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- /* *****************************************************************************
- * fimp.dll v1.0.0.0 - file implode / explode dynamic linked library (dll)
- * impExplode by Stuart Caie
- * impImplode by JOTD
- * fimp.dll by Peace^Testaware - this software is in the Public Domain
- * *****************************************************************************
- *
- * Website:
- *
- * Version history
- * 01-Dec-2008 : by Peace^Testaware
- * - first release
- * - sources adapted to Dev-C++
- * - sources assembled as dllmain.c
- * - added impGetExplodeSize()
- * - changed impImplodeBuffer() <-> impImplode()
- * - changed params of impExplode()
- * - changed ERR_FIMP_<CODE> cause haven't include error.h
- * - included example source for PureBasic
- * ****************************************************************************/
- #include "dll.h"
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include "m68k_opcodes.h" /* ported by JOTD */
- #include "m68k_opcodes.c" /* ported by JOTD */
- #define ERR_FIMP_NONE (0)
- #define ERR_FIMP_TOOSHORT (-1)
- #define ID_IMP (0x494D5021)
- #define ID_ATN (0x41544E21)
- #define SwapLong(ptr) ((ptr[0] << 24) | (ptr[1] << 16) | (ptr[2] << 8) | ptr[3])
- #define REVERSE_INT(val) (((val >> 24) & 0xFF) | ((val >> 8) & 0xFF00) | ((val << 8) & 0xFF0000) | ((val << 24) & 0xFF000000))
- /* *****************************************************************************
- * SIZE = impGetExplodeSize(*buffer)
- * *****************************************************************************
- * calculates the exploded size of an imploded buffer
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * APTR *buffer = buffer of FImp imploded data
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * SIZE = size of exploded buffer, else #ERR_FIMP_<CODE>
- * ****************************************************************************/
- DLLIMPORT int impGetExplodeSize(unsigned char *buffer)
- {
- int uncomp_len = 0;
- unsigned int id;
- id = SwapLong(buffer);
- // Check for magic ID: IMP!, EDAM, CHFI, PARA, RDC9, FLT!, Dupa or ATN!
- if (id != 0x494d5021 && id != 0x4544414d && id != 0x43484649 &&
- id != 0x50415241 && id != 0x52444339 && id != 0x464c5421 &&
- id != 0x44757061 && id != 0x41544e21) {
- }
- else {
- buffer = (buffer + 4);
- uncomp_len = SwapLong(buffer);
- }
- return uncomp_len;
- }
- /* *****************************************************************************
- * SIZE = impExplode(*in, in_len, *out, out_len)
- * *****************************************************************************
- * explode an FImp imploded buffer
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * APTR *in = buffer of imploded data
- * ULONG in_len = size in bytes of *in
- * APTR *out = buffer to store exploded datas
- * ULONG out_len = size of exploded buffer (=impGetExplodeSize())
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * SIZE = size of decrunched buffer, else #PPERR_<CODE>
- * ****************************************************************************/
- DLLIMPORT int impExplode(unsigned char *in, unsigned int in_len,
- unsigned char *out, unsigned int out_len)
- {
- unsigned int id, end_off, ok;
- if (in_len < 0x30)
- id = (in[0x00] << 24) | (in[0x01] << 16) | (in[0x02] << 8) | in[0x03];
- out_len = (in[0x04] << 24) | (in[0x05] << 16) | (in[0x06] << 8) | in[0x07];
- end_off = (in[0x08] << 24) | (in[0x09] << 16) | (in[0x0A] << 8) | in[0x0B];
- // Check for magic ID: IMP!, EDAM, CHFI, PARA, RDC9, FLT!, Dupa or ATN!
- if (id != 0x494d5021 && id != 0x4544414d && id != 0x43484649 &&
- id != 0x50415241 && id != 0x52444339 && id != 0x464c5421 &&
- id != 0x44757061 && id != 0x41544e21)
- // Sanity checks
- if (end_off & 1) return ERR_FIMP_COMPNOTEVEN;
- if (end_off < 14) return ERR_FIMP_COMPTOOSHORT;
- if ((end_off + 0x2E) > in_len) return ERR_FIMP_NOTENOUGHDATA;
- if ((end_off + 0x26) > out_len) return ERR_FIMP_OUTPUTLTINPUT;
- // Copy input data into output buffer
- memcpy(&out[0x00], &in[end_off + 0x08], 4);
- memcpy(&out[0x04], &in[end_off + 0x04], 4);
- memcpy(&out[0x08], &in[end_off + 0x00], 4);
- memcpy(&out[0x0C], &in[0x0C], end_off - 0x0C);
- memcpy(&out[end_off], &in[end_off + 0x0C], 4);
- if (in[end_off + 0x10] & 0x80)
- {
- out[end_off + 4] = in[end_off + 0x11];
- ok = impExplodeBuffer(out, &in[end_off + 0x12], end_off + 5, out_len);
- }
- else
- {
- out[end_off - 1] = in[end_off + 0x11];
- ok = impExplodeBuffer(out, &in[end_off + 0x12], end_off + 4, out_len);
- }
- }
- /* macro which obtains the next bit from the input bitstream, from MSB to
- * LSB, and sets the "bit" variable with the result. If 8 bits have been
- * read, fetches another byte from the input bytestream. Equivalent to the
- * following M680x0 code:
- *
- * add.b d3,d3
- * bne.b gotbit
- * move.b -(a3),d3
- * addx.b d3,d3
- * gotbit:
- */
- #define EXPLODE_GETBIT do { \
- bit = bit_buffer & 0x80; \
- bit_buffer <<= 1; \
- if (!bit_buffer) \
- { \
- bit2 = bit; \
- bit_buffer = *--i; \
- bit = bit_buffer & 0x80; \
- bit_buffer <<= 1; \
- if (bit2) \
- bit_buffer++; \
- } \
- } while (0)
- static unsigned char explode_literal_base[4] =
- {
- 6, 10, 10, 18
- };
- static unsigned char explode_literal_extrabits[12] =
- {
- 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 2, 3, 3, 4,
- 4, 5, 7, 14
- };
- /**
- * Decompresses a stream of Imploder-compressed data.
- *
- * @param buffer a buffer that is large enough to contain all the
- * decompressed data. On entry, the buffer should
- * contain the entire Imploder-compressed stream at
- * offset 0. On successful exit, the buffer will
- * contain the decompressed data at offset 0. The
- * original buffer contents will be overwritten.
- *
- * @param table an explosion table, consisting of 8 16-bit
- * big-endian "base offset" values and 12 8-bit
- * "extra bits" values.
- * @param comp_len the compressed length of the data
- * @param uncomp_len the decompressed length of the data
- *
- * @return zero on error, non-zero on success. If successful, the
- * buffer contains the decompressed data.
- */
- int impExplodeBuffer(unsigned char *buffer, unsigned char *table, unsigned int comp_len, unsigned int uncomp_len)
- {
- unsigned char *i = buffer + comp_len - 5; /* input pointer */
- unsigned char *o = buffer + uncomp_len; /* output pointer */
- unsigned char *match; /* match pointer */
- unsigned char bit_buffer, bit, bit2;
- unsigned int literal_len, match_len, selector, x, y;
- unsigned int match_base[8];
- // Read the 'base' part of the explosion table into native byte order, for speed
- for (x = 0; x < 8; x++)
- match_base[x] = (table[x*2] << 8) | table[x*2 + 1];
- // Get initial bit buffer contents, and first literal length
- if (comp_len & 1)
- {
- bit_buffer = i[4];
- literal_len = (i[0] << 24) | (i[1] << 16) | (i[2] << 8) | i[3];
- }
- else
- {
- bit_buffer = i[0];
- literal_len = (i[1] << 24) | (i[2] << 16) | (i[3] << 8) | i[4];
- }
- // Copy literal run
- while (1)
- {
- // Enough space?
- if ((o - buffer) < literal_len)
- return 0;
- while (literal_len--) *--o = *--i;
- // Main exit point - after the literal copy
- if (o <= buffer) break;
- /* static Huffman encoding of the match length and selector:
- *
- * 0 -> selector = 0, match_len = 1
- * 10 -> selector = 1, match_len = 2
- * 110 -> selector = 2, match_len = 3
- * 1110 -> selector = 3, match_len = 4
- * 11110 -> selector = 3, match_len = 5 + next three bits (5-12)
- * 11111 -> selector = 3, match_len = (next input byte)-1 (0-254)
- *
- */
- if (bit)
- {
- if (bit)
- {
- if (bit)
- {
- selector = 3;
- if (bit)
- {
- if (bit)
- {
- match_len = *--i;
- // Bad input
- if (match_len == 0) return 0;
- match_len--;
- }
- else
- {
- match_len = 0; EXPLODE_GETBIT; if (bit) match_len++;
- match_len <<= 1; EXPLODE_GETBIT; if (bit) match_len++;
- match_len <<= 1; EXPLODE_GETBIT; if (bit) match_len++;
- match_len += 5;
- }
- }
- else
- match_len = 4;
- }
- else
- {
- selector = 2;
- match_len = 3;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- selector = 1;
- match_len = 2;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- selector = 0;
- match_len = 1;
- }
- /* Another Huffman tuple, for deciding the base value (y) and number
- * of extra bits required from the input stream (x) to create the
- * length of the next literal run. Selector is 0-3, as previously
- * obtained.
- *
- * 0 -> base = 0, extra = {1,1,1,1}[selector]
- * 10 -> base = 2, extra = {2,3,3,4}[selector]
- * 11 -> base = {6,10,10,18}[selector] extra = {4,5,7,14}[selector]
- */
- y = 0;
- x = selector;
- if (bit)
- {
- if (bit)
- {
- y = explode_literal_base[x];
- x += 8;
- }
- else
- {
- y = 2;
- x += 4;
- }
- }
- x = explode_literal_extrabits[x];
- // Next literal run length: read [x] bits and add [y] */
- literal_len = 0;
- while (x--)
- {
- literal_len <<= 1;
- if (bit)
- literal_len++;
- }
- literal_len += y;
- /* Another Huffman tuple, for deciding the match distance: _base and
- * _extra are from the explosion table, as passed into the explode
- * function.
- *
- * 0 -> base = 1 extra = _extra[selector + 0]
- * 10 -> base = 1 + _base[selector + 0] extra = _extra[selector + 4]
- * 11 -> base = 1 + _base[selector + 4] extra = _extra[selector + 8]
- */
- match = o + 1;
- x = selector;
- if (bit)
- {
- if (bit)
- {
- match += match_base[selector + 4];
- x += 8;
- }
- else
- {
- match += match_base[selector];
- x += 4;
- }
- }
- x = table[x + 16];
- // Obtain the value of the next [x] extra bits and add it to the match offset
- y = 0;
- while (x--)
- {
- y <<= 1; EXPLODE_GETBIT;
- if (bit)
- y++;
- }
- match += y;
- // Copy match
- // Enough space?
- if ((o - buffer) < match_len)
- return 0;
- do { *--o = *--match; } while (match_len--);
- }
- // Return 1 if we used up all input bytes (as we should)
- return (i == buffer);
- }
- /* *****************************************************************************
- * SIZE = impImplode(*buffer, dlen, cmode
- * *****************************************************************************
- * implode buffer as like as Amiga FImp (buffer will be overwritten!)
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Remark: sorry to see JOTD didn't calculate a checksum at end of buffer, so
- * it's not possible to explode files with Amiga FImp! Also the ID is
- * changed to his ATN! mark! (but he did an absolute great job at all!)
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * APTR *buffer = buffer of unpacked datas to implode
- * ULONG *dlen = size of buffer in bytes
- * ULONG cmode = implode efficiency range 0 - 11 ( > 4 very slow! )
- * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * SIZE = imploded size of buffer, else ERR_FIMP_<CODE>
- * ****************************************************************************/
- //
- // Imploder cruncher. Ported by JOTD.
- //
- static const uint imtab0[] = {128,256,512,1024,1792,3328,5376,9472,20736,37376,67840,67840};
- static const uint imtab1[] = { 0x5050505,0x5050505,0x6060606,0x5060707,0x6060606,0x7070606,
- 0x5060707,0x7070707,0x8080808,0x5060708,0x7070808,0x8080909,
- 0x6070708,0x7080909,0x8090A0A,0x6070708,0x709090A,0x80A0B0B,
- 0x6070808,0x709090A,0x80A0B0C,0x6070808,0x709090A,0x90A0C0D,
- 0x6070708,0x709090C,0x90A0C0E,0x6070809,0x7090A0C,0x90B0D0F,
- 0x6070808,0x70A0B0B,0x90C0D10,0x6080809,0x70B0C0C,0x90D0E11 };
- static const uint imtab2[] = { 0x2060E,0x1020304 };
- static const uint imtab3[] = { 0x1010101,0x2030304,0x405070E };
- static const uint imtab4[] = { 0x20002,0x20002,0x6000A,0xA0012,0x16002A,0x8A4012 };
- #define IMTAB0 0
- #define IMTAB1 IMTAB0 + sizeof(imtab0)
- #define IMTAB2 IMTAB1 + sizeof(imtab1)
- #define IMTAB3 IMTAB2 + sizeof(imtab2)
- #define IMTAB4 IMTAB3 + sizeof(imtab3)
- #define TABLE_SIZE IMTAB4 + sizeof(imtab4)
- #define STACK_SIZE 2000
- // implode:
- // In: a0.l=*buffer
- // d0.l=data length
- // d1.l=crunch mode
- // Out: d0.l=<0:user break
- uint32_t _stdcall reverseLong(uint32_t Value) {
- return REVERSE_INT(Value); }
- uint32_t _stdcall freeMemory(uint32_t* Mem) {
- free(Mem);
- return ERR_FIMP_NONE; }
- void do_implode();
- void IM28();
- void IM37();
- void IM40();
- void IM55();
- #define TRANSFER_TABLE(num) m68k_to_vmem(imtab##num,IMTAB##num,sizeof(imtab##num),4);
- DLLIMPORT int impImplode(void *buffer, int dlen, int cmode)
- {
- uint rval = 0;
- if (m68k_init(TABLE_SIZE + dlen + STACK_SIZE) == 0)
- {
- D[0] = dlen;
- A[0] = TABLE_SIZE;
- D[1] = cmode << 16;
- m68k_to_vmem(buffer,TABLE_SIZE,dlen,1);
- do_implode();
- rval = D[0];
- m68k_from_vmem(TABLE_SIZE,buffer,rval,1);
- m68k_terminate();
- }
- return rval;
- }
- void do_implode()
- {
- // implode:
- // In: a0.l=*buffer
- // d0.l=data length
- // d1.l=crunch mode
- // Out: d0.l=<0:user break
- A[7] -= 44; // pre
- MOVEM_D_IND(252,124,A[7],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0x57,D[2],4);
- IM01:
- A[7] -= 2; // pre
- CLR_IND(A[7],2);
- DBF(D[2],IM01);
- MOVEA_D_D(A[7],A[6],4);
- // move.l a5,2(a6)
- CMP_IMM_D(0x40,D[0],4);
- BLO(IM23);
- LSR_IMM_D(8,D[1],4);
- SCS_IND(A[6]); // size 1
- LSR_IMM_D(8,D[1],4);
- CMP_IMM_D(12,D[1],1);
- BLO(IM02);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[1],4);
- IM02:
- // move.l a1,6(a6)
- MOVE_D_IND(A[0],10 + A[6],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(A[0],0x22 + A[6],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(A[0],0x26 + A[6],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x12 + A[6],4);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(A[0],14 + A[6],4);
- LEA(IMTAB0,A[0]);
- LSL_IMM_D(2,D[1],2);
- MOVE_IND_D(0 + A[0] + ( D[1] & 0xFFFF ),D[1],4);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(1,D[1],4);
- CMP_D_D(D[0],D[1],4);
- BLS(IM03);
- MOVE_D_D(D[0],D[1],4);
- SUBQ_IMM_D(1,D[1],4);
- IM03:
- MOVE_D_IND(D[1],0x1A + A[6],4);
- SUBQ_IMM_D(1,D[1],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[0],4);
- IM04:
- CMP_IND_D(A[0],D[1],4);
- A[0] += 4; // post
- BLS(IM05);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(1,D[0],1);
- BRA(IM04);
- IM05:
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],1 + A[6],1);
- LEA(0xA4 + A[6],A[1]);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(12,D[1],4);
- MULU_D_D(D[1],D[0]);
- LEA(IMTAB1,A[0]);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],4);
- SUBQ_IMM_D(1,D[1],2);
- IM06:
- MOVE_IND_IND(A[0],A[1],1);
- A[0] += 1;A[1] += 1; // post
- DBF(D[1],IM06);
- LEA(0x74 + A[6],A[1]);
- LEA(0xA4 + A[6],A[0]);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(11,D[1],4);
- IM07:
- MOVE_IND_D(A[0],D[0],1);
- A[0] += 1; // post
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[2],4);
- BSET8_D_D(D[0],D[2]);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[2],A[1],4);
- A[1] += 4; // post
- DBF(D[1],IM07);
- LEA(0x74 + A[6],A[0]);
- LEA(0x84 + A[6],A[1]);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(7,D[1],4);
- IM08:
- MOVE_IND_D(A[0],D[0],4);
- A[0] += 4; // post
- ADD_D_IND(D[0],A[1],4);
- A[1] += 4; // post
- DBF(D[1],IM08);
- TST_IND(A[6],1);
- BEQ(IM11);
- LEA(0x74 + A[6],A[1]);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(7,D[0],4);
- IM09:
- MOVE_IND_D(A[1],D[1],4);
- A[1] += 4; // post
- MOVE_D_IND(D[1],A[2],2);
- A[2] += 2; // post
- DBF(D[0],IM09);
- LEA(0xA4 + A[6],A[1]);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(11,D[0],4);
- IM10:
- MOVE_IND_IND(A[1],A[2],1);
- A[1] += 1;A[2] += 1; // post
- DBF(D[0],IM10);
- IM11:
- MOVE_IMM_IND(7,0x2D + A[6],1);
- IM12:
- BSR(IM28);
- BEQ(IM15);
- BSR(IM55);
- BNE(IM13);
- // move.l $22(a6),a0
- // move.l $26(a6),a1
- // move.b (a0),(a1)
- // addq.l #1,$22(a6)
- // addq.l #1,$26(a6)
- // addq.l #1,$30(a6)
- // addq.l #1,$1E(a6)
- // cmp.l #$4012,$30(a6)
- LEA(0x1E + A[6],A[5]);
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,A[5],4); // $1e
- A[5] += 4; // post
- MOVEA_IND_D(A[5],A[0],4); // $22
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,A[5],4); // $22
- A[5] += 4; // post
- MOVEA_IND_D(A[5],A[1],4); // $26
- MOVE_IND_IND(A[0],A[1],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,A[5],4); // $26
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,0x30 + A[6],4); // $30
- CMP_IMM_IND(0x4012,0x30 + A[6],4);
- BCS(IM12);
- // never happens yet
- BRA(IM15);
- IM13:
- MOVE_IND_D(0x5C + A[6],D[0],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x60 + A[6],D[1],4);
- BSR(IM37);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x5E + A[6],D[0],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x66 + A[6],D[1],2);
- BSR(IM37);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x5D + A[6],D[0],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x64 + A[6],D[1],2);
- CMP_IMM_D(13,D[0],1);
- BNE(IM14);
- MOVEA_IND_D(0x26 + A[6],A[0],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[1],A[0],1);
- A[0] += 1; // post
- MOVE_D_IND(A[0],0x26 + A[6],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(5,D[0],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0x1F,D[1],4);
- IM14:
- BSR(IM37);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[0],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x30 + A[6],4); // clr.l $30(a6)
- MOVE_IND_D(0x2E + A[6],D[0],1);
- ADD_D_IND(D[0],0x22 + A[6],4);
- BRA(IM12);
- IM15:
- // move.l $22(a6),a0
- // move.l $26(a6),a1
- // move.b (a0),(a1)
- // addq.l #1,$22(a6)
- // addq.l #1,$26(a6)
- // addq.l #1,$30(a6)
- // addq.l #1,$1E(a6)
- LEA(0x1E + A[6],A[5]);
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,A[5],4); // $1e
- A[5] += 4; // post
- MOVEA_IND_D(A[5],A[0],4); // $22
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,A[5],4); // $22
- MOVE_IND_D(A[5],D[0],4); // $22
- A[5] += 4; // post
- MOVEA_IND_D(A[5],A[1],4); // $26
- MOVE_IND_IND(A[0],A[1],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,A[5],4); // $26
- ADDQ_IMM_IND(1,0x30 + A[6],4); // $30
- // move.l $22(a6),d0
- CMP_IND_D(14 + A[6],D[0],4);
- BNE(IM15);
- TST_IND(A[6],1);
- BNE(IM19);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x26 + A[6],D[0],4);
- SUB_IND_D(10 + A[6],D[0],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(12,D[1],4);
- CMP_D_D(D[1],D[0],4); // cmp.l #12,d0
- BLO(IM23);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x12 + A[6],D[1],4);
- SUB_D_D(D[0],D[1],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0x36,D[7],4);
- CMP_D_D(D[7],D[1],4); // cmp.l #$36,d1
- BLS(IM23);
- MOVEA_IND_D(10 + A[6],A[1],4);
- MOVEA_IND_D(0x26 + A[6],A[0],4);
- MOVE_IMM_D(0xFF00,D[7],2); // move.l #$FF00,d7
- BTST8_IMM_D(0,D[0]);
- BEQ(IM16);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[7],4);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(1,D[0],4);
- CLR_IND(A[0],1);
- A[0] += 1; // post
- IM16:
- MOVE_IND_IND(A[1],8 + A[0],4);
- MOVE_IMM_IND(m68k_string_to_long("ATN!"),A[1],4);
- MOVE_IND_IND(4 + A[1],4 + A[0],4);
- MOVE_IND_IND(0x12 + A[6],4 + A[1],4);
- MOVE_IND_IND(8 + A[1],A[0],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],8 + A[1],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0x2E,D[1],4);
- ADD_D_D(D[1],D[0],4); // add.l #$2E,d0
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x16 + A[6],4);
- MOVE_IND_IND(0x30 + A[6],12 + A[0],4);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x2C + A[6],D[1],1);
- AND_IMM_D(0xFE,D[1],2);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x2D + A[6],D[0],1);
- BSET8_D_D(D[0],D[1]);
- OR_D_D(D[7],D[1],2);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[1],0x10 + A[0],2);
- LEA(0x74 + A[6],A[1]);
- ADDA_IMM_D(0x12,A[0],2);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(7,D[0],4);
- IM17:
- MOVE_IND_D(A[1],D[1],4);
- A[1] += 4; // post
- MOVE_D_IND(D[1],A[0],2);
- A[0] += 2; // post
- DBF(D[0],IM17);
- LEA(0xA4 + A[6],A[1]);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(11,D[0],4);
- IM18:
- MOVE_IND_IND(A[1],A[0],1);
- A[1] += 1;A[0] += 1; // post
- DBF(D[0],IM18);
- BRA(IM23);
- IM19:
- MOVE_IND_D(0x26 + A[6],D[0],4);
- SUB_IND_D(10 + A[6],D[0],4);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x12 + A[6],D[1],4);
- SUB_D_D(D[0],D[1],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(6,D[2],4);
- CMP_D_D(D[2],D[1],4); // cmp.l #6,d1
- BLS(IM23);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x2C + A[6],D[1],1);
- AND_IMM_D(0xFE,D[1],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x2D + A[6],D[2],1);
- BSET8_D_D(D[2],D[1]);
- MOVEA_IND_D(0x26 + A[6],A[0],4);
- BTST8_IMM_D(0,D[0]);
- BEQ(IM20);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[1],A[0],1);
- A[0] += 1; // post
- MOVE_IND_IND(0x30 + A[6],A[0],4);
- BRA(IM21);
- IM20:
- MOVE_IND_IND(0x30 + A[6],A[0],4);
- A[0] += 4; // post
- MOVE_D_IND(D[1],A[0],1);
- IM21:
- ADDQ_IMM_D(5,D[0],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x16 + A[6],4);
- IM23:
- MOVE_IND_D(0x16 + A[6],D[0],4);
- IM24:
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0x57,D[2],4);
- IM25:
- CLR_IND(A[7],2);
- A[7] += 2; // post
- DBF(D[2],IM25);
- MOVEM_IND_D(A[7],252,124,4);
- A[7] += 44; // post
- TST_D(D[0],4);
- RTS;
- }
- void IM28()
- {
- MOVEA_IND_D(0x22 + A[6],A[5],4);
- MOVE_IND_D(14 + A[6],D[4],4);
- MOVE_D_D(A[5],D[0],4);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(1,D[0],4);
- ADD_IND_D(0x1A + A[6],D[0],4);
- CMP_D_D(D[4],D[0],4);
- BLS(IM29);
- MOVE_D_D(D[4],D[0],4);
- MOVE_D_D(D[0],D[1],4);
- SUB_D_D(A[5],D[1],4);
- CMP_IMM_D(3,D[1],4);
- BCC(IM29);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[0],4);
- RTS;
- IM29:
- MOVE_D_D(D[0],D[5],4);
- MOVEA_D_D(A[5],A[2],4);
- ADDQA_IMM_D(1,A[2],4);
- MOVEA_D_D(A[2],A[4],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(1,D[7],4);
- MOVE_IND_D(A[5],D[3],1);
- LEA(0x34 + A[6],A[3]);
- IM30:
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_IND_D(A[2],D[3],1);
- A[2] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM32);
- CMP_D_D(A[2],D[5],4);
- BHI(IM30);
- IM31:
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(-1,D[0],4);
- RTS;
- IM32:
- CMP_D_D(A[2],D[5],4);
- BLS(IM31);
- MOVEA_D_D(A[4],A[0],4);
- MOVEA_D_D(A[2],A[1],4);
- CMPM_IND_IND(A[0],A[1],1);
- A[0] += 1;A[1] += 1; // post
- BNE(IM30);
- CMPM_IND_IND(A[0],A[1],1);
- A[0] += 1;A[1] += 1; // post
- BNE(IM35);
- CMPM_IND_IND(A[0],A[1],1);
- A[0] += 1;A[1] += 1; // post
- BNE(IM34);
- MOVE_IMM_D(251,D[0],2);
- IM33:
- CMPM_IND_IND(A[0],A[1],1);
- A[0] += 1;A[1] += 1; // post
- DBNE(D[0],IM33);
- IM34:
- CMPA_D_D(D[4],A[1],4);
- BLS(IM35);
- MOVEA_D_D(D[4],A[1],4);
- IM35:
- MOVE_D_D(A[1],D[6],4);
- SUB_D_D(A[2],D[6],4);
- CMP_D_D(D[6],D[7],2);
- BCC(IM30);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[7],2);
- CMP_IMM_D(8,D[6],2);
- BHI(IM36);
- TST_IND(-2 + A[3] + ( D[6] & 0xFFFF ),1);
- BNE(IM30);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[6],-2 + A[3] + ( D[6] & 0xFFFF ),1);
- MOVE_D_D(A[2],D[0],4);
- SUB_D_D(A[5],D[0],4);
- SUBQ_IMM_D(2,D[0],4);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[1],2);
- LSL_IMM_D(2,D[1],2);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0 + A[3] + ( D[1] & 0xFFFF ),4);
- BRA(IM30);
- IM36:
- MOVE_D_IND(D[6],7 + A[3],1);
- MOVE_D_D(A[2],D[0],4);
- SUB_D_D(A[5],D[0],4);
- SUBQ_IMM_D(2,D[0],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x24 + A[3],4);
- CMP_IMM_D(0xFF,D[6],1);
- BNE(IM30);
- BRA(IM31);
- }
- int call_counter=0;
- void IM37()
- {
- call_counter++;
- MOVE_IND_D(0x2C + A[6],D[2],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x2D + A[6],D[3],1);
- MOVEA_IND_D(0x26 + A[6],A[0],4);
- IM38:
- LSR_IMM_D(1,D[1],4);
- ROXR_IMM_D(1,D[2],1);
- SUBQ_IMM_D(1,D[3],1);
- BPL(IM39);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(7,D[3],4);
- // divergence ici
- MOVE_D_IND(D[2],A[0],1);
- A[0] += 1; // post
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[2],4);
- IM39:
- SUBQ_IMM_D(1,D[0],1);
- BNE(IM38);
- MOVE_D_IND(A[0],0x26 + A[6],4);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[3],0x2D + A[6],1);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[2],0x2C + A[6],1);
- RTS;
- }
- void IM40()
- {
- AND_IMM_D(0xFF,D[0],4);
- CMP_IMM_D(13,D[0],1);
- BHI(IM42);
- CMP_IMM_D(5,D[0],1);
- BHI(IM41);
- LEA(IMTAB2,A[0]);
- MOVE_IND_IND(-2 + A[0] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),0x71 + A[6],1);
- MOVE_IND_IND(2 + A[0] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),0x69 + A[6],1);
- BRA(IM44);
- IM41:
- SUBQ_IMM_D(6,D[0],1);
- OR_IMM_D(0xF0,D[0],1);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x71 + A[6],1);
- MOVE_IMM_IND(8,0x69 + A[6],1);
- BRA(IM43);
- IM42:
- MOVE_IMM_IND(0x1F,0x70 + A[6],1);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x71 + A[6],1);
- MOVE_IMM_IND(13,0x69 + A[6],1);
- IM43:
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(5,D[0],4);
- IM44:
- SUBQ_IMM_D(2,D[0],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x30 + A[6],D[2],4);
- LEA(IMTAB3,A[1]);
- LEA(IMTAB4,A[0]);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],4);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],4);
- CMP_IND_D(A[0],D[2],2);
- BCC(IM45);
- MOVE_IND_D(0 + A[1] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),D[6],1);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[3],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(1,D[3],1);
- SF_IND(0x73 + A[6]); // move.b #0,$73(a6)
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[4],4);
- BRA(IM48);
- IM45:
- CMP_IND_D(8 + A[0],D[2],2);
- BCC(IM46);
- MOVE_IND_D(4 + A[1] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),D[6],1);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[3],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(2,D[3],1);
- MOVE_IMM_IND(2,0x73 + A[6],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(A[0],D[4],2);
- BRA(IM48);
- IM46:
- CMP_IND_D(0x10 + A[0],D[2],2);
- BLO(IM47);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[0],4);
- RTS;
- IM47:
- MOVE_IND_D(8 + A[1] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),D[6],1);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[3],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(2,D[3],1);
- MOVE_IMM_IND(3,0x73 + A[6],1);
- MOVE_IND_D(8 + A[0],D[4],2);
- IM48:
- MOVE_D_IND(D[3],0x6A + A[6],1);
- SUB_D_D(D[4],D[2],2);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0x10,D[5],4);
- SUB_D_D(D[6],D[5],1);
- LSL_D_D(D[5],D[2],2);
- IM49:
- ADD_D_D(D[2],D[2],2);
- ROXL_IND(0x72 + A[6],2); // PB maybe here...
- SUBQ_IMM_D(1,D[6],1);
- BNE(IM49);
- LEA(0xA4 + A[6],A[1]);
- LEA(0x74 + A[6],A[0]);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],2);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],2);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],2);
- ADDA_D_D(D[0],A[0],2);
- CMP_IND_D(A[0],D[1],4);
- BCC(IM50);
- MOVE_IND_D(0 + A[1] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),D[6],1);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[3],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(1,D[3],1);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[7],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[4],4);
- BRA(IM53);
- IM50:
- CMP_IND_D(0x10 + A[0],D[1],4);
- BCC(IM51);
- MOVE_IND_D(4 + A[1] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),D[6],1);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[3],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(2,D[3],1);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(2,D[7],4);
- MOVE_IND_D(A[0],D[4],4);
- BRA(IM53);
- IM51:
- CMP_IND_D(0x20 + A[0],D[1],4);
- BLO(IM52);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[0],4);
- RTS;
- IM52:
- MOVE_IND_D(8 + A[1] + ( D[0] & 0xFFFF ),D[6],1);
- MOVE_D_D(D[6],D[3],1);
- ADDQ_IMM_D(2,D[3],1);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(3,D[7],4);
- MOVE_IND_D(0x10 + A[0],D[4],4);
- IM53:
- MOVE_D_IND(D[3],0x68 + A[6],1);
- SUB_D_D(D[4],D[1],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0x20,D[5],4);
- SUB_D_D(D[6],D[5],1);
- LSL_D_D(D[5],D[1],4);
- IM54:
- ADD_D_D(D[1],D[1],4);
- ADDX_D_D(D[7],D[7],4);
- SUBQ_IMM_D(1,D[6],1);
- BNE(IM54);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[7],0x6C + A[6],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(-1,D[0],4);
- RTS;
- }
- void IM55()
- {
- CLR_IND(0x2A + A[6],2);
- CLR_IND(0x2E + A[6],1);
- LEA(0x34 + A[6],A[4]);
- LEA(0x3C + A[6],A[5]);
- IM56:
- MOVE_IND_D(A[5],D[1],4);
- A[5] += 4; // post
- MOVE_IND_D(A[4],D[0],1);
- A[4] += 1; // post
- BEQ(IM58);
- BSR(IM40);
- BEQ(IM58);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[0],4);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(0,D[1],4);
- MOVE_IND_D(-1 + A[4],D[0],1);
- LSL_IMM_D(3,D[0],2);
- ADD_IND_D(0x69 + A[6],D[1],1);
- ADD_IND_D(0x68 + A[6],D[1],1);
- ADD_IND_D(0x6A + A[6],D[1],1);
- SUB_D_D(D[1],D[0],2);
- BMI(IM58);
- CMP_IND_D(0x2A + A[6],D[0],2);
- BLO(IM58);
- MOVE_D_IND(D[0],0x2A + A[6],2);
- MOVE_IND_IND(-1 + A[4],0x2E + A[6],1);
- LEA(0x5C + A[6],A[0]);
- LEA(0x68 + A[6],A[1]);
- MOVEQ_IMM_D(12,D[1],4);
- IM57:
- MOVE_IND_IND(A[1],A[0],1);
- A[1] += 1;A[0] += 1; // post
- DBF(D[1],IM57);
- IM58:
- MOVE_D_D(A[4],D[0],4);
- SUB_D_D(A[6],D[0],4);
- CMP_IMM_D(0x3C,D[0],2);
- BNE(IM56);
- A[4] -= 4; // pre
- CLR_IND(A[4],4);
- A[4] -= 4; // pre
- CLR_IND(A[4],4);
- TST_IND(0x2E + A[6],2);
- RTS;
- }
- BOOL APIENTRY DllMain (HINSTANCE hInst /* Library instance handle. */ ,
- DWORD reason /* Reason this function is being called. */ ,
- LPVOID reserved /* Not used. */ )
- {
- switch (reason)
- {
- break;
- break;
- break;
- break;
- }
- /* Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure */
- return TRUE;
- }
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