal
- FormatHexadecimal
- FormatFixedPoint
- origval
- FormatRoundtrip
- FormatGeneral
- FormatNumber
- FormatPercent
- FormatExponential
- expDigits
- FormatCustom
- canEmpty
- ZeroTrimEnd
- IsZeroOnly
- v
- AppendNonNegativeNumber
- minLength
- AppendIntegerString
- AppendDecimalString
- groups
- groupSeparator
- AppendIntegerStringWithGroupSeparator
- minDigits
- AppendExponent
- AppendOneDigit
- FastAppendDigits
- AppendDigits
- Multiply10
- Divide10
- GetClone
- _thread
- _nfi
- _NaN
- _infinity
- _isCustomFormat
- _specifierIsUpper
- _positive
- _specifier
- _precision
- _defPrecision
- _digitsLen
- _offset
- _decPointPos
- _val1
- _val2
- _val3
- _val4
- _cbuf
- _ind
- threadNumberFormatter
- IntegerDigits
- DecimalDigits
- IsFloatingSource
- IsZeroInteger
- CustomInfo
- positive
- zero
- GetActiveSection
- sb_int
- sb_dec
- sb_exp
- UseGroup
- DecimalPointPos
- DecimalTailSharpDigits
- IntegerHeadSharpDigits
- IntegerHeadPos
- UseExponent
- ExponentDigits
- ExponentTailSharpDigits
- ExponentNegativeSignOnly
- DividePlaces
- Percents
- Permilles
- ObjectDisposedException
- objectName
- obj_name
- OperatingSystem
- platform
- _platform
- _servicePack
- OutOfMemoryException
- OverflowException
- PlatformID
- Win32S
- Win32Windows
- Win32NT
- WinCE
- Unix
- Xbox
- MacOSX
- PlatformNotSupportedException
- RankException
- ResolveEventArgs
- m_Name
- RuntimeMethodHandle
- StackOverflowException
- StringComparer
- get_InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
- invariantCultureIgnoreCase
- invariantCulture
- ordinalIgnoreCase
- ordinal
- InvariantCultureIgnoreCase
- CultureAwareComparer
- ignore_case
- _ignoreCase
- _compareInfo
- OrdinalComparer
- StringComparison
- CurrentCultureIgnoreCase
- StringSplitOptions
- RemoveEmptyEntries
- SystemException
- ThreadStaticAttribute
- hours
- minutes
- seconds
- days
- milliseconds
- CalculateTicks
- get_Days
- get_Hours
- get_Milliseconds
- get_Minutes
- get_Seconds
- get_TotalDays
- get_TotalHours
- get_TotalMilliseconds
- get_TotalMinutes
- get_TotalSeconds
- ts
- Duration
- FromDays
- FromHours
- FromMinutes
- FromSeconds
- FromMilliseconds
- tickMultiplicator
- From
- Negate
- _ticks
- Days
- Hours
- Milliseconds
- Minutes
- Seconds
- TotalDays
- TotalHours
- TotalMilliseconds
- TotalMinutes
- TotalSeconds
- TimeZone
- get_CurrentTimeZone
- GetDaylightChanges
- GetUtcOffset
- IsDaylightSavingTime
- daylightTimes
- GetLocalTimeDiff
- currentTimeZone
- tz_lock
- timezone_check
- CurrentTimeZone
- CurrentSystemTimeZone
- lnow
- GetTimeZoneData
- dlt
- GetDaylightTimeFromData
- m_standardName
- m_daylightName
- m_CachedDaylightChanges
- m_ticksOffset
- utcOffsetWithOutDLS
- utcOffsetWithDLS
- this_year
- this_year_dlt
- TypeCode
- TypeInitializationException
- TypeLoadException
- UnauthorizedAccessException
- UnhandledExceptionEventArgs
- isTerminating
- get_ExceptionObject
- get_IsTerminating
- m_isTerminating
- ExceptionObject
- IsTerminating
- UnitySerializationHolder
- GetTypeData
- GetDBNullData
- GetModuleData
- _unityType
- _assemblyName
- UnityType
- defined
- CheckedSet
- get_Build
- get_Major
- get_Minor
- get_Revision
- CreateFromString
- v1
- v2
- _Major
- _Minor
- _Build
- _Revision
- Build
- Major
- Minor
- Revision
- WeakReference
- trackResurrection
- AllocateHandle
- get_IsAlive
- get_TrackResurrection
- isLongReference
- gcHandle
- IsAlive
- TrackResurrection
- MemberFilter
- TypeFilter
- CrossContextDelegate
- HeaderHandler
- SendOrPostCallback
- ThreadStart
- TimerCallback
- WaitCallback
- WaitOrTimerCallback
- Action`1
- AppDomainInitializer
- AssemblyLoadEventHandler
- Comparison`1
- Converter`2
- EventHandler
- Predicate`1
- ResolveEventHandler
- UnhandledExceptionEventHandler
- <PrivateImplementationDetails>
- $$field-0
- $$field-1
- $$field-2
- $$field-3
- $$field-4
- $$field-5
- $$field-6
- $$field-15
- $$field-16
- $$field-17
- $$field-18
- $$field-19
- $$field-20
- $$field-21
- $$field-22
- $$field-23
- $$field-24
- $$field-25
- $$field-26
- $$field-27
- $$field-30
- $$field-31
- $$field-32
- $$field-33
- $$field-34
- $$field-35
- $$field-36
- $$field-37
- $$field-38
- $$field-39
- $$field-40
- $$field-41
- $$field-42
- $$field-43
- $$field-44
- $$field-45
- $$field-46
- $$field-47
- $$field-48
- $$field-49
- $$field-50
- $$field-51
- $$field-52
- $$field-53
- $$field-54
- $$field-55
- $$field-56
- $$field-57
- $$field-60
- $$field-62
- $$field-63
- $$field-64
- $$field-65
- $ArrayType$56
- $ArrayType$24
- $ArrayType$16
- $ArrayType$120
- $ArrayType$3132
- $ArrayType$20
- $ArrayType$32
- $ArrayType$48
- $ArrayType$64
- $ArrayType$12
- $ArrayType$136
- $ArrayType$8
- $ArrayType$72
- $ArrayType$124
- $ArrayType$96
- $ArrayType$2048
- $ArrayType$256
- $ArrayType$1024
- $ArrayType$640
- $ArrayType$128
- $ArrayType$52
- __Il2CppComObject
- __Il2CppComDelegate
- "\x0\x24\x0\x0\x4\x80\x0\x0\x94\x0\x0\x0\x6\x2\x0\x0\x0\x24\x0\x0\x52\x53\x41\x31\x0\x4\x0\x0\x1\x0\x1\x0\x79\x15\x99\x77\xD2\xD0\x3A\x8E\x6B\xEA\x7A\x2E\x74\xE8\xD1\xAF\xCC\x93\xE8\x85\x19\x74\x95\x2B\xB4\x80\xA1\x2C\x91\x34\x47\x4D\x4\x6\x24\x47\xC3\x7E\xE\x68\xC0\x80\x53\x6F\xCF\x3C\x3F\xBE\x2F\xF9\xC9\x79\xCE\x99\x84\x75\xE5\x6\xE8\xCE\x82\xDD\x5B\xF\x35\xD\xC1\xE\x93\xBF\x2E\xEE\xCF\x87\x4B\x24\x77\xC\x50\x81\xDB\xEA\x74\x47\xFD\xDA\xFA\x27\x7B\x22\xDE\x47\xD6\xFF\xEA\x44\x96\x74\xA4\xF9\xFC\xCF\x84\xD1\x50\x69\x8\x93\x80\x28\x4D\xBD\xD3\x5F\x46\xCD\xFF\x12\xA1\xBD\x78\xE4\xEF\x0\x65\xD0\x16\xDF"
- Mono.Security.dll
- ARC4Managed
- rgvIV
- MD2
- MD2Managed
- nLength
- checksum
- MD2Transform
- MD4
- MD4Managed
- Encode
- MD4Transform
- digest
- RC4
- s_legalBlockSizes
- s_legalKeySizes
- <>f__switch$map5
- <>f__switch$map6
- <>f__switch$map7
- <>f__switch$mapC
- set_DSA
- get_Extensions
- get_KeyAlgorithm
- set_KeyAlgorithmParameters
- get_RSA
- get_SerialNumber
- get_Signature
- get_SignatureAlgorithm
- get_IsCurrent
- instant
- WasCurrent
- aa
- get_IsSelfSigned
- certhash
- <>f__switch$map10
- <>f__switch$map11
- Extensions
- SerialNumber
- SignatureAlgorithm
- IsCurrent
- IsSelfSigned
- X509Chain
- chain
- get_Status
- get_TrustAnchors
- leaf
- IsValid
- FindCertificateParent
- potentialRoot
- FindCertificateRoot
- potentialTrusted
- IsTrusted
- IsParent
- roots
- certs
- _root
- _chain
- _status
- TrustAnchors
- X509ChainStatusFlags
- InvalidBasicConstraints
- NoError
- NotSignatureValid
- NotTimeNested
- NotTimeValid
- PartialChain
- UntrustedRoot
- X509Crl
- crl
- get_NextUpdate
- GetCrlEntry
- serialNumber
- GetHashName
- thisUpdate
- nextUpdate
- entries
- signatureOID
- encoded
- hash_value
- <>f__switch$map13
- NextUpdate
- X509CrlEntry
- get_RevocationDate
- revocationDate
- RevocationDate
- extension
- get_Oid
- get_Critical
- Oid
- Critical
- X509Store
- get_Crls
- LoadCertificate
- LoadCrl
- throwException
- CheckStore
- storeName
- BuildCertificatesCollection
- BuildCrlsCollection
- _storePath
- _certificates
- _crls
- _crl
- Crls
- X509StoreManager
- get_CurrentUser
- get_LocalMachine
- get_TrustedRootCertificates
- _userStore
- _machineStore
- CurrentUser
- LocalMachine
- TrustedRootCertificates
- X509Stores
- get_TrustedRoot
- create
- _trusted
- TrustedRoot
- AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension
- Mono.Security.X509.Extensions
- get_Identifier
- aki
- Identifier
- BasicConstraintsExtension
- get_CertificateAuthority
- cA
- pathLenConstraint
- CertificateAuthority
- ExtendedKeyUsageExtension
- get_KeyPurpose
- keyPurpose
- <>f__switch$map14
- KeyPurpose
- GeneralNames
- sequence
- get_DNSNames
- get_IPAddresses
- rfc822Name
- dnsName
- directoryNames
- uris
- ipAddr
- DNSNames
- IPAddresses
- KeyUsages
- digitalSignature
- nonRepudiation
- keyEncipherment
- dataEncipherment
- keyAgreement
- keyCertSign
- cRLSign
- encipherOnly
- decipherOnly
- none
- KeyUsageExtension
- Support
- kubits
- NetscapeCertTypeExtension
- ctbits
- CertTypes
- SslClient
- SslServer
- Smime
- ObjectSigning
- SslCA
- SmimeCA
- ObjectSigningCA
- SubjectAltNameExtension
- _names
- initializePad
- hashing
- innerPad
- outerPad
- md5
- AlertLevel
- Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls
- Warning
- Fatal
- AlertDescription
- CloseNotify
- UnexpectedMessage
- BadRecordMAC
- DecryptionFailed
- RecordOverflow
- DecompressionFailiure
- HandshakeFailiure
- NoCertificate
- BadCertificate
- UnsupportedCertificate
- CertificateRevoked
- CertificateExpired
- CertificateUnknown
- IlegalParameter
- UnknownCA
- AccessDenied
- DecodeError
- DecryptError
- ExportRestriction
- ProtocolVersion
- InsuficientSecurity
- InternalError
- UserCancelled
- NoRenegotiation
- Alert
- get_Level
- get_Description
- get_IsWarning
- get_IsCloseNotify
- inferAlertLevel
- GetAlertMessage
- Level
- Description
- IsWarning
- IsCloseNotify
- CipherAlgorithmType
- Des
- Rc2
- Rc4
- SkipJack
- TripleDes
- CipherSuite
- cipherAlgorithmType
- hashAlgorithmType
- exchangeAlgorithmType
- exportable
- blockMode
- keyMaterialSize
- expandedKeyMaterialSize
- effectiveKeyBits
- ivSize
- get_EncryptionCipher
- get_DecryptionCipher
- get_ClientHMAC
- get_ServerHMAC
- get_CipherAlgorithmType
- get_HashAlgorithmName
- get_HashAlgorithmType
- get_ExchangeAlgorithmType
- get_CipherMode
- get_Code
- get_IsExportable
- get_KeyMaterialSize
- get_KeyBlockSize
- get_ExpandedKeyMaterialSize
- get_EffectiveKeyBits
- get_IvSize
- set_Context
- InitializeCipher
- fragment
- EncryptRecord
- dcrFragment
- dcrMAC
- DecryptRecord
- ComputeClientRecordMAC
- ComputeServerRecordMAC
- preMasterSecret
- ComputeMasterSecret
- ComputeKeys
- CreatePremasterSecret
- secret
- createEncryptionCipher
- createDecryptionCipher
- isExportable
- cipherMode
- keyBlockSize
- encryptionAlgorithm
- encryptionCipher
- decryptionAlgorithm
- decryptionCipher
- clientHMAC
- serverHMAC
- EncryptionCipher
- DecryptionCipher
- ClientHMAC
- ServerHMAC
- HashAlgorithmName
- HashAlgorithmType
- ExchangeAlgorithmType
- IsExportable
- KeyMaterialSize
- KeyBlockSize
- ExpandedKeyMaterialSize
- EffectiveKeyBits
- IvSize
- CipherSuiteCollection
- protocol
- cipherType
- hashType
- exchangeType
- effectiveKeyBytes
- cipherSuite
- cultureAwareCompare
- cipherSuites
- CipherSuiteFactory
- GetSupportedCiphers
- GetTls1SupportedCiphers
- GetSsl3SupportedCiphers
- ClientContext
- securityProtocolType
- targetHost
- clientCertificates
- get_SslStream
- get_ClientHelloProtocol
- set_ClientHelloProtocol
- sslStream
- clientHelloProtocol
- SslStream
- ClientHelloProtocol
- ClientRecordProtocol
- innerStream
- GetMessage
- handMsg
- ProcessHandshakeMessage
- createClientHandshakeMessage
- createServerHandshakeMessage
- ClientSessionInfo
- hostname
- get_HostName
- get_Valid
- GetContext
- SetContext
- ValidityInterval
- validuntil
- sid
- masterSecret
- HostName
- Valid
- ClientSessionCache
- FromHost
- checkValidity
- FromContext
- SetContextInCache
- SetContextFromCache
- locker
- ChangeCipherSpec
- Handshake
- get_AbbreviatedHandshake
- set_AbbreviatedHandshake
- get_ProtocolNegotiated
- set_ProtocolNegotiated
- get_SecurityProtocol
- set_SecurityProtocol
- get_SecurityProtocolFlags
- get_Protocol
- get_SessionId
- set_SessionId
- get_CompressionMethod
- set_CompressionMethod
- get_ServerSettings
- get_ClientSettings
- get_LastHandshakeMsg
- set_LastHandshakeMsg
- get_HandshakeState
- set_HandshakeState
- get_ReceivedConnectionEnd
- set_ReceivedConnectionEnd
- get_SentConnectionEnd
- set_SentConnectionEnd
- get_SupportedCiphers
- set_SupportedCiphers
- get_HandshakeMessages
- get_WriteSequenceNumber
- set_WriteSequenceNumber
- get_ReadSequenceNumber
- set_ReadSequenceNumber
- get_ClientRandom
- set_ClientRandom
- get_ServerRandom
- set_ServerRandom
- get_RandomCS
- set_RandomCS
- get_RandomSC
- set_RandomSC
- get_MasterSecret
- set_MasterSecret
- get_ClientWriteKey
- set_ClientWriteKey
- get_ServerWriteKey
- set_ServerWriteKey
- get_ClientWriteIV
- set_ClientWriteIV
- get_ServerWriteIV
- set_ServerWriteIV
- get_RecordProtocol
- set_RecordProtocol
- GetUnixTime
- GetSecureRandomBytes
- ClearKeyInfo
- DecodeProtocolCode
- ChangeProtocol
- get_Negotiating
- get_Read
- get_Write
- client
- StartSwitchingSecurityParameters
- EndSwitchingSecurityParameters
- securityProtocol
- sessionId
- compressionMethod
- serverSettings
- clientSettings
- negotiating
- read
- write
- supportedCiphers
- lastHandshakeMsg
- handshakeState
- abbreviatedHandshake
- receivedConnectionEnd
- sentConnectionEnd
- protocolNegotiated
- writeSequenceNumber
- readSequenceNumber
- clientRandom
- serverRandom
- randomCS
- randomSC
- clientWriteKey
- serverWriteKey
- clientWriteIV
- serverWriteIV
- handshakeMessages
- recordProtocol
- AbbreviatedHandshake
- ProtocolNegotiated
- SecurityProtocol
- SecurityProtocolFlags
- Protocol
- SessionId
- CompressionMethod
- ServerSettings
- ClientSettings
- LastHandshakeMsg
- HandshakeState
- ReceivedConnectionEnd
- SentConnectionEnd
- SupportedCiphers
- HandshakeMessages
- WriteSequenceNumber
- ReadSequenceNumber
- ClientRandom
- ServerRandom
- RandomCS
- RandomSC
- MasterSecret
- ClientWriteKey
- ServerWriteKey
- ClientWriteIV
- ServerWriteIV
- RecordProtocol
- Negotiating
- DiffieHellman
- Fortezza
- RsaKeyX
- RsaSign
- Started
- Finished
- Md5
- Sha1
- HttpsClientStream
- request
- get_TrustFailure
- certificate
- certificateErrors
- RaiseServerCertificateValidation
- clientCerts
- serverCertificate
- serverRequestedCertificates
- <HttpsClientStream>m__0
- <HttpsClientStream>m__1
- _request
- <>f__am$cache2
- <>f__am$cache3
- TrustFailure
- SendRecord
- ProcessChangeCipherSpec
- BeginReceiveRecord
- InternalReceiveRecordCallback
- EndReceiveRecord
- ReceiveRecord
- ReadRecordBuffer
- ReadClientHelloV2
- ReadStandardRecordBuffer
- alertLevel
- alertDesc
- ProcessAlert
- SendAlert
- alert
- SendChangeCipherSpec
- handshakeType
- BeginSendRecord
- InternalSendRecordCallback
- recordData
- EndSendRecord
- EncodeRecord
- encryptRecordFragment
- decryptRecordFragment
- ProcessCipherSpecV2Buffer
- MapV2CipherCode
- record_processing
- ReceiveRecordAsyncResult
- userState
- initialBuffer
- get_Record
- get_ResultingBuffer
- get_InitialBuffer
- get_AsyncException
- get_CompletedWithError
- ex
- resultingBuffer
- _userCallback
- _userState
- _asyncException
- _resultingBuffer
- _record
- _initialBuffer
- Record
- ResultingBuffer
- InitialBuffer
- AsyncException
- CompletedWithError
- SendRecordAsyncResult
- RSASslSignatureDeformatter
- <>f__switch$map15
- RSASslSignatureFormatter
- <>f__switch$map16
- SecurityCompressionType
- Zlib
- SecurityParameters
- get_Cipher
- set_Cipher
- get_ClientWriteMAC
- set_ClientWriteMAC
- get_ServerWriteMAC
- set_ServerWriteMAC
- cipher
- clientWriteMAC
- serverWriteMAC
- Cipher
- ClientWriteMAC
- ServerWriteMAC
- SecurityProtocolType
- Ssl2
- Ssl3
- Tls
- ServerContext
- ValidationResult
- get_Trusted
- get_ErrorCode
- trusted
- error_code
- Trusted
- SslClientStream
- ownsStream
- clientCertificate
- add_ServerCertValidation
- remove_ServerCertValidation
- add_ClientCertSelection
- remove_ClientCertSelection
- add_PrivateKeySelection
- remove_PrivateKeySelection
- add_ServerCertValidation2
- remove_ServerCertValidation2
- get_InputBuffer
- get_ClientCertificates
- get_SelectedClientCertificate
- get_ServerCertValidationDelegate
- set_ServerCertValidationDelegate
- get_ClientCertSelectionDelegate
- set_ClientCertSelectionDelegate
- get_PrivateKeyCertSelectionDelegate
- set_PrivateKeyCertSelectionDelegate
- OnBeginNegotiateHandshake
- SafeReceiveRecord
- OnNegotiateHandshakeCallback
- OnLocalCertificateSelection
- get_HaveRemoteValidation2Callback
- OnRemoteCertificateValidation2
- errors
- OnRemoteCertificateValidation
- RaiseServerCertificateValidation2
- RaiseClientCertificateSelection
- OnLocalPrivateKeySelection
- RaisePrivateKeySelection
- ServerCertValidation
- ClientCertSelection
- PrivateKeySelection
- ServerCertValidation2
- InputBuffer
- ClientCertificates
- SelectedClientCertificate
- ServerCertValidationDelegate
- ClientCertSelectionDelegate
- PrivateKeyCertSelectionDelegate
- HaveRemoteValidation2Callback
- SslCipherSuite
- prf
- pad1
- pad2
- header
- SslHandshakeHash
- innerPadMD5
- outerPadMD5
- innerPadSHA
- outerPadSHA
- SslStreamBase
- AsyncHandshakeCallback
- get_MightNeedHandshake
- NegotiateHandshake
- certificates
- remoteCertificate
- requestedCertificates
- RaiseLocalCertificateSelection
- RaiseRemoteCertificateValidation
- RaiseRemoteCertificateValidation2
- RaiseLocalPrivateKeySelection
- get_CheckCertRevocationStatus
- set_CheckCertRevocationStatus
- get_CipherAlgorithm
- get_CipherStrength
- get_HashAlgorithm
- get_HashStrength
- get_KeyExchangeStrength
- get_KeyExchangeAlgorithm
- get_ServerCertificate
- get_ServerCertificates
- BeginNegotiateHandshake
- EndNegotiateHandshake
- InternalBeginRead
- InternalReadCallback
- InternalBeginWrite
- InternalWriteCallback
- resetBuffer
- checkDisposed
- WaitTimeOut
- checkCertRevocationStatus
- negotiate
- negotiationComplete
- recbuf
- recordStream
- MightNeedHandshake
- CheckCertRevocationStatus
- CipherAlgorithm
- CipherStrength
- HashStrength
- KeyExchangeStrength
- KeyExchangeAlgorithm
- ServerCertificate
- ServerCertificates
- InternalAsyncResult
- fromWrite
- proceedAfterHandshake
- get_ProceedAfterHandshake
- get_FromWrite
- get_Buffer
- get_BytesRead
- bytesRead
- _bytesRead
- _fromWrite
- _proceedAfterHandshake
- _buffer
- _count
- ProceedAfterHandshake
- FromWrite
- TlsCipherSuite
- headerLock
- TlsClientSettings
- get_TargetHost
- set_TargetHost
- set_Certificates
- get_ClientCertificate
- set_ClientCertificate
- UpdateCertificateRSA
- certificateRSA
- TargetHost
- ClientCertificate
- TlsException
- get_Alert
- TlsServerSettings
- get_ServerKeyExchange
- set_ServerKeyExchange
- get_CertificateRSA
- get_RsaParameters
- set_RsaParameters
- set_SignedParams
- get_CertificateRequest
- set_CertificateRequest
- set_CertificateTypes
- set_DistinguisedNames
- rsaParameters
- signedParams
- distinguisedNames
- serverKeyExchange
- certificateRequest
- certificateTypes
- ServerKeyExchange
- CertificateRSA
- RsaParameters
- SignedParams
- CertificateRequest
- CertificateTypes
- DistinguisedNames
- TlsStream
- get_EOF
- ReadSmallValue
- ReadInt24
- WriteInt24
- canRead
- ClientCertificateType
- Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.Handshake
- RSAFixed
- DSSFixed
- HandshakeMessage
- get_HandshakeType
- ProcessAsTls1
- ProcessAsSsl3
- Process
- Update
- EncodeMessage
- HandshakeType
- HelloRequest
- ClientHello
- ServerHello
- Certificate
- ServerHelloDone
- CertificateVerify
- ClientKeyExchange
- TlsClientCertificate
- Mono.Security.Protocol.Tls.Handshake.Client
- GetClientCertificate
- SendCertificates
- FindParentCertificate
- clientCertSelected
- clientCert
- TlsClientCertificateVerify
- privKey
- getClientCertRSA
- getUnsignedBigInteger
- TlsClientFinished
- Ssl3Marker
- TlsClientHello
- TlsClientKeyExchange
- sendLength
- ProcessCommon
- TlsServerCertificate
- checkCertificateUsage
- validateCertificates
- checkServerIdentity
- subjectName
- checkDomainName
- pattern
- Match
- TlsServerCertificateRequest
- TlsServerFinished
- TlsServerHello
- processProtocol
- TlsServerHelloDone
- TlsServerKeyExchange
- verifySignature
- rsaParams
- CertificateValidationCallback
- CertificateValidationCallback2
- CertificateSelectionCallback
- PrivateKeySelectionCallback
- $$field-7
- $$field-8
- $$field-9
- $$field-11
- $$field-12
- $$field-13
- $$field-14
- $ArrayType$4
- System.dll
- Queue`1
- Stack`1
- HybridDictionary
- System.Collections.Specialized
- initialSize
- caseInsensitive
- get_inner
- hashtable
- ListDictionary
- FindEntry
- AddImpl
- head
- DictionaryNode
- DictionaryNodeEnumerator
- dict
- get_DictionaryNode
- isAtStart
- NameObjectCollectionBase
- BaseAdd
- BaseGet
- BaseGetKey
- FindFirstMatchedItem
- m_ItemsContainer
- m_NullKeyItem
- m_ItemsArray
- m_hashprovider
- m_comparer
- m_defCapacity
- m_readonly
- infoCopy
- keyscoll
- equality_comparer
- _Item
- _KeysEnumerator
- m_collection
- m_position
- KeysCollection
- NameValueCollection
- AsSingleString
- GetKey
- InvalidateCachedArrays
- cachedAllKeys
- cachedAll
- EditorBrowsableAttribute
- System.ComponentModel
- EditorBrowsableState
- Advanced
- TypeConverter
- TypeConverterAttribute
- get_ConverterTypeName
- converter_type
- ConverterTypeName
- AuthenticationLevel
- System.Net.Security
- MutualAuthRequested
- MutualAuthRequired
- SslPolicyErrors
- RemoteCertificateNotAvailable
- RemoteCertificateNameMismatch
- RemoteCertificateChainErrors
- AddressFamily
- System.Net.Sockets
- InterNetwork
- ImpLink
- Pup
- Chaos
- NS
- Ipx
- Iso
- Osi
- Ecma
- DataKit
- Ccitt
- Sna
- DecNet
- DataLink
- Lat
- HyperChannel
- AppleTalk
- NetBios
- VoiceView
- FireFox
- Banyan
- Atm
- InterNetworkV6
- Cluster
- Ieee12844
- Irda
- NetworkDesigners
- DefaultCertificatePolicy
- System.Net
- point
- certificateProblem
- CheckValidationResult
- FileWebRequest
- streamingContext
- webHeaders
- connectionGroup
- contentLength
- fileAccess
- preAuthenticate
- FileWebRequestCreator
- FtpRequestCreator
- FtpWebRequest
- sslPolicyErrors
- <callback>m__B
- requestUri
- rwTimeout
- binary
- usePassive
- supportedCommands
- <>f__am$cache1C
- GlobalProxySelection
- get_Select
- Select
- HttpRequestCreator
- HttpVersion
- Version10
- Version11
- HttpWebRequest
- get_Address
- get_ServicePoint
- GetServicePoint
- actualUri
- hostChanged
- allowAutoRedirect
- allowBuffering
- keepAlive
- maxAutoRedirect
- mediaType
- initialMethod
- pipelined
- sendChunked
- servicePoint
- redirects
- defaultMaxResponseHeadersLength
- readWriteTimeout
- Address
- ServicePoint
- ICertificatePolicy
- srvPoint
- ICredentials
- IPAddress
- address
- scopeId
- number
- SwapShort
- HostToNetworkOrder
- network
- NetworkToHostOrder
- ipString
- ip
- ParseIPV4
- ParseIPV6
- get_InternalIPv4Address
- get_ScopeId
- get_AddressFamily
- IsLoopback
- m_Address
- m_Family
- m_Numbers
- m_ScopeId
- Broadcast
- Loopback
- IPv6Any
- IPv6Loopback
- IPv6None
- m_HashCode
- InternalIPv4Address
- ScopeId
- IPv6Address
- prefixLength
- Fill
- set_ScopeId
- SwapUShort
- AsIPv4Int
- IsIPv4Compatible
- IsIPv4Mapped
- fullLength
- IWebProxy
- GetProxy
- IsBypassed
- IWebRequestCreate
- connectionLimit
- maxIdleTime
- get_CurrentConnections
- get_IdleSince
- set_IdleSince
- set_Expect100Continue
- set_UseNagleAlgorithm
- set_SendContinue
- set_UsesProxy
- set_UseConnect
- get_AvailableForRecycling
- currentConnections
- idleSince
- usesProxy
- sendContinue
- useConnect
- hostE
- useNagle
- CurrentConnections
- IdleSince
- Expect100Continue
- UseNagleAlgorithm
- SendContinue
- UsesProxy
- UseConnect
- AvailableForRecycling
- ServicePointManager
- get_CertificatePolicy
- get_CheckCertificateRevocationList
- get_ServerCertificateValidationCallback
- FindServicePoint
- RecycleServicePoints
- servicePoints
- policy
- defaultConnectionLimit
- maxServicePointIdleTime
- maxServicePoints
- _checkCRL
- _securityProtocol
- expectContinue
- server_cert_cb
- CertificatePolicy
- CheckCertificateRevocationList
- ServerCertificateValidationCallback
- SPKey
- use_connect
- WebHeaderCollection
- internallyCreated
- headerName
- headerValue
- AddWithoutValidate
- IsRestricted
- IsHeaderValue
- IsHeaderName
- restricted
- multiValue
- restricted_response
- allowed_chars
- WebProxy
- bypassOnLocal
- bypassList
- credentials
- get_UseDefaultCredentials
- CheckBypassList
- useDefaultCredentials
- UseDefaultCredentials
- WebRequest
- implementor
- AddDynamicPrefix
- GetMustImplement
- get_DefaultWebProxy
- GetDefaultWebProxy
- AddPrefix
- prefixes
- isDefaultWebProxySet
- defaultWebProxy
- authentication_level
- DefaultWebProxy
- OpenFlags
- MaxAllowed
- OpenExistingOnly
- IncludeArchived
- get_EncodedKeyValue
- get_EncodedParameters
- rawPublicKey
- rawParameters
- _keyValue
- _oid
- EncodedKeyValue
- EncodedParameters
- StoreLocation
- StoreName
- AddressBook
- AuthRoot
- Disallowed
- My
- Root
- TrustedPeople
- TrustedPublisher
- X500DistinguishedName
- encodedDistinguishedName
- GetSeparator
- DecodeRawData
- Canonize
- name1
- name2
- X500DistinguishedNameFlags
- Reversed
- UseSemicolons
- DoNotUsePlusSign
- DoNotUseQuotes
- UseCommas
- UseNewLines
- UseUTF8Encoding
- UseT61Encoding
- ForceUTF8Encoding
- X509BasicConstraintsExtension
- encodedBasicConstraints
- critical
- certificateAuthority
- hasPathLengthConstraint
- pathLengthConstraint
- get_HasPathLengthConstraint
- get_PathLengthConstraint
- asnEncodedData
- multiLine
- friendlyName
- _certificateAuthority
- _hasPathLengthConstraint
- _pathLengthConstraint
- HasPathLengthConstraint
- PathLengthConstraint
- X509Certificate2
- get_NotAfter
- get_NotBefore
- get_Thumbprint
- nameType
- forIssuer
- GetNameInfo
- dn
- GetValueAsString
- ImportPkcs12
- verbose
- AppendBuffer
- Verify
- get_MonoCertificate
- _archived
- _extensions
- _serial
- signature_algorithm
- _cert
- empty_error
- signedData
- NotAfter
- NotBefore
- Thumbprint
- MonoCertificate
- X509Certificate2Collection
- findType
- findValue
- validOnly
- X509Certificate2Enumerator
- useMachineContext
- get_ChainPolicy
- get_Roots
- get_CertificateAuthorities
- get_CertificateCollection
- BuildChainFrom
- SelectBestFromCollection
- FindParent
- IsChainComplete
- IsSelfIssued
- ValidateChain
- PrepareForNextCertificate
- WrapUp
- ProcessCertificateExtensions
- signed
- IsSignedWith
- GetSubjectKeyIdentifier
- GetAuthorityKeyIdentifier
- CheckRevocationOnChain
- ca
- online
- CheckRevocation
- ca_cert
- caCertificate
- FindCrl
- ProcessCrlExtensions
- ProcessCrlEntryExtensions
- elements
- status
- max_path_length
- working_issuer_name
- working_public_key
- bce_restriction
- cas
- <>f__switch$mapD
- ChainPolicy
- Roots
- CertificateAuthorities
- CertificateCollection
- X509ChainElement
- get_Certificate
- get_ChainElementStatus
- get_StatusFlags
- set_StatusFlags
- UncompressFlags
- compressed_status_flags
- ChainElementStatus
- StatusFlags
- X509ChainElementCollection
- X509ChainElementEnumerator
- X509ChainPolicy
- get_ExtraStore
- get_RevocationFlag
- get_RevocationMode
- get_VerificationFlags
- get_VerificationTime
- apps
- rflag
- vflags
- vtime
- ExtraStore
- RevocationFlag
- RevocationMode
- VerificationFlags
- VerificationTime
- X509ChainStatus
- set_Status
- set_StatusInformation
- GetInformation
- StatusInformation
- Revoked
- NotValidForUsage
- RevocationStatusUnknown
- Cyclic
- InvalidExtension
- InvalidPolicyConstraints
- InvalidNameConstraints
- HasNotSupportedNameConstraint
- HasNotDefinedNameConstraint
- HasNotPermittedNameConstraint
- HasExcludedNameConstraint
- CtlNotTimeValid
- CtlNotSignatureValid
- CtlNotValidForUsage
- OfflineRevocation
- NoIssuanceChainPolicy
- X509EnhancedKeyUsageExtension
- encodedEnhancedKeyUsages
- _enhKeyUsage
- <>f__switch$mapE
- set_Critical
- FormatUnkownData
- _critical
- X509ExtensionEnumerator
- X509FindType
- FindByThumbprint
- FindBySubjectName
- FindBySubjectDistinguishedName
- FindByIssuerName
- FindByIssuerDistinguishedName
- FindBySerialNumber
- FindByTimeValid
- FindByTimeNotYetValid
- FindByTimeExpired
- FindByTemplateName
- FindByApplicationPolicy
- FindByCertificatePolicy
- FindByExtension
- FindByKeyUsage
- FindBySubjectKeyIdentifier
- X509KeyUsageExtension
- encodedKeyUsage
- keyUsages
- get_KeyUsages
- encodedData
- GetValidFlags
- all
- _keyUsages
- X509KeyUsageFlags
- EncipherOnly
- CrlSign
- KeyCertSign
- KeyAgreement
- DataEncipherment
- KeyEncipherment
- NonRepudiation
- DigitalSignature
- DecipherOnly
- X509NameType
- SimpleName
- EmailName
- UpnName
- DnsName
- DnsFromAlternativeName
- UrlName
- X509RevocationFlag
- EndCertificateOnly
- EntireChain
- ExcludeRoot
- X509RevocationMode
- NoCheck
- Online
- storeLocation
- get_Factory
- get_Store
- _location
- _flags
- Factory
- Store
- X509SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension
- encodedSubjectKeyIdentifier
- subjectKeyIdentifier
- get_SubjectKeyIdentifier
- FromHexChar
- c1
- c2
- FromHexChars
- hex
- FromHex
- _subjectKeyIdentifier
- _ski
- SubjectKeyIdentifier
- X509SubjectKeyIdentifierHashAlgorithm
- ShortSha1
- CapiSha1
- X509VerificationFlags
- NoFlag
- IgnoreNotTimeValid
- IgnoreCtlNotTimeValid
- IgnoreNotTimeNested
- IgnoreInvalidBasicConstraints
- AllowUnknownCertificateAuthority
- IgnoreWrongUsage
- IgnoreInvalidName
- IgnoreInvalidPolicy
- IgnoreEndRevocationUnknown
- IgnoreCtlSignerRevocationUnknown
- IgnoreCertificateAuthorityRevocationUnknown
- IgnoreRootRevocationUnknown
- AsnDecodeStatus
- NotDecoded
- Ok
- BadAsn
- BadTag
- BadLength
- InformationNotAvailable
- AsnEncodedData
- set_Oid
- set_RawData
- EnhancedKeyUsageExtension
- SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension
- SubjectAltName
- NetscapeCertType
- _raw
- get_FriendlyName
- FriendlyName
- OidCollection
- _readOnly
- OidEnumerator
- _collection
- _position
- BaseMachine
- System.Text.RegularExpressions
- regex
- Scan
- needs_groups_or_captures
- get_Index
- get_Text
- CaptureCollection
- cap
- Group
- n_caps
- get_Captures
- get_Success
- Fail
- captures
- Captures
- GroupCollection
- text_length
- n_groups
- get_Empty
- get_Groups
- NextMatch
- get_Regex
- empty
- Groups
- Regex
- MatchCollection
- TryToGet
- get_FullList
- FullList
- coll
- validate_options
- InitNewRegex
- CreateMachineFactory
- get_Options
- get_RightToLeft
- GetGroupIndex
- default_startat
- IsMatch
- startat
- Matches
- get_Gap
- CreateMachine
- groupCount
- mapping
- GetGroupNamesArray
- get_GroupNumbers
- machineFactory
- group_count
- group_names
- group_numbers
- roptions
- Options
- RightToLeft
- Gap
- GroupNumbers
- RegexOptions
- Multiline
- ExplicitCapture
- Singleline
- IgnorePatternWhitespace
- ECMAScript
- CultureInvariant
- False
- True
- Reference
- Character
- NotCategory
- Range
- Balance
- BalanceStart
- IfDefined
- Branch
- Jump
- Repeat
- Until
- FastRepeat
- Anchor
- OpFlags
- Lazy
- StartOfString
- StartOfLine
- StartOfScan
- EndOfString
- EndOfLine
- Boundary
- NonBoundary
- IMachine
- IMachineFactory
- NewInstance
- get_Mapping
- set_Mapping
- get_GroupCount
- set_Gap
- get_NamesMapping
- set_NamesMapping
- Mapping
- GroupCount
- NamesMapping
- FactoryCache
- factory
- Lookup
- factories
- mru_list
- MRUList
- Use
- Evict
- Node
- previous
- AnySingleline
- Word
- Digit
- WhiteSpace
- EcmaAny
- EcmaAnySingleline
- EcmaWord
- EcmaDigit
- EcmaWhiteSpace
- UnicodeL
- UnicodeM
- UnicodeN
- UnicodeZ
- UnicodeP
- UnicodeS
- UnicodeC
- UnicodeLu
- UnicodeLl
- UnicodeLt
- UnicodeLm
- UnicodeLo
- UnicodeMn
- UnicodeMe
- UnicodeMc
- UnicodeNd
- UnicodeNl
- UnicodeNo
- UnicodeZs
- UnicodeZl
- UnicodeZp
- UnicodePd
- UnicodePs
- UnicodePi
- UnicodePe
- UnicodePf
- UnicodePc
- UnicodePo
- UnicodeSm
- UnicodeSc
- UnicodeSk
- UnicodeSo
- UnicodeCc
- UnicodeCf
- UnicodeCo
- UnicodeCs
- UnicodeCn
- UnicodeBasicLatin
- UnicodeLatin1Supplement
- UnicodeLatinExtendedA
- UnicodeLatinExtendedB
- UnicodeIPAExtensions
- UnicodeSpacingModifierLetters
- UnicodeCombiningDiacriticalMarks
- UnicodeGreek
- UnicodeCyrillic
- UnicodeArmenian
- UnicodeHebrew
- UnicodeArabic
- UnicodeSyriac
- UnicodeThaana
- UnicodeDevanagari
- UnicodeBengali
- UnicodeGurmukhi
- UnicodeGujarati
- UnicodeOriya
- UnicodeTamil
- UnicodeTelugu
- UnicodeKannada
- UnicodeMalayalam
- UnicodeSinhala
- UnicodeThai
- UnicodeLao
- UnicodeTibetan
- UnicodeMyanmar
- UnicodeGeorgian
- UnicodeHangulJamo
- UnicodeEthiopic
- UnicodeCherokee
- UnicodeUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics
- UnicodeOgham
- UnicodeRunic
- UnicodeKhmer
- UnicodeMongolian
- UnicodeLatinExtendedAdditional
- UnicodeGreekExtended
- UnicodeGeneralPunctuation
- UnicodeSuperscriptsandSubscripts
- UnicodeCurrencySymbols
- UnicodeCombiningMarksforSymbols
- UnicodeLetterlikeSymbols
- UnicodeNumberForms
- UnicodeArrows
- UnicodeMathematicalOperators
- UnicodeMiscellaneousTechnical
- UnicodeControlPictures
- UnicodeOpticalCharacterRecognition
- UnicodeEnclosedAlphanumerics
- UnicodeBoxDrawing
- UnicodeBlockElements
- UnicodeGeometricShapes
- UnicodeMiscellaneousSymbols
- UnicodeDingbats
- UnicodeBraillePatterns
- UnicodeCJKRadicalsSupplement
- UnicodeKangxiRadicals
- UnicodeIdeographicDescriptionCharacters
- UnicodeCJKSymbolsandPunctuation
- UnicodeHiragana
- UnicodeKatakana
- UnicodeBopomofo
- UnicodeHangulCompatibilityJamo
- UnicodeKanbun
- UnicodeBopomofoExtended
- UnicodeEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths
- UnicodeCJKCompatibility
- UnicodeCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA
- UnicodeCJKUnifiedIdeographs
- UnicodeYiSyllables
- UnicodeYiRadicals
- UnicodeHangulSyllables
- UnicodeHighSurrogates
- UnicodeHighPrivateUseSurrogates
- UnicodeLowSurrogates
- UnicodePrivateUse
- UnicodeCJKCompatibilityIdeographs
- UnicodeAlphabeticPresentationForms
- UnicodeArabicPresentationFormsA
- UnicodeCombiningHalfMarks
- UnicodeCJKCompatibilityForms
- UnicodeSmallFormVariants
- UnicodeArabicPresentationFormsB
- UnicodeSpecials
- UnicodeHalfwidthandFullwidthForms
- UnicodeOldItalic
- UnicodeGothic
- UnicodeDeseret
- UnicodeByzantineMusicalSymbols
- UnicodeMusicalSymbols
- UnicodeMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols
- UnicodeCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB
- UnicodeCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement
- UnicodeTags
- LastValue
- CategoryUtils
- CategoryFromName
- cat
- IsCategory
- uc
- LinkRef
- ICompiler
- GetMachineFactory
- EmitFalse
- EmitTrue
- negate
- ignore
- reverse
- EmitCharacter
- EmitCategory
- EmitNotCategory
- EmitRange
- EmitSet
- EmitString
- EmitPosition
- gid
- EmitOpen
- EmitClose
- balance
- capture
- EmitBalanceStart
- EmitBalance
- EmitReference
- EmitIfDefined
- EmitSub
- yes
- EmitTest
- EmitBranch
- EmitJump
- min
- max
- lazy
- EmitRepeat
- repeat
- EmitUntil
- EmitIn
- EmitInfo
- EmitFastRepeat
- EmitAnchor
- EmitBranchEnd
- EmitAlternationEnd
- NewLink
- link
- ResolveLink
- InterpreterFactory
- namesMapping
- PatternCompiler
- op
- EncodeOp
- EmitCount
- lref
- MakeFlags
- get_CurrentAddress
- BeginLink
- EmitLink
- pgm
- CurrentAddress
- PatternLinkStack
- set_BaseAddress
- get_OffsetAddress
- set_OffsetAddress
- target_addr
- GetOffset
- GetCurrent
- SetCurrent
- BaseAddress
- OffsetAddress
- base_addr
- offset_addr
- LinkStack
- Mark
- get_IsDefined
- Previous
- Interpreter
- program
- ReadProgramCount
- ref_ptr
- Eval
- multi
- EvalChar
- TryMatch
- IsPosition
- IsWordChar
- balance_gid
- Checkpoint
- Backtrack
- ResetGroups
- GetLastDefined
- CreateMark
- first_mark_index
- GetGroupInfo
- PopulateGroup
- GenerateMatch
- program_start
- text_end
- match_min
- qs
- scan_ptr
- fast
- deep
- marks
- mark_start
- mark_end
- IntStack
- set_Count
- RepeatContext
- expr_pc
- set_Start
- get_IsMinimum
- get_IsMaximum
- get_IsLazy
- get_Expression
- get_Previous
- IsMinimum
- IsMaximum
- IsLazy
- Expression
- Search
- Interval
- high
- get_IsDiscontiguous
- get_IsSingleton
- get_IsEmpty
- IsDisjoint
- IsAdjacent
- Intersects
- Merge
- contiguous
- IsDiscontiguous
- IsSingleton
- IntervalCollection
- cost_del
- GetMetaCollection
- begin
- meta
- Optimize
- intervals
- CostDelegate
- Parser
- System.Text.RegularExpressions.Syntax
- ParseOctal
- ParseNumber
- ParseName
- ParseRegularExpression
- GetMapping
- group
- assertion
- ParseGroup
- ParseGroupingConstruct
- ParseAssertionType
- ParseOptions
- ParseCharacterClass
- ParseRepetitionBounds
- ParseUnicodeCategory
- ParseSpecial
- ParseEscape
- ParseDigit
- ConsumeWhitespace
- ResolveReferences
- explicit_numeric_groups
- HandleExplicitNumericGroups
- IsIgnoreCase
- IsMultiline
- IsExplicitCapture
- IsSingleline
- IsIgnorePatternWhitespace
- IsECMAScript
- NewParseException
- caps
- num_groups
- QuickSearch
- SetupShiftTable
- GetShiftDistance
- GetChar
- shiftExtended
- ExpressionCollection
- cmp
- Compile
- GetWidth
- GetFixedWidth
- GetAnchorInfo
- IsComplex
- CompositeExpression
- get_Expressions
- expressions
- Expressions
- AppendExpression
- RegularExpression
- set_GroupCount
- CapturingGroup
- set_Index
- get_IsNamed
- IsNamed
- BalancingGroup
- set_Balance
- NonBacktrackingGroup
- Repetition
- set_Expression
- get_Minimum
- Minimum
- get_TrueExpression
- set_TrueExpression
- get_FalseExpression
- set_FalseExpression
- TrueExpression
- FalseExpression
- CaptureAssertion
- set_CapturingGroup
- get_Alternate
- alternate
- literal
- Alternate
- ExpressionAssertion
- set_Reverse
- set_Negate
- get_TestExpression
- set_TestExpression
- TestExpression
- Alternation
- get_Alternatives
- AddAlternative
- Alternatives
- CompileLiteral
- PositionAssertion
- revers
- get_CapturingGroup
- get_IgnoreCase
- BackslashNumber
- ecma
- num_str
- ResolveReference
- CharacterClass
- AddCategory
- AddCharacter
- GetIntervalCost
- upper_case_characters
- pos_cats
- neg_cats
- AnchorInfo
- expr
- get_Width
- get_IsUnknownWidth
- get_IsComplete
- get_Substring
- get_IsSubstring
- get_IsPosition
- GetInterval
- Width
- IsUnknownWidth
- IsComplete
- IsSubstring
- DefaultUriParser
- scheme
- GenericUriParser
- uriString
- uriKind
- baseUri
- relativeUri
- dontEscape
- get_AbsoluteUri
- get_Authority
- get_Fragment
- get_Host
- get_IsFile
- get_IsLoopback
- get_IsUnc
- get_PathAndQuery
- get_Query
- get_Scheme
- get_IsAbsoluteUri
- CheckHostName
- IsIPv4Address
- IsDomainAddress
- schemeName
- CheckSchemeName
- IsAlpha
- comparant
- part
- GetLeftPart
- digit
- character
- HexEscape
- IsHexDigit
- IsHexEncoding
- AppendQueryAndFragment
- EscapeString
- escapeReserved
- escapeHex
- escapeBrackets
- ParseUri
- excludeSpecial
- ParseAsWindowsUNC
- ParseAsWindowsAbsoluteFilePath
- ParseAsUnixAbsoluteFilePath
- ParseNoExceptions
- CompactEscaped
- compact_escaped
- Reduce
- surrogate
- HexUnescapeMultiByte
- GetSchemeDelimiter
- GetDefaultPort
- GetOpaqueWiseSchemeDelimiter
- IsPredefinedScheme
- get_Parser
- EnsureAbsoluteUri
- u1
- u2
- isUnixFilePath
- port
- query
- userinfo
- isUnc
- isOpaquePart
- isAbsoluteUri
- userEscaped
- cachedAbsoluteUri
- cachedToString
- cachedHashCode
- hexUpperChars
- SchemeDelimiter
- UriSchemeFile
- UriSchemeFtp
- UriSchemeGopher
- UriSchemeHttp
- UriSchemeHttps
- UriSchemeMailto
- UriSchemeNews
- UriSchemeNntp
- UriSchemeNetPipe
- UriSchemeNetTcp
- schemes
- AbsoluteUri
- Authority
- Fragment
- Host
- IsFile
- IsUnc
- PathAndQuery
- Query
- Scheme
- IsAbsoluteUri
- UriScheme
- delimiter
- defaultPort
- UriFormatException
- UriHostNameType
- Basic
- Dns
- IPv4
- IPv6
- UriKind
- RelativeOrAbsolute
- Absolute
- Relative
- UriParser
- parsingError
- InitializeAndValidate
- OnRegister
- set_SchemeName
- get_DefaultPort
- set_DefaultPort
- CreateDefaults
- uriParser
- InternalRegister
- GetParser
- lock_object
- scheme_name
- default_port
- uri_regex
- auth_regex
- SchemeName
- DefaultPort
- UriPartial
- UriTypeConverter
- RemoteCertificateValidationCallback
- System.Core
- System.Core.dll
- ExtensionAttribute
- HashSet`1
- System.Collections.Generic.ICollection<T>.CopyTo
- SlotsContainsAt
- GetLinkHashCode
- GetItemHashCode
- links
- slots
- touched
- empty_slot
- hashset
- CheckState
- PrimeHelper
- primes_table
- System.Linq
- predicate
- SourceAndPredicate
- Enumerable
- TSource
- First
- ToList
- Where
- CreateWhereIterator
- <CreateWhereIterator>c__Iterator1D`1
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<TSource>.get_Current
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TSource>.GetEnumerator
- <$s_120>__0
- <element>__1
- <$>source
- <$>predicate
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<TSource>.Current
- Aes
- AesManaged
- AesTransform
- Action
- Func`1
- TResult
- Func`2
- Func`3
- Func`5
- arg3
- arg4
- T4
- $$field-10
- UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule
- UnityEngine.SharedInternalsModule.dll
- UsedByNativeCodeAttribute
- UnityEngine.Scripting
- RequiredByNativeCodeAttribute
- GeneratedByOldBindingsGeneratorAttribute
- ThreadAndSerializationSafeAttribute
- UnityEngine
- WritableAttribute
- IBindingsAttribute
- UnityEngine.Bindings
- IBindingsNameProviderAttribute
- IBindingsHeaderProviderAttribute
- IBindingsIsThreadSafeProviderAttribute
- IBindingsIsFreeFunctionProviderAttribute
- IBindingsThrowsProviderAttribute
- IBindingsGenerateMarshallingTypeAttribute
- NativeConditionalAttribute
- condition
- set_Condition
- set_Enabled
- <Condition>k__BackingField
- <Enabled>k__BackingField
- Condition
- Enabled
- NativeHeaderAttribute
- set_Header
- <Header>k__BackingField
- NativeNameAttribute
- <Name>k__BackingField
- NativeMethodAttribute
- isFreeFunction
- set_IsThreadSafe
- set_IsFreeFunction
- set_HasExplicitThis
- <IsThreadSafe>k__BackingField
- <IsFreeFunction>k__BackingField
- <HasExplicitThis>k__BackingField
- IsThreadSafe
- IsFreeFunction
- HasExplicitThis
- CodegenOptions
- Force
- NativeTypeAttribute
- set_CodegenOptions
- <CodegenOptions>k__BackingField
- UnmarshalledAttribute
- FreeFunctionAttribute
- ThreadSafeAttribute
- StaticAccessorType
- Dot
- Arrow
- DoubleColon
- StaticAccessorAttribute
- set_Type
- <Type>k__BackingField
- NativeThrowsAttribute
- set_ThrowsException
- <ThrowsException>k__BackingField
- ThrowsException
- UnityString
- UnityEngine.CoreModule
- UnityEngine.CoreModule.dll
- Application
- CallLowMemory
- get_isPlaying
- get_isEditor
- get_platform
- get_dataPath
- get_streamingAssetsPath
- get_persistentDataPath
- logString
- stackTrace
- invokedOnMainThread
- CallLogCallback
- InvokeOnBeforeRender
- lowMemory
- s_LogCallbackHandler
- s_LogCallbackHandlerThreaded
- isPlaying
- isEditor
- dataPath
- streamingAssetsPath
- persistentDataPath
- LowMemoryCallback
- LogCallback
- AssetBundleCreateRequest
- AssetBundleRequest
- AsyncOperation
- InternalDestroy
- InvokeCompletionEvent
- m_Ptr
- m_completeCallback
- SystemInfo
- get_operatingSystemFamily
- operatingSystemFamily
- WaitForSeconds
- m_Seconds
- WaitForFixedUpdate
- WaitForEndOfFrame
- CustomYieldInstruction
- get_keepWaiting
- keepWaiting
- Coroutine
- ReleaseCoroutine
- ScriptableObject
- self
- Internal_CreateScriptableObject
- CreateInstanceFromType
- FailedToLoadScriptObject
- Behaviour
- get_enabled
- set_enabled
- get_isActiveAndEnabled
- enabled
- isActiveAndEnabled
- Camera
- get_nearClipPlane
- get_farClipPlane
- get_orthographicSize
- get_depth
- get_aspect
- get_cullingMask
- get_eventMask
- get_pixelRect
- INTERNAL_get_pixelRect
- get_targetTexture
- get_clearFlags
- get_targetDisplay
- WorldToScreenPoint
- INTERNAL_CALL_WorldToScreenPoint
- ScreenToViewportPoint
- INTERNAL_CALL_ScreenToViewportPoint
- ScreenPointToRay
- INTERNAL_CALL_ScreenPointToRay
- get_main
- get_allCamerasCount
- cameras
- GetAllCameras
- cam
- FireOnPreCull
- FireOnPreRender
- FireOnPostRender
- ray
- distance
- layerMask
- RaycastTry
- RaycastTry2D
- onPreCull
- onPreRender
- onPostRender
- nearClipPlane
- farClipPlane
- orthographicSize
- depth
- aspect
- cullingMask
- eventMask
- pixelRect
- targetTexture
- clearFlags
- targetDisplay
- main
- allCamerasCount
- CameraCallback
- Component
- get_transform
- get_gameObject
- GetComponent
- oneFurtherThanResultValue
- GetComponentFastPath
- includeInactive
- GetComponentInChildren
- GetComponentsInChildren
- results
- GetComponentInParent
- GetComponentsInParent
- searchType
- resultList
- GetComponentsForListInternal
- GetComponents
- gameObject
- CullingGroupEvent
- m_Index
- m_PrevState
- m_ThisState
- CullingGroup
- cullingGroup
- eventsPtr
- SendEvents
- FinalizerFailure
- m_OnStateChanged
- StateChanged
- sphere
- CursorLockMode
- Confined
- Cursor
- get_lockState
- lockState
- DebugLogHandler
- Internal_Log
- Internal_LogException
- logType
- LogFormat
- LogException
- Debug
- get_unityLogger
- LogError
- LogErrorFormat
- LogWarning
- LogWarningFormat
- s_Logger
- unityLogger
- Display
- nativeDisplay
- get_renderingWidth
- get_renderingHeight
- get_systemWidth
- get_systemHeight
- inputMouseCoordinates
- RelativeMouseAt
- RecreateDisplayList
- FireDisplaysUpdated
- w
- GetSystemExtImpl
- GetRenderingExtImpl
- rx
- ry
- RelativeMouseAtImpl
- displays
- _mainDisplay
- onDisplaysUpdated
- renderingWidth
- renderingHeight
- systemWidth
- systemHeight
- DisplaysUpdatedDelegate
- GameObject
- components
- useSearchTypeAsArrayReturnType
- recursive
- GetComponentsInternal
- get_layer
- set_layer
- SetActive
- get_activeSelf
- get_activeInHierarchy
- SendMessage
- componentType
- Internal_AddComponentWithType
- AddComponent
- mono
- Internal_CreateGameObject
- layer
- activeSelf
- activeInHierarchy
- Gizmos
- DrawLine
- get_color
- set_color
- INTERNAL_get_color
- INTERNAL_set_color
- color
- Gradient
- NoAllocHelpers
- ExtractArrayFromList
- SafeLength
- Renderer
- GetMaterial
- get_sortingLayerID
- get_sortingOrder
- get_material
- sortingLayerID
- sortingOrder
- material
- Screen
- get_width
- get_height
- get_dpi
- height
- dpi
- RectOffset
- sourceStyle
- get_left
- set_left
- get_right
- set_right
- get_top
- set_top
- get_bottom
- set_bottom
- get_horizontal
- get_vertical
- m_SourceStyle
- left
- right
- top
- bottom
- horizontal
- vertical
- GUIElement
- GUILayer
- screenPosition
- HitTest
- TouchScreenKeyboard_InternalConstructorHelperArguments
- keyboardType
- autocorrection
- multiline
- secure
- TouchScreenKeyboard
- textPlaceholder
- Destroy
- arguments
- TouchScreenKeyboard_InternalConstructorHelper
- get_isSupported
- get_text
- set_text
- set_hideInput
- get_active
- set_active
- get_done
- get_wasCanceled
- get_canGetSelection
- get_selection
- GetSelectionInternal
- isSupported
- hideInput
- active
- wasCanceled
- canGetSelection
- selection
- TouchPhase
- Began
- Moved
- Stationary
- Ended
- Canceled
- IMECompositionMode
- On
- Off
- TouchType
- Direct
- Indirect
- Stylus
- Touch
- get_fingerId
- get_position
- get_phase
- get_type
- m_FingerId
- m_Position
- m_RawPosition
- m_PositionDelta
- m_TimeDelta
- m_TapCount
- m_Phase
- m_Type
- m_Pressure
- m_maximumPossiblePressure
- m_Radius
- m_RadiusVariance
- m_AltitudeAngle
- m_AzimuthAngle
- fingerId
- phase
- Gyroscope
- Input
- GetKeyInt
- GetKeyDownInt
- axisName
- GetAxis
- GetAxisRaw
- buttonName
- GetButtonDown
- GetKeyDown
- button
- GetMouseButton
- GetMouseButtonDown
- GetMouseButtonUp
- get_mousePosition
- INTERNAL_get_mousePosition
- get_mouseScrollDelta
- INTERNAL_get_mouseScrollDelta
- get_mousePresent
- GetTouch
- get_touchCount
- get_touchSupported
- get_imeCompositionMode
- set_imeCompositionMode
- get_compositionString
- get_compositionCursorPos
- set_compositionCursorPos
- INTERNAL_get_compositionCursorPos
- INTERNAL_set_compositionCursorPos
- m_MainGyro
- mousePosition
- mouseScrollDelta
- mousePresent
- touchCount
- touchSupported
- imeCompositionMode
- compositionString
- compositionCursorPos
- LayerMask
- intVal
- m_Mask
- Vector3
- Slerp
- Lerp
- get_normalized
- lhs
- rhs
- Distance
- vector
- Magnitude
- get_magnitude
- SqrMagnitude
- get_sqrMagnitude
- get_zero
- get_one
- get_forward
- get_back
- get_up
- get_down
- op_UnaryNegation
- kEpsilon
- zeroVector
- oneVector
- upVector
- downVector
- leftVector
- rightVector
- forwardVector
- backVector
- positiveInfinityVector
- negativeInfinityVector
- normalized
- magnitude
- sqrMagnitude
- one
- forward
- back
- up
- down
- Quaternion
- LookRotation
- upwards
- INTERNAL_CALL_LookRotation
- rotation
- Inverse
- get_eulerAngles
- euler
- Euler
- Internal_ToEulerRad
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_ToEulerRad
- Internal_FromEulerRad
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_FromEulerRad
- get_identity
- Internal_MakePositive
- identityQuaternion
- eulerAngles
- Matrix4x4
- column0
- column1
- column2
- column3
- GetColumn
- MultiplyPoint
- MultiplyPoint3x4
- m00
- m10
- m20
- m30
- m01
- m11
- m21
- m31
- m02
- m12
- m22
- m32
- m03
- m13
- m23
- m33
- zeroMatrix
- identityMatrix
- Bounds
- center
- get_center
- set_center
- get_size
- set_size
- get_extents
- set_extents
- get_min
- get_max
- SetMinMax
- Encapsulate
- m_Center
- m_Extents
- extents
- Mathf
- CeilToInt
- FloorToInt
- RoundToInt
- Clamp
- Clamp01
- Approximately
- currentVelocity
- smoothTime
- maxSpeed
- deltaTime
- SmoothDamp
- InverseLerp
- DeltaAngle
- Keyframe
- m_Time
- m_Value
- m_InTangent
- m_OutTangent
- AnimationCurve
- Evaluate
- MonoBehaviour
- Internal_CancelInvokeAll
- repeatRate
- InvokeRepeating
- CancelInvoke
- routine
- StartCoroutine
- StartCoroutine_Auto_Internal
- StopCoroutine
- StopCoroutineViaEnumerator_Auto
- StopCoroutine_Auto
- print
- PlayerPrefsException
- PlayerPrefs
- TrySetInt
- TrySetSetString
- SetInt
- GetInt
- SetString
- HasKey
- RandomRangeInt
- ResourceRequest
- m_Path
- Resources
- rawObjects
- ConvertObjects
- systemTypeInstance
- LoadAll
- GetBuiltinResource
- Shader
- PropertyToID
- Material
- get_mainTexture
- nameID
- SetFloatImpl
- SetIntImpl
- SetColorImpl
- SetVectorImpl
- GetFloatImpl
- GetColorImpl
- GetVectorImpl
- GetTextureImpl
- propertyName
- HasProperty
- Internal_CreateWithMaterial
- keyword
- EnableKeyword
- DisableKeyword
- SetFloat
- SetColor
- SetVector
- GetFloat
- GetColor
- GetVector
- GetTexture
- mainTexture
- SortingLayer
- GetLayerValueFromID
- m_Id
- Sprite
- get_bounds
- INTERNAL_get_bounds
- get_rect
- INTERNAL_get_rect
- get_texture
- get_associatedAlphaSplitTexture
- get_textureRect
- INTERNAL_get_textureRect
- get_packed
- get_border
- INTERNAL_get_border
- get_pixelsPerUnit
- rect
- texture
- associatedAlphaSplitTexture
- textureRect
- packed
- border
- pixelsPerUnit
- SpriteRenderer
- get_sprite
- set_sprite
- GetSprite_INTERNAL
- sprite
- SetSprite_INTERNAL
- DataUtility
- UnityEngine.Sprites
- GetInnerUV
- GetOuterUV
- GetPadding
- GetMinSize
- Internal_GetMinSize
- Texture
- Internal_GetWidth
- Internal_GetHeight
- get_wrapMode
- get_texelSize
- INTERNAL_get_texelSize
- wrapMode
- texelSize
- Texture2D
- get_whiteTexture
- u
- GetPixelBilinear
- INTERNAL_CALL_GetPixelBilinear
- whiteTexture
- RenderTexture
- Time
- get_time
- get_deltaTime
- get_unscaledTime
- get_unscaledDeltaTime
- get_timeScale
- set_timeScale
- get_realtimeSinceStartup
- unscaledTime
- unscaledDeltaTime
- timeScale
- realtimeSinceStartup
- HideFlags
- HideInHierarchy
- HideInInspector
- DontSaveInEditor
- NotEditable
- DontSaveInBuild
- DontUnloadUnusedAsset
- DontSave
- HideAndDontSave
- Internal_CloneSingle
- worldPositionStays
- Internal_CloneSingleWithParent
- rot
- Internal_InstantiateSingle
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_InstantiateSingle
- Internal_InstantiateSingleWithParent
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_InstantiateSingleWithParent
- allowDestroyingAssets
- DestroyImmediate
- FindObjectsOfType
- set_name
- DontDestroyOnLoad
- set_hideFlags
- exists
- CompareBaseObjects
- IsNativeObjectAlive
- GetCachedPtr
- Instantiate
- instantiateInWorldSpace
- CheckNullArgument
- FindObjectOfType
- m_CachedPtr
- OffsetOfInstanceIDInCPlusPlusObject
- hideFlags
- UnityLogWriter
- WriteStringToUnityLog
- YieldInstruction
- PlayableOutputHandle
- UnityEngine.Playables
- get_Null
- CompareVersion
- m_Handle
- m_Version
- Scene
- UnityEngine.SceneManagement
- get_handle
- LoadSceneMode
- Additive
- SceneManager
- sceneName
- LoadScene
- LoadSceneAsync
- sceneBuildIndex
- isAdditive
- mustCompleteNextFrame
- LoadSceneAsyncNameIndexInternal
- scene
- Internal_SceneLoaded
- Internal_SceneUnloaded
- previousActiveScene
- newActiveScene
- Internal_ActiveSceneChanged
- sceneLoaded
- sceneUnloaded
- activeSceneChanged
- ScriptableRenderContext
- UnityEngine.Experimental.Rendering
- set_position
- INTERNAL_get_position
- INTERNAL_set_position
- get_localPosition
- set_localPosition
- INTERNAL_get_localPosition
- INTERNAL_set_localPosition
- set_eulerAngles
- get_localEulerAngles
- set_localEulerAngles
- get_rotation
- set_rotation
- INTERNAL_get_rotation
- INTERNAL_set_rotation
- get_localRotation
- set_localRotation
- INTERNAL_get_localRotation
- INTERNAL_set_localRotation
- get_localScale
- set_localScale
- INTERNAL_get_localScale
- INTERNAL_set_localScale
- get_parent
- set_parent
- get_parentInternal
- set_parentInternal
- get_worldToLocalMatrix
- INTERNAL_get_worldToLocalMatrix
- get_localToWorldMatrix
- INTERNAL_get_localToWorldMatrix
- worldUp
- LookAt
- worldPosition
- TransformPoint
- INTERNAL_CALL_TransformPoint
- InverseTransformPoint
- INTERNAL_CALL_InverseTransformPoint
- get_childCount
- SetAsFirstSibling
- IsChildOf
- GetChild
- localPosition
- localEulerAngles
- localRotation
- localScale
- parentInternal
- worldToLocalMatrix
- localToWorldMatrix
- childCount
- outer
- currentIndex
- DrivenTransformProperties
- AnchoredPositionX
- AnchoredPositionY
- AnchoredPositionZ
- Rotation
- ScaleX
- ScaleY
- ScaleZ
- AnchorMinX
- AnchorMinY
- AnchorMaxX
- AnchorMaxY
- SizeDeltaX
- SizeDeltaY
- PivotX
- PivotY
- AnchoredPosition
- AnchoredPosition3D
- Scale
- AnchorMin
- AnchorMax
- Anchors
- SizeDelta
- Pivot
- DrivenRectTransformTracker
- driver
- rectTransform
- drivenProperties
- RectTransform
- get_anchorMin
- set_anchorMin
- INTERNAL_get_anchorMin
- INTERNAL_set_anchorMin
- get_anchorMax
- set_anchorMax
- INTERNAL_get_anchorMax
- INTERNAL_set_anchorMax
- get_anchoredPosition3D
- set_anchoredPosition3D
- get_anchoredPosition
- set_anchoredPosition
- INTERNAL_get_anchoredPosition
- INTERNAL_set_anchoredPosition
- get_sizeDelta
- set_sizeDelta
- INTERNAL_get_sizeDelta
- INTERNAL_set_sizeDelta
- get_pivot
- set_pivot
- INTERNAL_get_pivot
- INTERNAL_set_pivot
- add_reapplyDrivenProperties
- remove_reapplyDrivenProperties
- driven
- SendReapplyDrivenProperties
- fourCornersArray
- GetLocalCorners
- GetWorldCorners
- get_offsetMin
- set_offsetMin
- get_offsetMax
- set_offsetMax
- edge
- inset
- SetInsetAndSizeFromParentEdge
- axis
- SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors
- GetParentSize
- reapplyDrivenProperties
- anchorMin
- anchorMax
- anchoredPosition3D
- anchoredPosition
- sizeDelta
- pivot
- offsetMin
- offsetMax
- ReapplyDrivenProperties
- Edge
- Left
- Right
- Top
- Bottom
- Axis
- Horizontal
- Vertical
- SpriteAtlasManager
- UnityEngine.U2D
- RequestAtlas
- spriteAtlas
- Register
- atlasRequested
- <>f__mg$cache0
- RequestAtlasCallback
- SpriteAtlas
- Applet
- UnityEngine.Switch
- Notification
- SetFocusHandlingMode
- SetFocusHandlingMode_INTERNAL
- GetCurrentFocusState
- GetCurrentFocusState_INTERNAL
- SetResumeNotificationEnabled
- SetResumeNotificationEnabled_INTERNAL
- EnterExitRequestHandlingSection
- EnterExitRequestHandlingSection_INTERNAL
- LeaveExitRequestHandlingSection
- LeaveExitRequestHandlingSection_INTERNAL
- SetOperationModeChangedNotificationEnabled
- SetOperationModeChangedNotificationEnabled_INTERNAL
- SetPerformanceModeChangedNotificationEnabled
- SetPerformanceModeChangedNotificationEnabled_INTERNAL
- InvokeNotificationMessage
- add_notificationMessageReceived
- remove_notificationMessageReceived
- notificationMessageReceived
- FocusStateChanged
- Resume
- OperationModeChanged
- PerformanceModeChanged
- ExitRequest
- FocusState
- InFocus
- OutOfFocus
- FocusHandlingMode
- Suspend
- Notify
- SuspendAndNotify
- InFocusOnly
- SwitchVideoPlayer
- eventValue
- FireMovieEvent
- add_OnMovieEvent
- remove_OnMovieEvent
- m_VideoPlayer
- m_MovieEvent
- OnMovieEvent
- MovieEventDelegate
- eventtype
- NetworkInterfaceWrapper
- isLocalNetworkMode
- EnterNetworkConnecting
- UnitySwitchEnterNetworkConnecting
- EnterNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
- WeakEnterNetworkConnecting
- UnitySwitchWeakEnterNetworkConnecting
- WeakEnterNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
- LeaveNetworkConnecting
- UnitySwitchLeaveNetworkConnecting
- LeaveNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
- IsNetworkConnecting
- UnitySwitchIsNetworkConnecting
- IsNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
- WaitForNetworkConnecting
- UnitySwitchWaitForNetworkConnecting
- WaitForNetworkConnecting_INTERNAL
- IsNetworkAccepted
- UnitySwitchIsNetworkAccepted
- IsNetworkAccepted_INTERNAL
- IsNetworkFinished
- UnitySwitchIsNetworkFinished
- IsNetworkFinished_INTERNAL
- GetNetworkReferenceCount
- UnitySwitchGetNetworkReferenceCount
- GetNetworkReferenceCount_INTERNAL
- InvokeNetworkConnected
- add_networkConnected
- remove_networkConnected
- networkConnected
- NetworkConnectedResult
- Pending
- Denied
- Accepted
- NetworkConnectedHandler
- AttributeHelperEngine
- GetParentTypeDisallowingMultipleInclusion
- GetRequiredComponents
- CheckIsEditorScript
- GetDefaultExecutionOrderFor
- GetCustomAttributeOfType
- _disallowMultipleComponentArray
- _executeInEditModeArray
- _requireComponentArray
- DisallowMultipleComponent
- RequireComponent
- requiredComponent
- m_Type0
- m_Type1
- m_Type2
- AddComponentMenu
- menuName
- order
- m_AddComponentMenu
- m_Ordering
- CreateAssetMenuAttribute
- set_menuName
- set_fileName
- <menuName>k__BackingField
- <fileName>k__BackingField
- ContextMenu
- ExecuteInEditMode
- DefaultExecutionOrder
- get_order
- <order>k__BackingField
- NativeClassAttribute
- qualifiedCppName
- set_QualifiedNativeName
- <QualifiedNativeName>k__BackingField
- QualifiedNativeName
- AssemblyIsEditorAssembly
- SendMessageOptions
- RequireReceiver
- DontRequireReceiver
- RuntimePlatform
- OSXEditor
- OSXPlayer
- WindowsPlayer
- OSXWebPlayer
- OSXDashboardPlayer
- WindowsWebPlayer
- WindowsEditor
- IPhonePlayer
- XBOX360
- PS3
- Android
- NaCl
- FlashPlayer
- LinuxPlayer
- LinuxEditor
- WebGLPlayer
- MetroPlayerX86
- WSAPlayerX86
- MetroPlayerX64
- WSAPlayerX64
- MetroPlayerARM
- WSAPlayerARM
- WP8Player
- BlackBerryPlayer
- TizenPlayer
- PSP2
- PS4
- XboxOne
- SamsungTVPlayer
- WiiU
- tvOS
- OperatingSystemFamily
- Windows
- Linux
- LogType
- BeforeRenderHelper
- s_OrderBlocks
- OrderBlock
- CastHelper`1
- onePointerFurtherThanT
- ClassLibraryInitializer
- Color
- get_red
- get_white
- get_black
- get_magenta
- get_clear
- red
- white
- black
- magenta
- clear
- Color32
- rgba
- SetupCoroutine
- returnValueAddress
- InvokeMoveNext
- behaviour
- CameraClearFlags
- Skybox
- SolidColor
- Depth
- Nothing
- MeshTopology
- Triangles
- Quads
- Lines
- LineStrip
- Points
- TextureWrapMode
- Mirror
- MirrorOnce
- CompareFunction
- UnityEngine.Rendering
- Disabled
- Less
- Equal
- LessEqual
- Greater
- NotEqual
- GreaterEqual
- ColorWriteMask
- Alpha
- Blue
- Green
- Red
- StencilOp
- Keep
- IncrementSaturate
- DecrementSaturate
- Invert
- IncrementWrap
- DecrementWrap
- IExposedPropertyTable
- KeyCode
- Backspace
- Tab
- Return
- Pause
- Space
- Keypad0
- Keypad1
- Keypad2
- Keypad3
- Keypad4
- Keypad5
- Keypad6
- Keypad7
- Keypad8
- Keypad9
- KeypadPeriod
- KeypadDivide
- KeypadMultiply
- KeypadMinus
- KeypadPlus
- KeypadEnter
- KeypadEquals
- UpArrow
- DownArrow
- RightArrow
- LeftArrow
- Home
- PageUp
- PageDown
- F1
- F2
- F3
- F4
- F5
- F6
- F7
- F8
- F9
- F10
- F11
- F12
- F13
- F14
- F15
- Alpha0
- Alpha1
- Alpha2
- Alpha3
- Alpha4
- Alpha5
- Alpha6
- Alpha7
- Alpha8
- Alpha9
- Exclaim
- DoubleQuote
- Dollar
- Ampersand
- Quote
- LeftParen
- RightParen
- Asterisk
- Plus
- Comma
- Minus
- Period
- Slash
- Colon
- Semicolon
- Question
- At
- LeftBracket
- Backslash
- RightBracket
- Caret
- Underscore
- BackQuote
- A
- B
- C
- E
- L
- N
- O
- S
- Z
- Numlock
- CapsLock
- ScrollLock
- RightControl
- LeftControl
- RightAlt
- LeftAlt
- LeftCommand
- LeftApple
- LeftWindows
- RightCommand
- RightApple
- RightWindows
- AltGr
- Help
- Print
- SysReq
- Menu
- Mouse0
- Mouse1
- Mouse2
- Mouse3
- Mouse4
- Mouse5
- Mouse6
- JoystickButton0
- JoystickButton1
- JoystickButton2
- JoystickButton3
- JoystickButton4
- JoystickButton5
- JoystickButton6
- JoystickButton7
- JoystickButton8
- JoystickButton9
- JoystickButton10
- JoystickButton11
- JoystickButton12
- JoystickButton13
- JoystickButton14
- JoystickButton15
- JoystickButton16
- JoystickButton17
- JoystickButton18
- JoystickButton19
- Joystick1Button0
- Joystick1Button1
- Joystick1Button2
- Joystick1Button3
- Joystick1Button4
- Joystick1Button5
- Joystick1Button6
- Joystick1Button7
- Joystick1Button8
- Joystick1Button9
- Joystick1Button10
- Joystick1Button11
- Joystick1Button12
- Joystick1Button13
- Joystick1Button14
- Joystick1Button15
- Joystick1Button16
- Joystick1Button17
- Joystick1Button18
- Joystick1Button19
- Joystick2Button0
- Joystick2Button1
- Joystick2Button2
- Joystick2Button3
- Joystick2Button4
- Joystick2Button5
- Joystick2Button6
- Joystick2Button7
- Joystick2Button8
- Joystick2Button9
- Joystick2Button10
- Joystick2Button11
- Joystick2Button12
- Joystick2Button13
- Joystick2Button14
- Joystick2Button15
- Joystick2Button16
- Joystick2Button17
- Joystick2Button18
- Joystick2Button19
- Joystick3Button0
- Joystick3Button1
- Joystick3Button2
- Joystick3Button3
- Joystick3Button4
- Joystick3Button5
- Joystick3Button6
- Joystick3Button7
- Joystick3Button8
- Joystick3Button9
- Joystick3Button10
- Joystick3Button11
- Joystick3Button12
- Joystick3Button13
- Joystick3Button14
- Joystick3Button15
- Joystick3Button16
- Joystick3Button17
- Joystick3Button18
- Joystick3Button19
- Joystick4Button0
- Joystick4Button1
- Joystick4Button2
- Joystick4Button3
- Joystick4Button4
- Joystick4Button5
- Joystick4Button6
- Joystick4Button7
- Joystick4Button8
- Joystick4Button9
- Joystick4Button10
- Joystick4Button11
- Joystick4Button12
- Joystick4Button13
- Joystick4Button14
- Joystick4Button15
- Joystick4Button16
- Joystick4Button17
- Joystick4Button18
- Joystick4Button19
- Joystick5Button0
- Joystick5Button1
- Joystick5Button2
- Joystick5Button3
- Joystick5Button4
- Joystick5Button5
- Joystick5Button6
- Joystick5Button7
- Joystick5Button8
- Joystick5Button9
- Joystick5Button10
- Joystick5Button11
- Joystick5Button12
- Joystick5Button13
- Joystick5Button14
- Joystick5Button15
- Joystick5Button16
- Joystick5Button17
- Joystick5Button18
- Joystick5Button19
- Joystick6Button0
- Joystick6Button1
- Joystick6Button2
- Joystick6Button3
- Joystick6Button4
- Joystick6Button5
- Joystick6Button6
- Joystick6Button7
- Joystick6Button8
- Joystick6Button9
- Joystick6Button10
- Joystick6Button11
- Joystick6Button12
- Joystick6Button13
- Joystick6Button14
- Joystick6Button15
- Joystick6Button16
- Joystick6Button17
- Joystick6Button18
- Joystick6Button19
- Joystick7Button0
- Joystick7Button1
- Joystick7Button2
- Joystick7Button3
- Joystick7Button4
- Joystick7Button5
- Joystick7Button6
- Joystick7Button7
- Joystick7Button8
- Joystick7Button9
- Joystick7Button10
- Joystick7Button11
- Joystick7Button12
- Joystick7Button13
- Joystick7Button14
- Joystick7Button15
- Joystick7Button16
- Joystick7Button17
- Joystick7Button18
- Joystick7Button19
- Joystick8Button0
- Joystick8Button1
- Joystick8Button2
- Joystick8Button3
- Joystick8Button4
- Joystick8Button5
- Joystick8Button6
- Joystick8Button7
- Joystick8Button8
- Joystick8Button9
- Joystick8Button10
- Joystick8Button11
- Joystick8Button12
- Joystick8Button13
- Joystick8Button14
- Joystick8Button15
- Joystick8Button16
- Joystick8Button17
- Joystick8Button18
- Joystick8Button19
- ManagedStreamHelpers
- ValidateLoadFromStream
- ManagedStreamRead
- ManagedStreamSeek
- ManagedStreamLength
- MathfInternal
- UnityEngineInternal
- FloatMinNormal
- FloatMinDenormal
- IsFlushToZeroEnabled
- Mesh
- Internal_Create
- submesh
- applyBaseVertex
- GetIndicesImpl
- topology
- arraySize
- calculateBounds
- baseVertex
- SetIndicesImpl
- PrintErrorCantAccessChannel
- HasChannel
- dim
- SetArrayForChannelImpl
- GetAllocArrayFromChannelImpl
- get_canAccess
- get_subMeshCount
- keepVertexLayout
- ClearImpl
- RecalculateBoundsImpl
- uvIndex
- GetUVChannel
- DefaultDimensionForChannel
- GetAllocArrayFromChannel
- valuesCount
- SetSizedArrayForChannel
- SetListForChannel
- get_vertices
- get_normals
- get_tangents
- get_uv
- get_uv2
- get_uv3
- get_uv4
- get_colors32
- inVertices
- SetVertices
- inNormals
- SetNormals
- inTangents
- SetTangents
- inColors
- SetColors
- uvs
- SetUvsImpl
- SetUVs
- PrintErrorCantAccessIndices
- errorAboutTriangles
- CheckCanAccessSubmesh
- CheckCanAccessSubmeshTriangles
- CheckCanAccessSubmeshIndices
- GetIndices
- triangles
- SetTrianglesImpl
- SetTriangles
- RecalculateBounds
- canAccess
- subMeshCount
- vertices
- normals
- tangents
- uv
- uv2
- uv3
- uv4
- colors32
- InternalShaderChannel
- Vertex
- TexCoord0
- TexCoord1
- TexCoord2
- TexCoord3
- Tangent
- InternalVertexChannelType
- ScriptingUtils
- SendMouseEvents
- SetMouseMoved
- camera
- hitInfo
- HitTestLegacyGUI
- skipRTCameras
- DoSendMouseEvents
- hit
- s_MouseUsed
- m_LastHit
- m_MouseDownHit
- m_CurrentHit
- m_Cameras
- HitInfo
- Plane
- inNormal
- inPoint
- enter
- Raycast
- m_Normal
- m_Distance
- PropertyAttribute
- TooltipAttribute
- tooltip
- SpaceAttribute
- HeaderAttribute
- RangeAttribute
- TextAreaAttribute
- minLines
- maxLines
- PropertyNameUtils
- PropertyNameFromString
- PropertyNameFromString_Injected
- PropertyName
- RangeInt
- get_end
- Ray
- direction
- get_origin
- get_direction
- GetPoint
- m_Origin
- m_Direction
- Rect
- get_x
- set_x
- get_y
- set_y
- set_width
- set_height
- get_xMin
- set_xMin
- get_yMin
- set_yMin
- get_xMax
- set_xMax
- get_yMax
- set_yMax
- OrderMinMax
- Overlaps
- allowInverse
- m_XMin
- m_YMin
- m_Width
- m_Height
- xMin
- yMin
- xMax
- yMax
- SelectionBaseAttribute
- SerializePrivateVariables
- SerializeField
- PreferBinarySerialization
- ISerializationCallbackReceiver
- OnBeforeSerialize
- OnAfterDeserialize
- StackTraceUtility
- SetProjectFolder
- ExtractStackTrace
- IsSystemStacktraceType
- exceptiono
- ExtractStringFromExceptionInternal
- oldString
- stripEngineInternalInformation
- PostprocessStacktrace
- ExtractFormattedStackTrace
- projectFolder
- UnityException
- TouchScreenKeyboardType
- ASCIICapable
- NumbersAndPunctuation
- NumberPad
- PhonePad
- NamePhonePad
- EmailAddress
- NintendoNetworkAccount
- Social
- TrackedReference
- PersistentListenerMode
- UnityEngine.Events
- EventDefined
- Int
- ArgumentCache
- get_unityObjectArgument
- get_unityObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName
- get_intArgument
- get_floatArgument
- get_stringArgument
- get_boolArgument
- TidyAssemblyTypeName
- m_ObjectArgument
- m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName
- m_IntArgument
- m_FloatArgument
- m_StringArgument
- m_BoolArgument
- unityObjectArgument
- unityObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName
- intArgument
- floatArgument
- stringArgument
- boolArgument
- BaseInvokableCall
- function
- ThrowOnInvalidArg
- delegate
- AllowInvoke
- targetObj
- InvokableCall
- theFunction
- add_Delegate
- remove_Delegate
- InvokableCall`1
- args0
- InvokableCall`2
- InvokableCall`3
- InvokableCall`4
- CachedInvokableCall`1
- argument
- m_Arg1
- UnityEventCallState
- EditorAndRuntime
- RuntimeOnly
- PersistentCall
- get_target
- get_methodName
- get_mode
- get_arguments
- theEvent
- GetRuntimeCall
- GetObjectCall
- m_Target
- m_MethodName
- m_Mode
- m_Arguments
- m_CallState
- PersistentCallGroup
- invokableList
- unityEventBase
- m_Calls
- InvokableCallList
- call
- AddPersistentInvokableCall
- AddListener
- RemoveListener
- ClearPersistent
- PrepareInvoke
- m_PersistentCalls
- m_RuntimeCalls
- m_ExecutingCalls
- m_NeedsUpdate
- UnityEventBase
- UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnBeforeSerialize
- UnityEngine.ISerializationCallbackReceiver.OnAfterDeserialize
- FindMethod_Impl
- GetDelegate
- FindMethod
- listener
- DirtyPersistentCalls
- RebuildPersistentCallsIfNeeded
- AddCall
- functionName
- argumentTypes
- GetValidMethodInfo
- m_TypeName
- m_CallsDirty
- UnityAction
- UnityEvent
- m_InvokeArray
- UnityAction`1
- UnityEvent`1
- UnityAction`2
- UnityEvent`2
- UnityAction`3
- UnityEvent`3
- UnityAction`4
- UnityEvent`4
- UnitySynchronizationContext
- Exec
- InitializeSynchronizationContext
- ExecuteTasks
- m_AsyncWorkQueue
- m_MainThreadID
- WorkRequest
- m_DelagateCallback
- m_DelagateState
- m_WaitHandle
- Vector2
- LerpUnclamped
- Vector3Int
- get_z
- m_X
- m_Y
- m_Z
- s_Zero
- s_One
- s_Up
- s_Down
- s_Left
- s_Right
- Vector4
- WaitForSecondsRealtime
- waitTime
- ReadOnlyAttribute
- UnityEngine.Collections
- WriteOnlyAttribute
- DeallocateOnJobCompletionAttribute
- NativeFixedLengthAttribute
- NativeMatchesParallelForLengthAttribute
- NativeDisableParallelForRestrictionAttribute
- NativeContainerAttribute
- NativeContainerIsAtomicWriteOnlyAttribute
- NativeContainerSupportsMinMaxWriteRestrictionAttribute
- NativeContainerSupportsDeallocateOnJobCompletionAttribute
- CameraPlayable
- UnityEngine.Experimental.Playables
- GetHandle
- IPlayable
- IPlayableBehaviour
- IPlayableOutput
- MaterialEffectPlayable
- Playable
- m_NullPlayable
- PlayableBinding
- DefaultDuration
- <streamName>k__BackingField
- <streamType>k__BackingField
- <sourceObject>k__BackingField
- <sourceBindingType>k__BackingField
- IPlayableAsset
- PlayableAsset
- CreatePlayable
- get_duration
- asset
- go
- Internal_CreatePlayable
- ptrToDouble
- Internal_GetPlayableAssetDuration
- duration
- PlayableBehaviour
- DataStreamType
- Animation
- Audio
- PlayableGraph
- PlayableHandle
- IsPlayableOfType
- GetPlayableType
- _unity_self
- IsValid_Injected
- GetPlayableType_Injected
- PlayableOutput
- m_NullPlayableOutput
- ScriptPlayableOutput
- TextureMixerPlayable
- TexturePlayableOutput
- DefaultValueAttribute
- UnityEngine.Internal
- DefaultValue
- ExcludeFromDocsAttribute
- ILogger
- ILogHandler
- Logger
- logHandler
- get_logHandler
- set_logHandler
- get_logEnabled
- set_logEnabled
- get_filterLogType
- set_filterLogType
- IsLogTypeAllowed
- <logHandler>k__BackingField
- <logEnabled>k__BackingField
- <filterLogType>k__BackingField
- logEnabled
- filterLogType
- MessageEventArgs
- UnityEngine.Networking.PlayerConnection
- playerId
- IEditorPlayerConnection
- PlayerConnection
- get_instance
- messageId
- MessageCallbackInternal
- ConnectedCallbackInternal
- DisconnectedCallback
- m_PlayerEditorConnectionEvents
- m_connectedPlayers
- s_Instance
- PlayerEditorConnectionEvents
- InvokeMessageIdSubscribers
- messageTypeSubscribers
- connectionEvent
- disconnectionEvent
- MessageEvent
- ConnectionChangeEvent
- MessageTypeSubscribers
- get_MessageTypeId
- m_messageTypeId
- subscriberCount
- messageCallback
- MessageTypeId
- <InvokeMessageIdSubscribers>c__AnonStorey0
- <>m__0
- IRenderPipeline
- get_disposed
- renderContext
- Render
- IRenderPipelineAsset
- DestroyCreatedInstances
- CreatePipeline
- RenderPipelineManager
- get_currentPipeline
- set_currentPipeline
- CleanupRenderPipeline
- pipe
- loopPtr
- DoRenderLoop_Internal
- PrepareRenderPipeline
- s_CurrentPipelineAsset
- <currentPipeline>k__BackingField
- currentPipeline
- MovedFromAttribute
- UnityEngine.Scripting.APIUpdating
- sourceNamespace
- isInDifferentAssembly
- set_Namespace
- set_IsInDifferentAssembly
- <Namespace>k__BackingField
- <IsInDifferentAssembly>k__BackingField
- IsInDifferentAssembly
- FormerlySerializedAsAttribute
- UnityEngine.Serialization
- oldName
- m_oldName
- TypeInferenceRules
- TypeReferencedByFirstArgument
- TypeReferencedBySecondArgument
- ArrayOfTypeReferencedByFirstArgument
- TypeOfFirstArgument
- TypeInferenceRuleAttribute
- rule
- _rule
- GenericStack
- NetFxCoreExtensions
- delegateType
- CSSMeasureFunc
- UnityEngine.CSSLayout
- node
- widthMode
- heightMode
- CSSMeasureMode
- Undefined
- Exactly
- AtMost
- CSSSize
- CSSNodeGetMeasureFunc
- CSSNodeMeasureInvoke
- s_MeasureFunctions
- UnityEngine.AudioModule
- UnityEngine.AudioModule.dll
- AudioSettings
- GetSpatializerPluginName
- deviceWasChanged
- InvokeOnAudioConfigurationChanged
- InvokeOnAudioManagerUpdate
- InvokeOnAudioSourcePlay
- GetAmbisonicDecoderPluginName
- OnAudioConfigurationChanged
- AudioConfigurationChangeHandler
- AudioExtensionManager
- GetAudioListener
- AddSpatializerExtension
- AddAmbisonicDecoderExtension
- extensionName
- WriteExtensionProperties
- AddExtensionToManager
- RemoveExtensionFromManager
- GetReadyToPlay
- RegisterBuiltinDefinitions
- m_ListenerSpatializerExtensionDefinitions
- m_SourceSpatializerExtensionDefinitions
- m_SourceAmbisonicDecoderExtensionDefinitions
- m_SourceExtensionsToUpdate
- m_NextStopIndex
- m_BuiltinDefinitionsRegistered
- m_SpatializerName
- m_SpatializerExtensionName
- m_ListenerSpatializerExtensionName
- AudioClip
- get_length
- get_ambisonic
- InvokePCMReaderCallback_Internal
- InvokePCMSetPositionCallback_Internal
- m_PCMReaderCallback
- m_PCMSetPositionCallback
- ambisonic
- PCMReaderCallback
- PCMSetPositionCallback
- AudioListener
- GetNumExtensionProperties
- listenerIndex
- ReadExtensionName
- INTERNAL_CALL_ReadExtensionName
- ReadExtensionPropertyName
- INTERNAL_CALL_ReadExtensionPropertyName
- ReadExtensionPropertyValue
- ClearExtensionProperties
- INTERNAL_CALL_ClearExtensionProperties
- extensionType
- AddExtension
- spatializerExtension
- AudioSource
- set_pitch
- set_time
- get_clip
- set_clip
- Play
- Stop
- UnPause
- set_playOnAwake
- get_spatializeInternal
- get_spatialize
- AddAmbisonicExtension
- ambisonicExtension
- pitch
- clip
- playOnAwake
- spatializeInternal
- spatialize
- AudioExtensionDefinition
- GetExtensionType
- extensionNamespace
- extensionTypeName
- AudioSpatializerExtensionDefinition
- spatializerName
- definition
- AudioAmbisonicExtensionDefinition
- ambisonicPluginName
- AudioListenerExtension
- get_audioListener
- set_audioListener
- propertyValue
- WriteExtensionProperty
- ExtensionUpdate
- m_audioListener
- audioListener
- AudioSourceExtension
- get_audioSource
- set_audioSource
- m_audioSource
- m_ExtensionManagerUpdateIndex
- audioSource
- AudioPlayableOutput
- UnityEngine.Audio
- AudioClipPlayable
- AudioMixerPlayable
- UnityEngine.GridModule
- UnityEngine.GridModule.dll
- GridLayout
- UnityEngine.Physics2DModule
- UnityEngine.Physics2DModule.dll
- Physics2D
- minDepth
- maxDepth
- contactFilter
- raycastHit
- Internal_Raycast
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_Raycast
- Internal_RaycastNonAlloc
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_RaycastNonAlloc
- GetRayIntersectionAll
- INTERNAL_CALL_GetRayIntersectionAll
- get_queriesHitTriggers
- m_LastDisabledRigidbody2D
- queriesHitTriggers
- Rigidbody2D
- Collider2D
- Collision2D
- m_Collider
- m_OtherCollider
- m_Rigidbody
- m_OtherRigidbody
- m_Contacts
- m_RelativeVelocity
- m_Enabled
- ContactFilter2D
- CheckConsistency
- SetLayerMask
- SetDepth
- CreateLegacyFilter
- useTriggers
- useLayerMask
- useDepth
- useOutsideDepth
- useNormalAngle
- useOutsideNormalAngle
- minNormalAngle
- maxNormalAngle
- ContactPoint2D
- m_Point
- m_Separation
- m_NormalImpulse
- m_TangentImpulse
- RaycastHit2D
- get_point
- get_normal
- get_distance
- get_collider
- m_Centroid
- m_Fraction
- normal
- collider
- UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule
- UnityEngine.TextRenderingModule.dll
- TextAnchor
- UpperLeft
- UpperCenter
- UpperRight
- MiddleLeft
- MiddleCenter
- MiddleRight
- LowerLeft
- LowerCenter
- LowerRight
- HorizontalWrapMode
- Wrap
- Overflow
- VerticalWrapMode
- Font
- HasCharacter
- add_textureRebuilt
- remove_textureRebuilt
- font
- InvokeTextureRebuilt_Internal
- get_dynamic
- get_fontSize
- textureRebuilt
- m_FontTextureRebuildCallback
- dynamic
- fontSize
- FontTextureRebuildCallback
- UICharInfo
- cursorPos
- charWidth
- UILineInfo
- startCharIdx
- topY
- leading
- UIVertex
- uv0
- uv1
- tangent
- s_DefaultColor
- s_DefaultTangent
- simpleVert
- TextGenerator
- Dispose_cpp
- scaleFactor
- lineSpacing
- richText
- resizeTextForBestFit
- resizeTextMinSize
- resizeTextMaxSize
- verticalOverFlow
- horizontalOverflow
- updateBounds
- anchor
- generateOutOfBounds
- alignByGeometry
- Populate_Internal
- extentsX
- extentsY
- pivotX
- pivotY
- Populate_Internal_cpp
- INTERNAL_CALL_Populate_Internal_cpp
- get_rectExtents
- INTERNAL_get_rectExtents
- GetVerticesInternal
- get_characterCount
- get_characterCountVisible
- characters
- GetCharactersInternal
- get_lineCount
- lines
- GetLinesInternal
- settings
- ValidatedSettings
- Invalidate
- GetCharacters
- GetLines
- GetVertices
- GetPreferredWidth
- GetPreferredHeight
- PopulateWithErrors
- Populate
- PopulateWithError
- PopulateAlways
- get_verts
- get_characters
- get_lines
- m_LastString
- m_LastSettings
- m_HasGenerated
- m_LastValid
- m_Verts
- m_Characters
- m_Lines
- m_CachedVerts
- m_CachedCharacters
- m_CachedLines
- rectExtents
- characterCount
- characterCountVisible
- lineCount
- verts
- FontStyle
- Bold
- Italic
- BoldAndItalic
- TextGenerationError
- CustomSizeOnNonDynamicFont
- CustomStyleOnNonDynamicFont
- NoFont
- TextGenerationSettings
- CompareColors
- CompareVector2
- fontStyle
- textAnchor
- verticalOverflow
- generationExtents
- UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule
- UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestModule.dll
- UnityWebRequestAsyncOperation
- UnityEngine.Networking
- set_webRequest
- <webRequest>k__BackingField
- webRequest
- UnityWebRequest
- downloadHandler
- uploadHandler
- err
- GetWebErrorString
- get_disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose
- set_disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose
- get_disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose
- set_disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose
- InternalSetDefaults
- DisposeHandlers
- BeginWebRequest
- SendWebRequest
- Abort
- methodType
- InternalSetMethod
- customMethodName
- SetCustomMethod
- InternalSetCustomMethod
- get_url
- set_url
- GetUrl
- SetUrl
- InternalSetUrl
- get_isModifiable
- get_isDone
- get_isNetworkError
- uh
- SetUploadHandler
- get_uploadHandler
- set_uploadHandler
- dh
- SetDownloadHandler
- get_downloadHandler
- set_downloadHandler
- m_DownloadHandler
- m_UploadHandler
- <disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose>k__BackingField
- <disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose>k__BackingField
- disposeDownloadHandlerOnDispose
- disposeUploadHandlerOnDispose
- isModifiable
- isDone
- isNetworkError
- UnityWebRequestMethod
- Post
- Put
- Head
- UnityWebRequestError
- OK
- SDKError
- UnsupportedProtocol
- MalformattedUrl
- CannotResolveProxy
- CannotResolveHost
- CannotConnectToHost
- GenericHttpError
- WriteError
- ReadError
- OutOfMemory
- Timeout
- HTTPPostError
- SSLCannotConnect
- TooManyRedirects
- ReceivedNoData
- SSLNotSupported
- FailedToSendData
- FailedToReceiveData
- SSLCertificateError
- SSLCipherNotAvailable
- SSLCACertError
- UnrecognizedContentEncoding
- LoginFailed
- SSLShutdownFailed
- NoInternetConnection
- WWWForm
- get_DefaultEncoding
- DefaultEncoding
- WWWTranscoder
- Hex2Byte
- toEncode
- URLDecode
- comperand
- ByteSubArrayEquals
- escapeChar
- space
- ucHexChars
- lcHexChars
- urlEscapeChar
- urlSpace
- dataSpace
- urlForbidden
- qpEscapeChar
- qpSpace
- qpForbidden
- WebRequestUtils
- redirectUri
- RedirectTo
- targetUrl
- localUrl
- MakeInitialUrl
- targetUri
- prependingProtocol
- MakeUriString
- domainRegex
- DownloadHandler
- get_data
- InternalGetByteArray
- DownloadHandlerBuffer
- InternalCreateBuffer
- InternalGetData
- UploadHandler
- UnityEngine.AIModule
- UnityEngine.AIModule.dll
- NavMesh
- UnityEngine.AI
- Internal_CallOnNavMeshPreUpdate
- onPreUpdate
- OnNavMeshPreUpdate
- UnityEngine.AnimationModule
- UnityEngine.AnimationModule.dll
- AnimationEventSource
- NoSource
- Legacy
- Animator
- AnimationEvent
- m_FunctionName
- m_StringParameter
- m_ObjectReferenceParameter
- m_FloatParameter
- m_IntParameter
- m_MessageOptions
- m_Source
- m_StateSender
- m_AnimatorStateInfo
- m_AnimatorClipInfo
- PlayMode
- StopSameLayer
- StopAll
- PlayDefaultAnimation
- GetStateAtIndex
- GetStateCount
- m_Outer
- m_CurrentIndex
- AnimationState
- AnimatorClipInfo
- m_ClipInstanceID
- m_Weight
- AnimatorStateInfo
- m_FullPath
- m_NormalizedTime
- m_Length
- m_Speed
- m_SpeedMultiplier
- m_Tag
- m_Loop
- AnimatorTransitionInfo
- m_UserName
- m_HasFixedDuration
- m_Duration
- m_AnyState
- m_TransitionType
- SetBool
- SetTrigger
- ResetTrigger
- set_runtimeAnimatorController
- get_hasBoundPlayables
- SetBoolString
- SetTriggerString
- SetTriggerID
- ResetTriggerString
- runtimeAnimatorController
- hasBoundPlayables
- AnimatorControllerPlayable
- UnityEngine.Animations
- SkeletonBone
- parentName
- HumanLimit
- m_Min
- m_Max
- m_AxisLength
- m_UseDefaultValues
- HumanBone
- m_BoneName
- m_HumanName
- limit
- RuntimeAnimatorController
- SharedBetweenAnimatorsAttribute
- StateMachineBehaviour
- AnimationClipPlayable
- AnimationLayerMixerPlayable
- AnimationMixerPlayable
- AnimationMotionXToDeltaPlayable
- AnimationOffsetPlayable
- AnimationPlayableOutput
- UnityEngine.DirectorModule
- UnityEngine.DirectorModule.dll
- PlayableDirector
- UnityEngine.IMGUIModule
- UnityEngine.IMGUIModule.dll
- displayIndex
- get_rawType
- Internal_GetMousePosition
- get_modifiers
- get_character
- get_commandName
- get_keyCode
- Internal_SetNativeEvent
- set_displayIndex
- outEvent
- PopEvent
- get_current
- Internal_MakeMasterEventCurrent
- get_isKey
- get_isMouse
- s_Current
- s_MasterEvent
- <>f__switch$map0
- rawType
- commandName
- keyCode
- isKey
- isMouse
- set_changed
- set_nextScrollStepTime
- set_skin
- get_skin
- newSkin
- DoSetSkin
- func
- instanceID
- _skin
- forceRect
- CallWindowDelegate
- s_ScrollStepSize
- s_HotTextField
- s_BoxHash
- s_RepeatButtonHash
- s_ToggleHash
- s_SliderHash
- s_BeginGroupHash
- s_ScrollviewHash
- <nextScrollStepTime>k__BackingField
- s_Skin
- s_ScrollViewStates
- changed
- nextScrollStepTime
- skin
- WindowFunction
- GUILayoutUtility
- windowID
- Internal_GetWindowRect
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_GetWindowRect
- Internal_MoveWindow
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_MoveWindow
- isWindow
- SelectIDList
- BeginWindow
- Layout
- LayoutFromEditorWindow
- toplevel
- LayoutFreeGroup
- LayoutSingleGroup
- get_spaceStyle
- s_StoredLayouts
- s_StoredWindows
- kDummyRect
- s_SpaceStyle
- spaceStyle
- LayoutCache
- topLevel
- layoutGroups
- windows
- GUISettings
- m_DoubleClickSelectsWord
- m_TripleClickSelectsLine
- m_CursorColor
- m_CursorFlashSpeed
- m_SelectionColor
- GUIStyleState
- m_Background
- GUIStyle
- GetRectOffsetPtr
- INTERNAL_CALL_GetRectOffsetPtr
- get_fixedWidth
- get_fixedHeight
- get_stretchWidth
- set_stretchWidth
- get_stretchHeight
- SetDefaultFont
- get_margin
- get_padding
- get_none
- m_Hover
- m_Active
- m_Focused
- m_OnNormal
- m_OnHover
- m_OnActive
- m_OnFocused
- m_Border
- m_Padding
- m_Margin
- m_Overflow
- m_FontInternal
- showKeyboardFocus
- s_None
- fixedWidth
- fixedHeight
- stretchWidth
- stretchHeight
- margin
- GUIUtility
- Internal_GetPixelsPerPoint
- get_systemCopyBuffer
- set_systemCopyBuffer
- skinMode
- Internal_GetDefaultSkin
- Internal_ExitGUI
- Internal_GetGUIDepth
- get_pixelsPerPoint
- set_guiIsExiting
- TakeCapture
- RemoveCapture
- GetDefaultSkin
- nativeEventPtr
- ProcessEvent
- useGUILayout
- BeginGUI
- layoutType
- EndGUI
- EndGUIFromException
- EndContainerGUIFromException
- ResetGlobalState
- IsExitGUIException
- ShouldRethrowException
- CheckOnGUI
- s_SkinMode
- s_OriginalID
- takeCapture
- releaseCapture
- processEvent
- endContainerGUIFromException
- <guiIsExiting>k__BackingField
- s_EditorScreenPointOffset
- systemCopyBuffer
- pixelsPerPoint
- guiIsExiting
- EventType
- MouseDown
- MouseUp
- MouseMove
- MouseDrag
- KeyDown
- KeyUp
- ScrollWheel
- Repaint
- DragUpdated
- DragPerform
- DragExited
- Ignore
- Used
- ValidateCommand
- ExecuteCommand
- ContextClick
- MouseEnterWindow
- MouseLeaveWindow
- mouseDown
- mouseUp
- mouseMove
- mouseDrag
- keyDown
- keyUp
- scrollWheel
- repaint
- layout
- dragUpdated
- dragPerform
- used
- EventModifiers
- Alt
- Command
- Numeric
- FunctionKey
- GUIContent
- image
- set_image
- set_tooltip
- ClearStaticCache
- m_Text
- m_Image
- m_Tooltip
- s_Text
- s_Image
- s_TextImage
- GUILayout
- Height
- GUILayoutOption
- minWidth
- maxWidth
- minHeight
- maxHeight
- alignStart
- alignMiddle
- alignEnd
- alignJustify
- equalSize
- spacing
- GUILayoutGroup
- ApplyOptions
- ApplyStyleSettings
- ResetCursor
- CalcWidth
- SetHorizontal
- CalcHeight
- SetVertical
- isVertical
- resetCoords
- sameSize
- m_Cursor
- m_StretchableCountX
- m_StretchableCountY
- m_UserSpecifiedWidth
- m_UserSpecifiedHeight
- m_ChildMinWidth
- m_ChildMaxWidth
- m_ChildMinHeight
- m_ChildMaxHeight
- GUIScrollGroup
- calcMinWidth
- calcMaxWidth
- calcMinHeight
- calcMaxHeight
- clientWidth
- clientHeight
- allowHorizontalScroll
- allowVerticalScroll
- needsHorizontalScrollbar
- needsVerticalScrollbar
- horizontalScrollbar
- verticalScrollbar
- GUILayoutEntry
- _minWidth
- _maxWidth
- _minHeight
- _maxHeight
- _style
- get_style
- set_style
- m_Style
- indent
- GUISkin
- get_font
- MakeCurrent
- m_Font
- m_box
- m_button
- m_toggle
- m_label
- m_textField
- m_textArea
- m_window
- m_horizontalSlider
- m_horizontalSliderThumb
- m_verticalSlider
- m_verticalSliderThumb
- m_horizontalScrollbar
- m_horizontalScrollbarThumb
- m_horizontalScrollbarLeftButton
- m_horizontalScrollbarRightButton
- m_verticalScrollbar
- m_verticalScrollbarThumb
- m_verticalScrollbarUpButton
- m_verticalScrollbarDownButton
- m_ScrollView
- m_CustomStyles
- m_Settings
- m_Styles
- m_SkinChanged
- SkinChangedDelegate
- GUITargetAttribute
- GetGUITargetAttrValue
- displayMask
- ExitGUIException
- ScrollViewState
- SliderState
- TextEditor
- keyboardOnScreen
- controlID
- hasHorizontalCursorPos
- isPasswordField
- scrollOffset
- m_Content
- m_CursorIndex
- m_SelectIndex
- m_RevealCursor
- m_MouseDragSelectsWholeWords
- m_DblClickInitPos
- m_DblClickSnap
- m_bJustSelected
- m_iAltCursorPos
- DblClickSnapping
- UnityEngine.InputModule
- UnityEngine.InputModule.dll
- NativeInputDeviceInfo
- UnityEngineInternal.Input
- deviceId
- deviceDescriptor
- NativeInputUpdateType
- BeginFixed
- EndFixed
- BeginDynamic
- EndDynamic
- BeginBeforeRender
- EndBeforeRender
- BeginEditor
- EndEditor
- NativeUpdateCallback
- updateType
- NativeEventCallback
- eventCount
- eventData
- NativeDeviceDiscoveredCallback
- deviceInfo
- NativeInputSystem
- NotifyUpdate
- NotifyEvents
- NotifyDeviceDiscovered
- set_hasDeviceDiscoveredCallback
- onUpdate
- onEvents
- s_OnDeviceDiscoveredCallback
- hasDeviceDiscoveredCallback
- UnityEngine.PhysicsModule
- UnityEngine.PhysicsModule.dll
- Physics
- maxDistance
- queryTriggerInteraction
- RaycastAll
- layermask
- Internal_RaycastTest
- INTERNAL_CALL_Internal_RaycastTest
- ContactPoint
- m_ThisColliderInstanceID
- m_OtherColliderInstanceID
- Rigidbody
- Collider
- BoxCollider
- SphereCollider
- MeshCollider
- CapsuleCollider
- RaycastHit
- m_FaceID
- m_UV
- CharacterController
- ControllerColliderHit
- m_Controller
- m_MoveDirection
- m_MoveLength
- m_Push
- Collision
- m_Impulse
- QueryTriggerInteraction
- UseGlobal
- Collide
- UnityEngine.TerrainModule
- UnityEngine.TerrainModule.dll
- TerrainData
- GetBoundaryValue
- GetAlphamapResolutionInternal
- k_MaximumResolution
- k_MinimumDetailResolutionPerPatch
- k_MaximumDetailResolutionPerPatch
- k_MaximumDetailPatchCount
- k_MinimumAlphamapResolution
- k_MaximumAlphamapResolution
- k_MinimumBaseMapResolution
- k_MaximumBaseMapResolution
- BoundaryValueType
- MaxHeightmapRes
- MinDetailResPerPatch
- MaxDetailResPerPatch
- MaxDetailPatchCount
- MinAlphamapRes
- MaxAlphamapRes
- MinBaseMapRes
- MaxBaseMapRes
- UnityEngine.TilemapModule
- UnityEngine.TilemapModule.dll
- ITilemap
- UnityEngine.Tilemaps
- RefreshTile
- m_Tilemap
- Tile
- tilemap
- tileData
- GetTileData
- m_Sprite
- m_Color
- m_Transform
- m_InstancedGameObject
- m_ColliderType
- ColliderType
- Grid
- TileBase
- tileAnimationData
- GetTileAnimationData
- StartUp
- TileFlags
- LockColor
- LockTransform
- InstantiateGameObjectRuntimeOnly
- LockAll
- Tilemap
- RefreshTile_Injected
- TileData
- set_transform
- set_gameObject
- set_flags
- set_colliderType
- m_GameObject
- colliderType
- TileAnimationData
- m_AnimatedSprites
- m_AnimationSpeed
- m_AnimationStartTime
- UnityEngine.UIModule
- UnityEngine.UIModule.dll
- RenderMode
- ScreenSpaceOverlay
- ScreenSpaceCamera
- WorldSpace
- Canvas
- get_renderMode
- get_isRootCanvas
- get_worldCamera
- get_scaleFactor
- set_scaleFactor
- get_referencePixelsPerUnit
- set_referencePixelsPerUnit
- get_pixelPerfect
- get_renderOrder
- get_overrideSorting
- set_overrideSorting
- set_sortingOrder
- set_sortingLayerID
- get_rootCanvas
- GetDefaultCanvasMaterial
- GetETC1SupportedCanvasMaterial
- add_willRenderCanvases
- remove_willRenderCanvases
- SendWillRenderCanvases
- ForceUpdateCanvases
- willRenderCanvases
- renderMode
- isRootCanvas
- worldCamera
- referencePixelsPerUnit
- pixelPerfect
- renderOrder
- overrideSorting
- rootCanvas
- WillRenderCanvases
- UISystemProfilerApi
- BeginSample
- EndSample
- AddMarker
- SampleType
- ICanvasRaycastFilter
- sp
- eventCamera
- IsRaycastLocationValid
- CanvasGroup
- get_alpha
- set_alpha
- get_interactable
- get_blocksRaycasts
- get_ignoreParentGroups
- alpha
- interactable
- blocksRaycasts
- ignoreParentGroups
- CanvasRenderer
- EnableRectClipping
- INTERNAL_CALL_EnableRectClipping
- DisableRectClipping
- set_hasPopInstruction
- get_materialCount
- set_materialCount
- SetMaterial
- set_popMaterialCount
- SetPopMaterial
- SetTexture
- SetAlphaTexture
- mesh
- SetMesh
- positions
- colors
- uv0S
- uv1S
- uv2S
- uv3S
- SplitUIVertexStreams
- SplitUIVertexStreamsInternal
- SplitIndicesStreamsInternal
- CreateUIVertexStream
- CreateUIVertexStreamInternal
- AddUIVertexStream
- get_cull
- set_cull
- get_absoluteDepth
- get_hasMoved
- hasPopInstruction
- materialCount
- popMaterialCount
- cull
- absoluteDepth
- hasMoved
- RectTransformUtility
- screenPoint
- RectangleContainsScreenPoint
- INTERNAL_CALL_RectangleContainsScreenPoint
- elementTransform
- canvas
- PixelAdjustPoint
- INTERNAL_CALL_PixelAdjustPoint
- PixelAdjustRect
- INTERNAL_CALL_PixelAdjustRect
- worldPoint
- ScreenPointToWorldPointInRectangle
- localPoint
- ScreenPointToLocalPointInRectangle
- screenPos
- keepPositioning
- FlipLayoutOnAxis
- FlipLayoutAxes
- GetTransposed
- s_Corners
- UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule
- UnityEngine.UnityWebRequestWWWModule.dll
- get_bytes
- WaitUntilDoneIfPossible
- _uwr
- UnityEngine.VRModule
- UnityEngine.VRModule.dll
- InputTracking
- UnityEngine.XR
- eventType
- nodeType
- uniqueID
- tracked
- InvokeTrackingEvent
- trackingAcquired
- trackingLost
- nodeAdded
- nodeRemoved
- TrackingStateEventType
- NodeAdded
- NodeRemoved
- TrackingAcquired
- TrackingLost
- XRNode
- LeftEye
- RightEye
- CenterEye
- LeftHand
- RightHand
- GameController
- TrackingReference
- HardwareTracker
- AvailableTrackingData
- PositionAvailable
- RotationAvailable
- VelocityAvailable
- AngularVelocityAvailable
- AccelerationAvailable
- AngularAccelerationAvailable
- XRNodeState
- set_uniqueID
- set_nodeType
- set_tracked
- m_AvailableFields
- m_Rotation
- m_Velocity
- m_AngularVelocity
- m_Acceleration
- m_AngularAcceleration
- m_Tracked
- m_UniqueID
- UnityEngine.dll
- UnityEngine.UI
- UnityEngine.UI.dll
- EventHandle
- UnityEngine.EventSystems
- IEventSystemHandler
- IPointerEnterHandler
- OnPointerEnter
- IPointerExitHandler
- OnPointerExit
- IPointerDownHandler
- OnPointerDown
- IPointerUpHandler
- OnPointerUp
- IPointerClickHandler
- OnPointerClick
- IBeginDragHandler
- OnBeginDrag
- IInitializePotentialDragHandler
- OnInitializePotentialDrag
- IDragHandler
- OnDrag
- IEndDragHandler
- OnEndDrag
- IDropHandler
- OnDrop
- IScrollHandler
- OnScroll
- IUpdateSelectedHandler
- OnUpdateSelected
- ISelectHandler
- OnSelect
- IDeselectHandler
- OnDeselect
- IMoveHandler
- OnMove
- ISubmitHandler
- OnSubmit
- ICancelHandler
- OnCancel
- EventSystem
- set_current
- get_sendNavigationEvents
- set_sendNavigationEvents
- get_pixelDragThreshold
- set_pixelDragThreshold
- get_currentInputModule
- get_firstSelectedGameObject
- set_firstSelectedGameObject
- get_currentSelectedGameObject
- get_lastSelectedGameObject
- get_isFocused
- UpdateModules
- get_alreadySelecting
- pointer
- SetSelectedGameObject
- get_baseEventDataCache
- RaycastComparer
- raycastResults
- IsPointerOverGameObject
- pointerId
- OnEnable
- OnDisable
- TickModules
- hasFocus
- OnApplicationFocus
- ChangeEventModule
- m_SystemInputModules
- m_CurrentInputModule
- m_EventSystems
- m_FirstSelected
- m_sendNavigationEvents
- m_DragThreshold
- m_CurrentSelected
- m_HasFocus
- m_SelectionGuard
- m_DummyData
- s_RaycastComparer
- sendNavigationEvents
- pixelDragThreshold
- currentInputModule
- firstSelectedGameObject
- currentSelectedGameObject
- lastSelectedGameObject
- isFocused
- alreadySelecting
- baseEventDataCache
- EventTrigger
- get_triggers
- set_triggers
- Execute
- m_Delegates
- triggers
- TriggerEvent
- eventID
- EventTriggerType
- PointerEnter
- PointerExit
- PointerDown
- PointerUp
- PointerClick
- Drag
- Drop
- Scroll
- UpdateSelected
- Deselect
- Move
- InitializePotentialDrag
- BeginDrag
- EndDrag
- Submit
- Cancel
- ExecuteEvents
- ValidateEventData
- get_pointerEnterHandler
- get_pointerExitHandler
- get_pointerDownHandler
- get_pointerUpHandler
- get_pointerClickHandler
- get_initializePotentialDrag
- get_beginDragHandler
- get_dragHandler
- get_endDragHandler
- get_dropHandler
- get_scrollHandler
- get_updateSelectedHandler
- get_selectHandler
- get_deselectHandler
- get_moveHandler
- get_submitHandler
- get_cancelHandler
- eventChain
- GetEventChain
- functor
- callbackFunction
- ExecuteHierarchy
- component
- ShouldSendToComponent
- GetEventList
- CanHandleEvent
- GetEventHandler
- <s_HandlerListPool>m__0
- s_PointerEnterHandler
- s_PointerExitHandler
- s_PointerDownHandler
- s_PointerUpHandler
- s_PointerClickHandler
- s_InitializePotentialDragHandler
- s_BeginDragHandler
- s_DragHandler
- s_EndDragHandler
- s_DropHandler
- s_ScrollHandler
- s_UpdateSelectedHandler
- s_SelectHandler
- s_DeselectHandler
- s_MoveHandler
- s_SubmitHandler
- s_CancelHandler
- s_HandlerListPool
- s_InternalTransformList
- <>f__mg$cache1
- <>f__mg$cache2
- <>f__mg$cache3
- <>f__mg$cache4
- <>f__mg$cache5
- <>f__mg$cache6
- <>f__mg$cache7
- <>f__mg$cache8
- <>f__mg$cache9
- <>f__mg$cacheA
- <>f__mg$cacheB
- <>f__mg$cacheC
- <>f__mg$cacheD
- <>f__mg$cacheE
- <>f__mg$cacheF
- <>f__mg$cache10
- pointerEnterHandler
- pointerExitHandler
- pointerDownHandler
- pointerUpHandler
- pointerClickHandler
- initializePotentialDrag
- beginDragHandler
- dragHandler
- endDragHandler
- dropHandler
- scrollHandler
- updateSelectedHandler
- selectHandler
- deselectHandler
- moveHandler
- submitHandler
- cancelHandler
- EventFunction`1
- MoveDirection
- Up
- Down
- RaycasterManager
- baseRaycaster
- AddRaycaster
- GetRaycasters
- RemoveRaycasters
- s_Raycasters
- RaycastResult
- get_isValid
- sortingLayer
- worldNormal
- isValid
- UIBehaviour
- Awake
- OnDestroy
- IsActive
- OnRectTransformDimensionsChange
- OnBeforeTransformParentChanged
- OnTransformParentChanged
- OnDidApplyAnimationProperties
- OnCanvasGroupChanged
- OnCanvasHierarchyChanged
- IsDestroyed
- AxisEventData
- eventSystem
- get_moveVector
- set_moveVector
- get_moveDir
- set_moveDir
- <moveVector>k__BackingField
- <moveDir>k__BackingField
- moveVector
- moveDir
- AbstractEventData
- get_used
- m_Used
- BaseEventData
- get_selectedObject
- set_selectedObject
- m_EventSystem
- selectedObject
- PointerEventData
- get_pointerEnter
- set_pointerEnter
- get_lastPress
- set_lastPress
- get_rawPointerPress
- set_rawPointerPress
- get_pointerDrag
- set_pointerDrag
- get_pointerCurrentRaycast
- set_pointerCurrentRaycast
- get_pointerPressRaycast
- set_pointerPressRaycast
- get_eligibleForClick
- set_eligibleForClick
- get_pointerId
- set_pointerId
- get_delta
- set_delta
- get_pressPosition
- set_pressPosition
- get_worldPosition
- set_worldPosition
- get_worldNormal
- set_worldNormal
- get_clickTime
- set_clickTime
- get_clickCount
- set_clickCount
- get_scrollDelta
- set_scrollDelta
- get_useDragThreshold
- set_useDragThreshold
- get_dragging
- set_dragging
- get_button
- set_button
- IsPointerMoving
- IsScrolling
- get_enterEventCamera
- get_pressEventCamera
- get_pointerPress
- set_pointerPress
- <pointerEnter>k__BackingField
- m_PointerPress
- <lastPress>k__BackingField
- <rawPointerPress>k__BackingField
- <pointerDrag>k__BackingField
- <pointerCurrentRaycast>k__BackingField
- <pointerPressRaycast>k__BackingField
- hovered
- <eligibleForClick>k__BackingField
- <pointerId>k__BackingField
- <position>k__BackingField
- <delta>k__BackingField
- <pressPosition>k__BackingField
- <worldPosition>k__BackingField
- <worldNormal>k__BackingField
- <clickTime>k__BackingField
- <clickCount>k__BackingField
- <scrollDelta>k__BackingField
- <useDragThreshold>k__BackingField
- <dragging>k__BackingField
- <button>k__BackingField
- pointerEnter
- lastPress
- rawPointerPress
- pointerDrag
- pointerCurrentRaycast
- pointerPressRaycast
- eligibleForClick
- pressPosition
- clickTime
- clickCount
- scrollDelta
- useDragThreshold
- dragging
- enterEventCamera
- pressEventCamera
- pointerPress
- InputButton
- Middle
- FramePressState
- Pressed
- Released
- PressedAndReleased
- NotChanged
- BaseInput
- BaseInputModule
- get_input
- get_eventSystem
- candidates
- FindFirstRaycast
- DetermineMoveDirection
- deadZone
- g1
- g2
- FindCommonRoot
- currentPointerData
- newEnterTarget
- HandlePointerExitAndEnter
- moveDeadZone
- GetAxisEventData
- GetBaseEventData
- ShouldActivateModule
- DeactivateModule
- ActivateModule
- UpdateModule
- IsModuleSupported
- m_RaycastResultCache
- m_AxisEventData
- m_BaseEventData
- m_InputOverride
- m_DefaultInput
- PointerInputModule
- GetPointerData
- RemovePointerData
- pressed
- released
- GetTouchPointerEventData
- CopyFromTo
- buttonId
- StateForMouseButton
- GetMousePointerEventData
- GetLastPointerEventData
- pressPos
- currentPos
- ShouldStartDrag
- pointerEvent
- ProcessMove
- ProcessDrag
- ClearSelection
- currentOverGo
- DeselectIfSelectionChanged
- kMouseLeftId
- kMouseRightId
- kMouseMiddleId
- kFakeTouchesId
- m_PointerData
- m_MouseState
- ButtonState
- get_eventData
- set_eventData
- m_Button
- m_EventData
- MouseState
- AnyPressesThisFrame
- AnyReleasesThisFrame
- GetButtonState
- stateForMouseButton
- SetButtonState
- m_TrackedButtons
- MouseButtonEventData
- PressedThisFrame
- ReleasedThisFrame
- buttonState
- buttonData
- StandaloneInputModule
- get_inputMode
- get_allowActivationOnMobileDevice
- set_allowActivationOnMobileDevice
- get_forceModuleActive
- set_forceModuleActive
- get_inputActionsPerSecond
- set_inputActionsPerSecond
- get_repeatDelay
- set_repeatDelay
- get_horizontalAxis
- set_horizontalAxis
- get_verticalAxis
- set_verticalAxis
- get_submitButton
- set_submitButton
- get_cancelButton
- set_cancelButton
- ShouldIgnoreEventsOnNoFocus
- ProcessTouchEvents
- ProcessTouchPress
- SendSubmitEventToSelectedObject
- GetRawMoveVector
- SendMoveEventToSelectedObject
- ProcessMouseEvent
- ForceAutoSelect
- SendUpdateEventToSelectedObject
- ProcessMousePress
- GetCurrentFocusedGameObject
- m_PrevActionTime
- m_LastMoveVector
- m_ConsecutiveMoveCount
- m_LastMousePosition
- m_MousePosition
- m_CurrentFocusedGameObject
- m_InputPointerEvent
- m_HorizontalAxis
- m_VerticalAxis
- m_SubmitButton
- m_CancelButton
- m_InputActionsPerSecond
- m_RepeatDelay
- m_ForceModuleActive
- inputMode
- allowActivationOnMobileDevice
- forceModuleActive
- inputActionsPerSecond
- repeatDelay
- horizontalAxis
- verticalAxis
- submitButton
- cancelButton
- InputMode
- Mouse
- Buttons
- TouchInputModule
- get_allowActivationOnStandalone
- set_allowActivationOnStandalone
- UseFakeInput
- FakeTouches
- allowActivationOnStandalone
- BaseRaycaster
- resultAppendList
- get_eventCamera
- get_priority
- get_sortOrderPriority
- get_renderOrderPriority
- priority
- sortOrderPriority
- renderOrderPriority
- Physics2DRaycaster
- m_Hits
- PhysicsRaycaster
- get_finalEventMask
- set_eventMask
- get_maxRayIntersections
- set_maxRayIntersections
- distanceToClipPlane
- ComputeRayAndDistance
- r1
- r2
- <Raycast>m__0
- kNoEventMaskSet
- m_EventCamera
- m_EventMask
- m_MaxRayIntersections
- m_LastMaxRayIntersections
- <>f__am$cache0
- finalEventMask
- maxRayIntersections
- ITweenValue
- UnityEngine.UI.CoroutineTween
- floatPercentage
- TweenValue
- get_ignoreTimeScale
- ValidTarget
- ignoreTimeScale
- ColorTween
- get_startColor
- set_startColor
- get_targetColor
- set_targetColor
- get_tweenMode
- set_tweenMode
- set_duration
- set_ignoreTimeScale
- AddOnChangedCallback
- GetIgnoreTimescale
- GetDuration
- m_StartColor
- m_TargetColor
- m_TweenMode
- m_IgnoreTimeScale
- startColor
- targetColor
- tweenMode
- ColorTweenMode
- ColorTweenCallback
- FloatTween
- get_startValue
- set_startValue
- get_targetValue
- set_targetValue
- m_StartValue
- m_TargetValue
- startValue
- targetValue
- FloatTweenCallback
- TweenRunner`1
- tweenInfo
- coroutineContainer
- StartTween
- StopTween
- m_CoroutineContainer
- m_Tween
- <Start>c__Iterator0
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object>.get_Current
- <elapsedTime>__0
- <percentage>__1
- $disposing
- System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator<object>.Current
- AnimationTriggers
- get_normalTrigger
- set_normalTrigger
- get_highlightedTrigger
- set_highlightedTrigger
- get_pressedTrigger
- set_pressedTrigger
- get_disabledTrigger
- set_disabledTrigger
- kDefaultNormalAnimName
- kDefaultSelectedAnimName
- kDefaultPressedAnimName
- kDefaultDisabledAnimName
- m_NormalTrigger
- m_HighlightedTrigger
- m_PressedTrigger
- m_DisabledTrigger
- normalTrigger
- highlightedTrigger
- pressedTrigger
- disabledTrigger
- Button
- get_onClick
- set_onClick
- Press
- OnFinishSubmit
- m_OnClick
- onClick
- ButtonClickedEvent
- <OnFinishSubmit>c__Iterator0
- <fadeTime>__0
- $this
- CanvasUpdate
- Prelayout
- PostLayout
- PreRender
- LatePreRender
- MaxUpdateValue
- ICanvasElement
- executing
- Rebuild
- LayoutComplete
- GraphicUpdateComplete
- CanvasUpdateRegistry
- ObjectValidForUpdate
- CleanInvalidItems
- PerformUpdate
- ParentCount
- SortLayoutList
- RegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
- TryRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
- InternalRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
- RegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
- TryRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
- InternalRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
- UnRegisterCanvasElementForRebuild
- InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForLayoutRebuild
- InternalUnRegisterCanvasElementForGraphicRebuild
- IsRebuildingLayout
- IsRebuildingGraphics
- m_PerformingLayoutUpdate
- m_PerformingGraphicUpdate
- m_LayoutRebuildQueue
- m_GraphicRebuildQueue
- s_SortLayoutFunction
- ColorBlock
- get_normalColor
- set_normalColor
- get_highlightedColor
- set_highlightedColor
- get_pressedColor
- set_pressedColor
- get_disabledColor
- set_disabledColor
- get_colorMultiplier
- set_colorMultiplier
- get_fadeDuration
- set_fadeDuration
- get_defaultColorBlock
- point1
- point2
- m_NormalColor
- m_HighlightedColor
- m_PressedColor
- m_DisabledColor
- m_ColorMultiplier
- m_FadeDuration
- normalColor
- highlightedColor
- pressedColor
- disabledColor
- colorMultiplier
- fadeDuration
- defaultColorBlock
- DefaultControls
- CreateUIElementRoot
- CreateUIObject
- lbl
- SetDefaultTextValues
- slider
- SetDefaultColorTransitionValues
- SetParentAndAlign
- SetLayerRecursively
- CreatePanel
- CreateButton
- CreateText
- CreateImage
- CreateRawImage
- CreateSlider
- CreateScrollbar
- CreateToggle
- CreateInputField
- CreateDropdown
- CreateScrollView
- kWidth
- kThickHeight
- kThinHeight
- s_ThickElementSize
- s_ThinElementSize
- s_ImageElementSize
- s_DefaultSelectableColor
- s_PanelColor
- s_TextColor
- standard
- background
- inputField
- knob
- checkmark
- dropdown
- Dropdown
- get_template
- set_template
- get_captionText
- set_captionText
- get_captionImage
- set_captionImage
- get_itemText
- set_itemText
- get_itemImage
- set_itemImage
- get_options
- set_options
- get_onValueChanged
- set_onValueChanged
- set_value
- RefreshShownValue
- AddOptions
- ClearOptions
- SetupTemplate
- GetOrAddComponent
- Show
- CreateBlocker
- blocker
- DestroyBlocker
- template
- CreateDropdownList
- dropdownList
- DestroyDropdownList
- itemTemplate
- CreateItem
- DestroyItem
- AddItem
- AlphaFadeList
- SetAlpha
- Hide
- DelayedDestroyDropdownList
- toggle
- OnSelectItem
- m_Template
- m_CaptionText
- m_CaptionImage
- m_ItemText
- m_ItemImage
- m_Options
- m_OnValueChanged
- m_Dropdown
- m_Blocker
- m_Items
- m_AlphaTweenRunner
- validTemplate
- s_NoOptionData
- captionText
- captionImage
- itemText
- itemImage
- onValueChanged
- DropdownItem
- get_image
- get_rectTransform
- set_rectTransform
- get_toggle
- set_toggle
- m_RectTransform
- m_Toggle
- OptionData
- OptionDataList
- DropdownEvent
- <Show>c__AnonStorey1
- <DelayedDestroyDropdownList>c__Iterator0
- FontData
- get_defaultFontData
- set_font
- set_fontSize
- get_fontStyle
- set_fontStyle
- get_bestFit
- set_bestFit
- get_minSize
- set_minSize
- get_maxSize
- set_maxSize
- get_alignment
- set_alignment
- get_alignByGeometry
- set_alignByGeometry
- get_richText
- set_richText
- get_horizontalOverflow
- set_horizontalOverflow
- get_verticalOverflow
- set_verticalOverflow
- get_lineSpacing
- set_lineSpacing
- m_FontSize
- m_FontStyle
- m_BestFit
- m_MinSize
- m_MaxSize
- m_Alignment
- m_AlignByGeometry
- m_RichText
- m_HorizontalOverflow
- m_VerticalOverflow
- m_LineSpacing
- defaultFontData
- bestFit
- alignment
- FontUpdateTracker
- TrackText
- RebuildForFont
- UntrackText
- Graphic
- get_defaultGraphicMaterial
- get_raycastTarget
- set_raycastTarget
- get_useLegacyMeshGeneration
- set_useLegacyMeshGeneration
- SetAllDirty
- SetLayoutDirty
- SetVerticesDirty
- SetMaterialDirty
- get_canvas
- CacheCanvas
- get_canvasRenderer
- get_defaultMaterial
- set_material
- get_materialForRendering
- OnCullingChanged
- UpdateMaterial
- UpdateGeometry
- DoMeshGeneration
- DoLegacyMeshGeneration
- get_workerMesh
- vbo
- OnFillVBO
- OnPopulateMesh
- vh
- SetNativeSize
- GetPixelAdjustedRect
- useAlpha
- CrossFadeColor
- useRGB
- CreateColorFromAlpha
- CrossFadeAlpha
- RegisterDirtyLayoutCallback
- UnregisterDirtyLayoutCallback
- RegisterDirtyVerticesCallback
- UnregisterDirtyVerticesCallback
- RegisterDirtyMaterialCallback
- UnregisterDirtyMaterialCallback
- UnityEngine.UI.ICanvasElement.get_transform
- s_DefaultUI
- s_WhiteTexture
- m_Material
- m_RaycastTarget
- m_CanvasRenderer
- m_Canvas
- m_VertsDirty
- m_MaterialDirty
- m_OnDirtyLayoutCallback
- m_OnDirtyVertsCallback
- m_OnDirtyMaterialCallback
- s_Mesh
- s_VertexHelper
- m_ColorTweenRunner
- <useLegacyMeshGeneration>k__BackingField
- defaultGraphicMaterial
- raycastTarget
- useLegacyMeshGeneration
- canvasRenderer
- defaultMaterial
- materialForRendering
- workerMesh
- GraphicRaycaster
- get_ignoreReversedGraphics
- set_ignoreReversedGraphics
- get_blockingObjects
- set_blockingObjects
- pointerPosition
- foundGraphics
- m_IgnoreReversedGraphics
- m_BlockingObjects
- m_BlockingMask
- m_RaycastResults
- s_SortedGraphics
- ignoreReversedGraphics
- blockingObjects
- BlockingObjects
- TwoD
- ThreeD
- GraphicRegistry
- graphic
- RegisterGraphicForCanvas
- UnregisterGraphicForCanvas
- GetGraphicsForCanvas
- m_Graphics
- s_EmptyList
- IGraphicEnabledDisabled
- OnSiblingGraphicEnabledDisabled
- Image
- get_overrideSprite
- set_overrideSprite
- get_activeSprite
- set_type
- get_preserveAspect
- set_preserveAspect
- get_fillCenter
- set_fillCenter
- get_fillMethod
- set_fillMethod
- get_fillAmount
- set_fillAmount
- get_fillClockwise
- set_fillClockwise
- get_fillOrigin
- set_fillOrigin
- get_eventAlphaThreshold
- set_eventAlphaThreshold
- get_alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
- set_alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
- get_defaultETC1GraphicMaterial
- get_hasBorder
- shouldPreserveAspect
- GetDrawingDimensions
- toFill
- lPreserveAspect
- GenerateSimpleSprite
- GenerateSlicedSprite
- GenerateTiledSprite
- vertexHelper
- quadPositions
- quadUVs
- AddQuad
- posMin
- posMax
- uvMin
- uvMax
- adjustedRect
- GetAdjustedBorders
- preserveAspect
- GenerateFilledSprite
- xy
- fill
- invert
- corner
- RadialCut
- cos
- sin
- CalculateLayoutInputHorizontal
- CalculateLayoutInputVertical
- get_minWidth
- get_preferredWidth
- get_flexibleWidth
- get_minHeight
- get_preferredHeight
- get_flexibleHeight
- get_layoutPriority
- MapCoordinate
- s_ETC1DefaultUI
- m_OverrideSprite
- m_PreserveAspect
- m_FillCenter
- m_FillMethod
- m_FillAmount
- m_FillClockwise
- m_FillOrigin
- m_AlphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
- s_VertScratch
- s_UVScratch
- s_Xy
- s_Uv
- overrideSprite
- activeSprite
- fillCenter
- fillMethod
- fillAmount
- fillClockwise
- fillOrigin
- eventAlphaThreshold
- alphaHitTestMinimumThreshold
- defaultETC1GraphicMaterial
- hasBorder
- preferredWidth
- flexibleWidth
- preferredHeight
- flexibleHeight
- layoutPriority
- Sliced
- Tiled
- Filled
- FillMethod
- Radial90
- Radial180
- Radial360
- OriginHorizontal
- OriginVertical
- Origin90
- BottomLeft
- TopLeft
- TopRight
- BottomRight
- Origin180
- Origin360
- IMask
- IMaskable
- RecalculateMasking
- InputField
- get_mesh
- get_cachedInputTextGenerator
- set_shouldHideMobileInput
- get_shouldHideMobileInput
- get_shouldActivateOnSelect
- get_caretBlinkRate
- set_caretBlinkRate
- get_caretWidth
- set_caretWidth
- get_textComponent
- set_textComponent
- get_placeholder
- set_placeholder
- get_caretColor
- set_caretColor
- get_customCaretColor
- set_customCaretColor
- get_selectionColor
- set_selectionColor
- get_onEndEdit
- set_onEndEdit
- get_onValueChange
- set_onValueChange
- get_onValidateInput
- set_onValidateInput
- get_characterLimit
- set_characterLimit
- get_contentType
- set_contentType
- get_lineType
- set_lineType
- get_inputType
- set_inputType
- get_keyboardType
- set_keyboardType
- get_characterValidation
- set_characterValidation
- get_readOnly
- set_readOnly
- get_multiLine
- get_asteriskChar
- set_asteriskChar
- ClampPos
- get_caretPositionInternal
- set_caretPositionInternal
- get_caretSelectPositionInternal
- set_caretSelectPositionInternal
- get_hasSelection
- get_caretPosition
- set_caretPosition
- get_selectionAnchorPosition
- set_selectionAnchorPosition
- get_selectionFocusPosition
- set_selectionFocusPosition
- CaretBlink
- SetCaretVisible
- SetCaretActive
- UpdateCaretMaterial
- OnFocus
- SelectAll
- MoveTextEnd
- MoveTextStart
- get_clipboard
- set_clipboard
- InPlaceEditing
- UpdateCaretFromKeyboard
- LateUpdate
- screen
- ScreenToLocal
- generator
- GetUnclampedCharacterLineFromPosition
- GetCharacterIndexFromPosition
- MayDrag
- MouseDragOutsideRect
- evt
- KeyPressed
- IsValidChar
- GetSelectedString
- FindtNextWordBegin
- ctrl
- MoveRight
- FindtPrevWordBegin
- MoveLeft
- charPos
- DetermineCharacterLine
- originalPos
- goToFirstChar
- LineUpCharacterPosition
- goToLastChar
- LineDownCharacterPosition
- MoveDown
- MoveUp
- ForwardSpace
- SendOnValueChangedAndUpdateLabel
- SendOnValueChanged
- SendOnSubmit
- UpdateLabel
- IsSelectionVisible
- GetLineStartPosition
- GetLineEndPosition
- caretPos
- SetDrawRangeToContainCaretPosition
- ForceLabelUpdate
- MarkGeometryAsDirty
- AssignPositioningIfNeeded
- roundingOffset
- GenerateCaret
- CreateCursorVerts
- GenerateHightlight
- Validate
- ActivateInputField
- ActivateInputFieldInternal
- DeactivateInputField
- EnforceContentType
- EnforceTextHOverflow
- allowedContentTypes
- SetToCustomIfContentTypeIsNot
- SetToCustom
- DoStateTransition
- m_Keyboard
- kSeparators
- m_TextComponent
- m_Placeholder
- m_ContentType
- m_InputType
- m_AsteriskChar
- m_KeyboardType
- m_LineType
- m_HideMobileInput
- m_CharacterValidation
- m_CharacterLimit
- m_OnEndEdit
- m_OnValidateInput
- m_CaretColor
- m_CustomCaretColor
- m_CaretBlinkRate
- m_CaretWidth
- m_ReadOnly
- m_CaretPosition
- m_CaretSelectPosition
- caretRectTrans
- m_CursorVerts
- m_InputTextCache
- m_CachedInputRenderer
- m_PreventFontCallback
- m_Mesh
- m_AllowInput
- m_ShouldActivateNextUpdate
- m_UpdateDrag
- m_DragPositionOutOfBounds
- kHScrollSpeed
- kVScrollSpeed
- m_CaretVisible
- m_BlinkCoroutine
- m_BlinkStartTime
- m_DrawStart
- m_DrawEnd
- m_DragCoroutine
- m_OriginalText
- m_WasCanceled
- m_HasDoneFocusTransition
- kEmailSpecialCharacters
- m_ProcessingEvent
- k_MaxTextLength
- cachedInputTextGenerator
- shouldHideMobileInput
- shouldActivateOnSelect
- caretBlinkRate
- caretWidth
- textComponent
- placeholder
- caretColor
- customCaretColor
- selectionColor
- onEndEdit
- onValueChange
- onValidateInput
- characterLimit
- lineType
- inputType
- characterValidation
- asteriskChar
- caretPositionInternal
- caretSelectPositionInternal
- hasSelection
- caretPosition
- selectionAnchorPosition
- selectionFocusPosition
- clipboard
- Autocorrected
- IntegerNumber
- DecimalNumber
- Alphanumeric
- Pin
- InputType
- AutoCorrect
- CharacterValidation
- LineType
- SingleLine
- MultiLineSubmit
- MultiLineNewline
- OnValidateInput
- addedChar
- SubmitEvent
- OnChangeEvent
- EditState
- Continue
- Finish
- <CaretBlink>c__Iterator0
- <blinkPeriod>__1
- <blinkState>__1
- <MouseDragOutsideRect>c__Iterator1
- <localMousePos>__1
- <rect>__1
- <delay>__1
- Mask
- get_showMaskGraphic
- set_showMaskGraphic
- get_graphic
- MaskEnabled
- baseMaterial
- GetModifiedMaterial
- m_ShowMaskGraphic
- m_Graphic
- m_MaskMaterial
- m_UnmaskMaterial
- showMaskGraphic
- MaskableGraphic
- get_onCullStateChanged
- set_onCullStateChanged
- get_maskable
- set_maskable
- clipRect
- validRect
- Cull
- UpdateCull
- SetClipRect
- ParentMaskStateChanged
- get_rootCanvasRect
- UpdateClipParent
- RecalculateClipping
- UnityEngine.UI.IClippable.get_gameObject
- m_ShouldRecalculateStencil
- m_ParentMask
- m_Maskable
- m_IncludeForMasking
- m_OnCullStateChanged
- m_ShouldRecalculate
- m_StencilValue
- m_Corners
- onCullStateChanged
- maskable
- rootCanvasRect
- CullStateChangedEvent
- MaskUtilities
- Notify2DMaskStateChanged
- NotifyStencilStateChanged
- FindRootSortOverrideCanvas
- stopAfter
- GetStencilDepth
- father
- IsDescendantOrSelf
- clippable
- GetRectMaskForClippable
- clipper
- masks
- GetRectMasksForClip
- Misc
- Navigation
- set_mode
- get_selectOnUp
- set_selectOnUp
- get_selectOnDown
- set_selectOnDown
- get_selectOnLeft
- set_selectOnLeft
- get_selectOnRight
- set_selectOnRight
- get_defaultNavigation
- m_SelectOnUp
- m_SelectOnDown
- m_SelectOnLeft
- m_SelectOnRight
- selectOnUp
- selectOnDown
- selectOnLeft
- selectOnRight
- defaultNavigation
- Automatic
- RawImage
- set_texture
- get_uvRect
- set_uvRect
- m_Texture
- m_UVRect
- uvRect
- RectMask2D
- get_Canvas
- get_canvasRect
- PerformClipping
- AddClippable
- RemoveClippable
- m_VertexClipper
- m_ClipTargets
- m_ShouldRecalculateClipRects
- m_Clippers
- m_LastClipRectCanvasSpace
- m_ForceClip
- canvasRect
- Scrollbar
- get_handleRect
- set_handleRect
- set_direction
- get_numberOfSteps
- set_numberOfSteps
- get_stepSize
- UpdateCachedReferences
- sendCallback
- get_axis
- get_reverseValue
- UpdateVisuals
- UpdateDrag
- ClickRepeat
- FindSelectableOnLeft
- FindSelectableOnRight
- FindSelectableOnUp
- FindSelectableOnDown
- includeRectLayouts
- SetDirection
- m_HandleRect
- m_Size
- m_NumberOfSteps
- m_ContainerRect
- m_Offset
- m_Tracker
- m_PointerDownRepeat
- isPointerDownAndNotDragging
- handleRect
- numberOfSteps
- stepSize
- reverseValue
- Direction
- LeftToRight
- BottomToTop
- TopToBottom
- ScrollEvent
- <ClickRepeat>c__Iterator0
- ScrollRect
- get_content
- set_content
- set_horizontal
- set_vertical
- get_movementType
- set_movementType
- get_elasticity
- set_elasticity
- get_inertia
- set_inertia
- get_decelerationRate
- set_decelerationRate
- get_scrollSensitivity
- set_scrollSensitivity
- get_viewport
- set_viewport
- get_horizontalScrollbar
- set_horizontalScrollbar
- get_verticalScrollbar
- set_verticalScrollbar
- get_horizontalScrollbarVisibility
- set_horizontalScrollbarVisibility
- get_verticalScrollbarVisibility
- set_verticalScrollbarVisibility
- get_horizontalScrollbarSpacing
- set_horizontalScrollbarSpacing
- get_verticalScrollbarSpacing
- set_verticalScrollbarSpacing
- get_viewRect
- get_velocity
- set_velocity
- UpdateCachedData
- EnsureLayoutHasRebuilt
- StopMovement
- SetContentAnchoredPosition
- UpdatePrevData
- UpdateScrollbars
- get_normalizedPosition
- set_normalizedPosition
- get_horizontalNormalizedPosition
- set_horizontalNormalizedPosition
- get_verticalNormalizedPosition
- set_verticalNormalizedPosition
- SetHorizontalNormalizedPosition
- SetVerticalNormalizedPosition
- SetNormalizedPosition
- overStretching
- viewSize
- RubberDelta
- get_hScrollingNeeded
- get_vScrollingNeeded
- SetLayoutHorizontal
- SetLayoutVertical
- UpdateScrollbarVisibility
- xScrollingNeeded
- xAxisEnabled
- scrollbarVisibility
- scrollbar
- UpdateOneScrollbarVisibility
- UpdateScrollbarLayout
- UpdateBounds
- viewBounds
- contentPivot
- contentSize
- contentPos
- AdjustBounds
- GetBounds
- corners
- viewWorldToLocalMatrix
- InternalGetBounds
- CalculateOffset
- contentBounds
- movementType
- InternalCalculateOffset
- SetDirty
- SetDirtyCaching
- m_Horizontal
- m_Vertical
- m_MovementType
- m_Elasticity
- m_Inertia
- m_DecelerationRate
- m_ScrollSensitivity
- m_Viewport
- m_HorizontalScrollbar
- m_VerticalScrollbar
- m_HorizontalScrollbarVisibility
- m_VerticalScrollbarVisibility
- m_HorizontalScrollbarSpacing
- m_VerticalScrollbarSpacing
- m_PointerStartLocalCursor
- m_ContentStartPosition
- m_ViewRect
- m_ContentBounds
- m_ViewBounds
- m_Dragging
- m_PrevPosition
- m_PrevContentBounds
- m_PrevViewBounds
- m_HasRebuiltLayout
- m_HSliderExpand
- m_VSliderExpand
- m_HSliderHeight
- m_VSliderWidth
- m_Rect
- m_HorizontalScrollbarRect
- m_VerticalScrollbarRect
- elasticity
- inertia
- decelerationRate
- scrollSensitivity
- viewport
- horizontalScrollbarVisibility
- verticalScrollbarVisibility
- horizontalScrollbarSpacing
- verticalScrollbarSpacing
- viewRect
- velocity
- normalizedPosition
- horizontalNormalizedPosition
- verticalNormalizedPosition
- hScrollingNeeded
- vScrollingNeeded
- MovementType
- Unrestricted
- Elastic
- Clamped
- ScrollbarVisibility
- Permanent
- AutoHide
- AutoHideAndExpandViewport
- ScrollRectEvent
- Selectable
- get_allSelectables
- get_navigation
- set_navigation
- get_transition
- set_transition
- get_colors
- set_colors
- get_spriteState
- set_spriteState
- get_animationTriggers
- set_animationTriggers
- get_targetGraphic
- set_targetGraphic
- set_interactable
- get_isPointerInside
- set_isPointerInside
- get_isPointerDown
- set_isPointerDown
- set_hasSelection
- get_animator
- IsInteractable
- OnSetProperty
- get_currentSelectionState
- InstantClearState
- FindSelectable
- GetPointOnRectEdge
- sel
- Navigate
- StartColorTween
- newSprite
- DoSpriteSwap
- triggername
- TriggerAnimation
- IsHighlighted
- IsPressed
- UpdateSelectionState
- EvaluateAndTransitionToSelectionState
- InternalEvaluateAndTransitionToSelectionState
- s_List
- m_Navigation
- m_Transition
- m_Colors
- m_SpriteState
- m_AnimationTriggers
- m_Interactable
- m_TargetGraphic
- m_GroupsAllowInteraction
- m_CurrentSelectionState
- <isPointerInside>k__BackingField
- <isPointerDown>k__BackingField
- <hasSelection>k__BackingField
- m_CanvasGroupCache
- allSelectables
- navigation
- transition
- spriteState
- animationTriggers
- targetGraphic
- isPointerInside
- isPointerDown
- animator
- currentSelectionState
- Transition
- ColorTint
- SpriteSwap
- SelectionState
- Highlighted
- SetPropertyUtility
- SetStruct
- SetClass
- Slider
- get_fillRect
- set_fillRect
- get_minValue
- set_minValue
- get_maxValue
- set_maxValue
- get_wholeNumbers
- set_wholeNumbers
- get_normalizedValue
- set_normalizedValue
- ClampValue
- m_FillRect
- m_MinValue
- m_MaxValue
- m_WholeNumbers
- m_FillImage
- m_FillTransform
- m_FillContainerRect
- m_HandleTransform
- m_HandleContainerRect
- fillRect
- minValue
- maxValue
- wholeNumbers
- normalizedValue
- SliderEvent
- SpriteState
- get_highlightedSprite
- set_highlightedSprite
- get_pressedSprite
- set_pressedSprite
- get_disabledSprite
- set_disabledSprite
- m_HighlightedSprite
- m_PressedSprite
- m_DisabledSprite
- highlightedSprite
- pressedSprite
- disabledSprite
- StencilMaterial
- baseMat
- stencilID
- operation
- compareFunction
- colorWriteMask
- readMask
- writeMask
- customMat
- ClearAll
- m_List
- MatEntry
- stencilId
- useAlphaClip
- colorMask
- get_cachedTextGenerator
- get_cachedTextGeneratorForLayout
- FontTextureChanged
- get_supportRichText
- set_supportRichText
- get_resizeTextForBestFit
- set_resizeTextForBestFit
- get_resizeTextMinSize
- set_resizeTextMinSize
- get_resizeTextMaxSize
- set_resizeTextMaxSize
- AssignDefaultFont
- GetGenerationSettings
- GetTextAnchorPivot
- m_FontData
- m_TextCache
- m_TextCacheForLayout
- s_DefaultText
- m_DisableFontTextureRebuiltCallback
- m_TempVerts
- cachedTextGenerator
- cachedTextGeneratorForLayout
- supportRichText
- Toggle
- get_group
- set_group
- newGroup
- setMemberValue
- SetToggleGroup
- get_isOn
- set_isOn
- PlayEffect
- InternalToggle
- toggleTransition
- m_Group
- m_IsOn
- isOn
- ToggleTransition
- Fade
- ToggleEvent
- ToggleGroup
- get_allowSwitchOff
- set_allowSwitchOff
- ValidateToggleIsInGroup
- NotifyToggleOn
- UnregisterToggle
- RegisterToggle
- AnyTogglesOn
- ActiveToggles
- SetAllTogglesOff
- <AnyTogglesOn>m__0
- <ActiveToggles>m__1
- m_AllowSwitchOff
- m_Toggles
- <>f__am$cache1
- allowSwitchOff
- ClipperRegistry
- Clipping
- rectMaskParents
- FindCullAndClipWorldRect
- RectIntersect
- IClipper
- IClippable
- RectangularVertexClipper
- GetCanvasRect
- m_WorldCorners
- m_CanvasCorners
- AspectRatioFitter
- get_aspectMode
- set_aspectMode
- get_aspectRatio
- set_aspectRatio
- UpdateRect
- GetSizeDeltaToProduceSize
- m_AspectMode
- m_AspectRatio
- m_DelayedSetDirty
- aspectMode
- aspectRatio
- AspectMode
- WidthControlsHeight
- HeightControlsWidth
- FitInParent
- EnvelopeParent
- CanvasScaler
- get_uiScaleMode
- set_uiScaleMode
- get_referenceResolution
- set_referenceResolution
- get_screenMatchMode
- set_screenMatchMode
- get_matchWidthOrHeight
- set_matchWidthOrHeight
- get_physicalUnit
- set_physicalUnit
- get_fallbackScreenDPI
- set_fallbackScreenDPI
- get_defaultSpriteDPI
- set_defaultSpriteDPI
- get_dynamicPixelsPerUnit
- set_dynamicPixelsPerUnit
- HandleWorldCanvas
- HandleConstantPixelSize
- HandleScaleWithScreenSize
- HandleConstantPhysicalSize
- SetScaleFactor
- SetReferencePixelsPerUnit
- m_UiScaleMode
- m_ReferencePixelsPerUnit
- m_ScaleFactor
- m_ReferenceResolution
- m_ScreenMatchMode
- m_MatchWidthOrHeight
- kLogBase
- m_PhysicalUnit
- m_FallbackScreenDPI
- m_DefaultSpriteDPI
- m_DynamicPixelsPerUnit
- m_PrevScaleFactor
- m_PrevReferencePixelsPerUnit
- uiScaleMode
- referenceResolution
- screenMatchMode
- matchWidthOrHeight
- physicalUnit
- fallbackScreenDPI
- defaultSpriteDPI
- dynamicPixelsPerUnit
- ScaleMode
- ConstantPixelSize
- ScaleWithScreenSize
- ConstantPhysicalSize
- ScreenMatchMode
- MatchWidthOrHeight
- Shrink
- Unit
- Centimeters
- Millimeters
- Inches
- Picas
- ContentSizeFitter
- get_horizontalFit
- set_horizontalFit
- get_verticalFit
- set_verticalFit
- HandleSelfFittingAlongAxis
- m_HorizontalFit
- m_VerticalFit
- horizontalFit
- verticalFit
- FitMode
- Unconstrained
- PreferredSize
- GridLayoutGroup
- get_startCorner
- set_startCorner
- get_startAxis
- set_startAxis
- get_cellSize
- set_cellSize
- get_spacing
- set_spacing
- get_constraint
- set_constraint
- get_constraintCount
- set_constraintCount
- SetCellsAlongAxis
- m_StartCorner
- m_StartAxis
- m_CellSize
- m_Spacing
- m_Constraint
- m_ConstraintCount
- startCorner
- startAxis
- cellSize
- constraint
- constraintCount
- Corner
- Constraint
- Flexible
- FixedColumnCount
- FixedRowCount
- HorizontalLayoutGroup
- HorizontalOrVerticalLayoutGroup
- get_childForceExpandWidth
- set_childForceExpandWidth
- get_childForceExpandHeight
- set_childForceExpandHeight
- get_childControlWidth
- set_childControlWidth
- get_childControlHeight
- set_childControlHeight
- CalcAlongAxis
- SetChildrenAlongAxis
- controlSize
- childForceExpand
- preferred
- flexible
- GetChildSizes
- m_ChildForceExpandWidth
- m_ChildForceExpandHeight
- m_ChildControlWidth
- m_ChildControlHeight
- childForceExpandWidth
- childForceExpandHeight
- childControlWidth
- childControlHeight
- ILayoutElement
- ILayoutController
- ILayoutGroup
- ILayoutSelfController
- ILayoutIgnorer
- get_ignoreLayout
- ignoreLayout
- LayoutElement
- set_ignoreLayout
- set_minWidth
- set_minHeight
- set_preferredWidth
- set_preferredHeight
- set_flexibleWidth
- set_flexibleHeight
- set_layoutPriority
- m_IgnoreLayout
- m_MinWidth
- m_MinHeight
- m_PreferredWidth
- m_PreferredHeight
- m_FlexibleWidth
- m_FlexibleHeight
- m_LayoutPriority
- LayoutGroup
- set_padding
- get_childAlignment
- set_childAlignment
- get_rectChildren
- GetTotalMinSize
- GetTotalPreferredSize
- GetTotalFlexibleSize
- requiredSpaceWithoutPadding
- GetStartOffset
- GetAlignmentOnAxis
- totalMin
- totalPreferred
- totalFlexible
- SetLayoutInputForAxis
- SetChildAlongAxis
- get_isRootLayoutGroup
- OnTransformChildrenChanged
- DelayedSetDirty
- m_ChildAlignment
- m_TotalMinSize
- m_TotalPreferredSize
- m_TotalFlexibleSize
- m_RectChildren
- childAlignment
- rectChildren
- isRootLayoutGroup
- <DelayedSetDirty>c__Iterator0
- LayoutRebuilder
- controller
- StripDisabledBehavioursFromList
- layoutRoot
- ForceRebuildLayoutImmediate
- PerformLayoutControl
- PerformLayoutCalculation
- MarkLayoutForRebuild
- comps
- ValidController
- MarkLayoutRootForRebuild
- <s_Rebuilders>m__0
- <StripDisabledBehavioursFromList>m__1
- <Rebuild>m__2
- <Rebuild>m__3
- <Rebuild>m__4
- <Rebuild>m__5
- m_ToRebuild
- m_CachedHashFromTransform
- s_Rebuilders
- <>f__am$cache4
- LayoutUtility
- GetPreferredSize
- GetFlexibleSize
- GetMinWidth
- GetFlexibleWidth
- GetMinHeight
- GetFlexibleHeight
- GetLayoutProperty
- <GetMinWidth>m__0
- <GetPreferredWidth>m__1
- <GetPreferredWidth>m__2
- <GetFlexibleWidth>m__3
- <GetMinHeight>m__4
- <GetPreferredHeight>m__5
- <GetPreferredHeight>m__6
- <GetFlexibleHeight>m__7
- <>f__am$cache5
- <>f__am$cache6
- <>f__am$cache7
- VerticalLayoutGroup
- IMaterialModifier
- IndexedSet`1
- UnityEngine.UI.Collections
- AddUnique
- sortLayoutFunction
- m_Dictionary
- ListPool`1
- toRelease
- s_ListPool
- ObjectPool`1
- actionOnGet
- actionOnRelease
- get_countAll
- set_countAll
- get_countActive
- get_countInactive
- m_Stack
- m_ActionOnGet
- m_ActionOnRelease
- <countAll>k__BackingField
- countAll
- countActive
- countInactive
- ReflectionMethodsCache
- get_Singleton
- raycast3D
- raycast3DAll
- raycast2D
- getRayIntersectionAll
- getRayIntersectionAllNonAlloc
- getRaycastNonAlloc
- s_ReflectionMethodsCache
- Raycast3DCallback
- Raycast2DCallback
- p1
- p2
- RaycastAllCallback
- GetRayIntersectionAllCallback
- GetRayIntersectionAllNonAllocCallback
- GetRaycastNonAllocCallback
- VertexHelper
- get_currentVertCount
- get_currentIndexCount
- vertex
- PopulateUIVertex
- SetUIVertex
- FillMesh
- AddVert
- idx0
- AddTriangle
- AddUIVertexQuad
- AddUIVertexTriangleStream
- GetUIVertexStream
- m_Positions
- m_Uv0S
- m_Uv1S
- m_Uv2S
- m_Uv3S
- m_Normals
- m_Tangents
- m_Indices
- s_DefaultNormal
- currentVertCount
- currentIndexCount
- BaseVertexEffect
- ModifyVertices
- BaseMeshEffect
- ModifyMesh
- IVertexModifier
- IMeshModifier
- Outline
- PositionAsUV1
- Shadow
- get_effectColor
- set_effectColor
- get_effectDistance
- set_effectDistance
- get_useGraphicAlpha
- set_useGraphicAlpha
- ApplyShadowZeroAlloc
- ApplyShadow
- m_EffectColor
- m_EffectDistance
- m_UseGraphicAlpha
- kMaxEffectDistance
- effectColor
- effectDistance
- useGraphicAlpha
- $field-7BBE37982E6C057ED87163CAFC7FD6E5E42EEA46
- $ArrayType=12
- Assembly-CSharp-firstpass
- Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll
- AbstractGoTween
- get_id
- set_id
- get_tag
- set_tag
- get_state
- set_state
- get_totalDuration
- set_totalDuration
- get_updateType
- set_updateType
- get_loopType
- set_loopType
- get_iterations
- set_iterations
- get_autoRemoveOnComplete
- set_autoRemoveOnComplete
- get_isReversed
- set_isReversed
- get_allowEvents
- set_allowEvents
- get_totalElapsedTime
- get_isLoopingBackOnPingPong
- get_completedIterations
- onInit
- setOnInitHandler
- onBegin
- setOnBeginHandler
- onIterationStart
- setonIterationStartHandler
- setOnUpdateHandler
- onIterationEnd
- setonIterationEndHandler
- onComplete
- setOnCompleteHandler
- removeTweenProperty
- containsTweenProperty
- allTweenProperties
- destroy
- pause
- play
- playForward
- playBackwards
- skipDelay
- reset
- rewind
- restart
- complete
- goTo
- goToAndPlay
- waitForCompletion
- <id>k__BackingField
- <tag>k__BackingField
- <state>k__BackingField
- <duration>k__BackingField
- <totalDuration>k__BackingField
- <timeScale>k__BackingField
- <updateType>k__BackingField
- <loopType>k__BackingField
- <iterations>k__BackingField
- <autoRemoveOnComplete>k__BackingField
- <isReversed>k__BackingField
- <allowEvents>k__BackingField
- _didInit
- _didBegin
- _fireIterationStart
- _fireIterationEnd
- _elapsedTime
- _totalElapsedTime
- _isLoopingBackOnPingPong
- _didIterateLastFrame
- _didIterateThisFrame
- _deltaIterations
- _completedIterations
- _onInit
- _onBegin
- _onIterationStart
- _onUpdate
- _onIterationEnd
- _onComplete
- totalDuration
- loopType
- autoRemoveOnComplete
- isReversed
- allowEvents
- totalElapsedTime
- isLoopingBackOnPingPong
- completedIterations
- <waitForCompletion>c__Iterator0
- AbstractGoTweenCollection
- config
- tweensWithTarget
- flowItem
- changeTimeForFlowItem
- _tweenFlows
- TweenFlowItem
- startTime
- tween
- get_endTime
- endTime
- GoEaseAnimationCurve
- EaseCurve
- <EaseCurve>c__AnonStorey0
- GoEaseBack
- EaseIn
- EaseOut
- EaseInOut
- GoEaseBounce
- GoEaseCircular
- GoEaseCubic
- GoEaseElastic
- Punch
- GoEaseExponential
- GoEaseLinear
- EaseNone
- GoEaseQuadratic
- GoEaseQuartic
- GoEaseQuintic
- GoEaseSinusoidal
- GoDuplicatePropertyRuleType
- RemoveRunningProperty
- DontAddCurrentProperty
- GoEaseType
- Linear
- SineIn
- SineOut
- SineInOut
- QuadIn
- QuadOut
- QuadInOut
- CubicIn
- CubicOut
- CubicInOut
- QuartIn
- QuartOut
- QuartInOut
- QuintIn
- QuintOut
- QuintInOut
- ExpoIn
- ExpoOut
- ExpoInOut
- CircIn
- CircOut
- CircInOut
- ElasticIn
- ElasticOut
- ElasticInOut
- BackIn
- BackOut
- BackInOut
- BounceIn
- BounceOut
- BounceInOut
- GoLogLevel
- Warn
- GoLookAtType
- NextPathNode
- TargetTransform
- GoLoopType
- RestartFromBeginning
- PingPong
- GoShakeType
- Eulers
- GoSplineType
- StraightLine
- QuadraticBezier
- CubicBezier
- CatmullRom
- GoTweenState
- Paused
- Complete
- Destroyed
- GoUpdateType
- FixedUpdate
- TimeScaleIndependentUpdate
- GoKitTweenExtensions
- endValue
- isRelative
- rotationTo
- localRotationTo
- eulerAnglesTo
- localEulerAnglesTo
- positionTo
- localPositionTo
- scaleTo
- shakeMagnitude
- shakeType
- frameMod
- useLocalProperties
- shake
- rotationFrom
- localRotationFrom
- eulerAnglesFrom
- localEulerAnglesFrom
- positionFrom
- localPositionFrom
- scaleFrom
- colorName
- colorTo
- vectorTo
- floatTo
- colorFrom
- vectorFrom
- Go
- handleUpdateOfType
- OnApplicationQuit
- timeScaleIndependentUpdate
- handleDuplicatePropertiesInTween
- paramList
- log
- warn
- speed
- addTween
- removeTween
- removeTweenWithTag
- tweensWithTag
- tweensWithId
- traverseCollections
- killAllTweensWithTarget
- defaultEaseType
- defaultLoopType
- defaultUpdateType
- duplicatePropertyRule
- logLevel
- validateTargetObjectsEachTick
- _applicationIsQuitting
- _tweens
- _timeScaleIndependentUpdateIsRunning
- _instance
- <timeScaleIndependentUpdate>c__Iterator0
- <time>__0
- <elapsed>__1
- GoDummyPath
- OnDrawGizmos
- pathName
- pathColor
- nodes
- useStandardHandles
- forceStraightLinePath
- pathResolution
- GoProxyProp`1
- <value>k__BackingField
- GoTween
- set_target
- get_delay
- set_delay
- get_isFrom
- set_isFrom
- get_easeType
- set_easeType
- get_easeCurve
- set_easeCurve
- tweenProp
- addTweenProperty
- clearTweenProperties
- <target>k__BackingField
- <delay>k__BackingField
- _elapsedDelay
- _delayComplete
- <isFrom>k__BackingField
- _tweenPropertyList
- _easeType
- <easeCurve>k__BackingField
- isFrom
- easeType
- easeCurve
- GoTweenChain
- append
- prepend
- appendDelay
- prependDelay
- GoTweenCollectionConfig
- setIterations
- setUpdateType
- setId
- propertyUpdateType
- onInitHandler
- onBeginHandler
- onIterationStartHandler
- onUpdateHandler
- onIterationEndHandler
- onCompleteHandler
- GoTweenConfig
- get_tweenProperties
- lookAtType
- lookTarget
- positionPath
- scalePath
- materialColor
- materialVector
- materialFloat
- vector2Prop
- vector3Prop
- vector4Prop
- vector3PathProp
- vector3XProp
- vector3YProp
- vector3ZProp
- colorProp
- intProp
- floatProp
- clearProperties
- clearEvents
- setDelay
- setTimeScale
- setEaseType
- setEaseCurve
- startPaused
- setIsFrom
- setIsTo
- clone
- _tweenProperties
- isPaused
- tweenProperties
- GoTweenFlow
- <insert>m__0
- AbstractMaterialColorTweenProperty
- validateTarget
- init
- prepareForUse
- _originalEndValue
- _startValue
- _endValue
- _diffValue
- AbstractMaterialFloatTweenProperty
- AbstractMaterialVectorTweenProperty
- AbstractQuaternionTweenProperty
- AbstractTweenProperty
- get_isInitialized
- tick
- _isInitialized
- _isRelative
- _ownerTween
- _easeFunction
- isInitialized
- AbstractVector3TweenProperty
- resetWithNewEndValue
- ColorTweenProperty
- get_propertyName
- set_propertyName
- <propertyName>k__BackingField
- _setter
- FloatTweenProperty
- IGenericProperty
- IntTweenProperty
- Vector2TweenProperty
- Vector3PathTweenProperty
- _path
- Vector3TweenProperty
- Vector3XTweenProperty
- _getter
- Vector3YTweenProperty
- Vector3ZTweenProperty
- Vector4TweenProperty
- GoTweenUtils
- easeFunctionForType
- targetObject
- setterForProperty
- getterForProperty
- diff
- unclampedColorLerp
- unclampedVector2Lerp
- unclampedVector3Lerp
- unclampedVector4Lerp
- <>f__mg$cache11
- <>f__mg$cache12
- <>f__mg$cache13
- <>f__mg$cache14
- <>f__mg$cache15
- <>f__mg$cache16
- <>f__mg$cache17
- <>f__mg$cache18
- <>f__mg$cache19
- <>f__mg$cache1A
- <>f__mg$cache1B
- <>f__mg$cache1C
- <>f__mg$cache1D
- <>f__mg$cache1E
- <>f__mg$cache1F
- <>f__mg$cache20
- GoSmoothedQuaternion
- quat
- get_smoothValue
- set_smoothValue
- set_z
- get_w
- set_w
- smoothingType
- _currentValue
- _start
- _startTime
- smoothValue
- GoSmoothedVector3
- GoSmoothingType
- AnchoredPosition3DTweenProperty
- AnchoredPositionTweenProperty
- AnchorMaxTweenProperty
- AnchorMinTweenProperty
- EulerAnglesTweenProperty
- useLocalEulers
- get_useLocalEulers
- _useLocalEulers
- MaterialColorTweenProperty
- _materialColorName
- MaterialFloatTweenProperty
- _materialPropertyName
- MaterialVectorTweenProperty
- OffsetTweenProperty
- useMax
- _useMax
- PivotTweenProperty
- PositionPathTweenProperty
- useLocalPosition
- get_useLocalPosition
- _useLocalPosition
- _lookAtType
- _lookTarget
- _smoothedRotation
- PositionTweenProperty
- RotationQuaternionTweenProperty
- useLocalRotation
- get_useLocalRotation
- _useLocalRotation
- RotationTweenProperty
- ScalePathTweenProperty
- ScaleTweenProperty
- ShakeTweenProperty
- get_useLocalProperties
- falloffValue
- randomDiminishingTarget
- _shakeMagnitude
- _startPosition
- _startScale
- _startEulers
- _shakeType
- _frameCount
- _frameMod
- _useLocalProperties
- SizeDeltaTweenProperty
- AbstractGoSplineSolver
- get_nodes
- get_pathLength
- buildPath
- closePath
- getPoint
- getPointOnPath
- reverseNodes
- drawGizmos
- _nodes
- _pathLength
- totalSubdivisionsPerNodeForLookupTable
- segments
- pathLength
- Segment
- GoSpline
- useStraightLines
- pathAssetName
- get_currentSegment
- set_currentSegment
- get_isClosed
- set_isClosed
- get_splineType
- set_splineType
- nodeListFromAsset
- bytesToVector3List
- getLastNode
- unreverseNodes
- resolution
- <currentSegment>k__BackingField
- <isClosed>k__BackingField
- <splineType>k__BackingField
- _isReversed
- _solver
- currentSegment
- isClosed
- splineType
- GoSplineCatmullRomSolver
- GoSplineCubicBezierSolver
- GoSplineQuadraticBezierSolver
- startPoint
- controlPoint
- endPoint
- quadBezierLength
- GoSplineStraightLineSolver
- _segmentStartLocations
- _segmentDistances
- _currentSegment
- Assembly-CSharp
- Assembly-CSharp.dll
- Bomb
- CreateBomb
- HandleBomb
- shapeX
- shapeY
- Explode
- shapeManager
- scoreManager
- bombAnimationController
- superExplosion
- Countdown
- onCountdownCompleteDelegate
- StartCountdown
- CountdownTimer
- SetActiveNumber
- EndCountdown
- numbers
- OnComplete
- GameState
- GameOver
- Playing
- Shapes
- GameSpeed
- Turbo
- MyCampaign
- Campaign
- MidnightMix
- GameProgress
- Highscore
- userName
- Akiba
- TheMidnight
- TheElectric
- HighScore
- BeatMasterExtra
- Blockography
- Totality
- ComboBreaker
- Destroyer
- BadBeat
- Perfectionist
- Scoremaster
- ScoremasterChampion
- ComboDestroyer
- DestroyerDeluxe
- SuperBeatMaster
- SuperBeatMasterDeluxe
- OldSchoolBeatMaster
- PlayTime
- totalScore
- totalPlaytime
- totalMatches
- biggestMatch
- completedCampaigns
- completedCampaignsInNormalDifficulty
- completedCampaignsInHardDifficulty
- completedCampaignsInStandardMode
- completedCampaignsInTurboMode
- akiProgress
- midProgress
- eleProgress
- akihabara
- midnight
- elecric
- akiHighscores
- midHighscores
- eleHighscores
- GameVariables
- difficulty
- SetDifficulty
- Columns
- Rows
- UpcomingColumns
- UpcomingRows
- MinimumMatches
- rumble
- gameDifficulty
- CurrentDifficulty
- ShapeRepositioningSpeed
- UIScrollSpeed
- LoadingScreen
- LoadAsynchronously
- portrait
- <LoadAsynchronously>c__Iterator0
- Package
- SerializeToBytes
- DeserializeFromBytes
- PCSaveManager
- filePath
- SaveFile
- gameProgress
- highscoreLists
- SaveDataManager
- get_GetInstance
- set_GetInstance
- <GetInstance>k__BackingField
- SwitchSaveManager
- Unmount
- mountName
- journalSaveDataSize
- loadBufferSize
- nickname
- userId
- AchievementManager
- Spawn
- aName
- CheckProgress
- prefab
- achievements
- percentage
- AudioManager
- SetTrack
- PlayTrack
- PauseTrack
- randomPitch
- musicSource
- effects
- effectSource
- GameManager
- get_Campaign
- set_Campaign
- LoadPlayerPrefs
- LoadBackgrounds
- LoadTackPlates
- LoadTracks
- SetBackground
- SetTrackPlate
- ResizeSpriteToScreen
- SetTimeManager
- StartGame
- NextTrack
- Progression
- ClearedCampaign
- MainMenu
- Restart
- testing
- audioManager
- timeManager
- backgroundImage
- songTitle
- countdownCanvas
- countdownTimer
- <Campaign>k__BackingField
- Won
- backgrounds
- trackPlates
- audioClips
- trackNames
- campaigns
- HighscoreManager
- highscoreType
- score
- NewHighscore
- newScore
- dif
- NewScore
- SortList
- ResetHighscoreLists
- RefreshPages
- LoadHighscoreList
- highscorePages
- highscorePrefab
- highscoreList
- HighscoreList
- _score
- _dif
- _id
- ScoreManager
- CheckForAchievements
- Highlight
- markEffect
- ActivateMarker
- HighscoreText
- ToggleBeatSlider
- OnTimeCode
- NewSliderRound
- SlideSync
- SyncSwitch
- AnyMarkedBlocks
- RemoveBlocks
- img
- BeatHit
- ComboShake
- ScoreMerge
- CheckWithHighscore
- UseChargeTank
- CheckGameState
- AchievementUpdates
- SingleTrackAchievements
- Campaignachievements
- PopAchievement
- gameManager
- combo
- comboMultiplyer
- sliderSyncTimer
- singleTotalScore
- sliderStartPos
- newSliderStartPos
- sliderPos
- runThisOnce
- nrOfShapes
- roundScore
- beatSliderNextPosition
- sliderSendPos
- codeTickTime
- sliderSync
- middleHit
- comboSprites
- comboHit
- chargeTank
- chargeTankHider
- chargeTankScore
- comboDisplay
- newBeatSlider
- comboMultiplyerText
- rScore
- tScore
- endScore
- highScore
- pEffect
- markedEffect
- achievementPopUpImage
- achievementPopUpAnim
- achievementSprites
- powerUsed
- badHits
- perfectHits
- perfectCombos
- perfectSingleCombo
- perfectCombosMatch15
- nrOfShapesThisTurn
- singleNrOfShapesThisTurn
- toPopList
- popOrder
- popping
- <ActivateMarker>c__Iterator0
- <PopAchievement>c__Iterator1
- ShapeManager
- OnMusicStart
- OnMusicStop
- newState
- ChangeState
- SetupUpcomingPairs
- upcomingShapePairArrayPos
- GenerateNewShapePair
- ShuffleShapes
- SetFallingPair
- RepositionUpcomingPairs
- FixPair
- UpdateShapePosition
- DestroyAllShapes
- ComputeNewShapePosition
- MoveShapesToNewPosition
- MarkAllChains
- shape
- MarkShape
- DestroyColumn
- AnimateAndDestroy
- DestroyShape
- FindAllChains
- FindChain
- ignoredShapes
- FindNextShapeInChain
- SwapShapesOnGridSprite
- SwapShapeSprite
- shapePrefab
- shapeScriptableObjects
- gameOverWindow
- gameOverSelected
- playGrid
- shapes
- upcomingPairs
- fallingPair
- bomb
- shapeMovement
- <MoveShapesToNewPosition>c__Iterator0
- <biggestRatio>__1
- <FindNextShapeInChain>c__AnonStorey1
- <>m__1
- <>m__3
- SingleTrack
- campaign
- OnSingleTrackButton
- SetSelectedObject
- OnBackButton
- previousScreen
- track
- buttons
- <OnSingleTrackButton>c__AnonStorey0
- <OnSingleTrackButton>c__AnonStorey1
- song
- <>f__ref$0
- StatisticManager
- SetValues
- sName
- CheckValue
- statistics
- CampaignAKHighscore
- CampaignMidnightHighscore
- CampaignElectricHighscore
- TimeManager
- add_OnTimeCode
- remove_OnTimeCode
- add_OnTimeCodeMovement
- remove_OnTimeCodeMovement
- add_OnTrackEnded
- remove_OnTrackEnded
- add_OnStartTransition
- remove_OnStartTransition
- get_StartTimer
- set_StartTimer
- get_TrackLenght
- set_TrackLenght
- bpm
- DownBeatCalculation
- SkipTrack
- OnTimeCodeMovement
- OnTrackEnded
- OnStartTransition
- sampleRate
- beat
- timeBetweenSamples
- nextBeatTime
- beatCount
- nextBeatMovementTime
- beatMovementCount
- <StartTimer>k__BackingField
- changingTrack
- changeTrackEffectPlaying
- trackLenght
- StartTimer
- TrackLenght
- TimeCode
- TimeCodeMovement
- TrackEnded
- StartTransition
- MenuAnimation
- backgroundBox
- boxes
- MenuBox
- StartAnimation
- MenuButtons
- SwitchPageInHowToPlay
- SwitchPageInHighscore
- SetInHighscore
- SetInHowToPlay
- startMenu
- highscoreListsParent
- highscoreTitle
- midnightMixStartButton
- electricSymphonyStartButton
- howToParent
- howToImages
- activePage
- activeImage
- inHighscore
- inHowToPlay
- PauseGame
- PauseAndUnpause
- pauseScreen
- pauseSelected
- aSource
- pauseTime
- lastState
- switchUIEventSystem
- PlayerInput
- PlayGrid
- MainGrid
- SideGrid
- gridHolder
- gridSprite
- sideGridOffsetX
- sideGridOffsetY
- startPosition
- Achievement
- objective
- campaignName
- tracks
- Shape
- campains
- Campain
- artwork
- Artwork
- Statistics
- Track
- trackNumber
- trackName
- audioClipName
- lenght
- TrackPlate
- SettingsSaveFile
- matches
- Settings
- SaveSettings
- OnStandard
- OnTurbo
- OnFour
- OnFive
- OnEdge
- OnMid
- OnRumbleOn
- OnRumbleOff
- turbo
- four
- five
- edgeImage
- midImage
- on
- off
- ShapeMovement
- HandleFall
- CanPairFall
- MoveVertical
- MoveHorizontal
- CanGoLeft
- CanGoRight
- ShapeController
- get_Row
- set_Row
- get_Column
- set_Column
- get_Marked
- set_Marked
- get_Bomb
- set_Bomb
- row
- marked
- <Row>k__BackingField
- <Column>k__BackingField
- <Marked>k__BackingField
- <Bomb>k__BackingField
- mySprite
- Row
- Column
- Marked
- ShapeGroup
- get_Shapes
- set_Shapes
- ContainShape
- <Shapes>k__BackingField
- <ContainShape>c__AnonStorey0
- ShapePair
- shape1
- shape2
- SwitchPlace
- ShapeSelectedFade
- sr
- SwitchControllers
- SwitchStart
- SwitchUpdate
- controllerNumber
- npadId
- HandleControllerInput
- npadStyle
- PlayingControllers
- MenuControllers
- WindowsStart
- WindowsUpdate
- SwapShapes
- vibration
- pauseGame
- uiNavigation
- currentPlatform
- numberOfControllers
- npadStates
- SwitchMainMenuControllers
- SetScrollbar
- NullifyScrollbar
- OnUp
- OnDown
- OnLeft
- OnRight
- OnScrollingUp
- OnScrollingDown
- menuButtons
- SwitchUIEventSystem
- get_CurrentSelectedGameObject
- set_CurrentSelectedGameObject
- CurrentSelectedGameObject
- SwitchVibration
- ampLow
- ampHigh
- randomLow
- randomHigh
- Vibrate
- GetVibrationDevice
- vibrationDeviceCountMax
- vibrationDeviceCount
- vibrationDeviceHandles
- vibrationDeviceInfos
- vibrationValue
- UINavigation
- TimeCounter
- timeText
- TrackTransition
- SwitchSongEffect
- switchSongEffect
- <SwitchSongEffect>c__Iterator0
- <orthoSize>__0
- <aspect>__0
- <offsetX>__0
- <offsetY>__0
- <minX>__0
- <maxX>__0
- <minY>__0
- <maxY>__0
- <y>__1
- <x>__2
- <newEffect>__3
- UIScrollNoSelection
- UIScrollToSelection
- UnityEngine.UI.Extensions
- get_LayoutListGroup
- get_ScrollDirection
- get_ScrollSpeed
- get_CancelScrollOnInput
- get_CancelScrollKeycodes
- get_ScrollWindow
- set_ScrollWindow
- get_TargetScrollRect
- set_TargetScrollRect
- get_CurrentEventSystem
- get_LastCheckedGameObject
- set_LastCheckedGameObject
- get_CurrentTargetRectTransform
- set_CurrentTargetRectTransform
- get_IsManualScrollingAvailable
- set_IsManualScrollingAvailable
- UpdateReferences
- CheckIfScrollingShouldBeLocked
- ScrollRectToLevelSelection
- UpdateVerticalScrollPosition
- UpdateHorizontalScrollPosition
- listAnchorPosition
- targetLength
- maskLength
- GetScrollOffset
- scrollDirection
- scrollSpeed
- cancelScrollOnInput
- cancelScrollKeycodes
- <ScrollWindow>k__BackingField
- <TargetScrollRect>k__BackingField
- <LastCheckedGameObject>k__BackingField
- <CurrentTargetRectTransform>k__BackingField
- <IsManualScrollingAvailable>k__BackingField
- LayoutListGroup
- ScrollDirection
- ScrollSpeed
- CancelScrollOnInput
- CancelScrollKeycodes
- ScrollWindow
- TargetScrollRect
- CurrentEventSystem
- LastCheckedGameObject
- CurrentTargetRectTransform
- IsManualScrollingAvailable
- ScrollType
- Account
- nn.account
- pOutCount
- GetUserCount
- pOutExistence
- user
- GetUserExistence
- pOutActualLength
- outUsers
- ListAllUsers
- arrayLength
- ListAllUsersImpl
- ListOpenUsers
- ListOpenUsersImpl
- pOutUser
- GetLastOpenedUser
- pOut
- GetNickname
- pOutActualSize
- outImage
- LoadProfileImage
- LoadProfileImageImpl
- pOutHandle
- OpenUser
- OpenPreselectedUser
- CloseUser
- GetUserId
- imageBuffer
- StoreSaveDataThumbnailImage
- imageBufferSize
- StoreSaveDataThumbnailImageImpl
- DeleteSaveDataThumbnailImage
- ShowUserSelector
- ShowUserCreator
- suspendUnityThreads
- UserCountMax
- ProfileImageBytesMax
- SaveDataThumbnailImageBytesMax
- ResultCancelled
- ResultCancelledByUser
- ResultUserNotExist
- NetworkServiceAccount
- EnsureAvailable
- IsAvailable
- pOutId
- pOutContext
- EnsurIdTokenCacheAsync
- EnsurIdTokenCacheAsyncImpl
- LoadIdTokenCache
- LoadIdTokenCacheImpl
- IdTokenLengthMax
- ResultNetworkServiceAccountUnavailable
- ResultTokenCacheUnavailable
- ResultNetworkCommunicationError
- ResultSslService
- AsyncContext
- HasDone
- UserSelectionSettings
- SetDefault
- invalidUidList
- isSkipEnabled
- isNetworkServiceAccountRequired
- showSkipButton
- additionalSelect
- Uid
- Invalid
- _data0
- _data1
- UserHandle
- Nickname
- NameBytesMax
- NetworkServiceAccountId
- Aoc
- nn.aoc
- CountAddOnContent
- outIndices
- ListAddOnContent
- GetAddOnContentListChangedEvent
- IsAddOnContentListChanged
- DestroyAddOnContentListChangedEvent
- nn.err
- ShowUnacceptableApplicationVersion
- IsValidImpl
- GetInvalidErrorCode
- AddOnContent
- nn.fs
- pOutValue
- QueryMountCacheSize
- pCacheBuffer
- cacheBufferSize
- Mount
- DirectoryHandle
- DirectoryEntry
- get_entryType
- set_entryType
- _reserved0
- _reserved1
- _reserved2
- _entryType
- _reserved3
- _reserved4
- _reserved5
- fileSize
- entryType
- outValue
- entryBuffer
- entryBufferCount
- GetEntryCount
- DeleteRecursively
- CleanRecursively
- currentPath
- Rename
- EntryNameLengthMax
- ReadOption
- WriteOption
- FileHandle
- option
- SetSize
- GetSize
- GetOpenMode
- EntryType
- FileSystem
- GetEntryType
- MountNameLengthMax
- ResultHandledByAllProcess
- ResultPathNotFound
- ResultPathAlreadyExists
- ResultTargetLocked
- ResultDirectoryNotEmpty
- ResultDirectoryStatusChanged
- ResultUsableSpaceNotEnough
- ResultUnsupportedSdkVersion
- ResultMountNameAlreadyExists
- ResultTargetNotFound
- OpenFileMode
- AllowAppend
- OpenDirectoryMode
- rootPath
- MountHost
- MountHostRoot
- UnMountHostRoot
- ResultSaveDataHostFileSystemCorrupted
- ResultSaveDataHostEntryCorrupted
- ResultSaveDataHostFileDataCorrupted
- ResultSaveDataHostFileCorrupted
- ResultInvalidSaveDataHostHandle
- ResultHostFileSystemCorrupted
- ResultHostEntryCorrupted
- ResultHostFileDataCorrupted
- ResultHostFileCorrupted
- ResultInvalidHostHandle
- SaveData
- Ensure
- applicationId
- MountSaveDataReadOnly
- IsExisting
- SetRootPath
- MountForDebug
- Commit
- ResultUsableSpaceNotEnoughForSaveData
- Rom
- QueryMountRomCacheSize
- chacheBufferSize
- MountRom
- CanMountRomForDebug
- ResultRomHostFileSystemCorrupted
- ResultRomHostEntryCorrupted
- ResultRomHostFileDataCorrupted
- ResultRomHostFileCorrupted
- ResultInvalidRomHostHandle
- SdCard
- AnalogStickState
- nn.hid
- get_fx
- get_fy
- fx
- fy
- ControllerSupportArg
- ExplainTextSize
- playerCountMin
- playerCountMax
- enableTakeOverConnection
- enableLeftJustify
- enablePermitJoyDual
- enableSingleMode
- enableIdentificationColor
- identificationColor
- enableExplainText
- explainText
- ControllerFirmwareUpdateArg
- enableForceUpdate
- _padding0
- _padding1
- _padding2
- ControllerSupportResultInfo
- playerCount
- selectedId
- ControllerSupport
- showControllerSupportArg
- pOutControllerSupportArg
- pStr
- SetExplainText
- ExplainTextMaxLength
- Utf8ByteSize
- ExplainTextMaxBufferSize
- ResultCanceled
- ResultNotSupportedNpadStyle
- ControllerStrapGuide
- ControllerFirmwareUpdate
- showControllerFirmwareUpdateArg
- ResultControllerFirmwareUpdateError
- ResultControllerFirmwareUpdateFailed
- DebugPadButton
- ZL
- ZR
- DebugPadAttribute
- DebugPadState
- samplingNumber
- analogStickR
- analogStickL
- DebugPad
- GetState
- pOutValues
- GetStates
- StateCountMax
- GestureType
- Idle
- Tap
- Pan
- Swipe
- Pinch
- Rotate
- GestureDirection
- GestureAttribute
- IsNewTouch
- IsDoubleTap
- GesturePoint
- GestureState
- get_isDoubleTap
- eventNumber
- contextNumber
- _direction
- deltaX
- deltaY
- rotationAngle
- pointCount
- points
- isDoubleTap
- Gesture
- PointCountMax
- NpadStyle
- FullKey
- Handheld
- JoyDual
- JoyLeft
- JoyRight
- NpadId
- No1
- No2
- No3
- No4
- No5
- No6
- No7
- No8
- NpadButton
- StickL
- StickR
- StickLLeft
- StickLUp
- StickLRight
- StickLDown
- StickRLeft
- StickRUp
- StickRRight
- StickRDown
- LeftSL
- LeftSR
- RightSL
- RightSR
- NpadAttribute
- IsWired
- IsLeftConnected
- IsLeftWired
- IsRightConnected
- IsRightWired
- NpadControllerColor
- sub
- Npad
- SetSupportedStyleSet
- GetSupportedStyleSet
- npadIds
- SetSupportedIdType
- BindStyleSetUpdateEvent
- IsStyleSetUpdated
- DestroyStyleSetUpdateEvent
- GetStyleSet
- Disconnect
- GetPlayerLedPattern
- GetControllerColor
- pOutLeftColor
- pOutRightColor
- ResultColorNotAvailable
- ResultControllerNotConnected
- NpadState
- GetButton
- GetButtonUp
- preButtons
- NpadStateArrayItem
- NpadFullKeyState
- NpadFullKey
- NpadHandheldState
- NpadHandheld
- NpadJoyAssignmentMode
- Dual
- NpadHandheldActivationMode
- NpadJoyDeviceType
- NpadJoyHoldType
- NpadCommunicationMode
- Mode5ms
- Mode10ms
- Mode15ms
- ModeDefault
- NpadJoy
- GetAssignment
- SetAssignmentModeSingle
- deviceType
- SetAssignmentModeDual
- npadId1
- npadId2
- MergeSingleAsDual
- SwapAssignment
- holdType
- SetHoldType
- GetHoldType
- StartLrAssignmentMode
- StopLrAssignmentMode
- activationMode
- SetHandheldActivationMode
- GetHandheldActivationMode
- SetCommunicationMode
- GetCommunicationMode
- ResultDualConnected
- ResultSameJoyTypeConnected
- NpadJoyDualState
- NpadJoyDual
- NpadJoyLeftState
- NpadJoyLeft
- NpadJoyRightState
- NpadJoyRight
- VibrationFile
- pOutInfo
- pContext
- RetrieveValue
- ResultInvalid
- SixAxisSensorHandle
- _storage
- DirectionState
- SixAxisSensorAttribute
- IsInterpolated
- SixAxisSensorState
- GetQuaternion
- quaternion
- pOutX
- pOutY
- pOutZ
- pOutW
- GetQuaternionImpl
- AccelerometerMax
- AngularVelocityMax
- deltaTimeNanoSeconds
- acceleration
- angularVelocity
- angle
- GyroscopeZeroDriftMode
- Loose
- Tight
- SixAxisSensor
- GetHandles
- IsRest
- IsFusionEnabled
- EnableFusion
- revisePower
- reviseRange
- SetFusionParameters
- pOutRevisePower
- pOutReviseRange
- GetFusionParameters
- ResetFusionParameters
- SetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode
- GetGyroscopeZeroDriftMode
- HandleCountMax
- TouchAttribute
- TouchState
- diameterX
- diameterY
- _reserved
- TouchScreenState1
- TouchCount
- touches
- TouchScreenState2
- TouchScreenState3
- TouchScreenState4
- TouchScreenState5
- TouchScreenState6
- TouchScreenState7
- TouchScreenState8
- TouchScreenState9
- TouchScreenState10
- TouchScreenState11
- TouchScreenState12
- TouchScreenState13
- TouchScreenState14
- TouchScreenState15
- TouchScreenState16
- TouchScreen
- TouchCountMax
- VibrationDeviceHandle
- VibrationDeviceType
- LinearResonantActuator
- VibrationDevicePosition
- VibrationDeviceInfo
- Vibration
- GetDeviceHandles
- GetDeviceInfo
- InitializeDevice
- SendValue
- GetActualValue
- IsPermitted
- VibrationFileInfo
- metaDataSize
- formatId
- samplingRate
- sampleLength
- isLoop
- loopStartPosition
- loopEndPosition
- loopInterval
- VibrationFileParserContext
- VibrationValue
- amplitudeLow
- frequencyLow
- amplitudeHigh
- frequencyHigh
- Make
- FrequencyLowDefault
- FrequencyHighDefault
- ClusteringProcessor
- nn.irsensor
- GetDefaultConfig
- pOutStates
- countMax
- ObjectCountMax
- ObjectPixelCountMax
- OutObjectPixelCountMax
- ExposureTimeMinNanoSeconds
- ExposureTimeMaxNanoSeconds
- ClusteringProcessorConfig
- irCameraConfig
- windowOfInterest
- objectPixelCountMin
- objectPixelCountMax
- objectIntensityMin
- isExternalLightFilterEnabled
- ClusteringData
- averageIntensity
- centroid
- pixelCount
- bound
- ClusteringProcessorState
- timeStampNanoSeconds
- objectCount
- ambientNoiseLevel
- ImageProcessor
- StopAsync
- GetStatus
- IrCamera
- pOutIsUpdateNeeded
- CheckFirmwareUpdateNecessity
- IntensityMax
- ImageWidth
- ImageHeight
- GainMin
- GainMax
- ResultIrsensorUnavailable
- ResultIrsensorUnconnected
- ResultIrsensorUnsupported
- ResultIrsensorNotReady
- ResultIrsensorDeviceError
- ResultIrsensorFirmwareCheckIncompleted
- ImageProcessorStatus
- IrCameraHandle
- IrCameraStatus
- Available
- Unsupported
- Unconnected
- IrCameraAmbientNoiseLevel
- IrCameraLightTarget
- AllObjects
- FarObjects
- NearObjects
- IrCameraConfig
- exposureTimeNanoSeconds
- lightTarget
- gain
- isNegativeImageUsed
- Ngc
- nn.ngc
- CountNumbers
- ResultNotInitialized
- ResultAlreadyInitialized
- ResultInvalidPointer
- ResultInvalidSize
- ProfanityFilter
- checkDesiredLanguage
- GetContentVersion
- checkResults
- patterns
- words
- CheckProfanityWords
- profanityWordCount
- inText
- outText
- MaskProfanityWordsInText
- SetMaskMode
- skipMode
- SkipAtSignCheck
- profanityFilter
- ngcWorkBuffer
- wordCount
- _profanityFilter
- _ngcWorkBuffer
- MaskMode
- OverWrite
- ReplaceByOneCharacter
- SkipMode
- NotSkip
- SkipAtSign
- PatternList
- Japanese
- AmericanEnglish
- CanadianFrench
- LatinAmericanSpanish
- BritishEnglish
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Dutch
- Korean
- SimplifiedChinese
- Portuguese
- Russian
- SouthAmericanPortuguese
- TraditionalChinese
- Nn
- nn
- OperatorEquals
- DllName
- IsSuccess
- abortUnlessSuccess
- GetDescription
- ModuleBitsOffset
- ModuleBitsCount
- ModuleBitsMask
- DescriptionBitsOffset
- DescriptionBitsCount
- DescriptionBitsMask
- innerValue
- ErrorRange
- DescriptionBegin
- DescriptionEnd
- get_DescriptionBegin
- get_DescriptionEnd
- Includes
- _descriptionBegin
- _descriptionEnd
- Language
- nn.oe
- _GetDesired
- GetDesired
- _LanguageCode
- _string
- Color4u8
- nn.util
- Float2
- Float3
- Float4
- $field-CC884E21A486587DE509A5FC4D103C1558A9554F
- $ArrayType=20
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