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- rm(list = ls())
- library(moments)
- library(evd)
- library(goftest)
- data <- read.table("Esercizio4.txt", sep = '\t', header = T)
- df <- data[ ,2:6]
- year <- data$Anno
- #Vettore di durate
- duration <- c(1, 3, 6, 12, 24)
- par <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(duration), ncol = 2)
- colnames(par) <- c("scale", "location")
- for (i in 1:length(duration)) {
- x <- df[ ,i]
- mu <- mean(x)
- sd <- sqrt(var(x))
- scale <- sqrt(6) * sd / pi
- loc <- mu - 0.5772 * scale
- par[i, 1] <- scale
- par[i, 2] <- loc
- }
- PR <- c(10, 25, 50, 100)
- FR <- (1 - 1/PR)
- LSPP <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(duration), ncol = length(PR))
- for (i in 1:length(duration)) {
- qg <- qgumbel(FR, loc = par[i, 2], scale = par[i, 1])
- LSPP[i, ] <- qg
- }
- plot(duration, LSPP[ ,1], ylim = c(40, 310), xlab = "Duration [h]", ylab = 'Quantile', main = 'Quantili regolarizzati')
- points(duration, LSPP[ ,2])
- points(duration, LSPP[ ,3])
- points(duration, LSPP[ ,4])
- # per ogni tempo di ritorno fitto le rette nel piano logaritmico e poi ritrasformo i parametri ottenuti
- par2 <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(PR), ncol = 2)
- colnames(par2) <- c("a", "n")
- for (i in 1:length(PR)) {
- y <- log(LSPP[ ,i])
- x <- log(duration)
- fit <- lm(y ~ x)
- a <- exp(fit$coefficients[1])
- n <- fit$coefficients[2]
- par2[i, 1] <- a
- par2[i, 2] <- n
- }
- dd <- 1:24
- plot(dd, par2[1, 1] * dd ^ par2[1, 2], ylim = c(40, 310), ylab="depth (mm)", xlab="duration (h)", main="DDF-Regularized quantile method", col = 'red', lwd = 3, type = 'l')
- lines(dd, par2[2, 1] * dd ^ par2[2, 2],col = 'blue', lwd = 3)
- lines(dd, par2[3, 1] * dd ^ par2[3, 2],col = 'orange', lwd = 3)
- lines(dd, par2[4, 1] * dd ^ par2[4, 2],col = 'green', lwd = 3)
- legend("topleft", legend=c("Return period=10", "Return period=25", "Return period=50", "Return period=100"),
- col=c("red", "blue", "orange", "green"), lwd=c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5), text.width = 0.4, bty = 'n', text.font=3)
- mean_duration <- apply(df, 2, mean)
- X <- c()
- for(i in 1: length(duration)){
- X <- c(X, df[,i]/mean_duration[i])
- }
- xs <- sort(X)
- N <- length(X)
- rank <- seq(1, N)
- PP <- rank / (N + 1)
- M0 <- 1
- xPP <- xs * PP
- M1 <- (1/N) * sum(xPP)
- xPP2 <- xs * PP^2
- M2 <- (1/N) * sum(xPP2)
- L1 <- M0
- L2 <- 2 * M1 - M0
- L3 <- 6 * M2 - 6 * M1 + M0
- c <- 2 * L2 / (L3 + 3 * L2) - log(2) / log(3)
- shape <- 7.8590 * c + 2.955 * c ^ 2
- scale2 <- shape * L2 / ((1 - 2 ^ (-shape)) * gamma(1 + shape))
- loc2 <- L1 - scale2 / shape * (1 - gamma(1 + shape))
- x2 <- log(duration)
- y2 <- log(mean_duration)
- fit <- lm(y2 ~ x2)
- a2 <- exp(fit$coefficients[1])
- n2 <- fit$coefficients[2]
- LSPP2 <- matrix(NA, nrow=length(PR), ncol=length(duration))
- for(i in 1: length(PR)){
- xT <- qgev(FR[i], scale=scale2, loc=loc2, shape=shape)
- LSPP2[i,] <- xT
- }
- plot(dd, LSPP2[1, 1] * a2 * dd ^ n2, type="l", ylab="depth (mm)", xlab="duration (h)", main="DDF-scale invariant method",
- col="red", ylim=c(40,310), lwd = 3)
- lines(dd, LSPP2[2, 1]* a2 * dd ^ n2, type="l", col="blue", lwd = 3)
- lines(dd, LSPP2[3, 1]* a2 * dd ^ n2, type="l", col="orange", lwd = 3)
- lines(dd, LSPP2[4, 1]* a2 * dd ^ n2, type="l", col="green", lwd = 3)
- legend("topleft", legend=c("Return period=10", "Return period=25", "Return period=50", "Return period=100"),
- col=c("red", "blue", "orange", "green"), lwd=c(1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5), text.font=3, text.width = 0.4, bty = 'n')
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