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- --[[
- alignment options for text elements and derivatives
- ]]
- align = {
- top = "top",
- left = "left",
- center = "center",
- right = "right",
- bottom = "bottom",
- }
- --[[
- global flags for shift and control being held
- ]]
- shiftHeld = false
- ctrlHeld = false
- --[[
- currently selected element
- ]]
- selectedElement = nil
- --[[
- base level elements, used in handleInputEvents to get selected elements
- ]]
- buffers = {}
- --------------------------------
- --Callbacks
- --------------------------------
- --[[
- registered callbacks to happen no matter which element is selected
- ]]
- globalCallbacks = {
- ["monitor_touch"] = {},
- ["mouse_click"] = {},
- ["mouse_drag"] = {},
- ["mouse_scroll"] = {},
- ["mouse_up"] = {},
- ["key"] = {},
- ["key_up"] = {},
- ["char"] = {},
- ["paste"] = {},
- }
- --[[
- register callback functions for various mouse and keyboard events
- ]]
- function registerGlobalCallback(event, element, callback, callbackName)
- table.insert(globalCallbacks[event], {element = element, callback = callback, callbackName = callbackName})
- end
- function removeGlobalCallback(event, element, callbackName)
- for index, callback in ipairs(globalCallbacks[event]) do
- if == and (callback.callbackName == callbackName or not callback.callbackName) then
- table.remove(globalCallbacks[event], index)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- registered callbacks for each user input event, only occurs if element is selected
- ]]
- selectionCallbacks = {
- ["monitor_touch"] = {},
- ["mouse_click"] = {},
- ["mouse_drag"] = {},
- ["mouse_scroll"] = {},
- ["mouse_up"] = {},
- ["key"] = {},
- ["key_up"] = {},
- ["char"] = {},
- ["paste"] = {},
- }
- --[[
- register callback functions for various mouse and keyboard events for a given element
- ]]
- function registerSelectionCallback(event, element, callback, callbackName)
- table.insert(selectionCallbacks[event], {elementName =, callback = callback, callbackName = callbackName})
- end
- function removeSelectionCallback(event, element, callbackName)
- for index, callback in ipairs(selectionCallbacks[event]) do
- if callback.elementName == and (callback.callbackName == callbackName or not callback.callbackName) then
- table.remove(selectionCallbacks[event], index)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- register key events for shift and control other elements to reference
- ]]
- registerGlobalCallback("key", nil, function(_, event, key, isHeld)
- local keyName = keys.getName(key)
- if keyName == "leftShift" or keyName == "rightShift" then
- shiftHeld = true
- elseif keyName == "leftCtrl" or keyName == "rightCtrl" then
- ctrlHeld = true
- end
- end, "pressShiftControl")
- registerGlobalCallback("key_up", nil, function(_, event, key)
- local keyName = keys.getName(key)
- if keyName == "leftShift" or keyName == "rightShift" then
- shiftHeld = false
- elseif keyName == "leftCtrl" or keyName == "rightCtrl" then
- ctrlHeld = false
- end
- end, "releaseShiftControl")
- function handleMouseClick(buffer, button, x, y)
- return getSelectedElement(buffer, x, y)
- end
- function handleMonitorTouch(buffer, side, x, y)
- if buffer.display.side == side then
- return getSelectedElement(buffer, x, y)
- end
- end
- --[[
- depth first search to find selected element given an x and y
- ]]
- function getSelectedElement(buffer, x, y)
- local selectedElement
- --iterate over elements backwards to grab elements drawn on top first
- for i = #buffer.children, 1, -1 do
- selectedElement = getSelectedElement(buffer.children[i], x, y)
- if selectedElement then
- return selectedElement
- end
- end
- if buffer:selected(x, y) then
- return buffer
- end
- end
- function handleInputEvents()
- local event, data1, data2, data3 = os.pullEvent()
- if globalCallbacks[event] or selectionCallbacks[event] then
- if event == "mouse_click" then
- for _, buffer in ipairs(buffers) do
- selectedElement = handleMouseClick(buffer, data1, data2, data3)
- if selectedElement then
- break
- end
- end
- elseif event == "monitor_touch" then
- for _, buffer in ipairs(buffers) do
- selectedElement = handleMonitorTouch(buffer, data1, data2, data3)
- if selectedElement then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- for _, callback in ipairs(globalCallbacks[event]) do
- callback.callback(callback.element, event, data1, data2, data3)
- end
- if selectedElement and selectionCallbacks[event] then
- for _, callback in ipairs(selectionCallbacks[event]) do
- if callback.elementName == and callback.callback then
- callback.callback(selectedElement, event, data1, data2, data3)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Display
- --------------------------------
- Display = {
- device = nil,
- isMonitor = false,
- side = nil,
- width = 1,
- height = 1,
- }
- function Display:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- return o
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Cell
- --------------------------------
- Cell = {
- backgroundColor =,
- textColor = colors.white,
- character = " ",
- }
- function Cell:new (o)
- o = o or {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- return o
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Buffer
- --------------------------------
- Buffer = {
- class = "Buffer",
- display = nil,
- children = {},
- globalX = 1,
- globalY = 1,
- width = 1,
- height = 1,
- backgroundColor =,
- cells = {},
- }
- function Buffer:new (o)
- o = o or {}
- --tables are passed by reference so new ones must be created
- o.cells = o.cells or {}
- o.children = o.children or {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- o:initializeCells()
- return o
- end
- function Buffer:initializeCells()
- local cell
- for x = 1, self.width do
- for y = 1, self.height do
- cell = Cell:new { backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor }
- if not self.cells[x] then
- table.insert(self.cells, x, {[y] = cell})
- else
- table.insert(self.cells[x], y, cell)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- draw children, then draw to parent's buffer if parent exists, otherwise draw to display
- ]]
- function Buffer:draw()
- --reset buffer for drawing to
- for x = 1, self.width do
- for y = 1, self.height do
- self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor
- self.cells[x][y].character = " "
- end
- end
- --draw all children to buffer cells
- for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
- child:draw()
- end
- --draw buffer cells to the screen
- for y = 1, self.height do
- local characters = ""
- local textColors = ""
- local backgroundColors = ""
- for x = 1, self.width do
- characters = characters .. self.cells[x][y].character
- textColors = textColors .. colors.toBlit(self.cells[x][y].textColor)
- backgroundColors = backgroundColors .. colors.toBlit(self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor)
- end
- self.display.device.setCursorPos(self.globalX, self.globalY + y - 1)
- self.display.device.blit(characters, textColors, backgroundColors)
- end
- end
- --[[
- converts to global coordinates and then test for if x and y are within bounds
- ]]
- function Buffer:selected(x, y)
- return x >= self.globalX and x < self.globalX + self.width and y >= self.globalY and y < self.globalY + self.height
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Element
- --------------------------------
- Element = Buffer:new {
- class = "Element",
- buffer = nil,
- parent = nil,
- x = 1,
- y = 1,
- visible = true,
- transparentBackground = false,
- isBuffer = false,
- }
- function Element:new (o)
- o = o or {}
- local gx = o.globalX
- local gy = o.globalY
- o = Buffer:new(o)
- --tables are passed by reference so new ones must be created if not passed in
- o.cells = o.cells or {}
- o.children = o.children or {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- if o.buffer then
- table.insert(o.buffer.children, o)
- end
- if o.parent and o.parent ~= o.buffer then
- table.insert(o.parent.children, o)
- end
- if not gx and not gy then
- o.globalX, o.globalY = o:getGlobalPos(o.x, o.y)
- else
- o:setGlobalPos(o.globalX, o.globalY)
- end
- return o
- end
- function Element:setWidth(newWidth)
- self.width = newWidth
- self.cells = {}
- self:initializeCells()
- end
- function Element:setHeight(newHeight)
- self.height = newHeight
- self.cells = {}
- self:initializeCells()
- end
- --[[
- remove element from previous parent and add to new parent, can also be nil to unparent entirely
- ]]
- function Element:setParent(parent)
- self.globalX, self.globalY = self:getGlobalPos(self.x, self.y)
- if self.parent then
- for index, child in self.parent.children do
- if child == self then
- table.remove(self.parent.children, index)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if parent then
- self.parent = parent
- table.insert(self.parent.children, self)
- end
- self:setGlobalPos(self.globalX, self.globalY)
- end
- function Element:setGlobalPos(x, y)
- self.globalX = x
- self.globalY = y
- if self.parent then
- self.x = self.globalX - self.parent.globalX + 1
- self.y = self.globalY - self.parent.globalY + 1
- else
- self.x = self.globalX
- self.y = self.globalY
- end
- for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
- child:setPos(child.x, child.y)
- end
- end
- --[[
- sets new position of element relative to parent, children are moved accordingly
- ]]
- function Element:setPos(x, y)
- self.x = x
- self.y = y
- self.globalX, self.globalY = self:getGlobalPos(x, y)
- for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
- child:setPos(child.x, child.y)
- end
- end
- --[[
- gets displacement of point x, y relative to global coordinates
- ]]
- function Element:getLocalPos(x, y)
- local lx = 1 + x - self.globalX
- local ly = 1 + y - self.globalY
- return lx, ly
- end
- --[[
- gets the local coordinates of an element in relation to it's parent
- ]]
- function Element:getParentLocalPos(x, y)
- --global x, y
- local lx = self.globalX - self.parent.globalX + 1
- local ly = self.globalY - self.parent.globalY + 1
- return lx, ly
- end
- --[[
- gets the global coordinates of an element
- ]]
- function Element:getGlobalPos(x, y)
- if self.parent then
- return self.parent.globalX + self.x - 1, self.parent.globalY + self.y - 1
- end
- return self.x, self.y
- end
- --[[
- converts to global coordinates and then test for if x and y are within bounds
- ]]
- function Element:selected(x, y)
- if not self.visible then
- return false
- end
- return x >= self.globalX and x < self.globalX + self.width and y >= self.globalY and y < self.globalY + self.height
- end
- --[[
- set background color for element
- ]]
- function Element:setBackgroundColor(color)
- self.backgroundColor = color
- for x = 1, self.width do
- for y = 1, self.height do
- self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor = color
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- set whether an element is visible or not
- ]]
- function Element:setVisibility(isVisible)
- self.visible = isVisible
- end
- --[[
- draw children, then draw to parent's buffer if parent exists, otherwise draw to display
- ]]
- function Element:draw()
- if not self.visible then
- return
- end
- if self.isBuffer then
- for ly = 1, self.height do
- for lx = 1, self.width do
- self.cells[lx][ly].character = " "
- self.cells[lx][ly].backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor
- self.cells[lx][ly].textColor = colors.white
- end
- end
- for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
- child:draw()
- end
- end
- --lx and ly are local x, y within an element
- for ly = 1, self.height do
- for lx = 1, self.width do
- local by = ly + self.globalY - self.buffer.globalY
- local bx = lx + self.globalX - self.buffer.globalX
- if self.cells[lx][ly].backgroundColor ~= 0 and bx >= 1 and bx <= self.buffer.width and by >= 1 and by <= self.buffer.height then
- self.buffer.cells[bx][by].character = self.cells[lx][ly].character
- self.buffer.cells[bx][by].textColor = self.cells[lx][ly].textColor
- self.buffer.cells[bx][by].backgroundColor = self.cells[lx][ly].backgroundColor
- end
- end
- end
- if not self.isBuffer then
- for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
- child:draw()
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Outline
- --------------------------------
- Outline = Element:new {
- class = "Outline",
- }
- function Outline:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- o = Element:new(o)
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- return o
- end
- function Outline:initializeCells()
- local cell
- for x = 1, self.width do
- for y = 1, self.height do
- if x == 1 or x == self.width or y == 1 or y == self.height then
- cell = Cell:new { backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor }
- else
- cell = Cell:new { backgroundColor = 0 }
- end
- if not self.cells[x] then
- table.insert(self.cells, x, {[y] = cell})
- else
- table.insert(self.cells[x], y, cell)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Canvas
- --------------------------------
- Canvas = Element:new {
- class = "Canvas",
- backgroundColor = colors.white,
- currentColor =,
- maxUndo = 100,
- cellsHistory = {},
- historyIndex = 1,
- currentDrawAction = nil,
- selectionBox = nil,
- copiedCells = nil,
- copiedCellsWidth = 0,
- copiedCellsHeght = 0,
- }
- function Canvas:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- if not o.backgroundColor then
- o.backgroundColor = Canvas.backgroundColor
- end
- o = Element:new(o)
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- o:addNewHistory()
- for x = 1, o.width do
- for y = 1, o.height do
- table.insert(o.cellsHistory[o.historyIndex], {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["backgroundColor"] = o.backgroundColor})
- end
- end
- o.selectionBox = Outline:new {
- name ="_selectionBox",
- parent = o,
- buffer = o.buffer,
- visible = false,
- }
- o.currentDrawAction = Canvas.pen
- if not o.buffer.display.isMonitor then
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_click", o, Canvas.mouseClick, "mouseClick")
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_drag", o, Canvas.mouseDrag, "mouseDrag")
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_up", o, Canvas.mouseUp, "mouseUp")
- registerSelectionCallback("key", o, Canvas.keyPressed, "keyPressed")
- registerSelectionCallback("paste", o, Canvas.paste, "paste")
- else
- registerSelectionCallback("monitor_touch", o, Canvas.monitorTouch, "monitorTouch")
- end
- return o
- end
- --[[
- sets a specific cell to a given color
- x, y are local x and y values
- ]]
- function Canvas:setCell(x, y, color)
- if self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor == color then
- return
- end
- table.insert(self.cellsHistory[self.historyIndex + 1], {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["backgroundColor"] = self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor})
- self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor = color
- table.insert(self.cellsHistory[self.historyIndex], {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y, ["backgroundColor"] = self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor})
- end
- --[[
- add new undo history to the history table
- ]]
- function Canvas:addNewHistory()
- table.insert(self.cellsHistory, self.historyIndex, {})
- if #self.cellsHistory > self.maxUndo then
- table.remove(self.cellsHistory, self.maxUndo + 1)
- end
- for i = 1, self.historyIndex - 1 do
- table.remove(self.cellsHistory, 1)
- end
- self.historyIndex = 1
- end
- --[[
- utility function used for setting values in 2D arrays such as nodes in fill
- ]]
- function Canvas.setValue(tab, i, j, value)
- if not tab[i] then
- table.insert(tab, i, {[j] = value})
- else
- table.insert(tab[i], j, value)
- end
- end
- --[[
- utility function used for getting values from 2D arrays such as nodes in fill
- ]]
- function Canvas.getValue(tab, i, j)
- if tab and tab[i] and tab[i][j] then
- return tab[i][j]
- end
- end
- --[[
- changes one cell on the canvas to a different color
- x, y are local x and y values
- ]]
- function Canvas:pen(x, y)
- if x < 1 or x > self.width or y < 1 or y > self.height
- or self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor == self.currentColor then
- return
- end
- self:addNewHistory()
- self:setCell(x, y, self.currentColor)
- end
- --[[
- uses a flood fill algorithm to fill cells with a given color
- x, y are local x and y values
- ]]
- function Canvas:fill(startX, startY)
- if startX < 1 or startX > self.width or startY < 1 or startY > self.height
- or self.cells[startX][startY].backgroundColor == self.currentColor then
- return
- end
- local colorToReplace = self.cells[startX][startY].backgroundColor
- --toProcess contains potential cells to be filled
- local toProcess = {}
- table.insert(toProcess, {["x"] = startX, ["y"] = startY})
- --nodes contains all already processed cells to avoid processing again
- local nodes = {}
- Canvas.setValue(nodes, startX, startY, colorToReplace)
- local cellsToFill = {}
- local x, y
- while #toProcess ~= 0 do
- x = toProcess[1].x
- y = toProcess[1].y
- --[[
- if current cell is of the same color as the cell selected then add all
- it's adjacent neighbors to toProcess to be processed in another iteration
- ]]
- if self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor == colorToReplace then
- table.insert(cellsToFill, {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y})
- --add adjacent, unprocessed pixels to toProcess
- if x + 1 <= self.width and not Canvas.getValue(nodes, x + 1, y) then
- table.insert(toProcess, {["x"] = x + 1, ["y"] = y})
- Canvas.setValue(nodes, x + 1, y, colorToReplace)
- end
- if x - 1 >= 1 and not Canvas.getValue(nodes, x - 1, y) then
- table.insert(toProcess, {["x"] = x - 1, ["y"] = y})
- Canvas.setValue(nodes, x - 1, y, colorToReplace)
- end
- if y + 1 <= self.height and not Canvas.getValue(nodes, x, y + 1) then
- table.insert(toProcess, {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y + 1})
- Canvas.setValue(nodes, x, y + 1, colorToReplace)
- end
- if y - 1 >= 1 and not Canvas.getValue(nodes, x, y - 1) then
- table.insert(toProcess, {["x"] = x, ["y"] = y - 1})
- Canvas.setValue(nodes, x, y - 1, colorToReplace)
- end
- end
- table.remove(toProcess, 1)
- end
- self:addNewHistory()
- --set all cells to be filled to the currently selected color
- for _, location in ipairs(cellsToFill) do
- self:setCell(location.x, location.y, self.currentColor)
- end
- end
- function Canvas:clear()
- self:addNewHistory()
- for x = 1, self.width do
- for y = 1, self.height do
- self:setCell(x, y, self.backgroundColor)
- end
- end
- end
- --[[
- undo previous drawing actions
- ]]
- function Canvas:undo()
- if self.historyIndex >= #self.cellsHistory then
- return
- end
- self.historyIndex = self.historyIndex + 1
- for _, cell in ipairs(self.cellsHistory[self.historyIndex]) do
- self.cells[cell.x][cell.y].backgroundColor = cell.backgroundColor
- end
- end
- --[[
- redo previous drawing actions
- ]]
- function Canvas:redo()
- if self.historyIndex <= 1 then
- return
- end
- self.historyIndex = self.historyIndex - 1
- for _, cell in ipairs(self.cellsHistory[self.historyIndex]) do
- self.cells[cell.x][cell.y].backgroundColor = cell.backgroundColor
- end
- end
- --[[
- copy selected region (indicated by selectionBox)
- ]]
- function Canvas:copySelection()
- if not self.selectionBox.visible then
- return
- end
- self.copiedCells = {}
- local lx, ly = self.selectionBox:getParentLocalPos()
- lx = lx
- ly = ly
- local xBound = math.min(self.width, lx + self.selectionBox.width - 1)
- local yBound = math.min(self.height, ly + self.selectionBox.height - 1)
- self.copiedCellsWidth = 1 + xBound - lx
- self.copiedCellsHeight = 1 + yBound - ly
- local i, j
- i = 1
- for x = lx, xBound do
- j = 1
- for y = ly, yBound do
- Canvas.setValue(self.copiedCells, i, j, self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor)
- j = j + 1
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- --[[
- paste copiied selection to location of selectionBox x and y
- ]]
- function Canvas:pasteSelection()
- if #self.copiedCells == 0 then
- return
- end
- self:addNewHistory()
- local lx, ly = self.selectionBox:getParentLocalPos()
- lx = lx
- ly = ly
- local xBound = math.min(self.width, lx + self.copiedCellsWidth - 1)
- local yBound = math.min(self.height, ly + self.copiedCellsHeight - 1)
- local i, j
- i = 1
- for x = lx, xBound do
- j = 1
- for y = ly, yBound do
- self:setCell(x, y, Canvas.getValue(self.copiedCells, i, j))
- j = j + 1
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- end
- function Canvas.keyPressed(cnv, event, key, isHeld)
- local keyName = keys.getName(key)
- if ctrlHeld then
- if keyName == "z" then
- cnv:undo()
- elseif keyName == "y" then
- cnv:redo()
- elseif keyName == "c" then
- cnv:copySelection()
- end
- end
- end
- function Canvas.monitorTouch(cnv, event, side, x, y)
- cnv.mouseClick(cnv, "mouse_click", 1, x, y)
- end
- function Canvas.mouseClick(cnv, event, button, x, y)
- if button == 1 then
- local lx = 1 + x - cnv.globalX
- local ly = 1 + y - cnv.globalY
- cnv:currentDrawAction(lx, ly)
- elseif button == 2 then
- cnv.selectionBox.visible = false
- cnv.selectionBox:setGlobalPos(x, y)
- cnv.selectionBox:setWidth(1)
- cnv.selectionBox:setHeight(1)
- end
- end
- function Canvas.mouseDrag(cnv, event, button, x, y)
- if button == 1 then
- Canvas.mouseClick(cnv, "mouse_click", 1, x, y)
- elseif button == 2 then
- cnv.selectionBox.visible = true
- if x >= cnv.selectionBox.globalX then
- cnv.selectionBox:setWidth(1 + x - cnv.selectionBox.globalX)
- end
- if y >= cnv.selectionBox.globalY then
- cnv.selectionBox:setHeight(1 + y - cnv.selectionBox.globalY)
- end
- end
- end
- function Canvas.mouseUp(cnv, event, button, x, y)
- if button == 2 then
- end
- end
- function Canvas.paste(cnv, event, paste)
- cnv:pasteSelection()
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Text
- --------------------------------
- RowString = {
- text = "",
- newLineTerm = 0,
- __index = function(tab, k)
- if k > 0 and k <= #tab.text then
- return tab.text:sub(k, k)
- end
- return " "
- end,
- }
- setmetatable(RowString, RowString)
- function RowString:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- return o
- end
- TextRows = {
- __index = function(tab, k)
- return RowString
- end
- }
- function TextRows:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- return o
- end
- Text = Element:new {
- class = "Text",
- textColor = colors.white,
- text = "",
- textRows = {},
- padding = 0,
- horizontalAlignment = align.left,
- verticalAlignment =,
- scrollable = false,
- verticalScrollOffset = 0,
- wrapText = true,
- horizontalScrollOffset = 0,
- longestRowLength = 0,
- }
- function Text:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- o = Element:new(o)
- --tables are passed by reference so new ones must be created
- o.textRows = TextRows:new()
- o.horizontalOffsets = {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- for x = 1, o.width do
- for y = 1, o.height do
- o.cells[x][y] = Cell:new{
- backgroundColor = o.backgroundColor,
- textColor = o.textColor,
- }
- end
- end
- o:setStartRowIndexFunction()
- o:setStartSubstringIndexFunction()
- o:setText(o.text)
- if then
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_scroll", o, Text.textScroll, "textScroll")
- end
- return o
- end
- function Text:horizontalScroll(scrollDir)
- self.horizontalScrollOffset = self.horizontalScrollOffset + scrollDir
- local maxHorizontalScroll = math.max(self.longestRowLength - self.width + 2 * self.padding, 0)
- if self.horizontalScrollOffset < 0 then
- self.horizontalScrollOffset = 0
- elseif self.horizontalScrollOffset > maxHorizontalScroll then
- self.horizontalScrollOffset = maxHorizontalScroll
- end
- self:updateCells()
- end
- function Text:verticalScroll(scrollDir)
- self.verticalScrollOffset = self.verticalScrollOffset + scrollDir
- local maxVerticalScroll = math.max(#self.textRows - self.height + 2 * self.padding, 0)
- if self.verticalScrollOffset < 0 then
- self.verticalScrollOffset = 0
- elseif self.verticalScrollOffset > maxVerticalScroll then
- self.verticalScrollOffset = maxVerticalScroll
- end
- self:updateCells()
- end
- function Text.textScroll(txt, event, scrollDir, x, y)
- if shiftHeld then
- txt:horizontalScroll(scrollDir)
- else
- txt:verticalScroll(scrollDir)
- end
- end
- --[[
- black magic is used to compute the substringIndex and rowIndex offsets dependent on the alignment and current scroll offset
- ]]
- Text.computeIndex = {
- getStartSubstringIndexLeftAligned = function(txt, rowIndex)
- return 1 - txt.padding + txt.horizontalScrollOffset
- end,
- getStartSubstringIndexRightAligned = function(txt, rowIndex)
- return 1 + txt.padding + #txt.textRows[rowIndex].text - txt.width + txt.horizontalScrollOffset
- + math.min(0, -txt.longestRowLength + txt.width - 2 * txt.padding)
- end,
- getStartSubstringIndexCenterAligned = function(txt, rowIndex)
- return 1 - txt.padding + math.ceil((#txt.textRows[rowIndex].text - txt.width + 2 * txt.padding) / 2) + txt.horizontalScrollOffset
- + math.min(0, math.floor((-txt.longestRowLength + txt.width - 2 * txt.padding) / 2))
- end,
- getStartRowIndexTopAligned = function(txt)
- return 1 - txt.padding + txt.verticalScrollOffset
- end,
- getStartRowIndexBottomAligned = function(txt)
- return 1 + txt.padding + #txt.textRows - txt.height + txt.verticalScrollOffset
- + math.min(0, -#txt.textRows + txt.height - 2 * txt.padding)
- end,
- getStartRowIndexCenterAligned = function(txt)
- return 1 - txt.padding + math.ceil((#txt.textRows - txt.height + 2 * txt.padding) / 2) + txt.verticalScrollOffset
- + math.min(0, math.floor((-#txt.textRows + txt.height - 2 * txt.padding) / 2))
- end,
- }
- function Text:setStartSubstringIndexFunction()
- if self.horizontalAlignment == align.left then
- self.getStartSubstringIndex = Text.computeIndex.getStartSubstringIndexLeftAligned
- elseif self.horizontalAlignment == align.right then
- self.getStartSubstringIndex = Text.computeIndex.getStartSubstringIndexRightAligned
- elseif self.horizontalAlignment == then
- self.getStartSubstringIndex = Text.computeIndex.getStartSubstringIndexCenterAligned
- end
- end
- function Text:setStartRowIndexFunction()
- if self.verticalAlignment == then
- self.getStartRowIndex = Text.computeIndex.getStartRowIndexTopAligned
- elseif self.verticalAlignment == align.bottom then
- self.getStartRowIndex = Text.computeIndex.getStartRowIndexBottomAligned
- elseif self.verticalAlignment == then
- self.getStartRowIndex = Text.computeIndex.getStartRowIndexCenterAligned
- end
- end
- --[[
- set the horizontal alignment and update cells accordingly
- ]]
- function Text:setHorizontalAlignment(alignment)
- self.horizontalAlignment = alignment
- self:setStartSubstringIndexFunction()
- self:updateCells()
- end
- --[[
- set the vertical alignment and update cells accordingly
- ]]
- function Text:setVerticalAlignment(alignment)
- self.verticalAlignment = alignment
- self:setStartRowIndexFunction()
- self:updateCells()
- end
- --[[
- update rows of text according to current text string and whether to wrap text or not
- ]]
- function Text:updateTextRows()
- self.textRows = TextRows:new()
- local stringBegin = 1
- local rowWidth = self.width - self.padding * 2
- local stringEnd = stringBegin + rowWidth - 1
- local newLineIndex = self.text:find("\n", stringBegin, true)
- local substring
- local index = 1
- self.longestRowLength = 0
- while stringBegin <= #self.text do
- if newLineIndex and newLineIndex < stringBegin then
- newLineIndex = self.text:find("\n", stringBegin, true)
- end
- if newLineIndex and (newLineIndex < stringEnd or not self.wrapText) then
- substring = RowString:new { text = self.text:sub(stringBegin, newLineIndex - 1), newLineTerm = 1 }
- stringBegin = newLineIndex + 1
- elseif not self.wrapText then
- substring = RowString:new { text = self.text:sub(stringBegin), newLineTerm = 0}
- stringBegin = stringBegin + #substring.text
- else
- substring = RowString:new { text = self.text:sub(stringBegin, stringEnd), newLineTerm = 0 }
- stringBegin = stringEnd + 1
- end
- stringEnd = stringBegin + rowWidth - 1
- table.insert(self.textRows, substring)
- if #self.textRows[index].text > self.longestRowLength then
- self.longestRowLength = #self.textRows[index].text
- end
- index = index + 1
- end
- end
- --[[
- write characters to cells data table according to scroll offsets and alignments
- ]]
- function Text:updateCells()
- local rowIndex = self:getStartRowIndex()
- local substringIndex
- for y = 1, self.height do
- substringIndex = self:getStartSubstringIndex(rowIndex)
- if y > self.padding and y < self.height - self.padding + 1 then
- for x = 1, self.width do
- if x > self.padding and x < self.width - self.padding + 1 then
- self.cells[x][y].character = self.textRows[rowIndex][substringIndex]
- end
- substringIndex = substringIndex + 1
- end
- end
- rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
- end
- end
- --[[
- set the text for a Text element
- ]]
- function Text:setText(text)
- self.text = text
- self:updateTextRows()
- self:horizontalScroll(0)
- self:verticalScroll(0)
- self:updateCells()
- end
- --[[
- set the text color for a Text element
- ]]
- function Text:setTextColor(color)
- for x = 1, self.width do
- for y = 1, self.height do
- self.cells[x][y].textColor = color
- end
- end
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Button
- --------------------------------
- Button = Text:new {
- onClickName = nil,
- onClick = nil,
- }
- function Button:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- o = Text:new(o)
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- if not o.buffer.display.isMonitor then
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_click", o, Button.mouseClick, o.onClickName)
- else
- registerSelectionCallback("monitor_touch", o, Button.monitorTouch, o.onClickName)
- end
- return o
- end
- function Button.mouseClick(btn, event, button, x, y)
- if btn.onClick and button == 1 then
- btn:onClick()
- end
- end
- function Button.monitorTouch(btn, event, side, x, y)
- if btn.onClick then
- btn:onClick()
- end
- end
- --------------------------------
- --Textbox
- --------------------------------
- TextEdit = {
- index = 0,
- string = "",
- replacement = "",
- previousCursorPos = 0,
- }
- function TextEdit:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- return o
- end
- Textbox = Text:new{
- class = "Textbox",
- cursorPos = 0,
- cursorBackgroundColor = colors.white,
- cursorTextColor =,
- cursorRowOffset = 0,
- cursorRowIndex = 1,
- enterSubmits = false,
- selecting = false,
- selectionStartIndex = nil,
- selectionEndIndex = nil,
- selectionBackgroundColor = colors.gray,
- selectionTextColor = colors.lightGray,
- maxUndo = 500,
- historyIndex = 0,
- changeHistory = {},
- autoCompleteEnable = false,
- autoCompleting = false,
- allAutoCompleteChoices = {},
- currentAutoCompleteChoices = {},
- currentChoiceIndex = 1,
- autoCompletePos = 0,
- }
- function Textbox:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- o.changeHistory = {}
- o.allAutoCompleteChoices = o.allAutoCompleteChoices or {}
- o.currentAutoCompleteChoices = {}
- o = Text:new(o)
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- o:addNewHistory()
- --o:setHorizontalAlignment(o.horizontalAlignment)
- --o:setVerticalAlignment(o.verticalAlignment)
- o:setCursorPos(0)
- if then
- registerSelectionCallback("char", o, Textbox.characterTyped, "characterTyped")
- registerSelectionCallback("key", o, Textbox.keyPressed, "keyPressed")
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_click", o, Textbox.mouseClicked, "mouseClicked")
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_drag", o, Textbox.mouseDragged, "mouseDragged")
- registerSelectionCallback("monitor_touch", o, Textbox.monitorTouched, "monitorTouched")
- removeSelectionCallback("mouse_scroll", o, "textScroll")
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_scroll", o, Textbox.textScroll, "textScroll")
- end
- return o
- end
- --[[
- scroll texbox element and update cursor position
- ]]
- function Textbox.textScroll(txb, event, scrollDir, x, y)
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:eraseCursor()
- if shiftHeld then
- txb:horizontalScroll(scrollDir)
- else
- txb:verticalScroll(scrollDir)
- end
- txb:drawSelection()
- txb:drawCursor()
- end
- --[[
- convert from cursor position to cursor Y value
- ]]
- function Textbox:getCursorPosY()
- return 1 - self:getStartRowIndex() + self.cursorRowIndex
- end
- --[[
- convert from cursor position to cursor X value
- ]]
- function Textbox:getCursorPosX()
- return 2 - self:getStartSubstringIndex(self.cursorRowIndex) + self.cursorRowOffset
- end
- --[[
- compute cursorRowIndex and cursorRowOffset based on cursor position
- ]]
- function Textbox:computeRowIndexAndOffset(textPosition)
- local stringIndex = 0
- local rowIndex = 1
- local rowOffset = 0
- local foundCursorPos = false
- for index, textData in ipairs(self.textRows) do
- if stringIndex + #textData.text >= textPosition then
- rowIndex = index
- rowOffset = textPosition - stringIndex
- foundCursorPos = true
- break
- else
- stringIndex = stringIndex + #textData.text + textData.newLineTerm
- end
- end
- if not foundCursorPos then
- rowIndex = #self.textRows + 1
- rowOffset = 0
- end
- return rowIndex, rowOffset
- end
- --[[
- compute the cursor position based on the cursorRowIndex and cursorRowOffset
- ]]
- function Textbox:computeCursorPos()
- self.cursorPos = 0
- for index = 1, self.cursorRowIndex - 1 do
- self.cursorPos = self.cursorPos + #self.textRows[index].text + self.textRows[index].newLineTerm
- end
- self.cursorPos = self.cursorPos + self.cursorRowOffset
- end
- --[[
- erase cursor position (overwrite with default background and text color)
- ]]
- function Textbox:eraseCursor()
- local prevCursorX = self:getCursorPosX()
- local prevCursorY = self:getCursorPosY()
- if prevCursorX > 0 and prevCursorX <= self.width and prevCursorY > 0 and prevCursorY <= self.height then
- self.cells[prevCursorX][prevCursorY].backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor
- self.cells[prevCursorX][prevCursorY].textColor = self.textColor
- end
- end
- --[[
- draw the cursor to the screen
- ]]
- function Textbox:drawCursor()
- local cursorX = self:getCursorPosX()
- local cursorY = self:getCursorPosY()
- if cursorX > 0 and cursorX <= self.width and cursorY > 0 and cursorY <= self.height then
- self.cells[cursorX][cursorY].backgroundColor = self.cursorBackgroundColor
- self.cells[cursorX][cursorY].textColor = self.cursorTextColor
- end
- end
- --[[
- erase selection highlighting
- ]]
- function Textbox:eraseSelection()
- if not self.selecting then
- return
- end
- local minSelection = math.min(self.selectionStartIndex, self.selectionEndIndex)
- local maxSelection = math.max(self.selectionStartIndex, self.selectionEndIndex)
- local selectionStartRow, selectionStartOffset = self:computeRowIndexAndOffset(minSelection)
- local selectionEndRow, selectionEndOffset = self:computeRowIndexAndOffset(maxSelection)
- local rowIndex = self:getStartRowIndex()
- local substringIndex
- for y = 1, self.height do
- substringIndex = self:getStartSubstringIndex(rowIndex)
- for x = 1, self.width do
- if selectionStartRow == selectionEndRow and rowIndex == selectionStartRow and substringIndex > selectionStartOffset and substringIndex <= selectionEndOffset
- or selectionStartRow ~= selectionEndRow
- and (rowIndex == selectionStartRow and substringIndex > selectionStartOffset and substringIndex <= #self.textRows[rowIndex].text
- or rowIndex == selectionEndRow and substringIndex > 0 and substringIndex <= selectionEndOffset
- or rowIndex > selectionStartRow and rowIndex < selectionEndRow and substringIndex > 0 and substringIndex <= #self.textRows[rowIndex].text) then
- self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor
- self.cells[x][y].textColor = self.textColor
- end
- substringIndex = substringIndex + 1
- end
- rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
- end
- end
- --[[
- draw highlighted selection
- ]]
- function Textbox:drawSelection()
- if not self.selecting then
- return
- end
- local minSelection = math.min(self.selectionStartIndex, self.selectionEndIndex)
- local maxSelection = math.max(self.selectionStartIndex, self.selectionEndIndex)
- local selectionStartRow, selectionStartOffset = self:computeRowIndexAndOffset(minSelection)
- local selectionEndRow, selectionEndOffset = self:computeRowIndexAndOffset(maxSelection)
- local rowIndex = self:getStartRowIndex()
- local substringIndex
- for y = 1, self.height do
- substringIndex = self:getStartSubstringIndex(rowIndex)
- for x = 1, self.width do
- if selectionStartRow == selectionEndRow and rowIndex == selectionStartRow and substringIndex > selectionStartOffset and substringIndex <= selectionEndOffset
- or selectionStartRow ~= selectionEndRow
- and (rowIndex == selectionStartRow and substringIndex > selectionStartOffset and substringIndex <= #self.textRows[rowIndex].text
- or rowIndex == selectionEndRow and substringIndex > 0 and substringIndex <= selectionEndOffset
- or rowIndex > selectionStartRow and rowIndex < selectionEndRow and substringIndex > 0 and substringIndex <= #self.textRows[rowIndex].text) then
- self.cells[x][y].backgroundColor = self.selectionBackgroundColor
- self.cells[x][y].textColor = self.selectionTextColor
- end
- substringIndex = substringIndex + 1
- end
- rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
- end
- end
- --[[
- move the view buffer along with the cursor
- ]]
- function Textbox:scrollCursorIntoBounds()
- local cursorX = self:getCursorPosX()
- local cursorY = self:getCursorPosY()
- local leftScrollOffset = cursorX - self.padding - 1
- local rightScrollOffset = cursorX - self.width + self.padding
- local upScrollOffset = cursorY - self.padding - 1
- local downScrollOffset = cursorY - self.height + self.padding
- if leftScrollOffset < 0 then
- self:horizontalScroll(leftScrollOffset)
- elseif rightScrollOffset > 0 then
- self:horizontalScroll(rightScrollOffset)
- end
- if upScrollOffset < 0 then
- self:verticalScroll(upScrollOffset)
- elseif downScrollOffset > 0 then
- self:verticalScroll(downScrollOffset)
- end
- end
- --[[
- set cursor position to new position
- ]]
- function Textbox:setCursorPos(newCursorPos)
- if newCursorPos < 0 or newCursorPos > #self.text then
- self:drawSelection()
- self:drawCursor()
- return
- end
- self:eraseSelection()
- self:eraseCursor()
- self.cursorPos = newCursorPos
- self.cursorRowIndex, self.cursorRowOffset = self:computeRowIndexAndOffset(self.cursorPos)
- self:scrollCursorIntoBounds()
- self:drawSelection()
- self:drawCursor()
- end
- --[[
- set cursor position based on an x and y input
- ]]
- function Textbox:setCursorPosXY(x, y)
- self:eraseSelection()
- self:eraseCursor()
- if #self.textRows ~= 0 then
- self.cursorRowIndex = math.min(#self.textRows + self.textRows[#self.textRows].newLineTerm, math.max(1, y - 1 + self:getStartRowIndex()))
- else
- self.cursorRowIndex = 1
- end
- self.cursorRowOffset = math.min(#self.textRows[self.cursorRowIndex].text, math.max(0, x - 2 + self:getStartSubstringIndex(self.cursorRowIndex)))
- self:computeCursorPos()
- self:scrollCursorIntoBounds()
- self:drawSelection()
- self:drawCursor()
- end
- --[[
- add new undo history to the history table
- ]]
- function Textbox:addNewHistory()
- table.insert(self.changeHistory, self.historyIndex, {})
- if #self.changeHistory > self.maxUndo then
- table.remove(self.changeHistory, self.maxUndo + 1)
- end
- for i = 1, self.historyIndex - 1 do
- table.remove(self.changeHistory, 1)
- end
- self.historyIndex = 1
- end
- --[[
- undo previous text editing actions
- ]]
- function Textbox:undo()
- if self.historyIndex >= #self.changeHistory then
- return
- end
- if self.selecting then
- self:eraseSelection()
- self:stopSelecting()
- end
- local change = self.changeHistory[self.historyIndex]
- self:setText(self.text:sub(0, change.index - 1)..change.string..self.text:sub(change.index + #change.replacement))
- self:setCursorPos(change.previousCursorPos)
- self.historyIndex = self.historyIndex + 1
- end
- --[[
- redo previous text editing actions
- ]]
- function Textbox:redo()
- if self.historyIndex <= 1 then
- return
- end
- if self.selecting then
- self:eraseSelection()
- self:stopSelecting()
- end
- self.historyIndex = self.historyIndex - 1
- local change = self.changeHistory[self.historyIndex]
- self:setText(self.text:sub(0, change.index - 1)..change.replacement..self.text:sub(change.index + #change.string))
- self:setCursorPos(change.nextCursorPos)
- end
- function Textbox:getAutoCompletionChoices()
- local wordIndex = self:findStartOfCurrentWord()
- local startOfWord = self.text:sub(wordIndex, self.cursorPos)
- local indexInWord = 1 + self.cursorPos - wordIndex
- self.currentAutoCompleteChoices = {}
- for _, word in ipairs(self.allAutoCompleteChoices) do
- if word:sub(1, indexInWord) == startOfWord and word:sub(indexInWord + 1) ~= "" then
- table.insert(self.currentAutoCompleteChoices, word:sub(indexInWord + 1))
- end
- end
- self.currentChoiceIndex = 1
- self.autoCompleting = (#self.currentAutoCompleteChoices ~= 0)
- end
- function Textbox:showAutoCompletionChoice()
- if self.autoCompleting then
- local currentChoice = self.currentAutoCompleteChoices[self.currentChoiceIndex]
- self:setSelectionStart(self.cursorPos)
- self:setText(self.text:sub(0, self.cursorPos)..currentChoice..self.text:sub(self.cursorPos + 1))
- self:setSelectionEnd(self.selectionStartIndex + #currentChoice)
- end
- end
- function Textbox:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- if self.autoCompleting then
- self:eraseSelection()
- self:stopSelecting()
- self:setText(self.text:sub(0, self.cursorPos)..self.text:sub(1 + self.cursorPos + #self.currentAutoCompleteChoices[self.currentChoiceIndex]))
- end
- end
- --[[
- insert string at cursor position and increment cursor position
- ]]
- function Textbox:insert(string)
- self:addNewHistory()
- if self.selecting then
- local minSelection = math.min(self.selectionStartIndex, self.selectionEndIndex)
- local maxSelection = math.max(self.selectionStartIndex, self.selectionEndIndex)
- if not self.autoCompleting then
- self.changeHistory[self.historyIndex] = TextEdit:new {
- index = minSelection + 1,
- string = self.text:sub(minSelection + 1, maxSelection),
- replacement = string,
- previousCursorPos = self.cursorPos,
- nextCursorPos = minSelection + #string,
- }
- else
- self.changeHistory[self.historyIndex] = TextEdit:new {
- index = self.cursorPos + 1,
- replacement = string,
- previousCursorPos = self.cursorPos,
- nextCursorPos = self.cursorPos + #string
- }
- end
- self:setCursorPos(minSelection)
- self:eraseSelection()
- self:setText(self.text:sub(0, minSelection)..self.text:sub(maxSelection + 1))
- self:stopSelecting()
- else
- self.changeHistory[self.historyIndex] = TextEdit:new {
- index = self.cursorPos + 1,
- replacement = string,
- previousCursorPos = self.cursorPos,
- nextCursorPos = self.cursorPos + #string
- }
- end
- self:setText(self.text:sub(0, self.cursorPos)..string..self.text:sub(self.cursorPos + 1))
- self:setCursorPos(self.cursorPos + #string)
- self:getAutoCompletionChoices()
- self:showAutoCompletionChoice()
- end
- function Textbox:findStartOfCurrentWord()
- local spaceIndex
- local nextSpaceIndex = self.text:find(" ")
- while nextSpaceIndex and nextSpaceIndex <= self.cursorPos do
- spaceIndex = nextSpaceIndex
- nextSpaceIndex = self.text:find(" ", spaceIndex + 1)
- end
- if not spaceIndex then
- return 1
- end
- return spaceIndex + 1
- end
- --[[
- reset selection variables
- ]]
- function Textbox:stopSelecting()
- self.selecting = false
- self.selectionStartIndex = nil
- self.selectionEndIndex = nil
- end
- --[[
- sets the beginning of the selection area
- ]]
- function Textbox:setSelectionStart(textIndex)
- self:eraseSelection()
- self:stopSelecting()
- self.selectionStartIndex = textIndex
- end
- function Textbox:setSelectionEnd(textIndex)
- self:eraseSelection()
- self.selectionEndIndex = textIndex
- self.selecting = true
- self:drawSelection()
- end
- --[[
- insert characters as they are received at cursor position while incrementing cursor position
- ]]
- function Textbox.characterTyped(txb, event, character)
- txb:insert(character)
- end
- --[[
- handle key inputs for textbox element
- ]]
- function Textbox.keyPressed(txb, event, key, isHeld)
- local keyName = keys.getName(key)
- local minSelection, maxSelection
- if txb.selecting then
- minSelection = math.min(txb.selectionStartIndex, txb.selectionEndIndex)
- maxSelection = math.max(txb.selectionStartIndex, txb.selectionEndIndex)
- end
- if ctrlHeld and keyName == "a" then
- txb:setSelectionStart(0)
- txb:setCursorPos(#txb.text)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- elseif keyName == "left" and txb.cursorPos > 0 then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- if shiftHeld then
- if not txb.selecting then
- txb:setSelectionStart(txb.cursorPos)
- end
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos - 1)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- elseif txb.selecting then
- txb:setCursorPos(minSelection)
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:stopSelecting()
- txb:drawCursor()
- else
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos - 1)
- end
- elseif keyName == "right" and txb.cursorPos <= #txb.text then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- if shiftHeld then
- if not txb.selecting then
- txb:setSelectionStart(txb.cursorPos)
- end
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos + 1)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- elseif txb.selecting then
- txb:setCursorPos(maxSelection)
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:stopSelecting()
- txb:drawCursor()
- else
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos + 1)
- end
- elseif keyName == "up" then
- if txb.autoCompleting then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.currentChoiceIndex = (txb.currentChoiceIndex + #txb.currentAutoCompleteChoices) % #txb.currentAutoCompleteChoices + 1
- txb:showAutoCompletionChoice()
- else
- local cursorX = txb:getCursorPosX()
- local cursorY = txb:getCursorPosY()
- if shiftHeld then
- if not txb.selecting then
- txb:setSelectionStart(txb.cursorPos)
- end
- txb:setCursorPosXY(cursorX, cursorY - 1)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- elseif txb.selecting then
- txb:setCursorPos(minSelection)
- cursorX = txb:getCursorPosX()
- cursorY = txb:getCursorPosY()
- txb:setCursorPosXY(cursorX, cursorY - 1)
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:stopSelecting()
- txb:drawCursor()
- else
- txb:setCursorPosXY(cursorX, cursorY - 1)
- end
- end
- elseif keyName == "down" then
- if txb.autoCompleting then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.currentChoiceIndex = (txb.currentChoiceIndex + 1) % #txb.currentAutoCompleteChoices + 1
- txb:showAutoCompletionChoice()
- else
- local cursorX = txb:getCursorPosX()
- local cursorY = txb:getCursorPosY()
- if shiftHeld then
- if not txb.selecting then
- txb:setSelectionStart(txb.cursorPos)
- end
- txb:setCursorPosXY(cursorX, cursorY + 1)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- elseif txb.selecting then
- txb:setCursorPos(maxSelection)
- cursorX = txb:getCursorPosX()
- cursorY = txb:getCursorPosY()
- txb:setCursorPosXY(cursorX, cursorY + 1)
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:stopSelecting()
- txb:drawCursor()
- else
- txb:setCursorPosXY(cursorX, cursorY + 1)
- end
- end
- elseif keyName == "enter" and not txb.enterSubmits then
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:eraseCursor()
- if txb.autoCompleting then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- txb:insert(txb.currentAutoCompleteChoices[txb.currentChoiceIndex])
- else
- txb:insert("\n")
- end
- elseif keyName == "backspace" then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- if txb.selecting then
- txb:addNewHistory()
- txb.changeHistory[txb.historyIndex] = TextEdit:new {
- index = minSelection + 1,
- string = txb.text:sub(minSelection + 1, maxSelection),
- previousCursorPos = txb.cursorPos,
- nextCursorPos = minSelection,
- }
- txb:setCursorPos(minSelection)
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:setText(txb.text:sub(0, minSelection)..txb.text:sub(maxSelection + 1))
- txb:stopSelecting()
- txb:drawCursor()
- elseif txb.cursorPos > 0 then
- txb:addNewHistory()
- txb.changeHistory[txb.historyIndex] = TextEdit:new {
- index = txb.cursorPos,
- string = txb.text:sub(txb.cursorPos, txb.cursorPos),
- previousCursorPos = txb.cursorPos,
- nextCursorPos = txb.cursorPos - 1,
- }
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:eraseCursor()
- txb:setText(txb.text:sub(0, txb.cursorPos - 1)..txb.text:sub(txb.cursorPos + 1))
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos - 1)
- end
- elseif keyName == "delete" then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- if txb.selecting then
- txb:addNewHistory()
- txb.changeHistory[txb.historyIndex] = TextEdit:new {
- index = minSelection + 1,
- string = txb.text:sub(minSelection + 1, maxSelection),
- previousCursorPos = txb.cursorPos,
- nextCursorPos = minSelection,
- }
- txb:setCursorPos(minSelection)
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:setText(txb.text:sub(0, minSelection)..txb.text:sub(maxSelection + 1))
- txb:stopSelecting()
- txb:drawCursor()
- elseif txb.cursorPos < #txb.text then
- txb:addNewHistory()
- txb.changeHistory[txb.historyIndex] = TextEdit:new {
- index = txb.cursorPos + 1,
- string = txb.text:sub(txb.cursorPos + 1, txb.cursorPos + 1),
- previousCursorPos = txb.cursorPos,
- nextCursorPos = txb.cursorPos,
- }
- txb:eraseSelection()
- txb:eraseCursor()
- txb:setText(txb.text:sub(0, txb.cursorPos)..txb.text:sub(txb.cursorPos + 2))
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos)
- end
- elseif keyName == "home" then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- if shiftHeld then
- if not txb.selecting then
- txb:setSelectionStart(txb.cursorPos)
- end
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos - txb.cursorRowOffset)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- else
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos - txb.cursorRowOffset)
- end
- elseif keyName == "end" then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- if shiftHeld then
- if not txb.selecting then
- txb:setSelectionStart(txb.cursorPos)
- end
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos - txb.cursorRowOffset + #txb.textRows[txb.cursorRowIndex].text)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- else
- txb:setCursorPos(txb.cursorPos - txb.cursorRowOffset + #txb.textRows[txb.cursorRowIndex].text)
- end
- elseif ctrlHeld and keyName == "z" then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- txb:undo()
- elseif ctrlHeld and keyName == "y" then
- txb:eraseAutoCompletionChoice()
- txb.autoCompleting = false
- txb:redo()
- end
- end
- --[[
- handle monitor touch events
- ]]
- function Textbox.monitorTouched(txb, event, side, x, y)
- Textbox.mouseClicked(txb, "mouse_click", 1, x, y)
- end
- --[[
- handle mouse clicks for textbox element
- ]]
- function Textbox.mouseClicked(txb, event, button, x, y)
- if button == 1 then
- local lx, ly = txb:getLocalPos(x, y)
- txb:setCursorPosXY(lx, ly)
- txb:setSelectionStart(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- end
- end
- --[[
- handle mouse drag events for textbox element
- ]]
- function Textbox.mouseDragged(txb, event, button, x, y)
- if button == 1 then
- local lx, ly = txb:getLocalPos(x, y)
- txb:setCursorPosXY(lx, ly)
- txb:setSelectionEnd(txb.cursorPos)
- txb:drawCursor()
- end
- end
- ContentArea = Element:new {
- initialDrag = { x = 0, y = 0 },
- dragDisplacements = {},
- }
- function ContentArea:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- o.dragDisplacements = {}
- o = Element:new(o)
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- if then
- registerGlobalCallback("mouse_click", o, ContentArea.mouseClick, "mouseClick")
- registerGlobalCallback("mouse_drag", o, ContentArea.mouseDrag, "mouseDrag")
- end
- return o
- end
- function ContentArea.mouseClick(cont, event, button, x, y)
- if cont:selected(x, y) and button == 3 then
- cont.initialDrag.x = x
- cont.initialDrag.y = y
- cont.dragDisplacements = {}
- for index, child in ipairs(cont.children) do
- table.insert(cont.dragDisplacements, {["x"] = x - child.globalX, ["y"] = y - child.globalY})
- end
- end
- end
- function ContentArea.mouseDrag(cont, event, button, x, y)
- if button == 3 then
- for index, child in ipairs(cont.children) do
- child:setGlobalPos(x - cont.dragDisplacements[index].x, y - cont.dragDisplacements[index].y)
- end
- end
- end
- Window = Element:new {
- class = "Window",
- titleTxt = nil,
- contentElmnt = nil,
- exitBtn = nil,
- maximizeBtn = nil,
- minimizeBtn = nil,
- contents = nil,
- }
- function Window:new(o)
- o = o or {}
- o = Element:new(o)
- setmetatable(o, self)
- self.__index = self
- o.titleTxt = o.titleTxt or Text:new {
- name ="_titleTxt",
- parent = o,
- buffer = o.buffer,
- width = o.width - 3,
- text = "Window",
- }
- o.contentElmnt = o.contentElmnt or ContentArea:new {
- name ="_contentElmnt",
- parent = o,
- buffer = o.buffer,
- x = 1,
- y = 2,
- width = o.width,
- height = o.height - 1,
- backgroundColor = colors.white,
- isBuffer = true,
- }
- o.exitBtn = Button:new {
- name ="_exitBtn",
- parent = o,
- buffer = o.buffer,
- x = o.width,
- y = 1,
- width = 1,
- height = 1,
- backgroundColor =,
- text = "x",
- onClickName = "exit",
- onClick = function(btn)
- btn.parent.exit()
- end
- }
- o.maximizeBtn = Button:new {
- name ="_maximizeBtn",
- parent = o,
- buffer = o.buffer,
- x = o.width - 1,
- y = 1,
- width = 1,
- height = 1,
- backgroundColor = colors.lime,
- text = "+",
- onClickName = "maximize",
- onClick = function(btn)
- btn.parent.maximize()
- end
- }
- o.minimizeBtn = Button:new {
- name ="_minimizeBtn",
- parent = o,
- buffer = o.buffer,
- x = o.width - 2,
- y = 1,
- width = 1,
- height = 1,
- backgroundColor =,
- text = "-",
- onClickName = "minimize",
- onClick = function(btn)
- btn.parent.minimize()
- end
- }
- o.contents = o.contents or {}
- for _, content in ipairs(o.contents) do
- content:setPos(content.x + o.contentElmnt.globalX - 1, content.y + o.contentElmnt.globalY - 1)
- content:setParent(o.contentElmnt)
- content.buffer = o.contentElmnt
- end
- if then
- registerSelectionCallback("mouse_drag", o.titleTxt, o.mouseDrag, "mouseDrag")
- end
- return o
- end
- function Window.mouseDrag(titleTxt, event, button, x, y)
- if button == 1 then
- titleTxt.parent:setGlobalPos(x, y)
- end
- end
- --[[
- set display and return buffer linked to it
- ]]
- function createBuffer(device, bufferName, backgroundColor, x, y, width, height)
- local isMonitor
- local side
- local deviceMT = getmetatable(device)
- if deviceMT and deviceMT.type == "monitor" then
- isMonitor = true
- side =
- else
- isMonitor = false
- end
- if not x and not y then
- x = 1
- y = 1
- end
- if not width and not height then
- width, height = device.getSize()
- end
- local display = Display:new {
- device = device,
- isMonitor = isMonitor,
- side = side,
- width = width,
- height = height,
- }
- local buffer = Buffer:new {
- name = bufferName,
- display = display,
- backgroundColor = backgroundColor,
- globalX = x,
- globalY = y,
- width = display.width,
- height = display.height,
- }
- table.insert(buffers, buffer)
- return buffer
- end
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