Guest User


a guest
Aug 25th, 2015
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  1. CountdownLength: 5
  2. Distance: 10.0
  3. TradeCurrency: true
  4. TradeCurrencyAmount: 100.0
  5. TradeInCreative: false
  6. ShiftRightClick: true
  7. Messages:
  8. error-not-involved: '&bTrading> &7You are currently not involved in any trades'
  9. error-trade-already-accepted: '&bTrading> &7The trade has already been accepted'
  10. error-accepter-different-trade: '&bTrading> &7The player &b%accepter% &7is currently
  11. involved in a different trade'
  12. error-requester-different-trade: '&bTrading> &7You are currently involved in a different
  13. trade'
  14. error-distance: '&bTrading> &7You must be within 10 blocks of a player to trade'
  15. error-world: '&bTrading> &7You must be in the same world as a player to trade'
  16. error-self: '&bTrading> &7You cannot trade with yourself'
  17. error-not-online: '&bTrading> &7The player &b%accepter% &7is not online'
  18. error-creative: '&bTrading> &7You cannot trade while in &bCreative &7mode'
  19. error-incorrect-usage: '&bTrading> &7Incorrect Usage, Correct Usage: &b/Trade (PlayerName)&7,
  20. &b/Trade Accept&7, or &b/Trade Decline'
  21. trade-request-sent: '&bTrading> &7Trade request sent to the player &b%accepter%'
  22. trade-request-received: '&bTrading> &7The player &b%requester% &7has just requested
  23. a trade with you. You have 15 seconds to accept'
  24. trade-accepted: '&bTrading> &7Trade accepter'
  25. trade-successful: '&bTrading> &7Trade était un succès'
  26. trade-cancelled: '&bTrading> &7Trade has been cancelled'
  27. trade-cancelled-creative-reason: '&bTrading> &7This was because a player was in
  28. creative mode'
  29. traded-currency: '&bTrading> &7You have traded &b%currencyamount% &7as a result
  30. of the trade'
  31. received-currency: '&bTrading> &7You have received &b%currencyamount% &7as a result
  32. of the trade'
  33. config-reloaded: '&bTrading> &7The &bconfig.yml &7file has been reloaded'
  34. Item-Names:
  35. inventory: '|Toi| |Lui|'
  36. divider: ' '
  37. decline-trade: '&cClick to Cancel Trade'
  38. accept-trade: '&aClick to Ready Trade'
  39. not-ready: '&7Not Ready'
  40. ready: '&aReady'
  41. add-currency: '&aAdd &f%currencyamount%'
  42. remove-currency: '&cRemove &f%currencyamount%'
  43. total-currency: '&aCurrent Money-to-be-Traded: &f%currencyamount%'
  44. Item-Lores:
  45. decline-trade:
  46. - '&7Click this block at any'
  47. - '&7time during the trade to cancel'
  48. accept-trade:
  49. - '&7Once both traders have clicked'
  50. - '&7this block, the countdown will'
  51. - '&7begin'
  52. add-currency:
  53. - '&7Adds your money to the trade'
  54. remove-currency:
  55. - '&7Removes your money from the trade'
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