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- require("advancedLua")
- local component = require("component")
- local computer = require("computer")
- local keyboard = require("keyboard")
- local filesystem = require("filesystem")
- local unicode = require("unicode")
- local event = require("event")
- local color = require("color")
- local image = require("image")
- local buffer = require("doubleBuffering")
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local GUI = {
- IO_MODE_FILE = 11,
- IO_MODE_BOTH = 13,
- IO_MODE_OPEN = 14,
- IO_MODE_SAVE = 15,
- PALETTE_CONFIG_PATH = filesystem.path(getCurrentScript()) .. ".palette.cfg",
- background = 0x1E1E1E,
- text = 0xE1E1E1,
- strings = 0x99FF80,
- loops = 0xFFFF98,
- comments = 0x898989,
- boolean = 0xFFDB40,
- logic = 0xFFCC66,
- numbers = 0x66DBFF,
- functions = 0xFFCC66,
- compares = 0xFFCC66,
- lineNumbersBackground = 0x2D2D2D,
- lineNumbersText = 0xC3C3C3,
- scrollBarBackground = 0x2D2D2D,
- scrollBarForeground = 0x5A5A5A,
- selection = 0x4B4B4B,
- indentation = 0x2D2D2D
- },
- "[%.%,%>%<%=%~%+%-%*%/%^%#%%%&]", "compares", 0, 0,
- "[^%a%d][%.%d]+[^%a%d]", "numbers", 1, 1,
- "[^%a%d][%.%d]+$", "numbers", 1, 0,
- "0x%w+", "numbers", 0, 0,
- " not ", "logic", 0, 1,
- " or ", "logic", 0, 1,
- " and ", "logic", 0, 1,
- "function%(", "functions", 0, 1,
- "function%s[^%s%(%)%{%}%[%]]+%(", "functions", 9, 1,
- "nil", "boolean", 0, 0,
- "false", "boolean", 0, 0,
- "true", "boolean", 0, 0,
- " break$", "loops", 0, 0,
- "elseif ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "else[%s%;]", "loops", 0, 1,
- "else$", "loops", 0, 0,
- "function ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "local ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "return", "loops", 0, 0,
- "until ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "then", "loops", 0, 0,
- "if ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "repeat$", "loops", 0, 0,
- " in ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "for ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "end[%s%;]", "loops", 0, 1,
- "end$", "loops", 0, 0,
- "do ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "do$", "loops", 0, 0,
- "while ", "loops", 0, 1,
- "\'[^\']+\'", "strings", 0, 0,
- "\"[^\"]+\"", "strings", 0, 0,
- "%-%-.+", "comments", 0, 0,
- },
- }
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.setAlignment(object, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment)
- object.horizontalAlignment, object.verticalAlignment = horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment
- return object
- end
- function GUI.getAlignmentCoordinates(x, y, width1, height1, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, width2, height2)
- if horizontalAlignment == GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER then
- x = x + width1 / 2 - width2 / 2
- elseif horizontalAlignment == GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT then
- x = x + width1 - width2
- elseif horizontalAlignment ~= GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_LEFT then
- error("Unknown horizontal alignment: " .. tostring(horizontalAlignment))
- end
- if verticalAlignment == GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_CENTER then
- y = y + height1 / 2 - height2 / 2
- elseif verticalAlignment == GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_BOTTOM then
- y = y + height1 - height2
- elseif verticalAlignment ~= GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP then
- error("Unknown vertical alignment: " .. tostring(verticalAlignment))
- end
- return x, y
- end
- function GUI.getMarginCoordinates(x, y, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment, horizontalMargin, verticalMargin)
- if horizontalAlignment == GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_RIGHT then
- x = x - horizontalMargin
- else
- x = x + horizontalMargin
- end
- if verticalAlignment == GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_BOTTOM then
- y = y - verticalMargin
- else
- y = y + verticalMargin
- end
- return x, y
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function objectDraw(object)
- return object
- end
- function GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- return {
- x = x,
- y = y,
- width = width,
- height = height,
- draw = objectDraw
- }
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function containerObjectIndexOf(object)
- if not object.parent then error("Object doesn't have a parent container") end
- for objectIndex = 1, #object.parent.children do
- if object.parent.children[objectIndex] == object then
- return objectIndex
- end
- end
- end
- local function containerObjectMoveForward(object)
- local objectIndex = containerObjectIndexOf(object)
- if objectIndex < #object.parent.children then
- object.parent.children[index], object.parent.children[index + 1] = object.parent.children[index + 1], object.parent.children[index]
- end
- return object
- end
- local function containerObjectMoveBackward(object)
- local objectIndex = containerObjectIndexOf(object)
- if objectIndex > 1 then
- object.parent.children[objectIndex], object.parent.children[objectIndex - 1] = object.parent.children[objectIndex - 1], object.parent.children[objectIndex]
- end
- return object
- end
- local function containerObjectMoveToFront(object)
- table.remove(object.parent.children, containerObjectIndexOf(object))
- table.insert(object.parent.children, object)
- return object
- end
- local function containerObjectMoveToBack(object)
- table.remove(object.parent.children, containerObjectIndexOf(object))
- table.insert(object.parent.children, 1, object)
- return object
- end
- local function containerObjectRemove(object)
- table.remove(object.parent.children, containerObjectIndexOf(object))
- end
- local function containerObjectAnimationStart(animation, duration)
- animation.position = 0
- animation.duration = duration
- animation.started = true
- animation.startUptime = computer.uptime()
- computer.pushSignal("GUI", "animationStarted")
- end
- local function containerObjectAnimationStop(animation)
- animation.position = 0
- animation.started = false
- end
- local function containerObjectAnimationRemove(animation)
- animation.removeLater = true
- end
- local function containerObjectAddAnimation(object, frameHandler, onFinish)
- local animation = {
- object = object,
- position = 0,
- start = containerObjectAnimationStart,
- stop = containerObjectAnimationStop,
- remove = containerObjectAnimationRemove,
- frameHandler = frameHandler,
- onFinish = onFinish,
- }
- object.firstParent.animations = object.firstParent.animations or {}
- table.insert(object.firstParent.animations, animation)
- return animation
- end
- local function containerAddChild(container, object, atIndex)
- object.localX = object.x
- object.localY = object.y
- object.indexOf = containerObjectIndexOf
- object.moveToFront = containerObjectMoveToFront
- object.moveToBack = containerObjectMoveToBack
- object.moveForward = containerObjectMoveForward
- object.moveBackward = containerObjectMoveBackward
- object.remove = containerObjectRemove
- object.addAnimation = containerObjectAddAnimation
- local function updateFirstParent(object, firstParent)
- object.firstParent = firstParent
- if object.children then
- for i = 1, #object.children do
- updateFirstParent(object.children[i], firstParent)
- end
- end
- end
- object.parent = container
- updateFirstParent(object, container.firstParent or container)
- if atIndex then
- table.insert(container.children, atIndex, object)
- else
- table.insert(container.children, object)
- end
- return object
- end
- local function containerRemoveChildren(container, from, to)
- from = from or 1
- for objectIndex = from, to or #container.children do
- table.remove(container.children, from)
- end
- end
- local function getRectangleIntersection(R1X1, R1Y1, R1X2, R1Y2, R2X1, R2Y1, R2X2, R2Y2)
- if R2X1 <= R1X2 and R2Y1 <= R1Y2 and R2X2 >= R1X1 and R2Y2 >= R1Y1 then
- return
- math.max(R2X1, R1X1),
- math.max(R2Y1, R1Y1),
- math.min(R2X2, R1X2),
- math.min(R2Y2, R1Y2)
- else
- return
- end
- end
- function containerDraw(container)
- local R1X1, R1Y1, R1X2, R1Y2, child = buffer.getDrawLimit()
- local intersectionX1, intersectionY1, intersectionX2, intersectionY2 = getRectangleIntersection(
- R1X1,
- R1Y1,
- R1X2,
- R1Y2,
- container.x,
- container.y,
- container.x + container.width - 1,
- container.y + container.height - 1
- )
- if intersectionX1 then
- buffer.setDrawLimit(intersectionX1, intersectionY1, intersectionX2, intersectionY2)
- for i = 1, #container.children do
- child = container.children[i]
- if not child.hidden then
- child.x, child.y = container.x + child.localX - 1, container.y + child.localY - 1
- child:draw()
- end
- end
- buffer.setDrawLimit(R1X1, R1Y1, R1X2, R1Y2)
- end
- return container
- end
- function GUI.container(x, y, width, height)
- local container = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- container.children = {}
- container.passScreenEvents = true
- container.draw = containerDraw
- container.removeChildren = containerRemoveChildren
- container.addChild = containerAddChild
- return container
- end
- function GUI.fullScreenContainer()
- return GUI.container(1, 1, buffer.getResolution())
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function applicationStart(application, eventPullTimeout)
- local animation, animationIndex, animationOnFinishMethodsIndex, animationOnFinishMethods, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15, e16, e17, e18, e19, e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25, e26, e27, e28, e29, e30, e31, e32
- local function handle(isScreenEvent, currentContainer, intersectionX1, intersectionY1, intersectionX2, intersectionY2)
- if
- not isScreenEvent or
- intersectionX1 and
- e3 >= intersectionX1 and
- e3 <= intersectionX2 and
- e4 >= intersectionY1 and
- e4 <= intersectionY2
- then
- local currentContainerPassed, child, newIntersectionX1, newIntersectionY1, newIntersectionX2, newIntersectionY2
- if isScreenEvent then
- if currentContainer.eventHandler and not currentContainer.disabled then
- currentContainer.eventHandler(application, currentContainer, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15, e16, e17, e18, e19, e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25, e26, e27, e28, e29, e30, e31, e32)
- end
- currentContainerPassed = not currentContainer.passScreenEvents
- elseif currentContainer.eventHandler then
- currentContainer.eventHandler(application, currentContainer, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15, e16, e17, e18, e19, e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25, e26, e27, e28, e29, e30, e31, e32)
- end
- for i = #currentContainer.children, 1, -1 do
- child = currentContainer.children[i]
- if not child.hidden then
- if child.children then
- newIntersectionX1, newIntersectionY1, newIntersectionX2, newIntersectionY2 = getRectangleIntersection(
- intersectionX1,
- intersectionY1,
- intersectionX2,
- intersectionY2,
- child.x,
- child.y,
- child.x + child.width - 1,
- child.y + child.height - 1
- )
- if
- newIntersectionX1 and
- handle(
- isScreenEvent,
- child,
- newIntersectionX1,
- newIntersectionY1,
- newIntersectionX2,
- newIntersectionY2,
- e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15, e16, e17, e18, e19, e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25, e26, e27, e28, e29, e30, e31, e32
- )
- then
- return true
- end
- else
- if application.needConsume then
- application.needConsume = nil
- return true
- end
- if isScreenEvent then
- if
- e3 >= child.x and
- e3 <= child.x + child.width - 1 and
- e4 >= child.y and
- e4 <= child.y + child.height - 1
- then
- if child.eventHandler and not child.disabled then
- child.eventHandler(application, child, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15, e16, e17, e18, e19, e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25, e26, e27, e28, e29, e30, e31, e32)
- end
- if not child.passScreenEvents then
- return true
- end
- end
- elseif child.eventHandler then
- child.eventHandler(application, child, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15, e16, e17, e18, e19, e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25, e26, e27, e28, e29, e30, e31, e32)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if currentContainerPassed then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- application.eventPullTimeout = eventPullTimeout
- repeat
- e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13, e14, e15, e16, e17, e18, e19, e20, e21, e22, e23, e24, e25, e26, e27, e28, e29, e30, e31, e32 = event.pull(application.animations and 0 or application.eventPullTimeout)
- handle(
- e1 == "touch" or
- e1 == "drag" or
- e1 == "drop" or
- e1 == "scroll" or
- e1 == "double_touch",
- application,
- application.x,
- application.y,
- application.x + application.width - 1,
- application.y + application.height - 1
- )
- if application.animations then
- animationIndex, animationOnFinishMethodsIndex, animationOnFinishMethods = 1, 1, {}
- -- Продрачиваем анимации и вызываем обработчики кадров
- while animationIndex <= #application.animations do
- animation = application.animations[animationIndex]
- if animation.removeLater then
- table.remove(application.animations, animationIndex)
- if #application.animations == 0 then
- application.animations = nil
- break
- end
- else
- if animation.started then
- animation.position = (computer.uptime() - animation.startUptime) / animation.duration
- if animation.position < 1 then
- animation.frameHandler(animation)
- else
- animation.position, animation.started = 1, false
- animation.frameHandler(animation)
- animationOnFinishMethods[animationOnFinishMethodsIndex] = animation
- animationOnFinishMethodsIndex = animationOnFinishMethodsIndex + 1
- end
- end
- animationIndex = animationIndex + 1
- end
- end
- -- По завершению продрочки отрисовываем изменения на экране
- application:draw()
- -- Вызываем поочередно все методы .onFinish
- for i = 1, #animationOnFinishMethods do
- animationOnFinishMethods[i].onFinish(animationOnFinishMethods[i])
- end
- end
- until application.needClose
- application.needClose = nil
- end
- local function applicationStop(application)
- application.needClose = true
- end
- local function applicationConsumeEvent(application)
- application.needConsume = true
- end
- local function applicationDraw(object, ...)
- containerDraw(object)
- buffer.drawChanges(...)
- end
- function GUI.application(x, y, width, height)
- local application = GUI.container(x or 1, y or 1, width or buffer.getWidth(), height or buffer.getHeight())
- application.draw = applicationDraw
- application.start = applicationStart
- application.stop = applicationStop
- application.consumeEvent = applicationConsumeEvent
- return application
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function pressableDraw(pressable)
- local background = pressable.pressed and pressable.colors.pressed.background or pressable.disabled and pressable.colors.disabled.background or pressable.colors.default.background
- local text = pressable.pressed and pressable.colors.pressed.text or pressable.disabled and pressable.colors.disabled.text or pressable.colors.default.text
- if background then
- buffer.drawRectangle(pressable.x, pressable.y, pressable.width, pressable.height, background, text, " ")
- end
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(pressable.x + pressable.width / 2 - unicode.len(pressable.text) / 2), math.floor(pressable.y + pressable.height / 2), text, pressable.text)
- end
- local function pressableHandlePress(application, pressable, ...)
- pressable.pressed = not pressable.pressed
- application:draw()
- if not pressable.switchMode then
- pressable.pressed = not pressable.pressed
- application:draw()
- end
- if pressable.onTouch then
- pressable.onTouch(application, pressable, ...)
- end
- end
- local function pressableEventHandler(application, pressable, e1, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- pressableHandlePress(application, pressable, e1, ...)
- end
- end
- local function pressable(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, backgroundDisabledColor, textDisabledColor, text)
- local pressable = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- pressable.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- text = textColor
- },
- pressed = {
- background = backgroundPressedColor,
- text = textPressedColor
- },
- disabled = {
- background = backgroundDisabledColor,
- text = textDisabledColor
- }
- }
- pressable.pressed = false
- pressable.text = text
- pressable.draw = pressableDraw
- pressable.eventHandler = pressableEventHandler
- return pressable
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function buttonPlayAnimation(button, onFinish)
- button.animationStarted = true
- button:addAnimation(
- function(animation)
- if button.pressed then
- if button.colors.default.background and button.colors.pressed.background then
- button.animationCurrentBackground = color.transition(button.colors.pressed.background, button.colors.default.background, animation.position)
- end
- button.animationCurrentText = color.transition(button.colors.pressed.text, button.colors.default.text, animation.position)
- else
- if button.colors.default.background and button.colors.pressed.background then
- button.animationCurrentBackground = color.transition(button.colors.default.background, button.colors.pressed.background, animation.position)
- end
- button.animationCurrentText = color.transition(button.colors.default.text, button.colors.pressed.text, animation.position)
- end
- end,
- function(animation)
- button.animationStarted = false
- button.pressed = not button.pressed
- onFinish(animation)
- end
- ):start(button.animationDuration)
- end
- local function buttonPress(button, application, object, ...)
- if button.animated then
- local eventData = {...}
- buttonPlayAnimation(button, function(animation)
- if button.onTouch then
- button.onTouch(application, button, table.unpack(eventData))
- end
- animation:remove()
- if not button.switchMode then
- buttonPlayAnimation(button, function(animation)
- animation:remove()
- end)
- end
- end)
- else
- pressableHandlePress(application, button, ...)
- end
- end
- local function buttonEventHandler(application, button, e1, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" and (not button.animated or not button.animationStarted) then
- button:press(application, button, e1, ...)
- end
- end
- local function buttonGetColors(button)
- if button.disabled then
- return button.colors.disabled.background, button.colors.disabled.text
- else
- if button.animated and button.animationStarted then
- return button.animationCurrentBackground, button.animationCurrentText
- else
- if button.pressed then
- return button.colors.pressed.background, button.colors.pressed.text
- else
- return button.colors.default.background, button.colors.default.text
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function buttonDrawText(button, textColor)
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(button.x + button.width / 2 - unicode.len(button.text) / 2), math.floor(button.y + button.height / 2), textColor, button.text)
- end
- local function buttonDraw(button)
- local backgroundColor, textColor = buttonGetColors(button)
- if backgroundColor then
- buffer.drawRectangle(button.x, button.y, button.width, button.height, backgroundColor, textColor, " ", button.colors.transparency)
- end
- buttonDrawText(button, textColor)
- end
- local function framedButtonDraw(button)
- local backgroundColor, textColor = buttonGetColors(button)
- if backgroundColor then
- buffer.drawFrame(button.x, button.y, button.width, button.height, backgroundColor)
- end
- buttonDrawText(button, textColor)
- end
- local function roundedButtonDraw(button)
- local backgroundColor, textColor = buttonGetColors(button)
- if backgroundColor then
- local x2, y2 = button.x + button.width - 1, button.y + button.height - 1
- if button.height > 1 then
- buffer.drawText(button.x + 1, button.y, backgroundColor, string.rep("▄", button.width - 2))
- buffer.drawText(button.x, button.y, backgroundColor, "⣠")
- buffer.drawText(x2, button.y, backgroundColor, "⣄")
- buffer.drawRectangle(button.x, button.y + 1, button.width, button.height - 2, backgroundColor, textColor, " ")
- buffer.drawText(button.x + 1, y2, backgroundColor, string.rep("▀", button.width - 2))
- buffer.drawText(button.x, y2, backgroundColor, "⠙")
- buffer.drawText(x2, y2, backgroundColor, "⠋")
- else
- buffer.drawRectangle(button.x, button.y, button.width, button.height, backgroundColor, textColor, " ")
- GUI.roundedCorners(button.x, button.y, button.width, button.height, backgroundColor)
- end
- end
- buttonDrawText(button, textColor)
- end
- local function tagButtonDraw(button)
- local backgroundColor, textColor = buttonGetColors(button)
- buffer.drawRectangle(button.x, button.y, button.width, button.height, backgroundColor, textColor, " ")
- buffer.drawText(button.x - 1, button.y, backgroundColor, "◀")
- buttonDrawText(button, textColor)
- end
- local function buttonCreate(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, text)
- local button = pressable(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, 0x878787, 0xA5A5A5, text)
- button.animationDuration = GUI.BUTTON_ANIMATION_DURATION
- button.animated = true
- button.animationCurrentBackground = backgroundColor
- button.animationCurrentText = textColor
- = buttonPress
- button.eventHandler = buttonEventHandler
- return button
- end
- local function adaptiveButtonCreate(x, y, xOffset, yOffset, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, text)
- return buttonCreate(x, y, unicode.len(text) + xOffset * 2, yOffset * 2 + 1, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, text)
- end
- function GUI.button(...)
- local button = buttonCreate(...)
- button.draw = buttonDraw
- return button
- end
- function GUI.adaptiveButton(...)
- local button = adaptiveButtonCreate(...)
- button.draw = buttonDraw
- return button
- end
- function GUI.framedButton(...)
- local button = buttonCreate(...)
- button.draw = framedButtonDraw
- return button
- end
- function GUI.adaptiveFramedButton(...)
- local button = adaptiveButtonCreate(...)
- button.draw = framedButtonDraw
- return button
- end
- function GUI.roundedButton(...)
- local button = buttonCreate(...)
- button.draw = roundedButtonDraw
- return button
- end
- function GUI.adaptiveRoundedButton(...)
- local button = adaptiveButtonCreate(...)
- button.draw = roundedButtonDraw
- return button
- end
- function GUI.tagButton(...)
- local button = buttonCreate(...)
- button.draw = tagButtonDraw
- return button
- end
- function GUI.adaptiveTagButton(...)
- local button = adaptiveButtonCreate(...)
- button.draw = tagButtonDraw
- return button
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function drawPanel(object)
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, object.y, object.width, object.height, object.colors.background, 0x0, " ", object.colors.transparency)
- return object
- end
- function GUI.panel(x, y, width, height, color, transparency)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- object.colors = {
- background = color,
- transparency = transparency
- }
- object.draw = drawPanel
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function drawLabel(object)
- local xText, yText = GUI.getAlignmentCoordinates(
- object.x,
- object.y,
- object.width,
- object.height,
- object.horizontalAlignment,
- object.verticalAlignment,
- unicode.len(object.text),
- 1
- )
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(xText), math.floor(yText), object.colors.text, object.text)
- return object
- end
- function GUI.label(x, y, width, height, textColor, text)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- object.setAlignment = GUI.setAlignment
- object.colors = {text = textColor}
- object.text = text
- object.draw = drawLabel
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function drawImage(object)
- buffer.drawImage(object.x, object.y, object.image)
- return object
- end
- function GUI.image(x, y, image)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, image[1], image[2])
- object.image = image
- object.draw = drawImage
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.actionButtons(x, y, fatSymbol)
- local symbol = fatSymbol and "⬤" or "●"
- local container = GUI.container(x, y, 5, 1)
- container.close = container:addChild(GUI.button(1, 1, 1, 1, nil, 0xFF4940, nil, 0x992400, symbol))
- container.minimize = container:addChild(GUI.button(3, 1, 1, 1, nil, 0xFFB640, nil, 0x996D00, symbol))
- container.maximize = container:addChild(GUI.button(5, 1, 1, 1, nil, 0x00B640, nil, 0x006D40, symbol))
- return container
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function drawProgressBar(object)
- local activeWidth = math.floor(math.min(object.value, 100) / 100 * object.width)
- if object.thin then
- buffer.drawText(object.x, object.y, object.colors.passive, string.rep("━", object.width))
- buffer.drawText(object.x, object.y,, string.rep("━", activeWidth))
- else
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, object.y, object.width, object.height, object.colors.passive, 0x0, " ")
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, object.y, activeWidth, object.height,, 0x0, " ")
- end
- if object.showValue then
- local stringValue = (object.valuePrefix or "") .. object.value .. (object.valuePostfix or "")
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(object.x + object.width / 2 - unicode.len(stringValue) / 2), object.y + 1, object.colors.value, stringValue)
- end
- return object
- end
- function GUI.progressBar(x, y, width, activeColor, passiveColor, valueColor, value, thin, showValue, valuePrefix, valuePostfix)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, 1)
- object.value = value
- object.colors = {active = activeColor, passive = passiveColor, value = valueColor}
- object.thin = thin
- object.draw = drawProgressBar
- object.showValue = showValue
- object.valuePrefix = valuePrefix
- object.valuePostfix = valuePostfix
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.drawShadow(x, y, width, height, transparency, thin)
- if thin then
- buffer.drawRectangle(x + width, y + 1, 1, height - 1, 0x0, 0x0, " ", transparency)
- buffer.drawText(x + 1, y + height, 0x0, string.rep("▀", width), transparency)
- buffer.drawText(x + width, y, 0x0, "▄", transparency)
- else
- buffer.drawRectangle(x + width, y + 1, 2, height, 0x0, 0x0, " ", transparency)
- buffer.drawRectangle(x + 2, y + height, width - 2, 1, 0x0, 0x0, " ", transparency)
- end
- end
- function GUI.roundedCorners(x, y, width, height, color, transparency)
- buffer.drawText(x - 1, y, color, "⠰", transparency)
- buffer.drawText(x + width, y, color, "⠆", transparency)
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.alert(...)
- local args = {...}
- for i = 1, #args do
- if type(args[i]) == "table" then
- args[i] = table.toString(args[i], true)
- else
- args[i] = tostring(args[i])
- end
- end
- if #args == 0 then args[1] = "nil" end
- local sign = image.fromString([[06030000FF 0000FF 00F7FF▟00F7FF▙0000FF 0000FF 0000FF 00F7FF▟F7FF00 F7FF00 00F7FF▙0000FF 00F7FF▟F7FF00CF7FF00yF7FF00kF7FF00a00F7FF▙]])
- local offset = 2
- local lines = #args > 1 and "\"" .. table.concat(args, "\", \"") .. "\"" or args[1]
- local bufferWidth, bufferHeight = buffer.getResolution()
- local width = math.floor(bufferWidth * 0.5)
- local textWidth = width - image.getWidth(sign) - 2
- lines = string.wrap(lines, textWidth)
- local height = image.getHeight(sign)
- if #lines + 2 > height then
- height = #lines + 2
- end
- local application = GUI.application(1, math.floor(bufferHeight / 2 - height / 2), bufferWidth, height + offset * 2)
- local oldPixels = buffer.copy(application.x, application.y, application.width, application.height)
- local x, y = math.floor(bufferWidth / 2 - width / 2), offset + 1
- application:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, application.width, application.height, 0x1D1D1D))
- application:addChild(GUI.image(x, y, sign))
- application:addChild(GUI.textBox(x + image.getWidth(sign) + 2, y, textWidth, #lines, 0x1D1D1D, 0xE1E1E1, lines, 1, 0, 0)).eventHandler = nil
- local buttonWidth = 10
- local button = application:addChild(GUI.roundedButton(x + image.getWidth(sign) + textWidth - buttonWidth + 2, application.height - offset, buttonWidth, 1, 0x3366CC, 0xE1E1E1, 0xE1E1E1, 0x3366CC, "OK"))
- button.onTouch = function()
- application:stop()
- buffer.paste(application.x, application.y, oldPixels)
- buffer.drawChanges()
- end
- application.eventHandler = function(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, ...)
- if e1 == "key_down" and e4 == 28 then
- button.animated = false
- button:press(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, ...)
- end
- end
- application:draw(true)
- application:start()
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function codeViewDraw(codeView)
- local toLine, colorScheme, patterns = codeView.fromLine + codeView.height - 1, codeView.syntaxColorScheme, codeView.syntaxPatterns
- -- Line numbers bar and code area
- codeView.lineNumbersWidth = unicode.len(tostring(toLine)) + 2
- codeView.codeAreaPosition = codeView.x + codeView.lineNumbersWidth
- codeView.codeAreaWidth = codeView.width - codeView.lineNumbersWidth
- -- Line numbers
- buffer.drawRectangle(codeView.x, codeView.y, codeView.lineNumbersWidth, codeView.height, colorScheme.lineNumbersBackground, colorScheme.lineNumbersText, " ")
- -- Background
- buffer.drawRectangle(codeView.codeAreaPosition, codeView.y, codeView.codeAreaWidth, codeView.height, colorScheme.background, colorScheme.text, " ")
- -- Line numbers texts
- local y = codeView.y
- for line = codeView.fromLine, toLine do
- if codeView.lines[line] then
- local text = tostring(line)
- if codeView.highlights[line] then
- buffer.drawRectangle(codeView.x, y, codeView.lineNumbersWidth, 1, codeView.highlights[line], colorScheme.text, " ", 0.3)
- buffer.drawRectangle(codeView.codeAreaPosition, y, codeView.codeAreaWidth, 1, codeView.highlights[line], colorScheme.text, " ")
- end
- buffer.drawText(codeView.codeAreaPosition - unicode.len(text) - 1, y, colorScheme.lineNumbersText, text)
- y = y + 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- local function drawUpperSelection(y, selectionIndex)
- buffer.drawRectangle(
- codeView.codeAreaPosition + codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.symbol - codeView.fromSymbol + 1,
- y + codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.line - codeView.fromLine,
- codeView.codeAreaWidth - codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.symbol + codeView.fromSymbol - 1,
- 1,
- codeView.selections[selectionIndex].color or colorScheme.selection, colorScheme.text, " "
- )
- end
- local function drawLowerSelection(y, selectionIndex)
- buffer.drawRectangle(
- codeView.codeAreaPosition,
- y + codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.line - codeView.fromLine,
- codeView.selections[selectionIndex].to.symbol - codeView.fromSymbol + 2,
- 1,
- codeView.selections[selectionIndex].color or colorScheme.selection, colorScheme.text, " "
- )
- end
- local oldDrawLimitX1, oldDrawLimitY1, oldDrawLimitX2, oldDrawLimitY2 = buffer.getDrawLimit()
- buffer.setDrawLimit(codeView.codeAreaPosition, codeView.y, codeView.codeAreaPosition + codeView.codeAreaWidth - 1, codeView.y + codeView.height - 1)
- if #codeView.selections > 0 then
- for selectionIndex = 1, #codeView.selections do
- y = codeView.y
- local dy = codeView.selections[selectionIndex].to.line - codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.line
- if dy == 0 then
- buffer.drawRectangle(
- codeView.codeAreaPosition + codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.symbol - codeView.fromSymbol + 1,
- y + codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.line - codeView.fromLine,
- codeView.selections[selectionIndex].to.symbol - codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.symbol + 1,
- 1,
- codeView.selections[selectionIndex].color or colorScheme.selection, colorScheme.text, " "
- )
- elseif dy == 1 then
- drawUpperSelection(y, selectionIndex); y = y + 1
- drawLowerSelection(y, selectionIndex)
- else
- drawUpperSelection(y, selectionIndex); y = y + 1
- for i = 1, dy - 1 do
- buffer.drawRectangle(codeView.codeAreaPosition, y + codeView.selections[selectionIndex].from.line - codeView.fromLine, codeView.codeAreaWidth, 1, codeView.selections[selectionIndex].color or colorScheme.selection, colorScheme.text, " "); y = y + 1
- end
- drawLowerSelection(y, selectionIndex)
- end
- end
- end
- -- Code strings
- y = codeView.y
- buffer.setDrawLimit(codeView.codeAreaPosition + 1, y, codeView.codeAreaPosition + codeView.codeAreaWidth - 2, y + codeView.height - 1)
- for i = codeView.fromLine, toLine do
- if codeView.lines[i] then
- if codeView.syntaxHighlight then
- GUI.highlightString(codeView.codeAreaPosition + 1,
- y,
- codeView.codeAreaWidth - 2,
- codeView.fromSymbol,
- codeView.indentationWidth,
- patterns,
- colorScheme,
- codeView.lines[i]
- )
- else
- buffer.drawText(codeView.codeAreaPosition - codeView.fromSymbol + 2, y, colorScheme.text, codeView.lines[i])
- end
- y = y + 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- buffer.setDrawLimit(oldDrawLimitX1, oldDrawLimitY1, oldDrawLimitX2, oldDrawLimitY2)
- if #codeView.lines > codeView.height then
- codeView.verticalScrollBar.colors.background, codeView.verticalScrollBar.colors.foreground = colorScheme.scrollBarBackground, colorScheme.scrollBarForeground
- codeView.verticalScrollBar.minimumValue, codeView.verticalScrollBar.maximumValue, codeView.verticalScrollBar.value, codeView.verticalScrollBar.shownValueCount = 1, #codeView.lines, codeView.fromLine, codeView.height
- codeView.verticalScrollBar.localX = codeView.width
- codeView.verticalScrollBar.localY = 1
- codeView.verticalScrollBar.height = codeView.height - 1
- codeView.verticalScrollBar.hidden = false
- else
- codeView.verticalScrollBar.hidden = true
- end
- if codeView.maximumLineLength > codeView.codeAreaWidth - 2 then
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar.colors.background, codeView.horizontalScrollBar.colors.foreground = colorScheme.scrollBarBackground, colorScheme.scrollBarForeground
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar.minimumValue, codeView.horizontalScrollBar.maximumValue, codeView.horizontalScrollBar.value, codeView.horizontalScrollBar.shownValueCount = 1, codeView.maximumLineLength, codeView.fromSymbol, codeView.codeAreaWidth - 2
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar.localX = codeView.lineNumbersWidth + 1
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar.localY = codeView.height
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar.width = codeView.codeAreaWidth - 1
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar.hidden = false
- else
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar.hidden = true
- end
- codeView:overrideDraw()
- end
- function GUI.codeView(x, y, width, height, fromSymbol, fromLine, maximumLineLength, selections, highlights, syntaxPatterns, syntaxColorScheme, syntaxHighlight, lines)
- local codeView = GUI.container(x, y, width, height)
- codeView.passScreenEvents = false
- codeView.lines = lines
- codeView.fromSymbol = fromSymbol
- codeView.fromLine = fromLine
- codeView.maximumLineLength = maximumLineLength
- codeView.selections = selections or {}
- codeView.highlights = highlights or {}
- codeView.syntaxHighlight = syntaxHighlight
- codeView.syntaxPatterns = syntaxPatterns
- codeView.syntaxColorScheme = syntaxColorScheme
- codeView.indentationWidth = 2
- codeView.verticalScrollBar = codeView:addChild(GUI.scrollBar(1, 1, 1, 1, 0x0, 0x0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true))
- codeView.horizontalScrollBar = codeView:addChild(GUI.scrollBar(1, 1, 1, 1, 0x0, 0x0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true))
- codeView.overrideDraw = codeView.draw
- codeView.draw = codeViewDraw
- return codeView
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function colorSelectorDraw(colorSelector)
- local overlayColor = colorSelector.color < 0x7FFFFF and 0xFFFFFF or 0x0
- buffer.drawRectangle(
- colorSelector.x,
- colorSelector.y,
- colorSelector.width,
- colorSelector.height,
- colorSelector.pressed and color.blend(colorSelector.color, overlayColor, 0.8) or colorSelector.color,
- overlayColor,
- " "
- )
- if colorSelector.height > 1 and colorSelector.drawLine then
- buffer.drawText(colorSelector.x, colorSelector.y + colorSelector.height - 1, overlayColor, string.rep("▄", colorSelector.width), 0.8)
- end
- buffer.drawText(colorSelector.x + 1, colorSelector.y + math.floor(colorSelector.height / 2), overlayColor, string.limit(colorSelector.text, colorSelector.width - 2))
- return colorSelector
- end
- local function colorSelectorEventHandler(application, object, e1, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- local eventData = {...}
- object.pressed = true
- local palette = application:addChild(GUI.palette(1, 1, object.color))
- palette.localX, palette.localY = math.floor(application.width / 2 - palette.width / 2), math.floor(application.height / 2 - palette.height / 2)
- palette.cancelButton.onTouch = function()
- object.pressed = false
- palette:remove()
- application:draw()
- if object.onColorSelected then
- object.onColorSelected(application, object, e1, table.unpack(eventData))
- end
- end
- palette.submitButton.onTouch = function()
- object.color = palette.color.integer
- palette.cancelButton.onTouch()
- end
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- function GUI.colorSelector(x, y, width, height, color, text)
- local colorSelector = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- colorSelector.drawLine = true
- colorSelector.eventHandler = colorSelectorEventHandler
- colorSelector.color = color
- colorSelector.text = text
- colorSelector.draw = colorSelectorDraw
- return colorSelector
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function getAxisValue(number, postfix, roundValues)
- if roundValues then
- return math.floor(number) .. postfix
- else
- local integer, fractional = math.modf(number)
- local firstPart, secondPart = "", ""
- if math.abs(integer) >= 1000 then
- return math.shorten(integer, 2) .. postfix
- else
- if math.abs(fractional) > 0 then
- return string.format("%.2f", number) .. postfix
- else
- return number .. postfix
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function drawChart(object)
- -- Sorting by x value
- local valuesCopy = {}
- for i = 1, #object.values do valuesCopy[i] = object.values[i] end
- table.sort(valuesCopy, function(a, b) return a[1] < b[1] end)
- if #valuesCopy == 0 then valuesCopy = {{0, 0}} end
- -- Max, min, deltas
- local xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax = valuesCopy[1][1], valuesCopy[#valuesCopy][1], valuesCopy[1][2], valuesCopy[1][2]
- for i = 1, #valuesCopy do yMin, yMax = math.min(yMin, valuesCopy[i][2]), math.max(yMax, valuesCopy[i][2]) end
- local dx, dy = xMax - xMin, yMax - yMin
- -- y axis values and helpers
- local value, chartHeight, yAxisValueMaxWidth, yAxisValues = yMin, object.height - 1 - (object.showXAxisValues and 1 or 0), 0, {}
- for y = object.y + object.height - 3, object.y + 1, -chartHeight * object.yAxisValueInterval do
- local stringValue = getAxisValue(value, object.yAxisPostfix, object.roundValues)
- yAxisValueMaxWidth = math.max(yAxisValueMaxWidth, unicode.len(stringValue))
- table.insert(yAxisValues, {y = math.ceil(y), value = stringValue})
- value = value + dy * object.yAxisValueInterval
- end
- local stringValue = getAxisValue(yMax, object.yAxisPostfix, object.roundValues)
- table.insert(yAxisValues, {y = object.y, value = stringValue})
- yAxisValueMaxWidth = math.max(yAxisValueMaxWidth, unicode.len(stringValue))
- local chartWidth = object.width - (object.showYAxisValues and yAxisValueMaxWidth + 2 or 0)
- local chartX = object.x + object.width - chartWidth
- for i = 1, #yAxisValues do
- if object.showYAxisValues then
- buffer.drawText(chartX - unicode.len(yAxisValues[i].value) - 2, yAxisValues[i].y, object.colors.axisValue, yAxisValues[i].value)
- end
- buffer.drawText(chartX, yAxisValues[i].y, object.colors.helpers, string.rep("─", chartWidth))
- end
- -- x axis values
- if object.showXAxisValues then
- value = xMin
- for x = chartX, chartX + chartWidth - 2, chartWidth * object.xAxisValueInterval do
- local stringValue = getAxisValue(value, object.xAxisPostfix, object.roundValues)
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(x - unicode.len(stringValue) / 2), object.y + object.height - 1, object.colors.axisValue, stringValue)
- value = value + dx * object.xAxisValueInterval
- end
- local value = getAxisValue(xMax, object.xAxisPostfix, object.roundValues)
- buffer.drawText(object.x + object.width - unicode.len(value), object.y + object.height - 1, object.colors.axisValue, value)
- end
- -- Axis lines
- for y = object.y, object.y + chartHeight - 1 do
- buffer.drawText(chartX - 1, y, object.colors.axis, "┨")
- end
- buffer.drawText(chartX - 1, object.y + chartHeight, object.colors.axis, "┗" .. string.rep("┯━", math.floor(chartWidth / 2)))
- local function fillVerticalPart(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- local dx, dy = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
- local absdx, absdy = math.abs(dx), math.abs(dy)
- if absdx >= absdy then
- local step, y = dy / absdx, y1
- for x = x1, x2, (x1 < x2 and 1 or -1) do
- local yFloor = math.floor(y)
- buffer.drawSemiPixelRectangle(math.floor(x), yFloor, 1, math.floor(object.y + chartHeight) * 2 - yFloor - 1, object.colors.chart)
- y = y + step
- end
- else
- local step, x = dx / absdy, x1
- for y = y1, y2, (y1 < y2 and 1 or -1) do
- local yFloor = math.floor(y)
- buffer.drawSemiPixelRectangle(math.floor(x), yFloor, 1, math.floor(object.y + chartHeight) * 2 - yFloor - 1, object.colors.chart)
- x = x + step
- end
- end
- end
- -- chart
- for i = 1, #valuesCopy - 1 do
- local x = math.floor(chartX + (valuesCopy[i][1] - xMin) / dx * (chartWidth - 1))
- local y = math.floor(object.y + chartHeight - 1 - (valuesCopy[i][2] - yMin) / dy * (chartHeight - 1)) * 2
- local xNext = math.floor(chartX + (valuesCopy[i + 1][1] - xMin) / dx * (chartWidth - 1))
- local yNext = math.floor(object.y + chartHeight - 1 - (valuesCopy[i + 1][2] - yMin) / dy * (chartHeight - 1)) * 2
- if object.fillChartArea then
- fillVerticalPart(x, y, xNext, yNext)
- else
- buffer.drawSemiPixelLine(x, y, xNext, yNext, object.colors.chart)
- end
- end
- return object
- end
- function GUI.chart(x, y, width, height, axisColor, axisValueColor, axisHelpersColor, chartColor, xAxisValueInterval, yAxisValueInterval, xAxisPostfix, yAxisPostfix, fillChartArea, values)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- object.colors = {axis = axisColor, chart = chartColor, axisValue = axisValueColor, helpers = axisHelpersColor}
- object.draw = drawChart
- object.values = values or {}
- object.xAxisPostfix = xAxisPostfix
- object.yAxisPostfix = yAxisPostfix
- object.xAxisValueInterval = xAxisValueInterval
- object.yAxisValueInterval = yAxisValueInterval
- object.fillChartArea = fillChartArea
- object.showYAxisValues = true
- object.showXAxisValues = true
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function switchAndLabelDraw(switchAndLabel)
- switchAndLabel.label.width = switchAndLabel.width
- switchAndLabel.switch.localX = switchAndLabel.width - switchAndLabel.switch.width
- switchAndLabel.label.x, switchAndLabel.label.y = switchAndLabel.x + switchAndLabel.label.localX - 1, switchAndLabel.y + switchAndLabel.label.localY - 1
- switchAndLabel.switch.x, switchAndLabel.switch.y = switchAndLabel.x + switchAndLabel.switch.localX - 1, switchAndLabel.y + switchAndLabel.switch.localY - 1
- switchAndLabel.label:draw()
- switchAndLabel.switch:draw()
- return switchAndLabel
- end
- function GUI.switchAndLabel(x, y, width, switchWidth, activeColor, passiveColor, pipeColor, textColor, text, switchState)
- local switchAndLabel = GUI.container(x, y, width, 1)
- switchAndLabel.label = switchAndLabel:addChild(GUI.label(1, 1, width, 1, textColor, text))
- switchAndLabel.switch = switchAndLabel:addChild(GUI.switch(1, 1, switchWidth, activeColor, passiveColor, pipeColor, switchState))
- switchAndLabel.draw = switchAndLabelDraw
- return switchAndLabel
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function sliderDraw(object)
- -- На всякий случай делаем значение не меньше минимального и не больше максимального
- object.value = math.min(math.max(object.value, object.minimumValue), object.maximumValue)
- if object.showMaximumAndMinimumValues then
- local stringMaximumValue, stringMinimumValue = tostring(object.roundValues and math.floor(object.maximumValue) or math.roundToDecimalPlaces(object.maximumValue, 2)), tostring(object.roundValues and math.floor(object.minimumValue) or math.roundToDecimalPlaces(object.minimumValue, 2))
- buffer.drawText(object.x - unicode.len(stringMinimumValue) - 1, object.y, object.colors.value, stringMinimumValue)
- buffer.drawText(object.x + object.width + 1, object.y, object.colors.value, stringMaximumValue)
- end
- if object.currentValuePrefix or object.currentValuePostfix then
- local stringCurrentValue = (object.currentValuePrefix or "") .. (object.roundValues and math.floor(object.value) or math.roundToDecimalPlaces(object.value, 2)) .. (object.currentValuePostfix or "")
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(object.x + object.width / 2 - unicode.len(stringCurrentValue) / 2), object.y + 1, object.colors.value, stringCurrentValue)
- end
- local activeWidth = math.round((object.value - object.minimumValue) / (object.maximumValue - object.minimumValue) * object.width)
- buffer.drawText(object.x, object.y, object.colors.passive, string.rep("━", object.width))
- buffer.drawText(object.x, object.y,, string.rep("━", activeWidth))
- buffer.drawText(activeWidth >= object.width and object.x + activeWidth - 1 or object.x + activeWidth, object.y, object.colors.pipe, "⬤")
- return object
- end
- local function sliderEventHandler(application, object, e1, e2, e3, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drag" then
- local clickPosition = e3 - object.x
- if clickPosition == 0 then
- object.value = object.minimumValue
- elseif clickPosition == object.width - 1 then
- object.value = object.maximumValue
- else
- object.value = object.minimumValue + (clickPosition / object.width * (object.maximumValue - object.minimumValue))
- end
- application:draw()
- if object.onValueChanged then
- object.onValueChanged(application, object, e1, e2, e3, ...)
- end
- end
- end
- function GUI.slider(x, y, width, activeColor, passiveColor, pipeColor, valueColor, minimumValue, maximumValue, value, showMaximumAndMinimumValues, currentValuePrefix, currentValuePostfix)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, 1)
- object.eventHandler = sliderEventHandler
- object.colors = {active = activeColor, passive = passiveColor, pipe = pipeColor, value = valueColor}
- object.draw = sliderDraw
- object.minimumValue = minimumValue
- object.maximumValue = maximumValue
- object.value = value
- object.showMaximumAndMinimumValues = showMaximumAndMinimumValues
- object.currentValuePrefix = currentValuePrefix
- object.currentValuePostfix = currentValuePostfix
- object.roundValues = false
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function switchDraw(switch)
- buffer.drawText(switch.x - 1, switch.y, switch.colors.passive, "⠰")
- buffer.drawRectangle(switch.x, switch.y, switch.width, 1, switch.colors.passive, 0x0, " ")
- buffer.drawText(switch.x + switch.width, switch.y, switch.colors.passive, "⠆")
- buffer.drawText(switch.x - 1, switch.y,, "⠰")
- buffer.drawRectangle(switch.x, switch.y, switch.pipePosition - 1, 1,, 0x0, " ")
- buffer.drawText(switch.x + switch.pipePosition - 2, switch.y, switch.colors.pipe, "⠰")
- buffer.drawRectangle(switch.x + switch.pipePosition - 1, switch.y, 2, 1, switch.colors.pipe, 0x0, " ")
- buffer.drawText(switch.x + switch.pipePosition + 1, switch.y, switch.colors.pipe, "⠆")
- return switch
- end
- local function switchSetState(switch, state)
- switch.state = state
- switch.pipePosition = switch.state and switch.width - 1 or 1
- return switch
- end
- local function switchEventHandler(application, switch, e1, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- local eventData = {...}
- switch.state = not switch.state
- switch:addAnimation(
- function(animation)
- if switch.state then
- switch.pipePosition = math.round(1 + animation.position * (switch.width - 2))
- else
- switch.pipePosition = math.round(1 + (1 - animation.position) * (switch.width - 2))
- end
- end,
- function(animation)
- animation:remove()
- if switch.onStateChanged then
- switch.onStateChanged(switch, e1, table.unpack(eventData))
- end
- end
- ):start(switch.animationDuration)
- end
- end
- function GUI.switch(x, y, width, activeColor, passiveColor, pipeColor, state)
- local switch = GUI.object(x, y, width, 1)
- switch.pipePosition = 1
- switch.eventHandler = switchEventHandler
- switch.colors = {
- active = activeColor,
- passive = passiveColor,
- pipe = pipeColor,
- }
- switch.draw = switchDraw
- switch.state = state or false
- switch.update = switchUpdate
- switch.animated = true
- switch.animationDuration = GUI.SWITCH_ANIMATION_DURATION
- switch.setState = switchSetState
- switch:setState(state)
- return switch
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- if column < 1 or column > #layout.columnSizes or row < 1 or row > #layout.rowSizes then
- error("Specified grid position (" .. tostring(column) .. "x" .. tostring(row) .. ") is out of layout grid range")
- end
- end
- local function layoutGetAbsoluteTotalSize(array)
- local absoluteTotalSize = 0
- for i = 1, #array do
- if array[i].sizePolicy == GUI.SIZE_POLICY_ABSOLUTE then
- absoluteTotalSize = absoluteTotalSize + array[i].size
- end
- end
- return absoluteTotalSize
- end
- local function layoutGetCalculatedSize(array, index, dependency)
- if array[index].sizePolicy == GUI.SIZE_POLICY_RELATIVE then
- array[index].calculatedSize = array[index].size * dependency
- else
- array[index].calculatedSize = array[index].size
- end
- end
- local function layoutUpdate(layout)
- local columnPercentageTotalSize, rowPercentageTotalSize = layout.width - layoutGetAbsoluteTotalSize(layout.columnSizes), layout.height - layoutGetAbsoluteTotalSize(layout.rowSizes)
- for row = 1, #layout.rowSizes do
- layoutGetCalculatedSize(layout.rowSizes, row, rowPercentageTotalSize)
- for column = 1, #layout.columnSizes do
- layoutGetCalculatedSize(layout.columnSizes, column, columnPercentageTotalSize)
- layout.cells[row][column].childrenWidth, layout.cells[row][column].childrenHeight = 0, 0
- end
- end
- -- Подготавливаем объекты к расположению и подсчитываем тотальные размеры
- local child, layoutRow, layoutColumn, cell
- for i = 1, #layout.children do
- child = layout.children[i]
- if not child.hidden then
- layoutRow, layoutColumn = child.layoutRow, child.layoutColumn
- -- Проверка на позицию в сетке
- if layoutRow >= 1 and layoutRow <= #layout.rowSizes and layoutColumn >= 1 and layoutColumn <= #layout.columnSizes then
- cell = layout.cells[layoutRow][layoutColumn]
- -- Авто-фиттинг объектов
- if cell.horizontalFitting then
- child.width = math.round(layout.columnSizes[layoutColumn].calculatedSize - cell.horizontalFittingRemove)
- end
- if cell.verticalFitting then
- child.height = math.round(layout.rowSizes[layoutRow].calculatedSize - cell.verticalFittingRemove)
- end
- -- Направление и расчет размеров
- if cell.direction == GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL then
- cell.childrenWidth = cell.childrenWidth + child.width + cell.spacing
- cell.childrenHeight = math.max(cell.childrenHeight, child.height)
- else
- cell.childrenWidth = math.max(cell.childrenWidth, child.width)
- cell.childrenHeight = cell.childrenHeight + child.height + cell.spacing
- end
- else
- error("Layout child with index " .. i .. " has been assigned to cell (" .. layoutColumn .. "x" .. layoutRow .. ") out of layout grid range")
- end
- end
- end
- -- Высчитываем стартовую позицию объектов ячейки
- local x, y = 1, 1
- for row = 1, #layout.rowSizes do
- for column = 1, #layout.columnSizes do
- cell = layout.cells[row][column]
- cell.x, cell.y = GUI.getAlignmentCoordinates(
- x,
- y,
- layout.columnSizes[column].calculatedSize,
- layout.rowSizes[row].calculatedSize,
- cell.horizontalAlignment,
- cell.verticalAlignment,
- cell.childrenWidth - (cell.direction == GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL and cell.spacing or 0),
- cell.childrenHeight - (cell.direction == GUI.DIRECTION_VERTICAL and cell.spacing or 0)
- )
- -- Учитываем отступы от краев ячейки
- if cell.horizontalMargin ~= 0 or cell.verticalMargin ~= 0 then
- cell.x, cell.y = GUI.getMarginCoordinates(
- cell.x,
- cell.y,
- cell.horizontalAlignment,
- cell.verticalAlignment,
- cell.horizontalMargin,
- cell.verticalMargin
- )
- end
- x = x + layout.columnSizes[column].calculatedSize
- end
- x, y = 1, y + layout.rowSizes[row].calculatedSize
- end
- -- Размещаем все объекты
- for i = 1, #layout.children do
- child = layout.children[i]
- if not child.hidden then
- cell = layout.cells[child.layoutRow][child.layoutColumn]
- child.localX, cell.localY = GUI.getAlignmentCoordinates(
- cell.x,
- cell.y,
- cell.childrenWidth,
- cell.childrenHeight,
- cell.horizontalAlignment,
- cell.verticalAlignment,
- child.width,
- child.height
- )
- if cell.direction == GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL then
- child.localX, child.localY = math.floor(cell.x), math.floor(cell.localY)
- cell.x = cell.x + child.width + cell.spacing
- else
- child.localX, child.localY = math.floor(child.localX), math.floor(cell.y)
- cell.y = cell.y + child.height + cell.spacing
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function layoutSetPosition(layout, column, row, object)
- layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- object.layoutRow = row
- object.layoutColumn = column
- return object
- end
- local function layoutSetDirection(layout, column, row, direction)
- layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- layout.cells[row][column].direction = direction
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutSetSpacing(layout, column, row, spacing)
- layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- layout.cells[row][column].spacing = spacing
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutSetAlignment(layout, column, row, horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment)
- layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- layout.cells[row][column].horizontalAlignment, layout.cells[row][column].verticalAlignment = horizontalAlignment, verticalAlignment
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutGetMargin(layout, column, row)
- layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- return layout.cells[row][column].horizontalMargin, layout.cells[row][column].verticalMargin
- end
- local function layoutSetMargin(layout, column, row, horizontalMargin, verticalMargin)
- layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- layout.cells[row][column].horizontalMargin = horizontalMargin
- layout.cells[row][column].verticalMargin = verticalMargin
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutNewCell()
- return {
- horizontalMargin = 0,
- verticalMargin = 0,
- spacing = 1
- }
- end
- local function layoutCalculatePercentageSize(changingExistent, array, index)
- if array[index].sizePolicy == GUI.SIZE_POLICY_RELATIVE then
- local allPercents, beforeFromIndexPercents = 0, 0
- for i = 1, #array do
- if array[i].sizePolicy == GUI.SIZE_POLICY_RELATIVE then
- allPercents = allPercents + array[i].size
- if i <= index then
- beforeFromIndexPercents = beforeFromIndexPercents + array[i].size
- end
- end
- end
- local modifyer
- if changingExistent then
- if beforeFromIndexPercents > 1 then
- error("Layout summary percentage > 100% at index " .. index)
- end
- modifyer = (1 - beforeFromIndexPercents) / (allPercents - beforeFromIndexPercents)
- else
- modifyer = (1 - array[index].size) / (allPercents - array[index].size)
- end
- for i = changingExistent and index + 1 or 1, #array do
- if array[i].sizePolicy == GUI.SIZE_POLICY_RELATIVE and i ~= index then
- array[i].size = modifyer * array[i].size
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function layoutSetColumnWidth(layout, column, sizePolicy, size)
- layout.columnSizes[column].sizePolicy, layout.columnSizes[column].size = sizePolicy, size
- layoutCalculatePercentageSize(true, layout.columnSizes, column)
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutSetRowHeight(layout, row, sizePolicy, size)
- layout.rowSizes[row].sizePolicy, layout.rowSizes[row].size = sizePolicy, size
- layoutCalculatePercentageSize(true, layout.rowSizes, row)
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutAddColumn(layout, sizePolicy, size)
- for i = 1, #layout.rowSizes do
- table.insert(layout.cells[i], layoutNewCell())
- end
- table.insert(layout.columnSizes, {
- sizePolicy = sizePolicy,
- size = size
- })
- layoutCalculatePercentageSize(false, layout.columnSizes, #layout.columnSizes)
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutAddRow(layout, sizePolicy, size)
- local row = {}
- for i = 1, #layout.columnSizes do
- table.insert(row, layoutNewCell())
- end
- table.insert(layout.cells, row)
- table.insert(layout.rowSizes, {
- sizePolicy = sizePolicy,
- size = size
- })
- layoutCalculatePercentageSize(false, layout.rowSizes, #layout.rowSizes)
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutRemoveRow(layout, row)
- table.remove(layout.cells, row)
- layout.rowSizes[row].size = 0
- layoutCalculatePercentageSize(false, layout.rowSizes, row)
- table.remove(layout.rowSizes, row)
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutRemoveColumn(layout, column)
- for i = 1, #layout.rowSizes do
- table.remove(layout.cells[i], column)
- end
- layout.columnSizes[column].size = 0
- layoutCalculatePercentageSize(false, layout.columnSizes, column)
- table.remove(layout.columnSizes, column)
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutSetGridSize(layout, columnCount, rowCount)
- layout.cells = {}
- layout.rowSizes = {}
- layout.columnSizes = {}
- local rowSize, columnSize = 1 / rowCount, 1 / columnCount
- for i = 1, rowCount do
- layoutAddRow(layout, GUI.SIZE_POLICY_RELATIVE, 1 / i)
- end
- for i = 1, columnCount do
- layoutAddColumn(layout, GUI.SIZE_POLICY_RELATIVE, 1 / i)
- end
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutDraw(layout)
- layout:update()
- containerDraw(layout)
- if layout.showGrid then
- local x, y = layout.x, layout.y
- for j = 1, #layout.columnSizes do
- for i = 1, #layout.rowSizes do
- buffer.drawFrame(
- math.round(x),
- math.round(y),
- math.round(layout.columnSizes[j].calculatedSize),
- math.round(layout.rowSizes[i].calculatedSize),
- 0xFF0000
- )
- y = y + layout.rowSizes[i].calculatedSize
- end
- x, y = x + layout.columnSizes[j].calculatedSize, layout.y
- end
- end
- end
- local function layoutFitToChildrenSize(layout, column, row)
- layout.width, layout.height = 0, 0
- for i = 1, #layout.children do
- if not layout.children[i].hidden then
- if layout.cells[row][column].direction == GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL then
- layout.width = layout.width + layout.children[i].width + layout.cells[row][column].spacing
- layout.height = math.max(layout.height, layout.children[i].height)
- else
- layout.width = math.max(layout.width, layout.children[i].width)
- layout.height = layout.height + layout.children[i].height + layout.cells[row][column].spacing
- end
- end
- end
- if layout.cells[row][column].direction == GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL then
- layout.width = layout.width - layout.cells[row][column].spacing
- else
- layout.height = layout.height - layout.cells[row][column].spacing
- end
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutSetFitting(layout, column, row, horizontal, vertical, horizontalRemove, verticalRemove)
- layoutCheckCell(layout, column, row)
- layout.cells[row][column].horizontalFitting = horizontal
- layout.cells[row][column].verticalFitting = vertical
- layout.cells[row][column].horizontalFittingRemove = horizontalRemove or 0
- layout.cells[row][column].verticalFittingRemove = verticalRemove or 0
- return layout
- end
- local function layoutAddChild(layout, object, ...)
- object.layoutRow = layout.defaultRow
- object.layoutColumn = layout.defaultColumn
- containerAddChild(layout, object, ...)
- return object
- end
- function GUI.layout(x, y, width, height, columnCount, rowCount)
- local layout = GUI.container(x, y, width, height)
- layout.defaultRow = 1
- layout.defaultColumn = 1
- layout.addRow = layoutAddRow
- layout.addColumn = layoutAddColumn
- layout.removeRow = layoutRemoveRow
- layout.removeColumn = layoutRemoveColumn
- layout.setRowHeight = layoutSetRowHeight
- layout.setColumnWidth = layoutSetColumnWidth
- layout.setPosition = layoutSetPosition
- layout.setDirection = layoutSetDirection
- layout.setGridSize = layoutSetGridSize
- layout.setSpacing = layoutSetSpacing
- layout.setAlignment = layoutSetAlignment
- layout.setMargin = layoutSetMargin
- layout.getMargin = layoutGetMargin
- layout.fitToChildrenSize = layoutFitToChildrenSize
- layout.setFitting = layoutSetFitting
- layout.update = layoutUpdate
- layout.addChild = layoutAddChild
- layout.draw = layoutDraw
- layout:setGridSize(columnCount, rowCount)
- return layout
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function filesystemDialogDraw(filesystemDialog)
- if filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.hidden then
- filesystemDialog.input.width = filesystemDialog.cancelButton.localX - 4
- else
- filesystemDialog.input.width = filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.localX - 3
- end
- if filesystemDialog.IOMode == GUI.IO_MODE_SAVE then
- filesystemDialog.submitButton.disabled = not filesystemDialog.input.text or filesystemDialog.input.text == ""
- else
- filesystemDialog.input.text = filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.selectedItem or ""
- filesystemDialog.submitButton.disabled = not filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.selectedItem
- end
- containerDraw(filesystemDialog)
- GUI.drawShadow(filesystemDialog.x, filesystemDialog.y, filesystemDialog.width, filesystemDialog.height, GUI.CONTEXT_MENU_SHADOW_TRANSPARENCY, true)
- return filesystemDialog
- end
- local function filesystemDialogSetMode(filesystemDialog, IOMode, filesystemMode)
- filesystemDialog.IOMode = IOMode
- filesystemDialog.filesystemMode = filesystemMode
- if filesystemDialog.IOMode == GUI.IO_MODE_SAVE then
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.showMode = GUI.IO_MODE_DIRECTORY
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.selectionMode = GUI.IO_MODE_DIRECTORY
- filesystemDialog.input.disabled = false
- filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.hidden = filesystemDialog.filesystemMode ~= GUI.IO_MODE_FILE or not filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.extensionFilters
- else
- if filesystemDialog.filesystemMode == GUI.IO_MODE_FILE then
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.showMode = GUI.IO_MODE_BOTH
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.selectionMode = GUI.IO_MODE_FILE
- else
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.showMode = GUI.IO_MODE_DIRECTORY
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.selectionMode = GUI.IO_MODE_DIRECTORY
- end
- filesystemDialog.input.disabled = true
- filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.hidden = true
- end
- end
- local function filesystemDialogAddExtensionFilter(filesystemDialog, extension)
- filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox:addItem(extension)
- filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.width = math.max(filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.width, unicode.len(extension) + 3)
- filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.localX = filesystemDialog.cancelButton.localX - filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.width - 2
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree:addExtensionFilter(extension)
- filesystemDialog:setMode(filesystemDialog.IOMode, filesystemDialog.filesystemMode)
- end
- local function filesystemDialogExpandPath(filesystemDialog, ...)
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree:expandPath(...)
- end
- function GUI.filesystemDialog(x, y, width, height, submitButtonText, cancelButtonText, placeholderText, path)
- local filesystemDialog = GUI.container(x, y, width, height)
- filesystemDialog:addChild(GUI.panel(1, height - 2, width, 3, 0xD2D2D2))
- filesystemDialog.cancelButton = filesystemDialog:addChild(GUI.adaptiveRoundedButton(1, height - 1, 1, 0, 0xE1E1E1, 0x3C3C3C, 0x3C3C3C, 0xE1E1E1, cancelButtonText))
- filesystemDialog.submitButton = filesystemDialog:addChild(GUI.adaptiveRoundedButton(1, height - 1, 1, 0, 0x3C3C3C, 0xE1E1E1, 0xE1E1E1, 0x3C3C3C, submitButtonText))
- filesystemDialog.submitButton.localX = filesystemDialog.width - filesystemDialog.submitButton.width - 1
- filesystemDialog.cancelButton.localX = filesystemDialog.submitButton.localX - filesystemDialog.cancelButton.width - 2
- filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox = filesystemDialog:addChild(GUI.comboBox(1, height - 1, 1, 1, 0xE1E1E1, 0x696969, 0xC3C3C3, 0x878787))
- filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.hidden = true
- filesystemDialog.input = filesystemDialog:addChild(GUI.input(2, height - 1, 1, 1, 0xE1E1E1, 0x696969, 0x969696, 0xE1E1E1, 0x3C3C3C, "", placeholderText))
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree = filesystemDialog:addChild(GUI.filesystemTree(1, 1, width, height - 3, 0xE1E1E1, 0x3C3C3C, 0x3C3C3C, 0xA5A5A5, 0x3C3C3C, 0xE1E1E1, 0xB4B4B4, 0xA5A5A5, 0xC3C3C3, 0x4B4B4B))
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.workPath = path
- filesystemDialog.animationDuration = GUI.FILESYSTEM_DIALOG_ANIMATION_DURATION
- filesystemDialog.draw = filesystemDialogDraw
- filesystemDialog.setMode = filesystemDialogSetMode
- filesystemDialog.addExtensionFilter = filesystemDialogAddExtensionFilter
- filesystemDialog.expandPath = filesystemDialogExpandPath
- filesystemDialog:setMode(GUI.IO_MODE_OPEN, GUI.IO_MODE_FILE)
- return filesystemDialog
- end
- local function filesystemDialogShow(filesystemDialog)
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree:updateFileList()
- filesystemDialog:addAnimation(
- function(animation)
- filesystemDialog.localY = math.floor(1 + (1.0 - animation.position) * (-filesystemDialog.height))
- end,
- function(animation)
- animation:remove()
- end
- ):start(filesystemDialog.animationDuration)
- return filesystemDialog
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.addFilesystemDialog(parentContainer, addPanel, ...)
- local container = GUI.addBackgroundContainer(parentContainer, addPanel, false, nil)
- local filesystemDialog = container:addChild(GUI.filesystemDialog(1, 1, ...))
- filesystemDialog.localX = math.floor(container.width / 2 - filesystemDialog.width / 2)
- filesystemDialog.localY = -filesystemDialog.height
- local function onAnyTouch()
- container:remove()
- filesystemDialog.firstParent:draw()
- end
- filesystemDialog.cancelButton.onTouch = function()
- onAnyTouch()
- if filesystemDialog.onCancel then
- filesystemDialog.onCancel()
- end
- end
- filesystemDialog.submitButton.onTouch = function()
- onAnyTouch()
- local path = filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.selectedItem or filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.workPath or "/"
- if filesystemDialog.IOMode == GUI.IO_MODE_SAVE then
- path = path .. filesystemDialog.input.text
- if filesystemDialog.filesystemMode == GUI.IO_MODE_FILE then
- local selectedItem = filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox:getItem(filesystemDialog.extensionComboBox.selectedItem)
- path = path .. (selectedItem and selectedItem.text or "")
- else
- path = path .. "/"
- end
- end
- if filesystemDialog.onSubmit then
- filesystemDialog.onSubmit(path)
- end
- end
- = filesystemDialogShow
- return filesystemDialog
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function filesystemChooserDraw(object)
- local tipWidth = object.height * 2 - 1
- local y = math.floor(object.y + object.height / 2)
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, object.y, object.width - tipWidth, object.height, object.colors.background, object.colors.text, " ")
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x + object.width - tipWidth, object.y, tipWidth, object.height, object.pressed and object.colors.tipText or object.colors.tipBackground, object.pressed and object.colors.tipBackground or object.colors.tipText, " ")
- buffer.drawText(object.x + object.width - math.floor(tipWidth / 2) - 1, y, object.pressed and object.colors.tipBackground or object.colors.tipText, "…")
- buffer.drawText(object.x + 1, y, object.colors.text, string.limit(object.path or object.placeholderText, object.width - tipWidth - 2, "left"))
- return filesystemChooser
- end
- local function filesystemChooserAddExtensionFilter(object, extension)
- object.extensionFilters[unicode.lower(extension)] = true
- end
- local function filesystemChooserSetMode(object, IOMode, filesystemMode)
- object.IOMode = IOMode
- object.filesystemMode = filesystemMode
- end
- local function filesystemChooserEventHandler(application, object, e1)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- object.pressed = true
- application:draw()
- local filesystemDialog = GUI.addFilesystemDialog(application, false, 50, math.floor(application.height * 0.8), object.submitButtonText, object.cancelButtonText, object.placeholderText, object.filesystemDialogPath)
- for key in pairs(object.extensionFilters) do
- filesystemDialog:addExtensionFilter(key)
- end
- filesystemDialog:setMode(object.IOMode, object.filesystemMode)
- if object.path and #object.path > 0 then
- -- local path = object.path:gsub("/+", "/")
- filesystemDialog.filesystemTree.selectedItem = object.IOMode == GUI.IO_MODE_OPEN and object.path or filesystem.path(object.path)
- filesystemDialog.input.text =
- filesystemDialog:expandPath(object.IOMode == GUI.IO_MODE_OPEN and filesystem.path(object.path) or filesystem.path(filesystem.path(object.path)))
- end
- filesystemDialog.onCancel = function()
- object.pressed = false
- application:draw()
- end
- filesystemDialog.onSubmit = function(path)
- object.path = path
- filesystemDialog.onCancel()
- if object.onSubmit then
- object.onSubmit(object.path)
- end
- end
- filesystemDialog:show()
- end
- end
- function GUI.filesystemChooser(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, textColor, tipBackgroundColor, tipTextColor, path, submitButtonText, cancelButtonText, placeholderText, filesystemDialogPath)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- object.eventHandler = comboBoxEventHandler
- object.colors = {
- tipBackground = tipBackgroundColor,
- tipText = tipTextColor,
- text = textColor,
- background = backgroundColor
- }
- object.submitButtonText = submitButtonText
- object.cancelButtonText = cancelButtonText
- object.placeholderText = placeholderText
- object.pressed = false
- object.path = path
- object.filesystemDialogPath = filesystemDialogPath
- object.filesystemMode = GUI.IO_MODE_FILE
- object.IOMode = GUI.IO_MODE_OPEN
- object.extensionFilters = {}
- object.draw = filesystemChooserDraw
- object.eventHandler = filesystemChooserEventHandler
- object.addExtensionFilter = filesystemChooserAddExtensionFilter
- object.setMode = filesystemChooserSetMode
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function resizerDraw(object)
- local horizontalMode, x, y, symbol = object.width >= object.height
- if horizontalMode then
- buffer.drawText(object.x, math.floor(object.y + object.height / 2), object.colors.helper, string.rep("━", object.width))
- if object.lastTouchX then
- buffer.drawText(object.lastTouchX, object.lastTouchY, object.colors.arrow, "↑")
- end
- else
- local x = math.floor(object.x + object.width / 2)
- local bufferWidth, bufferHeight, index = buffer.getResolution()
- for i = object.y, object.y + object.height - 1 do
- if x >= 1 and x <= bufferWidth and i >= 1 and i <= bufferHeight then
- index = buffer.getIndex(x, i)
- buffer.rawSet(index, buffer.rawGet(index), object.colors.helper, "┃")
- end
- end
- if object.lastTouchX then
- buffer.drawText(object.lastTouchX - 1, object.lastTouchY, object.colors.arrow, "←→")
- end
- end
- end
- local function resizerEventHandler(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- object.lastTouchX, object.lastTouchY = e3, e4
- application:draw()
- elseif e1 == "drag" and object.lastTouchX then
- if object.onResize then
- object.onResize(e3 - object.lastTouchX, e4 - object.lastTouchY)
- end
- object.lastTouchX, object.lastTouchY = e3, e4
- application:draw()
- elseif e1 == "drop" then
- if object.onResizeFinished then
- object.onResizeFinished()
- end
- object.lastTouchX, object.lastTouchY = nil, nil
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- function GUI.resizer(x, y, width, height, helperColor, arrowColor)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- object.colors = {
- helper = helperColor,
- arrow = arrowColor
- }
- object.draw = resizerDraw
- object.eventHandler = resizerEventHandler
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function scrollBarDraw(scrollBar)
- local isVertical = scrollBar.height > scrollBar.width
- local valuesDelta = scrollBar.maximumValue - scrollBar.minimumValue
- local part = scrollBar.value / valuesDelta
- if isVertical then
- local barSize = math.ceil(scrollBar.shownValueCount / valuesDelta * scrollBar.height)
- local halfBarSize = math.floor(barSize / 2)
- scrollBar.ghostPosition.y = scrollBar.y + halfBarSize
- scrollBar.ghostPosition.height = scrollBar.height - barSize
- if scrollBar.thin then
- local y1 = math.floor(scrollBar.ghostPosition.y + part * scrollBar.ghostPosition.height - halfBarSize)
- local y2 = y1 + barSize - 1
- local background
- for y = scrollBar.y, scrollBar.y + scrollBar.height - 1 do
- background = buffer.get(scrollBar.x, y)
- buffer.set(scrollBar.x, y, background, y >= y1 and y <= y2 and scrollBar.colors.foreground or scrollBar.colors.background, "┃")
- end
- else
- buffer.drawRectangle(scrollBar.x, scrollBar.y, scrollBar.width, scrollBar.height, scrollBar.colors.background, scrollBar.colors.foreground, " ")
- buffer.drawRectangle(
- scrollBar.x,
- math.floor(scrollBar.ghostPosition.y + part * scrollBar.ghostPosition.height - halfBarSize),
- scrollBar.width,
- barSize,
- scrollBar.colors.foreground, 0x0, " "
- )
- end
- else
- local barSize = math.ceil(scrollBar.shownValueCount / valuesDelta * scrollBar.width)
- local halfBarSize = math.floor(barSize / 2)
- scrollBar.ghostPosition.x = scrollBar.x + halfBarSize
- scrollBar.ghostPosition.width = scrollBar.width - barSize
- if scrollBar.thin then
- local x1 = math.floor(scrollBar.ghostPosition.x + part * scrollBar.ghostPosition.width - halfBarSize)
- local x2 = x1 + barSize - 1
- local background
- for x = scrollBar.x, scrollBar.x + scrollBar.width - 1 do
- background = buffer.get(x, scrollBar.y)
- buffer.set(x, scrollBar.y, background, x >= x1 and x <= x2 and scrollBar.colors.foreground or scrollBar.colors.background, "⠤")
- end
- else
- buffer.drawRectangle(scrollBar.x, scrollBar.y, scrollBar.width, scrollBar.height, scrollBar.colors.background, scrollBar.colors.foreground, " ")
- buffer.drawRectangle(
- math.floor(scrollBar.ghostPosition.x + part * scrollBar.ghostPosition.width - halfBarSize),
- scrollBar.y,
- barSize,
- scrollBar.height,
- scrollBar.colors.foreground, 0x0, " "
- )
- end
- end
- return scrollBar
- end
- local function scrollBarEventHandler(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- local newValue = object.value
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drag" then
- if object.height > object.width then
- if e4 == object.y + object.height - 1 then
- newValue = object.maximumValue
- else
- newValue = object.minimumValue + (e4 - object.y) / object.height * (object.maximumValue - object.minimumValue)
- end
- else
- if e3 == object.x + object.width - 1 then
- newValue = object.maximumValue
- else
- newValue = object.minimumValue + (e3 - object.x) / object.width * (object.maximumValue - object.minimumValue)
- end
- end
- elseif e1 == "scroll" then
- if e5 == 1 then
- if object.value >= object.minimumValue + object.onScrollValueIncrement then
- newValue = object.value - object.onScrollValueIncrement
- else
- newValue = object.minimumValue
- end
- else
- if object.value <= object.maximumValue - object.onScrollValueIncrement then
- newValue = object.value + object.onScrollValueIncrement
- else
- newValue = object.maximumValue
- end
- end
- end
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drag" or e1 == "scroll" then
- object.value = newValue
- if object.onTouch then
- object.onTouch(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- end
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- function GUI.scrollBar(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, foregroundColor, minimumValue, maximumValue, value, shownValueCount, onScrollValueIncrement, thin)
- local scrollBar = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- scrollBar.eventHandler = scrollBarEventHandler
- scrollBar.maximumValue = maximumValue
- scrollBar.minimumValue = minimumValue
- scrollBar.value = value
- scrollBar.onScrollValueIncrement = onScrollValueIncrement
- scrollBar.shownValueCount = shownValueCount
- scrollBar.thin = thin
- scrollBar.colors = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- foreground = foregroundColor,
- }
- scrollBar.ghostPosition = {}
- scrollBar.draw = scrollBarDraw
- return scrollBar
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function treeDraw(tree)
- local y, yEnd, showScrollBar = tree.y, tree.y + tree.height - 1, #tree.items > tree.height
- local textLimit = tree.width - (showScrollBar and 1 or 0)
- if tree.colors.default.background then
- buffer.drawRectangle(tree.x, tree.y, tree.width, tree.height, tree.colors.default.background, tree.colors.default.expandable, " ")
- end
- for i = tree.fromItem, #tree.items do
- local textColor, arrowColor, text = tree.colors.default.notExpandable, tree.colors.default.arrow, tree.items[i].expandable and "■ " or "□ "
- if tree.selectedItem == tree.items[i].definition then
- textColor, arrowColor = tree.colors.selected.any, tree.colors.selected.arrow
- buffer.drawRectangle(tree.x, y, tree.width, 1, tree.colors.selected.background, textColor, " ")
- else
- if tree.items[i].expandable then
- textColor = tree.colors.default.expandable
- elseif tree.items[i].disabled then
- textColor = tree.colors.disabled
- end
- end
- if tree.items[i].expandable then
- buffer.drawText(tree.x + tree.items[i].offset, y, arrowColor, tree.expandedItems[tree.items[i].definition] and "▽" or "▷")
- end
- buffer.drawText(tree.x + tree.items[i].offset + 2, y, textColor, unicode.sub(text .. tree.items[i].name, 1, textLimit - tree.items[i].offset - 2))
- y = y + 1
- if y > yEnd then break end
- end
- if showScrollBar then
- local scrollBar = tree.scrollBar
- scrollBar.x = tree.x + tree.width - 1
- scrollBar.y = tree.y
- scrollBar.width = 1
- scrollBar.height = tree.height
- scrollBar.colors.background = tree.colors.scrollBar.background
- scrollBar.colors.foreground = tree.colors.scrollBar.foreground
- scrollBar.minimumValue = 1
- scrollBar.maximumValue = #tree.items
- scrollBar.value = tree.fromItem
- scrollBar.shownValueCount = tree.height
- scrollBar.onScrollValueIncrement = 1
- scrollBar.thin = true
- scrollBar:draw()
- end
- return tree
- end
- local function treeEventHandler(application, tree, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- local i = e4 - tree.y + tree.fromItem
- if tree.items[i] then
- if
- tree.items[i].expandable and
- (
- tree.selectionMode == GUI.IO_MODE_FILE or
- e3 >= tree.x + tree.items[i].offset - 1 and e3 <= tree.x + tree.items[i].offset + 1
- )
- then
- if tree.expandedItems[tree.items[i].definition] then
- tree.expandedItems[tree.items[i].definition] = nil
- else
- tree.expandedItems[tree.items[i].definition] = true
- end
- if tree.onItemExpanded then
- tree.onItemExpanded(tree.selectedItem, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- end
- else
- if
- (
- tree.selectionMode == GUI.IO_MODE_BOTH or
- tree.selectionMode == GUI.IO_MODE_DIRECTORY and tree.items[i].expandable or
- tree.selectionMode == GUI.IO_MODE_FILE
- ) and not tree.items[i].disabled
- then
- tree.selectedItem = tree.items[i].definition
- if tree.onItemSelected then
- tree.onItemSelected(tree.selectedItem, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- end
- end
- end
- application:draw()
- end
- elseif e1 == "scroll" then
- if e5 == 1 then
- if tree.fromItem > 1 then
- tree.fromItem = tree.fromItem - 1
- application:draw()
- end
- else
- if tree.fromItem < #tree.items then
- tree.fromItem = tree.fromItem + 1
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function treeAddItem(tree, name, definition, offset, expandable, disabled)
- local item = {
- name = name,
- expandable = expandable,
- offset = offset or 0,
- definition = definition,
- disabled = disabled
- }
- table.insert(tree.items, item)
- return item
- end
- function GUI.tree(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, expandableColor, notExpandableColor, arrowColor, backgroundSelectedColor, anySelectionColor, arrowSelectionColor, disabledColor, scrollBarBackground, scrollBarForeground, showMode, selectionMode)
- local tree = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- tree.eventHandler = treeEventHandler
- tree.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- expandable = expandableColor,
- notExpandable = notExpandableColor,
- arrow = arrowColor,
- },
- selected = {
- background = backgroundSelectedColor,
- any = anySelectionColor,
- arrow = arrowSelectionColor,
- },
- scrollBar = {
- background = scrollBarBackground,
- foreground = scrollBarForeground
- },
- disabled = disabledColor
- }
- tree.items = {}
- tree.fromItem = 1
- tree.selectedItem = nil
- tree.expandedItems = {}
- tree.scrollBar = GUI.scrollBar(1, 1, 1, 1, 0x0, 0x0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
- tree.showMode = showMode
- tree.selectionMode = selectionMode
- tree.eventHandler = treeEventHandler
- tree.addItem = treeAddItem
- tree.draw = treeDraw
- return tree
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function filesystemTreeUpdateFileListRecursively(tree, path, offset)
- local list = {}
- for file in filesystem.list(path) do
- table.insert(list, file)
- end
- local i, expandables = 1, {}
- while i <= #list do
- if filesystem.isDirectory(path .. list[i]) then
- table.insert(expandables, list[i])
- table.remove(list, i)
- else
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- table.sort(expandables, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a) < unicode.lower(b) end)
- table.sort(list, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a) < unicode.lower(b) end)
- if tree.showMode == GUI.IO_MODE_BOTH or tree.showMode == GUI.IO_MODE_DIRECTORY then
- for i = 1, #expandables do
- tree:addItem([i]), path .. expandables[i], offset, true)
- if tree.expandedItems[path .. expandables[i]] then
- filesystemTreeUpdateFileListRecursively(tree, path .. expandables[i], offset + 2)
- end
- end
- end
- if tree.showMode == GUI.IO_MODE_BOTH or tree.showMode == GUI.IO_MODE_FILE then
- for i = 1, #list do
- tree:addItem(list[i], path .. list[i], offset, false, tree.extensionFilters and not tree.extensionFilters[filesystem.extension(path .. list[i], true)] or false)
- end
- end
- end
- local function filesystemTreeUpdateFileList(tree)
- tree.items = {}
- filesystemTreeUpdateFileListRecursively(tree, tree.workPath, 1)
- end
- local function filesystemTreeAddExtensionFilter(tree, extensionFilter)
- tree.extensionFilters = tree.extensionFilters or {}
- tree.extensionFilters[unicode.lower(extensionFilter)] = true
- end
- local function filesystemTreeExpandPath(tree, path)
- local blyadina = tree.workPath
- for pizda in path:gmatch("[^/]+") do
- blyadina = blyadina .. pizda .. "/"
- tree.expandedItems[blyadina] = true
- end
- end
- function GUI.filesystemTree(...)
- local tree = GUI.tree(...)
- tree.workPath = "/"
- tree.updateFileList = filesystemTreeUpdateFileList
- tree.addExtensionFilter = filesystemTreeAddExtensionFilter
- tree.expandPath = filesystemTreeExpandPath
- tree.onItemExpanded = function()
- tree:updateFileList()
- end
- return tree
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function textBoxUpdate(object)
- local doubleVerticalOffset = object.offset.vertical * 2
- object.textWidth = object.width - object.offset.horizontal * 2 - (object.scrollBarEnabled and 1 or 0)
- object.linesCopy = {}
- if object.autoWrap then
- for i = 1, #object.lines do
- local isTable = type(object.lines[i]) == "table"
- for subLine in (isTable and object.lines[i].text or object.lines[i]):gmatch("[^\n]+") do
- local wrappedLine = string.wrap(subLine, object.textWidth)
- for j = 1, #wrappedLine do
- table.insert(object.linesCopy, isTable and {text = wrappedLine[j], color = object.lines[i].color} or wrappedLine[j])
- end
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #object.lines do
- table.insert(object.linesCopy, object.lines[i])
- end
- end
- if object.autoHeight then
- object.height = #object.linesCopy + doubleVerticalOffset
- end
- object.textHeight = object.height - doubleVerticalOffset
- end
- local function textBoxDraw(object)
- object:update()
- if object.colors.background then
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, object.y, object.width, object.height, object.colors.background, object.colors.text, " ", object.colors.transparency)
- end
- local x, y = nil, object.y + object.offset.vertical
- local lineType, text, textColor
- for i = object.currentLine, object.currentLine + object.textHeight - 1 do
- if object.linesCopy[i] then
- lineType = type(object.linesCopy[i])
- if lineType == "string" then
- text, textColor = string.limit(object.linesCopy[i], object.textWidth), object.colors.text
- elseif lineType == "table" then
- text, textColor = string.limit(object.linesCopy[i].text, object.textWidth), object.linesCopy[i].color
- else
- error("Unknown TextBox line type: " .. tostring(lineType))
- end
- x = GUI.getAlignmentCoordinates(
- object.x + object.offset.horizontal,
- 1,
- object.textWidth,
- 1,
- object.horizontalAlignment,
- object.verticalAlignment,
- unicode.len(text),
- 1
- )
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(x), y, textColor, text)
- y = y + 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- if object.scrollBarEnabled and object.textHeight < #object.lines then
- object.scrollBar.x = object.x + object.width - 1
- object.scrollBar.y = object.y
- object.scrollBar.height = object.height
- object.scrollBar.maximumValue = #object.lines - object.textHeight + 1
- object.scrollBar.value = object.currentLine
- object.scrollBar.shownValueCount = object.textHeight
- object.scrollBar:draw()
- end
- return object
- end
- local function scrollDownTextBox(object, count)
- count = math.min(count or 1, #object.lines - object.height - object.currentLine + object.offset.vertical * 2 + 1)
- if #object.lines >= object.height and object.currentLine < #object.lines - count then
- object.currentLine = object.currentLine + count
- end
- return object
- end
- local function scrollUpTextBox(object, count)
- count = count or 1
- if object.currentLine > count and object.currentLine >= 1 then object.currentLine = object.currentLine - count end
- return object
- end
- local function scrollToStartTextBox(object)
- object.currentLine = 1
- return object
- end
- local function scrollToEndTextBox(object)
- if #object.lines > object.textHeight then
- object.currentLine = #object.lines - object.textHeight + 1
- end
- return object
- end
- local function textBoxScrollEventHandler(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5)
- if e1 == "scroll" then
- if e5 == 1 then
- object:scrollUp()
- else
- object:scrollDown()
- end
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- function GUI.textBox(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, textColor, lines, currentLine, horizontalOffset, verticalOffset, autoWrap, autoHeight)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- object.colors = {
- text = textColor,
- background = backgroundColor
- }
- object.lines = lines
- object.currentLine = currentLine or 1
- object.scrollUp = scrollUpTextBox
- object.scrollDown = scrollDownTextBox
- object.scrollToStart = scrollToStartTextBox
- object.scrollToEnd = scrollToEndTextBox
- object.offset = {horizontal = horizontalOffset or 0, vertical = verticalOffset or 0}
- object.autoWrap = autoWrap
- object.autoHeight = autoHeight
- object.scrollBar = GUI.scrollBar(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xC3C3C3, 0x4B4B4B, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true)
- object.scrollBarEnabled = false
- object.eventHandler = textBoxScrollEventHandler
- object.draw = textBoxDraw
- object.update = textBoxUpdate
- object.setAlignment = GUI.setAlignment
- object:update()
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function inputSetCursorPosition(input, newPosition)
- if newPosition < 1 then
- newPosition = 1
- elseif newPosition > unicode.len(input.text) + 1 then
- newPosition = unicode.len(input.text) + 1
- end
- if newPosition > input.textCutFrom + input.width - 1 - input.textOffset * 2 then
- input.textCutFrom = input.textCutFrom + newPosition - (input.textCutFrom + input.width - 1 - input.textOffset * 2)
- elseif newPosition < input.textCutFrom then
- input.textCutFrom = newPosition
- end
- input.cursorPosition = newPosition
- return input
- end
- local function inputTextDrawMethod(x, y, color, text)
- buffer.drawText(x, y, color, text)
- end
- local function inputDraw(input)
- local background, foreground, transparency, text
- if input.focused then
- background, transparency = input.colors.focused.background, input.colors.focused.transparency
- if input.text == "" then
- input.textCutFrom = 1
- foreground, text = input.colors.placeholderText, input.text
- else
- foreground = input.colors.focused.text
- if input.textMask then
- text = string.rep(input.textMask, unicode.len(input.text))
- else
- text = input.text
- end
- end
- else
- background, transparency = input.colors.default.background, input.colors.default.transparency
- if input.text == "" then
- input.textCutFrom = 1
- foreground, text = input.colors.placeholderText, input.placeholderText
- else
- foreground = input.colors.default.text
- if input.textMask then
- text = string.rep(input.textMask, unicode.len(input.text))
- else
- text = input.text
- end
- end
- end
- if background then
- buffer.drawRectangle(input.x, input.y, input.width, input.height, background, foreground, " ", transparency)
- end
- local y = input.y + math.floor(input.height / 2)
- input.textDrawMethod(
- input.x + input.textOffset,
- y,
- foreground,
- unicode.sub(
- text or "",
- input.textCutFrom,
- input.textCutFrom + input.width - 1 - input.textOffset * 2
- )
- )
- if input.cursorBlinkState then
- local index = buffer.getIndex(input.x + input.cursorPosition - input.textCutFrom + input.textOffset, y)
- local background = buffer.rawGet(index)
- buffer.rawSet(index, background, input.colors.cursor, input.cursorSymbol)
- end
- end
- local function inputCursorBlink(application, input, state)
- input.cursorBlinkState = state
- input.cursorBlinkUptime = computer.uptime()
- application:draw()
- end
- local function inputStopInput(application, input)
- input.stopInputObject:remove()
- input.focused = false
- if input.validator then
- if not input.validator(input.text) then
- input.text = input.startText
- input.startText = nil
- input:setCursorPosition(unicode.len(input.text) + 1)
- end
- end
- if input.onInputFinished then
- input.onInputFinished(application, input)
- end
- inputCursorBlink(application, input, false)
- end
- local function inputStartInput(input)
- input.startText = input.text
- input.focused = true
- if input.historyEnabled then
- input.historyIndex = input.historyIndex + 1
- end
- if input.eraseTextOnFocus then
- input.text = ""
- end
- input:setCursorPosition(unicode.len(input.text) + 1)
- input.stopInputObject.width, input.stopInputObject.height = input.firstParent.width, input.firstParent.height
- input.firstParent:addChild(input.stopInputObject)
- inputCursorBlink(input.firstParent, input, true)
- end
- local function inputEventHandler(application, input, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6)
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drag" then
- if input.focused then
- input:setCursorPosition(input.textCutFrom + e3 - input.x - input.textOffset)
- inputCursorBlink(application, input, true)
- else
- input:startInput()
- end
- elseif e1 == "key_down" and input.focused then
- application:consumeEvent()
- -- Return
- if e4 == 28 then
- if input.historyEnabled then
- -- Очистка истории
- for i = 1, (#input.history - input.historyLimit) do
- table.remove(input.history, 1)
- end
- -- Добавление введенных данных в историю
- if input.history[#input.history] ~= input.text and unicode.len(input.text) > 0 then
- table.insert(input.history, input.text)
- end
- input.historyIndex = #input.history
- end
- inputStopInput(application, input)
- return
- -- Arrows up/down/left/right
- elseif e4 == 200 then
- if input.historyEnabled and #input.history > 0 then
- -- Добавление уже введенного текста в историю при стрелке вверх
- if input.historyIndex == #input.history + 1 and unicode.len(input.text) > 0 then
- input.history[input.historyIndex] = input.text
- end
- input.historyIndex = input.historyIndex - 1
- if input.historyIndex > #input.history then
- input.historyIndex = #input.history
- elseif input.historyIndex < 1 then
- input.historyIndex = 1
- end
- input.text = input.history[input.historyIndex]
- input:setCursorPosition(unicode.len(input.text) + 1)
- end
- elseif e4 == 208 then
- if input.historyEnabled and #input.history > 0 then
- input.historyIndex = input.historyIndex + 1
- if input.historyIndex > #input.history then
- input.historyIndex = #input.history
- elseif input.historyIndex < 1 then
- input.historyIndex = 1
- end
- input.text = input.history[input.historyIndex]
- input:setCursorPosition(unicode.len(input.text) + 1)
- end
- elseif e4 == 203 then
- input:setCursorPosition(input.cursorPosition - 1)
- elseif e4 == 205 then
- input:setCursorPosition(input.cursorPosition + 1)
- -- Backspace
- elseif e4 == 14 then
- input.text = unicode.sub(unicode.sub(input.text, 1, input.cursorPosition - 1), 1, -2) .. unicode.sub(input.text, input.cursorPosition, -1)
- input:setCursorPosition(input.cursorPosition - 1)
- -- Delete
- elseif e4 == 211 then
- input.text = unicode.sub(input.text, 1, input.cursorPosition - 1) .. unicode.sub(input.text, input.cursorPosition + 1, -1)
- else
- local char = unicode.char(e3)
- if not keyboard.isControl(e3) then
- input.text = unicode.sub(input.text, 1, input.cursorPosition - 1) .. char .. unicode.sub(input.text, input.cursorPosition, -1)
- input:setCursorPosition(input.cursorPosition + 1)
- end
- end
- inputCursorBlink(application, input, true)
- elseif e1 == "clipboard" and input.focused then
- input.text = unicode.sub(input.text, 1, input.cursorPosition - 1) .. e3 .. unicode.sub(input.text, input.cursorPosition, -1)
- input:setCursorPosition(input.cursorPosition + unicode.len(e3))
- inputCursorBlink(application, input, true)
- application:consumeEvent()
- elseif not e1 and input.focused and computer.uptime() - input.cursorBlinkUptime > input.cursorBlinkDelay then
- inputCursorBlink(application, input, not input.cursorBlinkState)
- end
- end
- function GUI.input(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor, textColor, placeholderTextColor, backgroundFocusedColor, textFocusedColor, text, placeholderText, eraseTextOnFocus, textMask)
- local input = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- input.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- text = textColor
- },
- focused = {
- background = backgroundFocusedColor,
- text = textFocusedColor
- },
- placeholderText = placeholderTextColor,
- cursor = 0x00A8FF
- }
- input.text = text or ""
- input.placeholderText = placeholderText
- input.eraseTextOnFocus = eraseTextOnFocus
- input.textMask = textMask
- input.textOffset = 1
- input.textCutFrom = 1
- input.cursorPosition = 1
- input.cursorSymbol = "┃"
- input.cursorBlinkDelay = 0.4
- input.cursorBlinkState = false
- input.textMask = textMask
- input.setCursorPosition = inputSetCursorPosition
- input.history = {}
- input.historyLimit = 20
- input.historyIndex = 0
- input.historyEnabled = false
- input.stopInputObject = GUI.object(1, 1, 1, 1)
- input.stopInputObject.eventHandler = function(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drop" then
- if
- e3 >= input.x and
- e3 < input.x + input.width and
- e4 >= input.y and
- e4 < input.y + input.height
- then
- input.eventHandler(application, input, e1, e2, e3, e4, ...)
- else
- inputStopInput(application, input)
- end
- end
- end
- input.textDrawMethod = inputTextDrawMethod
- input.draw = inputDraw
- input.eventHandler = inputEventHandler
- input.startInput = inputStartInput
- return input
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function autoCompleteDraw(object)
- local y, yEnd = object.y, object.y + object.height - 1
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, object.y, object.width, object.height, object.colors.default.background, object.colors.default.text, " ")
- for i = object.fromItem, object.itemCount do
- local textColor, textMatchColor = object.colors.default.text, object.colors.default.textMatch
- if i == object.selectedItem then
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, y, object.width, 1, object.colors.selected.background, object.colors.selected.text, " ")
- textColor, textMatchColor = object.colors.selected.text, object.colors.selected.textMatch
- end
- buffer.drawText(object.x + 1, y, textMatchColor, unicode.sub(object.matchText, 1, object.width - 2))
- buffer.drawText(object.x + object.matchTextLength + 1, y, textColor, unicode.sub(object.items[i], object.matchTextLength + 1, object.matchTextLength + object.width - object.matchTextLength - 2))
- y = y + 1
- if y > yEnd then
- break
- end
- end
- if object.itemCount > object.height then
- object.scrollBar.x = object.x + object.width - 1
- object.scrollBar.y = object.y
- object.scrollBar.height = object.height
- object.scrollBar.maximumValue = object.itemCount - object.height + 2
- object.scrollBar.value = object.fromItem
- object.scrollBar.shownValueCount = object.height
- object.scrollBar:draw()
- end
- end
- local function autoCompleteScroll(application, object, direction)
- if object.itemCount >= object.height then
- object.fromItem = object.fromItem + direction
- if object.fromItem < 1 then
- object.fromItem = 1
- elseif object.fromItem > object.itemCount - object.height + 1 then
- object.fromItem = object.itemCount - object.height + 1
- end
- end
- end
- local function autoCompleteEventHandler(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- object.selectedItem = e4 - object.y + object.fromItem
- application:draw()
- if object.onItemSelected then
- os.sleep(0.2)
- object.onItemSelected(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- end
- elseif e1 == "scroll" then
- autoCompleteScroll(application, object, -e5)
- application:draw()
- elseif e1 == "key_down" then
- if e4 == 28 then
- if object.onItemSelected then
- object.onItemSelected(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, ...)
- end
- elseif e4 == 200 then
- object.selectedItem = object.selectedItem - 1
- if object.selectedItem < 1 then
- object.selectedItem = 1
- end
- if object.selectedItem == object.fromItem - 1 then
- autoCompleteScroll(application, object, -1)
- end
- application:draw()
- elseif e4 == 208 then
- object.selectedItem = object.selectedItem + 1
- if object.selectedItem > object.itemCount then
- object.selectedItem = object.itemCount
- end
- if object.selectedItem == object.fromItem + object.height then
- autoCompleteScroll(application, object, 1)
- end
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- end
- local function autoCompleteClear(object)
- object.items = {}
- object.itemCount = 0
- object.fromItem = 1
- object.selectedItem = 1
- object.height = 0
- end
- local function autoCompleteMatch(object, variants, text, asKey)
- object:clear()
- if asKey then
- if text then
- for key in pairs(variants) do
- if key ~= text and key:match("^" .. text) then
- table.insert(object.items,key)
- end
- end
- else
- for key in pairs(variants) do
- table.insert(object.items, key)
- end
- end
- else
- if text then
- for i = 1, #variants do
- if variants[i] ~= text and variants[i]:match("^" .. text) then
- table.insert(object.items, variants[i])
- end
- end
- else
- for i = 1, #variants do
- table.insert(object.items, variants[i])
- end
- end
- end
- object.matchText = text or ""
- object.matchTextLength = unicode.len(object.matchText)
- table.sort(object.items, function(a, b) return unicode.lower(a) < unicode.lower(b) end)
- object.itemCount = #object.items
- object.height = math.min(object.itemCount, object.maximumHeight)
- return object
- end
- function GUI.autoComplete(x, y, width, maximumHeight, backgroundColor, textColor, textMatchColor, backgroundSelectedColor, textSelectedColor, textMatchSelectedColor, scrollBarBackground, scrollBarForeground)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, width, maximumHeight)
- object.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- text = textColor,
- textMatch = textMatchColor
- },
- selected = {
- background = backgroundSelectedColor,
- text = textSelectedColor,
- textMatch = textMatchSelectedColor
- }
- }
- object.maximumHeight = maximumHeight
- object.fromItem = 1
- object.selectedItem = 1
- object.items = {}
- object.matchText = " "
- object.matchTextLength = 1
- object.itemCount = 0
- object.scrollBar = GUI.scrollBar(1, 1, 1, 1, scrollBarBackground, scrollBarForeground, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, true)
- object.match = autoCompleteMatch
- object.draw = autoCompleteDraw
- object.eventHandler = autoCompleteEventHandler
- object.clear = autoCompleteClear
- object:clear()
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function brailleCanvasDraw(brailleCanvas)
- local index, background, foreground, symbol
- for y = 1, brailleCanvas.height do
- for x = 1, brailleCanvas.width do
- index = buffer.getIndex(brailleCanvas.x + x - 1, brailleCanvas.y + y - 1)
- background, foreground, symbol = buffer.rawGet(index)
- buffer.rawSet(index, background, brailleCanvas.pixels[y][x][9], brailleCanvas.pixels[y][x][10])
- end
- end
- return brailleCanvas
- end
- local function brailleCanvasSet(brailleCanvas, x, y, state, color)
- local xReal, yReal = math.ceil(x / 2), math.ceil(y / 4)
- brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][(y - (yReal - 1) * 4 - 1) * 2 + x - (xReal - 1) * 2] = state and 1 or 0
- brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][9] = color or brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][9]
- brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][10] = unicode.char(
- 10240 +
- 128 * brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][8] +
- 64 * brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][7] +
- 32 * brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][6] +
- 16 * brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][4] +
- 8 * brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][2] +
- 4 * brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][5] +
- 2 * brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][3] +
- brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][1]
- )
- return brailleCanvas
- end
- local function brailleCanvasGet(brailleCanvas, x, y)
- local xReal, yReal = math.ceil(x / 2), math.ceil(y / 4)
- return brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][(y - (yReal - 1) * 4 - 1) * 2 + x - (xReal - 1) * 2], brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][9], brailleCanvas.pixels[yReal][xReal][10]
- end
- local function brailleCanvasFill(brailleCanvas, x, y, width, height, state, color)
- for j = y, y + height - 1 do
- for i = x, x + width - 1 do
- brailleCanvas:set(i, j, state, color)
- end
- end
- end
- local function brailleCanvasClear(brailleCanvas)
- for j = 1, brailleCanvas.height * 4 do
- brailleCanvas.pixels[j] = {}
- for i = 1, brailleCanvas.width * 2 do
- brailleCanvas.pixels[j][i] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x0, " " }
- end
- end
- end
- function GUI.brailleCanvas(x, y, width, height)
- local brailleCanvas = GUI.object(x, y, width, height)
- brailleCanvas.pixels = {}
- brailleCanvas.get = brailleCanvasGet
- brailleCanvas.set = brailleCanvasSet
- brailleCanvas.fill = brailleCanvasFill
- brailleCanvas.clear = brailleCanvasClear
- brailleCanvas.draw = brailleCanvasDraw
- brailleCanvas:clear()
- return brailleCanvas
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function paletteShow(palette)
- local application = GUI.application()
- application:addChild(palette)
- palette.submitButton.onTouch = function()
- application:stop()
- end
- palette.cancelButton.onTouch = palette.submitButton.onTouch
- application:draw()
- application:start()
- return palette.color.integer
- end
- function GUI.palette(x, y, startColor)
- local palette = GUI.window(x, y, 71, 25)
- palette.color = {hsb = {}, rgb = {}}
- palette:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, palette.width, palette.height, 0xF0F0F0))
- local bigImage = palette:addChild(GUI.image(1, 1, image.create(50, 25)))
- local bigCrest = palette:addChild(GUI.object(1, 1, 5, 3))
- local function paletteDrawBigCrestPixel(x, y, symbol)
- local background, foreground = buffer.get(x, y)
- local r, g, b = color.integerToRGB(background)
- buffer.set(x, y, background, (r + g + b) / 3 >= 127 and 0x0 or 0xFFFFFF, symbol)
- end
- bigCrest.draw = function(object)
- paletteDrawBigCrestPixel(object.x, object.y + 1, "─")
- paletteDrawBigCrestPixel(object.x + 1, object.y + 1, "─")
- paletteDrawBigCrestPixel(object.x + 3, object.y + 1, "─")
- paletteDrawBigCrestPixel(object.x + 4, object.y + 1, "─")
- paletteDrawBigCrestPixel(object.x + 2, object.y, "│")
- paletteDrawBigCrestPixel(object.x + 2, object.y + 2, "│")
- end
- bigCrest.passScreenEvents = true
- local miniImage = palette:addChild(GUI.image(53, 1, image.create(3, 25)))
- local miniCrest = palette:addChild(GUI.object(52, 1, 5, 1))
- miniCrest.draw = function(object)
- buffer.drawText(object.x, object.y, 0x0, ">")
- buffer.drawText(object.x + 4, object.y, 0x0, "<")
- end
- local colorPanel = palette:addChild(GUI.panel(58, 2, 12, 3, 0x0))
- palette.submitButton = palette:addChild(GUI.roundedButton(58, 6, 12, 1, 0x4B4B4B, 0xFFFFFF, 0x2D2D2D, 0xFFFFFF, "OK"))
- palette.cancelButton = palette:addChild(GUI.roundedButton(58, 8, 12, 1, 0xFFFFFF, 0x696969, 0x2D2D2D, 0xFFFFFF, "Cancel"))
- local function paletteRefreshBigImage()
- local saturationStep, brightnessStep, saturation, brightness = 1 / bigImage.width, 1 / bigImage.height, 0, 1
- for j = 1, bigImage.height do
- for i = 1, bigImage.width do
- image.set(bigImage.image, i, j, color.optimize(color.HSBToInteger(palette.color.hsb.hue, saturation, brightness)), 0x0, 0x0, " ")
- saturation = saturation + saturationStep
- end
- saturation, brightness = 0, brightness - brightnessStep
- end
- end
- local function paletteRefreshMiniImage()
- local hueStep, hue = 360 / miniImage.height, 0
- for j = 1, miniImage.height do
- for i = 1, miniImage.width do
- image.set(miniImage.image, i, j, color.optimize(color.HSBToInteger(hue, 1, 1)), 0x0, 0, " ")
- end
- hue = hue + hueStep
- end
- end
- local function paletteUpdateCrestsCoordinates()
- bigCrest.localX = math.floor((bigImage.width - 1) * palette.color.hsb.saturation) - 1
- bigCrest.localY = math.floor((bigImage.height - 1) - (bigImage.height - 1) * palette.color.hsb.brightness)
- miniCrest.localY = math.ceil(palette.color.hsb.hue / 360 * miniImage.height + 0.5)
- end
- local inputs
- local function paletteUpdateInputs()
- inputs[1].text = tostring(
- inputs[2].text = tostring(
- inputs[3].text = tostring(
- inputs[4].text = tostring(math.floor(palette.color.hsb.hue))
- inputs[5].text = tostring(math.floor(palette.color.hsb.saturation * 100))
- inputs[6].text = tostring(math.floor(palette.color.hsb.brightness * 100))
- inputs[7].text = string.format("%06X", palette.color.integer)
- colorPanel.colors.background = palette.color.integer
- end
- local function paletteSwitchColorFromHex(hex)
- palette.color.integer = hex
-,, = color.integerToRGB(hex)
- palette.color.hsb.hue, palette.color.hsb.saturation, palette.color.hsb.brightness = color.RGBToHSB(,,
- paletteUpdateInputs()
- end
- local function paletteSwitchColorFromHsb(hue, saturation, brightness)
- palette.color.hsb.hue, palette.color.hsb.saturation, palette.color.hsb.brightness = hue, saturation, brightness
-,, = color.HSBToRGB(hue, saturation, brightness)
- palette.color.integer = color.RGBToInteger(,,
- paletteUpdateInputs()
- end
- local function paletteSwitchColorFromRgb(red, green, blue)
-,, = red, green, blue
- palette.color.hsb.hue, palette.color.hsb.saturation, palette.color.hsb.brightness = color.RGBToHSB(red, green, blue)
- palette.color.integer = color.RGBToInteger(red, green, blue)
- paletteUpdateInputs()
- end
- local function onAnyInputFinished()
- paletteRefreshBigImage()
- paletteUpdateCrestsCoordinates()
- palette.firstParent:draw()
- end
- local function onHexInputFinished()
- paletteSwitchColorFromHex(tonumber("0x" .. inputs[7].text))
- onAnyInputFinished()
- end
- local function onRgbInputFinished()
- paletteSwitchColorFromRgb(tonumber(inputs[1].text), tonumber(inputs[2].text), tonumber(inputs[3].text))
- onAnyInputFinished()
- end
- local function onHsbInputFinished()
- paletteSwitchColorFromHsb(tonumber(inputs[4].text), tonumber(inputs[5].text) / 100, tonumber(inputs[6].text) / 100)
- onAnyInputFinished()
- end
- local function rgbValidaror(text)
- local number = tonumber(text) if number and number >= 0 and number <= 255 then return true end
- end
- local function hValidator(text)
- local number = tonumber(text) if number and number >= 0 and number <= 359 then return true end
- end
- local function sbValidator(text)
- local number = tonumber(text) if number and number >= 0 and number <= 100 then return true end
- end
- local function hexValidator(text)
- if string.match(text, "^[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]$") then
- return true
- end
- end
- inputs = {
- { shortcut = "R:", validator = rgbValidaror, onInputFinished = onRgbInputFinished },
- { shortcut = "G:", validator = rgbValidaror, onInputFinished = onRgbInputFinished },
- { shortcut = "B:", validator = rgbValidaror, onInputFinished = onRgbInputFinished },
- { shortcut = "H:", validator = hValidator, onInputFinished = onHsbInputFinished },
- { shortcut = "S:", validator = sbValidator, onInputFinished = onHsbInputFinished },
- { shortcut = "L:", validator = sbValidator, onInputFinished = onHsbInputFinished },
- { shortcut = "0x", validator = hexValidator, onInputFinished = onHexInputFinished }
- }
- local y = 10
- for i = 1, #inputs do
- palette:addChild(GUI.label(58, y, 2, 1, 0x0, inputs[i].shortcut))
- local validator, onInputFinished = inputs[i].validator, inputs[i].onInputFinished
- inputs[i] = palette:addChild(GUI.input(61, y, 9, 1, 0xFFFFFF, 0x696969, 0x696969, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0, "", "", true))
- inputs[i].validator = validator
- inputs[i].onInputFinished = onInputFinished
- y = y + 2
- end
- local favourites
- if filesystem.exists(GUI.PALETTE_CONFIG_PATH) then
- favourites = table.fromFile(GUI.PALETTE_CONFIG_PATH)
- else
- favourites = {}
- for i = 1, 6 do favourites[i] = color.HSBToInteger(math.random(0, 360), 1, 1) end
- table.toFile(GUI.PALETTE_CONFIG_PATH, favourites)
- end
- local favouritesContainer = palette:addChild(GUI.container(58, 24, 12, 1))
- for i = 1, #favourites do
- favouritesContainer:addChild(GUI.button(i * 2 - 1, 1, 2, 1, favourites[i], 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, " ")).onTouch = function(application)
- paletteSwitchColorFromHex(favourites[i])
- paletteRefreshBigImage()
- paletteUpdateCrestsCoordinates()
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- palette:addChild(GUI.button(58, 25, 12, 1, 0xFFFFFF, 0x4B4B4B, 0x2D2D2D, 0xFFFFFF, "+")).onTouch = function(application)
- local favouriteExists = false
- for i = 1, #favourites do
- if favourites[i] == palette.color.integer then
- favouriteExists = true
- break
- end
- end
- if not favouriteExists then
- table.insert(favourites, 1, palette.color.integer)
- table.remove(favourites, #favourites)
- for i = 1, #favourites do
- favouritesContainer.children[i].colors.default.background = favourites[i]
- favouritesContainer.children[i].colors.pressed.background = 0x0
- end
- table.toFile(GUI.PALETTE_CONFIG_PATH, favourites)
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- bigImage.eventHandler = function(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4)
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drag" then
- bigCrest.localX, bigCrest.localY = e3 - palette.x - 1, e4 - palette.y
- paletteSwitchColorFromHex(select(3, component.gpu.get(e3, e4)))
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- miniImage.eventHandler = function(application, object, e1, e2, e3, e4)
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drag" then
- miniCrest.localY = e4 - palette.y + 1
- paletteSwitchColorFromHsb((e4 - miniImage.y) * 360 / miniImage.height, palette.color.hsb.saturation, palette.color.hsb.brightness)
- paletteRefreshBigImage()
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- = paletteShow
- paletteSwitchColorFromHex(startColor)
- paletteUpdateCrestsCoordinates()
- paletteRefreshBigImage()
- paletteRefreshMiniImage()
- return palette
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function textUpdate(object)
- object.width = unicode.len(object.text)
- return object
- end
- local function textDraw(object)
- object:update()
- buffer.drawText(object.x, object.y, object.color, object.text)
- return object
- end
- function GUI.text(x, y, color, text)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, 1, 1)
- object.text = text
- object.color = color
- object.update = textUpdate
- object.draw = textDraw
- object:update()
- return object
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.addBackgroundContainer(parentContainer, addPanel, addLayout, title)
- local container = parentContainer:addChild(GUI.container(1, 1, parentContainer.width, parentContainer.height))
- if addPanel then
- container.panel = container:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, container.width, container.height, GUI.BACKGROUND_CONTAINER_PANEL_COLOR, GUI.BACKGROUND_CONTAINER_PANEL_TRANSPARENCY))
- container.panel.eventHandler = function(parentContainer, object, e1)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- container:remove()
- parentContainer:draw()
- end
- end
- end
- if addLayout then
- container.layout = container:addChild(GUI.layout(1, 1, container.width, container.height, 1, 1))
- if title then
- container.label = container.layout:addChild(GUI.label(1, 1, 1, 1, GUI.BACKGROUND_CONTAINER_TITLE_COLOR, title)):setAlignment(GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP)
- end
- end
- return container
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function listUpdate(list)
- local step, child = false
- for i = 1, #list.children do
- child = list.children[i]
- -- Жмяканье пизды
- child.pressed = i == list.selectedItem
- -- Цвет залупы
- if step then
- child.colors.default = list.colors.alternating
- else
- child.colors.default = list.colors.default
- end
- child.colors.pressed, step = list.colors.selected, not step
- -- Размеры хуйни
- if list.cells[1][1].direction == GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL then
- if list.offsetMode then
- child.width, child.height = list.itemSize * 2 + unicode.len(child.text), list.height
- else
- child.width, child.height = list.itemSize, list.height
- end
- else
- if list.offsetMode then
- child.width, child.height = list.width, list.itemSize * 2 + 1
- else
- child.width, child.height = list.width, list.itemSize
- end
- end
- end
- layoutUpdate(list)
- end
- local function listItemEventHandler(application, item, e1, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" or e1 == "drag" then
- item.parent.selectedItem = item:indexOf()
- item.parent:update()
- application:draw()
- if item.onTouch then
- item.onTouch(application, item, e1, ...)
- end
- end
- end
- local function listAddItem(list, text)
- local item = list:addChild(pressable(1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, text))
- item.switchMode = true
- item.eventHandler = listItemEventHandler
- return item
- end
- local function listSetAlignment(list, ...)
- layoutSetAlignment(list, 1, 1, ...)
- return list
- end
- local function listSetSpacing(list, ...)
- layoutSetSpacing(list, 1, 1, ...)
- return list
- end
- local function listSetDirection(list, ...)
- layoutSetDirection(list, 1, 1, ...)
- return list
- end
- local function listSetFitting(list, ...)
- layoutSetFitting(list, 1, 1, ...)
- return list
- end
- local function listSetMargin(list, ...)
- layoutSetMargin(list, 1, 1, ...)
- return list
- end
- local function listGetMargin(list, ...)
- return layoutGetMargin(list, 1, 1, ...)
- end
- local function listGetItem(list, what)
- if type(what) == "number" then
- return list.children[what]
- else
- for i = 1, #list.children do
- if list.children[i].text == what then
- return list.children[i], i
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function listCount(list)
- return #list.children
- end
- local function listDraw(list)
- buffer.drawRectangle(list.x, list.y, list.width, list.height, list.colors.default.background, list.colors.default.text, " ")
- layoutDraw(list)
- end
- function GUI.list(x, y, width, height, itemSize, spacing, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundAlternatingColor, textAlternatingColor, backgroundSelectedColor, textSelectedColor, offsetMode)
- local list = GUI.layout(x, y, width, height, 1, 1)
- list.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- text = textColor
- },
- alternating = {
- background = backgroundAlternatingColor,
- text = textAlternatingColor
- },
- selected = {
- background = backgroundSelectedColor,
- text = textSelectedColor
- },
- }
- list.passScreenEvents = false
- list.selectedItem = 1
- list.offsetMode = offsetMode
- list.itemSize = itemSize
- list.addItem = listAddItem
- list.getItem = listGetItem
- list.count = listCount
- list.setAlignment = listSetAlignment
- list.setSpacing = listSetSpacing
- list.setDirection = listSetDirection
- list.setFitting = listSetFitting
- list.setMargin = listSetMargin
- list.getMargin = listGetMargin
- list.update = listUpdate
- list.draw = listDraw
- list:setSpacing(spacing)
- list:setDirection(GUI.DIRECTION_VERTICAL)
- return list
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function keyAndValueUpdate(object)
- object.keyLength, object.valueLength = unicode.len(object.key), unicode.len(object.value)
- object.width = object.keyLength + object.valueLength
- end
- local function keyAndValueDraw(object)
- keyAndValueUpdate(object)
- buffer.drawText(object.x, object.y, object.colors.key, object.key)
- buffer.drawText(object.x + object.keyLength, object.y, object.colors.value, object.value)
- end
- function GUI.keyAndValue(x, y, keyColor, valueColor, key, value)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, 1, 1)
- object.colors = {
- key = keyColor,
- value = valueColor
- }
- object.key = key
- object.value = value
- object.update = keyAndValueUpdate
- object.draw = keyAndValueDraw
- object:update()
- return object
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.highlightString(x, y, width, fromChar, indentationWidth, patterns, colorScheme, s)
- fromChar = fromChar or 1
- local counter, symbols, colors, stringLength, bufferIndex, newFrameBackgrounds, newFrameForegrounds, newFrameSymbols, searchFrom, starting, ending = indentationWidth, {}, {}, unicode.len(s), buffer.getIndex(x, y), buffer.getNewFrameTables()
- local toChar = math.min(stringLength, fromChar + width - 1)
- -- Пидорасим на символы
- for i = fromChar, toChar do
- symbols[i] = unicode.sub(s, i, i)
- end
- -- Вгоняем в цветовую карту синтаксическую подсветку
- for j = 1, #patterns, 4 do
- searchFrom = 1
- while true do
- starting, ending = string.unicodeFind(s, patterns[j], searchFrom)
- if starting then
- for i = starting + patterns[j + 2], ending - patterns[j + 3] do
- colors[i] = colorScheme[patterns[j + 1]]
- end
- else
- break
- end
- searchFrom = ending + 1 - patterns[j + 3]
- end
- end
- -- Ебошим индентейшны
- for i = fromChar, toChar do
- if symbols[i] == " " then
- colors[i] = colorScheme.indentation
- if counter == indentationWidth then
- symbols[i], counter = "│", 0
- end
- counter = counter + 1
- else
- break
- end
- end
- -- Рисуем текст
- for i = fromChar, toChar do
- newFrameForegrounds[bufferIndex], newFrameSymbols[bufferIndex] = colors[i] or colorScheme.text, symbols[i] or " "
- bufferIndex = bufferIndex + 1
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function dropDownMenuItemDraw(item)
- local yText = item.y + math.floor(item.height / 2)
- if item.type == 1 then
- local textColor = item.color or item.parent.parent.colors.default.text
- if item.pressed then
- textColor = item.parent.parent.colors.selected.text
- buffer.drawRectangle(item.x, item.y, item.width, item.height, item.parent.parent.colors.selected.background, textColor, " ")
- elseif item.disabled then
- textColor = item.parent.parent.colors.disabled.text
- end
- buffer.drawText(item.x + 1, yText, textColor, item.text)
- if item.shortcut then
- buffer.drawText(item.x + item.width - unicode.len(item.shortcut) - 1, yText, textColor, item.shortcut)
- end
- else
- buffer.drawText(item.x, yText, item.parent.parent.colors.separator, string.rep("─", item.width))
- end
- return item
- end
- local function dropDownMenuReleaseItems(menu)
- for i = 1, #menu.itemsContainer.children do
- menu.itemsContainer.children[i].pressed = false
- end
- return menu
- end
- local function dropDownMenuItemEventHandler(application, object, e1, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- if object.type == 1 and not object.pressed then
- object.pressed = true
- application:draw()
- if object.subMenu then
- object.parent.parent.parent:addChild(object.subMenu:releaseItems())
- object.subMenu.localX = object.parent.parent.localX + object.parent.parent.width
- object.subMenu.localY = object.parent.parent.localY + object.localY - 1
- if buffer.getWidth() - object.parent.parent.localX - object.parent.parent.width + 1 < object.subMenu.width then
- object.subMenu.localX = object.parent.parent.localX - object.subMenu.width
- object.parent.parent:moveToFront()
- end
- application:draw()
- else
- os.sleep(0.2)
- object.parent.parent.parent:remove()
- local objectIndex = object:indexOf()
- for i = 2, #object.parent.parent.parent.children do
- if object.parent.parent.parent.children[i].onMenuClosed then
- object.parent.parent.parent.children[i].onMenuClosed(objectIndex)
- end
- end
- if object.onTouch then
- object.onTouch()
- end
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function dropDownMenuGetHeight(menu)
- local height = 0
- for i = 1, #menu.itemsContainer.children do
- height = height + (menu.itemsContainer.children[i].type == 2 and 1 or menu.itemHeight)
- end
- return height
- end
- local function dropDownMenuReposition(menu)
- menu.itemsContainer.width, menu.itemsContainer.height = menu.width, menu.height
- menu.prevButton.width, menu.nextButton.width = menu.width, menu.width
- menu.nextButton.localY = menu.height
- local y = menu.itemsContainer.children[1].localY
- for i = 1, #menu.itemsContainer.children do
- menu.itemsContainer.children[i].localY = y
- menu.itemsContainer.children[i].width = menu.itemsContainer.width
- y = y + menu.itemsContainer.children[i].height
- end
- menu.prevButton.hidden = menu.itemsContainer.children[1].localY >= 1
- menu.nextButton.hidden = menu.itemsContainer.children[#menu.itemsContainer.children].localY + menu.itemsContainer.children[#menu.itemsContainer.children].height - 1 <= menu.height
- end
- local function dropDownMenuUpdate(menu)
- if #menu.itemsContainer.children > 0 then
- menu.height = math.min(dropDownMenuGetHeight(menu), menu.maximumHeight, buffer.getHeight() - menu.y)
- dropDownMenuReposition(menu)
- end
- end
- local function dropDownMenuRemoveItem(menu, index)
- table.remove(menu.itemsContainer.children, index)
- menu:update()
- return menu
- end
- local function dropDownMenuAddItem(menu, text, disabled, shortcut, color)
- local item = menu.itemsContainer:addChild(GUI.object(1, 1, 1, menu.itemHeight))
- item.type = 1
- item.text = text
- item.disabled = disabled
- item.shortcut = shortcut
- item.color = color
- item.draw = dropDownMenuItemDraw
- item.eventHandler = dropDownMenuItemEventHandler
- menu:update()
- return item
- end
- local function dropDownMenuAddSeparator(menu)
- local item = menu.itemsContainer:addChild(GUI.object(1, 1, 1, 1))
- item.type = 2
- item.draw = dropDownMenuItemDraw
- item.eventHandler = dropDownMenuItemEventHandler
- menu:update()
- return item
- end
- local function dropDownMenuScrollDown(application, menu)
- if menu.itemsContainer.children[1].localY < 1 then
- for i = 1, #menu.itemsContainer.children do
- menu.itemsContainer.children[i].localY = menu.itemsContainer.children[i].localY + 1
- end
- dropDownMenuReposition(menu)
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- local function dropDownMenuScrollUp(application, menu)
- if menu.itemsContainer.children[#menu.itemsContainer.children].localY + menu.itemsContainer.children[#menu.itemsContainer.children].height - 1 > menu.height then
- for i = 1, #menu.itemsContainer.children do
- menu.itemsContainer.children[i].localY = menu.itemsContainer.children[i].localY - 1
- end
- dropDownMenuReposition(menu)
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- local function dropDownMenuEventHandler(application, menu, e1, e2, e3, e4, e5)
- if e1 == "scroll" then
- if e5 == 1 then
- dropDownMenuScrollDown(application, menu)
- else
- dropDownMenuScrollUp(application, menu)
- end
- end
- end
- local function dropDownMenuPrevButtonOnTouch(application, button)
- dropDownMenuScrollDown(application, button.parent)
- end
- local function dropDownMenuNextButtonOnTouch(application, button)
- dropDownMenuScrollUp(application, button.parent)
- end
- local function dropDownMenuDraw(menu)
- buffer.drawRectangle(menu.x, menu.y, menu.width, menu.height, menu.colors.default.background, menu.colors.default.text, " ", menu.colors.transparency.background)
- GUI.drawShadow(menu.x, menu.y, menu.width, menu.height, menu.colors.transparency.shadow, true)
- containerDraw(menu)
- end
- local function dropDownMenuBackgroundObjectEventHandler(application, object, e1)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- for i = 2, #object.parent.children do
- if object.parent.children[i].onMenuClosed then
- object.parent.children[i].onMenuClosed()
- end
- end
- object.parent:remove()
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- local function dropDownMenuAdd(parentContainer, menu)
- local container = parentContainer:addChild(GUI.container(1, 1, parentContainer.width, parentContainer.height))
- container:addChild(GUI.object(1, 1, container.width, container.height)).eventHandler = dropDownMenuBackgroundObjectEventHandler
- return container:addChild(menu:releaseItems())
- end
- function GUI.dropDownMenu(x, y, width, maximumHeight, itemHeight, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, disabledColor, separatorColor, backgroundTransparency, shadowTransparency)
- local menu = GUI.container(x, y, width, 1)
- menu.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- text = textColor
- },
- selected = {
- background = backgroundPressedColor,
- text = textPressedColor
- },
- disabled = {
- text = disabledColor
- },
- separator = separatorColor,
- transparency = {
- background = backgroundTransparency,
- shadow = shadowTransparency
- }
- }
- menu.itemsContainer = menu:addChild(GUI.container(1, 1, menu.width, menu.height))
- menu.prevButton = menu:addChild(GUI.button(1, 1, menu.width, 1, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, "▲"))
- menu.nextButton = menu:addChild(GUI.button(1, 1, menu.width, 1, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, "▼"))
- menu.prevButton.colors.transparency, menu.nextButton.colors.transparency = backgroundTransparency, backgroundTransparency
- menu.prevButton.onTouch = dropDownMenuPrevButtonOnTouch
- menu.nextButton.onTouch = dropDownMenuNextButtonOnTouch
- menu.releaseItems = dropDownMenuReleaseItems
- menu.itemHeight = itemHeight
- menu.addSeparator = dropDownMenuAddSeparator
- menu.addItem = dropDownMenuAddItem
- menu.removeItem = dropDownMenuRemoveItem
- menu.draw = dropDownMenuDraw
- menu.maximumHeight = maximumHeight
- menu.eventHandler = dropDownMenuEventHandler
- menu.update = dropDownMenuUpdate
- return menu
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function contextMenuUpdate(menu)
- if #menu.itemsContainer.children > 0 then
- local widestItem, widestShortcut = 0, 0
- for i = 1, #menu.itemsContainer.children do
- if menu.itemsContainer.children[i].type == 1 then
- widestItem = math.max(widestItem, unicode.len(menu.itemsContainer.children[i].text))
- if menu.itemsContainer.children[i].shortcut then
- widestShortcut = math.max(widestShortcut, unicode.len(menu.itemsContainer.children[i].shortcut))
- end
- end
- end
- menu.width, menu.height = 2 + widestItem + (widestShortcut > 0 and 3 + widestShortcut or 0), math.min(dropDownMenuGetHeight(menu), menu.maximumHeight)
- dropDownMenuReposition(menu)
- local bufferWidth, bufferHeight = buffer.getResolution()
- if menu.x + menu.width + 1 >= bufferWidth then
- menu.localX = bufferWidth - menu.width - 1
- end
- if menu.y + menu.height >= bufferHeight then
- menu.localY = bufferHeight - menu.height
- end
- end
- end
- local contextMenuCreate, contextMenuAddSubMenu
- contextMenuAddSubMenu = function(menu, text, disabled)
- local item = menu:addItem(text, disabled, "►")
- item.subMenu = contextMenuCreate(1, 1)
- item.subMenu.colors = menu.colors
- return item.subMenu
- end
- contextMenuCreate = function(x, y, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, disabledColor, separatorColor, backgroundTransparency, shadowTransparency)
- local menu = GUI.dropDownMenu(
- x,
- y,
- 1,
- math.ceil(buffer.getHeight() * 0.5),
- 1,
- )
- menu.update = contextMenuUpdate
- menu.addSubMenu = contextMenuAddSubMenu
- return menu
- end
- function GUI.addContextMenu(parentContainer, arg1, ...)
- if type(arg1) == "table" then
- return dropDownMenuAdd(parentContainer, arg1, ...)
- else
- return dropDownMenuAdd(parentContainer, contextMenuCreate(arg1, ...))
- end
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function comboBoxDraw(object)
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x, object.y, object.width, object.height, object.colors.default.background, object.colors.default.text, " ")
- if object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children[object.selectedItem] then
- buffer.drawText(object.x + 1, math.floor(object.y + object.height / 2), object.colors.default.text, string.limit(object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children[object.selectedItem].text, object.width - object.height - 2, "right"))
- end
- local width = object.height * 2 - 1
- buffer.drawRectangle(object.x + object.width - object.height * 2 + 1, object.y, width, object.height, object.colors.arrow.background, object.colors.arrow.text, " ")
- buffer.drawText(math.floor(object.x + object.width - width / 2), math.floor(object.y + object.height / 2), object.colors.arrow.text, object.pressed and "▲" or "▼")
- return object
- end
- local function comboBoxGetItem(object, what)
- if type(what) == "number" then
- return object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children[what]
- else
- local children = object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children
- for i = 1, #children do
- if children[i].text == what then
- return children[i], i
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function comboBoxRemoveItem(object, index)
- object.dropDownMenu:removeItem(index)
- if object.selectedItem > #object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children then
- object.selectedItem = #object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children
- end
- end
- local function comboBoxCount(object)
- return #object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children
- end
- local function comboBoxClear(object)
- object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer:removeChildren()
- object.selectedItem = 1
- return object
- end
- local function comboBoxEventHandler(application, object, e1, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" and #object.dropDownMenu.itemsContainer.children > 0 then
- object.pressed = true
- object.dropDownMenu.x, object.dropDownMenu.y, object.dropDownMenu.width = object.x, object.y + object.height, object.width
- object.dropDownMenu:update()
- dropDownMenuAdd(application, object.dropDownMenu)
- application:draw()
- end
- end
- local function comboBoxAddItem(object, ...)
- return object.dropDownMenu:addItem(...)
- end
- local function comboBoxAddSeparator(object)
- return object.dropDownMenu:addSeparator()
- end
- function GUI.comboBox(x, y, width, itemSize, backgroundColor, textColor, arrowBackgroundColor, arrowTextColor)
- local comboBox = GUI.object(x, y, width, itemSize)
- comboBox.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- text = textColor
- },
- selected = {
- },
- arrow = {
- background = arrowBackgroundColor,
- text = arrowTextColor
- }
- }
- comboBox.dropDownMenu = GUI.dropDownMenu(
- 1,
- 1,
- 1,
- math.ceil(buffer.getHeight() * 0.5),
- itemSize,
- comboBox.colors.default.background,
- comboBox.colors.default.text,
- comboBox.colors.selected.background,
- comboBox.colors.selected.text,
- )
- comboBox.dropDownMenu.onMenuClosed = function(index)
- comboBox.pressed = false
- comboBox.selectedItem = index or comboBox.selectedItem
- comboBox.firstParent:draw()
- if index and comboBox.onItemSelected then
- comboBox.onItemSelected(index)
- end
- end
- comboBox.selectedItem = 1
- comboBox.addItem = comboBoxAddItem
- comboBox.removeItem = comboBoxRemoveItem
- comboBox.addSeparator = comboBoxAddSeparator
- comboBox.draw = comboBoxDraw
- comboBox.clear = comboBoxClear
- comboBox.getItem = comboBoxGetItem
- comboBox.count = comboBoxCount
- comboBox.eventHandler = comboBoxEventHandler
- return comboBox
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function windowDraw(window)
- containerDraw(window)
- GUI.drawShadow(window.x, window.y, window.width, window.height, GUI.WINDOW_SHADOW_TRANSPARENCY, true)
- return window
- end
- local function windowCheck(window, x, y)
- local child
- for i = #window.children, 1, -1 do
- child = window.children[i]
- if
- not child.hidden and
- not child.disabled and
- x >= child.x and
- x < child.x + child.width and
- y >= child.y and
- y < child.y + child.height
- then
- if not child.passScreenEvents and child.eventHandler then
- return true
- elseif child.children then
- local result = windowCheck(child, x, y)
- if result == true then
- return true
- elseif result == false then
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function windowEventHandler(application, window, e1, e2, e3, e4, ...)
- if e1 == "touch" then
- if not windowCheck(window, e3, e4) then
- window.lastTouchX, window.lastTouchY = e3, e4
- end
- if window ~= window.parent.children[#window.parent.children] then
- window:moveToFront()
- if window.onFocus then
- window.onFocus(application, window, e1, e2, e3, e4, ...)
- end
- application:draw()
- end
- elseif e1 == "drag" and window.lastTouchX and not windowCheck(window, e3, e4) then
- local xOffset, yOffset = e3 - window.lastTouchX, e4 - window.lastTouchY
- if xOffset ~= 0 or yOffset ~= 0 then
- window.localX, window.localY = window.localX + xOffset, window.localY + yOffset
- window.lastTouchX, window.lastTouchY = e3, e4
- application:draw()
- end
- elseif e1 == "drop" then
- window.lastTouchX, window.lastTouchY = nil, nil
- end
- end
- local function windowResize(window, width, height)
- window.width, window.height = width, height
- if window.onResize then
- window.onResize(width, height)
- end
- return window
- end
- local function windowMaximize(window)
- if window.maximized then
- window.localX, window.localY = window.oldGeometryX, window.oldGeometryY
- window:resize(window.oldGeometryWidth, window.oldGeometryHeight)
- else
- window.oldGeometryX, window.oldGeometryY, window.oldGeometryWidth, window.oldGeometryHeight = window.localX, window.localY, window.width, window.height
- window.localX, window.localY = 1, 1
- window:resize(window.parent.width, window.parent.height)
- end
- window.maximized = not window.maximized
- window.firstParent:draw()
- end
- local function windowMinimize(window)
- window.hidden = not window.hidden
- window.firstParent:draw()
- end
- local function windowClose(window)
- window:remove()
- window.firstParent:draw()
- end
- function GUI.window(x, y, width, height)
- local window = GUI.container(x, y, width, height)
- window.passScreenEvents = false
- window.resize = windowResize
- window.maximize = windowMaximize
- window.minimize = windowMinimize
- window.close = windowClose
- window.eventHandler = windowEventHandler
- window.draw = windowDraw
- return window
- end
- function GUI.filledWindow(x, y, width, height, backgroundColor)
- local window = GUI.window(x, y, width, height)
- window.backgroundPanel = window:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, width, height, backgroundColor))
- window.actionButtons = window:addChild(GUI.actionButtons(2, 2, true))
- return window
- end
- function GUI.titledWindow(x, y, width, height, title, addTitlePanel)
- local window = GUI.filledWindow(x, y, width, height, GUI.WINDOW_BACKGROUND_PANEL_COLOR)
- if addTitlePanel then
- window.titlePanel = window:addChild(GUI.panel(1, 1, width, 1, GUI.WINDOW_TITLE_BACKGROUND_COLOR))
- window.backgroundPanel.localY, window.backgroundPanel.height = 2, window.height - 1
- end
- window.titleLabel = window:addChild(GUI.label(1, 1, width, height, GUI.WINDOW_TITLE_TEXT_COLOR, title)):setAlignment(GUI.ALIGNMENT_HORIZONTAL_CENTER, GUI.ALIGNMENT_VERTICAL_TOP)
- window.actionButtons.localY = 1
- window.actionButtons:moveToFront()
- return window
- end
- function GUI.tabbedWindow(x, y, width, height, ...)
- local window = GUI.filledWindow(x, y, width, height, GUI.WINDOW_BACKGROUND_PANEL_COLOR)
- window.backgroundPanel.localY, window.backgroundPanel.height = 4, window.height - 3
- window.actionButtons:moveToFront()
- window.actionButtons.localY = 2
- return window
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function GUI.tabBar(...)
- local tabBar = GUI.list(...)
- return tabBar
- end
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function menuDraw(menu)
- buffer.drawRectangle(menu.x, menu.y, menu.width, 1, menu.colors.default.background, menu.colors.default.text, " ", menu.colors.transparency)
- layoutDraw(menu)
- end
- local function menuAddItem(menu, text, textColor)
- local item = menu:addChild(pressable(1, 1, unicode.len(text) + 2, 1, nil, textColor or menu.colors.default.text, menu.colors.selected.background, menu.colors.selected.text, 0x0, 0x0, text))
- item.eventHandler = pressableEventHandler
- return item
- end
- local function menuGetItem(menu, what)
- if type(what) == "number" then
- return menu.children[what]
- else
- for i = 1, #menu.children do
- if menu.children[i].text == what then
- return menu.children[i], i
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function menuContextMenuItemOnTouch(application, item)
- item.contextMenu.x, item.contextMenu.y = item.x, item.y + 1
- dropDownMenuAdd(application, item.contextMenu)
- application:draw()
- end
- local function menuAddContextMenu(menu, ...)
- local item = menu:addItem(...)
- item.switchMode = true
- item.onTouch = menuContextMenuItemOnTouch
- item.contextMenu = contextMenuCreate(1, 1)
- item.contextMenu.onMenuClosed = function()
- item.pressed = false
- item.firstParent:draw()
- end
- return item.contextMenu
- end
- function, y, width, backgroundColor, textColor, backgroundPressedColor, textPressedColor, backgroundTransparency)
- local menu = GUI.layout(x, y, width, 1, 1, 1)
- menu.colors = {
- default = {
- background = backgroundColor,
- text = textColor,
- },
- selected = {
- background = backgroundPressedColor,
- text = textPressedColor,
- },
- transparency = backgroundTransparency
- }
- menu.passScreenEvents = false
- menu.addContextMenu = menuAddContextMenu
- menu.addItem = menuAddItem
- menu.getItem = menuGetItem
- menu.draw = menuDraw
- menu:setDirection(1, 1, GUI.DIRECTION_HORIZONTAL)
- menu:setSpacing(1, 1, 0)
- menu:setMargin(1, 1, 1, 0)
- return menu
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- local function progressIndicatorDraw(self)
- local color = and (self.position == 1 and self.colors.secondary or self.colors.primary) or self.colors.passive
- buffer.drawText(self.x + 1, self.y, color, "⢀")
- buffer.drawText(self.x + 2, self.y, color, "⡀")
- color = and (self.position == 2 and self.colors.secondary or self.colors.primary) or self.colors.passive
- buffer.drawText(self.x + 3, self.y + 1, color, "⠆")
- buffer.drawText(self.x + 2, self.y + 1, color, "⢈")
- color = and (self.position == 3 and self.colors.secondary or self.colors.primary) or self.colors.passive
- buffer.drawText(self.x + 1, self.y + 2, color, "⠈")
- buffer.drawText(self.x + 2, self.y + 2, color, "⠁")
- color = and (self.position == 4 and self.colors.secondary or self.colors.primary) or self.colors.passive
- buffer.drawText(self.x, self.y + 1, color, "⠰")
- buffer.drawText(self.x + 1, self.y + 1, color, "⡁")
- end
- local function progressIndicatorRoll(self)
- self.position = self.position + 1
- if self.position > 4 then
- self.position = 1
- end
- end
- local function progressIndicatorReset(self, state)
- = state
- self.position = 1
- end
- function GUI.progressIndicator(x, y, passiveColor, primaryColor, secondaryColor)
- local object = GUI.object(x, y, 4, 3)
- object.colors = {
- passive = passiveColor,
- primary = primaryColor,
- secondary = secondaryColor
- }
- = false
- object.reset = progressIndicatorReset
- object.draw = progressIndicatorDraw
- object.roll = progressIndicatorRoll
- object:reset()
- return object
- end
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- return GUI
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