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it unlocks many cool features!
- --Designed to control dynamos feeding into an energy cell because they DONT limit themselves.
- --Designed to work with MFR rednet cable
- --Made by civilwargeeky
- local checkRate = 10
- local emptyPercent = 0.01
- local fullPercent = .95
- local favorFastCharge = false
- local enginesFile = "dynamoEngines"
- local peripheralsFile = "dynamoBatteries"
- local function isOn(engine)
- if not engine.isColored then
- return rs.getOutput(engine.side)
- else
- return colors.test(rs.getBundledOutput(side),
- end
- end
- local engines = {} --A table of engines. #1 is top priority and will be used first
- local function addEngine(rf, side, data, isColored) --Data is a number, either the redstone strength or the color.
- isColored = false --Not yet supported
- data = data or 15 --Default strength/color
- local toRet = {rf = rf or 80, side = side, data = data, isColored = isColored}
- toRet.isActive = isOn(toRet, color)
- = #engines + 1
- engines[] = toRet
- end
- local cells = {}
- local function addCell(side)
- local toRet = {side = side, id = #cells+1}
- toRet.handle = peripheral.wrap(side) or error("Peripheral "..side.." failed to wrap")
- cells[] = toRet
- end
- do --This is the file reading portion
- for a, current in pairs({{enginesFile,addEngine},{peripheralsFile,addCell}}) do
- local file =[1],"r") or error("File not found, please use wizard or create "..current[1],0)
- local input = file.readAll()
- if not input or input == "" then error("File empty: "..current[1],0) end
- for line in input:gmatch("[^\n]+") do --Seperates lines
- if not (line:sub(1,2) == "--") then --If not comment
- local toRet = {}
- for entry in line:gmatch("[\"\'_%w]+") do --Matches sets of letters, numbers, quotes, and underscores
- table.insert(toRet,tonumber(entry) or loadstring("return "..entry)()) --This gets numbers as numbers, but still allows non numbers
- end
- current[2](unpack(toRet)) --Makes a new engine/cell from the parameters
- --current[2](line) --Better Idea. This 'should' work
- end
- end
- end
- end
- local function engineAt(index)
- if engines[index] then return engines[index] end
- if index <= 0 then return engines[1]
- elseif index > #engines then return engines[#engines] end
- end
- --Program Part--
- local function getLocalStored(periph) return periph.getEnergyStored("west") end
- local function getLocalMax(periph) return periph.getMaxEnergyStored("west") end
- local function getCellsInfo(fn) --Generic
- local count = 0
- for a, cell in pairs(cells) do
- count = count + fn(cell.handle)
- end
- return count
- end
- local function getStored()
- return getCellsInfo(getLocalStored)
- end
- local function getMax()
- return getCellsInfo(getLocalMax)
- end
- local function getRate(periph, period) --This is the main "waiting" part
- local start = getStored(periph)
- local timer, passed = os.startTimer(checkRate), false
- repeat
- local event, val1, val2 = os.pullEvent()
- if val1 == timer then passed = true
- elseif event == "char" then passed = true
- if val1 == "q" then error("Program ended by user",0) end
- end
- until passed
- local finish = getStored(periph)
- print("Current rate: ",(finish-start)/period/20)
- return (finish-start)/period/20
- end
- local function getPercent(periph) return getStored(periph)/getMax(periph) end
- local function turnOn(engine)
- if engine.isActive then return false end
- if not color then
- rs.setAnalogOutput(engine.side,
- else --I don't care because screw MFR for breaking
- end
- print("Turning on engine ",
- engine.isActive = true
- return engine.rf
- end
- local function turnOff(engine)
- if not engine.isActive then return false end
- if not color then
- local toSet = 0
- for a, b in pairs(engines) do --This is for setting to the next analog engine
- if b.side == engine.side then --If we use the same side for analog
- if >= then
- b.isActive = false --We want to confirm that this one is off too
- elseif > toSet and b.isActive then --We want to turn the power to the next lowest engine
- toSet =
- end
- end
- end
- rs.setAnalogOutput(engine.side, toSet)
- else --I don't care
- end
- print("Turning off engine ",
- engine.isActive = false
- return engine.rf
- end
- local function getOutput()
- local toRet = 0
- for a, b in pairs(engines) do
- if b.isActive then
- toRet = toRet + b.rf
- end
- end
- return toRet
- end
- local function getMaxOutput()
- local toRet = 0
- for a,b in ipairs(engines) do toRet = toRet+b.rf end
- return toRet
- end
- for i=1, #engines do --Maybe make this smarter later. I don't want nonsequential engines on
- turnOff(engineAt(i))
- end
- local index = 0 --The currently selected engine that is on
- local function addIndex() if index == #engines then return false end index = index+1 return true end
- local function subIndex() if index <= 0 then return false end index = index-1 return true end
- while true do --MAIN LOOP
- for i=1, term.getSize() do write("-") end
- print("Starting loop")
- print("Percent Charged: ",getPercent(cell))
- local rate = getRate(cell, checkRate)
- if getPercent(cell) < emptyPercent then rate = -5000 end --Assuming that the battery is empty
- if rate == 0 then
- print("Assuming battery at max, turning off to save power")
- turnOff(engineAt(index))
- subIndex()
- elseif rate > 0 then
- print("Battery charging")
- if favorFastCharge then
- if getPercent(cell) < fullPercent and favorFastCharge then
- print("Less than full and want fast charge, adding engines")
- while not( rate > (getMax(cell)-getStored(cell))*20*checkRate) and index ~= #engines and favorFastCharge do --Keep adding engines until the rate would instantly fill it, or until we are out of engines
- addIndex()
- rate = rate + (turnOn(engineAt(index)) or 0)
- end
- else
- print("More than full, removing unnessesary enginess")
- while rate > engineAt(index).rf do
- rate = rate - (turnOff(engineAt(index)) or 0)
- subIndex()
- end
- end
- end
- else
- if not(getPercent(cell) > fullPercent) then
- print("Battery draining, trying to stablize")
- while rate < 0 and index ~= #engines and not(getPercent(cell) > fullPercent) do
- addIndex()
- rate = rate + (turnOn(engineAt(index)) or 0)
- end
- else
- print("Battery draining, but full. It's fine")
- end
- end
- end
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