
Think about it!!! What's the key to defeating racism?

Aug 8th, 2019
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  1. You'll never see a black woman let a hotter white girl twerk in her music video. Lol. Review all the hip hop videos, if there's a lead black female, they don't use hot white girls, and the black male rappers use to only show white nerdy, weak looking guys being goofy. But there's no racism towards white people? *I remind everyone sarcastically.* I bet if you are reading this, you think I am a white supremacist??? I'm not. White people are equal with everyone, I know that's not a very popular belief right now, but it got me motivated during the Diversify period, it's what they used to pacify us into cooperating with our own slaughter. Walking head first blindly down to our own slaughter by the hands of thugs, taking and raping all the white girls and children. You probably think I just suffer from "missing white girl syndrome." But I assure that is a made up disease, like being white trash, just because I don't belong to the 1%. So if they call them Satan and me trash???? Everyone else is magically elevated above all white people... Ty... For setting us up with slavery and then letting us take the fall and foster the ungrateful maggots, who's only purpose was to be put here to eliminate us.
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