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- import glfw
- from OpenGL.GL import *
- import math
- W, H = 800, 800
- colors= [[255,255,255],
- [255,0,0],
- [0,255,0],
- [0,0,255],
- [255,255,0],
- [0,255,255],
- [255,0,255],
- [127,127,127]]
- def get_zone(x0, y0, x1, y1):
- dx= x1-x0
- dy= y1-y0
- if dx>=0 and dy>=0:
- if dx > dy:
- return 0
- return 1
- elif dx>=0 and dy<0:
- if dx > abs(dy):
- return 7
- return 6
- elif dx<0 and dy>=0:
- if abs(dx) > dy :
- return 3
- return 2
- else:
- if abs(dx)>abs(dy):
- return 4
- return 5
- def return_back(zone, x, y): # zone3 to all zones
- if zone == 0:
- return -x, y
- elif zone == 1:
- return y, -x
- elif zone == 2:
- return -y, -x
- elif zone == 3:
- return x, y
- elif zone == 4:
- return x, -y
- elif zone == 5:
- return -y, x
- elif zone == 6:
- return y, x
- else:
- return -x, -y
- def allZone_to_3(zone, x, y): #all zone to zone3
- if zone == 0:
- return -x, y
- elif zone == 1:
- return -y, x
- elif zone == 2:
- return -y, -x
- elif zone == 3:
- return x, y
- elif zone == 4:
- return x, -y
- elif zone == 5:
- return y, -x
- elif zone == 6:
- return y, x
- else:
- return -x, -y
- def draw_axes():
- glColor3ub(127, 127, 127)
- glBegin(GL_LINES)
- glVertex2f(-W/2, 0)
- glVertex2f(W/2-1, 0)
- glVertex2f(0, -H/2)
- glVertex2f(0, H/2-1)
- glEnd()
- def draw_pixel(x, y, zone):
- x, y = return_back(zone, x, y)
- glVertex2f(x, y)
- def draw_pixel_2(x,y):
- glVertex2f(x, y)
- def draw_line_3(x0, y0, x1, y1, zone):
- dx = x1 - x0
- dy = y1 - y0
- x = x0
- y = y0
- d = -2 * dx + dy
- del_w = -2 * dy
- del_nw = -2 * (dx + dy)
- draw_pixel(x, y, zone)
- while (x > x1):
- if (d < 0):
- d += del_nw
- x -= 1
- y += 1
- else:
- d += del_w
- x -= 1
- draw_pixel(x, y, zone)
- def read_polygon_file(filename):
- points = []
- with open(filename, 'r') as file:
- num_vertices = int(file.readline().strip())
- for _ in range(num_vertices):
- x, y = map(int, file.readline().strip().split(','))
- points.append((x, y))
- return points
- def construct_edge_table(points):
- edges = {}
- for i in range(1,len(points)):
- edges[i-1] = [points[i],points[i-1]]
- edges[i-1] = sorted(edges[i-1],key=lambda x: (x[1],x[0]))
- if i==len(points)-1:
- edges[i] = [points[i],points[0]]
- edges[i] = sorted(edges[i],key=lambda x: (x[1],x[0]))
- _,y_min = min(points,key=lambda x : (x[1],x[0]))
- x_of_y_max,y_max = max(points,key=lambda x : (x[1],x[0]))
- def slope(x0,y0,x1,y1):
- if (x1-x0)==0:
- return 0
- return (y1-y0)/(x1-x0)
- edge_table = {}
- for i in range(y_min,y_max):
- edge_vertexs = []
- for key,edge in edges.items():
- first_vertex,second_vertex = edge[0],edge[1]
- x0,y0 = first_vertex
- x1,y1 = second_vertex
- if y0==i and y0!=y1:
- m = slope(x0,y0,x1,y1)
- if m==0:
- edge_vertexs.append((y1,x0,0))
- else:
- edge_vertexs.append((y1,x0,1/m))
- if i!=y_min:
- previous_edge_vertexs = edge_table[i-1]
- for triplet in previous_edge_vertexs:
- prev_y_max, prev_x_of_y_min, prev_slope = triplet
- if prev_y_max!=i:
- prev_x_of_y_min+=prev_slope
- edge_vertexs.append((prev_y_max,prev_x_of_y_min,prev_slope))
- edge_vertexs = sorted(edge_vertexs,key = lambda x : (x[1],x[0]))
- edge_table[i] = edge_vertexs
- return y_min,y_max,edge_table,points,edges
- def draw_polygon_vertex(points):
- glPointSize(6)
- glBegin(GL_POINTS)
- for point in points:
- glColor3ub(0,255,0)
- draw_pixel_2(point[0],point[1])
- glEnd()
- glPointSize(1)
- def draw_edges(edges):
- glPointSize(3)
- glBegin(GL_POINTS)
- for key,edge in edges.items():
- x0,y0 = edge[0]
- x1,y1 = edge[1]
- zone= get_zone(x0, y0, x1, y1)
- x0, y0 = allZone_to_3(zone, x0, y0)
- x1, y1 = allZone_to_3(zone, x1, y1)
- glColor3ub(255,255,0)
- draw_line_3(x0, y0, x1, y1, zone)
- glEnd()
- glPointSize(1)
- def draw_boundary_pixels(edges):
- glPointSize(6)
- glBegin(GL_POINTS)
- for key, edge in edges.items():
- first_vertex, second_vertex = edge[0], edge[1]
- x0, y0 = first_vertex
- x1, y1 = second_vertex
- # Calculate the number of pixels needed to traverse the edge
- num_pixels = max(abs(x1 - x0), abs(y1 - y0)) + 1
- # Calculate the step size for x and y to move between pixels
- dx = (x1 - x0) / num_pixels
- dy = (y1 - y0) / num_pixels
- # Draw all the pixels along the edge
- for i in range(num_pixels):
- pixel_x = round(x0 + i * dx)
- pixel_y = round(y0 + i * dy)
- glColor3ub(0, 0, 255) # Set color for the boundary pixels
- draw_pixel_2(pixel_x, pixel_y) # Draw the boundary pixel
- glEnd()
- glPointSize(1)
- def draw_polygon_fill(y_min,y_max,edge_table):
- glBegin(GL_POINTS)
- for y in range(y_min,y_max):
- i = 0
- while i<len(edge_table[y]):
- first_triplet = edge_table[y][i]
- second_triplet = edge_table[y][i+1]
- x0,y0 = first_triplet[1],y
- x1,y1 = second_triplet[1],y
- zone= get_zone(x0, y0, x1, y1)
- x0, y0 = allZone_to_3(zone, x0, y0)
- x1, y1 = allZone_to_3(zone, x1, y1)
- glColor3ub(255,255,0)
- draw_line_3(x0, y, x1, y, zone)
- i+=2
- glEnd()
- draw_vertex_flag = True
- draw_boundary_pixel_flag = False
- draw_polygon_fill_flag = False
- y_min,y_max,edge_table,points,edges = 0,0,{},[],{}
- def rotate_point(point, angle):
- x, y = point
- angle_rad = math.radians(angle)
- new_x = x * math.cos(angle_rad) - y * math.sin(angle_rad)
- new_y = x * math.sin(angle_rad) + y * math.cos(angle_rad)
- return (new_x, new_y)
- def rotate_polygon(points, angle):
- cx = sum(x for x, _ in points) / len(points)
- cy = sum(y for _, y in points) / len(points)
- translated_points = [(x - cx, y - cy) for x, y in points]
- rotated_points = [rotate_point(point, angle) for point in translated_points]
- new_points = [(round(x + cx), round(y + cy)) for x, y in rotated_points]
- return new_points
- def key_callback(window, key, scancode, action, mods):
- global draw_vertex_flag, draw_boundary_pixel_flag, draw_polygon_fill_flag
- global y_min, y_max, edge_table, points, edges
- mouse_x, mouse_y = glfw.get_cursor_pos(window)
- window_width, window_height = glfw.get_window_size(window)
- if mouse_x >= 0 and mouse_x < window_width and mouse_y >= 0 and mouse_y < window_height:
- if action == glfw.PRESS:
- if key == glfw.KEY_KP_0:
- draw_vertex_flag = True
- draw_boundary_pixel_flag = False
- draw_polygon_fill_flag = False
- elif key == glfw.KEY_KP_1:
- draw_vertex_flag = False
- draw_boundary_pixel_flag = True
- draw_polygon_fill_flag = False
- elif key == glfw.KEY_KP_2:
- draw_vertex_flag = False
- draw_boundary_pixel_flag = False
- draw_polygon_fill_flag = True
- elif key == glfw.KEY_LEFT:
- points = rotate_polygon(points, 5)
- y_min, y_max, edge_table, points, edges = construct_edge_table(points)
- elif key == glfw.KEY_RIGHT:
- points = rotate_polygon(points, -5)
- y_min, y_max, edge_table, points, edges = construct_edge_table(points)
- def main():
- global draw_vertex_flag,draw_boundary_pixel_flag,draw_polygon_fill_flag
- global y_min,y_max,edge_table,points,edges
- if not glfw.init():
- return
- Window = glfw.create_window(W, H, "Lab 3", None, None)
- if not Window:
- glfw.terminate()
- return
- glfw.make_context_current(Window)
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)
- glLoadIdentity()
- glOrtho(-W/2, W/2-1, -H/2, H/2-1, -1,1)
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW)
- glLoadIdentity()
- points = read_polygon_file("vertex.txt")
- y_min, y_max, edge_table,points,edges = construct_edge_table(points)
- glfw.set_key_callback(Window,key_callback)
- while not glfw.window_should_close(Window):
- glfw.poll_events()
- draw_axes()
- if draw_vertex_flag:
- draw_polygon_vertex(points)
- elif draw_boundary_pixel_flag:
- draw_boundary_pixels(edges)
- elif draw_polygon_fill_flag:
- draw_polygon_fill(y_min, y_max, edge_table)
- glfw.swap_buffers(Window)
- glfw.terminate()
- main()
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