
Message to World Gov by Dionysus Morningstar how to fix cv19

Jun 10th, 2020
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  1. Everything you see on television is a scripted drama including the news. Don't play their tool. Don't you think it was weird that the officer that killed Floyd also knew him.
  3. They worked together. Don't you think it was even mor odd that they had no issues with crowds of people filming their obvious bad behavior. when does that ever happen?
  5. Don't you find it odd that the EMTs didn't even attempt to revive him. They just plopped him on the sheet and took him. Don't you think it was odd that a CNN reporter who is black is being shown arrested during a live news report just for being black? Don't you find it strange the police are being told to stand down and allow the rioting. Don't you think it's odd that governments around the world are shutting down or beefing up. By calling martial law using covid as their excuse even though covid statistically is nothing to be this concerned about. Don't you think it's odd that Buckingham palace is abandoned. The royals have all left the guards are gone the bulletproof windows are all boarded up from the inside, the queen's seal has been removed from the gate. But why would all governments be in fight or flight mode? Why would they want to call martial law? What do they know that you do not? Big things are coming.
  8. 1st wave was a hoax/normal flu. They know that a small part of the population will see through it and minimize the pandemic threat vocally. Some people will also loudly protest the lockdown and social distancing.
  10. 2nd wave will be real, with lots of death. Through recently installed 5G which starts "beam-forming on people's heads/chests preventing oxygen uptake (remember, 5G is 60ghz which is the frequency of oxygen hemoglobin uptake), which will produce respiratory distress identified as CV symptoms. People of all ages will be dying, even the young, since 5G has been installed in schools This will 1) totally discredit truthers who questioned the seriousness of the 'pandemic' 2) discredit lockdown protesters as irresponsible, destroying possibility of any future protests 3) destroy the premise that only the old are vulnerable, and 4) cause a massive and harsh lockdown, worse than before, accompanied by Internal border checkpoints. With virtually no resistance
  12. "hmmm just let the sheep be sheep something you can put the info out there but in the end of the day you cant change a sheep, you know how much time or years i try helping sheep people to change and help them see the light but they always kick you since they don't got the mind to think i feel sorry they just need to decal there pineal glands. .."
  15. Google this number : us6506148 b2
  17. It's no longer a conspiracy theory.
  19. Your television is a brainwashing tool, used to manipulate you.
  22. All is connected and interrelated. We'll see...
  24. Sometimes you think you're helping but sometimes you part of the problem no offense just truth hurts hopefully you get to time to read this i mean no hate in any comment i post i just want to show you ways for you and your folks cheers
  26. I basically dedicated my whole life to educate and teach others but you will never hear of me anywhere since thats how the world is i guess but heey most call me a nutjob a weird sync freak ect haha its funny but hey i don't get offended quickly ^^ but yeah
  28. Heeey i also been doing that for the past 7 years 😏 but everyone like silencing me cause i do stuff differently and not the like the normies but you shall see one day all will know my name πŸ‘ and i will change the world for a better and then i want to move to a other planet and teach those folks good values also after πŸ˜šπŸ‘½πŸ¬πŸ³ you wont believe how much way i was silenced for 7 years from people stealing all my info to people hacking my acc to people wiping my sdd and erasing all my saving i converted to btc ect to losing all 20 btc and starting from 0 and rising a new and being unemployed and having no cash ect to living in a mountain to self realization and after a year returning to humanity and then beginning 2017 and starting my sync project ect haha ooh i can write a book of my life its really a trip but i can tell you one thing i will always try educate people no matter how silenced i get haha but these days so many people are jealous and also i been single my whole life
  29. let the sheep be sheep something you can put the info out there but in the end of the day you can change a sheep, you know how much time or years i try helping sheep people to change and help them see the light but they always kick you since they don't got the mind to think i feel sorry they just need to decal there pineal glands
  30. But eeey bro i got no ego tbh im a nobody i just took time of my day to self educate myself and to learn stuff that most people see as weird but hey i don't want to be famous or any i just want to help people upgrade themselves to a more high being in knowledge ram ram i thank Ganesha for the knowledge he is tbe GG or the 77 the great Ganesha ask he take care of Ganesha kids in a daily basis πŸ˜πŸ‘Œ and ganesha is 14 and 14 = 5 and 5 = 23 and 23 is 2 sets of 3 or 33 it depend on how you look at it perception is everything πŸ€”
  32. I basically dedicated my whole life to educate and teach others but you will never hear of me anywhere since thats how the world is i guess but heey most call me a nutjob a weird sync freak ect haha its funny but hey i don't get offended quickly ^^ but yeah
  34. did you even take the time to read or you just part of the system try unplug your self you will see the world differently dont be a number be somebody
  36. i guess you just one of those the universe gives you a 2020 vision to see the real facts but i guess you still stuck in 2019 try update to 2020 vision so you can see whats out there friend much love ram ram the only drugs i get high on is knowledge you should try it sometimes instead of being in the dark
  38. do you know anything about what is Etymology Dictionary ?
  41. ubliminal message for his brothers hmm who knows btw 5G also is bad we should upgrade to Li-Fi and put 5g ect offline = safe world but no it cause they one there one world currency haha oh well
  43. And also regarding the V (C)ertificate (o)f (V)acination I.D = c0v and 19 =7 and CO is sucked of your body Just my pov the elite knew about this long time before it came out there was a out break 1820 1920 and now 2020 they plan is to decrease the populations abit since it alot of people on earth and they do it silently thru 5g freq most people think its a virus but actually it's a flu that got modified to attack people using freq cause our body are made of vibrations , freq and energy but yeah to be safe from it you should only get a emf protector , some orgonite and tourmaline to block it
  45. i can explain why , the virus is just a common cold the thing that trigger it is the 5G tower that freq is bad for the human body and kills the organ inside slowly and decrease the C02 level in your body so you suffocate from the inside , all the country that allowed the network got it since that virus was altered by the Chinese in wuhan to only attack people that live near a tower that has 5G since our body works with energy, freq and vibration like nikola tesla said they have used it against us to decrease the population they using the silent killer called 5G its true hey
  47. No wonder its called cov 19 cause it takes your Co2 it effects it with the 5g freq co = co2 = V vibration = 19 = 7 or 10 or 22
  49. i study esoteric works and Gnostic teaching also some of the book of enoch and thomas , but this cov19 is from 5g freq corona = crown and crown is the 7th chakara and 19 = 19h is 7 so the enemy is called 77 or 14 or GG also G5 = 21 cause = 5 = 14 and G is the 7th letter of the alphabet so 14+7 =21 aka agenda 21 or corona 201 exercise just saying it there looking at you dead in the eye but you just ignore it
  51. Don't be a sheep learn you are just like the tv station , man i though you knew better , do they pay you to put that out ?
  53. And there is only 10 month's in the year since Octa = 8 and Deca 10 and septa = 7 , The earliest known Roman calendar consisted of 10 months and a year of 304 days like you know... Martius, Aprilis, Maius, Junius, Quintilis, Sextilis ? then the 4 other month's
  55. And then the roman blokes renamed Quintilis to honour Julz Caesar by giving you all July. The next month, Sextilis, was also renamed if i'm correct to August by the Senate to honor Augustus. and so forth so 304 day's = 7 and 7 = G ;)
  57. And just saying the hour's of the day is 23 hour's cause 00:00 does not count as any number but they changed it to 24:00 to get a 6 and 6 = 33 and 33 = 8 = B = 13 = 22 = 11:11 = 4 and 4/4 = 8 and 13/13 = 26 = 8
  59. And 23 = 5 = 14 = 7/7 = G G so yeah and also 7 day's a week = Other G
  61. I made a playlist to teach certain stuff like history/philosophy and a few Gnostic teachings haha and also certain languages
  63. There's are tons of amazing videos πŸ‘Œ
  65. And i named it "fire of Prometheus for mankind"
  67. Since you know Prometheus gave fire to humans xD so i named it that haha
  69. The playlist link is and this video can show you how to acquire a language in matter of a year or 6 month πŸ™πŸ™Œ
  71. So you can learn loads of new things from the playlist haha hope it helps πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ”₯🐘
  73. Take care
  75. Oh yeah Only the tip of the iceberg.
  77. Did u know
  78. 13 = 1 13 = 4 = 4 = 22 = 10 = 10 = 9 = 21 = 21 = 3 = 15 = 6 = 33 = 8 = 20 = 11 = 23 = 5 = 14 or 10 = 7 cause 10 = 22 or 11:11 and 11; 11 = 23 : 11 = 5+2 = 7 or 4 = 16hs = 7
  80. #369 is the key an 7 is "G" and is for #shiva #23 is evrywr 5 =#14 is for GG = Great Ganesh I'm #rhnegativeblood Also i'm a #basque/#INFJ
  82. So 7 = G and then 14 = 5 so 5 = 23 correct πŸ˜ŽπŸ‘Œ now 23 = 2 3's so 2 three's = 33 and also 14 = G G and GG = great genes or great ganesha and ganesh = intelligence and also intellgence = 33 since 33 is the higest level those peep believe in πŸ˜„ so 14 = 33 also 33 = 6 and also 15:00 = 6 so if 15 = 6 then 15:30 = 9 cause 15 = 6 + 3 and also 15:30 = 33 ;) so you can make 33 out of 9 or 14 and 9 + 14 = 23 😎 and 23 is everywhere those 2 number = a constant ying yang of order out of choas 😝 and 23 = 5
  84. Did you know 13 is a great number 😏 they just don't want you for know it ^^ it is a 4 = 13 or 4 = 22 or 11:11 and is a infinite loop 22. the Infinite
  86. And to a infinite you need one 8 and one 8 = two 3s and two 3s is a 6 Also you can have double 8 = 16. Or you can say 7 = 3301 = 33 = 1 = 7 😏 and 33 = 9 cause if 15:30 is 6 and 3 then 3:30 = 33 and 1 is the next so one 3 dies to birth a 4th that make it a balance of order out of chaos to make it a 7. 😏 Cause 4 means death in Mandarin but 5 is the next one and 5 = 14 that also = 23 and 14 = GG cause G in the alphabet is 7th.
  88. And GG = intelligent cause in the "Hindu" religion/mythology ect.
  90. Shiva = 7 and Shiva son is Ganesha so Ganesha is 14th so Ganesh = intelligent and also they chose a elephant for Ganesha it got the biggest
  92. Heads/Brain "E' and E = 5 and 5 =,23 as well and 23 is everywhere, like every movie/ shows talks about it check it out and 14 = 5 also so GG Great genes γ€€ .
  94. So the Elephant is the biggest in the Midgard kindgom , like you know the Chant Aum or OM ?
  96. A = asgard = Heaven
  97. U = you or innergod self
  98. M = Midgard = Earth
  100. So if 8 = 2 3's and that is 6 or 16 = 7 cause 8+8 = 16 so = 11:11 cause 22 also add up to 4 or 13 cause 1+3= 4 πŸ‘Œ
  102. 432 = 9 16:32 = 12 / 9+12= 21 / 7x3=21 / 5+7=12 = 3
  104. And as Tesla said the key to the universe lays in the numbers 369 , 108 and 432 .
  106. The if he knew that the number 3,6,9 could change the world also 7, 432 ?
  108. 666 =
  110. 666 = 18 = 9 432hz = 9 420 = 6 16:20 = 7 + 2 = 9
  112. Well tbh music was not meant for entertainment but to heal and repair people/ DNA thru certain freq/Hz like 432,528,963 hz ect
  114. And some know about it today from manipulating the freq to make kids dumb down since sheep's are easy to manage like for example 😜
  116. That laurel, Yanny think. certain age group hear certain freq so it's a
  118. Battle of the mind with out knowing, anyways stay educated
  120. Since you get the 180 degree, 360 degree and the 540 degree haha also if you have some 144,000/432=333. 333333
  122. The key to solving all lays in the number 432 ^^ also the pyramids in the dollar bill is 13steps so 13x33. 3 = 432. 9 as Tesla said once
  124. If you wish to understand the universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration πŸ˜ŒπŸ‘Œ
  125. 3,6,9 because of nikola Tesla and Vortex math πŸŽ“πŸ€” and 432 because of 432hz and that sound is the sound of the universe not 440hz that is some MK ultra stuff , and the pyramid 482.7575ft x 43,200 = 20,855,124 ft or 3,949834 miles and world grid survey 72 earth polar radius = 3,9498934 miles also πŸ€” like the Kali yuga
  127. And the sun also and 720 mins x 60 sec = 43,200 and 108 since that is what the the solar distant 93,312,000 and 864,000 solar diameter = lunar distant 233,280 And 2,160 lunar diameter to 108 and radius of the moon is 1,080 miles , on earth bekheng, Cambodia, 108 towers , homer used 108 in Odysseus with the suitors and China 108 stars of destiny, it's the ratio of the earth, moon and the sun to trive in earth πŸŽ“βœŠ
  129. It was know from the ancients til today and bow you know and side note the Pentagon also got 108 degrees πŸ•‰πŸ€” I don't think it's to fit the roads around it but ✌😌 the more you know
  131. sacred geometry πŸ™‡βœŒ ^^ India was the birth place of alot of stuff,
  133. And also most religion it's all buried is some good esoteric teaching if you time to dig in ^^
  135. And also we in the 6th root race atm or getting to it ^^ so it's good know about certain occult = hidden knowledge 😜 also.
  138. I'm also a R-h negative with Basque decent so it all comes to me naturally a god giving gift and i mean by god my inner self . as well I'm a infj you/ Virgo of 22nd August so that's a 4 and 4 =13 = 11:11 πŸ˜πŸ€” βœŠβœŒπŸ‘Œanyways stay great neti neti
  141. Nice time and view βœŒπŸ‘Œ i also love time and numbers for the past year and a half i been working on some project called 10000 hours of sync , were for 10k hours or a year and a half +- i would post every day in iG called in certain sync moment's like for example , 11:11 22:22 ect haha so i been going on now for the past year and 8 month now ^^ and i share them in my story since in dec i shall do a video with all those snaps and it will be next level ^^ i believe people can get align with numbers haha well thanks for viewing my story πŸ‘ŒπŸ™Œ
  145. I made a other unlisted playlist to teach certain stuff like history/philosophy and a few Gnostic teachings haha and also certain languages
  147. There's are tons of amazing videos πŸ‘Œ
  149. And i named it "fire of Prometheus for mankind"
  151. Since you know Prometheus gave fire to humans xD so i named it that haha
  153. The playlist link is and this video can show you how to acquire a language in matter of a year or 6 month πŸ™πŸ™Œ
  155. So you can learn loads of new things from the playlist haha hope it helps πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜πŸ˜ŽπŸ”₯🐘
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