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- func mergingModels() {
- struct FirstModel: Codable, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
- var id: Int?
- var date: String?
- var name: String?
- var description: String {
- return "FirstModel(id: \(id!), date: \(date!), name: \(name!)]"
- }
- static func ==(lhs: FirstModel, rhs: FirstModel) -> Bool {
- return == && == && ==
- }
- }
- struct SecondModel: Codable, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
- var id: Int?
- var date: String?
- var age: Int?
- var position: String?
- var description: String {
- return "SecondModel(id: \(id!), date: \(date!), age: \(age!), position: \(position!)]"
- }
- static func ==(lhs: SecondModel, rhs: SecondModel) -> Bool {
- return == && == && lhs.age == rhs.age && lhs.position == rhs.position
- }
- }
- struct FinalModel: Codable, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable {
- var first:[FirstModel]?
- var second: SecondModel?
- var description: String {
- return "FinalModel(first: \(first)), second: \(second))]"
- }
- static func ==(lhs: FinalModel, rhs: FinalModel) -> Bool {
- return lhs.first == rhs.first && lhs.second == rhs.second
- }
- }
- // dict1: [date: [FirstModel]]
- var dict1 = [
- "2023-02-19": [FirstModel(id: 10, date: "2023-02-19", name: "Harry"),
- FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-19", name: "John")],
- "2023-02-13": [FirstModel(id: 12, date: "2023-02-13", name: "Harry"),
- FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-13", name: "John")],
- "2023-02-12": [FirstModel(id: 13, date: "2023-02-12", name: "Harry"),
- FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-12", name: "John")],
- "2023-02-10": [FirstModel(id: 14, date: "2023-02-10", name: "Harry"),
- FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-10", name: "John")],
- ]
- // dict1: [date: [SecondModel]]
- var dict2 = [
- "2023-02-19": [SecondModel(id: 10, date: "2023-02-19", age: 12, position: "A"),
- SecondModel(id: 15, date: "2023-02-19", age: 12, position: "A")],
- "2023-02-09": [SecondModel(id: 20, date: "2023-02-09", age: 12, position: "A"),
- SecondModel(id: 17, date: "2023-02-09", age: 12, position: "A")],
- "2023-02-10": [SecondModel(id: 14, date: "2023-02-10", age: 12, position: "A"),
- SecondModel(id: 16, date: "2023-02-10", age: 12, position: "A")],
- "2023-02-12": [SecondModel(id: 27, date: "2023-02-12", age: 12, position: "A"),
- SecondModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-12", age: 12, position: "A")],
- "2023-02-08": [SecondModel(id: 22, date: "2023-02-08", age: 12, position: "A"),
- SecondModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-08", age: 12, position: "A")]
- ]
- // newDict: [date: [id: [FinalModel]]]
- var exptectation = [
- "2023-02-08": [
- 11: [FinalModel(first: nil,
- second: SecondModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-08", age: 12, position: "A"))],
- 22: [FinalModel(first: nil,
- second: SecondModel(id: 22, date: "2023-02-08", age: 12, position: "A"))]
- ],
- "2023-02-09": [
- 17: [FinalModel(first: nil,
- second: SecondModel(id: 17, date: "2023-02-09", age: 12, position: "A"))],
- 20: [FinalModel(first: nil,
- second: SecondModel(id: 20, date: "2023-02-09", age: 12, position: "A"))]
- ],
- "2023-02-10": [
- 11: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-10", name: "John")],
- second: nil)],
- 14: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 14, date: "2023-02-10", name: "Harry")],
- second: SecondModel(id: 14, date: "2023-02-10", age: 12, position: "A"))],
- 16: [FinalModel(first: nil,
- second: SecondModel(id: 16, date: "2023-02-10", age: 12, position: "A"))]
- ],
- "2023-02-12": [
- 11: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-12", name: "John")],
- second: SecondModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-12", age: 12, position: "A"))],
- 13: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 13, date: "2023-02-12", name: "Harry")],
- second: nil)],
- 27: [FinalModel(first: nil,
- second: SecondModel(id: 27, date: "2023-02-12", age: 12, position: "A"))]
- ],
- "2023-02-13": [
- 11: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-13", name: "John")],
- second: nil)],
- 12: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 12, date: "2023-02-13", name: "Harry")],
- second: nil)]
- ],
- "2023-02-19": [
- 10: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 10, date: "2023-02-19", name: "Harry")],
- second: SecondModel(id: 10, date: "2023-02-19", age: 12, position: "A"))],
- 11: [FinalModel(first: [FirstModel(id: 11, date: "2023-02-19", name: "John")],
- second: nil)],
- 15: [FinalModel(first: nil,
- second: SecondModel(id: 15, date: "2023-02-19", age: 12, position: "A"))]
- ]
- ]
- // Retrieve all dates
- let allKeysDate = Set(dict1.keys).union(dict2.keys)
- let output = allKeysDate.reduce(into: [String: [Int: [FinalModel]]]()) { partialOutput, currentDateKey in
- let firstModels: [FirstModel]? = dict1[currentDateKey] //Get the firstModel for that date
- let secondModels: [SecondModel]? = dict2[currentDateKey] //Get the SecondModel for that date
- //Get all ids for that date, depending on the ids of firstModels & secondModels
- let allIds: Set<Int> = Set(firstModels?.compactMap { $ } ?? []).union( secondModels?.compactMap { $ } ?? [])
- //Create models
- let models: [Int: [FinalModel]] = allIds.reduce(into: [Int: [FinalModel]]()) { partialModelResult, currentIdKey in
- let first: [FirstModel] = firstModels?.filter { $ == currentIdKey } ?? [] //Get all FirstModel for that id
- let second: [SecondModel]? = secondModels?.filter { $ == currentIdKey } //Get all SecondtModel for that id
- //I supposed there can only be one SecondModel for each id (see `second?.first`), if not, you need to decide on the behavior
- let finalModel = FinalModel(first: first.isEmpty ? nil : first, second: second?.first)
- var currentlySaved = partialModelResult[currentIdKey, default: []]
- currentlySaved.append(finalModel)
- partialModelResult[currentIdKey] = currentlySaved
- }
- //Set the value for the currentDate
- partialOutput[currentDateKey] = models
- }
- print(output) //or print(output as NSDictionary), as sometimes I find it more readable, maybe Objective-C old habits
- print("output == exptectation \(output == exptectation)")
- //In case it's not equal, let's analyze a little more to see which one failed
- let keys = Set(output.keys).union(exptectation.keys)
- keys.forEach {
- let subEqual = output[$0] == exptectation[$0]
- if !subEqual {
- print("Diff between:")
- print(output[$0])
- print(exptectation[$0])
- } else {
- print("EQUALS for: \($0)")
- }
- }
- }
- mergingModels()
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