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- ----------------------
- -- Protocol Calc --
- ----------------------
- DECLARE @FromYear nvarchar(4) = '2017', @FromMonth nvarchar(4) = '1', @ToYear nvarchar(4) = '2018', @ToMonth nvarchar(4) = '12', @ProtocolID int = 13,
- @GranularityLevel int = 3, @CategoryID int = 0, @AssetTypeID int = 0, @siteList nvarchar(100) = '40', @AssetID int = 0
- , @defaultSite int, @i int
- Set @defaultSite = (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM splitstring(@siteList))
- DECLARE @years Table(year_id int)
- SET @i = @FromYear
- WHILE @i<=@ToYear
- INSERT INTO @years VALUES (@i)
- SET @i = @i + 1
- SELECT ISNULL(selected_parameters.site_id, @defaultSite) AS site_id, sites.site_name, protocols.protocol_short_name, ISNULL(categories.category_name, '') AS category_name, ISNULL(questions.q_category_id, categories.category_id) AS category_id, order_of_appearanceV2.oreder_id,
- ISNULL(sections.section_id, 0) AS section_id, ISNULL(sections.section_name, '') AS section_name, ISNULL(sub_sections.sub_section_id, 0) AS sub_section_id,
- ISNULL(sub_sections.sub_section_name, '') AS sub_section_name, questions.question_id, questions.external_question_id ,questions.question_text, questions.question_text_heb
- , questions.question_expression, questions.granularity_level_id, ISNULL (data_pointsV2.data_point_id, 0) AS data_point_id
- , data_pointsV2.data_point_text, data_pointsV2.data_point_text_he, ISNULL(data_pointsV2.response_type, 0) AS response_type
- , COALESCE(calc_methods.calc_method_name, '') AS calc_method_name, COALESCE(calc_methods.calc_method_name_heb, '') AS calc_method_name_heb
- , ISNULL(selected_parameters.asset_id, 0) AS asset_id, ISNULL(assets.asset_identifier, '') AS asset_external_id
- , COALESCE(assets.asset_name, '') as asset_name, COALESCE(asset_types.asset_type_name, '') AS asset_type, COALESCE(parent.asset_name, '') as parent_name
- , ISNULL(asset_extensions.destination_country, '') AS destination_country, ISNULL(asset_extensions.destination_name, '') AS destination_name, ISNULL(, '') AS treatment_method_name
- , ISNULL(dpValue.date_reported, CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/'+@ToMonth+'/'+CAST(year_id AS varchar(4)), 103)) AS date_reported , isNull(CAST(MONTH(dpValue.date_reported) as nvarchar(100)), @ToMonth) as [month]
- , isNull(CAST(YEAR(dpValue.date_reported) as nvarchar(100)), CAST(year_id AS varchar(4))) as [year], dpValue.internal_raw_value, originalUnits.unit_id as original_unit_id, secondLevelDP.internal_raw_value as second_level_dp_value, secondLevelUnits.unit_id as second_level_unit_id, firstLevelDp.internal_raw_value as first_level_dp_value, firstLevelUnits.unit_id as first_level_unit_id,
- COALESCE(originalUnits.unit_name,'') as original_unit_name, COALESCE(procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_id,'') as answerId, COALESCE(procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_name, '') as answerText,
- COALESCE(procedure_typesV2.response_text_hebrew,'') as response_text_hebrew, COALESCE(procedure_typesV2.response_score,0) as score, assets.asset_type_id, questions.reporting_unit_id,
- COALESCE(reportingUnits.unit_name,'') as reporting_unit_name, insights.insight_text, ISNULL(questions.threshold_value, 0) as threshold_value,
- STUFF((SELECT ', '+ comments.comment as [text()] from comments
- WHERE comments.site_id = dpValue.site_id AND comments.asset_id = dpValue.asset_id AND comments.data_point_id = dpValue.data_point_id AND comments.date_reported = dpValue.date_reported
- FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') as comments,
- STUFF((SELECT ', '+ files.original_file_name as [text()] from files
- WHERE files.site_id = selected_parameters.site_id AND files.asset_id = selected_parameters.asset_id AND files.data_point_id = selected_parameters.data_point_id AND files.date_reported = dpValue.date_reported
- FOR XML PATH('')),1,1,'') as reference
- , ISNULL(waste_catalog.attribute_value, '') AS waste_catalog_code
- , ISNULL(cas_number.attribute_value, '') AS cas_number
- , ISNULL(cas_link.attribute_value, '') AS cas_link
- , ISNULL(ec_number.attribute_value, '') AS ec_number
- , ISNULL(ec_link.attribute_value, '') AS ec_link
- , ISNULL(basel_codes.attribute_value, '') AS basel_code
- , ISNULL(haz_mats.attribute_value, 'False') AS haz_mat
- FROM questions
- LEFT JOIN data_points2question ON data_points2question.question_id = questions.question_id
- LEFT JOIN data_pointsV2 ON data_pointsV2.data_point_id = data_points2question.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN sub_sections ON data_pointsV2.sub_section_id = sub_sections.sub_section_id
- LEFT JOIN sections ON sub_sections.section_id = sections.section_id
- LEFT JOIN categories ON categories.category_id = sections.category_id
- LEFT JOIN selected_parameters ON selected_parameters.data_point_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id AND
- selected_parameters.response_format = data_pointsV2.response_format AND
- selected_parameters.site_id in (select * from dbo.splitstring(@siteList)) AND
- selected_parameters.category_id = Sections.category_id
- LEFT JOIN selected_assets ON selected_parameters.site_id = selected_assets.site_id
- AND selected_assets.category_id = selected_parameters.category_id
- AND selected_assets.asset_id = selected_parameters.asset_id
- AND selected_assets.response_format = data_pointsV2.response_format
- LEFT JOIN data_entriesV2 as dpValue ON dpValue.site_id = selected_parameters.site_id AND
- dpValue.data_point_id = selected_parameters.data_point_id AND
- dpValue.asset_id = selected_parameters.asset_id AND
- dpValue.date_reported BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/'+@FromMonth+'/'+@FromYear, 103) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/'+@ToMonth+'/'+@ToYear, 103)
- LEFT JOIN data_entriesV2 as parentDpValue ON parentDpValue.site_id = selected_parameters.site_id AND
- parentDpValue.data_point_id = data_pointsV2.dependent_data_point_id AND
- parentDpValue.asset_id = selected_parameters.asset_id AND
- parentDpValue.date_reported BETWEEN CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/'+@FromMonth+'/'+@FromYear, 103) AND CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/'+@ToMonth+'/'+@ToYear, 103)
- LEFT JOIN assets ON assets.asset_id = selected_parameters.asset_id
- LEFT JOIN assets AS parent ON parent.asset_id = assets.facility_id
- LEFT JOIN data_entriesV2 as secondLevelDP ON secondLevelDP.site_id = selected_parameters.site_id
- AND secondLevelDP.data_point_id = selected_parameters.data_point_id
- AND secondLevelDP.asset_id = parent.asset_id
- AND secondLevelDP.date_reported BETWEEN CONVERT ( DATETIME, '01/' +@FromMonth + '/' +@FromYear, 103 )
- AND CONVERT ( DATETIME, '01/' +@ToMonth + '/' +@ToYear, 103 )
- LEFT JOIN data_entriesV2 as firstLevelDp ON firstLevelDp.site_id = selected_parameters.site_id
- AND firstLevelDp.data_point_id = selected_parameters.data_point_id
- AND firstLevelDp.asset_id = parent.facility_id
- AND firstLevelDp.date_reported BETWEEN CONVERT ( DATETIME, '01/' +@FromMonth + '/' +@FromYear, 103 )
- AND CONVERT ( DATETIME, '01/' +@ToMonth + '/' +@ToYear, 103 )
- LEFT JOIN procedure_typesV2 ON procedure_typesV2.data_point_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN units AS originalUnits ON originalUnits.unit_id = dpValue.unit_id
- LEFT JOIN units AS secondLevelUnits ON secondLevelUnits.unit_id = secondLevelDP.unit_id
- LEFT JOIN units AS firstLevelUnits ON firstLevelUnits.unit_id = firstLevelDp.unit_id
- LEFT JOIN units AS reportingUnits ON reportingUnits.unit_id = questions.reporting_unit_id
- LEFT JOIN order_of_appearanceV2 ON order_of_appearanceV2.entity_type = 'category'
- AND order_of_appearanceV2.site_id = ISNULL(selected_parameters.site_id, @defaultSite)
- AND order_of_appearanceV2.entity_id = categories.category_id
- LEFT JOIN insights ON insights.site_id = selected_parameters.site_id
- AND insights.entity_type = 'question'
- AND insights.insight_period = CONVERT(DATETIME, '01/01/'+CAST(YEAR(dpValue.date_reported) as nvarchar(4)), 103)
- AND insights.entity_id = questions.question_id
- LEFT JOIN sites ON sites.site_id = ISNULL(selected_parameters.site_id, @defaultSite)
- LEFT JOIN protocols ON protocols.protocol_id = questions.protocol_id
- LEFT JOIN asset_types ON asset_types.asset_type_id = assets.asset_type_id
- LEFT JOIN asset_extensions ON asset_extensions.asset_id = selected_parameters.asset_id
- LEFT JOIN treatment_methods ON treatment_methods.asset_type = assets.asset_type_id
- AND = asset_extensions.destination_treatment_method_id
- LEFT JOIN calc_methods ON calc_methods.calc_method_id = dpValue.calculation_method_id
- LEFT JOIN dp_attributes AS cas_number ON cas_number.attribute_type = 1
- AND cas_number.dp_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN dp_attributes AS waste_catalog ON waste_catalog.attribute_type = 2
- AND waste_catalog.dp_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN dp_attributes AS basel_codes ON basel_codes.attribute_type = 3
- AND basel_codes.dp_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN dp_attributes AS haz_mats ON haz_mats.attribute_type = 4
- AND haz_mats.dp_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN dp_attributes AS cas_link ON cas_link.attribute_type = 5
- AND cas_link.dp_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN dp_attributes AS ec_number ON ec_number.attribute_type = 6
- AND ec_number.dp_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- LEFT JOIN dp_attributes AS ec_link ON ec_link.attribute_type = 7
- AND ec_link.dp_id = data_pointsV2.data_point_id
- JOIN @years ON year_id BETWEEN
- CASE WHEN ISNULL(questions.question_expression,'') = '' THEN YEAR(dpValue.date_reported) ELSE @FromYear END
- CASE WHEN ISNULL(questions.question_expression,'') = '' THEN YEAR(dpValue.date_reported) ELSE @ToYear END
- questions.protocol_id = @ProtocolID
- -- for response_type !=1 ignore selected asset as it does not exist
- AND (selected_assets.asset_id IS NOT NULL
- OR selected_parameters.asset_id = 0
- OR ISNULL(questions.question_expression, '') ! ='')
- -- Only DPs where there is no dependency or the conditional expression is true are counted
- AND (CASE WHEN data_pointsV2.dependent_data_point_id IS NULL OR data_pointsV2.dependent_data_point_id = 0 OR (convert(nvarchar(255), data_pointsV2.dependent_data_point_value ) IN (SELECT * FROM dbo.splitstring(parentDpValue.internal_raw_value) ) ) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) = 1
- -- For DPs of response_type radio_button, checkbox, select and multi-select, get the response text and score for the selected responses (as saved in internal_raw_value)
- AND (data_pointsV2.response_type IS NULL
- OR data_pointsV2.response_type > 4
- OR procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_id IN (select name from dbo.splitstring(dpValue.internal_raw_value))
- )
- -- select DPs from a specific category or all categories
- AND (@CategoryID = 0 OR @CategoryID = sections.category_id)
- -- select assets from a specific asset_type or all assets
- AND (@AssetTypeID = 0 or @AssetTypeID = assets.asset_type_id)
- AND (isNull(CAST(YEAR(dpValue.date_reported) as nvarchar(100)), '') != '' OR ISNULL(questions.question_expression, '') ! ='')
- ORDER BY ISNULL(selected_parameters.site_id, @defaultSite), order_of_appearanceV2.oreder_id, sections.category_id, sections.section_id, data_pointsV2.sub_section_id, questions.question_id ,data_pointsV2.data_point_id, procedure_typesV2.procedure_type_id DESC
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