

Dec 16th, 2024
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  2015. },
  2016. {
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  2020. {
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  2023. },
  2024. {
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  2027. }
  2028. ],
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  2032. },
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  2055. },
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  2067. "cancellationAllowed": true,
  2068. "changeReservationAllowed": true,
  2069. "cancellationMethod": "ONLINE",
  2070. "acceptPriceIncreaseAllowed": false,
  2071. "payAtBooking": false,
  2072. "priceDecreased": false,
  2073. "upsellAllowed": true,
  2074. "policyLocale": "en-US",
  2075. "importantInformation": {
  2076. "DEFAULT": [
  2077. "We recommend that you have the reservation information available to present at the rental car counter to simplify the pick-up process.",
  2078. "Payment for this reservation is due when the car is returned and will be charged by Avis Rent a Car.",
  2079. "Additional charges may apply at the counter if you pick up or drop off the car at a different date, time, or location than stated on your reservation.",
  2080. "Only the driver will be able to pick up this rental car at the counter. An additional driver may be added at the counter for a fee payable directly to the rental car company.",
  2081. "Additional charges may apply for drivers under the age of 25.",
  2082. "Avis Rent a Car will charge the driver at the rental counter for optional items added to the reservation, including any child seats or special requests.",
  2083. "The driver will be required to present a valid driver's license and a valid credit card in his/her name at the counter for the refundable security deposit. Rental car companies may have different requirements for customers who will only have a debit card at the time of pick-up, such as multiple forms of identification, age restrictions, or proof of round-trip airline travel. For more specific information or to determine whether a debit card deposit is allowed, please review acceptable payment options in the partner's policy information. Pre-paid cards or cash will not be accepted for the security deposit.",
  2084. "If you are renting locally, please review the location specific rental policy for potential additional restrictions. Qualifying a local renter varies by rental company, but they will typically use the address on your license, or the issuing state of your license, to determine locality.",
  2085. "Your car will be reserved for unlimited mileage, but some car companies have additional restrictions regarding mileage such as boundary and local renter restrictions.",
  2086. "Some locations collect fees, or tolls, for access to certain roadways. Some tolls may be cashless and fees are paid via an electronic toll collection program. Avis Rent a Car may have a specific policy regarding cashless tolls, or offer the option to participate in their electronic toll collection program. We recommend you speak to the counter agent upon arrival about whether this may affect you.",
  2087. "Please see location specific rental policy and rules information."
  2088. ]
  2089. },
  2090. "cancellationInstructions": [
  2092. ],
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  2419. "policyLocale": "en-US",
  2420. "importantInformation": {
  2421. "DEFAULT": [
  2422. "If the reservation is cancelled prior to the pick-up time, a cancellation fee may be applied, not exceeding the amount you pre-pay. If the reservation is not cancelled prior to the pick-up time and the vehicle is not picked up on the rental date, the entire pre-paid amount may be forfeited. There will be no refunds or credits for unused days. Please check the rental policy or call Hertz Corporation at 7708190050 for more information.",
  2423. "We recommend that you have the reservation information available to present at the rental car counter to simplify the pick-up process.",
  2424. "When picking up the vehicle, the driver will need to produce their driver's license and the credit card used for booking. Once proof of this card has been provided, Hertz Corporation can accept any other valid credit card in the driver's name at the time of rent for taxes, fees, incidentals and the refundable security deposit. Debit cards, pre-paid cards, and cash will not be accepted for the security deposit.",
  2425. "The amount for the refundable security deposit depends upon the car type, rental period, and optional items. The security deposit will be released back onto the card once the vehicle is returned.",
  2426. "Debit cards are not valid forms of payment for pre-paid rates.",
  2427. "Additional charges may apply at the counter if you pick up or drop off the car at a different date, time, or location than stated on your reservation.",
  2428. "Only the driver will be able to pick up this rental car at the counter. An additional driver may be added at the counter for a fee payable directly to the rental car company.",
  2429. "Additional charges may apply for drivers under the age of 25.",
  2430. "Hertz Corporation will charge the driver at the rental counter for optional items added to the reservation, including any child seats or special requests.",
  2431. "This prepaid rate may not be combined with any other offers or promotions. Prepaid reservations may not be eligible for express service, loyalty programs, or frequent flyer miles.",
  2432. "The driver will be required to present a valid driver's license and a valid credit card in his/her name at the counter for the refundable security deposit. Rental car companies may have different requirements for customers who will only have a debit card at the time of pick-up, such as multiple forms of identification, age restrictions, or proof of round-trip airline travel. For more specific information or to determine whether a debit card deposit is allowed, please review acceptable payment options in the partner's policy information. Pre-paid cards or cash will not be accepted for the security deposit.",
  2433. "If you are renting locally, please review the location specific rental policy for potential additional restrictions. Qualifying a local renter varies by rental company, but they will typically use the address on your license, or the issuing state of your license, to determine locality.",
  2434. "Please see location specific rental policy and rules information.",
  2435. "If you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact Hertz Corporation by phone at 7708190050. Please have your Hertz Corporation confirmation number ready when you call, L07401428A9."
  2436. ]
  2437. },
  2438. "cancellationInstructions": [
  2439. "To cancel, please contact Hertz Corporation by phone at 7708190050. Please have your Hertz Corporation confirmation number ready when you call, L07401428A9.",
  2440. " If the reservation is cancelled prior to the pick-up time, a cancellation fee may be applied, not exceeding the amount you pre-pay. If the reservation is not cancelled prior to the pick-up time and the vehicle is not picked up on the rental date, the entire pre-paid amount may be forfeited. There will be no refunds or credits for unused days."
  2441. ],
  2442. "cancellationPenaltyRules": [
  2443. {
  2444. "message": "If a prepaid reservation is cancelled within 24 hours of booking and before scheduled pick-up, a full refund will be provided."
  2445. },
  2446. {
  2447. "message": "If the reservation is cancelled more than 24 hours before the pick-up time, a $100 USD fee applies."
  2448. },
  2449. {
  2450. "message": "If the reservation is cancelled less than 24 hours before the pick-up time, a $200 USD fee applies."
  2451. },
  2452. {
  2453. "message": "The penalty amount will never exceed the total prepaid amount."
  2454. }
  2455. ],
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  2758. "We recommend that you have the reservation information available to present at the rental car counter to simplify the pick-up process.",
  2759. "Payment for this reservation is due when the car is returned and will be charged by Avis Rent a Car.",
  2760. "Additional charges may apply at the counter if you pick up or drop off the car at a different date, time, or location than stated on your reservation.",
  2761. "Only the driver will be able to pick up this rental car at the counter. An additional driver may be added at the counter for a fee payable directly to the rental car company.",
  2762. "Additional charges may apply for drivers under the age of 25.",
  2763. "Avis Rent a Car will charge the driver at the rental counter for optional items added to the reservation, including any child seats or special requests.",
  2764. "The driver will be required to present a valid driver's license and a valid credit card in his/her name at the counter for the refundable security deposit. Rental car companies may have different requirements for customers who will only have a debit card at the time of pick-up, such as multiple forms of identification, age restrictions, or proof of round-trip airline travel. For more specific information or to determine whether a debit card deposit is allowed, please review acceptable payment options in the partner's policy information. Pre-paid cards or cash will not be accepted for the security deposit.",
  2765. "If you are renting locally, please review the location specific rental policy for potential additional restrictions. Qualifying a local renter varies by rental company, but they will typically use the address on your license, or the issuing state of your license, to determine locality.",
  2766. "Your car will be reserved for unlimited mileage, but some car companies have additional restrictions regarding mileage such as boundary and local renter restrictions.",
  2767. "Some locations collect fees, or tolls, for access to certain roadways. Some tolls may be cashless and fees are paid via an electronic toll collection program. Avis Rent a Car may have a specific policy regarding cashless tolls, or offer the option to participate in their electronic toll collection program. We recommend you speak to the counter agent upon arrival about whether this may affect you.",
  2768. "Please see location specific rental policy and rules information."
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  3874. ]
  3875. }
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