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- import chess
- import time
- from functools import lru_cache
- import traceback
- from typing import Iterator
- from chess import Move, BB_ALL, Bitboard, scan_reversed
- # Definice nových figur
- AMAZON = 7
- class CustomBoard(chess.Board):
- def __init__(self, fen=None):
- self.amazons = chess.BB_EMPTY
- self.custom_bishops_white = chess.BB_EMPTY
- self.custom_bishops_black = chess.BB_EMPTY
- super().__init__(fen)
- print("Šachovnice inicializována")
- self.debug_amazons()
- self.debug_custom_bishops()
- def set_chess_fen(self, fen):
- super().set_chess_fen(fen)
- self.custom_bishops_white = self.bishops & self.occupied_co[chess.WHITE]
- self.custom_bishops_black = self.bishops & self.occupied_co[chess.BLACK]
- print(f"Po nastavení FEN, bitboard amazonek: {self.amazons:064b}")
- print(f"Po nastavení FEN, bitboard bílých vlastních střelců: {self.custom_bishops_white:064b}")
- print(f"Po nastavení FEN, bitboard černých vlastních střelců: {self.custom_bishops_black:064b}")
- def _set_piece_at(self, square, piece, promoted=False):
- super()._set_piece_at(square, piece, promoted)
- if piece is not None:
- piece_type = piece if isinstance(piece, int) else piece.piece_type
- if piece_type == chess.BISHOP:
- color = self.color_at(square)
- if color == chess.WHITE:
- self.custom_bishops_white |= chess.BB_SQUARES[square]
- else:
- self.custom_bishops_black |= chess.BB_SQUARES[square]
- else:
- self.custom_bishops_white &= ~chess.BB_SQUARES[square]
- self.custom_bishops_black &= ~chess.BB_SQUARES[square]
- def set_piece_at(self, square, piece, promoted=False):
- self._set_piece_at(square, piece, promoted)
- def piece_type_at(self, square):
- if self.amazons & chess.BB_SQUARES[square]:
- return AMAZON
- return super().piece_type_at(square)
- def generate_pseudo_legal_moves(self, from_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL, to_mask: Bitboard = BB_ALL) -> Iterator[Move]:
- print("Generování pseudo-legálních tahů...")
- # Generování standardních tahů
- print("Generování standardních tahů...")
- for move in super().generate_pseudo_legal_moves(from_mask, to_mask):
- if self.piece_type_at(move.from_square) != AMAZON:
- print(f"Standardní pseudo-legální tah: {move}")
- yield move
- # Generování tahů vlastních střelců
- print("Generování tahů vlastních střelců...")
- our_bishops = self.custom_bishops_white if self.turn == chess.WHITE else self.custom_bishops_black
- our_bishops &= from_mask
- print(f"Naši střelci: {our_bishops:064b}")
- for from_square in chess.scan_forward(our_bishops):
- print(f"Generování tahů pro střelce na {chess.SQUARE_NAMES[from_square]}")
- attacks = self.bishop_attacks(from_square)
- print(f"Útoky střelce: {attacks:064b}")
- valid_moves = attacks & ~self.occupied & to_mask
- print(f"Platné cílové pole: {valid_moves:064b}")
- for to_square in chess.scan_forward(valid_moves):
- move = Move(from_square, to_square)
- print(f"Pseudo-legální tah vlastního střelce: {move}")
- yield move
- # Generování tahů amazonek
- print("Generování tahů amazonek...")
- our_amazons = self.amazons & self.occupied_co[self.turn] & from_mask
- print(f"Naše amazonky: {our_amazons:064b}")
- for from_square in chess.scan_forward(our_amazons):
- print(f"Generování tahů pro amazonku na {chess.SQUARE_NAMES[from_square]}")
- attacks = self.amazon_attacks(from_square)
- print(f"Útoky amazonky: {attacks:064b}")
- valid_moves = attacks & ~self.occupied & to_mask
- print(f"Platné cílové pole: {valid_moves:064b}")
- for to_square in chess.scan_forward(valid_moves):
- move = Move(from_square, to_square)
- print(f"Pseudo-legální tah amazonky: {move}")
- yield move
- print("Dokončeno generování pseudo-legálních tahů")
- def amazon_attacks(self, square):
- return (self.attacks_mask(chess.QUEEN, square, self.occupied) |
- self.attacks_mask(chess.KNIGHT, square, self.occupied))
- def attacks_mask(self, piece_type, square=None, occupied=None, mask=BB_ALL):
- if square is None or occupied is None:
- return 0
- if piece_type == chess.QUEEN:
- return (chess.BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[square][occupied & chess.BB_DIAG_MASKS[square]] |
- chess.BB_RANK_ATTACKS[square][occupied] |
- chess.BB_FILE_ATTACKS[square][occupied]) & mask
- elif piece_type == chess.KNIGHT:
- return chess.BB_KNIGHT_ATTACKS[square] & mask
- elif piece_type == chess.BISHOP:
- return chess.BB_DIAG_ATTACKS[square][occupied & chess.BB_DIAG_MASKS[square]] & mask
- return 0
- def bishop_attacks(self, square):
- attacks = self.attacks_mask(chess.BISHOP, square, self.occupied)
- print(f"Bishop attacks from {chess.SQUARE_NAMES[square]}: {attacks:064b}")
- return attacks
- def is_pseudo_legal(self, move):
- # Kontrola, zda je tah v rámci šachovnice
- if not (chess.A1 <= move.from_square < chess.H8 and chess.A1 <= move.to_square < chess.H8):
- return False
- # Kontrola, zda je na výchozím poli figura
- piece = self.piece_at(move.from_square)
- if not piece:
- return False
- # Kontrola, zda figura patří hráči na tahu
- if piece.color != self.turn:
- return False
- # Kontrola, zda cílové pole není obsazeno vlastní figurou
- if self.color_at(move.to_square) == self.turn:
- return False
- # Speciální kontrola pro vlastní střelce
- if piece.piece_type == chess.BISHOP and (self.custom_bishops_white & chess.BB_SQUARES[move.from_square] or self.custom_bishops_black & chess.BB_SQUARES[move.from_square]):
- return bool(self.bishop_attacks(move.from_square) & chess.BB_SQUARES[move.to_square])
- # Kontrola pro ostatní figury
- return move in super().generate_pseudo_legal_moves()
- def is_legal(self, move):
- print(f"Kontrola legality tahu: {move}")
- if not self.is_pseudo_legal(move):
- print(f"Tah {move} není pseudo-legální")
- return False
- if self.is_into_check(move):
- print(f"Tah {move} staví vlastního krále do šachu")
- return False
- print(f"Tah {move} je legální")
- return True
- def piece_symbol(self, piece):
- if piece is None:
- return '.'
- if piece.piece_type == AMAZON:
- return 'A' if piece.color == chess.WHITE else 'a'
- return piece.symbol()
- def debug_amazons(self):
- print(f"Bitboard amazonek: {format(self.amazons, '064b')}")
- for square in chess.SQUARES:
- if self.amazons & chess.BB_SQUARES[square]:
- print(f"Amazonka na {chess.SQUARE_NAMES[square]}")
- def debug_custom_bishops(self):
- print(f"Bitboard bílých vlastních střelců: {format(self.custom_bishops_white, '064b')}")
- print(f"Bitboard černých vlastních střelců: {format(self.custom_bishops_black, '064b')}")
- for square in chess.SQUARES:
- if self.custom_bishops_white & chess.BB_SQUARES[square]:
- print(f"Bílý vlastní střelec na {chess.SQUARE_NAMES[square]}")
- if self.custom_bishops_black & chess.BB_SQUARES[square]:
- print(f"Černý vlastní střelec na {chess.SQUARE_NAMES[square]}")
- @property
- def legal_moves(self):
- legal_moves = [move for move in self.generate_pseudo_legal_moves() if self.is_legal(move)]
- for move in legal_moves:
- print(f"Legální tah: {move}")
- return legal_moves
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- start_fen = "1b6/3k4/8/8/1B6/8/8/6K1 w - - 0 1"
- try:
- print(f"Vytváření šachovnice s FEN: {start_fen}")
- initial_board = CustomBoard(start_fen)
- print("Ladění amazonek...")
- print(f"Bitboard amazonek: {initial_board.amazons:064b}")
- print(f"Bitboard bílých vlastních střelců: {initial_board.custom_bishops_white:064b}")
- print(f"Bitboard černých vlastních střelců: {initial_board.custom_bishops_black:064b}")
- initial_board.debug_amazons()
- initial_board.debug_custom_bishops()
- print("Současná pozice:")
- print(initial_board)
- print("Generování legálních tahů pro počáteční pozici...")
- legal_moves = list(initial_board.legal_moves)
- print(f"Počet legálních tahů: {len(legal_moves)}")
- print("Legální tahy:")
- for move in legal_moves:
- from_square = chess.SQUARE_NAMES[move.from_square]
- to_square = chess.SQUARE_NAMES[move.to_square]
- piece = initial_board.piece_at(move.from_square)
- print(f"{initial_board.piece_symbol(piece)}: {from_square}-{to_square}")
- except Exception as e:
- print(f"Došlo k chybě: {str(e)}")
- traceback.print_exc()
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