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- --{program="aTreeFarm",version="1.01",date="2015-01-31"}
- ---------------------------------------
- -- aTreeFarm by Kaikaku
- -- 2015-01-31, v1.01 fixed initial refuelling
- -- 2015-01-31, v1.00 finalized UI + counter
- -- 2015-01-30, v0.80 auto set-up option
- -- 2015-01-26, v0.70 preparing for video
- -- 2014-01-12, v0.61 replant limited tries
- -- 2014-01-04, v0.60 redstone stop
- -- 2013-12-15, v0.51 initial
- ---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- DESCRIPTION ----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- Turtle-automated tree farm.
- -- Details see information during program
- -- execution or YouTube video.
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- PARAMETERS -----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local cVersion ="1.01"
- local cPrgName ="aTreeFarm"
- local cMinFuel = 960*2 -- 2 stacks of planks
- local minRandomCheckSapling=0.1 -- below this will check replant
- local actRandomCheckSapling=minRandomCheckSapling*2
- local cIncreaseCheckSapling_Sapling=0.02
- local cIncreaseCheckSapling_Stub=0.04
- local cMaxCheckSapling=0.6
- local strC="tReeTreESdig!diG;-)FaRmKaIKAKUudIgYdIgyTreEAndsOrRygUYsd"
- local cSlotChest=16 -- chest for crafty turtle
- local cCraftRefuelMaxItems=16 -- use how many logs to refuel at max
- local cSlotRefuel=15 -- where to put fuel
- local cExtraDigUp=1 -- go how many extra levels to reach jungle branches
- local cLoopEnd=56 -- one loop
- local cWaitingTime=20 -- if redstone signal in back is on
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- VARIABLES ------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- --local testStart=nil
- --local testEnd=nil
- local strC_now=""
- local strC_next=""
- local tmpResult=""
- local blnAskForParameters=true
- local blnShowUsage=false
- local blnAutoSetup=false
- local strSimpleCheck="Press enter to start:"
- local intCounter=0
- local maxCounter=0
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- tArgs ----------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local tArgs = {...}
- if #tArgs >= 1 then -- no error check
- blnAskForParameters=false
- if tArgs[1]=="help" then blnShowUsage=true end
- if tArgs[1]=="setup" then blnAutoSetup=true end
- if tArgs[1]=="set-up" then blnAutoSetup=true end
- if tonumber(tArgs[1])~=nil then
- maxCounter=tonumber(tArgs[1])
- end
- --print("maxCounter='",maxCounter,"'") os.sleep(5)
- end
- --if #tArgs >= 2 then
- -- testStart = tArgs[2]
- --end
- --if #tArgs >= 3 then
- -- testEnd = tArgs[3]
- --end
- if blnShowUsage then
- print("Usage: aTreeFarm [setup/set-up]")
- print(" or: aTreeFarm [maxCounter]")
- print("setup or set-up:")
- print(" Will start auto set-up")
- print("maxCounter:")
- print(" 0=will farm infinitely")
- print(" x=will farm x rounds")
- print("More details on YouTube ;)")
- return
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local function gf(n)
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.forward() do end end
- end
- local function gb(n)
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.back() do end end
- end
- local function gu(n)
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.up() do end end
- end
- local function gd(n)
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.down() do end end
- end
- local function gl(n)
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.turnLeft() do end end
- end
- local function gr(n)
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do while not turtle.turnRight() do end end
- end
- local function pf(n)
- -- moves backwards if n>1
- if n==nil then n=1 end
- for i=1,n,1 do if i~=1 then gb() end end
- end
- local function pu() turtle.placeUp() end
- local function pd() turtle.placeDown() end
- local function df() return turtle.dig() end
- local function du() turtle.digUp() end
- local function dd() turtle.digDown() end
- local function sf() turtle.suck() end
- local function su() turtle.suckUp() end
- local function sd(n)
- if n==nil then
- while turtle.suckDown() do end
- else
- for i=1,n do
- turtle.suckDown()
- end
- end
- end
- local function Df() turtle.drop() end
- local function Du() turtle.dropUp() end
- local function Dd(n)
- if n==nil then n=64 end
- turtle.dropDown(n)
- end
- local function ss(s) end
- local function askForInputText(textt)
- local at=""
- -- check prompting texts
- if textt==nil then textt="Enter text:" end
- -- ask for input
- write(textt)
- at=read()
- return at
- end
- local function checkFuel()
- local tmp=turtle.getFuelLevel()
- return tmp
- end
- function checkRefuel(minFuel, slotFuel)
- if slotFuel==nil then slotFuel=16 end
- if minFuel==nil then minFuel=1000 end
- local tmpFuel=0 tmpFuel2=0
- local tmpItems=65 --turtle.getItemCount(slotFuel)
- local cSleep=5
- -- step 1 check if more fuel is required
- tmpFuel=turtle.getFuelLevel()
- tmpFuel2=tmpFuel-1 -- triggers print at least once
- if tmpFuel<minFuel then
- ss(slotFuel)
- -- step 2 refuel loop
- while tmpFuel<minFuel do
- -- step 2.1 need to update fuel level?
- if tmpFuel2~=tmpFuel then --tmpItems~=turtle.getItemCount(slotFuel) then
- -- fuel still too low and there have been items consumed
- print("Need more fuel ("..tmpFuel.."/"..minFuel..") in slot "..slotFuel)
- end
- -- step 2.2 try to refuel
- if tmpItems>0 then
- -- try to refuel this items
- turtle.refuel()
- else
- os.sleep(cSleep)
- end
- -- step 2.3 update variables
- tmpItems=turtle.getItemCount(slotFuel)
- tmpFuel2=tmpFuel
- tmpFuel=turtle.getFuelLevel()
- end
- end
- -- step 3 either no need to refuel
- -- or successfully refuelled
- print("Fuel level ok ("..tmpFuel.."/"..minFuel..")")
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- functions ------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- local function cutTree()
- local tmpExtraDigUp=cExtraDigUp
- ---- assumptions
- -- turtle faces trunk one block below bottom
- ---- variables
- local intUpCount = 0
- local intFace = 0 -- -1=left, 1=right
- local blnDigSomething=false
- term.write(" cutting tree: ")
- -- get into tree column
- df()
- while not turtle.forward() do df() end
- gr() df() gl() df() gl() df()
- local intFace=-1
- -- cut and go up
- repeat
- blnDigSomething=false
- du()
- while not turtle.up() do du() end
- blnDigSomething=df() or blnDigSomething
- if intFace==-1 then
- gr()
- blnDigSomething=df() or blnDigSomething
- gr()
- elseif intFace==1 then
- gl()
- blnDigSomething=df() or blnDigSomething
- gl()
- end
- intFace=intFace * -1
- blnDigSomething=df() or blnDigSomething
- intUpCount = intUpCount +1
- term.write(".")
- -- check for 2 conditions
- -- either
- -- 1) nothing above the turtle
- -- or
- -- 2) nothing dig on the other columns blnDigSomething
- if not (turtle.detectUp() or blnDigSomething) then
- tmpExtraDigUp=tmpExtraDigUp-1
- else
- tmpExtraDigUp=cExtraDigUp -- restore it
- end
- until tmpExtraDigUp<0 --not (turtle.detectUp() or blnDigSomething) ----- NOT kai_2
- -- go off tree column
- if intFace==-1 then
- gl()
- elseif intFace==1 then
- gr()
- end
- df()
- while not turtle.forward() do df() end
- gl()
- intFace = 0
- intFace = 1 -- 1=forward,-1=backwards
- -- go back down
- -- hint: only digging front and back in order
- -- to not cut into larger neighbouring,
- -- as this may leave upper tree parts left
- for i = 1,intUpCount+1 do
- dd() df() gl(2) df()
- intFace=intFace* -1
- while not turtle.down() do dd() end
- end
- if intFace==1 then
- gl()
- elseif intFace==-1 then
- gr()
- end
- sf() df() term.write(".")
- print(" done!")
- -- plant new
- plantTree()
- while not turtle.up() do du() end
- sd()
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- function plantTree()
- local tmpCount=0
- ---- assumptions
- -- turtle faces place to plant
- -- check for enough saplings
- sf()
- if turtle.getItemCount(1) > 1 then
- -- plant
- print(" plant new sapling")
- while not do
- print(" hard to plant here...")
- tmpCount=tmpCount+1
- if tmpCount>3 then break end
- os.sleep(1)
- end -- NOT kai_2
- else
- -- error
- print(" Out of saplings...") -- prog name
- os.sleep(5)
- actRandomCheckSapling=cMaxCheckSapling
- return
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- local function replantStub()
- ss(2) -- compare with wood in slot 2
- if then
- -- assumption: there is only a stub left, so replant
- -- if there is a tree on top of it, it will be harvested next round
- print(" Replanting a stub")
- df() ss(1)
- if pf() then
- actRandomCheckSapling=actRandomCheckSapling+cIncreaseCheckSapling_Stub
- else
- print(" failure!")
- end
- else
- ss(1)
- end
- end
- local function eS(sI,sA,eA)
- local sO=""
- local sR=""
- if sA==nil then sA=1 end
- if eA==nil then eA=string.len(sI) end
- for i=sA,eA,1 do
- sO=string.sub(sI,i,i)
- if sR~="" then break end
- if sO=="a" then
- gl()
- elseif sO=="d" then
- gr()
- else
- while not turtle.forward() do df() end
- end
- end
- return sR
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- local function randomReplant()
- local intSuccess=0
- if turtle.getItemCount(1) > 10 then
- -- try to plant
- while not turtle.down() do dd() end
- sf() gl() sf()
- if then
- actRandomCheckSapling=actRandomCheckSapling+cIncreaseCheckSapling_Sapling
- else
- if turtle.detect() then replantStub() end
- end
- gl() sf() gl() sf()
- if then
- actRandomCheckSapling=actRandomCheckSapling+cIncreaseCheckSapling_Sapling
- else
- if turtle.detect() then replantStub() end
- end
- gl() sf()
- while not turtle.up() do du() end
- -- ensure min probability and max 100%
- actRandomCheckSapling=math.max(actRandomCheckSapling-0.01,minRandomCheckSapling)
- actRandomCheckSapling=math.min(actRandomCheckSapling,cMaxCheckSapling)
- print((actRandomCheckSapling*100).."% check probability")
- else
- -- extra suck
- while not turtle.down() do dd() end
- sf() gr() sf() gr() sf() gr() sf() gr() sf()
- while not turtle.up() do du() end
- sd()
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- local function craftFuel()
- local tmpFuelItems=turtle.getItemCount(2)
- -- step 1 need fuel?
- if (turtle.getFuelLevel()<cMinFuel) and (turtle.getItemCount(cSlotChest)==1) then
- -- no refuelling if not exactly 1 item in slot cSlotChest (=chest)
- print("Auto refuel ("..turtle.getFuelLevel().."/"..cMinFuel..") ...")
- -- step 2 enough mats to refuel?
- -- assumption: slot 2 has wood
- if tmpFuelItems>1 then
- -- step 2 store away stuff!
- dd() ss(cSlotChest) pd()
- for i=1,15,1 do
- ss(i)
- if i~=2 then
- Dd()
- else
- -- cCraftRefuelMaxItems
- Dd(math.max(1,turtle.getItemCount(2)-cCraftRefuelMaxItems)) -- to keep the wood
- end
- end
- -- step 3 craft planks!
- turtle.craft()
- -- step 4 refuel!
- for i=1,16,1 do
- ss(i)
- turtle.refuel()
- end
- print("New fuel level ("..turtle.getFuelLevel().."/"..cMinFuel..")")
- -- step 5 get back stuff!
- ss(1) sd(15) ss(cSlotChest) dd() ss(1)
- else
- print("Ups, not enough wood for auto refuel!")
- end
- end
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- main -----------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- step 0 info and inital check
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- repeat
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| aTreeFarm ",cVersion,", by Kaikaku (1/2) |")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| Farm set-up: Place crafty felling |")
- print("| turtle down (e.g. bottom left |")
- print("| corner of chunk). Run program with|")
- print("| parameter 'setup' (one time). |")
- print("| Materials for auto set-up: |")
- print("| slot 3: chest (1) |")
- print("| slot 4: cobble (47) |")
- print("| slot 5: torches (8) |")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- if blnAutoSetup then
- if turtle.getItemCount(3)~=1 or turtle.getItemCount(4)<47 or turtle.getItemCount(5)<8 then
- -- inventory not ready for set-up
- strSimpleCheck="Fill in slots 3-5 and press enter:"
- else
- strSimpleCheck="Press enter to start:"
- end
- else
- strSimpleCheck="Press enter to start:"
- end
- if not blnAskForParameters and strSimpleCheck=="Press enter to start:" then break end
- until askForInputText(strSimpleCheck)=="" and strSimpleCheck=="Press enter to start:"
- term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1,1)
- repeat
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| aTreeFarm ",cVersion,", by Kaikaku (2/2) |")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- print("| Running the farm: |")
- print("| Felling turtle sits above chest |")
- print("| (as after running set-up). Turtle |")
- print("| needs some initial fuel to start. |")
- print("| Turtle inventory: |")
- print("| slot 1: saplings (20+x) |")
- print("| slot 2: wood from sapling (1) |")
- print("| slot 16: chest (1) |")
- print("+-------------------------------------+")
- if turtle.getItemCount(1)<11 or turtle.getItemCount(2)~=1 or turtle.getItemCount(16)~=1 then
- -- inventory not ready
- strSimpleCheck="Provide materials and press enter:"
- else
- strSimpleCheck="Press enter to start:"
- end
- --strSimpleCheck="Press enter to start:"
- if not blnAskForParameters and strSimpleCheck=="Press enter to start:" then break end
- if blnAutoSetup then strSimpleCheck="Press enter to start:" end
- until askForInputText(strSimpleCheck)=="" and strSimpleCheck=="Press enter to start:"
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- set-up farm ----------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- -- set-up = not running the farm
- if blnAutoSetup then
- write("Setting up tree farm...")
- checkRefuel(cMinFuel,cSlotRefuel)
- -- chest
- gf(3) gr() gf(3) gl() ss(3) dd() pd()
- -- path
- ss(4)
- for i=1,9,1 do gf() dd() pd() end gr()
- for i=1,3,1 do gf() dd() pd() end gr()
- for i=1,6,1 do gf() dd() pd() end gl()
- for i=1,3,1 do gf() dd() pd() end gl()
- for i=1,6,1 do gf() dd() pd() end gr()
- for i=1,3,1 do gf() dd() pd() end gr()
- for i=1,9,1 do gf() dd() pd() end gr()
- for i=1,8,1 do gf() dd() pd() end
- -- torches
- ss(5) gf(2) gl() pf() gu() gb(10) pd()
- gl() gf(5) pd() gf() pd() gf(5) pd() gr() gf(11) pd()
- gb(3) gr() gf(3) pd() gf(5) pd() gf(2) gr() gb(2) gd()
- print(" done!")
- print("You can now run the tree farm with: ",cPrgName)
- return
- end
- ---------------------------------------
- ---- tree farm ------------------------
- ---------------------------------------
- strC_next=string.sub(strC,1,1)
- while true do
- -- step 0 check exit
- if maxCounter>0 then
- if intCounter==maxCounter then
- print("Completed all ",maxCounter," farming rounds.")
- print("I'm awaiting new commands, master!")
- return
- end
- end
- -- step 1 check fuel
- checkRefuel(cMinFuel,cSlotRefuel)
- -- step 2 wait if redstone signal
- while rs.getInput("back") do
- print("Waiting due to redstone signal ",cWaitingTime,"s.")
- os.sleep(cWaitingTime)
- end
- -- step 3 new round
- while not turtle.up() do du() end
- ss(1)
- intCounter=intCounter+1
- print("Starting round ",intCounter," with "..turtle.getItemCount(1).." saplings.")
- for i=1,cLoopEnd,1 do
- -- update commands
- strC_now=strC_next
- if i<cLoopEnd then
- strC_next=string.sub(strC,i+1,i+1)
- else
- strC_next=string.sub(strC,1,1)
- end
- -- step 4 one step on the road
- tmpResult=eS(strC,i,i)
- if tmpResult~="" then
- print("found special command: "..tmpResult)
- end
- -- step 5 check for blocks
- -- step 5.1 check left hand side
- if strC_now~="a" and strC_next~="a" then
- -- now a=>just turned left
- -- next a=>will turned left
- gl()
- if turtle.detect() then cutTree() end
- gr()
- end
- -- step 5.2 check right hand side
- if strC_now~="d" and strC_next~="d" then
- -- now d=>just turned right
- -- next d=>will turn right
- gr()
- if turtle.detect() then cutTree() end
- gl()
- end
- sd()
- if math.random()<=actRandomCheckSapling then
- if strC_now~="d" and strC_now~="a" then
- randomReplant()
- end
- end
- end
- -- step 6 need to craft some fuel?
- craftFuel()
- -- step 7 empty into chest
- print(" Drop what I've harvested!")
- while not turtle.down() do dd() end
- ss(2)
- if turtle.compareTo(1) then
- print("Ups, in slot 2 is the same as in slot 1??")
- Dd()
- else
- -- if slot 2 has other item (wood) than slot 1
- -- keep one of them for comparison
- Dd(math.max(turtle.getItemCount(2)-1,0))
- end
- for i=3,15,1 do
- -- assumption slot 16 contains a chest
- ss(i) Dd()
- end
- os.sleep(0)
- ss(1)
- end
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