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- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Project Euler - Problem 10
- ;
- ; Find the sum of all the primes below two million.
- ;
- ; Requirements:
- ;
- ; * at least a 386 with math coprocessor
- ; * about 192 KiB free RAM
- ;
- ; Usage:
- ;
- ; Prints the sum to standard output.
- ;
- ; Return codes (%errorlevel%):
- ;
- ; * 0 Okay.
- ; * 1 Not enough memory for the sieve data left.
- ;
- cpu 386
- org 100h
- [map all]
- ; TODO Move the stack down to save some space.
- PROGRAM_SEGMENT_SIZE equ 1000h ; in paragraphs.
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- segment .data
- ; The limit up to which all prime numbers will be added.
- ; It is a variable instead of a constant which means the
- ; program may be extended to let the user enter this value
- ; at runtime.
- limit: dd 2000000
- segment .bss
- ; Segment of the sieve data. The data may span more than one
- ; 64 KiB segment. In the case of the 2 million limit given in
- ; the Project Euler problem #10 it will take up about 128 KiB.
- sieve_segment: resw 1
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- start:
- segment .data
- .banner_txt:
- db "Project Euler #10",13,10,13,10
- db "Sum all prime numbers below $"
- .banner_txt2:
- db '.',13,10,13,10,'$'
- segment .text
- mov ah,9
- mov dx,.banner_txt
- int 21h
- xor edx,edx
- mov eax,[limit]
- call print_u64
- mov ah,9
- mov dx,.banner_txt2
- int 21h
- call memory_init
- call sieve
- call add_primes
- call print_u64
- mov ax,4c00h
- int 21h
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Check if enough memory is available and calculate the
- ; base segment for the sieve data behind the program memory.
- ;
- ; In: limit The number up to which the prime numbers should
- ; be added up.
- ; Out: sieve_segment The start segment of the sieve data.
- memory_init:
- segment .data
- .mem_txt:
- db "Not enough memory.",13,10,'$'
- segment .text
- mov eax,[limit]
- ; limit / 128 (/2 = only odd numbers, /8 = 8 bits per byte, /16 = paragraphs)
- shr eax,8
- inc ax ; ("round" up.)
- jz .not_enough_memory_error
- jc .not_enough_memory_error
- cmp [2],ax
- jb .not_enough_memory_error
- ; Calculate and store the first segment address of the sieve data.
- mov ax,cs
- mov [sieve_segment],ax
- ret
- .not_enough_memory_error:
- ; TODO Print amount of needed vs. available memory.
- mov ah,9
- mov dx,.mem_txt
- int 21h
- mov ax,4c01h
- int 21h
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Sieve of Eratosthenes implementation.
- ;
- ; In: sieve_segment Start segment of the sieve data.
- ; limit Up to this number the sieve determines prime numbers.
- ; Out: [sieve_segment] Lookup bitarray with set bit for every odd prime number.
- sieve:
- segment .bss
- .limit_sqrt: resd 1
- segment .text
- call fill_sieve
- ; Zeroeth bit of sieve data = 0
- mov bx,[sieve_segment]
- mov es,bx
- mov byte [es:0],11111110b
- ; Bounds for outer and inner loop.
- fild dword [limit]
- fsqrt
- fistp dword [.limit_sqrt]
- mov esi,[limit]
- shr esi,1
- mov edi,3 ; i (EDI)
- .L1:
- mov eax,edi
- shr eax,1
- call get_bit
- jnc .not_prime
- mov edx,edi ; j (EDX)
- shr edx,1
- add edx,edi
- .L2:
- mov eax,edx
- call get_bit ; Called to initialise AX, CX, and ES:BX.
- btr ax,cx
- mov [es:bx],al
- add edx,edi
- cmp edx,esi
- jb .L2
- .not_prime:
- add edi,2
- cmp edi,[.limit_sqrt]
- jbe .L1
- ret
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Fills the sieve data memory with set bits.
- ;
- ; As it fills with 32 bit values it may fill up to three
- ; excess bytes with set bits.
- ;
- ; In: sieve_segment
- ; limit
- ; Out: [sieve_segmet] All set bits.
- fill_sieve:
- mov bx,[sieve_segment]
- mov es,bx
- ; Fill whole 64 KiB segments.
- mov eax,[limit]
- shr eax,20
- mov dx,ax
- mov eax,0ffffffffh
- .L1:
- or dx,dx
- jz .whole_segments_finished
- xor di,di
- mov cx,4000h
- rep stosd
- mov bx,es
- add bx,1000h
- mov es,bx
- dec dx
- jmp .L1
- .whole_segments_finished:
- ; Fill part of last 64 KiB segment.
- mov ecx,[limit]
- shr ecx,4
- inc ecx
- and ecx,0ffffh
- xor di,di
- rep stosd
- ret
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Adds all the prime numbers below [limit].
- ;
- ; In: [limit]
- ; Out: EDX:EAX 64 bit integer with the sum.
- add_primes:
- xor edi,edi ; sum_hi (EDI)
- mov esi,2 ; sum_lo (ESI)
- mov edx,3 ; i (EDX)
- .L1:
- mov eax,edx
- shr eax,1
- call get_bit
- jnc .not_prime
- add esi,edx
- jnc .skip
- inc edi
- .skip:
- .not_prime:
- add edx,2
- cmp edx,[limit]
- jb .L1
- mov eax,esi
- mov edx,edi
- ret
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Gets a bit from the bitarray (and a far pointer, and the byte value, and
- ; the bit offset within the byte value).
- ;
- ; in: EAX bit offset.
- ; sieve_segment
- ; out: CF = bit value.
- ; AL byte value.
- ; ES:BX address of byte value.
- ; CX bit offset within byte.
- get_bit:
- mov cx,ax
- and cx,00000111b
- shr eax,3
- mov ebx,eax
- xor bx,bx
- shr ebx,4
- add bx,[sieve_segment]
- mov es,bx
- mov bx,ax
- mov al,[es:bx]
- bt ax,cx
- ret
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
- ; Prints an unsigned 64 bit integer value.
- ;
- ; In: EDX:EAX Unsigned 64 bit integer value.
- print_u64:
- mov edi,eax
- mov esi,edx
- mov ebx,10
- xor cx,cx ; CX is digit counter.
- .L1:
- mov eax,esi
- xor edx,edx
- div ebx
- mov esi,eax
- mov eax,edi
- div ebx
- mov edi,eax
- push dx
- inc cl
- mov eax,edi
- or eax,esi
- jnz .L1
- .print:
- mov ah,2
- pop dx
- or dl,'0'
- int 21h
- loop .print
- ret
- ;----------------------------------------------------------
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