
Dev recruitment

Jul 18th, 2014
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. 03:21 - fdizile: Hey, Do you code C++?
  3. 03:21 - Forblaze: no
  4. 03:21 - fdizile: OKay
  5. 03:21 - fdizile: *okay
  6. 03:22 - fdizile: Could you by chance, tell me someone who can?
  7. 03:22 - Forblaze: for what purpose?
  8. 03:22 - fdizile: I'm kinda deep in acting right now
  9. 03:22 - fdizile: and I've also got a job working on KnightFall
  10. 03:22 - fdizile: (a game)
  11. 03:23 - fdizile: and it's in C++
  12. 03:23 - fdizile: I can't devote my time fully to that, so I need people to take the load off, otherwise, I'm going to get a bad name in acting :(
  13. 03:24 - Forblaze: Are you asking me to recommend someone for you to hire as an employee?
  14. 03:24 - fdizile: Kinda
  15. 03:24 - fdizile: They would need to do it for free
  16. 03:24 - fdizile: or royalites...
  17. 03:25 - Forblaze:
  18. 03:25 - Forblaze: is this the game?
  19. 03:26 - fdizile: No
  20. 03:26 - fdizile: One sec
  21. 03:26 - fdizile:
  22. 03:26 - fdizile: That;s i
  23. 03:26 - fdizile: *That's it
  24. 03:28 - fdizile: Hello?
  25. 03:28 - fdizile: Sorry to push you
  26. 03:30 - Forblaze: Yeah, I don't think you're going to find anyone who's willing to do your job for you for free.
  27. 03:30 - fdizile: Okay, thanks anyways :)
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