
errors/omissions in mario wiki recipe list

Oct 27th, 2016
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  1. 'Fried Shroom': ['Dried Shroom (COOKBOOK NEEDED)',
  2. ('Fire Flower', 'Dried Shroom'),
  3. ('Mushroom', 'Dried Shroom')],
  4. 'Shroom Steak': [('Mushroom', 'Ultra Shroom'),
  5. ('Volt Shroom', 'Ultra Shroom'),
  6. ('Super Shroom', 'Ultra Shroom'),
  7. ('Super Shroom', 'Life Shroom'),
  8. ('Dried Shroom', 'Ultra Shroom'),
  9. ('Dried Shroom', 'Life Shroom'),
  10. ('Ultra Shroom', 'Life Shroom')],
  11. 'Super Soda': ['Blue Berry (COOKBOOK NEEDED)',
  12. 'Red Berry (COOKBOOK NEEDED)',
  13. 'Yellow Berry (COOKBOOK NEEDED)',
  14. ('Blue Berry', 'Maple Syrup'),
  15. ('Red Berry', 'Maple Syrup'),
  16. ('Yellow Berry', 'Maple Syrup'),
  17. ('Maple Syrup', 'Koopa Leaf'),
  18. ('Maple Syrup', 'Coconut'),
  19. 'Tasty Tonic': ['Bubble Berry (COOKBOOK NEEDED)',
  20. 'Special Shake': [('Apple', "Jammin' Jelly"),
  21. ('Lemon', "Jammin' Jelly"),
  22. ('Lemon', 'Melon'),
  23. ('Lime', "Jammin' Jelly"),
  24. ('Lime', 'Melon'),
  25. ('Blue Berry', "Jammin' Jelly"),
  26. ('Blue Berry', 'Melon'),
  27. ('Red Berry', "Jammin' Jelly"),
  28. ('Red Berry', 'Melon'),
  29. ('Yellow Berry', "Jammin' Jelly"),
  30. ('Yellow Berry', 'Melon'),
  31. ("Jammin' Jelly", 'Maple Syrup'),
  32. ("Jammin' Jelly", 'Honey Syrup'),
  33. ("Jammin' Jelly", 'Coconut'),
  34. ("Jammin' Jelly", 'Melon'),
  35. ('Maple Syrup', 'Melon'),
  36. ('Honey Syrup', 'Melon'),
  37. ('Koopa Leaf', 'Melon'),
  38. ('Strange Leaf', 'Melon')],
  39. 'Yummy Meal': ["Whacka's Bump (COOKBOOK NEEDED)",
  40. ('Fire Flower', 'Ultra Shroom'),
  41. ('Ultra Shroom', 'Dried Pasta'),
  42. ('Ultra Shroom', 'Egg'),
  43. ('Ultra Shroom', 'Iced Potato'),
  44. ('Strange Leaf', 'Iced Potato'),
  45. ('Hot Shroom', 'Potato Salad'),
  46. ('Spaghetti', 'Potato Salad')],
  47. 'Dizzy Dial': ['Strange Leaf (COOKBOOK NEEDED)',
  48. 'Bland Meal': [('Dried Pasta', 'Iced Potato'),
  49. 'Life Shroom': [('Mushroom', 'Goomnut') - jpn only,
  50. ('Mushroom', 'Koopa Leaf') - jpn only,
  51. ('Mushroom', 'Strange Leaf') - jpn only,
  52. 'Volt Shroom': [('Mushroom', 'Goomnut') - international only,
  53. ('Mushroom', 'Koopa Leaf') - international only,
  54. ('Mushroom', 'Strange Leaf') - international only,
  55. super/ultra/life + thunder bolt is apparently a hoax??],
  56. 'Shroom Cake': [('Super Shroom', 'Cake Mix')],
  57. 'Jelly Super': [('Volt Shroom', "Jammin' Jelly"),
  58. ('Life Shroom', "Jammin' Jelly")],
  59. 'Maple Super': [('Volt Shroom', 'Maple Syrup'),
  60. ('Life Shroom', 'Maple Syrup')],
  61. 'Honey Super': [('Volt Shroom', 'Honey Syrup'),
  62. ('Life Shroom', 'Honey Syrup')],
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