

Jul 21st, 2015
Not a member of Pastebin yet? Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features!
  1. --jaja has struck again n00b
  3. -- // Do not leak, steal, etc.
  4. -- // (c) supersonicfan111 2015
  5. -- // Perplex Admin
  6. --[[
  8. __/\\\\\\\\\\\\\_________________________________/\\\\\\\\\\\\\____/\\\\\\_________________________________        
  9.  _\/\\\/////////\\\______________________________\/\\\/////////\\\_\////\\\_________________________________      
  10.   _\/\\\_______\/\\\______________________________\/\\\_______\/\\\____\/\\\_________________________________      
  11.    _\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\/______/\\\\\\\\___/\\/\\\\\\\__\/\\\\\\\\\\\\\/_____\/\\\________/\\\\\\\\___/\\\____/\\\_    
  12.     _\/\\\/////////______/\\\/////\\\_\/\\\/////\\\_\/\\\/////////_______\/\\\______/\\\/////\\\_\///\\\/\\\/__    
  13.      _\/\\\______________/\\\\\\\\\\\__\/\\\___\///__\/\\\________________\/\\\_____/\\\\\\\\\\\____\///\\\/____  
  14.       _\/\\\_____________\//\\///////___\/\\\_________\/\\\________________\/\\\____\//\\///////______/\\\/\\\___  
  15.        _\/\\\______________\//\\\\\\\\\\_\/\\\_________\/\\\______________/\\\\\\\\\__\//\\\\\\\\\\__/\\\/\///\\\_
  16.         _\///________________\//////////__\///__________\///______________\/////////____\//////////__\///____\///__
  18.       ]]
  21. PerPlex={}
  22. local Perplex=PerPlex
  23. Perplex.Core = {
  24.   Rotation=0,
  25.   Betkey='>',
  26.   RotIncrease=0.01,
  27.   AccountAgeKick=175
  28.   ['Reasons']={}
  29.     ['Ranked']={},
  30.     ['Bans']={}
  31.         'Banned the creator';
  32.         'Banned the creator\'s friend';
  33.         'Fm\'ing';
  34.         'Pri\ng';
  35.         'Annoying';
  36.         'BanHappy';
  37.         'UNDEFINED';
  38.       },
  39.   };
  40.     ['Ranked'] = {}
  41.         ['iAdministrateri'] = {Rank = 7, Desc = 'Creator', Color='New Yeller'};
  42.         ['FallingVortex'] = {Rank = 7, Desc = 'Permission to use, but not copy m8s.', Color='White'};
  44.         };
  45.     ['Ranks'] = {}
  46.     [0] = {Role='A regular player'};
  47.     [1] = {Role = 'Just a PerPlex Viewer'};
  48.     [2] = {Role = 'A little better than the rest'};
  49.     [3] = {Role = 'You are somewhat important'};
  50.     [4] = {Role = 'Your here if your a good friend of supersonicfan111'};
  51.     [5] = {Role = 'You must be pretty important :]'};
  52.     [6] = {Role = 'You\'re a VERY important person!'};
  53.     [7] = {Role = 'The creator ;O'};
  54.         };
  55.     ['Tablets'] = {};
  56.     ['Commands'] = {};
  57.     ['Music']={};
  58.     ['Bans'] = {
  59.         ['ItsAjm'] = {Reason4Ban = 'Abusing, Fming, Private Server'},
  60.         ['AshBluBoi'] = {Reason4Ban = 'Fming'},
  61.         ['iiEssence']={Reason4Ban='Pri\'ing'},
  62.         ['BabyGoats']={Reason4Ban='FMing'},
  63.     };
  64.   ['Services']={}
  65.     ['Http']=game:service'HttpService',
  66.     ['Workspace']=game:service'Workspace',
  67.     ['Lighting']=game:service'Lighting',
  68.     ['ServerStorage']=game:service'ServerStorage',
  69.     ['Players']=game:service'Players',
  70.     ['MarketPlace']=game:service'MarketplaceService'
  71.     },
  72.     ['Functions']={}
  73.      Create = function(ClassName, Properties) -- A function to create instances.
  74.       local Instance =
  75.       local Properties = Properties or {}
  76.       local ConnectionIndexes = {"MouseClick","MouseHoverEnter","MouseHoverLeave","MouseButton1Down","MouseButton2Down"}
  77.       local CheckConnection = function(Index)
  78.       local Index = tostring(Index)
  79.         for _, Connect in next,(ConnectionIndexes) do
  80.            if Index:lower() == Connect:lower() then
  81.               return true
  82.            end
  83.         end
  84.       return false
  85.    end
  86.        for Index, Value in next,(Properties) do
  87.         if not CheckConnection(Index) then
  88.           Instance[Index] = Value
  89.         else
  90.           Instance[Index]:connect(Value)
  91.         end
  92.      end
  93.    return Instance
  94. end,
  95.       EditSound=function(plr, sound)
  96.         if sound and sound:IsA('Sound') then
  97.           Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  98.             Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Restart song', 'New Yeller', function()
  99.                   sound:Stop()
  100.                   wait()
  101.                   sound:Play()
  102.               end)
  103.             Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Destroy sound', 'Sand red', function()
  104.                   Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  105.                   sound:Stop()
  106.                   wait()
  107.                   sound:Destroy()
  108.               end)
  109.             if sound.isPaused then
  110.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Play song', 'Lime green', function()
  111.                   sound:Play()
  112.                   Perplex.Core['Functions'].EditSound(plr,sound)
  113.               end)
  114.           else
  115.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Pause song', 'Bright green', function()
  116.                   sound:Pause()
  117.                   Perplex.Core['Functions'].EditSound(plr,sound)
  118.               end)
  119.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Stop song', 'Really red', function()
  120.                   sound:Stop()
  121.                   Perplex.Core['Functions'].EditSound(plr,sound)
  122.               end)
  123.             end
  124.             Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Nightcore Song', 'Teal', function()
  125.                   sound.Pitch=1.25
  126.               end)
  127.             Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Toggle loop', 'Neon orange', function()
  128.                   sound.Looped=not sound.Looped
  129.             end)
  130.             Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Change volume', 'Bright red', function()
  131.                   Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  132.                   for i = 0, 1, .1 do
  133.                       Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, i, 'Bright red', function()
  134.                         sound.Volume=i
  135.                         Perplex.Core['Functions'].EditSound(plr,sound)
  136.                   end)
  137.                     end
  138.               end)
  139.             Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Change pitch', 'Deep orange', function()
  140.                   Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  141.                   for i = 0, 2.1, .1 do
  142.                       Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, i, 'Deep orange', function()
  143.                         sound.Pitch=i
  144.                         Perplex.Core['Functions'].EditSound(plr,sound)
  145.                   end)
  146.                     end
  147.               end)
  148.           end
  149.       end,
  150.       PlayAudio=function(plr, id)
  151.         Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  152.         for _,v in next, script:children() do if v:IsA('Sound') then v:Stop() wait() v:destroy() end end
  153.         local MarketPlace=Perplex.Core['Services']['MarketPlace']
  154.         local productInfo=MarketPlace:GetProductInfo(id)
  155.         local Sound=Perplex.Core['Functions'].Create('Sound', {Parent=script, SoundId='rbxassetid://', Volume=1, Pitch=1})
  156.         Sound:Play()
  157.         Sound.Name=productInfo.Name
  158.         Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Now playing: \n'..Sound.Name, 'New Yeller')
  159.         Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Description: \n'..productInfo.Description, 'Bright green')
  160.         Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Creator: \n'..productInfo.Creator.Name, 'Lime green')
  161.         Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Edit Audio', 'Deep orange', function() Perplex.Core['Functions'].EditSound(plr, Sound) end)
  162.       end,
  163. Kick=function(plr)
  164. local'RemoteEvent', game:service'Lighting'):FireClient(plr,{string.rep("Rekt pls?",2e5+5)})
  165. delay(1,function()
  166.         pcall(function()
  167.                 h:destroy()
  168.         end)
  169. end)
  170. end,
  171. Crash = function(plr)
  172.   coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  173.       while wait() do
  174.           local chr=workspace:FindFirstChild(plr.Name)
  175.           if chr then
  176.               pcall(function()
  177.     'Message', plr:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui')).Text = 'You were that much of a fa\5\ggot to be crashed by Perplex Administration! <3'
  178.     'Hint', plr:FindFirstChild('PlayerGui')).Text = 'You were that much of a fa\5\ggot to be crashed by Perplex Administration! <3'
  179.               chr:FindFirstChild('Torso'),2500,2500)
  180.               chr:FindFirstChild('Torso').Anchored=true
  181.               local'ForceField', chr)
  182.               local'Sparkles', chr:FindFirstChild('Torso'))
  183.               local'Smoke', chr:FindFirstChild('Torso'))
  184.               chr:FindFirstChild('Torso'):Explode()
  185.               plr.CameraMode='LockFirstPerson'
  186.               if not chr then
  187.                   plr:LoadCharacter()
  188.                 end
  189.               end)
  190.             end
  191.         end
  192.     end))
  193. end,
  194.         ['Main']={}
  195.           Output=function(plr, text, color, f, image)
  196.             if plr==nil or type(plr) ~= 'userdata' then return end
  197.             if text==nil then text='Text Error' end
  198.             if color==nil then color=Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr.Name].Color end
  199.             local'Part', workspace)
  200.             p.Name='PERPLEX_OUTPUT'
  201.             p.FormFactor = 3
  202.             p.Anchored=true
  203.             p.formFactor='Custom'
  204.             pcall(function()
  205.               if plr and plr.Character and plr.Character.Torso then
  206.                 p.CFrame=plr.Character.Torso.CFrame
  207.               end
  208.             end)
  209.   ,2,2)
  210.             p.CanCollide=false
  211.             p.Transparency=0
  213.             p.TopSurface, p.BottomSurface = 'SmoothNoOutlines', 'SmoothNoOutlines';          
  214.             bg ='BillboardGui',p)
  215.             bg.Adornee = p
  216.             bg.Size =,0,.5,0)
  217.             bg.AlwaysOnTop = true
  218.             bg.StudsOffset =,4,0)
  219.             tl ='TextLabel',bg)
  220.             local props={Parent=BBG, Font='ArialBold', TextColor=p.BrickColor, BackgroundTransparency=1, TextWrapped=false, FontSize='Size24', TextStrokeTransparency=1, Text=text,,0,.5,0),,0,.2,0)}
  221.             for i,v in next, props do
  222.               tl[i]=v
  223.             end
  224.             local imagelabel
  225.           if image then
  226.             local props2={Parent=bg, BackgroundTransparency=1, Image=image,,0,.37,0),,0,0,0)}
  227.   'ImageLabel', bg)
  228.             for i,v in next, props2 do
  229.                 imagelabel[i]=v
  230.               end
  231.           end
  232.             local AntiRemove
  234.             AntiRemove=p.Changed:connect(function()
  235.               if p.Parent ~= workspace then
  236.                   local removeTab=p:findFirstChild('removeTheTablet')
  237.                   if removeTab and removeTab:IsA('BoolValue') and removeTab.Value==true then
  238.                       AntiRemove:disconnect()
  239.                     else
  240.                       Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, text, color, f)
  241.                     end
  242.                 end
  243.             end)
  245.             local'ClickDetector', p)
  246.             cd.MaxActivationDistance=math.huge
  247.             cd.MouseClick:connect(function(playr)
  248.               if playr == plr then
  249.                 if f then
  250.                   f()
  251.                 else
  252.                   for i = 0, 1, .1 do
  253.                       p.Transparency=i
  254.             ,.05,.05)
  255.                       game:service'RunService'.Stepped:wait()
  256.                     end
  257.                     local'BoolValue', p)
  258.                     removeTab.Name='removeTheTablet'
  259.                     removeTab.Value=true
  260.                     p:destroy()
  261.                 end
  262.               end
  264.             end)
  266.             table.insert(Perplex.Core['Tablets'], {Player=plr, Tablet=p})
  267.           end,
  268.                     Dismiss=function(Plr)
  269.             for _,Tab in pairs(Perplex.Core['Tablets']) do
  270.               if Tab.Player==Plr then
  271.                 coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function()
  272.                   for i = 0, 1, .1 do
  273.                       Tab.Tablet.Transparency=i
  274.             ,.05,.05)
  275.                       game:service'RunService'.Stepped:wait()
  276.                     end
  277.                     local'BoolValue', Tab.Tablet)
  278.                     removeTab.Name='removeTheTablet'
  279.                     removeTab.Value=true
  280.                     Tab.Tablet:destroy()
  281.                     end))
  282.                 end
  283.               end
  284.           end,
  285.           doCommand = function(Speaker,Msg)
  286.             if Msg:sub(1,2) == '/e' and #Msg > 3 then
  287.               Msg=Msg:sub(3)
  288.             end
  289.             for _,v in next, Perplex.Core['Commands'] do
  290.                   if Msg:sub(1, #v['Chat']+#Perplex.Core.Betkey)==v['Chat']..Perplex.Core.Betkey then
  291.                     if Perplex.Core['Ranked'][Speaker.Name] and Perplex.Core['Ranked'][Speaker.Name].Rank and Perplex.Core['Ranked'][Speaker.Name].Rank >= v['Rank'] then
  292.                         local Added = Msg:sub(#v['Chat']+#Perplex.Core.Betkey+1)
  293.                         a,b=ypcall(function()
  294.                           print(Added)
  295.                           v['Func'](Speaker, Added)
  296.                         end)if not a then Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, b, 'Really red') end
  297.                     else
  298.                       Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'You\'re not the correct rank, to execute this command ['..v['Rank']..']', 'Really red')
  299.                         end
  300.                     end
  301.               end
  302.           end;
  303.           ConnectPlayer=function(plr)
  304.             if Perplex.Core['Bans'][plr.Name] then
  305.                   Perplex.Core['Functions'].Kick(plr)
  306.             end
  307.             if Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr.Name] and Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr.Name].Rank >= 1 then
  308.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Welcome to Perplex Admin!', 'Deep orange')
  309.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'This was created by supersonicfan111!', 'White', nil)
  310.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Bet key : [ '..Perplex.Core.Betkey..' ]', 'White', nil)
  311.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'You\'re rank : '..Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr.Name].Rank, 'New Yeller')
  312.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function()
  313.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  314.               end)
  315.             else
  316.               Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr.Name]={Rank=0, Desc='A player', Color='White'}
  317.               print'Rank added!'
  318.             end
  319.             plr.Chatted:connect(function(chat) Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].doCommand(plr, chat) end)
  320.           end,
  321.           },
  322.         ['Set']={};
  323.         ['Get']={}
  324.           BannedPlayer=function(plr)
  325.             if type(plr)=='string' then
  326.               plr=plr
  327.             elseif type(plr)=='userdata' then
  328.               plr=tostring(plr)
  329.             end
  330.             if PerPlex.Core['Bans'][plr] then
  331.                 return true
  332.               end
  333.           end,
  334.           Color=function(plr)
  335.             if type(plr)=='string' then
  336.               plr=plr
  337.             elseif type(plr)=='userdata' then
  338.               plr=tostring(plr)
  339.             else
  340.               plr=plr.Name
  341.             end
  342.             if Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr] then
  343.               return Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr].Color
  344.             end
  345.             return 'White'
  346.           end,
  347.           Rank=function(plr)
  348.             if type(plr)=='string' then
  349.               plr=plr
  350.             elseif type(plr)=='userdata' then
  351.               plr=tostring(plr)
  352.             else
  353.               plr=plr.Name
  354.             end
  355.             if Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr] then
  356.               return Perplex.Core['Ranked'][plr].Rank
  357.             end
  358.             return 0
  359.           end,
  360.           Players=function(speaker, plr)
  361.             local returned={}
  362.             if plr=='all' then
  363.                 for _,v in next, game:service'Players':players() do if Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(v) <= Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(speaker) then table.insert(returned, v) end end
  364.             elseif plr=='others' then
  365.                 for _,v in next, game:service'Players':players() do if v ~= speaker then if Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(v) <= Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(speaker) then table.insert(returned, v) end end end
  366.             elseif plr=='me' then
  367.                 table.insert(returned, speaker)
  368.             else
  369.               for _,v in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  370.                   if tostring(v):find(plr) then
  371.                       if Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(v) <= Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(speaker) then
  372.                     table.insert(returned, v)
  373.                   end
  374.                  end
  375.                 end
  376.           end
  377.           return returned
  378.           end,
  379.           };
  380.         UpdateTabs=function()
  381.           Perplex.Core.Rotation=Perplex.Core.Rotation+Perplex.Core.RotIncrease
  382.           --pcall(function()
  383.                     for _,Player in pairs(game:service'Players':GetPlayers()) do
  384.             local Counter = 0
  385.             local PlayerTablets = {}
  386.             for i,v in pairs(Perplex.Core['Tablets']) do
  387.                 if v.Tablet.Parent ~= nil and v.Player==Player then
  388.                     table.insert(PlayerTablets,v)
  389.                 end
  390.         end
  393.             local Start =,0,0)
  394.             for I = 1, #PlayerTablets do
  395.                         local Pos = nil
  396.                         pcall(function() Pos = Player.Character.Torso.CFrame end)
  397.                         if Pos == nil then return end
  398.                         local Tab=PlayerTablets[I].Tablet
  399.                         local i=I
  400.                         local Main = (I / #PlayerTablets - (0.1 / #PlayerTablets) + Perplex.Core.Rotation/(#PlayerTablets/3)) * math.pi * 2.2
  401.                         local x = math.sin(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  402.                         local y = math.sin(math.sin(time()+I*1))
  403.                         local z = math.cos(time()/#PlayerTablets + (math.pi*2)/#PlayerTablets*i) * (#PlayerTablets+3)
  404.                         local aPos =, y, z) + Pos.p
  405.                         local bPos = Tab.CFrame.p
  406.                         local cPos = (aPos * .1 + bPos * .9)
  407.                         Tab.CFrame =, Pos.p)
  408.                         local d=math.rad((Perplex.Core.Rotation*300)*math.pi);
  409.               ,Pos.p)*CFrame.Angles(0,0,0)
  410.                         * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.sin(time()/math.pi),math.sin(time()/math.pi),math.sin(time()/math.pi))
  411.             end
  412.         end
  413.           --end)
  414. end;
  415.   ShowCommandsForRank=function(rank, plr)
  416.     Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  417.     for _, CMDS in next, Perplex.Core['Commands'] do
  418.         if CMDS['Rank'] <= rank then
  419.             Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, CMDS['Name'], 'White', function()
  420.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr)
  421.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Name : '..CMDS['Name'], 'White')
  422.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Details : '..CMDS['Details'], 'Royal purple')
  423.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Rank required : '..CMDS['Rank'], 'New Yeller')
  424.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'F'..tostring(CMDS['Func']):sub(2), 'Really blue')
  425.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Say : '..CMDS['Chat']..Perplex.Core.Betkey, 'Really blue')
  426.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Back', 'Lime green', function() Perplex.Core['Functions'].ShowCommandsForRank(rank, plr) end)
  427.               Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output(plr, 'Dismiss', 'Really red', function() Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Dismiss(plr) end)
  428.             end)
  429.           end
  430.       end
  431.   end;
  433. NewCmd = function(name,chat,rank,desc,f)
  434. table.insert(Perplex.Core['Commands'], {Name=name, Chat=chat, Rank = rank, Details=desc, Func = f})
  435. end;
  436.       };
  437.     };
  439.   local main=Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main']
  441.   for _,v in next, game:service'Players':players() do
  442.    main.ConnectPlayer(v)
  443.   end
  444.   Perplex.Core['Functions'].NewCmd('Dismiss', 'dt', 0, 'Dismisses the tablets', function(Speaker, Msg)
  445.    main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  446.   end)
  447.   Perplex.Core['Functions'].NewCmd('Commands','cmds', 0,'Shows the commands menu',function(Speaker, Msg)
  448.      main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  449.     for i = 0, 7 do
  450.      main.Output(Speaker, 'Rank '..i..' commands', 'Really blue',function()
  451.         Perplex.Core['Functions'].ShowCommandsForRank(i, Speaker)
  452.       end)
  453.   end
  454.     main.Output(Speaker, 'Show commands for your rank ('..Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(Speaker)..')', 'Lime green', function()
  455.         Perplex.Core['Functions'].ShowCommandsForRank(Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Rank(Speaker), Speaker)
  456.       end)
  457.      main.Output(Speaker, 'Show all commands', 'Deep orange',function()
  458.         Perplex.Core['Functions'].ShowCommandsForRank(math.huge, Speaker)
  459.       end)
  460. end)
  462. Perplex.Core['Functions'].NewCmd('Kick','kick',2,'Kick a player', function(Speaker, Msg)
  463. for _,Plr in next, Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Players(Speaker, Msg) do
  464. if Plr then
  465.     Perplex.Core['Functions'].Kick(Plr)
  466.     end
  467. end
  468. end)
  470. Perplex.Core['Functions'].NewCmd('Ban','ban',5,'Bans a player',function(Speaker, Msg)
  471. for _,Plr in next,Perplex.Core['Functions']['Get'].Players(Speaker, Msg) do
  472. if Plr then
  473.   print'ban'
  474. Perplex.Core['Functions'].Kick(Plr)
  475. Perplex.Core['Bans'][Plr.Name]={Reason4Ban='Banned by an admin', BanType='Crash'}
  476. print'k'
  477. main.Output(Speaker, 'Would you like to add a reason for the ban?', 'Deep orange')
  478. main.Output(Speaker, 'Yes', 'Lime green', function()
  479.   main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  480.   for _,v in next, Perplex.Core['Reasons']['Bans'] do
  481.       main.Output(Speaker, v, 'Deep orange', function()
  482.           main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  483.           Perplex.Core['Bans'][Plr.Name].Reason4Ban=v
  484.         end)
  485.     end
  486. end)
  487.   main.Output(Speaker, 'No', 'Really red', function()
  488.     main.Dismiss(Speaker)
  489.   end)
  490. end
  491. end
  492. end)
  494. Perplex.Core['Functions'].NewCmd('Music','msc',4,'Plays a sound',function(Speaker, Msg)
  495.     pcall(function()
  496.         Perplex.Core['Functions'].PlayAudio(Speaker,Msg)
  497.     end)
  498. end)
  500. Perplex.Core['Functions'].NewCmd('All Music','music',4,'Displays all sounds running from the admin',function(plr)
  501.   main.Dismiss(plr)
  502.     for _, v in next, script:children() do
  503.         if v:IsA('Sound') then
  504.             main.Output(plr, v.Name, 'Teal', function()
  505.               Perplex.Core['Functions'].EditSound(plr, v)
  506.             end)
  507.           end
  508.       end
  509. end)
  511. --Perplex.Core['Functions']['Main'].Output=function(plr, text, color, f, image)
  512. --Perplex.Core['Functions'].NewCmd(Name, say, rank, description, function)
  515.   game:service'RunService'.Stepped:connect(Perplex.Core['Functions'].UpdateTabs)
  518. game:service'Players'.PlayerAdded:connect(function(p)
  519.   main.ConnectPlayer(p)
  520. end)
  522. game:service'Players'.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(p)
  523.   main.Dismiss(p)
  524. end)
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