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- import java.util.StringTokenizer
- class PrefixHash(
- private val string: String,
- private val base: Int,
- private val modulus: Int
- ) {
- private val powers: LongArray
- private val hashes: LongArray
- init {
- powers = initPowers()
- hashes = initHashes()
- }
- /**
- * 1 <= [start] <= [end] <= [string.length]
- *
- * @param start inclusive
- * @param end inclusive
- */
- fun getSubstringHash(start: Int, end: Int): Long {
- return (hashes[end] - hashes[start - 1]) * powers[string.length - start] % modulus
- }
- private fun initPowers() : LongArray {
- // power to (base ^ power) % modulus
- val p = LongArray(string.length + 1)
- p[0] = 1
- for (i in 1..string.length) {
- p[i] = (p[i - 1] * base) % modulus
- }
- return p
- }
- private fun initHashes(): LongArray {
- val h = LongArray(string.length + 1)
- h[0] = 0L
- for (i in 1..string.length) {
- h[i] = (h[i - 1] * base + string[i - 1].code) % modulus
- }
- return h
- }
- }
- fun main() {
- val reader = System.`in`.bufferedReader()
- val writer = System.out.bufferedWriter()
- val base = reader.readLine().toInt()
- val modulus = reader.readLine().toInt()
- val string = reader.readLine()
- val count = reader.readLine().toInt()
- val substringIndexes = Array(count) {
- val tokenizer = StringTokenizer(reader.readLine())
- Pair(tokenizer.nextToken().toInt(), tokenizer.nextToken().toInt())
- }
- val stringHashContainer = PrefixHash(string, base, modulus)
- with(writer) {
- substringIndexes
- .forEach {
- val substringHash = stringHashContainer.getSubstringHash(it.first, it.second)
- write(substringHash.toString())
- newLine()
- }
- flush()
- }
- }
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