

Aug 31st, 2018
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  1. 31.08 03:08:21 WARN  [SetApiPluginLoyProvider] No LoyaltyPlugin "ru.crystals.loy.plugin.emulator" found for purchase id 4878
  2. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] printCheck
  3. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] getLastKpk
  4. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] LastKpk = 455
  5. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] Fiscal interrupt: null
  6. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] Get document template /mnt/sda1/tce/storage/crystal-cash/modules/fiscalPrinter/templates/check-sale.xml
  7. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====logo=====
  8. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] content: null
  9. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====header=====
  10. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate]                    jr. name                   ||NORMAL
  11. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate]          199100, Spb, Savushkina, 112         ||NORMAL
  12. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] -----------------------------------------     ||NORMAL
  13. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Смена:15                     ЭКЛЗ:4e6bc319-991||NORMAL
  14. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Номер кассы:60                ИНН:  7802781104||NORMAL
  15. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Кассир:Администраторов Администратор Администр||NORMAL
  16. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ----------------------------------------      ||NORMAL
  17. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ЧЕК ПРОДАЖИ             228  31-08-2018  03:08||NORMAL
  18. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ----------------------------------------      ||NORMAL
  19. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====position=====
  20. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ----------------------------------------------||NORMAL
  21. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Подарочная карта        1.00     *1      =1.00||SMALL
  22. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ----------------------------------------------||NORMAL
  23. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====payment=====
  24. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ----------------------------------------------||NORMAL
  25. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] НАЛИЧНЫЕ                                 =1.00||NORMAL
  26. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====discount=====
  27. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ----------------------------------------------||NORMAL
  28. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate]                                               ||NORMAL
  29. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate]              СПАСИБО ЗА ПОКУПКУ!              ||NORMAL
  30. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate]                                               ||NORMAL
  31. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate]                                               ||NORMAL
  32. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====tax=====
  33. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] content: null
  34. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====total=====
  35. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] ----------------------------------------      ||NORMAL
  36. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Итого без скидки          1.00                ||NORMAL
  37. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Скидка     0.00                               ||NORMAL
  38. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Итого к оплате  1.00                          ||NORMAL
  39. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] СДАЧА                                    =0.00||NORMAL
  40. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====bonuses=====
  41. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====fiscal=====
  42. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] content: null
  43. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====footer=====
  44. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Док N:228                   31-08-2018 03:08  ||NORMAL
  45. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] Спасибо за покупку!                           ||NORMAL
  46. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] =====cut=====
  47. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [DocumentTemplate] content: null
  48. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] getLastKpk
  49. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] LastKpk = 456
  50. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] getLastDocNum
  51. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [CheckServiceImpl] fiscalizeCheck: PurchaseEntity [id=4878, number=228, dateCreate=Fri Aug 31 03:08:20 GMT+03:00 2018, dateCommit=Fri Aug 31 03:08:21 GMT+03:00 2018, fiscalDocNum=456;818, sentToServerStatus=UNCOMMITED]
  52. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [PrismaBridgeImpl] {"events":[{"prefix":"KKM","shop":20200,"cash":60,"mode":39,"tabNumber":"1","cashier":"Администраторов А.А.","purchase":228,"pos":0,"barcode":"","item":"","name":"","price":0.0,"quant":0.0,"sum":0.0,"sumAll":1.0,"cardType":"","cardNumber":"","discount":0.0,"discountAll":0.0,"dateTime":"31.08.2018 03:08:21.946","offline":false}]}
  53. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [ExternalProcessingsImpl] entering purchaseFiscalized(PurchaseEntity)
  54. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [CFTBridgeImpl] Bonuses can not be charged to the card. Purchase does not contain Sberbank cards. Purchase: PurchaseEntity [id=4878, number=228, dateCreate=Fri Aug 31 03:08:20 GMT+03:00 2018, dateCommit=Fri Aug 31 03:08:21 GMT+03:00 2018, fiscalDocNum=456;818, sentToServerStatus=UNCOMMITED]
  55. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [ExternalProcessingsImpl] Purchase fiscalized: no implementation of PlastekServices.
  56. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [ExternalProcessingsImpl] Purchase fiscalized: no implementation of externalLoyaltyService.
  57. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [ExternalProcessingsImpl] about to notify ext-loy-providers that the current receipt [PurchaseEntity [id=4878, number=228, dateCreate=Fri Aug 31 03:08:20 GMT+03:00 2018, dateCommit=Fri Aug 31 03:08:21 GMT+03:00 2018, fiscalDocNum=456;818, sentToServerStatus=UNCOMMITED]] was fiscalized...
  58. 31.08 03:08:21 WARN  [SetApiPluginLoyProvider] No LoyaltyPlugin "ru.crystals.loy.plugin.emulator" found for purchase id 4878
  59. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] entering eventReceiptFiscalized(Receipt, LoyaltyResult). The arguments are: receipt [ru.crystals.api.commons.ReceiptPurchaseEntityWrapper@524614], loyResults [null]
  60. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [LoyPluginEmulator] leaving eventReceiptFiscalized(Receipt, LoyaltyResult)
  61. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [ExternalProcessingsImpl] leaving purchaseFiscalized(PurchaseEntity). It took 8 [ms]
  62. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [PrismaBridgeImpl] {"events":[{"prefix":"KKM","shop":20200,"cash":60,"mode":5,"tabNumber":"1","cashier":"Администраторов А.А.","purchase":228,"pos":0,"barcode":"","item":"","name":"","price":0.0,"quant":0.0,"sum":0.0,"sumAll":1.0,"cardType":"","cardNumber":"","discount":0.0,"discountAll":0.0,"dateTime":"31.08.2018 03:08:21.958","offline":false}]}
  63. 31.08 03:08:21 INFO  [TechProcessShift] Check = PurchaseEntity [id=4878, number=228, dateCreate=Fri Aug 31 03:08:20 GMT+03:00 2018, dateCommit=Fri Aug 31 03:08:21 GMT+03:00 2018, fiscalDocNum=456;818, sentToServerStatus=NO_SENT]
  64.  checkNum = 0
  65.  checkModule.getCurrentPurchaseEntry().getCurrentState() = REG_CHECK
  66. 31.08 03:08:21 TRACE [ExternalProcessingsImpl] afterFiscalize: no implementation of externalLoyaltyService
  67. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] saveCheck PurchaseEntity [id=4878, number=228, dateCreate=Fri Aug 31 03:08:20 GMT+03:00 2018, dateCommit=Fri Aug 31 03:08:21 GMT+03:00 2018, fiscalDocNum=456;818, sentToServerStatus=NO_SENT]
  68. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [CheckServiceImpl] saveCheck: PurchaseEntity [id=4878, number=228, dateCreate=Fri Aug 31 03:08:20 GMT+03:00 2018, dateCommit=Fri Aug 31 03:08:21 GMT+03:00 2018, fiscalDocNum=456;818, sentToServerStatus=NO_SENT]
  69. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] Select seller [null]
  70. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [SpeedLog] TechProcess fiscalizeCheck operationType = true, positions count = 1  time = 540 ms
  71. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  72. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  73. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Добро               *
  74. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *пожаловать          *
  75. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  76. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  77. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] resetException()
  78. 31.08 03:08:22 INFO  [TransferManager] Nothing yet not processed on server to resend
  79. 31.08 03:08:23 INFO  [FiscalPrinter] resetException()
  80. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [FilesChecker] Catalog goods transport event
  81. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [FilesChecker]    goods types for report count: 0
  82. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [FilesChecker]    catalog goods files to cash count: 0
  83. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] eventControlKey: ControlKey [scanCode=10, command=kbdEnter]
  84. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TechProcessImpl] TP searchProduct 4603521055557
  85. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [CatalogService] getGoodsByBarCode barcode = 4603521055557
  86. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [CatalogService] get product by barcode '4603521055557' result: ProductGiftCardEntity[name=Подарочная карта, item=55557, numberCard=null]
  87. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods: dataFinder.getProductByBarcode, barcode = 4603521055557 time = 0 ms
  88. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods: dataFinder.getProductByBarcode before check restrictions, barcode = 4603521055557 time = 0 ms
  89. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [SpeedLog] getProductRestrictions  time = 0 ms
  90. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods: dataFinder.getProductByBarcode after check restrictions, barcode = 4603521055557 time = 0 ms
  91. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [SpeedLog] CatalogGoods#getGoodsByBarCode, barcode = 4603521055557 time = 1 ms
  92. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [SpeedLog] searchProduct time  time = 1 ms
  93. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [SpeedLog] (CHECK_CONTAINER) show product container time = 0,007 sec; average speed = 0,025 sec; position test num = 871.0; prooduct item 55557; <7>
  94. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [CommonLogger] busy = false
  95. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [PrismaBridgeImpl] {"events":[{"prefix":"KKM","shop":20200,"cash":60,"mode":4,"tabNumber":"1","cashier":"Администраторов А.А.","purchase":229,"pos":0,"barcode":"","item":"","name":"","price":0.0,"quant":0.0,"sum":0.0,"sumAll":0.0,"cardType":"","cardNumber":"","discount":0.0,"discountAll":0.0,"dateTime":"31.08.2018 03:08:25.711","offline":false}]}
  96. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [PrismaBridgeImpl] {"events":[{"prefix":"KKM","shop":20200,"cash":60,"mode":66,"tabNumber":"1","cashier":"Администраторов А.А.","purchase":229,"pos":1,"barcode":"4603521055557","item":"55557","name":"Подарочная карта","price":100.0,"quant":77811.0,"sum":7781100.0,"sumAll":7781100.0,"cardType":"","cardNumber":"","discount":0.0,"discountAll":0.0,"dateTime":"31.08.2018 03:08:25.711","offline":false}]}
  97. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] Screen updated:
  98. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  99. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Под 77811 7781100.00*
  100. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] *Итого     7781100.00*
  101. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract] **********************
  102. 31.08 03:08:25 INFO  [TextCustomerDisplayPluginAbstract]
  103. 31.08 03:08:26 INFO  [ServiceImpl] Get card data - 1630
  104. 31.08 03:08:26 INFO  [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - false
  105. 31.08 03:08:26 INFO  [ServiceImpl] Get card data finish - 1630
  106. 31.08 03:08:26 INFO  [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - true
  107. 31.08 03:08:26 INFO  [ServiceImpl] Enter activation card method - id: null; number: 1; item: 55557; type: ProductGiftCardEntity; count: 1000; sum: 300000; sumDiscount: 0; dateTime: (NULL); num-in-original: null
  108. 31.08 03:08:26 INFO  [ServiceImpl] Start activation card - 1630
  109. 31.08 03:08:26 INFO  [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - false
  110. 31.08 03:08:27 ERROR [ServiceImpl]
  111. ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnectorException: Server exception: org.hibernate.exception.ConstraintViolationException: Batch entry 0 insert into card_cards (activationDate, amount, barcode, cardType_id, client_id, counterparty, createDate, debitor_type, deleted, display_number, expirationDate, guid, msr_number, newCardType_id, numberField, status, statusDescription, id_cardref, id) values ('2018-08-31 03:08:26.907+03', 300000, NULL, 54364, NULL, NULL, '2018-08-31 03:08:27.057+03', NULL, 'FALSE', NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, '1630', 3, NULL, NULL, 73248) was aborted: ОШИБКА: повторяющееся значение ключа нарушает ограничение уникальности "card_cards_numberfield_key"
  112.   Подробности: Ключ "(numberfield)=(1630)" уже существует.  Call getNextException to see other errors in the batch.
  113.     at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.makeServerConnectorException(
  114.     at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.getResponse(
  115.     at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.requestServlet(
  116.     at ru.crystals.httpclient.ServerConnector.requestRPC(
  117.     at
  118.     at
  119.     at
  120.     at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.products.giftcard.product.controller.GiftCardPluginController.activateAndAddFixGiftCard(
  121.     at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.products.giftcard.product.view.GiftCardPluginView.doActivateCard(
  122.     at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.products.giftcard.product.view.GiftCardPluginView.dispatchKeyPressed(
  123.     at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.commonplugin.view.CommonAbstractView.keyPressedNew(
  124.     at ru.crystals.pos.visualization.commonplugin.view.form.CommonForm$1.keyPressedNew(
  125.     at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.sendNewKey(
  126.     at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.process(
  127.     at ru.crystals.pos.CashEventSource.processEvent(
  128.     at
  129.     at ru.crystals.pos.InternalCashPoolExecutorImpl.lambda$submit$1(
  130.     at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
  131.     at
  132.     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(
  133.     at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
  134.     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
  135.     at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
  136.     at
  137. 31.08 03:08:27 INFO  [SpeedLog] (ACTIVATE GIFT CARD) time = 0,899;
  138. 31.08 03:08:27 INFO  [WaitComponent] [WaitComponent] MainFrame enabled - true
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