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- -- TurbineMonitor
- -- Made By: MrKMG <>
- --
- -- This program will keep your turbines up to speed
- -- and turn the coil on and off as needed.
- --
- -- To Use:
- --
- -- Attach as many Turbines and Monitors as you
- -- would like via wired modems. Monitors will all
- -- display the same information for each turbine:
- -- Current Speed
- -- Current Power Generation,
- -- Coil On/Off
- -- Flow On/Off
- --
- -- Monitors can be of any size
- --
- --Edit these to fit your turbines
- -- Speed to keep rotors between. Recommend putting
- -- just above the best your turbine can do.
- minSpeed = 1800
- maxSpeed = 1820
- -- Range of RF to keep in turbine. Recommend to
- -- keep low to avoid waste.
- minEnergy = 1
- maxEnergy = 200000
- -- Colors for the monitor
- uiColors = {}
- uiColors["background"] = colors.gray
- uiColors["border"] =
- uiColors["headerBackground"] =
- uiColors["headerText"] =
- uiColors["currentSpeedBackground"] =
- uiColors["currentSpeedText"] = colors.white
- uiColors["currentPowerGenBackground"] =
- uiColors["currentPowerGenText"] = colors.white
- uiColors["coilOnBackground"] =
- uiColors["coilOnText"] = colors.white
- uiColors["coilOffBackground"] =
- uiColors["coilOffText"] = colors.white
- uiColors["flowOnBackground"] =
- uiColors["flowOnText"] = colors.white
- uiColors["flowOffBackground"] =
- uiColors["flowOffText"] = colors.white
- -- Text for the monitor.
- uiText = {}
- uiText["name"] = "Turbine "
- uiText["rpm"] = " rpm"
- uiText["rft"] = " RF/t"
- uiText["rfs"] = " RF/s"
- uiText["/"] = " / "
- uiText["flowOn"] = "Flow: On"
- uiText["flowOff"] = "Flow: Off"
- uiText["coilsOn"] = "Coils: On"
- uiText["coilsOff"] = "Coils: Off"
- uiText["title"] = "Turbine Monitor"
- -- Edit below at your your own risk
- -- !#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#!#
- function drawPixel(x, y, col)
- mon.setTextColor(uiColors["coilOnText"])
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- mon.setBackgroundColor(col)
- mon.write(" ")
- end
- function drawLine(x, y, length, col)
- for i = 0, length - 1 do
- drawPixel(x + i, y, col)
- end
- end
- -- Center Text
- local function printCenter(mon, y, txt)
- local w, h = mon.getSize()
- local x = math.floor((w / 2) - (#txt / 2))
- mon.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["flowOffBackground"])
- mon.setTextColor(uiColors["coilOnText"])
- mon.setCursorPos(x, y)
- mon.write(txt)
- end
- -- Global Variables
- mon = peripheral.wrap("right")
- t = {} -- Holds turbines
- m = {} -- Holds monitor
- w = {} -- Holds windows
- -- Other Functions
- function round(num)
- return math.floor(num + 0.5)
- end
- -- Program Functions
- -- Finds all devices. Puts turbines in `t` table
- -- and monitors in `m` table
- function getDevices()
- for _, name in pairs(peripheral.getNames()) do
- if peripheral.getType(name) == "BigReactors-Turbine" then
- table.insert(t, peripheral.wrap(name))
- end
- if peripheral.getType(name) == "monitor" then
- table.insert(m, peripheral.wrap(name))
- end
- end
- end
- -- Determines if the coil should be turned on
- function needCoilOn(i)
- if t[i].getEnergyStored() < minEnergy then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Determines if the coil should be turned off
- function needCoilOff(i)
- if t[i].getEnergyStored() > maxEnergy then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Turns coil on
- function coilOn(i)
- t[i].setInductorEngaged(true)
- end
- -- Tuns coil off
- function coilOff(i)
- t[i].setInductorEngaged(false)
- end
- -- Checks if coil in on or off
- function isCoilOn(i)
- return t[i].getInductorEngaged()
- end
- -- Determines if flow should turn on
- function needFlowOn(i)
- if t[i].getRotorSpeed() < minSpeed then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Determines if flow should turn off
- function needFlowOff(i)
- if t[i].getRotorSpeed() > maxSpeed then
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- -- Turns flow on
- -- (Sets flow to MAX)
- function flowOn(i)
- t[i].setFluidFlowRateMax(t[i].getFluidFlowRateMaxMax())
- end
- -- Turns flow off
- -- (Sets flow to 0)
- function flowOff(i)
- t[i].setFluidFlowRateMax(0)
- end
- -- Checks if flow is on or off
- -- (Assumes MAX is on, other is off)
- function isFlowOn(i)
- return t[i].getFluidFlowRateMax() == t[i].getFluidFlowRateMaxMax()
- end
- -- Get Rotor Speed
- function getRotorSpeed(i)
- return math.floor(t[i].getRotorSpeed())
- end
- -- Get Power Generation
- function getPowerGeneration(i)
- return math.floor(t[i].getEnergyProducedLastTick())
- end
- -- Get Sum Power Generation
- function getSumPowerGeneration()
- local sum = 0
- for i = 1, #t ,1 do
- sum = sum + getPowerGeneration(i)
- end
- return sum
- end
- function getSumPowerGeneration20()
- local sum = 0
- for i = 1, #t ,1 do
- sum = getSumPowerGeneration() * 20
- end
- return sum
- end
- -- Returns text scale for best fit
- -- TODO Figure out if there is a better way than
- -- brute forcing
- function getScaleForBox(baseWidth, baseHeight, fitWidth, fitHeight, count)
- local best = 0.5
- for i = best, 5, 0.5 do
- local cWidth = baseWidth / i
- local cHeight = baseHeight / i
- local cPerRow = math.floor(cWidth / fitWidth)
- local cPerCol = math.floor(cHeight / fitHeight)
- if cPerRow * cPerCol >= count then
- best = i
- else
- break
- end
- end
- return best
- end
- -- Determins offset to center the windows in the
- -- monitor.
- function getOffsetForWindow(monitorWidth, monitorHeight, desiredWidth, desiredHeight, count)
- local columnsNeeded = math.min(math.floor(monitorWidth / desiredWidth), count)
- local rowsNeeded = math.ceil(count / columnsNeeded)
- local widthUsed = desiredWidth * columnsNeeded
- local heightUsed = desiredHeight * rowsNeeded
- local offsetLeft = math.ceil((monitorWidth - widthUsed) / 2)
- local offsetRight = math.ceil((monitorHeight - heightUsed) / 2)
- return offsetLeft, offsetRight
- end
- -- Clears each connected monitor
- function clearMonitors()
- for i = 1, #m do
- m[i].setBackgroundColor(uiColors["border"])
- m[i].clear()
- end
- end
- -- Setup each monitor
- -- (Put a window in each monitor for each turbine)
- function setupMonitors()
- if #t > 0 then
- local monitorWidth
- local monitorHeight
- local desiredW = 14
- local desiredH = 8
- local currentX
- local currentY
- for i = 1, #m do
- print("Setting Up " .. i)
- table.insert(w, {})
- m[i].setTextScale(1)
- monitorWidth, monitorHeight = m[i].getSize()
- print("Initial Size: " .. monitorWidth .. " " .. monitorHeight)
- scale = getScaleForBox(monitorWidth, monitorHeight, desiredW, desiredH, #t)
- print("Scale: " .. scale)
- m[i].setTextScale(scale)
- monitorWidth, monitorHeight = m[i].getSize()
- offsetX, offsetY = getOffsetForWindow(monitorWidth, monitorHeight, desiredW, desiredH, #t)
- print("Offset: " .. offsetX .. " " .. offsetY)
- currentX = offsetX
- currentY = offsetY
- for ii = 1, #t do
- print(currentX .. " " .. currentY .. " " .. desiredW .. " " .. desiredH)
- table.insert(w[i], window.create(m[i], currentX, currentY, desiredW, desiredH))
- currentX = currentX + desiredW
- if (currentX + desiredW > monitorWidth) then
- currentX = offsetX
- currentY = currentY + desiredH
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- Write status of turn to window
- function writeStatus(turbine, screen)
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["border"])
- screen.clear()
- -- Write Title
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["headerBackground"])
- screen.setTextColor(uiColors["headerText"])
- screen.setCursorPos(2, 2)
- screen.clearLine()
- screen.write(uiText["name"] .. turbine)
- --Filler
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["background"])
- screen.setCursorPos(1, 3)
- screen.clearLine()
- -- Write Rotor Speed
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["currentSpeedBackground"])
- screen.setTextColor(uiColors["currentSpeedText"])
- screen.setCursorPos(2, 4)
- screen.clearLine()
- screen.write(getRotorSpeed(turbine) .. uiText["rpm"])
- -- Write Power Generation
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["currentPowerGenBackground"])
- screen.setTextColor(uiColors["currentPowerGenText"])
- screen.setCursorPos(2, 5)
- screen.clearLine()
- screen.write(getPowerGeneration(turbine) .. uiText["rft"])
- --Filler
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["background"])
- screen.setCursorPos(1, 6)
- screen.clearLine()
- -- Write Coil Status
- if isCoilOn(turbine) then
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["coilOnBackground"])
- screen.setTextColor(uiColors["coilOnText"])
- screen.setCursorPos(2, 7)
- screen.clearLine()
- screen.write(uiText["coilsOn"])
- else
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["coilOffBackground"])
- screen.setTextColor(uiColors["coilOffText"])
- screen.setCursorPos(2, 7)
- screen.clearLine()
- screen.write(uiText["coilsOff"])
- end
- -- Write Flow Status
- if isFlowOn(turbine) then
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["flowOnBackground"])
- screen.setTextColor(uiColors["flowOnText"])
- screen.setCursorPos(2, 8)
- screen.clearLine()
- screen.write(uiText["flowOn"])
- else
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["flowOffBackground"])
- screen.setTextColor(uiColors["flowOffText"])
- screen.setCursorPos(2, 8)
- screen.clearLine()
- screen.write(uiText["flowOff"])
- end
- -- Draw Right Border
- screen.setBackgroundColor(uiColors["border"])
- for i = 1, 8 do
- screen.setCursorPos(14, i)
- screen.write(" ")
- end
- end
- -- Write status of each turbine to appropiate windows
- function writeStatuses()
- for i = 1, #m do
- for ii = 1, #t do
- writeStatus(ii, w[i][ii])
- end
- end
- end
- -- Setup
- function setup()
- w = {}
- m = {}
- t = {}
- getDevices()
- if (#t == 0) then
- error("No Turbines. You did something wrong")
- end
- if (#m > 0) then
- clearMonitors()
- setupMonitors()
- end
- end
- -- Main Loop
- function main()
- for i = 1, #t do
- if isCoilOn(i) then
- if needCoilOff(i) then
- print("turning off " .. i)
- coilOff(i)
- end
- else
- if needCoilOn(i) then
- print("turning on " .. i)
- coilOn(i)
- end
- end
- if isFlowOn(i) then
- if needFlowOff(i) then
- print("stopping flow " .. i)
- flowOff(i)
- end
- else
- if needFlowOn(i) then
- print("starting flow " .. i)
- flowOn(i)
- end
- end
- end
- writeStatuses()
- end
- -- Program Run
- setup()
- while true do
- main()
- drawLine(1, 2, 4,
- drawLine(5, 2, 69,
- drawLine(74, 2, 6,
- drawLine(1, 3, 4,
- drawLine(5, 3, 69,
- printCenter(mon, 3, uiText["title"])
- drawLine(74, 3, 6,
- drawLine(1, 4, 4,
- drawLine(5, 4, 69,
- drawLine(74, 4, 6,
- drawLine(1, 48, 4,
- drawLine(5, 48, 69,
- drawLine(74, 48, 6,
- drawLine(1, 49, 4,
- drawLine(5, 49, 69,
- printCenter(mon, 49, getSumPowerGeneration() .. uiText["rft"] .. uiText["/"] .. getSumPowerGeneration20() .. uiText["rfs"])
- drawLine(74, 49, 6,
- drawLine(1, 50, 4,
- drawLine(5, 50, 69,
- drawLine(74, 50, 6,
- os.sleep(1)
- end
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