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- Randomiz3r's Description:
- --[[
- _____ _ _ ____ ___
- | __ \ | | (_) |___ \ |__ \
- | |__) |__ _ _ __ __| | ___ _ __ ___ _ ____ __) |_ __ ) |
- | _ // _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \| '_ ` _ \| |_ /|__ <| '__| / /
- | | \ \ (_| | | | | (_| | (_) | | | | | | |/ / ___) | | / /_
- |_| \_\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___/|_| |_| |_|_/___|____/|_| |____|
- ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
- Hello! I'm DontLuck2. This is the sequel to my very first randomizer, "Randomiz3r". Randomiz3r 2 is a UI-based randomizer, that you can
- use to randomize your game! You can change your settings like what you wanted to randomize, the randomization settings as well as the
- blacklist settings! My first randomizer doesn't have an option to change its settings in-gme, but with Randomiz3r 2, you can change
- the settings in-game, via its UI!
- Before you say that it's a useless model, I gotta admit. It kinda is, but hey, at least it's fun to mess around, right?
- Anyways, let's get started.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Step 1: Insert the model into your game. Do not move anything out of the model!
- Step 2: Select the "User" StringValue, and open up properties.
- Step 3: Replace the value ("USER_NAME") with your own username. (Not your DisplayName)
- Step 4: Load up the game, and you can use Randomiz3r 2! (It might lag a game a little bit, depending on how large the game is)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now that you got Randomiz3r 2 up and running, it's time to configure it! Type in "/menu" in the chat
- to open up the menu. You can also do "/MeNu" as well, so it will still open the menu no matter
- how you type it.
- Once you got the menu open, you will be met with 3 settings, and an area where you can randomize the game
- and revert your randomization. Anyways, here's the info about the settings that you can go in the menu.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1. Instance settings
- Right now, Randomiz3r 2 can randomize up to 36 different types of instances. You can modify each and every
- one of the instance settings that it can randomize. For example, you can modify the TextLabel settings. You
- can change if Randomiz3r 2 can randomize the TextColor3 of the TextLabels. If you set it to off, Randomiz3r
- won't randomize it.
- 2. Randomization settings
- In here, you can change the duration before the randomization kicks in, the delay between the randomizations,
- and the number of times you wanted the randomization to kick in (Interval). The default setting is that
- once you start the randomization, it will only randomize once. However, you can change that by modifying its
- settings. For example, setting the interval to 5, and setting the delay to 15 seconds will make Randomiz3r 2
- randomize the game 5 times, with a 15-second delay between them.
- 3. Blacklist settings
- This allows you to add words to a blacklist, so Randomiz3r 2 doesn't randomize instances with that blacklisted
- name. You can add or remove blacklisted words in there. It's perfect if you didn't want the game to break
- due to the randomization. NOTE: The instance's children can also be randomized as well, even though you
- put that name in the blacklist.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Once you configured your settings (Or maybe not, it's already usable even if you didn't configure your settigns!)
- for Randomiz3r 2, you can finally start randomizing! Simply click the "Randomize" button while you're in the home
- screen, and Randomiz3r 2 will begin randomizing. Do keep in mind that the game will lag a bit, but that depends
- from game to game.
- If you wanted to revert your randomization, you can click on "Revert" and Randomiz3r will revert its randomization.
- However, it won't revert everything (yet), but the majority of the game will be reverted. However, your interval
- will be set back to 1, to break the loop if you decided to loop the randomization.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Randomiz3r 2's MainModule will create a BindableEvent instance in ReplicatedStorage called "Randomiz3r 2 Server Event".
- You can run Randomiz3r 2 from there via a script. Here's an example.
- game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Randomiz3r 2 Server Event"):Fire("Randomize")
- This will trigger Randomiz3r 2's randomize function. I'd recommend putting a "WaitForChild" because in case Randomiz3r 2
- does not load in time, the script will wait for the BindableEvent. You can also replace "Randomize" with "Revert", so
- Randomiz3r 2 will revert what it had randomized.
- You can also call Randomiz3r 2 from the dev console as well! Paste this in the dev console (Do not forget to replace
- "NAME_HERE" with your own username, not your displayname! Also, do not forget the quotation marks!)
- require(10578479217).load(NAME_HERE)
- However, I do not condone the use of my randomizer for exploiting, because I do not want people to pin the blame
- on me for creating an exploiting UI. This is meant to be used for fun, not for exploiting.
- In order to change the settings while you're running in studio (Not playing), you need to go to ServerScriptService,
- which houses Randomiz3r 2's module script. In there, you can change the settings, so you can set the options for
- the instances and such.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- That is all I have to say about it. Anyways, I hope you have fun using Randomiz3r 2. Feel free to post your results
- in the comments secrion of this model, maybe funny results and such. Have fun!
- ]]
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