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- #!/usr/bin/ruby
- require 'rubygems'
- require 'mechanize'
- require 'nokogiri'
- require 'highline/import'
- require 'stringio'
- #Change based on Semester
- $term = '09'
- $year = '2012'
- $frequency = 4 #Number of Seconds between check requests
- $agent =
- $agent.redirect_ok = true
- $agent.user_agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_8) AppleWebKit/535.19 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/18.0.1025.11 Safari/535.19"
- $agent.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
- #Uber simway to colorize outputin
- class String
- def color(c)
- colors = {
- :black => 30,
- :red => 31,
- :green => 32,
- :yellow => 33,
- :blue => 34,
- :magenta => 35,
- :cyan => 36,
- :white => 37
- }
- return "\e[#{colors[c] || c}m#{self}\e[0m"
- end
- end
- #Logins, Gets the Courses, Returns Courses Obj with Name/URL/Tools for each
- def login(username, password)
- #Login to the system!
- page = $agent.get("")
- login = page.forms.first
- login.set_fields({
- :username => username,
- :password => password
- })
- if (login.submit().body.match(/Invalid username or password/)) then
- return false
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- #Gets Course Information
- def getCourse(crn)
- begin
- courseDetails = Nokogiri::HTML( $agent.get(
- "{crn}&TERM=#{$term}&YEAR=#{$year}"
- ).body)
- rescue
- return false #Failed to get course
- end
- #Flatten table to make it easier to work with
- course = {}
- dataSet = false
- course[:title] = courseDetails.css('td.title').last.text.gsub(/-\ +/, '')
- course[:crn] = crn
- courseDetails.css('table table tr').each_with_index do |row|
- #If we have a dataSet
- case dataSet
- when :rowA
- [ :i, :days, :end, :begin, :end, :exam].each_with_index do |el, i|
- if row.css('td')[i] then
- course[el] = row.css('td')[i].text
- end
- end
- when :rowB
- [ :instructor, :type, :status, :seats, :capacity ].each_with_index do |el, i|
- course[el] = row.css('td')[i].text
- end
- end
- dataSet = false
- #Is there a dataset?
- row.css('td').each do |cell|
- case cell.text
- when "Days"
- dataSet = :rowA
- when "Instructor"
- dataSet = :rowB
- end
- end
- end
- return course
- end
- #Registers you for the given CRN, returns true if successful, false if not
- def registerCrn(crn)
- #Follow Path
- $agent.get("")
- reg = $agent.get("")
- dropAdd = reg.link_with(:href => "/ssb/prod/bwskfreg.P_AddDropCrse?term_in=#{$year}#{$term}").click
- #Fill in CRN Box and Submit
- crnEntry = dropAdd.form_with(:action => '/ssb/prod/bwckcoms.P_Regs')
- crnEntry.fields_with(:id => 'crn_id1').first.value = crn
- crnEntry['CRN_IN'] = crn
- add = crnEntry.submit(crnEntry.button_with(:value => 'Submit Changes')).body
- if add =~ /#{crn}/ && !(add =~ /Registration Errors/) then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- #Main loop that checks the availaibility of each courses and fires to registerCrn on availaibility
- def checkCourses(courses)
- requestCount = 0
- startTime =
- loop do
- system("clear")
- requestCount += 1
- nowTime =
- puts "Checking Availaibility of CRNs".color(:yellow)
- puts "--------------------------------\n"
- puts "Started:\t#{startTime.asctime}".color(:magenta)
- puts "Now: \t#{nowTime.asctime}".color(:cyan)
- puts "Request:\t#{requestCount} (Once every #{$frequency} seconds)".color(:green)
- puts "--------------------------------\n\n"
- courses.each_with_index do |c, i|
- puts "#{c[:crn]} - #{c[:title]}".color(:blue)
- course = getCourse(c[:crn])
- next unless course #If throws error
- puts "Availaibility: #{course[:seats]} / #{course[:capacity]}".color(:red)
- if (course[:seats] =~ /Full/) then
- else
- if (registerCrn(c[:crn])) then
- puts "CRN #{c[:crn]} Registration Sucessfull"
- courses.slice!(i)
- else
- puts "Couldn't Register"
- end
- end
- print "\n"
- end
- sleep $frequency
- end
- end
- #Add courses to be checked
- def addCourses
- crns = []
- loop do
- system("clear")
- puts "Your CRNs:".color(:red)
- crns.each do |crn|
- puts " -> #{crn[:title]} (CRN: #{crn[:crn]})".color(:magenta)
- end
- #Prompt for CRN
- alt = (crns.length > 0) ? " (or just type 'start') " : " "
- input = ask("\nEnter a CRN to add it#{alt}".color(:green) + ":: ") { |q| q.echo = true }
- #Validate CRN to be 5 Digits
- if (input =~ /^\d{5}$/) then
- #Display CRN Info
- c = getCourse(input.to_s)
- puts "\nCourse: #{c[:title]} - #{c[:crn]}".color(:red)
- puts "--> Time: #{c[:begin]}-#{c[:end]} on #{c[:days]}".color(:cyan)
- puts "--> Teacher: #{c[:instructor]}".color(:cyan)
- puts "--> Type: #{c[:type]} || Status: #{c[:status]}".color(:cyan)
- puts "--> Availability: #{c[:seats]} / #{c[:capacity]}\n".color(:cyan)
- #Add Class Prompt
- add = ask("Add This Class? (yes/no)".color(:yellow) + ":: ") { |q| q.echo = true }
- crns.push(c) if (add =~ /yes/)
- elsif (input == "start") then
- checkCourses(crns)
- end
- end
- end
- def main
- system("clear")
- puts "Welcome to CourseAdd by mil".color(:blue)
- username = ask("PID ".color(:green) + ":: ") { |q| q.echo = true }
- password = ask("Password ".color(:green) + ":: " ) { |q| q.echo = "*" }
- system("clear")
- if login(username, password) then
- addCourses
- else
- puts "Invalid PID/Password"
- exit
- end
- end
- main
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