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- {$I SRL-T/osr.simba}
- type
- TPArray = record
- X, Y: Integer;
- end;
- TVisitedCell = record
- Distance: Integer;
- PreviousCell: TPArray;
- end;
- var
- bmp: TMufasaBitmap; // Bitmap (to load image into)
- start: TPArray; // Start point
- stop: TPArray; // End point
- visited: array of array of TVisitedCell;
- function IsInBounds(const point: TPArray): Boolean; // Make sure not to go outside of the maze image
- begin
- Result := (point.X >= 0) and (point.X < bmp.GetWidth()) and (point.Y >= 0) and (point.Y < bmp.GetHeight());
- end;
- function LoadMazeFromBitmap: array of array of Integer;
- var
- x, y: Integer;
- begin
- SetLength(Result, bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight());
- for y := 0 to bmp.GetHeight() - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to bmp.GetWidth() - 1 do
- begin
- if bmp.GetPixel(x, y) = clBlack then
- Result[x, y] := 1 // Wall of the maze
- else
- Result[x, y] := 0; // Open area that's moveable in
- end;
- end;
- end;
- function FindShortestPath(const maze: array of array of Integer): array of TPArray;
- var
- directions: array[0..3] of TPArray; // N/E/S/W movement
- queue: array[0..629*479] of TPArray; // Hard-coded maximum size of the maze xD
- queueHead: Integer; // Leading
- queueTail: Integer; // Trailing
- current, next: TPArray;
- x, y, i: Integer;
- begin
- SetLength(visited, bmp.GetWidth(), bmp.GetHeight());
- for y := 0 to bmp.GetHeight() - 1 do
- begin
- for x := 0 to bmp.GetWidth() - 1 do
- begin
- visited[x, y].Distance := -1;
- visited[x, y].PreviousCell.X := -1;
- visited[x, y].PreviousCell.Y := -1;
- end;
- end;
- directions[0].X := 1;
- directions[0].Y := 0;
- directions[1].X := -1;
- directions[1].Y := 0;
- directions[2].X := 0;
- directions[2].Y := 1;
- directions[3].X := 0;
- directions[3].Y := -1;
- queueHead := 0;
- queueTail := 0;
- queue[queueTail].X := start.X;
- queue[queueTail].Y := start.Y;
- Inc(queueTail);
- visited[start.X, start.Y].Distance := 0;
- while queueHead < queueTail do
- begin
- current := queue[queueHead];
- Inc(queueHead);
- if (current.X = stop.X) and (current.Y = stop.Y) then
- Break;
- for i := 0 to 3 do
- begin
- next.X := current.X + directions[i].X;
- next.Y := current.Y + directions[i].Y;
- if IsInBounds(next) and (maze[next.X, next.Y] = 0) and (visited[next.X, next.Y].Distance = -1) then
- begin
- visited[next.X, next.Y].Distance := visited[current.X, current.Y].Distance + 1;
- visited[next.X, next.Y].PreviousCell := current;
- queue[queueTail].X := next.X;
- queue[queueTail].Y := next.Y;
- Inc(queueTail);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- if (visited[stop.X, stop.Y].Distance = -1) then
- begin
- SetLength(Result, 0); // No path found, for debugging
- Exit;
- end;
- SetLength(Result, visited[stop.X, stop.Y].Distance + 1);
- current := stop;
- for i := visited[stop.X, stop.Y].Distance downto 0 do
- begin
- Result[i] := current;
- current := visited[current.X, current.Y].PreviousCell;
- end;
- end;
- procedure MarkPathOnBitmap(const path: array of TPArray); // Visualize the path on the bitmap
- var
- i: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to Length(path) - 1 do
- bmp.SetPixel(path[i].X, path[i].Y, clBlue);
- end;
- begin
- bmp.Init();
- bmp.LoadFromFile('A PLACE ON MY COMPUTER U CHEEKY GOON'); // Hi, it's Saber from Discord :)
- start.X := 0;
- start.Y := 0;
- stop.X := 630;
- stop.Y := 480;
- MarkPathOnBitmap(FindShortestPath(LoadMazeFromBitmap));
- bmp.Debug();
- bmp.Free();
- end.
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