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- DiscoDude: **---BEGIN SESSION---**
- DiscoDude: **Session logging commenced**
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: When we last left off, Pirrue was in the middle of trying to apprehend the individual claiming to be the stage actor Gambino! Meanwhile, Tinncev, Alias, and their new ally Jack are trying to chase down a couple of old foes, all while dodging a new threat in the form of their Stand!
- Pirrue: There are two stagehands and an actress surrounding the nekopossum, though they seem too hesitant to make any proactive move against her. They will certainly impede her if she wishes to chase Gambino(?) further, though he turned around for a brief moment to observe his turn of fortune. Meanwhile, the director is fumbling with his compact!
- Alias + Tinncev: A second giant stands in this new stretch of road, though the thugs' car has yet to fully clear its legs by the time the trio rounds the bend this time!
- Alias: (So, can I aid the driver?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sure, or create an advantage.)
- Pirrue: "I don't have time for this!" Pirrue thinks. "Hey, guys," she says out loud, "this is all just method acting..."
- Alias: (I am afraid to roll, I will just make Alias work it out the "easy" way)
- Pirrue: She doesn't stop moving towards Gambino - instead, she's aiming to use the nearest stagehand as a springboard to launch herself up and over their impromptu barricade!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (What's "the easy way"?)
- Alias: _Angry Young Man continues to propel the car ownwards, blasting his {OUTWARDS FORCE} backwards smashing the asphalt behind the car and causing a cloud of debris behind the car._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also, what technical action is Pirrue declaring?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So he adds 1 to Jack's roll at the cost of his action, or does he add 2? I'm a bit fuzzy on that.)
- Alias: (1)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Pirrue>: Anything to add on either of these quest- the first question?)
- Alias: (But Tinncev can add another 1)
- Alias: (Then again, maybe Tinncev is in range?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh yeah!)
- Tinncev: (I can like...vine the cars together?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sure!)
- Tinncev: (I lost the document so I don't know the name of my two aspects for my stand...)
- Tinncev: (One of tem was alluring petals the other was...something else)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Pirrue>? What, mechanically, are you trying to accomplish? Are you tricking them, or launching off of them? Double action w/ a FATE point only works if they're split between Stand and user.)
- Alias: (Gh... Shoudln't you have tried to restore it... even by hand?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Biting thorns <@!Tinncev>.)
- Tinncev: (Alrighty, Biting Thorns...Hmm...)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Lemme PM you what I have stored on the main file about you.)
- Tinncev: (Alrighty!)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (So what does Tinncev do?)
- Tinncev: Tinncev lets out his {Binding Vines} to latch onto the other car that they were chasing with the Duran Twins inside!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll vs... Quick. Not much they can do to flashily dodge that (not like they're traditional projectiles).)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 3 [4df = [-][+][ ][+]]
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+4 (Quick + Binding Vines)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+4 for 6 [4df = [ ][+][+][ ]] (Quick + Binding Vines)
- Alias: (Nice, that's a SWS)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: *CRUNCH!* The brother not bracing himself with the wheel is whiplashed forward! "What hells?! Did you hit something?!" "Nuh-uh! Drive like you say! Good eyes!" "I have better eyes, and I wasn't paying attention! I don't trust your eyes!" "Who fault that you pay not atten-attenchun, fuck! Just look! I need drive!" The car has ground to a halt outright in the meantime, and the smarter of the two swears as he sees the cause; the back wheels have been completely tangled in some vines!
- Pirrue: (ah, whoop)
- Pirrue: (let's say I'm trying to Create an [Airborne] Advantage by bouncing over these guys :3)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Metal to the pedal, damn you! We need to grind this off fast!"
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: "... No!" The one at the wheel crosses his arms.
- Alias: (Wha-)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Excuse me?! Fuck you, we do not have time for thiiiiis!!!"
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Turning the SWS into an instant win on the contest side of things by compelling [T][Brotherly Infighting]. +1 FATE for me. :3)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue, roll... Quick? Flashy?)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+2 (Flashy)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+2 for 2 [4dF = [-][ ][ ][+]] (Flashy)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+0 for 1 [4df = [-][ ][+][+]]
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue lands into a squat on the stagehand's shoulders, before springing up into the air! Gambino doesn't seem displeased by this, however, even as he still grapples with the knife plunged into him, and Pirrue soon discovers why!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Roll defense vs. Sneaky. Can I get another compel, this time on [T][Mental Overconfidence], for choosing to attack at a probably disadvantageous time?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev + Alias: There's the sound of a car door slamming shut as the car approaches the giant.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: "I'll deal with this myself! Tell me when you done having tantrum!" The giant, likely belonging to him, rears back for a kick!!
- Alias: (Oh shit, Jack better dodge!)
- Alias: (Do I have an action? XD)
- Pirrue: (are you offering me a Compel, or is he taking a Compel?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Jack: "That blue thing sucks! No imagination! Boo!" With red on blue, the giant looks slightly more on the purple side as ”好きない” begins panning across it. (-1 FATE for Jack, and -1 to everything this thing does. His action was freed up by the automatic win.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Even as he yells this, he clamps up on the wheel to take evasive action!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5 for 7 [4df = [+][-][+][+]]
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5 for 7 [4df = [ ][ ][+][+]]
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (A tie brought on by Alias's aid!)
- Alias: (Whew)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Spending my shiny new FATE to turn the boost into a stutter for Jack!)
- Alias: (Whaaa)
- Alias: (What's Jack's things, can I spend my fate on him?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Doing this because the boost wouldn't last past you guys leaving the car.)
- Alias: (Well... <@!Tinncev> , wanna spend fate on your car to save something from it?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Thorns might work. 😉 )
- Tinncev: (sure sure, let's do that heh)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Anyways, forget the compel nonsense I tried to pull, <@!Pirrue>. Just roll vs. Sneaky.)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+3 (Sneaky)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+3 for 3 [4dF = [-][-][+][+]] (Sneaky)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Tinncev: The giant just barely misses kicking the car up into the air, and instead gets its foot caught in the vines between the cars! Vines are broken, but not all, and the chase has ended regardless!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh, wait, just realized the invoke was unnecessary because of the +2 boost to evasion-type defenses against this thing while it's giant.)
- Alias: _Alias hops off the car, opening one of the car's back door in the process_
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+4 (Sneaky)
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+4 for 0 [4df = [-][-][-][-]] (Sneaky)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (OH MAH GAWD!!!)
- Alias: _Angry Young Man follows behinds Alias, with his arms folded_
- Alias: (Can you feel my *paaaaaain*?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: ([IDENTITY THEFT] is technically a Create Advantage type, too! S-H-I-T!)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I'm running low on FATE, too. Maybe an opportunity to wrap one of these up?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: As Pirrue launches up to be level with the rafters, that crinkling, grinding sound begins; Celebrity Skin is behind her on the beam!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: It leaps out above and behind her in the air, all eight hands open and thrusting forward to claim their prize! (I...) thinks Gambino, (I win again!) "Todo wins again, bitch! I'll happily live your life to the fullest!" (Eh, I hate being an actor anyway!)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, with her arms and legs stretched out behind her, as if in a backflip, Pirrue throws her head backwards to face Celebrity Skin! (Awesome line time, <@!Pirrue>. >:D)
- Pirrue: (wait, what just happened?)
- Pirrue: (are you...putting an action in my mouth, as it were, or...?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Flavor, flavor.)
- Pirrue: (i wasn't even aiming for the rafters FYI)
- Pirrue: (can I, y'know)
- Pirrue: (be allowed to flavor my own stuff?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sorry, sorry. It's just that I had this *super* awesome idea.)
- Pirrue: (dude, pinning down this guy with my Stand was a *super awesome idea* :P)
- Pirrue: (if you're going to choose my moves for me, there's not much reason for me to actually *participate*?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You're about to get a double free invoke aspect. I'll let you say what you want, though. Even I would never dare put words in a PC's mouth.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sorry, sorry. I should have asked.)
- Pirrue: (*-record scratch-*)
- Pirrue: _whirls around to face Celebrity Skin._
- Pirrue: "You are *really* starting to *get on my nerves...*"
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Wait!)
- Pirrue: She doesn't have a clue how Stands work except from her firsthand experience.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Aren't you curious to what I was thinking?)
- Pirrue: All the same, she gets the feeling what she's got in mind is going to hurt Gambino *badly.*
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I still want to do my thing...)
- Pirrue: _launches herself at Celebrity Skin, several sharp objects taken from her pack at the ready, her Stand's influence already threatening to form them into a variety of deadly mobile implements._
- Alias: (Pirrue)
- Pirrue: (yeeeees?)
- Alias: (Can we hear what DC had in mind? even if in parenthesis?)
- Pirrue: (not like I can stop him?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I was imagining that suddenly, as Pirrue gave CS a blindsiding "I know what you're doing" look, bits and chunks of TitA would suddenly fly into and fill up its hands from the floor.)
- Pirrue: (still the same general idea)
- Pirrue: (she's going to attack Celebrity Skin directly using her Stand powers)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Yeah, but even reverse advantage creation doesn't usually wound.)
- Pirrue: (any objections if I go ahead and roll?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I was just showing the results of the backfired Create Advantage.)
- Pirrue: (Wait, what backfired Create Advantage?)
- Pirrue: (i'm not following)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (The ability Gambino tried to use - [IDENTITY THEFT] - is a Create Advantage. You beat him, so you get an Aspect in *your* favor instead.)
- Pirrue: (oh. OH, missed that. XD)
- Pirrue: (sorry)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (This is why I was confused by you complaining about me controlling you. I'm used to dictating the results of actions, no matter who makes them.)
- Pirrue: (oh XD)
- Pirrue: (sorry, i was distracted with some other stuff and didn't catch Gambino making an action)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (But... you rolled against him! XD)
- Pirrue: (oh. oh, THAT. whoop.)
- Pirrue: (yeah, told you I was distracted ^_^;)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Ah... So can we rewind a bit? (From an OOC perspective...))
- Pirrue: (why not ^_^; )
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Like, delete this big argument? Not sure we'd want to read over this. >_>)
- Pirrue: (no objections here)
- Alias: (Go ahead)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Er, maybe go a bit farther. You too, <@!Alias>. Up to my latest post.)
- Pirrue: ***"TOO DAMN SLOW, PUNK!"***
- Pirrue: Toys in the Attic rises like a torrent - a reverse waterfall of sharp metal parts, straight into Celebrity Skin's waiting arms.
- Pirrue: She's got no idea how Stands work apart from her own firsthand experience and observations, but she grins at the distinct impression that Gambino's going to feel *this* one.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, mechanical parts fly into its hands! Little did Gambino (Todo?) know, but when Toys in the Attic came apart to bring the knife to life, the rest of it was scattered on the backstage lot, invisible to all but the two users!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: As Celebrity Skin tries to ineffectually claw at Pirrue's face with its already full hands, she flips around and crashes into the ground on top of it! It's [Stunted][!!] beyond belief! The one masquerading as Gambino has trouble closing his hands, staring slack-jawed as Pirrue steps off of Celebrity Skin and begins moving towards him!
- Pirrue: "Like I said," Pirrue says, confidence building, "all just method acting."
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Whose turn is it on the hit-and-run side of the fight?)
- Alias: _Alias, after leaving the car, places both of his hands on the back of the car of the two brothers. Angry Young Man following suit right after, causing the car to sink in its suspension._
- "Git... Outta... 'Da cr..." Alias manages, staring at the two brothers through the back window as Angry Young Man tightens his grip on the back of car.
- Alias: (Mine, should I roll forcefull to hold the car in place?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sure.)
- Alias: !roll 4df+4 (Forceful Create Advantage)
- DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+4 for 4 [4df = [+][+][-][-]] (Forceful Create Advantage)
- Alias: (I've had worse, definitively)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+0
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+0 for 0 [4df = [ ][-][ ][+]]
- Alias: (Phew)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, the previous giant comes barreling around the corner like some kind of ninny, leaps into the air, and slams its fists into the earth. They completely miss everything, other than the nerves of bystanders as it sends asphalt everywhere! "You idiot," screams the smarter brother, "are you trying to hit us too?!" "Nuh-uh! I get good at aim!" "Fuck!"
- Alias: Wait, I succeed with success!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (And you succeeded because he missed.)
- Alias: Oh
- Alias: _Angry Young Man digs his fingers into the car..._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: The back of the car is pressed further into the road, meanwhile!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: [Immobilized][!!]
- Alias: <@!Tinncev> !
- Tinncev: (What is happening)
- Alias: (Your turn)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Tinncev> & <@!Pirrue>: Your moves.)
- Pirrue: (are the stagehands and whatnot still trying to stop me?)
- Tinncev: (Can I just do more binding vines?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (They might, but they won't actively attack or subdue you.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (On who?)
- Alias: ( <@!Tinncev> )
- Alias: ( AYM is holding the car)
- Tinncev: (Oh well, Imma throw Misama Seeds are the giants.)
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+4 (Careful plus Miasma Seeds)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+4 for 8 [4df = [+][+][+][+]] (Careful plus Miasma Seeds)
- Tinncev: ( B) )
- Alias: ( *Cough* )
- Pirrue: _stalks towards Gambino, watching him, daring him to make a move now that his Stand's incapacitated._
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh no! He just whipped it like it was nothing!)
- Tinncev: (Wait...what)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Sorry. Imitating young Joseph Joestar. XD)
- Tinncev: (ooh)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Lemme roll defense.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+2
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+2 for 1 [4df = [+][ ][-][-]]
- Alias: *Cough*
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Seeding the giants... both of them?)
- Tinncev: (Yup)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Uh...)
- Tinncev: (Or just the one then)
- Tinncev: (The one that just feel face first)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: The first giant lifts its face from the ground to look at Alias and Angry Young Man, only to receive seeds in the side of the head from In Bloom! It is now [Seeded][!!]
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: {In the background of the panel, Jack is pointing at this giant and making a taunting face. This giant is now also glowing.} (Both giants have the [Disliked] aspect now!)
- Alias: (This gonna be good)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Pirrue: "Heh... Hahaha... I, may have sorely underestimated you..." There's a pause.
- Alias: (If AYM manages to lift the car...)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: "Fuck it!" He turns and runs onto the stage area away from the fight.
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Meanwhile, the giants seem to shrink a bit in size in unison! (They may defend at their full +5 forceful now, at the cost of no longer getting a +2/2 boost to AC/WC.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue and Alias.)
- Alias: _Alias looks at the two giants "Shhht..." He mutters, as he tries to get Angry Young Man to **lift the car**_
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Another CA?)
- Alias: (Yes... I am sorry, I am addicted to long setups)
- Alias: !roll 4df+4 (vs forcefull, create advantage)
- DiscoDude: <@Alias> rolled 4df+4 for 5 [4df = [ ][ ][+][ ]] (vs forcefull, create advantage)
- Alias: (Oh happy day!)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+5 (Forceful)
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+5 for 3 [4df = [-][+][-][-]] (Forceful)
- Alias: (yeaaaaaah!)
- Alias: <@!Tinncev> ! your is next, after the description!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Noticing what Alias is trying to do, the smarter brother moves his Giant to try and pin the car to the ground with its foot, but apparently did not notice that they had shrunk back down! "Dammit, why did you make the Might-Be-Giants small?!" "You say they good big only in chase!" "I-... Whatever!"
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (<@!Pirrue>?)
- Alias: "Git... Outta... 'Da cr..." Alias says his last ultimatum, as the wheels of the car start to lift from the ground
- Pirrue: _grins. "You're gonna wish you hadn't," she says. Enough of Toys' debris rained down after that last move that it's scattered all over the area - she musters him up to cut off his exit route!_
- Pirrue: (gonna be rolling TitA's Sneaky on this one :3)
- Pirrue: (to Create an Advantage)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You'd be defending against him moving a node, actually.)
- Pirrue: (that's fine, either way :3)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+4 (Sneaky)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+4 for 4 [4dF = [ ][-][ ][+]] (Sneaky)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+1 (Quick)
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+1 for 1 [4df = [ ][ ][ ][ ]] (Quick)
- Pirrue: (SWS, baby!)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I don't think you get anything for SWS defend?)
- Pirrue: (yeah ^_^: )
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: Suddenly, a cluster of junk gathers around the imposter's feet. He trips, and bangs his jaw on the steps he was trying to escape through the curtains with!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (*Now* it's Pirrue's turn.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also <@!Tinncev>'s.)
- Pirrue: "I'm gonna wipe the grin right off that stolen face of yours!"
- Pirrue: Toys in the Attic's mass takes on a more humanoid shape, and he winds up a mighty uppercut to send Gambino flying!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Kinda hard to uppercut him when he's sprawled on the steps already. XD)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also, I take it you're spending a FATE for the simultaneous action?)
- Tinncev: Tinncev attempts to make the buds emerge with vines and wrap around the giant's face!
- Pirrue: (point still stands. Toys is rising up, and he's sending him skyborne jaw-first. XD)
- Pirrue: (and yeah, sure)
- Pirrue: !roll 4dF+4 (Forceful)
- DiscoDude: <@Pirrue> rolled 4dF+4 for 6 [4dF = [ ][+][ ][+]] (Forceful)
- Tinncev: !roll 4df+4 (Quick plus Binding Vines)
- DiscoDude: <@Tinncev> rolled 4df+4 for 5 [4df = [+][+][ ][-]] (Quick plus Binding Vines)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+1 (vs Pirrue)
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+1 for 1 [4df = [-][+][ ][ ]] (vs Pirrue)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue needs 8 to uh-oh-KO.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !roll 4df+0 (vs Tinncev)
- DiscoDude: <@DetectiveCaillou|GM> rolled 4df+0 for 0 [4df = [ ][ ][-][+]] (vs Tinncev)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: As the Might-Be-Giant stands up, rearing back to attack Alias, new vines suddenly spring from the buds on it, as well as the broken vines from the twins' car!
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Let's see... <@!Pirrue>, will you double boost it to 9 for the KO? Also, it's Jack's turn now, right?)
- Alias: (Yes, its jack)
- Pirrue: (...I've got two more FATE Points, so *sure.* >8D)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I mean, from the free invokes you have.)
- Pirrue: (oh! yeah XD)
- Pirrue: (forgot those)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (You guys really seem to overestimate how many of these you need. XD)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Also, sorry if it looks like I've been mentally deteriorating for the last hour. ^_^;)
- Alias: (It's kinda late, so it's understandable)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (In fact, I feel like I'm going to pass out.)
- Alias: ( DC. I want to spend a fate point to stun the brothers... So I can get to my turn faster, after jack)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I mean, there can't be that much more fight left in these guys, right? Tomorrow?)
- Alias: (Okay, I am okay with continuing tomorrow)
- Alias: ( <@!Pirrue> , <@!Tinncev> , we're in the same page?)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Pirrue doesn't even have to show up tomorrow.)
- Pirrue: (sure)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (Oh! But the conclusion of her fight still needs to fight- I mean fuck, conclude, whatever, peanut butter.)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: (I am very tired.)
- Pirrue: (understandable)
- Alias: (It's okay, I can do most of the talking on the show, next time)
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: For now, let us...
- DetectiveCaillou|GM: !end
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