
index swap for an alias is atomic

Apr 14th, 2020
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  1. make it clear that index swap for an alias is atomic
  2. `{'actions': [
  3. {'remove': {'index': old_index_name,
  4. 'alias': index_alias}},
  5. {'add': {'index': new_index_name,
  6. 'alias': index_alias}}
  7. ]}`
  8. alias compass-cr="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c craveonline.rb"
  9. alias compass-cr-m="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c craveonline-mobile.rb"
  10. alias compass-hf="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c hockeysfuture.rb"
  11. alias compass-psls="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c playstationlifestyle.rb"
  12. alias compass-rt="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c realitytea.rb"
  13. alias compass-th="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c totallyher.rb"
  14. alias compass-tfs="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c thefashionspot.rb"
  15. alias compass-mt="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c momtastic.rb"
  16. alias compass-st="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c shocktillyoudrop.rb"
  17. alias compass-idly="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c idontlikeyouinthatway.rb"
  18. alias compass-shh="wp && cd tools/compass && compass watch -c superherohype.rb"
  19. get link:
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