
Quick glance on botting

Jul 16th, 2012
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  2. Channel Sarquas saved at Thu Jun 14 17:36:27 2012
  3. 16:41 Escalatorxck [32]: nope
  4. 16:41 Sarquas [11]: ah
  5. 16:41 Sarquas [11]: i think u can void  ur order
  6. 16:41 Escalatorxck [32]: I know matadore, gracias and bueno though
  7. 16:41 Sarquas [11]: xD
  8. 16:41 Escalatorxck [32]: i didnt order yet
  9. 16:42 Escalatorxck [32]: i want to order but amount:6 for example
  10. 16:42 Escalatorxck [32]: dont know how
  11. 16:42 Sarquas [11]: ummm
  12. 16:42 Escalatorxck [32]: w/e i just order it 6x times
  13. 16:42 Escalatorxck [32]: ;d
  14. 16:42 Escalatorxck [32]: nvm
  15. 16:42 Sarquas [11]: i think u must do it
  16. 16:43 Sarquas [11]: in the "first web"
  17. 16:43 Sarquas [11]: before paypal
  18. 16:43 Sarquas [11]: at where u are buying
  19. 16:43 Escalatorxck [32]: u cant
  20. 16:43 Escalatorxck [32]: they only have one option
  21. 16:43 Sarquas [11]: puaj
  22. 16:43 Sarquas [11]: maybe in paypal
  23. 16:44 Escalatorxck [32]: w/e, i order one and see
  24. 16:44 Escalatorxck [32]: ;d
  25. 16:44 Sarquas [11]: jejej
  26. 16:44 Escalatorxck [32]: btw u need any eq?
  27. 16:44 Sarquas [11]: ye
  28. 16:44 Sarquas [11]: xD
  29. 16:44 Escalatorxck [32]: hmm let me see
  30. 16:44 Escalatorxck [32]: what is your weapon?
  31. 16:44 Sarquas [11]: spike
  32. 16:44 Sarquas [11]: beholder
  33. 16:44 Sarquas [11]: xD
  34. 16:45 Escalatorxck [32]: hmm eq?
  35. 16:45 Escalatorxck [32]: plate?
  36. 16:45 Sarquas [11]: 16:45 You see a spike sword (Atk:24, Def:21 +2).
  37. 16:45 Sarquas [11]: noble armor
  38. 16:45 Escalatorxck [32]: legs?
  39. 16:45 Sarquas [11]: p legs
  40. 16:45 Escalatorxck [32]: ah i think u dont need anything
  41. 16:45 Sarquas [11]: jejeje
  42. 16:45 Escalatorxck [32]: i would have sent you plate set + dwarven shield and spike sword
  43. 16:45 Escalatorxck [32]: ^^
  44. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: :P
  45. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: i have a elder druid here
  46. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: but i forget the account
  47. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: inf ew days
  48. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: i will have the password
  49. 16:46 Escalatorxck [32]: ^^
  50. 16:46 Escalatorxck [32]: lv?
  51. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: 70
  52. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: but i dont know if i want play druid or this kngiht
  53. 16:46 Sarquas [11]: 79 skill xD
  54. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: ;o
  55. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: not bad
  56. 16:47 Sarquas [11]: i have a question
  57. 16:47 Sarquas [11]: have i got blessings?
  58. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: my 58 knight has 64 sword
  59. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: no u dont
  60. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: :p
  61. 16:47 Sarquas [11]: no?
  62. 16:47 Sarquas [11]: can i buy?
  63. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: yes
  64. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: u can buy 4 facc bless
  65. 16:47 Escalatorxck [32]: u cant buy fifth because it is at edron
  66. 16:47 Sarquas [11]: where
  67. 16:48 Sarquas [11]: ah
  68. 16:48 Escalatorxck [32]: north of carlin
  69. 16:48 Sarquas [11]: but
  70. 16:48 Escalatorxck [32]: south east of ab
  71. 16:48 Escalatorxck [32]: inside kazo
  72. 16:48 Escalatorxck [32]: south of thais
  73. 16:48 Sarquas [11]: i think all bless buy in the same site now
  74. 16:48 Escalatorxck [32]: only if u have inquisition done
  75. 16:48 Sarquas [11]: ah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  76. 16:48 Escalatorxck [32]: which u obviouslt didnt cuz u aint 100+ yet
  77. 16:48 Sarquas [11]: xDDDD
  78. 16:49 Sarquas [11]: 5 bless = aol too?
  79. 16:49 Escalatorxck [32]: nope
  80. 16:49 Escalatorxck [32]: 5 bless  > aol
  81. 16:49 Sarquas [11]: ok
  82. 16:49 Escalatorxck [32]: cuz bless lower how much u lose in skills/exp too
  83. 16:49 Escalatorxck [32]: but aol only items
  84. 16:50 Escalatorxck [32]: there was a free blessings period
  85. 16:50 Escalatorxck [32]: till like 1 week ago
  86. 16:50 Escalatorxck [32]: u are just unlucky ;p
  87. 16:50 Sarquas [11]: xD
  88. 16:51 Sarquas [11]: have u got high lvls friends?
  89. 16:52 Escalatorxck [32]: i used too
  90. 16:52 Escalatorxck [32]: now i am alone
  91. 16:52 Escalatorxck [32]: used to*
  92. 16:52 Escalatorxck [32]: server is dead as u see
  93. 16:52 Escalatorxck [32]: no one left
  94. 16:52 Escalatorxck [32]: xd
  95. 16:53 Sarquas [11]: but..
  96. 16:53 Sarquas [11]: all server are die?
  97. 16:53 Sarquas [11]: tibia die?
  98. 16:53 Escalatorxck [32]: xerena does for sure
  99. 16:53 Escalatorxck [32]: but some other servers are ok
  100. 16:53 Escalatorxck [32]: like solera/silvera/shivera
  101. 16:54 Escalatorxck [32]: having 400-500 players and they are pvp
  102. 16:54 Sarquas [11]: aurera 785
  103. 16:54 Sarquas [11]: is new server?
  104. 16:54 Escalatorxck [32]: yes
  105. 16:54 Escalatorxck [32]: aurora and aurera
  106. 16:54 Escalatorxck [32]: made yesterday
  107. 16:54 Sarquas [11]: ah new servers..
  108. 16:54 Sarquas [11]: xD
  109. 16:54 Escalatorxck [32]: that's why so many players ^^
  110. 16:54 Sarquas [11]: is a stupid.. have a server to 125 persons
  111. 16:54 Sarquas [11]: i think is better delete some server
  112. 16:55 Escalatorxck [32]: many ppl said that
  113. 16:55 Escalatorxck [32]: merge low servers together
  114. 16:55 Escalatorxck [32]: but i dont care, i will get lvl 120 on my paladin
  115. 16:55 Escalatorxck [32]: and transfer
  116. 16:55 Escalatorxck [32]: to antica maybe, antica still has good players
  117. 16:55 Sarquas [12]: where is ur paladin
  118. 16:55 Escalatorxck [32]: here on xerena
  119. 16:56 Sarquas [12]: hunted or something'
  120. 16:56 Escalatorxck [32]: hunted by boredom
  121. 16:56 Escalatorxck [32]: ^^
  122. 16:57 Sarquas [12]: doesnt exist
  123. 16:57 Sarquas [12]: boredm?
  124. 16:57 Escalatorxck [32]: lol
  125. 16:57 Escalatorxck [32]: i mean boredom
  126. 16:57 Escalatorxck [32]: like having boredom
  127. 16:57 Sarquas [12]: hahahahhhaha
  128. 16:57 Escalatorxck [32]: i am not hunted by players
  129. 16:57 Escalatorxck [32]: but i leave cuz it's boring here
  130. 16:57 Escalatorxck [32]: ^^
  131. 16:58 Sarquas [12]: my real friends lukh eltod was playing here
  132. 16:59 Sarquas [12]: do u know him?
  133. 16:59 Escalatorxck [32]: nope
  134. 16:59 Escalatorxck [32]: lvl?
  135. 16:59 Sarquas [12]: 123
  136. 16:59 Sarquas [12]: sorc
  137. 17:00 Sarquas [12]: but he has gone to inferna
  138. 17:00 Sarquas [12]: sicario lord nanis was friends of him
  139. 17:00 Sarquas [12]: i think they have moved too
  140. 17:01 Escalatorxck [32]: hmm i dont know either of them ^^
  141. 17:01 Sarquas [12]: they are old players
  142. 17:02 Escalatorxck [32]: i play xerena only since 1 year
  143. 17:03 Sarquas [12]: ahhhh
  144. 17:03 Sarquas [12]: with my skill
  145. 17:03 Sarquas [12]: 1 hit and all die xD
  146. 17:04 Escalatorxck [32]: ^^
  147. 17:04 Escalatorxck [32]: i was too lazy to skill my knight
  148. 17:04 Escalatorxck [32]: skilled my pally instead
  149. 17:05 Escalatorxck [32]: skills 93/84 now
  150. 17:05 Sarquas [12]: jur
  151. 17:05 Sarquas [12]: gj
  152. 17:05 Escalatorxck [32]: :p
  153. 17:05 Sarquas [12]: i dont know
  154. 17:05 Sarquas [12]: if  i play few days
  155. 17:05 Sarquas [12]: and i will leave in 2 weeks..
  156. 17:05 Sarquas [12]: i dont know why i have returned tibia xD
  157. 17:06 Sarquas [12]: i am bored in rl
  158. 17:06 Sarquas [12]: xD
  159. 17:10 Escalatorxck [32]: :p
  160. 17:10 Sarquas [12]: :P
  161. 17:10 Sarquas [12]: are  hunting?
  162. 17:10 Escalatorxck [32]: me?
  163. 17:10 Sarquas [12]: are u hunting?
  164. 17:10 Sarquas [12]: ye
  165. 17:11 Escalatorxck [32]: i never hunt
  166. 17:11 Sarquas [12]: never? xD
  167. 17:11 Escalatorxck [32]: jap didnt do any real hunts since january maybe
  168. 17:11 Escalatorxck [32]: this is char just for deposit
  169. 17:11 Escalatorxck [32]: i put my money here, my items
  170. 17:11 Sarquas [12]: is bored to do lootbag xd
  171. 17:12 Escalatorxck [32]: i remember once i got a lvl 20 to pay me 3k for not getting hunted xd
  172. 17:12 Sarquas [12]: haaahahahahahahah
  173. 17:12 Escalatorxck [32]: that was really fun, i was joking the guy came kazo dp and i tol him on this char, dude u are hunted as joke
  174. 17:12 Escalatorxck [32]: he believed it and didnt want to leave dp
  175. 17:12 Escalatorxck [32]: so i brought my lvl 80 char to scare him
  176. 17:12 Sarquas [12]: xDDD
  177. 17:13 Escalatorxck [32]: the guy did wait in dp for half an hour
  178. 17:13 Escalatorxck [32]: thinking i will get bored
  179. 17:13 Sarquas [12]: jajajjajajajajajajja
  180. 17:13 Sarquas [12]: i would do same xD
  181. 17:13 Escalatorxck [32]: at end he wrote letter and showed it to me with name of my both chars and saying his friends will hunt me
  182. 17:13 Escalatorxck [32]: i told him do it, we started on 10k and negotiated down to 3k
  183. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: or 5 dunno anymore
  184. 17:14 Sarquas [12]: jajjajaja
  185. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: he paid me 5k and i left him go out of dp
  186. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: xd
  187. 17:14 Sarquas [12]: expensive joke to him xD
  188. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: last time i saw him he ran to pz
  189. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: ^^
  190. 17:14 Sarquas [12]: jajjajajajaja
  191. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: but he doesnt play anymore i think
  192. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: but i gave him the 5k back
  193. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: felt bad to abuse noobs
  194. 17:14 Sarquas [12]: ohhh
  195. 17:14 Escalatorxck [32]: he is just too noob xd
  196. 17:15 Escalatorxck [32]: i should abuse other ppl better
  197. 17:15 Escalatorxck [32]: i think ;d
  198. 17:15 Sarquas [12]: ;)
  199. 17:17 Sarquas [12]: i have ek 100 in secura
  200. 17:17 Escalatorxck [32]: i hate non pvp
  201. 17:17 Escalatorxck [32]: from heart
  202. 17:17 Sarquas [12]: isnt mine
  203. 17:18 Sarquas [12]: is a present of friend
  204. 17:18 Sarquas [12]: he up the char with caveboot
  205. 17:18 Sarquas [12]: never enter
  206. 17:18 Sarquas [12]: only caveboot xD
  207. 17:18 Escalatorxck [32]: ;p
  208. 17:18 Escalatorxck [32]: on non-pvp it's easy like hell
  209. 17:19 Sarquas [12]: i see xD
  210. 17:19 Escalatorxck [32]: i got pics of my char dying
  211. 17:19 Escalatorxck [32]: here no one leaves u alone
  212. 17:19 Escalatorxck [32]: xd
  213. 17:19 Sarquas [12]: here bots?
  214. 17:19 Sarquas [12]: or
  215. 17:19 Escalatorxck [32]: what u mean?
  216. 17:19 Sarquas [12]: do bots works in tibia now?
  217. 17:19 Escalatorxck [32]: well i shouldnt tell you that ofc
  218. 17:19 Escalatorxck [32]: but ofc they do ;d
  219. 17:20 Sarquas [12]: but bans works?
  220. 17:20 Escalatorxck [32]: depends
  221. 17:20 Escalatorxck [32]: i could tell you a lot about bot detection
  222. 17:20 Escalatorxck [32]: but i doubt u are interested
  223. 17:20 Sarquas [12]: i am xD
  224. 17:20 Escalatorxck [32]: well listen
  225. 17:21 Escalatorxck [32]: there are 4 types of bots
  226. 17:21 Escalatorxck [32]: 1. memory editing ones
  227. 17:21 Escalatorxck [32]: 2. packet proxying ones
  228. 17:21 Escalatorxck [32]: 3. keyboard/mouse emulating ones
  229. 17:21 Escalatorxck [32]: 4. code injecting ones
  230. 17:21 Sarquas [12]: !!
  231. 17:21 Escalatorxck [32]: number 1 bots arent developed anymore cuz they are difficult to maintain after every update
  232. 17:22 Escalatorxck [32]: number 2 bots like tibia auto emulate tibia protocol and send packets to server like client does
  233. 17:22 Escalatorxck [32]: but after update packet might change, and TA doesn't know
  234. 17:22 Escalatorxck [32]: so what happens?
  235. 17:22 Escalatorxck [32]: u answer
  236. 17:22 Sarquas [12]: what happens
  237. 17:22 Escalatorxck [32]: ban
  238. 17:23 Escalatorxck [32]: if someone uses a command called 7E which doesnt exist after update
  239. 17:23 Escalatorxck [32]: what does that mean? that means this is an out-dated bot
  240. 17:23 Escalatorxck [32]: so most bans affect proxy bots
  241. 17:23 Escalatorxck [32]: lets move on type 3 and type 4
  242. 17:23 Escalatorxck [32]: type 3 means that bot uses mouse and keyboard
  243. 17:23 Escalatorxck [32]: just like you do
  244. 17:24 Sarquas [12]: is better, no?
  245. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: it is
  246. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: but think about this
  247. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: if u put 3 parcels under you
  248. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: u appear to be 1 step to the northwest
  249. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: right?
  250. 17:24 Sarquas [12]: ye
  251. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: so get white skull on friend
  252. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: and put 3 parcels
  253. 17:24 Escalatorxck [32]: south east of corpse
  254. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: and wait bot to open dead monster
  255. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: he will right click you
  256. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: and u can kill him without unjust
  257. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: ^^
  258. 17:25 Sarquas [12]: interesting xD
  259. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: ofc this is old trick
  260. 17:25 Sarquas [12]: but secure mode?
  261. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: no you have white skull
  262. 17:25 Sarquas [12]: ah yeah
  263. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: there are better tricks
  264. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: ofc
  265. 17:25 Escalatorxck [32]: for example
  266. 17:26 Escalatorxck [32]: make bot rs
  267. 17:26 Escalatorxck [32]: and so on
  268. 17:26 Escalatorxck [32]: btu that's not question now
  269. 17:26 Sarquas [12]: ye xD
  270. 17:26 Escalatorxck [32]: ok understood what is wrong with type 3?
  271. 17:26 Sarquas [12]: whats wrong!?
  272. 17:26 Sarquas [12]: ye
  273. 17:26 Sarquas [12]: xD
  274. 17:26 Escalatorxck [32]: u can scam it for skull
  275. 17:26 Escalatorxck [32]: but mouse and keyboard works always
  276. 17:26 Escalatorxck [32]: and that's what makes it easy to update
  277. 17:27 Sarquas [13]: and type 4?
  278. 17:27 Escalatorxck [32]: after update u only change addresses of hp, mana, etc in bot
  279. 17:27 Escalatorxck [32]: and it works
  280. 17:27 Escalatorxck [32]: type 4 is code injection
  281. 17:27 Escalatorxck [32]: u ever programmed?
  282. 17:27 Sarquas [13]: no
  283. 17:27 Sarquas [13]: not really
  284. 17:27 Sarquas [13]: script of linux
  285. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: u know what a function is ?
  286. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: in programming?
  287. 17:28 Sarquas [13]: yes
  288. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: like print("Hello") ?
  289. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: well, tibia programmers made function in tibia
  290. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: like SelfSay("1", "Hello")
  291. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: this makes u say hi
  292. 17:28 Sarquas [13]: ok
  293. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: or Move(x,y,z)
  294. 17:28 Escalatorxck [32]: this makes u move
  295. 17:29 Escalatorxck [32]: but this is inside tibia code
  296. 17:29 Escalatorxck [32]: and not accessible by default
  297. 17:29 Escalatorxck [32]: BUT if u use unmanaged code and know a lot about assembly and debugging
  298. 17:29 Escalatorxck [32]: u can use functions of tibia
  299. 17:29 Escalatorxck [32]: so you use OpenContainer(x,y,z) instead of right-click
  300. 17:29 Escalatorxck [32]: which makes chances to trap you very low
  301. 17:29 Escalatorxck [32]: ok?
  302. 17:30 Sarquas [13]: yee
  303. 17:30 Escalatorxck [32]: but problem is
  304. 17:30 Escalatorxck [32]: after update you have to do a lot again
  305. 17:30 Escalatorxck [32]: search for functions, where they are now
  306. 17:30 Escalatorxck [32]: cuz in assembly they have no names
  307. 17:30 Sarquas [13]: i know
  308. 17:30 Escalatorxck [32]: but something like 0x0EF89CD
  309. 17:30 Sarquas [13]: yeee
  310. 17:30 Escalatorxck [32]: which changes after every update
  311. 17:30 Sarquas [13]: u need dumper of memory?
  312. 17:30 Escalatorxck [32]: not exactly
  313. 17:31 Escalatorxck [32]: u need to use a debugger
  314. 17:31 Escalatorxck [32]: and say somehting on tibia and make breakpoint
  315. 17:31 Escalatorxck [32]: and say again and so on
  316. 17:31 Sarquas [13]: ufff
  317. 17:31 Escalatorxck [32]: well it's quite long so dont bother
  318. 17:31 Escalatorxck [32]: so let's sum all up:
  319. 17:31 Escalatorxck [32]: type 1: none use this only, but they use it for reading health, mana etc.
  320. 17:32 Escalatorxck [32]: type 2: this will get you ban surely, cuz they just cant keep up with tibia and send packets that doesnt exist anymore
  321. 17:32 Escalatorxck [32]: type 3: excellent choice cuz controlling character doesnt change after udpate but problem is players can make you skull
  322. 17:33 Escalatorxck [32]: type 4: best there is, but u got a problem: very much work after each update
  323. 17:33 Escalatorxck [32]: ok?
  324. 17:33 Sarquas [13]: ok
  325. 17:33 Escalatorxck [32]: so what does tibia detect?
  326. 17:33 Escalatorxck [32]: tibia detects if u hunt each time like u did before always step on same tiles (waypoints)
  327. 17:34 Escalatorxck [32]: so, programs just keep a dynamic range
  328. 17:34 Sarquas [13]: i did it
  329. 17:34 Escalatorxck [32]: so u each time pass waypoint on -2:2 tiles
  330. 17:34 Escalatorxck [32]: not each time same
  331. 17:34 Sarquas [13]: when i used bot, i use waypoints each 2 sqm, with 2 sqm of random
  332. 17:34 Escalatorxck [32]: ;p
  333. 17:34 Sarquas [13]: hard work
  334. 17:34 Sarquas [13]: but was random
  335. 17:34 Escalatorxck [32]: also u shouldnt use exact map clicking
  336. 17:35 Escalatorxck [32]: because no human can click on minimap 100% correct
  337. 17:35 Escalatorxck [32]: for a hunt 300~ times
  338. 17:35 Escalatorxck [32]: so you have to click a little random too or best thing is
  339. 17:35 Escalatorxck [32]: dont use minimap at all
  340. 17:35 Sarquas [13]: ajam
  341. 17:35 Sarquas [13]: and
  342. 17:35 Escalatorxck [32]: and ofc most important thing, NEVER send anything to tibia server if you are not 100% sure it's right
  343. 17:36 Escalatorxck [32]: cuz wrong packet to tibia server = ban
  344. 17:36 Escalatorxck [32]: wrong packet to client = crash
  345. 17:36 Escalatorxck [32]: that's all of it
  346. 17:36 Escalatorxck [32]: u learned something new?
  347. 17:36 Sarquas [13]: a lot
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