
Plane Crazy (Op Gui)

Apr 15th, 2022
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  1. local Flux = loadstring(game:HttpGet"")()
  2. local Window = Flux:Window("PC Tools", "Press N to open/close", Color3.fromRGB(255, 110, 48), Enum.KeyCode.N)
  3. local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
  4. local uis = game:GetService("UserInputService")
  5. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
  6. local isVideoPlaying = true
  7. local isSpamBlacklist = false
  8. local isRandomPaint = false
  9. local isRandomMaterial = false
  10. local isGridEnabled = false
  12. local materials = {
  13. "Default",
  14. "g",
  15. "c",
  16. "w",
  17. "e",
  18. "m",
  19. "t",
  20. "v",
  21. "d",
  22. "f",
  23. "s",
  24. "n",
  25. "z",
  26. "i",
  27. "x"
  28. }
  29. function colourthisblock(block, r, g, b)
  30. spawn(function()
  31. local A_1 = block
  32. local A_2 =, g, b)
  33. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Paint
  34. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2)
  35. end)
  36. end
  38. function Split(s, delimiter)
  39. result = {};
  40. for match in (s..delimiter):gmatch("(.-)"..delimiter) do
  41. table.insert(result, match);
  42. end
  43. return result;
  44. end
  46. local function zeroGrav(part)
  47. if part:FindFirstChild("BodyForce") then return end
  48. local temp ="BodyForce")
  49. temp.Force = part:GetMass() *,workspace.Gravity,0)
  50. temp.Parent = part
  51. end
  53. function round(n)
  54. return (n + 0.5) - (n + 0.5) % 1
  55. end
  57. function parachute()
  58. while wait() do
  59. local string_1 = nil
  60. local string_2 = "Parachute";
  61. local string_3 = "";
  62. local string_4 = "";
  63. local Target = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.ListHandler;
  64. Target:FireServer(string_1, string_2, string_3, string_4);
  65. end
  66. end
  68. local Tab1 = Window:Tab("Building", "")
  69. Tab1:Label("stuff to help you build")
  70. Tab1:Button("Paint Aircraft Random Material", "paints your aircraft random materials every 0.5 seconds", function()
  71. if isRandomMaterial then
  72. isRandomMaterial = false
  73. else
  74. isRandomMaterial = true
  75. end
  76. while wait(0.2) do
  77. if isRandomMaterial then
  78. local args = {
  79. [1] = workspace.PlayerAircraft[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].BlockStd.BlockStd,
  80. [2] = materials[math.random(1, #materials)],
  81. [3] = "a"
  82. }
  83. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Paint:FireServer(unpack(args))
  84. else
  85. break
  86. end
  87. end
  88. end)
  89. Tab1:Button("Paint Aircraft Random Colour", "paints your aircraft random colours every 0.5 seconds", function()
  90. if isRandomPaint then
  91. isRandomPaint = false
  92. else
  93. isRandomPaint = true
  94. end
  95. while wait(0.2) do
  96. if isRandomPaint then
  97. local args = {
  98. [1] = workspace.PlayerAircraft[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].BlockStd.BlockStd,
  99. [2] =, 255) / 255, math.random(0, 255) / 255, math.random(0, 255) / 255),
  100. [3] = "a"
  101. }
  103. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Paint:FireServer(unpack(args))
  104. else
  105. break
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end)
  109. Tab1:Button("Gravity gun", "gives a gravity gun that can move only your creation", function()
  110. loadstring(game:HttpGet((''),true))()
  111. end)
  112. Tab1:Button("Infinite Yield", "loads in infinite yield", function()
  113. loadstring(game:HttpGet(''))()
  114. end)
  115. --[[
  116. Tab1:Button("Mirror mode", "mirrors your placement", function()
  118. end)
  119. ]]
  120. Tab1:Button("Building Grid", "makes a platform so you dont have to build scaffolding to place blocks", function()
  121. if isGridEnabled then
  122. isGridEnabled = false
  123. pcall(function()
  124. game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].GridWall:Destroy()
  125. end)
  126. else
  127. isGridEnabled = true
  128. for i,zone in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildingZones:GetChildren()) do
  129. if tostring(zone.Owner.Value) == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  130. local wall ="Part")
  131. wall.Size =, 2.5, 130)
  132. wall.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  133. wall.Name = "GridWall"
  134. wall.CanCollide = false
  135. wall.Transparency = 0.7
  136. wall.Anchored = true
  137. wall.CFrame =, zone.Position.y + 3.5, zone.Position.z)
  138. wall.Parent = game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name]
  139. end
  140. end
  141. end
  142. end)
  144. Tab1:Button("Rise building grid", "moves the building grid up", function()
  145. pcall(function()
  146. wall = game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].GridWall
  147. wall.CFrame =, wall.Position.y + 2.5, wall.Position.z)
  148. end)
  149. end)
  150. Tab1:Button("Lower building grid", "moves the building grid down", function()
  151. pcall(function()
  152. wall = game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name].GridWall
  153. wall.CFrame =, wall.Position.y - 2.5, wall.Position.z)
  154. end)
  155. end)
  156. Tab1:Button("destroy this GUI", "does what it says", function()
  157. game:GetService("CoreGui").FluxLib:Destroy()
  158. end)
  160. local Tab2 = Window:Tab("PVP", "")
  161. Tab2:Label("Requires to be in PVP servers")
  162. Tab2:Button("Kill Guns", "kill players using guns", function()
  163. pcall(function()
  164. while wait() do
  165. local guns = {}
  166. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace")[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name .. "Aircraft"]:GetChildren()) do
  167. if v.Name == "Gun" then
  168. table.insert(guns, v)
  169. zeroGrav(v.Part)
  170. end
  171. end
  172. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  173. local a = 1
  174. if v.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  175. a = 0
  176. end
  177. if a == 1 then
  178. pcall(function()
  179. guns[i].Part.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * -100
  180. local args = {[1] = true}
  181. guns[i].Input:FireServer(unpack(args))
  182. end)
  183. end
  184. end
  185. end
  186. end)
  187. end)
  189. Tab2:Button("Kill Rockets", "kill players using rockets. close tracking for better effect", function()
  190. pcall(function()
  191. while wait() do
  192. local guns = {}
  193. for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Workspace")[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name .. "Aircraft"]:GetChildren()) do
  194. if v.Name == "Rocket" then
  195. table.insert(guns, v)
  196. zeroGrav(v.MainPart)
  197. end
  198. end
  199. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  200. local a = 1
  201. if v.Name == game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  202. a = 0
  203. end
  204. if a == 1 then
  205. pcall(function()
  206. guns[i].MainPart.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame + v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.lookVector * 100
  207. local args = {
  208. [1] = guns[i],
  209. [2] = 1629193720
  211. }
  212. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.spawnrocket:FireServer(unpack(args))
  213. end)
  214. end
  215. end
  216. end
  217. end)
  218. end)
  220. Tab2:Button("Kill TNT", "kill players using tnt", function()
  221. local bomb = {}
  222. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  223. local remotes = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes")
  224. local explode = remotes:WaitForChild("Explode")
  225. local player = Players.LocalPlayer
  226. local aircraftName = player.Name.. "Aircraft"
  227. local aircraft = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(aircraftName)
  228. for i, v in pairs(aircraft:GetChildren()) do
  229. if v.Name == "ExplosiveBlock" then
  230. table.insert(bomb, v)
  231. for j, k in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do
  232. if k:IsA("BasePart") then
  233. k.CanCollide = false
  234. end
  235. end
  236. local bodyPosition ="BodyPosition")
  237. bodyPosition.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  238. bodyPosition.Parent = v.PrimaryPart
  239. bodyPosition.P = 1000000
  240. bodyPosition.D = 100
  241. end
  242. end
  244. local step = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  245. for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  246. if v.Name ~= player.Name then
  247. local block = bomb[i]
  248. local main = block.PrimaryPart
  249. local character = v.Character
  250. if character and game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(v.Name.. "Aircraft") then
  251. local targetPart = character.HumanoidRootPart
  252. local target = targetPart.Position + targetPart.Velocity / 2
  253. if target.Y > -100 then
  254. if (main.Position - target).Magnitude < 12 then
  255. spawn(function()
  256. table.remove(bomb, i)
  257. for i = 1, 10 do
  258. RunService.RenderStepped:Wait()
  259. explode:FireServer(block, 2000, 12)
  260. end
  261. end)
  262. end
  263. main.BodyPosition.Position = target
  264. end
  265. else
  266. main.BodyPosition.Position =, 999, 0)
  267. end
  268. end
  269. end
  270. end)
  272. local removed = game.Workspace.ChildRemoved:Connect(function()
  273. if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(aircraftName) then
  274. reset()
  275. end
  276. end)
  278. function reset()
  279. step:Disconnect()
  280. removed:Disconnect()
  281. print("Reset")
  282. end
  283. end)
  285. local Tab3 = Window:Tab("Non-PVP", "")
  286. Tab3:Label("Does not require you to be in a PVP servers")
  287. Tab3:Button("Spam Blacklist Others", "blacklists and unblacklist other people causing them to get sent back to base", function()
  288. if isSpamBlacklist then
  289. isSpamBlacklist = false
  290. else
  291. isSpamBlacklist = true
  292. end
  293. pcall(function()
  294. while wait() do
  295. if isSpamBlacklist then
  296. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  297. if v.Name ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name then
  298. local args = {[1] = v.Name, [2] = "BlackList", [3] = true}
  299. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.ListHandler:FireServer(unpack(args))
  300. wait(0.2)
  301. local args = {[1] = v.Name, [2] = "BlackList", [3] = false}
  302. game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.ListHandler:FireServer(unpack(args))
  303. wait(0.2)
  304. end
  305. end
  306. else
  307. b.b.b.b() -- scuffed break
  308. end
  309. end
  310. end)
  311. end)
  313. Tab3:Button("Blackhole out of your blocks", "makes a black hole at your position out of your creation's blocks, better effect with 1x1 blocks", function()
  314. local LocalPlayer = game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer
  315. local charcframe = LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame
  316. local unanchoredparts = {}
  317. local movers = {}
  318. for index, part in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do
  319. if part:IsA("Part") and part.Anchored == false and part:IsDescendantOf(LocalPlayer.Character) == false then
  320. table.insert(unanchoredparts, part)
  321. part.Massless = true
  322. part.CanCollide = false
  323. if part:FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyPosition") ~= nil then
  324. part:FindFirstChildOfClass("BodyPosition"):Destroy()
  325. end
  326. end
  327. end
  328. for index, part in pairs(unanchoredparts) do
  329. local mover ="BodyPosition", part)
  330. table.insert(movers, mover)
  331. mover.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  332. end
  333. repeat
  334. for index, mover in pairs(movers) do
  335. mover.Position = charcframe:PointToWorldSpace(, 200), math.random(0, 200), math.random(0, 200)))
  336. end
  337. wait(0.5)
  338. until LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").Health <= 0
  339. for _, mover in pairs(movers) do
  340. mover:Destroy()
  341. end
  342. end)
  343. Tab3:Button("Lag server", "lags the server you are in to the point where it crashes", function()
  344. for i=1, 20 do
  345. pcall(function()
  346. parachute()
  347. end)
  348. end
  349. end)
  350. Tab3:Button("Disable Anti Copy Blacklist", "it will disable the blacklist and make anti copy blocks visible again", function()
  351. for i,models in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildingZones:GetChildren()) do
  352. models.BlackListPart:Destroy()
  353. end
  354. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[AntiCopyName.Text]:GetDescendants()) do
  355. pcall(function()
  356. v.Transparency = 0
  357. end)
  358. end
  359. end)
  360. Tab3:Button("Infinite Terrain Generation", "infinite terrain generation client sided, does not work well on low-end pc", function()
  361. --Chunk generator by rater193
  362. --just edited by nexity
  363. --TODO: make trees, bushes and custom villages (able to bomb the village pog warcrimes)
  365. --The chunk generator settings
  366. local settings = {
  367. chunkSize = 256,
  368. renderDistance = 4
  369. }
  370. --Chunk generation
  371. --This stores the list of chunks queued to generate terrain
  372. chunksToGenerate = {}
  374. --This handles queuing new chunks to generate
  375. function queueChunk(x, y)
  376. table.insert(chunksToGenerate, {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y})
  377. end
  379. --Here we are tapping into the runservice stepped event to process queued chunks to generate
  380. game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  381. --Only run if we have chunks to generate
  382. if(#chunksToGenerate>0) then
  383. --Here we are retreiving the first item in the list
  384. local item = chunksToGenerate[1]
  386. --Then we remove it from the list, and process it
  387. table.remove(chunksToGenerate, 1)
  389. --Here we are setting the chunk's part to render green, to show that we have generated the chunk(for debugging)
  390. chunks[getChunkID(item.x, item.y)].part.BrickColor =,255,0))
  392. --Here are some additional reused values for generating the terrain
  393. local chunkgeneratorsettings = {
  394. ["xstart"] = item.x*settings.chunkSize,
  395. ["ystart"] = item.y*settings.chunkSize,
  396. ["width"] = math.ceil(settings.chunkSize/4),
  397. ["height"] = math.ceil(settings.chunkSize/4)
  398. }
  400. --Here we are generating the terrain
  401. for _x = 0,chunkgeneratorsettings.width do
  402. for _y = 0,chunkgeneratorsettings.height do
  404. --Actual terrain generation logic
  405. local _height = (math.noise(((_x*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.xstart)/1000,((_y*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.ystart)/1000)+0.5) * 150
  406. local _material = Enum.Material.Air
  408. -- imagine yanderedev
  409. -- snowy hills biome
  410. if(_height<1) then
  411. _height = 1
  412. _material = Enum.Material.Water
  413. elseif(_height<3) then
  414. _material = Enum.Material.Sand
  415. elseif (_height>math.random(100, 150)) then
  416. _material = Enum.Material.Snow
  417. else
  418. _material = Enum.Material.Grass
  419. end
  421. game.workspace.Terrain:FillBlock(*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.xstart,_height/2,(_y*4)+chunkgeneratorsettings.ystart),,_height,1), _material)
  422. end
  423. end
  424. end
  425. end)
  427. --Now we are going to start handling chunks loading in around the players
  428. --Chunk management
  429. --The list of generated chunks
  430. chunks = {}
  431. --This gets the id in the list for the chunk
  432. function getChunkID(x, y)
  433. return tostring(x)..","..tostring(y)
  434. end
  436. --This checks if we need to generate the chunk
  437. function checkChunk(x, y)
  438. local chunkID = getChunkID(x, y)
  439. if(chunks[chunkID]==nil) then
  440. chunks[chunkID] = {}
  442. --Here we are generating a preview part, to let us know what chunks we are trying to generate(for debugging)
  443. local part ="Part")
  444. part.Anchored = true
  445. part.CanCollide = true
  446. part.BrickColor =,0,0))
  447. part.Transparency = 0.5
  448. part.Material = Enum.Material.Grass
  449. part.Size =, 1, settings.chunkSize)
  450. part.Position = * x, 0, settings.chunkSize * y) +,0,settings.chunkSize/2)
  452. part.Parent = game.Workspace
  454. part.Name = "Chunk-"..tostring(x).."."..tostring(y)
  456. --Adding the preview part to the chunk data
  457. chunks[chunkID].part = part
  459. --Finally, queue the chunk for terrain generation
  460. queueChunk(x,y)
  461. end
  462. end
  464. --Here we are tapping into the run service stepped event to handle chunks around the players
  465. game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function()
  466. for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
  467. if(player.character and player.character:findFirstChild("Head")) then
  468. local _pos = {
  469. ["x"]= math.floor((player.character.Head.Position.X)/settings.chunkSize),
  470. ["y"]= math.floor((player.character.Head.Position.Z)/settings.chunkSize)
  471. }
  474. for _x = _pos.x-settings.renderDistance, _pos.x+settings.renderDistance do
  475. for _y = _pos.y-settings.renderDistance, _pos.y+settings.renderDistance do
  476. checkChunk(_x, _y)
  477. end
  478. end
  479. end
  480. end
  481. end)
  482. end)
  483. Tab3:Textbox("Change thruster speed", "changes all movement speed by %, default 100%", true, function(text)
  484. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace[game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name .. "Aircraft"]:GetDescendants()) do
  485. pcall(function()
  486. if v.ClassName == "Model" and v.Throttle then
  487. v.Throttle.Value = tonumber(text)
  488. end
  489. end)
  490. end
  491. end)
  492. Tab3:Button("Ocean Map", "turns the map into islands and oceans (client side)", function()
  493. local region =,-100,-2050),,43,2700))
  494. region = region:ExpandToGrid(4)
  495. game.Workspace.Terrain:FillRegion(region, 4, Enum.Material.Water)
  496. end)
  497. Tab3:Button("Kill TNT", "kill players using tnt in non-pvp servers", function()
  498. local bomb = {}
  499. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  500. local remotes = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes")
  501. local explode = remotes:WaitForChild("Explode")
  502. local player = Players.LocalPlayer
  503. local aircraftName = player.Name.. "Aircraft"
  504. local aircraft = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(aircraftName)
  505. for i, v in pairs(aircraft:GetChildren()) do
  506. if v.Name == "ExplosiveBlock" then
  507. table.insert(bomb, v)
  508. for j, k in pairs(v:GetDescendants()) do
  509. if k:IsA("BasePart") then
  510. k.CanCollide = false
  511. end
  512. end
  513. local bodyPosition ="BodyPosition")
  514. bodyPosition.MaxForce =, math.huge, math.huge)
  515. bodyPosition.Parent = v.PrimaryPart
  516. bodyPosition.P = 1000000
  517. bodyPosition.D = 100
  518. end
  519. end
  521. local step = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
  522. for i, v in pairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
  523. if v.Name ~= player.Name then
  524. local block = bomb[i]
  525. local main = block.PrimaryPart
  526. local character = v.Character
  527. if character and game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(v.Name.. "Aircraft") then
  528. local targetPart = character.HumanoidRootPart
  529. local target = targetPart.Position + targetPart.Velocity / 2
  530. if target.Y > -100 then
  531. if (main.Position - target).Magnitude < 12 then
  532. spawn(function()
  533. table.remove(bomb, i)
  534. for i = 1, 10 do
  535. RunService.RenderStepped:Wait()
  536. explode:FireServer(block, 2000, 12)
  537. end
  538. end)
  539. end
  540. main.BodyPosition.Position = target
  541. end
  542. else
  543. main.BodyPosition.Position =, 999, 0)
  544. end
  545. end
  546. end
  547. end)
  549. local removed = game.Workspace.ChildRemoved:Connect(function()
  550. if not game.Workspace:FindFirstChild(aircraftName) then
  551. reset()
  552. end
  553. end)
  555. function reset()
  556. step:Disconnect()
  557. removed:Disconnect()
  558. print("Reset")
  559. end
  560. end)
  562. Tab3:Button("Explode TNT", "explodes tnt while in non-pvp servers", function()
  563. local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
  564. local Players = game:GetService("Players")
  566. local remotes = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage"):WaitForChild("Remotes")
  567. local explode = remotes:WaitForChild("Explode")
  569. local player = Players.LocalPlayer
  571. local aircraftName = player.Name.. "Aircraft"
  572. local aircraft = game.Workspace:WaitForChild(aircraftName)
  574. local bomb = {}
  576. for i, v in pairs(aircraft:GetChildren()) do
  577. if v.Name == "ExplosiveBlock" then
  578. table.insert(bomb, v)
  579. end
  580. end
  582. for i, bombs in pairs(bomb) do
  583. explode:FireServer(bombs, 0, 0)
  584. end
  585. end)
  587. local Tab4 = Window:Tab("Paint", "")
  588. Tab4:Label("Paint Images on Canvas, accepts discord cdn links")
  589. Tab4:Textbox("1x1 canvas", "requires 1x1 canvas", true, function(text)
  590. local link = text
  591. name = "BlockStd"
  592. checkloop = 0
  593. waitloop = 0
  594. for assad2,playerzone in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildingZones:GetChildren()) do
  595. pcall(function()
  596. if tostring(playerzone.Owner.Value) == tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then
  597. checkloop = 1
  598. end
  599. end)
  600. if checkloop == 1 then
  601. checkloop = 0
  602. local image_link = "" .. link
  603. local response = game:HttpGet(image_link)
  604. string_content = Split(response, "N")
  606. for assad,block in pairs(game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]:GetChildren()) do
  607. if block.Name == name then
  609. local GridX = playerzone.CFrame.x
  610. local GridY = playerzone.CFrame.y
  611. local GridZ = playerzone.CFrame.z
  612. local GridCenter = playerzone.CFrame.x, playerzone.CFrame.y, playerzone.CFrame.z
  613. local DifferenceX = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.x - GridX) / 2.5)
  614. DifferenceX = DifferenceX + 25 -- for my sanity
  615. local DifferenceY = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.y - GridY) / 2.5)
  616. local DifferenceZ = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.z - GridZ) / 2.5)
  617. local ThePos =, DifferenceY, DifferenceZ)
  618. block.Name = name..tostring(DifferenceX).."x"..tostring(DifferenceY)
  619. end
  620. end
  621. for assad3, image_pixel in pairs(string_content) do
  622. image_table = Split(tostring(image_pixel), " ")
  623. local pixel_type = ""
  624. local image_pixelX = image_table[1] - 2
  625. local image_pixelY = image_table[2]
  626. local image_R = image_table[3] / 255
  627. local image_G = image_table[4] / 255
  628. local image_B = image_table[5] / 255
  629. if waitloop ~= image_pixelX then
  630. wait()
  631. end
  632. waitloop = image_pixelX
  634. local A_image_pixelX = math.floor(image_pixelX / 2) + 1
  635. local A_image_pixelY = math.floor(image_pixelY / 2) + 1
  636. if A_image_pixelY == 40 then
  637. A_image_pixelY = 39
  638. end
  639. spawn(function()
  640. local A_1 = game:GetService("Workspace").PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)][name .. A_image_pixelX .. "x" .. A_image_pixelY].PrimaryPart
  641. local A_2 =, image_G, image_B)
  642. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Paint
  643. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2)
  644. end)
  645. end
  646. end
  647. end
  648. end)
  649. Tab4:Textbox("hover engine canvas", "requires hover engine canvas", true, function(text)
  650. local link = text
  651. name = "HoverThruster"
  652. checkloop = 0
  653. waitloop = 0
  654. for assad2,playerzone in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildingZones:GetChildren()) do
  655. pcall(function()
  656. if tostring(playerzone.Owner.Value) == tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then
  657. checkloop = 1
  658. end
  659. end)
  660. if checkloop == 1 then
  661. checkloop = 0
  662. local image_link = "" .. link
  663. local response = game:HttpGet(image_link)
  664. string_content = Split(response, "N")
  666. for assad,block in pairs(game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]:GetChildren()) do
  667. if block.Name == name then
  669. local GridX = playerzone.CFrame.x
  670. local GridY = playerzone.CFrame.y
  671. local GridZ = playerzone.CFrame.z
  672. local GridCenter = playerzone.CFrame.x, playerzone.CFrame.y, playerzone.CFrame.z
  673. local DifferenceX = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.x - GridX) / 2.5)
  674. DifferenceX = DifferenceX + 25 -- for my sanity
  675. local DifferenceY = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.y - GridY) / 2.5)
  676. local DifferenceZ = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.z - GridZ) / 2.5)
  677. local ThePos =, DifferenceY, DifferenceZ)
  678. block.Name = name..tostring(DifferenceX).."x"..tostring(DifferenceY)
  680. block.BlockStd.Name = "BlockStd3"
  681. block.BlockStd.Name = "BlockStd1"
  682. block.BlockStd.Name = "BlockStd2"
  683. block.BlockStd.Name = "BlockStd4"
  684. block.BlockStd.Name = "BlockStd5"
  685. end
  686. end
  687. for assad3, image_pixel in pairs(string_content) do
  688. image_table = Split(tostring(image_pixel), " ")
  689. local pixel_type = ""
  690. local image_pixelX = image_table[1] - 2
  691. local image_pixelY = image_table[2]
  692. local image_R = image_table[3] / 255
  693. local image_G = image_table[4] / 255
  694. local image_B = image_table[5] / 255
  695. if waitloop ~= image_pixelX then
  696. wait()
  697. end
  698. waitloop = image_pixelX
  700. if (image_pixelX % 2 == 0) then
  701. if (image_pixelY % 2 == 0) then
  702. pixel_type = "BlockStd4"
  703. else
  704. pixel_type = "BlockStd3"
  705. end
  706. else
  707. if (image_pixelY % 2 == 0) then
  708. pixel_type = "BlockStd1"
  709. else
  710. pixel_type = "BlockStd2"
  711. end
  712. end
  714. local A_image_pixelX = math.floor(image_pixelX / 2) + 1
  715. local A_image_pixelY = math.floor(image_pixelY / 2) + 1
  716. local B_image_pixelX = (A_image_pixelX * 2) - image_pixelX
  717. local B_image_pixelY = (A_image_pixelY * 2) - image_pixelY
  718. local paintassad = 0
  719. if A_image_pixelY == 40 then
  720. A_image_pixelY = 39
  721. end
  722. spawn(function()
  723. local A_1 = game:GetService("Workspace").PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)][name .. A_image_pixelX .. "x" .. A_image_pixelY][pixel_type]
  724. local A_2 =, image_G, image_B)
  725. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Paint
  726. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2)
  727. end)
  728. end
  729. end
  730. end
  731. end)
  732. Tab4:Textbox("snow blaster canvas", "requires an item called snow blaster be made into a canvas", true, function(text)
  733. local link = text
  734. name = "SnowBlower"
  735. checkloop = 0
  736. waitloop = 0
  737. for assad2,playerzone in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildingZones:GetChildren()) do
  738. pcall(function()
  739. if tostring(playerzone.Owner.Value) == tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then
  740. checkloop = 1
  741. end
  742. end)
  743. if checkloop == 1 then
  744. checkloop = 0
  745. local image_link = "" .. link
  746. local response = game:HttpGet(image_link)
  747. string_content = Split(response, "N")
  749. for assad,block in pairs(game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]:GetChildren()) do
  750. if block.Name == name then
  752. local GridX = playerzone.CFrame.x
  753. local GridY = playerzone.CFrame.y
  754. local GridZ = playerzone.CFrame.z
  755. local GridCenter = playerzone.CFrame.x, playerzone.CFrame.y, playerzone.CFrame.z
  756. local DifferenceX = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.x - GridX) / 2.5)
  757. DifferenceX = DifferenceX + 25 -- for my sanity
  758. local DifferenceY = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.y - GridY) / 2.5)
  759. local DifferenceZ = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.z - GridZ) / 2.5)
  760. local ThePos =, DifferenceY, DifferenceZ)
  761. block.Name = name..tostring(DifferenceX).."x"..tostring(DifferenceY)
  763. block.Union.Name = "Union1"
  764. block.Union.Name = "Union4"
  765. block.Union.Name = "Union2"
  766. block.Union.Name = "Union3"
  767. end
  768. end
  769. for assad3, image_pixel in pairs(string_content) do
  770. image_table = Split(tostring(image_pixel), " ")
  771. local pixel_type = ""
  772. local image_pixelX = image_table[1] - 2
  773. local image_pixelY = image_table[2]
  774. local image_R = image_table[3] / 255
  775. local image_G = image_table[4] / 255
  776. local image_B = image_table[5] / 255
  777. if waitloop ~= image_pixelX then
  778. wait()
  779. end
  780. waitloop = image_pixelX
  782. if (image_pixelX % 2 == 0) then
  783. if (image_pixelY % 2 == 0) then
  784. pixel_type = "Union3"
  785. else
  786. pixel_type = "Union1"
  787. end
  788. else
  789. if (image_pixelY % 2 == 0) then
  790. pixel_type = "Union4"
  791. else
  792. pixel_type = "Union2"
  793. end
  794. end
  796. local A_image_pixelX = math.floor(image_pixelX / 2) + 1
  797. local A_image_pixelY = math.floor(image_pixelY / 2) + 1
  798. local B_image_pixelX = (A_image_pixelX * 2) - image_pixelX
  799. local B_image_pixelY = (A_image_pixelY * 2) - image_pixelY
  800. local paintassad = 0
  801. if A_image_pixelY == 40 then
  802. A_image_pixelY = 39
  803. end
  804. spawn(function()
  805. local A_1 = game:GetService("Workspace").PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)][name .. A_image_pixelX .. "x" .. A_image_pixelY][pixel_type]
  806. local A_2 =, image_G, image_B)
  807. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Paint
  808. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2)
  809. end)
  810. end
  811. end
  812. end
  813. end)
  814. Tab4:Button("Build canvas 1x1 blocks", "builds a fullsize canvas out of 1x1 blocks", function()
  815. for x=1, 51, 1 do
  816. for y=1, 39, 1 do
  817. spawn(function()
  818. local A_1 =, y, 25)
  819. local A_2 =, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37113883e-08, -1, 0, 1, -4.37113883e-08)
  820. local A_3 = 1
  821. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.PlaceBIockRegion
  822. Event:InvokeServer(A_1, A_2, A_3)
  823. end)
  824. wait(0.15)
  825. end
  826. end
  827. end)
  828. Tab4:Button("Build canvas HoverEngine blocks", "builds a fullsize canvas out of hover engines", function()
  829. for x=1, 51, 1 do
  830. for y=1, 39, 1 do
  831. spawn(function()
  832. local A_1 =, y, 25)
  833. local A_2 =, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -4.37113883e-08, -1, 0, 1, -4.37113883e-08)
  834. local A_3 = 173
  835. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.PlaceBIockRegion
  836. Event:InvokeServer(A_1, A_2, A_3)
  837. end)
  838. wait(0.15)
  839. end
  840. end
  841. end)
  842. Tab4:Button("Build canvas SnowBlaster blocks", "builds a fullsize canvas out of snow blasters", function()
  843. for x=1, 51, 1 do
  844. for y=1, 39, 1 do
  845. spawn(function()
  846. local A_1 =, y, 25)
  847. local A_2 =, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1.31134158e-07, 1, 0, -1, 1.31134158e-07)
  848. local A_3 = 104
  849. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.PlaceBIockRegion
  850. Event:InvokeServer(A_1, A_2, A_3)
  851. end)
  852. wait(0.15)
  853. end
  854. end
  855. end)
  856. Tab4:Button("Rainbow Aircraft", "paints your aircraft into random colours", function()
  857. for i,blocks in pairs(game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]:GetDescendants()) do
  858. spawn(function()
  859. color1 = math.random(0,255)
  860. color2 = math.random(0,255)
  861. color3 = math.random(0,255)
  862. local A_1 = blocks
  863. local A_2 =, color2, color3)
  864. local Event = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Remotes.Paint
  865. Event:FireServer(A_1, A_2)
  866. end)
  867. end
  868. end)
  870. local Tab5 = Window:Tab("LF-Prototype", "")
  871. Tab5:Label("Play videos on 24x24 1x1 block canvas.")
  872. Tab5:Button("Stop playing video", "stops the video from playing", function()
  873. pcall(function()
  874. isVideoPlaying = false
  875. wait(1)
  876. isVideoPlaying = true
  877. end)
  878. end)
  879. Tab5:Textbox("Video in workspace folder", "plays the video on a 24x24 canvas in your executor workspace folder", true, function(text)
  880. print(tostring(text))
  881. local checkloop = 0
  882. local waitloop = 0
  883. for assad2,playerzone in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildingZones:GetChildren()) do
  884. pcall(function()
  885. if tostring(playerzone.Owner.Value) == tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then
  886. checkloop = 1
  887. end
  888. end)
  889. if checkloop == 1 then
  890. checkloop = 0
  891. --[[
  892. local image_link = ""
  893. local response = game:HttpGet(image_link)
  894. local string_content = Split(response, "N")
  895. ]]--
  896. local response = readfile("/frames/" .. text .. ".txt")
  897. local string_content = Split(response, "N")
  898. for assad,block in pairs(game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]:GetChildren()) do
  899. if block.Name == "BlockStd" then
  901. local GridX = playerzone.CFrame.x
  902. local GridY = playerzone.CFrame.y
  903. local GridZ = playerzone.CFrame.z
  904. local GridCenter = playerzone.CFrame.x, playerzone.CFrame.y, playerzone.CFrame.z
  905. local DifferenceX = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.x - GridX) / 2.5)
  906. DifferenceX = DifferenceX - 1
  907. local DifferenceY = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.y - GridY) / 2.5)
  908. local DifferenceZ = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.z - GridZ) / 2.5)
  909. local ThePos =, DifferenceY, DifferenceZ)
  910. block.Name = "BlockStd"..tostring(DifferenceX).."x"..tostring(25 - DifferenceY)
  911. end
  912. end
  913. for framecount, frame in pairs(string_content) do
  914. local skipframe = 0
  915. if framecount > 2 and framecount % (skipframe + 1) == 0 then
  916. ping = game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValue()
  917. if ping > 500 then
  918. wait(0.5)
  919. end -- ping bias
  921. print(framecount)
  922. local framergb = Split(frame, "A")
  923. local lastframergb = Split(string_content[framecount - 1], "A")
  924. local frame_table = {}
  925. local totalcount = 1
  927. if isVideoPlaying then
  928. for number=1, #framergb do
  929. pcall(function()
  930. local lastrgb = Split(lastframergb[number], " ")
  931. local rgb = Split(framergb[number], " ")
  932. local rgb1 = tonumber(rgb[1])
  933. local rgb2 = tonumber(rgb[2])
  934. local theblock = game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]["BlockStd" .. rgb1 .. "x" .. rgb2].PrimaryPart
  935. local increment = 50 -- 1-255, 1 = absolute value, higher = more noise but less lag
  936. local lastrgbc =[3] / increment), math.floor(lastrgb[4] / increment), math.floor(lastrgb[5] / increment))
  937. local rgbc =[3] / increment), math.floor(rgb[4] / increment), math.floor(rgb[5] / increment))
  938. if lastrgbc ~= rgbc then
  939. colourthisblock(theblock, rgb[3]/255, rgb[4]/255, rgb[5]/255)
  940. --print("painted block : " .. tostring(c) .. "x" .. tostring(number2) .. " " .. tostring(rgb[1]) .. " " .. tostring(rgb[2]) .. " " .. tostring(rgb[3]))
  941. end
  942. end)
  943. end
  944. else
  945. b.b.b.b()
  946. end
  947. wait(0.033)
  948. end
  949. end
  950. end
  951. end
  952. end)
  953. Tab5:Textbox("Video inputstream", "testing currently not for use", true, function(text)
  954. local checkloop = 0
  955. local waitloop = 0
  956. for assad2,playerzone in pairs(game.Workspace.BuildingZones:GetChildren()) do
  957. pcall(function()
  958. if tostring(playerzone.Owner.Value) == tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer) then
  959. checkloop = 1
  960. end
  961. end)
  962. if checkloop == 1 then
  963. checkloop = 0
  964. --[[
  965. local image_link = ""
  966. local response = game:HttpGet(image_link)
  967. local string_content = Split(response, "N")
  968. ]]--
  969. local response = game:HttpGet(text)
  970. local string_content = Split(response, "N")
  971. for assad,block in pairs(game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]:GetChildren()) do
  972. if block.Name == "BlockStd" then
  974. local GridX = playerzone.CFrame.x
  975. local GridY = playerzone.CFrame.y
  976. local GridZ = playerzone.CFrame.z
  977. local GridCenter = playerzone.CFrame.x, playerzone.CFrame.y, playerzone.CFrame.z
  978. local DifferenceX = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.x - GridX) / 2.5)
  979. DifferenceX = DifferenceX - 1
  980. local DifferenceY = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.y - GridY) / 2.5)
  981. local DifferenceZ = round((block.PrimaryPart.CFrame.z - GridZ) / 2.5)
  982. local ThePos =, DifferenceY, DifferenceZ)
  983. block.Name = "BlockStd"..tostring(DifferenceX).."x"..tostring(25 - DifferenceY)
  984. end
  985. end
  986. for framecount, frame in pairs(string_content) do
  987. local skipframe = 0
  988. if framecount > 2 and framecount % (skipframe + 1) == 0 then
  989. ping = game:GetService("Stats").Network.ServerStatsItem["Data Ping"]:GetValue()
  990. if ping > 500 then
  991. wait(ping + ping)
  992. end -- ping bias
  993. print(framecount)
  994. local framergb = Split(frame, "A")
  995. local lastframergb = Split(string_content[framecount - 1], "A")
  996. local frame_table = {}
  997. local totalcount = 1
  999. if isVideoPlaying then
  1000. for number=1, #framergb do
  1001. pcall(function()
  1002. local lastrgb = Split(lastframergb[number], " ")
  1003. local rgb = Split(framergb[number], " ")
  1004. local rgb1 = tonumber(rgb[1])
  1005. local rgb2 = tonumber(rgb[2])
  1006. local theblock = game.Workspace.PlayerAircraft[tostring(game.Players.LocalPlayer)]["BlockStd" .. rgb1 .. "x" .. rgb2].PrimaryPart
  1007. local increment = 48 -- 1-255, 1 = absolute value, higher = more noise but less lag
  1008. local lastrgbc =[3] / increment), math.floor(lastrgb[4] / increment), math.floor(lastrgb[5] / increment))
  1009. local rgbc =[3] / increment), math.floor(rgb[4] / increment), math.floor(rgb[5] / increment))
  1010. if lastrgbc ~= rgbc then
  1011. colourthisblock(theblock, rgb[3]/255, rgb[4]/255, rgb[5]/255)
  1012. --print("painted block : " .. tostring(c) .. "x" .. tostring(number2) .. " " .. tostring(rgb[1]) .. " " .. tostring(rgb[2]) .. " " .. tostring(rgb[3]))
  1013. end
  1014. end)
  1015. end
  1016. else
  1017. b.b.b.b()
  1018. end
  1019. wait(0.033)
  1020. end
  1021. end
  1022. end
  1023. end
  1024. end)
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