
BWR - Changelog 04/08/24

Aug 4th, 2024 (edited)
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  1. Sun-On-A-Stick
  2. + HEAT mode is still built up while active
  3. + Removed ranged damage penalty while HEAT mode is active
  4. + Increased afterburn duration to 4 seconds at max (was 3)
  5. + Increased duration of HEAT mode to 8 seconds (was 6)
  6. + Replaced -25% damage penalty with -25% damage to non-burning players
  7. - Increased damage to build HEAT to 400 (was 300)
  8. - Added 25% damage vulnerability while HEAT mode is active
  9. The current version kneecaps the Scout too much for what it is being encouraged, making your other means of dealing damage worse for the potential of a wimpy finisher melee. This version packs more punch in the melee itself, removes the damage nerf and encourages the scout to keep up with dealing damage to keep the hot streak going. As a downside though, the scout is made considerably more vulnerable and has to be more mindful during their spree, being forced to disengage and "cool off".
  11. Miniguns
  12. + Minigun can be holstered at any time during spin-down animation
  13. - Reduced spin-down bonus to just be on-par with spin-up time at 0.87s (was 50% of spin-up time at 0.43s)
  14. - Removed holster speed bonus after spinning down
  15. This change simplifies the changes to the minigun, inspired by Valve's apparent mistakes in buffing minigun spin-down in addition to how it functions in Team Fortress Classic. The speed of repositioning with the minigun is a bit worse, in contrast with a slightly faster means of holstering your primary for easy access to a shotgun or melee.
  17. MvM
  18.  Upgrade menu will not respawn user when exited while out of spawn.
  19.   Panic Attack
  20.     Fixed interaction with firing speed & clip size upgrades with alt-fire
  21.   Shortstop
  22.     Nerf knockback vs Giants
  23.   Back Scatter
  24.     Fixed interaction with clip size upgrade and on-kill bonus
  25.   Flying Guillotines
  26.     Fixed mini-crit on long distance hits vs robots
  27.   Natascha
  28.     Fixed max ammo upgrade
  29.   Vita-Saw
  30.     Fixed to apply to overheal expert
  31.   Disguise
  32.     Spy Sprint is always on by default
  33.   Diamondback
  34.     Extended mini-crit boost to occur after crits on kill upgrade for knives
  35.   Sappers
  36.     Recharge upgrade applies to Radar recharge as well
  37.   Fixed interactions with most weapons and the tank
  38. Specific interactions with the tank and certain weapons will require some more testing, but they should hopefully be more consistent.  It is also encouraged the user be in spawn to make sure attributes are applied properly.
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