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a guest
Jun 3rd, 2016
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  1. name: Station
  2. red-turf:
  3. type: STAINED_CLAY
  4. blue-turf:
  5. type: STAINED_CLAY
  6. red-turf:
  7. data: 14
  8. blue-turf:
  9. data: 3
  10. red-spawns:
  11. '1':
  12. x: 5.574058411269011
  13. y: 7.0625
  14. z: 35.30585139315172
  15. yaw: 180.02466
  16. pitch: 8.999986
  17. world: world
  18. '2':
  19. x: -7.638077262891233
  20. y: 7.0625
  21. z: 35.17755972556059
  22. yaw: 180.77515
  23. pitch: 6.150001
  24. world: world
  25. blue-spawns:
  26. '1':
  27. x: -7.543986507014276
  28. y: 7.0625
  29. z: -42.96021694200465
  30. yaw: 358.97534
  31. pitch: 4.9500055
  32. world: world
  33. '2':
  34. x: 5.4919169144064535
  35. y: 7.0625
  36. z: -43.31342317071834
  37. yaw: 359.57642
  38. pitch: 4.3499827
  39. world: world
  40. r1:
  41. x: 29.0
  42. y: 15.0
  43. z: 29.0
  44. yaw: 0.0
  45. pitch: 0.0
  46. world: world
  47. r2:
  48. x: -32.0
  49. y: 3.0
  50. z: -4.0
  51. yaw: 0.0
  52. pitch: 0.0
  53. world: world
  54. b1:
  55. x: 29.0
  56. y: 16.0
  57. z: -37.0
  58. yaw: 0.0
  59. pitch: 0.0
  60. world: world
  61. b2:
  62. x: -32.0
  63. y: 3.0
  64. z: -5.0
  65. yaw: 0.0
  66. pitch: 0.0
  67. world: world
  68. spectators:
  69. x: 18.124139474845045
  70. y: 24.0
  71. z: -3.8994196610743166
  72. yaw: 90.03487
  73. pitch: 31.500017
  74. world: world
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