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- ringkasan ada di link ini
- ==========
- otomatis update ubuntu
- Update the system
- On Ubuntu Linux you can run:
- sudo apt update
- sudo apt upgrade
- Automatic Updates
- Ubuntu Linux and Debian Linux support automatic updates.
- To enable automatic updates, install the package unattended-upgrades.
- sudo apt-get install unattended-upgrades
- To configure
- sudo dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades
- Then you get a menu where you can configure
- Its still required to reboot manually. The status is stored in the file /var/run/reboot-required
- If you want automatic rebooting, change the value in the file
- sudo nano /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades
- =======================
- ================
- link alamat tor browser
- Deep/Dark Links
- DuckduckGO onion Link: 3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion
- The hidden Wiki(1) Onion Link: http://zqktlwi4fecvo6ri.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
- The hidden Wiki(2) Onion Link: http://jh32yv5zgayyyts3.onion/
- Excavator: http://2fd6cemt4gmccflhm6imvdfvli3nf7zn6rfrwpsy7uhxrgbypvwf5fad.onion/
- =======================
- ===========
- link kursus udemy
- dibawah ini adalah list atau clue dari hasilnya
- untk cek bitrates websites
- web archive
- pingdomtools untuk cek kecepatan websites
- ketik di google pagespppedinsigh
- ketik di google mobile friendly tool
- google search console
- ===============
- dipembelajaran udemy ini ada cara instalasi php mysql phpmuadmin komplit di ubuntu server cocok untkdijadikan bahan
- ==================
- All commands
- iSCSI Server
- ----------------------
- yum install targetcli -y #install packages
- Setup Disk:
- lsblk #check list of blocks
- pvcreate /dev/sdb #sbd should be replaced by your block disk.
- vgcreate vg_iscsi /dev/sdb #vg_iscsi=you can set any name without space, and sbd should be replaced by your block disk.
- lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n lv_iscsi vg_iscsi #lv_iscsi=you can set any name without space, and sbd should be replaced by your block disk.
- targetcli
- >> cd /backstores
- >> cd block
- >> create iscsi_storage /dev/vg_iscsi/lv_iscsi
- >> cd /iscsi
- >> create
- >> cd iqn.<<TAB>>
- >> cd tpg1/acls
- >> create
- >> create
- >> cd /iscsi/iqn.<<TAB>>/tpg1/luns
- >> create /backstores/block/iscsi_storage
- >> cd /iscsi/iqn.<<TAB>>/tpg1/portals
- >> create
- >>cd /
- >> ls
- >> saveconfig
- >> exit
- systemctl enable target
- systemctl restart target
- firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=3260/tcp
- firewall-cmd --reload
- server1 & server2
- ---------------------
- yum install iscsi-initiator-utils -y
- server1:
- ---------
- echo '' >> /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
- server2:
- ---------
- echo '' >> /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
- server1 & server2
- ---------------------
- iscsiadm -m discovery -t st -p
- systemctl restart iscsid iscsi
- systemctl enable iscsid iscsi
- Configure Shared Storage :
- -------------------------------
- [server1]
- ----------
- lsblk
- pvcreate /dev/sdb
- vgcreate vg_apache /dev/sdb
- lvcreate -n lv_apache -l 100%FREE vg_apache
- mkfs.ext4 /dev/vg_apache/lv_apache
- [server2]
- ----------
- pvscan
- vgscan
- lvscan
- lvdisplay /dev/vg_apache/lv_apache
- # If still not appear, please do restart the server.
- Install cluster packages:
- ----------------------------
- [server1 & server2]
- ----------------------
- yum install pcs fence-agents-all -y
- firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=high-availability
- firewall-cmd --reload
- passwd hacluster
- systemctl start pcsd
- systemctl enable pcsd
- [Create a HA Cluster]:
- -------------------------
- pcs cluster auth
- Username: hacluster
- Password:
- pcs cluster setup --start --name techfrost_cluster
- pcs cluster enable --all
- pcs cluster status
- pcs status
- [Creating Cluster Resource]:
- --------------------------------
- [server1 & Server2]
- ----------------------
- yum install -y httpd wget
- vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
- <Location /ha-status>
- SetHandler server-status
- Order deny,allow
- Deny from all
- Allow from
- </Location>
- [server1]
- ----------
- mount /dev/vg_apache/lv_apache /var/www/
- mkdir /var/www/{html,cgi-bin,error}
- restorecon -RvF /var/www
- vim /var/www/html/index.html
- <html>
- <body>
- Hello.
- <br>Welcome to Tech Frost: Linux Web Server High Avaibalibility Cluster tutorial.
- <br>This content is served from Central stgorage.
- </body>
- </html>
- umount /var/www
- [server1 & Server2]
- ----------------------
- firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=http
- firewall-cmd --reload
- [server1]
- ----------
- pcs resource create <Name> Filesystem device="/dev/mapper/vg_apache-lv_apache" directory="/var/www" fstype="ext4" --group apache
- pcs resource create <Virtual_IP_Name> ocf:heartbeat:IPaddr2 ip= cidr_netmask=24 --group apache
- pcs resource create chk_http_service apache configfile="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf" statusurl="" --group apache
- pcs property set stonith-enabled=false
- pcs status
- Browser:
- pcs cluster stop
- pcs status
- Browser:
- pcs cluster start
- pcs status
- Browser:
- pcs cluster stop
- pcs status
- Browser:
- pcs cluster start
- pcs status
- ===============================
- sebuah situs yang bersisi tentang perintah2 dilinux
- ==================
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ beirkut ini adalah list dari exam UDEMY untuk REDHAT+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- RHCSA Practice Exam
- Virtual Machine
- Additional Information:
- IP ADDR - 172.25.X.11
- GATEWAY- 172.25.X.254
- new root psswd - postroll
- YUM Server:-
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- *****u have to reset your root passwd*****
- 1:-jst restart your system
- 2:-press up down arrow
- 3:-press e
- 4:-go to end of linux16 line
- 5:-jst give space and type rd.break
- and remove that both words ( console=tty console=ttys0)
- 6:-ctrl+x
- # mount -oremount,rw /sysroot
- #chroot /sysroot
- #passwd root
- type new passwd:-redhat
- retype same passwd:-redhat
- #touch /.autorelabel
- #exit
- #exit
- #########################################################################################################################
- #login name:root
- #Password:
- #systemctl isolate
- ##########################################################################################################################
- ##############Set proper network #####################
- #nmcli con show
- # nmcli con mod eth0 ipv4.addresses '172.25.X 11/24 172.25.X.254' ipv4.dns '' connection.autoconnect yes ipv4.method manual
- #nmcli con up eth0
- #hostnamectl set-hostname
- #ping
- #ping 172.25.X.254
- ##########################################################################################################################
- -set selinux to enforcing mode
- #sestatus
- #setenforce 1
- #vim /etc/selinux/config
- insert
- SELINUX=enforcing
- :wq
- #sestatus
- #############################################################################################################################
- 2)Create a repo by using url
- #cd /etc/yum.repos.d
- #vim base.repo
- (insert)
- [1]
- name=redhat
- baseurl=
- enabled=1
- gpgcheck=0
- :wq
- #yum clean all
- #yum repolist (it should be hving almost 4305 rpm packages)
- ###########################################################################################################################
- 2.LVM
- -extend your /mnt/lvm to 950M {ans should between 850M-960M}
- #df -hT /mnt/lvm
- #lvextend -r -L 950M /dev/mapper/vggroup/wshare
- #df -h /mnt/lvm
- ###############################################################################################################################
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 3.Usermgmt
- -Create a group sysadmin .Create users tom , jerry & harry .
- -Users tom & jerry should be a part of the sysadmin group.
- -harry should not be a part of that group.
- -he is given an non interactive shell.password of all users are "password"
- #groupadd sysadmin
- #useradd -G sysadmin tom
- #useradd -G sysadmin jerry
- #useradd -s /sbin/nologin harry
- #su - harry
- #echo "password" |passwd --stdin tom #passwd tom
- #echo "password" |passwd --stdin harry OR #passwd harry
- #echo "password" |passwd --stdin jerry #passwd jerry
- ##############################################################################################################################
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 4.ACL
- -Copy /etc/fstab to /var/tmp/fstab.
- -The user & group owner of that file should be root .
- -All users should be able to read the file,No one should be able to execute.
- -tom should not be able to read nor write . jerry should be able to read & write.
- #cp /etc/fstab /var/tmp/fstab
- #getfacl /var/tmp/fstab
- #setfacl -m u:tom:- /var/tmp/fstab
- #setfacl -m u:jerry:rw /var/tmp/fstab
- #getfacl /var/tmp/fstab
- ###############################################################################################################################
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- collaboration special permission
- -create directory /data such that only group sysadmin have all access on it .
- - Group owner should be sysadmin,all child directories files by default should have group sysadmin.
- #mkdir /data
- #ls -ld /data
- #chgrp sysadmin /data
- #chmod 2070 /data
- #cd /data
- #touch p1 p2 p3
- #ll
- ###########################################################################################################################
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 6.LDAP
- -Configure an ldap client,
- -Authenticate your ldap server using the certificate
- # yum install authconfig-gtk sssd
- # authconfig-gtk
- User Acc
- user acc database:- LDAP
- LDAP search base DN:-dc=example,dc=com
- LDAP Server:-
- *use TLS to encrypt connection
- download CA certificate
- password:LDAP password
- apply
- #ssh ldapuserX@localhost
- #password:password
- #pwd
- # exit
- #####################################################################################################################################################
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 7.NTP
- -Configure Your NTP server should be synchronize with
- #timedatectl
- #vim /etc/chrony.conf
- remove 4 line of iburst
- then enter server name
- (insert)
- server iburst
- :wq
- #systemctl restart chronyd
- #chronyc sources -v
- #timedatectl
- ####################################################################################################################################################
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 8.Autofs
- -you can use the user ldapuserX,with the passwd password.
- -home directories for your LDAP users should be automatically mounted on access.
- -these home directories are served from the NFS share
- #yum -y install autofs
- #systemctl enable autofs
- #systemctl start autofs
- #vim /etc/auto.master
- insert
- /home/guests /etc/auto.misc
- :wq
- #vim /etc/auto.misc
- insert
- ldapuserX -rw,sync
- :wq
- #systemctl restart autofs
- #ssh ldapuserX@localhost
- password:-password
- #pwd
- check home dir:- /home/guests/ldapuserX
- ################################################################################################################################################
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 9.Kernel
- -Install the kernel from the site
- -The newly installed kernel should be default kernel .
- -The previous kernel should be available & bootable at grub .
- #cd /etc/yum.repos.d
- #vim kernel.repo
- insert
- [update]
- name=update
- baseurl=
- enabled=1
- gpgcheck=0
- :wq
- #yum clean all
- #yum repolist (it should be hving almost 3 rpm packages
- #yum -y update
- #reboot
- ###########################################################################################################################################
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 10.cron
- -Add a cron job for the user jane /bin/echo hiya .
- -This job should run every day at 1:30pm .
- # useradd jane
- #crontab -e -u jane
- insert
- 30 13 * * * /bin/echo hiya
- :wq
- #crontab -l -u jane
- ############################################################################################################################################
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 11.swap
- Create a Swap partition of 100MB mount it persistantly
- #fdisk -l
- #fdisk /dev/vda
- n
- e
- 1st sector :-
- last sector:-
- n
- 1st sector :-
- last sector:-+100M
- t
- 82
- w
- #partprobe
- #mkswap /dev/vda5
- #swapon /dev/vda5
- #blkid
- #vim /etc/fsatb
- insert
- UUID="XXXXXXXXXXXXX" swap swap defaults 0 0
- :wq
- #mount -a
- #swapon -s
- #free -h
- #######################################################################################################################
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 12.
- -synchronize the /etc directory to the /configbackup directory
- -Create an archive named /root/configuration-backup-server.tar.gz with the /configbackup directory as content.
- # rsync -av /etc /configbackup
- #tar czf /root/configuration-backup-sever.tar.gz /configbackup
- ############################################################################################################################################################################
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 13.UID
- -user of Specific UID
- -Create a user jean .User id of this user should be 3564 .
- # useradd -u 3564 jean
- # id jean
- ################################# #############################################################################################################################################
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 14.find
- -locate all files owned by user sasha & copy them to /home/lost+found/
- #id sasha
- #mkdir /home/lost+found
- # find / -user sasha -exec cp -vp {} /home/lost+found/ \;
- ########################################################################################################################################################################
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ###################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################
- 15.lvm
- -Create a logical volume lvmgroup from the volume group v2group .
- -The volume group should have extents of size 16 . The logical volume
- -should have 100 extents . Mount this lvm as /mnt/lvm2 .
- #fdisk /dev/vda
- n
- 1st sector:-
- last sector:-+2G
- t
- 8e
- p
- w
- #partprobe
- #pvcreate /dev/vda5
- #vgreate -s 16M v2group /dev/vda5
- #lvcreate -l 100 -n lvmgroup v2group
- #mkfs -t xfs /dev/mapper/v2group/lvmgroup
- #mkdir /mnt/lvm
- #blkid
- #vim /etc/fstab
- insert
- UUID.... /mnt/lvm xfs defaults 0 0
- :wq
- #mount -a
- #df -h
- #####################################################################################################################################
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 16.
- -Diplay the first 12 lines of the /usr/bin/clean-binary-file and send the output to the /home/student/headtail.txt file.
- #head -n 12 /usr/bin/bin/clean-binary-files > /home/student/headtail.txt
- ##########################################################################################################################################
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 17
- .Record the command to display all systemd journal entries recorded between 9:05:00 and 9:15:00 in the /home/student/systemdreview.txt
- ans:-
- #echo "journalctl --since 9:05:00 --until 9:15:00" > /home/student/systemdreview.txt
- #cat /home/student/systemdreview.txt
- ##################################################################################################################################################################
- 18
- Deny user sasha to create cron job for herself.
- #vim /etc/cron.deny
- insert
- sasha
- :wq
- #su - sasha
- $crontab -e
- ERROrrrrrr
- ###################################################################################################################################################
- 19.grep
- -Search for the text 'strato' in the file /usr/share/dict/words & copy this to a file
- -/root/lines.txt .The new file should not have any blank spaces or lines .
- -The order of the names in the new file should be same as the order in which it appears
- in the original file
- # grep strato /usr/share/dict/words > /root/lines.txt
- ################################################################################################################################################
- ada sesi di section7 yang menerangkan cara latian semuanya dengan menggunakan Redhat
- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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