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- #pragma once
- #include "retcheck.h"
- #include <Windows.h>
- #include "globals.h"
- #include "memory.h"
- extern "C" {
- #include "Lua\lua.h"
- #include "Lua\lapi.h"
- #include "Lua\lualib.h"
- #include "Lua\lstate.h"
- #include "Lua\lauxlib.h"
- #include "Lua\luaconf.h"
- #include "Lua\llimits.h"
- #include "Lua\lapi.h"
- #include "Lua\lfunc.h"
- #include "Lua\lobject.h"
- }
- #define r_lua_tostring(rL,i) r_lua_tolstring(rL, (i), NULL)
- #define r_lua_pop(rL,n) r_lua_settop(rL, -(n)-1)
- #define r_lua_getglobal(rL,s) r_lua_getfield(rL, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, (s))
- #define r_lua_newtable(rL) r_lua_createtable(rL, 0, 0)
- #define LIMPL_ERR(s) r_lua_pushnil(m_rL); r_lua_pushstring(m_rL, s);
- #define LIMPL_ERR_RTN(s) LIMPL_ERR(s) return 2;
- int ContentProvider;
- DWORD ADDRESS_PCALL = x(0x826fc0);
- typedef void*(__cdecl* rGetTable)(DWORD rL, int index);
- auto r_luad_pcall = (int(__cdecl*)(DWORD, int, int, int))Retcheck::Unprotect(ADDRESS_PCALL, true);
- auto r_lua_touserdata = (void*(__cdecl*)(DWORD, int))Retcheck::Unprotect(ADDRESS_TOUSERDATA, true);
- DWORD unprotect(DWORD addr)
- {
- BYTE* tAddr = (BYTE*)addr;
- do
- {
- tAddr += 16;
- } while (!(tAddr[0] == 0x55 && tAddr[1] == 0x8B && tAddr[2] == 0xEC));
- DWORD funcSz = tAddr - (BYTE*)addr;
- if (nFunc == NULL)
- return addr;
- memcpy(nFunc, (void*)addr, funcSz);
- BYTE* pos = (BYTE*)nFunc;
- BOOL valid = false;
- do
- {
- if (pos[0] == 0x72 && pos[2] == 0xA1 && pos[7] == 0x8B) {
- *(BYTE*)pos = 0xEB;
- DWORD cByte = (DWORD)nFunc;
- do
- {
- if (*(BYTE*)cByte == 0xE8)
- {
- DWORD oFuncPos = addr + (cByte - (DWORD)nFunc);
- DWORD oFuncAddr = (oFuncPos + *(DWORD*)(oFuncPos + 1)) + 5;
- if (oFuncAddr % 16 == 0)
- {
- DWORD relativeAddr = oFuncAddr - cByte - 5;
- *(DWORD*)(cByte + 1) = relativeAddr;
- cByte += 4;
- }
- }
- cByte += 1;
- } while (cByte - (DWORD)nFunc < funcSz);
- valid = true;
- }
- pos += 1;
- } while ((DWORD)pos < (DWORD)nFunc + funcSz);
- if (!valid)
- {
- VirtualFree(nFunc, funcSz, MEM_RELEASE);
- return addr;
- }
- return (DWORD)nFunc;
- }
- int top = 8, base = 12;
- typedef DWORD _DWORD;
- typedef int(__fastcall*rLuaS_newlstr)(int RL, const char *str, size_t l);
- rLuaS_newlstr r_luaS_newlstr = (rLuaS_newlstr)x(0x821730);
- union r_Value
- {
- int b;
- double n;
- void* p;
- void* gc;
- };
- struct r_TValue
- {
- r_Value value;
- int tt;
- };
- typedef r_TValue*(__cdecl*rlua_index2adr)(int lst, int idx);
- rlua_index2adr r_lua_index2adr = (rlua_index2adr)x(0x81d2c0);
- void r_lua_pushnil(DWORD a1) {
- *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) + 8) = 0;
- *(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) += 16;
- }
- void r_lua_pushboolean(DWORD a1, int a2) {
- _DWORD *v2;
- v2 = *(_DWORD **)(a1 + top);
- *v2 = a2 != 0;
- v2[2] = 3;
- *(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) += 16;
- }
- void r_lua_pushstring(int rState, const char *s) {
- int v3 = *(DWORD *)(rState + top);
- *(DWORD *)v3 = r_luaS_newlstr(rState, s, strlen(s));
- *(DWORD *)(v3 + 8) = R_LUA_TSTRING;
- *(DWORD *)(rState + top) += 16;
- }
- void r_lua_settop(int a1, int a2) {
- int i;
- if (a2 < 0)
- {
- *(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) += 16 * a2 + 16;
- }
- else
- {
- for (i = 16 * a2; *(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) < (unsigned int)(i + *(_DWORD *)(a1 + base)); *(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) += 16)
- *(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) + 8) = 0;
- *(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) = i + *(_DWORD *)(a1 + base);
- }
- }
- void r_lua_pushvalue(DWORD a1, int a2)
- {
- r_TValue *p = r_lua_index2adr(a1, a2);
- int v3 = *(DWORD *)(a1 + top);
- *(DWORD *)v3 = *(DWORD *)p;
- *(DWORD *)(v3 + 4) = *(DWORD *)(p + 4);
- *(DWORD *)(v3 + 8) = p->tt;
- *(DWORD *)(a1 + top) += 16;
- }
- int r_lua_gettop(DWORD a1)
- {
- return (*(_DWORD *)(a1 + top) - *(_DWORD *)(a1 + base)) >> 4;
- }
- typedef void(__fastcall* rgetfield)(DWORD rL, int idx, const char *k);
- rgetfield r_lua_getfield = (rgetfield)unprotect(x(0x826140));
- typedef char*(__stdcall* rtolstring)(DWORD rL, int idx, size_t *size);
- rtolstring r_lua_tolstring = (rtolstring)(unprotect(x(0x828770)));
- typedef bool(__cdecl* toboolean)(DWORD rL, bool idx);
- toboolean r_lua_toboolean = (toboolean)(x(0x8286b0));
- typedef double(__cdecl* pushnumber)(DWORD rL, double idx);
- pushnumber r_lua_pushnumber = (pushnumber)(unprotect(x(0x827500)));
- typedef DWORD(__cdecl* next2)(DWORD rL, int idx);
- next2 r_lua_next = (next2)(unprotect(x(0x826e40)));
- typedef double(__cdecl* rtonumber)(DWORD, int);
- rtonumber r_lua_tonumber = (rtonumber)(x(0x8288b0));
- typedef void(__cdecl* rpushcclosure)(DWORD rL, int fn, int non);
- rpushcclosure r_lua_pushcclosure = (rpushcclosure)(unprotect(x(0x827110)));
- typedef void(__cdecl *rcreatetable)(DWORD rL, int num, int fix);
- rcreatetable r_lua_createtable = (rcreatetable)(unprotect(x(0x825dd0)));
- typedef void*(__cdecl *rnewuserdata)(DWORD rL, int idx);
- rnewuserdata r_lua_newuserdata = (rnewuserdata)(unprotect(x(0x826d80)));
- typedef void*(__fastcall*rgetmetatable)(DWORD rL, int idx);
- rgetmetatable r_lua_getmetatable = (rgetmetatable)(unprotect(x(0x8264e0)));
- typedef void*(__cdecl*rsetmetatable)(DWORD rL, int idx);
- rsetmetatable r_lua_setmetatable = (rsetmetatable)(unprotect(x(0x828270)));
- typedef void*(__fastcall *rsetfield)(DWORD rL, int idx);
- rsetfield r_lua_setfield = (rsetfield)(unprotect(x(0x827ff0)));
- typedef void*(__cdecl *rsettable)(DWORD rL, int);
- rsettable r_lua_settable = (rsettable)(unprotect(x(0x8284a0)));
- typedef DWORD(__cdecl *rtype)(DWORD, int);
- rtype r_lua_type = (rtype)(x(0x828a10));
- typedef DWORD(__cdecl *rnewthread)(DWORD);
- rnewthread r_lua_newthread = (rnewthread)unprotect(x(0x826c90));
- typedef DWORD(__cdecl *rref)(DWORD, DWORD);
- #include "retcheck.h"
- rref r_luaL_ref = (rref)(Ret::unprotect<DWORD>((byte*)(x(0x820d40))));
- typedef void(__cdecl *rrawgeti)(DWORD, DWORD, DWORD);
- rrawgeti r_lua_rawgeti = (rrawgeti)unprotect(x(0x827920));
- typedef void(__cdecl *rpushlight)(DWORD, void*);
- rpushlight r_lua_pushlightuserdata = (rpushlight)(unprotect(x(0x827370)));
- void fakeChain(DWORD* chain)
- {
- chain[1] = 0x1555555;
- if ((((DWORD*)chain[0])[1]) != NULL) {
- ((DWORD*)chain[0])[1] = 0x1555555;
- }
- }
- void restoreChain(DWORD* chain, DWORD unk, DWORD nextUnk)
- {
- chain[1] = unk;
- if ((((DWORD*)chain[0])[1]) != NULL) {
- ((DWORD*)chain[0])[1] = nextUnk;
- }
- }
- int r_lua_pcall(DWORD rL, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc)
- {
- DWORD* exceptionChain = (DWORD*)__readfsdword(0);
- DWORD unk = exceptionChain[1];
- ((((DWORD*)exceptionChain[0])[1]) != NULL);
- {
- DWORD nextUnk = ((DWORD*)exceptionChain[0])[1];
- fakeChain(exceptionChain);
- int ret = r_luad_pcall(rL, nargs, nresults, errfunc);
- restoreChain(exceptionChain, unk, nextUnk);
- return ret;
- }
- fakeChain(exceptionChain);
- int ret = r_luad_pcall(rL, nargs, nresults, errfunc);
- restoreChain(exceptionChain, unk, 0);
- return ret;
- }
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