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- - Project: **Emotional Intensity**
- - Source Code NOT compiled for: Arduino Uno
- - Source Code created on: 2024-12-01 23:54:03
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- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS *****/
- /****** SYSTEM REQUIREMENT 1 *****/
- /* generate code for expand more on Emotional */
- /* Intensity (σ_e) Mathematical Representation σ_e */
- /* = f(ε, λ, δ) * ε: Emotional Volatility */
- /* Coefficient * λ: Affective Response Amplitude * */
- /* δ: Emotional Regulation Capacity with explanation */
- /* of each */
- /* START CODE */
- #include <Wire.h> // Include Wire library for I2C communication
- #include <Math.h> // Include Math library for mathematical functions
- #include "Emotional.h" // Include custom Emotional library
- /****** FUNCTION PROTOTYPES *****/
- void setup(void);
- void loop(void);
- // Function to calculate Emotional Intensity (σ_e)
- float calculateEmotionalIntensity(float emotionalVolatility, float affectiveResponseAmplitude, float emotionalRegulationCapacity) {
- // σ_e = f(ε, λ, δ)
- // where:
- // ε: Emotional Volatility
- // λ: Affective Response Amplitude
- // δ: Emotional Regulation Capacity
- // Example calculation (this can be modified as needed)
- float intensity = emotionalVolatility * affectiveResponseAmplitude / emotionalRegulationCapacity;
- return intensity; // Return the calculated emotional intensity
- }
- void setup(void)
- {
- // Initialize serial communication for debugging
- Serial.begin(9600);
- // Additional setup code can be added here
- }
- void loop(void)
- {
- // Example values for the parameters
- float emotionalVolatility = 1.5; // Example value for ε
- float affectiveResponseAmplitude = 2.0; // Example value for λ
- float emotionalRegulationCapacity = 0.5; // Example value for δ
- // Calculate Emotional Intensity
- float emotionalIntensity = calculateEmotionalIntensity(emotionalVolatility, affectiveResponseAmplitude, emotionalRegulationCapacity);
- // Print the result to the Serial Monitor
- Serial.print("Emotional Intensity (σ_e): ");
- Serial.println(emotionalIntensity);
- // Delay for a while before the next loop iteration
- delay(1000); // Delay for 1 second
- }
- /* END CODE */
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