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- Sounding Grand Charm $\xffc3Sounding Grand Charm \n\xffc0Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus\n\xffc1Required Level: 42\n\xffc3+1 to Warcries (Barbarian Only)$cm33$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$;0;-1
- Key of Hate$\xffc8Key of Hate$pk2$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$;0;-1
- Kira's Guardian Tiara$\xffc4Kira's Guardian\n\xffc4Tiara\n\xffc0Defense: \xffc3149\n\xffc0Durability: 22 of 25\n\xffc1Required Level: 77\n\xffc3+20% Faster Hit Recovery\n\xffc3+102 Defense\n\xffc3All Resistances +70\n\xffc3Cannot Be Frozen$ci1$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$380809052;0;-1
- Scroll of Town Portal$\xffc0Scroll of Town Portal$tsc$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$;0;-1
- Scroll of Identify$\xffc0Scroll of Identify$isc$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$;0;-1
- Rainbow Facet Jewel$\xffc4Rainbow Facet\n\xffc4Jewel\n\xffc0Can be Inserted into Socketed Items\n\xffc1Required Level: 49\n\xffc3100% Chance to cast level 31 Meteor when you Die\n\xffc3Adds 17-45 fire damage\n\xffc3-5% to Enemy Fire Resistance\n\xffc3+5% to Fire Skill Damage$jew4$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$2463509995;0;-1
- Troll Nest$\xffc5Troll Nest\n\xffc0Defense: 258\n\xffc0\xffc0Chance to Block: ΓΏc345%\n\xffc0Durability: 38 of 38\n\xffc1Required Strength: 96\n\xffc1Required Level: 57\n\xffc3Ethereal (Cannot be Repaired)$bsh$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$;0;-1
- Nagelring Ring$\xffc4Nagelring\n\xffc4Ring\n\xffc1Required Level: 7\n\xffc3+68 to Attack Rating\n\xffc3Magic Damage Reduced by 3\n\xffc3Attacker Takes Damage of 3\n\xffc330% Better Chance of Getting Magic Items$rin1$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$4239756154;0;-1
- Dwarf Star Ring$\xffc4Dwarf Star\n\xffc4Ring\n\xffc1Required Level: 45\n\xffc3+40 to Life\n\xffc3+40 Maximum Stamina\n\xffc3Heal Stamina Plus 15%\n\xffc3Fire Absorb 15%\n\xffc3Magic Damage Reduced by 15\n\xffc3100% Extra Gold from Monsters$rin5$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$2119869885;0;-1
- Death's Fathom Dimensional Shard$\xffc4Death's Fathom\n\xffc4Dimensional Shard\n\xffc0One-Hand Damage: 30 to 53\n\xffc0Durability: 25 of 50\n\xffc1(Sorceress Only)\n\xffc1Required Level: 73\n\xffc0Staff Class - Normal Attack Speed\n\xffc3+3 to Sorceress Skill Levels\n\xffc3+20% Faster Cast Rate\n\xffc3+24% to Cold Skill Damage\n\xffc3Lightning Resist +26%\n\xffc3Fire Resist +39%$ob5$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$2938974942;0;-1
- Sparking Grand Charm $\xffc3Sparking Grand Charm \n\xffc0Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus\n\xffc1Required Level: 42\n\xffc3+1 to Lightning Skills (Sorceress Only)$cm31$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$;0;-1
- Entrapping Grand Charm $\xffc3Entrapping Grand Charm \n\xffc0Keep in Inventory to Gain Bonus\n\xffc1Required Level: 42\n\xffc3+1 to Traps (Assassin Only)$cm32$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$;0;-1
- Vampire Gaze Grim Helm$\xffc4Vampire Gaze\n\xffc4Grim Helm\n\xffc0Defense: \xffc3252\n\xffc0Durability: 21 of 40\n\xffc1Required Strength: 58\n\xffc1Required Level: 41\n\xffc3Adds 6-22 cold damage\n\xffc36% Mana stolen per hit\n\xffc36% Life stolen per hit\n\xffc3+100% Enhanced Defense\n\xffc315% Slower Stamina Drain\n\xffc3Damage Reduced by 20%\n\xffc3Magic Damage Reduced by 10$bhm$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$3454375515;0;12
- Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band Ring$\xffc4Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band\n\xffc4Ring\n\xffc1Required Level: 58\n\xffc3+1 to All Skills\n\xffc35% Life stolen per hit\n\xffc30 to Life (Based on Character Level)\n\xffc3+50 Maximum Stamina$rin2$forevermule1 / forevermulebl$4143098669;0;-1
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