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- use std::fs::File;
- use std::io::Write;
- use std::cmp;
- const SCALING_FACTOR: f64 = 1.4 as f64;
- #[derive(Clone)]
- struct RGB {
- red: u8,
- green: u8,
- blue: u8
- }
- fn serialize_rgb(pixels: &Vec<RGB>, size: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
- // for saving to a file. Is there any way we could do this
- // without constructing a new array? Would be much faster
- let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(size * 3);
- for pix in pixels {
- output.push(;
- output.push(;
- output.push(;
- }
- output
- }
- struct Canvas {
- // Using 1D array so the bytes are together in memory, should be more efficient than Vec<Vec>
- // since that would store pointers to vectors?
- pixels: Vec<RGB>,
- width: i32,
- height: i32
- }
- impl Canvas {
- fn set_colour(&mut self, x: i32, y: i32, colour: &RGB) {
- // make this more natural? In C++ you can overload () to get a functor
- if x > 0 && y > 0 && x < self.width && y < self.height {
- self.pixels[(self.width * y + x) as usize] = colour.clone();
- }
- }
- fn write_to_file(&mut self, filename: &str) {
- let mut file = init_ppm(filename, self.width, self.height);
- file.write_all(&serialize_rgb(&self.pixels, (self.width * self.height) as usize)).expect("error");
- /* slow
- for pixel in &self.pixels {
- file.write_all(&[,,]).expect("error writing to a file");
- }*/
- }
- fn new(width: i32, height: i32) -> Canvas {
- Canvas {
- width,
- height,
- pixels: vec![RGB{red:0, green:0, blue:0}; (width * height) as usize]
- }
- }
- fn draw_square(&mut self, center: &Point, width: i32, colour: &RGB) {
- for y in cmp::max(0, center.y - width) .. cmp::min(self.height, center.y + width) {
- for x in cmp::max(0, center.x - width) .. cmp::min(self.width, center.x + width) {
- self.set_colour(x ,y, &colour);
- }
- }
- }
- fn draw_line(&mut self, from: &Point, to: &Point, width: i32, colour: &RGB) {
- // function that connects two points on the grid with a line
- if from.x == to.x { // vertical lines
- let startx = cmp::max(from.x - width, 0);
- let endx = cmp::min(from.x + width, self.width);
- let endy = cmp::max(from.y, to.y) + 1;
- let starty = cmp::min(from.y, to.y);
- for y in starty .. endy {
- for x in startx .. endx {
- self.set_colour(x, y, colour);
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- let k = (to.y - from.y) as f64 / (to.x - from.x) as f64;
- let n = to.y as f64 - k * to.x as f64;
- let lower = cmp::min(from.x, to.x);
- let upper = cmp::max(from.x, to.x) + 1;
- for x in lower .. upper {
- // We colour y's as a function of x's
- self.draw_square(
- &Point {x: x, y: (k * x as f64 + n) as i32},
- width,
- colour
- );
- }
- if k.abs() > 1.0 {
- // for steep lines, we also have to consider x as a function of y to get good results
- let lower = cmp::min(from.y, to.y);
- let upper = cmp::max(from.y, to.y) + 1;
- for y in lower .. upper {
- self.draw_square(
- &Point {x: ((y as f64 - n) / k) as i32, y: y},
- width,
- colour
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- fn rotate_point(center: &Point, point: &Point, angle: f64) -> Point {
- // also scales down a bit
- let (sin, cos) = angle.sin_cos();
- let translated = Point {x: ((point.x - center.x) as f64 / SCALING_FACTOR) as i32,
- y: ((point.y - center.y) as f64 / SCALING_FACTOR) as i32};
- let rotated = Point {x: (translated.x as f64 * cos - translated.y as f64 * sin) as i32,
- y: (translated.x as f64 * sin + translated.y as f64 * cos) as i32
- };
- Point {x: rotated.x + center.x, y: rotated.y + center.y}
- }
- fn init_ppm(filename: &str, width: i32, height: i32) -> File {
- let mut file = File::create(format!("{}.ppm",filename)).expect("couldn't create");
- file.write_all(format!("P6 {} {} 255 ", width, height).as_bytes()).expect("error writing to a file");
- file
- }
- struct Point {
- x: i32,
- y: i32
- }
- fn main() {
- const WIDTH: i32 = 1500;
- const HEIGHT: i32 = 1500;
- let mut picture = Canvas::new(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
- draw_tree(&mut picture,
- &Point {x: WIDTH/2, y: HEIGHT},
- &Point {x: WIDTH/2, y: 3*HEIGHT/4},
- 15,
- &RGB {red: 255, blue: 255, green: 255},
- 0.6,
- 2);
- picture.write_to_file("neki");
- }
- fn draw_tree(mut canvas: &mut Canvas, prev: &Point, next: &Point, iter: i32, colour: &RGB, angle: f64, branches: i32) {
- // recursively generates branches.
- if iter == 0 {
- return;
- }
- canvas.draw_line(prev, next, 1, colour);
- let prev = Point {x: 2 * next.x - prev.x, y: 2 * next.y - prev.y};
- if branches % 2 == 1 {
- draw_tree(&mut canvas, &next, &rotate_point(next, &prev, 0.0), iter - 1, colour, angle, branches);
- }
- for i in 1 .. branches / 2 + 1 {
- let rot_left = rotate_point(next, &prev, i as f64 * angle);
- draw_tree(&mut canvas, &next, &rot_left, iter - 1, &RGB{red: 247, green: 97, blue: 74}, angle, branches);
- let rot_right = rotate_point(next, &prev, - i as f64 * angle);
- draw_tree(&mut canvas, &next, &rot_right, iter - 1, &RGB{red: 26, green: 121, blue: 244}, angle, branches);
- }
- }
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