
kat calc improved version 800!!

Jun 28th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. @echo off
  2. REM Sezen kat calc for figuring out Icy's double sorc build
  3. REM Very out of date!!! Don't use this with the intent of doing anything with it!!
  4. TITLE Katarina Calc
  5. COLOR 0A
  6. REM let's create our required method of integer>float conversion
  7. if exist vbs.bat goto n
  8. echo @echo off>vbs.bat
  9. echo ^>"%%temp%%\VBS.vbs" echo Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") : Wscript.echo(%%^*)>>vbs.bat
  10. echo for /f "delims=" %%%%a in ('cscript /nologo "%%temp%%\VBS.vbs"') do set "val=%%%%a">>vbs.bat
  11. echo set val^=^%%^val^:^,^=^.^%% >> vbs.bat
  12. :n
  13. echo kat calc
  14. set /p mr=Target's starting MR?:
  15. set passive14=214
  16. set passive16=248
  17. set passive18=287
  18. set qbase=195
  19. set ebase=90
  20. set rbase=50
  21. set rbase2=38
  22. set gunblade=80
  23. set void=80
  24. set haunt=25
  25. set rabs=120
  26. set zhon=70
  27. set gbad=40
  28. set gbd=250
  29. echo ===================================
  30. echo PEN MR CALCS LEVEL 18 W/ 6 ITEMS
  31. echo ===================================
  32. echo %mr%
  33. REM MR calculation for flatpen build, includes mpen from passive
  34. REM Uses one void, one haunting guise, three sorcs and 6 from masteries!
  35. call vbs %mr%*0.35
  36. set mr2=%val%
  37. echo %mr2% pen lost from percent pen!
  38. call vbs %mr%-%mr2%
  39. set mr2=%val%
  40. echo %mr2% total pen after percent pen!
  41. set /a mr2=mr2-66
  42. echo %mr2% total MR after flatpen.
  43. REM if MR is less than 0, then does a weird calc method
  44. if %mr2% leq 0 goto lesscalc
  45. echo We have more than 0 MR!
  46. call vbs (%mr2%/(%mr2%+100))
  47. set mrp=%val%
  48. goto cont
  49. :lesscalc
  50. echo We have less than 0 MR!
  51. call vbs %mr2%*-1
  52. set mr3=%val%
  53. echo %mr3%
  54. call vbs %mr3%/(%mr3%+100)
  55. set tem=%val%
  56. call vbs %tem%*-1
  57. set mrp=%val%
  58. REM 2-(mr3/(mr3+100)) does the same thing but this is logical incrementation
  59. REM thus easier for me to keep track in my head
  60. :cont
  61. echo %mrp% important number for calcs :)
  62. call vbs %mrp%*100
  63. set mrz=%val%
  64. echo %mrz% percent resistance with pen build!
  65. REM Last number in that is the damage reduction!
  66. REM Mr calculation for regular build
  67. REM Uses one void, one haunting guise and 6 mpen from masteries!
  68. echo ===================================
  70. echo ===================================
  71. echo we have %mr% MR
  72. call vbs %mr%*0.35
  73. set mr2=%val%
  74. echo %mr2% lost MR from percent pen.
  75. call vbs %mr%-%mr2%
  76. set mr2=%val%
  77. set /a mr2=mr2-36
  78. set mr2n=%mr2%
  79. echo %mr2% total MR after flatpen.
  80. if %mr2% leq 0 goto lesscalc
  81. echo We have more than 0 MR!
  82. call vbs (%mr2%/(%mr2%+100))
  83. set mrn=%val%
  84. goto cont
  85. :lesscalc
  86. echo We have less than 0 MR!
  87. call vbs %mr2%*-1
  88. set mr3=%val%
  89. echo %mr3%
  90. call vbs %mr3%/(%mr3%+100)
  91. set tem=%val%
  92. call vbs %tem%*-1
  93. set mrn=%val%
  94. :cont
  95. echo %mrn% important number for calcs :)
  96. call vbs %mrn%*100
  97. set mrz=%val%
  98. echo %mrz% percent resistance with normal build!
  99. echo ===================================
  101. ECHO ===================================
  102. REM includes AP passive and runes!
  103. set /a apn=%gunblade%+%void%+%haunt%+%rabs%+%zhon%+30
  104. echo %apn% AP before rabs for the normal build.
  105. call vbs %apn%*1.35
  106. set apn=%val%
  107. echo %apn% AP after rabs.
  108. echo ===================================
  110. echo ===================================
  111. set /a app=%gunblade%+%void%+%haunt%
  112. echo %app% AP with the pen build.
  113. REM the meat and potatoes.
  114. REM teamfight = passive once, ult 1/2, gunblade once
  115. echo ===================================
  117. echo ===================================
  118. call vbs %passive18%+%apn%+%gbad%+22
  119. set pd=%val%
  120. echo %pd% raw passive dmg with normal build!
  121. call vbs %gbd%+(%apn%*0.30)
  122. set gbb=%val%
  123. echo %gbb% raw gunblade damage with normal build!
  124. call vbs 7*(%rbase%)+7*(0.22*(%gbad%+22))+7*(0.19*%apn%)
  125. REM 22 = ad from gb + icys ad reds
  126. set rud=%val%
  127. echo %rud% raw ult dmg with normal build! assumes half the ult channeled!
  128. call vbs %rud%+%gbb%+%pd%
  129. set tdn=%val%
  130. echo %tdn% total dmg before mitigation with normal build!
  131. if %mr2n% leq 0 goto calc1
  132. echo Target has more than 0 effective MR!
  133. call vbs %mrp%*%tdn%
  134. set pmdn=%var%
  135. goto fin
  136. :calc1
  137. echo Target has less than 0 effective MR!
  138. echo %mrn%
  139. call vbs 1+(%mrn%*-1)
  140. set dmn=%val%
  141. echo %dmn%
  142. call vbs %tdn%*%dmn%
  143. set pmdn=%val%
  144. :fin
  145. echo %pmdn% total dmg post mitigation with normal build.
  146. REM pen dmg calc
  147. echo ===================================
  149. echo ===================================
  150. call vbs %passive18%+%app%+%gbad%+22
  151. set pd=%val%
  152. echo %pd% raw passive dmg with normal build!
  153. call vbs %gbd%+(%app%*0.30)
  154. set gbb=%val%
  155. echo %gbb% raw gunblade damage with normal build!
  156. call vbs (7*(%rbase%))+(7*(0.22*(%gbad%+22)))+(7*(0.19*%app%))
  157. REM 22 = ad from gb + icys ad reds
  158. set rud=%val%
  159. echo %rud% raw ult dmg with normal build! assumes half the ult channeled!
  160. call vbs %rud%+%gbb%+%pd%
  161. set tdp=%val%
  162. echo %tdp% total dmg before mitigation with pen build!
  163. echo %mrp%
  164. call vbs 1+(%mrp%*-1)
  165. set dmp=%val%
  166. echo %dmp%
  167. call vbs %tdp%*%dmp%
  168. set pmdp=%val%
  169. :next
  170. echo %pmdp% total post mitigation dmg with penetration build!
  171. set /a pmdn=pmdn+0
  172. set /a pmdp=pmdp+0
  173. echo.
  174. ECHO.
  175. ECHO.
  176. ECHO.
  177. echo | set /p=[            
  178. echo | set /p=FINAL RESULTS            
  179. echo | set /p=]
  180. echo.
  181. echo | set /p=[                
  182. echo | set /p=%mr% MR                
  183. echo | set /p=]
  184. echo.
  185. echo | set /p=[            
  186. echo | set /p=Normal dmg: %pmdn%          
  187. echo | set /p=]
  188. echo.
  189. echo | set /p=[          
  190. echo | set /p=Flat Pen dmg: %pmdp%          
  191. echo | set /p=]
  192. echo.
  193. echo.
  194. echo.
  195. echo.
  196. echo.
  198. REM normal build varables
  199. REM mrn (dmg mitigation), apn (ap normal), tdn (total damage normal)
  200. REM pen build variables
  201. REM mrp (dmg mitigation), app (ap pen), tdp (total dmg pen)
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