

Feb 10th, 2013
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  1. [2/9/2013 1:18:14 AM] bangarang: He smiled again, this one a little more honest than the ones previously. That wasn’t what Karkat was worried about, but the assurance was appreciated. And wow, what Karkat wouldn’t give to have a car. Kankri had one; it was older but still ran like the day it was built. He needed it more than Karkat did, but he’d give the younger Vantas rides when he absolutely needed him. A tedious relationship, but they were on good terms at least.
  3. “I don’t talk a lot, contrary to what you might assume from the past few minutes. My cousin takes that hobby for me. So I tend to go a little overboard when I get the chance.” After leaving all his friends he kinda lost touch with what it meant to be ‘socially acceptable’, and it showed. Laughing in spite of himself he shook his head. “But this is pretty fucking okay. Sitting here, I mean. Been a while since I hung out with someone.” That wasn’t Kankri, at least. Every so often in a show of good will his cousin would take him out to eat; amongst the long-winded explanations and stories and preaching about ‘privilege’ Karkat could almost pretend he was normal, had a friend, and knew what it felt like to sit at a table that wasn’t the run-down one in their kitchen.
  5. “So… what do you do? You mentioned work earlier, and if you said what it was at all I’ll be honest with you - I was awake, but I definitely wasn’t all there.” Sipped his chai, sighed again quietly. Even being wound-up like he was ((nerves and all that)) this was pretty relaxing. It was nice.
  7. [2/9/2013 1:27:32 AM] Ashfur: You listen quietly. You haven't gotten the chance to talk all that much, through Karkat's ranting and mumbling and long-winded talks. But you're pretty okay with that. You had always been eager to listen to other people talk. You especially liked it when it was about themselves, even if you had to ask questions. You'd get to know someone very easily through only few conversations. And you're definitely liking Karkat. He's awkward and socially inept. Really endearing. Adorable, even? Sure, adorable.
  9. Shifting around in your chair, you glance around as you let the sound of his voice settle into your ears as you absorb the information he's needlessly feeding you. You swallow slightly, your more than not prominent adams apple bobbing in your throat as you imagine Karkats cousin. An exact copy of Karkat, but most likely taller and less tired-looking. He talks for hours on end about nothing in particular. You're going to have to go to great lengths just to meet said cousin, just so you can prove yourself right in the guessing game.
  11. "It's cool." You pause, shrugging subtly as you think of an acceptable answer. "My brother left me an apartment building. I collect rent and deal with the douchebags who reside."
  12. [2/9/2013 1:51:35 AM] bangarang: Hunched for a moment around his latte he sighed again, staring at the lid as if something profound had been written across it. It hadn't. "Sounds like a chore. I don't know what I'd do if I had to be in charge of a bunch of assholes like that." Looked up, stressed eyes catching his reflection off the shades Dave wore. Karkat wasn't sure what he thought of him yet. He didn't dislike him, but there wasn't much telling if Karkat would go out of his way to meet up with him again. He /did/ pay for his drink, though...
  14. "I don't... work. Yeah. I'm on a scholarship but I'm only taking one class right now. Creative writing - not sure if I mentioned that before. My cousin works at the school I go to, in one of the offices. If I ask him any more than that I"ll get an earful." He glanced off thoughtfully. "Guidance office? Something weird like that. Totally him though." Something where he could talk at length to someone about topics he was more than okay with blathering on about.
  16. "What's your bro do?" Had to be something pretty fucking amazing if he left him a goddamn apartment building. If only Karkat had some rich family member to get ritzy gifts from. Not that he wanted to look after an apartment building by himself. But it'd be a nice assurance that he wasn't /actually/ broke as a joke.
  18. [2/9/2013 2:00:31 AM] Ashfur: Oh, god. What does your brother do. What doesn't your brother do, actually. He doesn't have a respectable job or make you proud to admit what he does. But when people ask, you usually tell them that it's very hard to explain. Though, lately you've been accepting your defeats and telling people off the bat. You've been confident, you guess. You're in the mindset that you gotta look confident, otherwise no one is going to respect you at all. You crack a wide grin and get going on talking too much.
  20. "Scholarship, huh? Must be some sorta genius. I'm going next year. Wanted to relax for a little befoer I started on music theory and shit. Gonna be a bulky thing to get through, but a diploma's kinda a family requirement." You shift again, taking a large gulp of your latte and fingering the edge carefully, fingers crawling up the side and swirling around the rim as you idly kept your hands busy, so you wouldn't kick your legs like a nine year old or tap on the table with your left hand, the arm of which was resting on the rusting table.
  22. "Hm, uh." You chuckle. " You probably haven't heard of it. It's pretty fucking nasty. Revolutionary porn site he managed to make a fortune out of." You move your hand up to hold your head. Your face heats up a bit and your wide grin falls into a cocky smirk. You don't even know why you're smiling and you honestly feel a little dumb about it.
  24. [2/9/2013 2:09:06 AM] bangarang: Snort. "Right, genius. Weaving a tapestry of obscenities that as far as we know is still hanging in space over Lake Michigan sure sounds like genius to me." Don't quote him on that. It was a quote from A Christmas Story. But it fit. "I channel anger into short stories and bullshit like that. Right now class is the bull-shittiest of everything, seeing as I have to write about real-world stuff. It's not the same." And it sucked. "I'm pretty lucky to have this opportunity, though. As much as it sucks." Privilege. Again with that word.
  26. "No shit?" Karkat's eyebrows took on a curious look at the mention of the website, sipping his drink again. "I have, but I've never gone to the site before. Kinda scares the hell outta me but then again I'm willing to meet up with a stranger on the internet so what could be worse?" Smirk, and he shook his head. "Wish that'd been me though, eh? Bet everyone does. Become a frillionaire with the simplest, stupidest idea. It's easy to envy someone like that, and hey - guilty as charged."
  28. He'd noticed the blush and it was a little infectious, same with the smile - but he glanced away, taking in a breath and laughing a little. "Best I've got is being published in a shitty little paperback that might as well be a tabloid. Short story. 'The Signless'. - Don't pretend you know what I'm talking about, it's okay. No one does."
  30. [6:34:32 PM] Ashfur: "If you were really a literary genius, you could make those interesting. Metaphors or whatever." You pause, deciding on not discluding any candid information about your hobbies. You need to talk about yourself more, or he may get bored with you. This is pretty much your one chnace to actually have a friend in your area. One you can hang out with physically and not just over Skype calls and phone calls while mutually watching a movie. You can interact and watch with him.
  32. "I write, too. Raps." You make a stupid "tch, tch" sound with your mouth as you smirk sideways, wink, and point your fingers at him. Your hands are shaped like guns. The kinds that little kids playing Cowboy woud do.
  34. Oh, back to the subject of puppet porn. Great first date material. Wait, woah, did you just think of this as a date. No way. Not a date. Abort, abort. "Yeah, uh, it's pretty nasty. 'Specially when you've been gettin' them for Christmas every year. Growin' up with 'em didn't help at all. Maybe it made 'em even more mortifying." You chuckle, though. "But, yeah, no shit." A short pause to take a quick sip of your latte. It's almost gone, damn, you knew you should've gotten a bigger size. "Ah. I've got a couple opening shows downtown, but nothing big in the way of ultra-popularity. Which would be nice."
  35. [6:48:09 PM] bangarang: Karkat rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna apply myself if I can bullshit just as well. Why fucking bother." Casual shrug was tipped and he too sipped his drink. Shade under half left. Karkat... liked to appreciate things like this. Since they didn't come too often. He was actually enjoying himself, which - well, he didn't expect NOT to, but it was a pleasant surprise. Karkat usually went into things with low expectations so he wouldn't be disappointed when they didn't pan out.
  37. "Ha. Cool. I'm not one for poetry so more power to you." Tried it, hated it. Nothing infuriated him more than trying to rhyme in a way that didn't sound forced or contrived.
  39. Whoa, yeah, call it a date and Karkat might turn redder, might shift around more anxiously, or excuse himself prematurely - he didn't like it when things didn't go as planned, it made him angry. Well, when he was around people it just made him really uncomfortable and feel really stupid. "Surprised it hasn't manifested into a crippling paranoia," he snickered into another drink. That'd do it. Then Kankri could swoop in and make Dave feel guilty for 'not appreciating' the gesture, how he should 'check his privilege' because not everyone gets gifts from their brothers all the time. "Oh yeah? When? Maybe I'll come lurk in the audience and laugh if you fuck up." Cheerful suggestion; he was laughing a little too much to be taken seriously. He hoped.
  41. [6:57:15 PM] Ashfur: You beam at him. You honestly haven't had this much fun just talking to someone over coffee for as long as you can remember. And as much as you'd love to slap the label of date onto this non-date, you decide on not doing that. You don't even know if he's into guys. How are you even supposed to ask that? 'Yo, man, you as gay as I am?' Yeah, you don't think so. You finish off the rest of your drink and sigh, the ceramic plate clattering as you place the matching white cup back down onto it. You wipe your lips with your sleeve and rest your head in your hand, elbow uncomfortably pressed against the table.
  43. "Next week, actually. You should totally come, we could hang out after." The stuff you write is pretty different. Goes from angsty to braggy in a matter of a couple songs. But he'll be able to manage. You actually do have a couple crazy fans already, and honestly it makes you feel damn good about yourself.
  45. [7:16:48 PM] bangarang: The same went for Karkat - he tried to avoid social situations since the vast majority of his friends went off to do bigger and better things, and making new friends was a chore. A chore in the fact that trying to curb his... mannerisms was a little too much for him. A colourful vocabulary just ran in his family. And, uh, yeah - the whole orientation thing was a delicate subject that he steered clear of all togther. Like he'd even be compatible with anyone anyway. He was honestly surpised Dave stuck around this long.
  47. "I can do that. See if my cousin will lend -" Fuck, wait. Monetary dilemma should not be mentioned in polite company. Especially not in front of someone so well-off. Slight blush, awkward pause and he shook his head, laughing. "-me the time of day and bring me out there. Biking will be a chore if it's a Saturday night. I'd like to not get fucking plastered all over the street, thanks." He avoided eye contact with another drink, feeling a little unsettled after his almost-slip. Ugh.
  48. [7:23:57 PM] Ashfur: You don't have much time for new friends. You fancy yourself to write, read, spend time surfing the internet, updating your blog, and practicing your raps a much more suitable hobby for the likes of you. You have plenty of online friends. You used to date one, even, but things like that never seem to quite work out for you.
  50. You can see the hesitation as he's about to talk about his money woes, though he changes what he was obviously going to say after a moments pause. Does he think you're stupid for not catching onto that? "If you need money for tickets I can lend you some cash, I don't mind. You're only coming in for the opening act, anyway, and I'm pretty sure you ain't gonna be sticking around for the rest of the concert, anyway." You shrug. You don't mind. The place is gonna be packed, most likely, though you could always use someone else to cheer for you. "Only like 30 bucks, anyway." You smile a bit more at him. You're such a nice guy. But maybe you should change the subject, he doesn't seem all too comfortable with the current state of the conversation, that being about how he doesn't have all that much money.
  52. "Got a girlfriend?" Haha, wow, way to be blunt.
  54. [7:36:59 PM] bangarang: Continuing to avoid eye contact seemed like a good trend, and he kept it up - covering it by sneering at passers-by that couldn't help but stare at little Karkat Vantas, sleepy-headed douchebag extraordinaire finally out of his hovel for a little sunshine. Whatever.
  56. Fuck. "I-" But defending himself was useless, and he felt stupid for his poor cover operation. Could he yet save this? Snarky grin. "Gotta pay people to come to your show, now? I guess that's one way to gain popularity." He downed the rest of his chai, and laughed to himself again. "Cool, though. I'll be there, then. Should I wear a miniskirt and bring fucking pom-poms or are you good in the fan department?" He figured that was a good enough rescue and felt better - even if it wasn't, he decided he felt better anyway.
  58. Uh. Oh. Well - he had tried, at one point, but dating a weeb had grated on his nerves more than he thought possible - but it made the breakup even easier by telling her he played for the other team. 'Just like in my shoujo mangas!' she had exclaimed excitedly - at least she had been supportive. It was still a tough topic to really come clean about, and in spite of himself he felt his ears get hot again. "Got real tired of women back where I came from," he replied quietly. He hope that was a vague-yet-clear enough answer to satisfy the clearly loaded question.
  60. You can't help but roll your eyes at him, scooping the teaspoon that you had used to get sugar mixed into your latte and placing it on the dish beneath your cup. "I'd love to see that, Vantas. Make that Vantass look poppin', yo." That was terrible. You're terrible. You can't help yourself. You stand so you can cart your dishes into the place and then drive home. You can talk to him more next week, after the show. Maybe you can drive him back to your place and you can watch a movie with him. That'd be cool.
  62. Okay, this is your shot. "Huh, yeah, I had a boyfriend like half a year ago, but it didn't really work out. Internet romance." You chuckle, nudging him with your elbow as you trot inside and plop your cup into the designated plastic bin before he can answer you.
  64. Your brother knew all about your preferences, since he had walked in on you and another guy making out in your room when you were in the 10th grade. Not the best way to come out to your older brother, but it's nice like you would have the courage to do that, anyway.
  66. [8:32:29 PM] bangarang: He rolled his eyes too, sighing in an unenthused way. "If your wordplay is that lame I'll pass, thanks." Standing also, he picked up his cup, saucer, and spoon, following the blonde into the café again. What great chai. He'd forgotten how good it was - it'd been a while since he'd had it. Sigh. It'd probably be another long while before he did again. Oh well.
  68. Brow raised at the mention of boyfriend - Karkat didn't know why he had assumed Dave was completely straight; maybe it was the way he fucking exude confidence and was just multitudes cooler than anyone else he'd ever taken an interest i - fuck that. Could he maybe for one second stop dwelling on how fucking lonely he was? Projecting his patheticness was such an ugly trait. At least it wasn't something anyone could see. He laughed nervously at the nudge, blushing again. "Yeah-" Oh. Well. He hurried after, dropping his dishes in, too. He wasn't interested in Dave. ...was he? He had to figure if the kid was dropping hints like he bragged about dropping beats he had to have at least a... maybe...? He wasn't counting on it, though. No one ever took an interest in him. Unless it was a girl that thought she was a cat that was in love with anime.
  70. Kankri probably knew, but with the way Karkat was basically a recluse he wasn't entirely sure. Not that he'd care - he'd have a mouthful to say about it, of course - but it'd be a relief to finally get it off his chest, anyway. "S-so... uh... I guess I'll see you next week?" Stop blushing, stop thinking that Dave is into a stupid vagrant like Karkat Vantas. Just stop. "Thanks for the chai, by the way." Stupid, broke, hermit-like Karkat.
  72. [9:00:10 PM | Edited 9:00:32 PM] Ashfur: You flip him your trusty middle finger as he unloads his plate and cup. You watch as he puts his stuff away, as he brushes off his coat and zips it back up. You sort of feel bad for making him go home himself, but he seems like the guy to act fine when he's not. You should offer anyway, you'd feel bad if you didn't. "You want a ride home? I have another hour until I need to get home." You shrug it off, though, he'll probably say no and end up walking home. Or biking home. Or taking the bus, you don't know how he gets around. You're too lazy for any of that, so you're pretty damn glad you have a car, otherwise you'd end up living off of the Chinese place a couple blocks from your apartment complex. Not like you already do already.
  74. Karkat was blushing a lot, but you guess you were too. Maybe this is normal for him, and you're just over-thinking, but maybe you actually have a chance. The thought it enticing. You've wanted to date someone, actually, since your last high school fling had ended. You'll probably end up paying for most of the things that you and Karkat end up doing. Going out. Like, friend-dates, you mean. You'll end up taking him out to movies and stuff. And you're pretty sure he said he was playing for the same team. Yeah, right? You wouldn't imagine he wouldn't. He did say that he was bored of women. Maybe you should stop being so self-centered.
  76. [9:14:53 PM] bangarang: Smiling sweetly at the finger, he re-assigned his coat and general going home shit. The offer was extended and he frowned, glancing at the opposite door. Jerked his thumb at it. "I've got a bike, and I'm not too fucking sweet on leaving it here. Got room for it?" He figured the tool was a good enough excuse, and this way he didn't actually say no - as much as he wanted to. Asking for help was usually at the bottom of his list, and rush hour was over by now - he wouldn't get hit. As much. Probably.
  78. Karkat had, as mentioned numerous times in this narrative, avoided relationships. Really, it was the money issue - root of all evil and that shit people liked to say. He couldn't treat anyone to anything aside sitting on his bed and watching shitty romcoms he'd downloaded, and even then there was a shortage of snacks usually, and it just ended poorly. Off-limits by birth right, and it sucked. Ritzy-titzy Dave Strider was just making conversation, that's all! Damned good conversation. If nothing fucking else, you enjoyed his company and would have it again in a completely platonic setting if he wanted to see your sorry face before the end of 'never'.
  80. [2/12/2013 7:05:10 PM] Ashfur: Upon dropping Karkat off at his home, you had thrown 30 bucks his way (even slipped in an extra ten, just in case) and told him the name of the venue and that you'd be there preforming at 7-8 PM in just a few nights. He'd agreed to come and you had driven back to your apartment. You finished your work, you and Karkats meeting never straying your mind. It was fun, and you had only lightly discussed that he should come over to your place after the concert and maybe watch a movie with you and put up with you a little more.
  82. That spurred you to clean your apartment. The day after meeting him you had realized what sort of wreckage you had put your apartment into. So you cleaned. Every nook and cranny being gutted and prepped. You haven't had a guest in forever, and you aim to please. You don't want to look like a complete slob.
  84. The night of the concert was nervewracking, to say the least, you had prepped yourself for going out on stage. Practiced more than usual and primped your hair and put on nice clothes and made sure you looked nice before heading out, carefully driving to the venue and popping into the back to hang out with the people you were opening for backstage. You had run your hand through your hair several times while studying over some lyrics. And in due time, you had yourself trotting on stage. People cheered and you felt generally pretty awesome. A bit of a self-esteem boost. You did your show without fucking up, and people cheered and you couldn't help but get into it and generally have a really nice time. You left the stage, finally, pretty tired, feet hurting, and gathered your things. You wait outside, waiting for Karkat to meet you.
  86. [2/12/2013 7:34:50 PM] bangarang: He had accepted the money less-than-gratefully, still feeling ashamed for taking - needing - the money. He bade goodbye and laid on his bed for a little while, staring at the ceiling and thinking about the not-date and going over it in his head. Over and over it. Trying to make sure he wasn't especially stupid, boring, or pathetic. He... couldn't recall any for-sure instances of being exceptionally any of those things, so with a grunt-sigh of reluctant satisfaction in not making a fool of himself, he went to work on his extra credit.
  88. Over the next few days he'd talked to Kankri about one thing or the other, deciding not to mention the parts of the conversation he'd had with Dave that led to anything remotely considering a talk about his preferences. Not avoiding it, but he just... didn't want to deal with that now. But Kankri seemed excited that Karkat was being social - he also didn't mention the 40 dollars he had shoved into his pillowcase. Ahem.
  90. Concert time snuck up on him, and he hadn't gotten enough sleep the night before due to a sudden necessity to cram for a test he'd forgotten about that morning. No fucking worry though, 'tired' was how he always looked. He did his best to clean himself up though, showering and brushing and dressing to the nines as much as he could. He'd worn a red boatneck thin sweater under a tacky fur-lined black hooded jacket that rest over a pair of grey skinny jeans. Black boots, red laces. Close to the nicest clothes he owned, since he'd be around more people. The show was pretty decent, and after most of the crowd filtered out he spotted Dave, waving meekly and tipping a half-hearted grin at him. "You kiss your mother with that mouth?" Ah, yes, the typical greeting of the Vantas trib. Snarky and unpleasant.
  92. [2/12/2013 7:51:41 PM] Ashfur: Most of your songs were angsty and dumb, the other ones being braggy and also dumb. People seemed to like them, though. It was a pretty amazing experience to see people singing, mouthing, and even shouting along to the lyrics as you did. After they had paid you outside, you watched people leave-- usually to go to the nearest bar before the main show started-- or to grab food. Some people were just leaving. Ha. After a stream of people let out (some even talking to you and praising you as they passed you) Karkat finally showed up. You don't exactly like people most of the time, but it's different when they like you.
  94. You smack his shoulder at the comment, walking him towards your car. The two of you had decided on going back to your place, watching a movie, and then you would drive him back to where he lives. You'd offered your bed, and you would take the couch, and even vice versa, but he had refused. Somehow you see that happening anyway, since by the time you get him back home it'll be nearly midnight. But, whatever, it's his choice. Maybe he has a curfew or something. You almost laughed at the thought when it crossed your mind. "I don't have a mom, asshole. And I don't see myself smooching up on my step-mom anytime soon," you grunt and laugh, opening the passenger side for him before making a round to your side. You turn on the car. "Like the show, or was the human interaction too much for you?"
  96. [2/12/2013 8:14:10 PM] bangarang: Snickering, Karkat shuffled after him towards the car. Slight smile was given at the mother comment. "Me neither. Closest I've got is an ex of Kankri's that babies me all the time. Nice lady. Name's Porrim." So they had something else in common, that was nice. He'd actually seen her before this little outing - while he tended to avoid telling his cousin a lot about his personal life, but Porrim just kinda pulled it out of him naturally. He'd told her about the meeting, the internet stuff - and about the concert tonight. Also told her about how Dave'd offered to let him spend the night. She'd advised against it, but had used the phrase 'big boy' more than once. Could make his own decisions and all that. But he trusted her, so he went with it.
  98. Buckled up, he smirked at the question. "You're fucking lucky I'm not claustrophobic. If I had one more sweaty, doped-up stranger rubbing on me I'd have left." Quiet moment passed. "I did like the show, though. You've got good pacing. Nice articulation too. Lots of people fall into the trap of failing to enunciate when they speak so quickly." Another pause. "...sorry. Public speaking classes were part of the required courses." Theatre, too, but he didn't wanna talk about that right now. He didn't quite want to relive the experience of dancing around as Puck.
  100. [2/12/2013 8:25:17 PM] Ashfur: "Got a step-mom. Uh, sorta. Married my brother, but he's pretty much like my dad, anyway, so we just go with step mom. Makes it less complicated." You shrug. She treats you like her son. Maybe even her grandson, with the way she pinches your cheeks and squeezes you really tightly whenever you come up to visit your brother. You tend to dish out every thing to Rose, over the phone, since she lived in the big apple with her big job and her girlfriend. Ironic how both of you turned out gay. Neither was surprised at the others preferences, though, you never were too interested in girls, and she always was. Ha.
  102. "Yeah, you could literally smell the smoke coming from the bathrooms when the doors opened." You laugh. At least he wasn't at one of the late shows, where people got /really/ fucked up. Drinking, and worse. Basically you'd leave shaky just from the fumes most of the time. Worth it, though, the rowdier the crowd, the more fun you'd be able to have with it. "No problem. Appreciate the praise, helps with the stage fright." Yeah, rapper extraordinaire Dave Strider has killer stage fright. You get all clammy and shaky before you go on stage, but after the first song at the longest, it fades away and you can get looser. You pull into the parking garage. "Bring a movie? Or will we have to dig through my shitty collection?"
  104. [2/12/2013 8:44:54 PM] bangarang: Nodding in understanding, he watched the city pass by through the window. Was peaceful, sorta, to be able to admire the scenery without having to worry about hitting a parked car. Or being hit by a moving one. "Makes sense. Why complicate shit if you don't have to? ....she a nice lady, too?" He always felt a little prickle of empathy for other kids that lacked parents. Didn't change Dave in the same way it changed Karkat, but you still needed someone to identify with sometimes.
  106. "Tell me about it. I kept having to edge farther away from them. I think I knocked a guy down." Karkat laughed to himself a little at that, recalling it. Big guy, too. Luckily he'd scooted away before the dude could take it out of his ass or anything. "No problem. I didn't think telling you to picture everyone in their fucking undies would help at all." Karkat had gotten over his stagee fright with theatre. It was kinda refreshing. He still hated being put on the spot last-minute, but if he could prepare he was pretty alright. He shook his head. "Forgot to look. Best I have is shitty romcoms anyway. What've you got?"
  108. Karkat is shorter than you, and you can hardly even knock anyone down. You don't know how he did it. You snort, skipping to the first question. Yeah, you love your step-mom. She's a super cool gal, even if she loves to drink herself into an odd stupor. "Yeah, totally cool. Drinks a lot, but she knows how to do it. So she ain't scary or anything." God, you despise that word. You say it all the time and you can't stop but you wish you could kick it from your vocabulary. Really shows your Southern roots. Ain't. Yuck. You sigh silently, so he won't ask why you're sighing. You hardly know why, either. You're frustrated with yourself. Whatever.
  110. You shove yourself out of your seat, waiting to hear his car door slam before you lock the car. "Scary shit, mostly. Got some thrillers. Not much in the way of RomComs, but you could look through Netflix if you wanna pick." You lead him to the elevator, leaning against it and punching the button for the top floor. You stick your key in, so it'll open right into your place and watch the numbers multiply.
  112. [2/12/2013 11:32:47 PM] bangarang: Yet again he was nodding, still watching the landscape. "That's good. Fucking hate batshit mom-figures. I've got enough crazy to deal with, I don't need any more shit to deal with." Between Kankri and fucking stupid professors, Karkat had more than enough on his plate. He felt a small smile tug at his mouth at the usage of the 'not quite real' word, catching onto the gentle southern touch the kid had. It was... charming. Cute even. Sure, that worked.
  114. Following Dave out of the car, he shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, falling in quiet step behind him. Scary movies were good, too. "I like scary movies," he murmured, waiting for the elevator. "But I'll take a look. Got anything in mind?" Maybe Dave wanted to watch Thomas the Tank Engine or something, Karkat didn't fucking know. Plus, guest or no, he didn't want to pick something the blonde would hate.
  116. [2/12/2013 11:53:09 PM] Ashfur: You do what you always do, since you have too much time in the elevator before you reach the 21st floor. You prop yourself up on the metal handles that surround the walls of the elevator, clamping the bottom of your feet against the wall below you. You balance there, watching as your floor grew closer. "Yeah, sucks. Worse than having no mom at all, y'know." You shrug and chuckle, kicking yourself off of your perch and walking through the doors as soon as the elevator had opened fully.
  118. Your apartment was pretty nice, if you do say so yourself. It has a tall, slanted ceiling, newly-painted walls with some nice modern-looking paintings on it. Not like you designed this place. Rose set everything out for you. Large turntables sat in the first room down the hallway. The second room was a large bathroom with a huge shower, a seperate bathtub, and more nice paintings in it. Mirrors on all sides of it, so you can see yourself taking a shower-- and more commonly, taking a whiz. Lovely. The last room was your bedroom, filled with shelves of dead animals in jars and more paintings picked by Rose herself. Some even painted by an old friend or two. All in all, it was a fancy as shit place, and you didn't deserve it at all. "Nah," you say, plopping on the couch in front of the very flat, very big TV. You prop your legs up on the coffee table in front of you-- already scuffed by the heel of your shoe about a hundred times-- and pat the seat next to you, inviting Karkat to sit down. "Scary sounds nice right about now, though."
  120. [12:08:53 AM] bangarang: Karkat didn't say anything in response, instead staying quiet and thinking about everything that'd happened that night, and their first not-date - just dwelling on stupid things like a desperate fool. The elevator ride made him a little uneasy, being unable to really handle the jerky motions. It might have been the whole club anxiety, but he figured it would fade soon enough.
  122. Eyes traveled around the apartment, taking everything in in bits and pieces. Nice place. Way nice place. At least 4 times as big as the apartment he shared with Kankri. His room was the biggest in the place. Thanks, cousin. Karkat felt dwarfed by the size of Dave's pad, but got used to it. Didn't feel too awful. Yeah. He sat down next to the blonde and folded his arms, kicking his boots off and waving his hand. "Pick something then, I don't fucking care. I trust your judgement."
  124. [12:16:54 AM] Ashfur: You felt odd, yeah. You know for a fact that you think Karkat is really cute and you're pretty sure he likes guys, too. And you know that you're enjoying his platonic company a whole lot more than you really should. You've only met him twice in person, though, between the two weeks between your friend-date and today, you had spoken with him every day through text and through PesterChum. You were actually pretty happy whenever you talked to him, so it's hard to think that you're not interested in him. It's hard to tell yourself that, when you're as lonely and bored with life as you are. But you have to hold yourself back and not ruin this for yourself. God, this is why you hate talking to people. It's fun, but you always dig too deep, and it gets stressful. Ugh.
  126. "Alright, alright," you say, like it's a big deal you're getting off the couch to look through your movies. You crouch down to crawl towards the shelves under your TV, which are racked with the DVD player, a couple gaming consoles, and a whole bunch of movies and games. You looked through movies, finding a scary movie that Karkat may or may not seem suitable-- Final Destination 4. Though it's hardly horror and more suspence/gore, you still love it with every fiber of your being. Maybe you just love seeing stupid teenagers dying. Who cares. You classify it as the best Final Destination movie, hands down. You pop it into the DVD player, turning the TV on and rushing back to the couch to sit down. You're a little far from Karkat-- but a little close. Your hand, which is resting at your side, is only about 3 inches from Karkats, which is also resting at his side. You feel like a teenager with a crush. You stare at the TV as the previews come on, swallowing after you tore your eyes stupidly away from your hand.
  128. [2/13/2013 12:39:41 AM] bangarang: Karkat had admittedly enjoyed the time he spent talking to Dave... more than he thought he would. Even more embarrassingly, if he went more than two hours without getting a text or a message he kinda... well... felt a little ignored. Which was fucking embarrassing. Was Karkat interested? Was 'being jealous of anyone else that he might be talking to' being counted as interested? Poor Karkat, always hanging back though, never letting himself have super intense feelings of attraction or romantic desire because it just never panned out. Sucked, but Karkat was used to it. Sigh.
  130. "Final Destination 4. Huh, one I actually haven't seen." Karkat didn't /hate/ scary movies... but his lack of sleep tended to fuck with his perception of reality sometimes, and especially since he hadn't slept the night previous - this might end up poorly. Or entirely in Dave's favor. Who knew. Arms had unfolded and he felt the hair on the back of his neck prickle a little as Dave stared at him, or at least in his direction. Fuck, his cheeks were heating up again. Why why why why why? This was stupid. Fucking stupid. Innocent movies at the dumb loser Dave Strider's house. The same Dave Strider that Karkat wasn't entirely sure if he had dokis for or not. Fucking... Dammit. Just watch the movie. Don't think about it. Was he panicking? Maybe... a little. Don't fuck this up, Karkat. He couldn't lose the only friend he'd made since he moved by being a basket case. Urgh.
  132. [2/13/2013 12:47:30 AM] Ashfur: You aren't good at talking to people. Not at all. Most of the time you either don't know what to say or you're not in the mood for talking to anyone. Lately, you've been feeling kinda shitty. Just lonely and bored with generally everything. Especially yourself. But you enjoyed talking to Karkat. Even if you were in a bad mood, Karkat would message you or text you and something about it would make you feel better. Because him paying attention to you means he likes you-- right? Yeah. He likes you completely platonically and you shouldn't even be thinking about messing that up. And yet you are. You wanna reach over and weave your fingers in his. You want to kiss his cheeks and his forehead and his tired eyes. You want to cuddle with him and share body heat.
  134. By now, you are completely sure that you have a dumb crush. And there isn't anything you hate more than crushes. The last one had lost you your best friend back in high school, and the rest had been on people who had no interest in you. Either they were straight, they were with someone, or you had a creepy crush that couldn't be requited because they don't know who you even are. But Karkat knows who you are. He's your friend. The closest-- no, the only friend in real life that you have right now. A relationship is totally possible but you should slow down and relax. He probably doesn't even like you. In fact, he has probably not even thought about anything so ridiculous as to a relationship with lame nerd Dave Strider. "It's fucking great, trust me." Your voice cracks. Classy.
  135. [2/13/2013 1:03:10 AM] bangarang: Brow quirked, and he dared to look over at Dave as his voice cracked. Normally Karkat wouldn't comment on it. Normally he'd shut up, mind his own fucking business, and poke fun at him about it at a later date in time. But this wasn't normally - this was Karkat being pseudo-interested in someone and hoping that every tiny thing that seemed out of place might mean that Dave Strider was into him. Frown. "Hey man you told me you were 18. Don't fucking try and kid me - I'm onto you." Yes, Karkat, that's exactly the way to try and convince a boy you were interested in him. The old 'gradeschool' tactic; let's make fun of them until they give in and fall in love with you. Right.
  137. Maybe Karkat could weasel out of this and still be friends. He was digging himself a hole and he really wasn't trying to - but he was so desperate for something, anything to do with another person that didn't live across the fucking country - he missed Gamzee, he missed Terezi and Sollux and even fucking Nepeta. /Nepeta/. He took a deep breath, laughing breathessly to try and cover up how nervous he was. Anxious. Whatever. He hated this stupid 'new crush' waltz. Maybe he should just ask, get it out of the way. If Dave turned him down they could still be friends. It wasn't as if the blonde would be grossed out by Karkat asking about him. He'd said he had a boyfriend before...!
  138. [2/13/2013 1:13:55 AM] Ashfur: Fuck, you just hope he doesn't notice but as soon as you crack on that 'great' he peers your way. Now would be the perfect time to skip merrily to the window across the room and launch yourself out of it. Instead, you sit there helplessly as you can feel your own face heating up and your cheeks getting redder. You wince inwardly and decide to insult him back. Your voice is usually smooth and great-- you can't believe that fucking happened, ugh. "Woah, okay, but if I ain't eighteen, how old would that make you, shortstop?" You snicker. Karkat is at least a few inches shorter than you. It's ripe for some offense on your part.
  140. Friendly teasing. You liked this. It's almost... Flirting. Dang, it nearly is flirting. You're flirting. You shove the thought from your mind as you pick up the remote, clicking to the play option on the title screen, which had only showed up a couple moments ago on the TV. You were too busy antagonizing Karkat to notice. You watch the signature screen show up and you click to the theatrical version, instead of choose your own adventure. You'd rather focus on talking to Karkat instead of focusing on what choices to make on the screen. You've got your own choose your own adventure right now, and you're planning on winning it.
  142. [2/13/2013 1:27:28 AM] bangarang: Karkat's eye-narrowed glare is matched with a quiet huff, the kid blushing and glancing away. He may have been small, but he was full of concentrated spite. And anger. "Don't make fun of my height." It sounded more serious than the other shit he'd been spouting, but not serious enough to shut off all ties or end the da...te. Date. Karkat wanted to call it that but he didnt know if he should. Fuck it. He was gonna do it anyway. "I'm not that short." Pff. Not short. Okay, he was short but he wasn't that short. He was just 18, he could still grow, right? Maybe?
  144. Movie started up and he glanced back to it, wracking his brain to think of something clever to come up with to throw at him. Eventually a small smirk crept over his face. "So you like scary movies, huh? Hoping I'll get scared and grab your hand or arm or something?" Short, derisive laugh. "Can't say I'd put it past you. Great date tactics." Oops. He said the word he promised himself he wouldn't say. Blush, but he kept up the smirk. Did his best to keep up the smirk. "Genius, even." Dig, dig, dig your hole Karkat.
  146. [2/13/2013 1:44:04 AM] Ashfur: Date. Time to freak out, holy fuck. He just called this a date. You take a deep breath, your face reddening even more than before. God, you look stupid right now, you're sure of it. "Date, huh? Didn't know watching shitty movies on my couch counted as a date." You keep your voice calm, so maybe your face will think you're not embarrassed or whatever you're feeling right now and stop being so goddamn red. You chuckle. "I wouldn't be surprised if you screamed like a girl and hopped in my lap, took to shaking and held on to me for the rest of the movie. You seem like the type." Are you taking this too far? Yeah, totally. Not that you wouldn't love being clung to. You probably wouldn't enjoy the shaking part. That would make you more than a little bit nervous and freaked out. But hey, you'll take what you can get. But from Karkats current attitude, you're pretty sure he isn't going to shit himself over the current movie choice. Too bad.
  148. You're pushing it. The whole 'flirtatious teasing' thing. You're taking it to a whole new level and you're not sure if he's uncomfortable about it. But you're having a generally good time teasing him about his height and whether he's 'man enough' to make it through a pretty freaky, suspenseful movie without sobbing himself to sleep. Oh, right, Karkat doesn't really sleep. Alright, staying up and scaring himself silly, then.
  149. [2/13/2013 1:59:07 AM] bangarang: It had been an accident. Karkat never meant to actually call it a date. But Dave was... not... denying it? He wasn't pushing him away verbally, he wasn't correcting him or... huh. "You even serenaded me earlier. Are you sure this isn't a date?" Snarkiness was wavering, but he was trying his hardest. Gotta keep it up. Can't fall behind. If Dave Strider got the better of him - nngh. He couldn't. Eyes rolled. "I wouldn't do that based solely on the fact that you'd fucking like it, and anything I can do to prevent you from getting enjoyment out of things seems to be my purpose in life." But Karkat's smirk was a little too wide to be just a smirk, his laugh was a little too airy to be snide.
  151. He narrowed his eyes, still smiling. "I bet you wanna hold my hand, too. Aren't you just a romantic little motherfucker." Hand lifted to wiggle fingers at the blonde, raising a brow. As if to say, 'well?' Karkat was honestly terrified, and it wasn't the movie. His heart was racing and he had no idea if he was doing this right or not. Was he coming on too strong? Should he even be doing this? The movie was going to be hard enough, ignoring the fact that Dave was basically really... really flirting with him. And probably wanted to hold his hand. Fuck.
  153. [2/13/2013 7:17:39 PM] Ashfur: Of course you weren't denying it. You'd absolutely love this to be a date. And you guess it is. And that means you might get to go out on another date. Like, to the actual movies, or to dinner or lunch. Wow. Maybe a coffee date, like the not-date you took him to when you first met. And, yeah, maybe you do wanna hold his hand. And maybe you want to tease him right back to cover up for the fact that, yeah, you totally want some mad smooches and hand holding and maybe even some cuddling. Because of all that, he'd think you were some sort of pussy or something. And that is why you're going to deny fucking everything. "Seems like you're failing at your purpose in life, Vantas. Maybe you wanna try a little harder." You snicker at him. God, he's cute. You almost want to tell him, but you don't want to come off as creepy. He probably already does think that you're creepy. Whatever, not something you should be thinking about right now.
  155. You do just that, you hit your hand against his and lace your fingers through his and squeeze his palm. There. Fucking there. You're holding Karkats hand. You huff and drop your hand (still all wrapped up in his) onto the couch between the two of you. You loop your other arm over your chest and staring at the TV as you sank into the couch, cheeks on fire. Your face is too warm and you know you look ridiculous.
  156. [2/13/2013 7:34:42 PM] bangarang: Man, what Karkat wouldn't give for that to happen. For this to segue into a date without any effort on his part whatsoever aside badgering Dave into agreeing with it. Because getting to the date was always the hard part, building up the courage to actually ask for one, then getting to it and fighting the crippling awkwardness that it usually held. Like this, it was so much easier to slide a 'casual hangout' into the realm of a 'date'. Like this, he could already be fired up on teasing and bad jokes and friendy rivalry and the title of the whole situation would just be changed. But unfortunately, like it was now, he wasn't sure if that would happen. Like /this/, it fell into a slightly uncomfortable rift between date and not-date, Karkat not knowing what was considered appropriate and not. "I'm just getting started, fucker."
  158. But Dave took his hand and that shut his head - and mouth - right up, Karkat fighting his body so hard not to twitch into action, make some snide remark, or bolt away. No. He liked this, dammit. This is what he was trying for, wasn't it? His own blush rising, Karkat turned back to the TV as well, their hands still together. Fuck, did he feel clammy? Was he shaking at all? He felt tense, and squeezed Dave's hand a little tighter. "Happy?" he mumbled, aiming for as much disdain in his voice as he could. It was a failing effort. There wasn't much.
  160. [2/19/2013 1:47:31 AM] dirk: After you took his hand, he shuts up. You smirk towards the TV. Though, the bit of self confidence that you had gained through holding someone elses hand starts to drift away. Is your hand sweaty? Is your hand cold? Fuck, are you gripping too tightly? You can't even tell and you don't know if you even want to start thinking about that. You've always been so smooth, in high school in such, but that's probably because the chicks you were chasing after you didn't really like. You were just diluting yourself. By the 10th grade you knew you were gay from head to toe. You're perfectly fine with that, though, because a cute guy is holding your hand. And you like him. And he likes you, you think.
  162. He's the one to break the silence. "Very." You mumble, shifting around in your seat. Was that a weird thing to say? Shit, what are you supposed to say next? Naturally, you want to ask if he likes you, like, like likes you. Or maybe if he really *is* gay, first. But that's not an easy thing to do, when you're as much as a wimp as you are.
  163. [2/19/2013 1:59:53 AM] the maid is [IN]: Karkat wanted to cross his arms, fidget in his seat, get up and pace around, wring his hands - nervous habits he'd picked up over the years. Karkat was a very nervous person at heart. His worries were as numerous as Dave's were, but he was nowhere near as good at hiding them. Luckily for him he'd always been the odd one out, no one aside that anime chick had an interest in them. At least she hadn't been that bad. Hell, he'd enjoyed that time and would have been lying if he said he hadn't. But now he was older and stuff was harder. In the apartment of someone he'd met on the internet. Holding hands with him. Sigh.
  165. Weird? Not really. It made him smirk and blush a little, nervous laugh leaving him. Karkat... actually did like Dave. Like like. For real real, not for play play. Maybe it was how confident he seemed all the time. Maybe it was because he seemed to actually have an interest in the poor, down on his luck kid. Maybe it was just because he noticed him. Whatever it was it had worked, and Karkat just... needed the affirmation. But getting it would be hard. How did you even ask something like that? "S-so..." He'd said it before he realized it, and it had startled him - his grip on Dave's hand tightened, and the other covered his mouth. ...and he laughed helplessly. "This got fuckin' awkward. Sorry."
  166. [2/19/2013 2:10:05 AM] dirk: Fuuuuck. Cute, cute, cute. You might just cry over how cute Karkat is being right now. How cute he is all the time, even. You're pretty nervous. Deep down, under your cool exterior. Most of the time you're inwardly flipping out in your mind over the things people say and do. You'd like to lash out at a lot of people. But after years of pounding emotionlessness into you by your older brother, you'd learned to take your anger out on practicing with your katana and your swords. The apartment complex you live in is near a park where you can practice at. Though, in the summer it's a bit harder. It's hot and you're not all that comfortable with taking your shirt off. For multiple reasons. The scars under your shirt from multiple strifes with your brother, and the fact that you get stared at non-stop.
  168. "It's cool." You mumble, shifting over so you're facing Karkat a bit more. "Can I uh," you mumble, thinking out your options. Yeah, okay, you can do this. You move forward, kissing Karkats cheek. Your whole face is red, damn, and you're sort of hoping he doesn't run screaming from your apartment right now.
  169. [2/19/2013 2:26:15 AM] the maid is [IN]: Karkat's hobbies - and various ways of letting off steam - amounted to very little. He liked watching romcoms. He also liked programming, but he hadn't done that in a while. Which was probably a good thing, because once one of his friends upset him so badly he started programming a virus that he was pretty sure would have destroyed a few social networking websites. They made up, but the idea that he could one day do that was too volatile. His ~ATH books were shoved under his bed, never to be seen again. His cousin had a similar way of damaging him, not unlike Dave's older brother - Kankri would very often badger him about 'appreciating what they had' - which obviously upset Karkat, because being appreciative of dollar packs of Ramen every night for an entire month was a bit of a stretch. Ugh.
  171. Nodding absently, he had to wonder just how 'cool' it was. Especially since he was sure he was the one that made it awkward. At least he'd offered the handholding? There was that. Good Karkat, he overcame his crippling anxiety of social encounters to... hold hands with someone he wasn't even sure liked him. Shit. This was pro - ! He felt like he was blushing and as though all the colour drained from his face at once, a sudden rush of dizziness taking over him. Wow. Shit. Dave had kissed his cheek. Did this mean...? "H-hey," he murmured, looking over at Dave, doing his best to smirk at him. "Holding my hand, now you're kissing me - if you're not fucking careful I'm going to think you've got ulterior motives." Which was okay. Holy shit was it okay.
  173. [2/19/2013 2:45:44 AM] dirk: Fuck, okay, no, you can't do this. You start nearly shaking because it sounds like you screwed up and you take your hand from his and cross your arms loosely over your chest. You take a deep breath, looking anywhere but at him. "I'm sorry." You mumble. You got carried away and now you just need to stop and breathe and stop assuming people like you just because you like them. You're just making up hints. Karkat was just fooling around-- he was being friendly, not flirtatious. Ugh, you're so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid. This always happens to you. You stare at the ground, face red, mentally berating yourself.
  175. [2/19/2013 2:59:13 AM] the maid is [IN]: Whoa, hey no - let's not do that! Karkat was just being himself, pushing people away out of fear that they'll turn on him, hate him for being poor and stupid. He turned where he sat, kneeling on the couch and facing him. "Don't be sorry, hey-" He reached out towards him, touching his arm, hoping that Dave would turn to look at him. "Look, -I'm- sorry - I get really... uh... d-defensive." Had a hard time letting people in or believing that anyone actually liked him. Deep blush coupled with deep breaths, and he felt his heart speed up when Dave DID turn to look at him.
  177. Okay. He had a single second to decide if he wanted to do this and - Well, it took less than a second apparently, because Karkat leaned in to kiss him; their mouths connecting for a brief moment before goddammit he lost his cool and pulled back, hunching down and wringing his hands. "I p-push people away and it sucks and I haven't had a fucking healthy relationship since middle school because it's hard to find guys that are into me and even the middle school one sucked because it was with some stupid weeaboo chick. I'm s-sorry." Time to go. Or crawl into a hole and die. Or both.
  179. [2/19/2013 3:15:13 AM] dirk: Okay, maybe you judged too quickly. You should really learn to stop that. "Uh," you mumble, turning to glance at the stuttering mess. He's really cute and it almost makes you as angry as he usually is about how damn adorable he is. Okay, you're guessing he either wants to stay friends or he actually likes you back. Wow, this whole thing is just so romantic, what with your face red and his face red and him stuttering all over the place. This is just like that first date you had with that one girl. Except she was the one with the red face and she was the one stuttering. You felt so smooth because you didn't really feel anything for the girl. You were calm under pressure that wasn't really there.
  181. But here. Here, there's a whole lot of pressure. You swallow hard, watching Karkat as he shifts around-- and suddenly, his lips are on yours and you couldn't be happier. It doesn't really last as long as you'd like it to. You shove yourself forward again, cutting him off after he apologizes again with another kiss. You could do this for hours.
  182. [2/19/2013 3:33:56 AM] the maid is [IN]: Taken aback, but more by absolute astonishment than any type of disgust, he welcomed the kiss with what he hoped wasn't utter blushing waifu nervousness. This is what he wanted, right? But it was almost too quick, too unbelievable. He'd only met him a few weeks ago and now... this. Wow. When did he suddenly get so fucking fortunate? But he was still all awkwardness - like what did he do with his hands? They were previously gripping each other so tightly his knuckles were white, but now they were holding the couch on either side of him as if he were going to fall off. Whoops.
  184. He broke the kiss a few more startled seconds later, trying to get his breathing and his heart to calm the fuck down. "S-so," he began again nervously, "What I guess I'm trying to fucking say is that... uh..." That he met him such a short time ago and he really liked him? That this was so fucking alien to him? He was sorry for being so naïve? "We should hang out more. And I'm n-not... saying that like... I'm not interested? Because I am. Interested." He laughed helplessly, shaking his head. "I'm just kind-of a fucking wreck. I don't want you getting too into anything that you'll regret later." He found it easier for people to understand that he sucked really bad /before/ they took an interest in him. That way when Karkat proved to be a failure at life, the universe, and everything romantic they couldn't bring it up in the inevitable break-up argument.
  186. [2/28/2013 12:31:38 AM] dirk: Maybe that's what you like about him. He understands how much going outside sucks. He understands the mutual hatred of 90% of people on earth. He understands you. You guess you like him because you can easily hate things, mutually. It's a nice comfort. Knowing you can go to someone with your problems, especially someone who will understand. And, you have, you've gone to Karkat about a lot of things and he's helped you make decisions that've benefitted you and made you generally feel better in the long run. You think that if he's ready to deal with you, you're ready to deal with him.
  188. The thing is, is that you really need something like this. Someone you can rely on and turn to whenever. Plus, you like him a lot. Like-- a lot, a lot. You honestly really like him, and it's been a while since you've been so infatuated with someone like this. Probably since high school, when it was only puppy love with some girl who decided to run off with a juggalo. Not the best thing for one of your first relationships, but you got over it. "We can be messes together. I promise." It'll be nice. The two of you can watch movies and splurge on ice cream. But you can do it together.
  189. [2/28/2013 12:55:02 AM] 6angarang: The sentiment brought a bit of a weak, hopeful smile to his face, and he looked away for a moment. "I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong signals. I... try to keep my crushes to myself. Nothing good ever comes of them. It's shitty as hell but I'm used to it." Used to nothing ever going his way - hence why he lived with Kankri, hence why he was on the fast track to a dead-end diploma. "But I really, /really/ like you." His hands were shaking a little but he stilled them by putting them on Dave's knees. Swallowed. He wasn't sure if he should ask, or if he should wait for Dave to. Or did they even need to ask to be 'a thing'? Or was that something that could come back and bite him in the ass later?
  191. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes. "D-do...? You want to..." Fuck. Fuck! "Wow I'm so fucking bad at this." Hand pulled back, rubbing at his temples helplessly. "This is fucking stupid." Wow, holding hands and being awkward was easier than asking this.
  193. [2/28/2013 1:07:10 AM] dirk: Karkat's hands are shaking and it's pretty cute, actually. It feels good to leave someone like Karkat so flustered. He always seems pretty composed (besides his growing anger towards you and everyone/everything else). He never really mentioned any crushes, though, and you guess you had to assume it was because he didn't really know enough people to be able to crush on someone. Or, he liked you (which was something you ruled out, though you guess it sort of happened anyway. Which is always nice, hey). Or, most likely, he hates just about everyone, so it doesn't really matter. But, he likes you. He really likes you and you can hardly believe it.
  195. "Uh," you pause, thinking you know what he's going to ask. "Date?" Yes. Date. Go out on dates and kiss and be romantic and maybe even make out a little. Basically you want to be super gay with him and you're pretty sure he wants to be gay with you, too. You know you've thought about dating a guy before. You're pretty comfortable with your sexuality where it's at, though it's seeming to change a little bit every day. Mostly steering more towards boys. Woops.
  196. [2/28/2013 1:45:38 AM] 6angarang: Karkat hadn't really had a crush since before he moved. And even then it was two of them - two of his best friends. Neither of which had panned out, obviously. And he had only been brave enough to tell one of them. Thinking on it though the other boy probably would have laughed at him - not in a mocking way, but in a way that Karkat already knew meant they wouldn't work out. That was okay. They were still friends and that was the important part. But now, Dave - Karkat couldn't put his finger on it. Was it the confidence he had? Was it the lifestyle he was envious of? He was attractive. There was no denying that. Was it the fact he gave him the time of day? Maybe. Your powers combined - I am completely into you.
  198. Slow nod was given as Dave finished his thought, unsure look brought to the blonde's face. "Is that.. okay?" Could they do that? Karkat definitely wanted to be in the gays with him. He'd been... he'd never actually dated a guy before. Whoops! Again, weeaboo, etc. Karkat wasn't uncomfortable with himself - his sexuality anyway - but again with the whole poor and lack of confidence thing. This was really fucking new to him and he wasn't sure how he felt about it exactly. Really fucking sure he wanted to date Dave - but super nervous as to how it was going to go.
  200. [2/28/2013 1:53:33 AM] dirk: "Yes, I'd love that," you assure him, clutching the side of his face to kiss him again, this time on his jaw, his cheek, and then his mouth. You kind of just want to kiss all the time. And a lot. You feel a bit needy for thinking like that, but you just can't help it. You like Karkat all too much and him being so adorable isn't really helping your case any. You'll back off after this. You're probably being too pushy but you'd really like to shove all your affection in his face. You're holding back. "I mean, if you want to." Which you guess he does, since you guess he just admitted to it, sorta.
  201. [2/28/2013 2:20:14 AM] 6angarang: He smiled - frabjous day, the kid actually fucking smiled. Angels sang. Light shone from the fucking heavens. Karkat Vantas smiled. Into the kisses, into the affection - he even moved his hands from Dave's knees to hold onto his biceps just to make sure Dave was really for real and he wasn't fucking hallucinating or something. (Hey, it'd happened before.) "No no, I want to. I really want to." He bit his lip, nervously leaning and giving him a kiss of his own. "I'm really bad at this," he admitted quietly, grip tightening a little. "S-so if I seem like I don't want something I probably do. I'm just too much of a fucking baby to ask for it or say so." Worried look was given. "Okay? Promise." There was probably literally nothing Dave could do to chase Karkat off.
  203. [2/28/2013 2:31:20 AM] dirk: You tell him you understand and everything goes well through the hour and a half you spend talking with him about various things. After a few yawns and kisses are exchanged you agree to drive him home. You kiss him and make sure he can get inside. You try to stay up to talk with him on Pesterchum, though you pass out fairly early and can't quite get a grip on the smile that's grown painful.
  205. A couple weeks pass, and the relationship is going well. You're comfortable around him. You kiss him a lot and he kisses you, too, and you've even made out a couple of times. It's a nice perk. He finally trusts you enough (or something like that) to show you his room. You've persuaded him to let you stay the night so you can sleep with him. Not even in a sexual way. Just sleep together and wake up and have each other there. It'll be a nice feeling, you're sure of it. You're set up across from each other, you at the head of his bed and him at the foot, watching a movie on his laptop which he's set up on a shelf across the room from the two of you. You want attention, though, so you whine out his name and needily open your arms, expecting him to get the message that you want to cuddle. Especially since you were able to portray it in the most obnoxious way possible.
  206. [2/28/2013 2:46:41 AM] 6angarang: Dave finally managed to persuade Karkat into letting him into the dingy apartment he shared with his cousin. It was... cozy, was the word he'd used. It definitely fit. There wasn't even a lot of stuff in it, it was just exceptionally small for a two-bedroomed place. His own room is (again) small, walls smattered with stupid romcom posters he can't bear to part with. He was shy about it but explained all his knick knacks and his enjoyment of them, and eventually, later on in the evening, set up one of your favorite stupid movies to watch. He heard his name and turned, smiling and rolling his eyes a little at the plea for affection. Lazily he crawled over his bed, into the blonde's waiting arms. He kissed his cheek, and settled in with his arms around him like a lost child in a supermarket.
  208. [2/28/2013 2:54:49 AM] dirk: You liked Karkats place. It's small and comfortable. Plus, Karkat is there and you're definitely enjoying that. The only draw-back is that Karkat's older cousin lives with him. And you guess the fact that there is in fact someone directly related to Karkat in the same vicinity in which you're cuddling with him at sort of weirds you out for some reason. Whatever. You let your arms wrap around his back as he climbs into your arms. You rest your cheek against his shoulder and smile. After a few minutes of the movie you start to, admittedly, get a little bored. You show this by kissing Karkats neck, his jaw, his cheek, skip his lips, kiss his forehead. Eventually, you find his lips and press against them, happy to know that he's your boyfriend. That's all you've been coasting on for the past couple of weeks or so.
  209. [2/28/2013 3:07:03 AM] 6angarang: Kankri living with him was one of the other reasons he'd been so discouraging. Not that his cousin would have many problems with... this (he hoped), it just felt a little disrespectful. But then again, there was hardly an alternative, so he really didn't know what else to do. The kisses caught him a little off-guard but they made him smile more; and when Dave eventually found his mouth he was already so annoyed the blonde had missed it several times that he was ready for it. Arms tightened their grip around him, a similar serenity in his actions. Hesitantly he requested in silence that he wanted it to turn into a brief make-out session, not quite sure how... else... to react. It seemed cheap to get so little after such a build-up. He just hoooooped Kankri didn't get home soon.
  210. [2/28/2013 3:13:05 AM] dirk: You'd only 'missed' to tease him. Mostly because he's told you that he hates when you do that. When it looks like you're going to nab him right on the mouth with yours when, woops, missed, there your lips go to the corner of his mouth. Haha, what a mistake, sorry Karkat, nothing you can really do about it. Of course, you're pretty sure Karkat loves the teasing as much as you love doing it. There's no denying it, since sometimes he ends up in a bout of giggles along with you, and sometimes the teasing ends in making out. Which is always really nice. Though, that's what seems to be happening now. He's constricted his arms around you a little, pulling you even closer to him. You right yourself, kissing back happily. You consent with a small grunt and a tongue against your boyfriends lips, requesting them open.
  212. [2/28/2013 3:57:00 AM] 6angarang: He /did/ hate that, and he fucking knew it - ugh. But he trapped him now, and a triumphant smirk flowed into their makeout session. He opened his mouth a little, inviting Dave in to explore and such. He still felt really inadequate at making out, but the way Dave seemed to want it led him to believe he was at least okay at it. Which was a small comfort. He moved a little, more in front of him, the awkward side-angle he had hindering more than helping. Nothing changed the fact Karkat was short, so he had to get up a little on his knees to really be at eye-level with his boyfriend. That was okay. He didn't mind. Neither did Dave - evident in how he teased him for it constantly; about how Karkat sometimes had to stand on his toes a little for an adequate kiss, or needed a hand up whenever they went out for walks that took them off the conventional path. He was never sure what to do with his hands though, so he hoped them resting on the small of Dave's back was good enough for now. He /thought/ he heard something out in the rest of the apartment, but it was probably just the shithole building settling.
  213. [2/28/2013 4:05:02 AM] dirk: You're not completely sure what constitutes a bad and good kisser, but you know that you like whatever Karkat does during make-out sessions, so you guess he's good? You don't know whether you're so great at it, but it is fun. Karkat scoots himself up next to you and you almost giggle. He's short, and you're actually pretty tall. That lands him at a lot shorter than you. Which is cute. When standing, he has to get on his tiptoes to kiss you, and even when you're sitting his has to prop himself up on his knees to easily get to your face. You let your hands wrap around his waist, loosely draped over his body. You're almost tired, though you're pretty sure this is worth holding out for. After this sleep can happen. You can go to bed with your face red. In fact, you can already feel your face flushing against his. You make a noise that's something between a grunt and a whine, though you keep it in the back of your throat. It's still embarrassing though.
  214. [2/28/2013 4:21:55 AM] 6angarang: Karkat moved around a little, doing his best not to break the kiss but at the same time all but crawling into his lap. If there was anything he loved (in the privacy of some... private place) it was closeness; being close and cuddling and just feeling someone's arms around him, feeling wanted and desired. When he was younger, sometimes Kankri would hold him close and bring him down from dangerous anxiety attacks and Karkat was really, really glad he hadn't had one of those in front of Dave. Yet. Yet? Yet. Life would just catch up with him. He honestly hoped the blonde never had to see that. If his apartment made him die of embarrassment, the panic he experienced frequently would be the nail in his coffin. The sound maked him snicker quietly, his hands pressing a bit more into the small of Dave's back. This was really good. He liked this an awful lot. He liked Dave a whole hell of a lot. ...what he didn't like was the knock at his door - before he could reply it opened, his cousin already talking before he was even sure Karkat could hear him. "...some things from the store, and I - oh... uh... hello."
  215. [2/28/2013 4:33:02 AM] dirk: Karkat shifts around and you do your best to keep the kiss in motion, though you do enjoy where he ends up. You shift your legs around so he can comfortably sit, and so you're comfortable too and not getting crushed. You like being close with someone, especially in this way. There has to be a lot of trust that has to go into this. Karkat trusts you. He trusts you enough to climb into your lap and suck face, at least. But that's still pretty meaningful, you guess. Karkat laughs at the noise you tried your hardest to supress. You his his hip with the side of your hand, growling a bit as you bite at his lower lip. Though you apologetically soothe the spot with your tongue after the incident. Before you can react to the door swinging open, Karkat is pulling away from your mouth, leaving some drool behind. Gross. You're about to ask why he stopped when you glance at the source of the noise-- oh, fuck. You're pretty sure that's Karkats cousin. Looks like Karkat, though older and maybe more snooty or something. You don't really know what to say. You stare helplessly, arms still around Karkat while he rests half in your lap.
  216. [2/28/2013 4:51:03 AM] 6angarang: Frozen, Karkat stared at Kankri, looking like a deer caught in headlights. Shit. Shit. "Kankri." Yes, good job Karkat. He looked like he was ready to jump out the goddamn window. Swallowing, he took a breath. "I d-didn't call," he managed in a small voice. "I'm sorry." Kankri didn't move or say anything right away, standing with his hand on the doorknob. The elder just shook his head a little; looking as if he was trying to figure out what to say. Eyes went from the blonde stranger to Karkat before he spoke again. His own voice was quiet when he replied. "We can talk now or later." There was no malice in it, no trace of anger or disappointment or anything. If there was anything that was going to set Karkat off in one of those aforementioned anxiety attacks it was something like this; he was already shaking. Kankri took another breath, nodded towards Dave, and moved to leave. "Your friend can stay." And he left.
  218. [2/28/2013 8:17:50 PM] dirk: You sit awkwardly. You don't know exactly what to say and you guess Karkat didn't tell his cousin a lot of things. A, that you two are dating, B, probably that he likes guys, and C, that you were coming over tonight. You guess you feel sort of bad. What if you've caused family drama or something? What if he doesn't accept Karkat and kicks him out? Well, in that situation you'd let Karkat live with you. But still. It would be back. You can feel Karkat shaking in your arms and you guess he's taking this sort of hard? Maybe Kankri doesn't like gays or whatever. He seemed pretty polite to you, but how should you now, you haven't known him for more than a minute. You rub Karkat's back, kissing his forehead. You tell him everything will be alright, but you're not really sure if anything sunk in. He's still shaking and you still feel bad. Fuck.
  219. [2/28/2013 8:34:48 PM] 6angarang: "I-I was g-gonna talk to him," he began in a shaky tone, as if trying to control his breathing, "b-but he just t-talks so fucking m-much I can't get a w-word in edgew-wise..." Karkat had made numerous attempts to talk to Kankri about a lot of recent changes in his life. Nine times out of ten his cousin would latch onto something Karkat said that didn't sit well with him or gave him an excuse to go on an on about it - and Karkat's train of thought would de-rail, and the conversation would be useless. He wasn't so anxious, really, because he didn't think Kanki would be okay with everything. It'd just... it'd startled him, first of all, and second of all Karkat finally had something going for himself - if Kankri accepted his sexuality but didn't like Dave? Or found one tiny thing about his boyfriend that he thought was negative? Or what if he flat-out hated Karkat now? There were so many factors and things that could go wrong. Being startled just kinda set everything into a tailspin. "S-sorry... I'm sorry." Deep breaths were taken in an attempt to stave off his stupid anxiety. How fucking embarrassing, on top of everything else. Worried eyes lifted to Dave, tired as ever. "Sh-should I talk to him now?"
  220. [2/28/2013 8:41:28 PM] dirk: You listen patiently. Honestly feeling bad about this whole thing. You should make sure Karkat gets more sleep, that could only make him feel better. You kiss his cheek, trying to soothe him. You don't exactly know how to calm him down, though you'd like to help him talk to his cousin. If he dares say anything bad about Karkat everyone can bet you're going to defend him. You stroke Karkat's hair, waiting a couple minutes for him to calm down a little bit more. At least a little bit more. If he finds himself too nervous to talk, you'll talk for him and help him explain the situation, you guess. After putting your fingers through his hair a few times, you mumble to him, "sure. I'll come with you." You kiss his cheek again. You slide out from under him, standing and stretching a bit. You offer him your hand to hold. "If you get angry or nervous, you can just squeeze my hand." You suggest. You don't mind if it hurts a bit. Anything to help Karkat out. Especially since the issue is mostly all caused by *you*.
  221. [2/28/2013 9:02:07 PM] 6angarang: This isn't how Karkat wanted his night to go. He wasn't sure what he was expecting - maybe Kankri to just fuck /off/ for once in his life, instead of bursting into Karkat's room and expecting there to be no repercussions with that. He'd need to get on his case about privacy more. Dave's petting and kisses helped, Karkat nodding bleakly every so often, everytime he said it was okay. All in all he just felt bad. Bad that this happened, bad that he was such a wuss when it came to talking to people. Which was really bizarre - considering his normal proclivities of being actually very talkative and helpful once he knew someone well enough. Kankri was just a special case. "Th-thank you," he finally mumbled to all the efforts to calm him down, and the offer of coming with. Taking his hand ((Karkats damn fingers were still trembling)) he stood, taking another deep breath that made him dizzy. He walked them to the door, opening it slowly. "K-Kankri?" No response. His heart fell a little, and he hoped his hands weren't already clammy. He walked through the apartment, towards Kankri's room. Knocked. "Yes, Karkat?" he heard from within. Sharp intake of breath. Grip on Dave's hand tightened. "C-can we come in?" There was a pause that wasn't long enough to be considered either 'too quick' or 'he's mad'. "Absolutely."
  223. Door was opened carefully, Karkat's heart racing. Eyes were on his feet as he spoke. ....or tried to. "I... I'm s-sorry..." Kankri was at a desk, looking through some papers. Though he gave all his attention to the pair of them. Being in the spotlight made him incredibly nervous and he shook his head. "You're not in trouble, Karkat. And your friend isn't either. Although it's rude of you not to introduce me." Kankri stood, walking over to the pair of them and stopping in front of Dave. "You are?"
  225. [2/28/2013 9:12:34 PM] dirk: Karkat isn't very responsive to your comfort and contact, but you're not surprised. Coming out to your older brother was awkward and you sure didn't enjoy admitting that, yes, you, Dave Strider, enjoyed the company of men. Of course, Bro had pretended to be shocked at first. He soon explained that he's known this since you were in the second grade and he *knew* you were dating that one guy in high school. Which wasn't true. You had replied with 'I wish'. And that had been the end of that. Though, you've always known that he was open to things like that. He runs a puppet porn and other weirdass internet fetish pornsite. You don't know what he *wouldn't* be open to. You hold Karkats hand a bit tighter. He's still shaking all around and you hope he stops soon because it makes you worry when he's so up and nervous about something.
  226. Kankri approaches you, and you unlatch your hand from Karkats for a moment to firmly shake his hand. You're going to make a good impression if it kills you. "Dave Strider." You answer simply.
  227. [2/28/2013 9:28:31 PM] 6angarang: Karkat was trying really hard to get himself under control. Nothing Kankri could say would make him stop feeling how he did, obviously, but acceptance was something Karkat desperately needed. Histrionic meets inferiority complex. It was a fun ride. Kankri stood, Dave let go of his hand, and it took all he had in him not to bolt. Kankri returned the firm shake, nodding once. "Kankri Vantas. It's nice to meet you." He pulled his hand back and folded his arms - not in defense or offense; it just seemed like a normal look for him. His gaze shifted between the pair. "So. Karkat?" Karkat winced, and opened his mouth to apologize again, but no sound came out at first. Kankri spoke again. "I would really appreciate it if you could put some form of sentence together for me. After all I've done for you, I deserve some communication. Especially inviting people into this apartment. I know you don't have your own place, and I also know you don't often have people over. But it'd still be nice to get a warning." Karkat watched his feet again, nodding. "S-sorry. I meant to c-call but I f...forgot." Kankri made a sound that wasn't so much irritated as it was accepting. He then sighed. "I'd like at least one of you to tell me what's going on. I can't be supportive if you're going to stand there like you're on death row." Karkat tugged the hem of his shirt. "I... this... D-Dave's my..." He barely managed to mumble the word 'boyfriend'.
  229. [3/3/2013 7:51:07 PM] dirk: Karkat barely gets the word out, mumbling it so quietly it looks like he's barely mouthing it. "Boyfriend." You answer for him. You don't know whether to call him sir or something like that. He seems older than you, yes, but you're a few inches taller, still. You really wish you could've made better impression, because, Jesus Christ, that was terrible. Maybe you can invite both of them over for dinner and you could make nice food and that could clear his memory. Or maybe he'll hate you forever, and not allow Karkat to see you anymore. Though you hardly think he has that much control over Karkat. Karkat is an adult, and so are you.
  230. You watch Kankri, and then get too nervous to look at him and you glance at Karkat, he looks mortified and his hand is still shaking. You give it another squeeze before clearing your throat, trying to break the bit of tension left in the room.
  232. [3/3/2013 8:20:51 PM] ♔dersekind♔: "Y-yeah." Deep breath. "That." He rubbed his hand over his face, trying to calm himself down before looking up at Kankri; looking like a kicked puppy. "So th-there's that." There was a really long awkward silence before Kankri finally spoke. "Well that's out of the way. I wish you'd have told me sooner, Karkat." Kankri reached out, ruffling Karkat's hair. Karkat looked as if he could have passed out on the spot from the contact alone. "I'm very glad you've found someone. I mean no offense by that, Karkat, and I hope you take none." He turned to Dave with a bit of a sorry look. "Surprised you got him to come out of his shell, that's no small feat. He's a little self-conscious." Moment's thought was given. "I'd like to talk to you one-on-one sometime, when you've got the chance, if that's alright with you." Karkat gripped Dave's hand again at that; he had no idea what Kankri was going to talk to him about but he knew it would probably be necessary. There was a shooing motion, and Kankri ushered them out, but not before giving them a few lines of select, careful advice should anything progress beyond what he'd observed. Ohkay Karkat was redder than ever now, muttering obscenities under his breath, still not 100% on what happened. Jesus Fucking Christ. ((that was rly bad i'm sorry /hides away))
  233. [3/3/2013 8:30:41 PM] dirk: You watch Kankri break the silence. Your throat clearing didn't help at all, sadly enough. You blink, a bit surprised to see him... Happy? For Karkat? Yeah, that's what's happening right now. Frankly, you're amazed. You glance at the ground, and then back to the eldest of the two Vantas' as he turns to address you. You nod at his request. You wonder slightly what he wants to know, and you tell him to ask Karkat later for your phone number. You agree and tell him to call you and you'll clear some time. (In your oh-so busy schedule of browsing the internet and sleeping, maybe you'll be able to find some time.)
  234. Kankri decides on treating the two of you like kids (though the both of you *are* teenagers, you aren't a thirteen year old, goddammit) and gives you some unneeded sex advice. You decide to embarrass Karkat as much as possible by telling Kankri that you will be as safe as possible and tell him in excrutiating detail what you will use if the time ever comes. Once you're pretty sure you've humiliated Karkat enough, you get shooed away (probably for the better) and lead Karkat back to his room.
  236. [3/3/2013 9:43:51 PM] ♔dersekind♔: "Does your mouth ever shut?" Karkat mumbled, face heated, as they headed back to his room. He was still a little shaken but obviously not as much as before. Sort-of in that 'i can't believe i got away with it' when you lie to your mom. "Jesus fuck I'm sure he loved that though. Prick." He sat back on the bed again, finally releasing his death grip on Dave's hand, and rubbed his hands over his face. "I don't know what he's going to tell you," he mumbled into his palms. "But bring your best listening face just in case - he catches you losing interest it'll make him talk even more." He sighed, taking a few more deep breaths to calm himself down. On the one hand - that was terrifying. What a stupid, stupid way for him to find out. On the other, he was glad his cousin was okay with it. In retrospect he wasn't sure why he'd been so scared, Kankri was all about the social justice bullshit - but it was always a nerve-wracking thing to have to build up to. "You okay?" It was still a little hard to tell, sometimes.
  238. [3/3/2013 9:58:53 PM] dirk: You're glad he's not shaking or anything anymore. Instead, he's just a bit pissed off at you. You can't help but snort and smile at him slyly. You're glad his cousin wasn't all too against it. For all you know he could be some religious freak and he'd tell the both of you about the good word of God. "You really should give him my number, though. Whattya think he's going to say? Something embarrassing, I hope. Maybe he'll tell my the statistics of how often you wet the bed when you were younger." You pause. You're not serious, of course, but it seems that a normal part of your relationship with Karkat is teasing. A whole lot of teasing followed by playful fights and then a whole lot of affection. You like it a whole lot. "And by younger, I mean last year." You add, copying Karkat and sitting on the bed near to him, scooting towards him, though and nuzzling against his shoulder. "'Course." You assure him.
  239. [3/3/2013 10:12:52 PM] ♔dersekind♔: "He grew out of the God phase a while ago. Thank fuck, really." Rubbed his face some more. He felt like he was crying but he knew he wasn't; it was a weird, stupid feeling. "I will. I'll leave it on the counter or something. He's probably going to bed now." ...... "I'm going to fucking kill you. It's decided. I'm going to tear out your eyes and shove them down your pants so you can watch me kick the shit out of you. I'm so done." The 'younger' comment came and he groaned melodramatically, rolling his eyes. But Dave cuddled up to him and assured him he was okay, and that made his agitation melt away. "Good. He's scared goddamn normal friends off with shit like that, before." Karkat found one of his hands again and pulled it around him, taking a moment before he slumped over, face buried in Dave's chest. "At least that's something I never have to do again."
  240. [3/3/2013 10:21:25 PM] dirk: You want to whine at him with a 'well then why don't you come over more often to get away from him', but you stop yourself. Karkat rests his head against your chest and you rub his back. You want to whine some more about how you wanna lay down and watch another movie and-- hell, why aren't you? You sit silently for a couple minutes, running your hands against your boyfriends back as he calms the rest of the way down. It's nearly eleven and, fuck, you kind of just want to fall asleep to one of his shitty movies. "I'm tired." You sit up from the position you had taken with your head against his shoulder. You settle down, opening up your arms open as you lay down. You kind of just want to cuddle until you fall asleep, and it'll be nice to wake up with Karkat next to you. You skip on asking him to start up another movie.
  241. [3/3/2013 11:11:44 PM] ♔dersekind♔: Tired. Tired is an emotion. It goes with 'rattled', 'anxious', and 'drained'. Dave was tired, and so was Karkat. And when he moved to lie down it was all Karkat could do not to dive after him, curling up right against him, head on his shoulder and... well, 'clinging' was a good verb to use. Karkat was koala-ing very hard against his boyfriend right now. Wait - he blindly groped on the shelf above his bed, turning off the lamp and grabbing the remote. He turned down the volume and started the movie up again, just for background noise. Threw the remote across the room because fuck the rules that's why. Arm fell across Dave's chest and he sighed wearily. "Thanks for helping me with that mess. I'm sorry it happened. I... should have told him." He nuzzled into his shoulder and neck, kissing the side of it.
  243. [1:14:07 AM] dirk: You're glad Karkat is tired, too. You don't know what you'd do if he still had energy. You'd tell him to go run around the block and let you sleep. This bed is pretty goddamn comfortable, too. You're pretty surprised, to be honest, the way Karkat complains about it. Maybe it's just the sleepy talking, or something. Karkat clings against you and you nuzzle against his face. He shifts around, though, grabbing the remote to turn the movie on nd turn the volume down. Like he was reading your mind, dang. "It's cool." You kiss Karkat's temple, wrapping your arms around his chest and tucking his head under your chin. You tangle your legs against his, humming happily. You blindly reach for a blanket, and after a couple pats you find the comforter and bring it over you and Karkat's shoulders. "Night." You kiss his hair.
  245. [1:22:55 AM] ♔dersekind♔: Karkat had slipped Kankri Dave's number the next day on his way to class, and a few days after that Kankri had given him a call; offering to meet him at the same coffee shop while Karkat was at class, so he wouldn't feel obligated to be object C in an A B conversation. Dave had spent the night before his class to ease his worries about the impending doom. The next morning though, he still seemed worried as he got ready for class. "I can't imagine he'll say anything... bad," he brgained, leaning against the blonde before he left. He knew it had to happen, but he didn't want it to. Any lengthy discussions with Kankri usually led to bad news. Or the other person leaving bored and/or in a huff. "He's really... I don't know. I'm just... nervous." And it showed. Once again, lost kid in a grocery store-levels of koala-ing. "Promise me you'll text if he gets bad. I'll fall down a flight of stairs or something and make him come get me and take me to the hospital."
  246. [1:30:32 AM] dirk: Karkat had told you that he gave Kankri your number, and sure enough, Kankri called you and arranged a meeting. You don't really know why he wants to talk to you. Maybe Karkat is a serial killer, though you'd be pretty slow to believe it, he's pretty much the sweetest guy you've ever met. Well, when he wants to be. Plus if he were a serial killer he'd probably be in jail or something, whatever. You'd spent the night again and Karkat was leaning against you before you left for the coffee shop (Kankri had left early that morning for whatever the hell he does with his life) and Karkat would leave for class. You rub his back, kissing his forehead. "I'll text you if he gets bad." You promise, shooing him off for class. You get clean clothes on and try to make yourself look presentable.
  247. You show up at the coffee shop a few minutes early and you sit and wait for Kankri to show up.
  248. [1:41:22 AM] ♔dersekind♔: Karkat finally believed him, grunting in acceptance before giving him one last squeeze before he headed out - triple-checking to make his phone was on and charged and ready to get assaulted with all sorts-of irritated texts from Dave. He was honestly kinda hoping for at least a check-in to make sure it was going okay. Sigh. Kankri tried to leave the school as quickly as he could, packing up his things and heading to the coffee house. He spotted Dave and headed over, smiling politely and waving before he took a seat. "Dave. Good morning." He tapped the table after a moment. "One sec. I'm going to get myself something." A few minutes later he returned with an open paper cup, some foamy elixir stewing and cooling. "I hope your night went alright. And I hope Karkat was okay when you left?" Kankri knew he was worried, and it in turn worried him.
  249. [1:48:23 AM] dirk: You wait for a few minutes over a cup of coffee, pack full of sugar and caffeine that'll keep you going for the rest of the day. You've already taken a couple sips so you're not all too groggy. Karkat and you ended up staying up sorta late-- talking and stuff, not anything sexual-- and you need the energy to get through this conversation, you guess, at least that's what he's been saying about it. "Mornin'." You nod, watching him leave for a moment before he sits across from you. "He was nervous, mostly." You try to be adult about this, not make any stupid comments and try not to make the guy hate you.
  250. [2:02:07 AM] ♔dersekind♔: Kankri nodded, folding his hands in front of him. "Yes... I assumed so. A bit of that is what I wanted to talk to you about, actually." He paused, gaze shifting from his cup of coffee to Dave. "The first part... Well... There's not any delicate way to put this, but as you may have noticed - and I do apologize if this offends you in any way, it isn't my intention I assure you - Karkat's a little... sensitive." Another pause, and he tried at his coffee. Still too hot. "I'm sure you've figured it out by now, but I'm obviously not his father. I'm his cousin. He came to live with me after his parents - ...well. I hope you do not mind when I say they are a little underprivileged. When money got tough for them he came to live with me after I offered him the room to stay in. I do not feel like he takes that for granted, but I understand that he has..." Hand made a slow circle in mid-air, as it it would conjure up the word. "Hm. This might be a llittle triggering - social anxiety. He feels inferior to people around him, and that makes it difficult to trust people." Another pause, finally taking a sip. "What I'm getting at, and I hope you'll forgive me for projecting scenarios on you, I'm simply looking out for Karkat - I can tell he trusts you. Quite a bit. I usually hear about friends months before I ever see them in the apartment." He leaned forward on both elbows, and actually looked... a little threatening. "Do not take advantage of that trust, Dave."
  252. [2:23:18 AM] dirk: Karkat wasn't kidding when he said Kankri talked a lot. All you can do is stare and shift around in your seat as he talks at you. He's very careful about what he says, you can tell. He's afraid of offending you? Though, what he says rubs you the wrong way pretty quickly. You want to lash out. Tell him that Karkat is not a kid anymore and he knows who he can and cannot trust. He would know if you were using him-- which you definitely are not. He assures you of the amount of trust Karkat has in you, and the lack of trust that he has for you, Karkat, and the relationship. You take a sip of your coffee as he leans towards you. You try not to look half as nervous as you are. Though, after many years of getting emotionlessness taught to you, you're pretty damn good at it.
  253. "Of course not." You say. "I'm not using him, if that's what you think is going on. I like him." You sort of want to go on. You might end up making him angry, though you can't control yourself here. "It's sickening how hard it is for you to believe that." You take a nonchalant sip of your coffee.
  254. [2:30:23 AM] ♔dersekind♔: He cringed. "I do not disbelieve you. I promise you that I do not disblieve you. You have to understand how much pressure his parents put on me, as well. I'm not your enemy, Dave. As contrary as my behavior might make that statement." He wanted to rub his temples but he didn't want to appear agitated, as much as he was. "I have absolutely nothing against you. I didn't express my happiness that he has someone now for my own personal benefit. I only care about him. You would feel the same way if he were... making new friends, or something." He tented his fingers in front of his face for a moment, sighing before taking another drink of his coffee. "Someone like Karkat you don't want to see get hurt. Am I incorrect?" He had more to say, but he needed to make sure the air was clear between every breath before he continued. Animosity between the three of them would benefit no one.
  256. [2:38:16 AM] dirk: "No, sir." You answer simply. Your voice is gruff and serious, now. 'No sir, but it still feels like you're berating me simply for dating your cousin, sir.' Though honestly, you agree completely. Even when Kankri had first found out about the relationship just Karkats nervousness had left you feeling uncharacteristically anxious. You're pretty sure if you saw him upset over something, you'd be upset for a fair number of days, too. You'll do your very best not to hurt him. Not to get in any fights or anything with him. You don't want to see him legitimately angry with you or decide that he doesn't like you anymore. You're absolutely sure he could break your heart just as easily as you could break his. You are getting pretty attached to him. You can't bear the thought of breaking up or getting in a huge fight. Even if you go for a day without talking to him you feel bad. In a few months you're most likely going to ask him to move in with you. You endlessly worry about the neighborhood he lives in.
  258. [2:59:30 AM] ♔dersekind♔: Kankri visibly relaxed at that, regardless of how gruff Dave sounded. He certainly didn't want the kid to hate him, but he wanted the blonde to understand that he was looking out for his charge, and he would never let someone hurt him. "If I may move on." Pause to drink and get permission to continue. Good coffee. "I know Karkat is sensitive about this, but I'm only telling you for his safety and his own good." Sigh. Which first? "Since he was younger Karkat's been very prone to anxiety attacks." He'd leave out the part about being held, because he was very certain if the boy had one in the presence of Dave that would be taken care of. "I'm sure he had one the other night, and I do feel terrible about it." He let himself rub his temples now. "He's also somewhat known to have night terrors. I believe that's due to the more recent moving in, and starting college on his scholarship. He's spoken to me about these very briefly." He was nearly finished with his coffee. "These... are just things I want you to be aware of. I expect you will be spending a lot of close time with him, and I don't want it to frighten you."
  260. [7:04:31 PM] dirk: You really don't want Kankri to hate you, but you nearly prepared yourself for a battle here. You're armed to the teeth with spite and you really should calm down and sit back, maybe get to know the guy and his relationship with Karkat before you go about starting a fight with him. You want him to be supportive of the relationship, and being snappish and immature sure won't help.
  261. You nod quietly, letting him continue in a respectful manor. He talks a whole lot more. About things you already know about. Karkat had had a small anxiety attack in front of you after Kankri had found out about the relationship. But you had quickly been able to calm him down. "I think I'll be alright. Pretty sure we got off on the wrong foot and I'm sorry about that. I was coming here expecting to argue, to be honest." You set your coffee down for a minute, uncrossing your arms to look less... Intimidating, maybe? "But I'll do my best to keep him happy. Sir." A habit from living with your brother. When you were in trouble or he was otherwise angry with you, you'd have to call him sir, instead of bro. It helped, you guess.
  263. [10:39:07 PM] ♔dersekind♔: Kankri chuckled. "I understand. I apologize if I gave you the impression I was going to be argumentative." He sipped at his drink more, and sighed. "The title, while appreciated, Dave, is unecessary." And he smiled. "Do I really look that much older than you?" Shaking his head, he went on. "I have every faith that you will. I know Karkat complains about me a lot, but I'm his family and his friend. I'd like for you to feel that way about me, too." Not best friends, of course. But he didn't want to be resented. "This is a very good thing and I'd like for it to last as long as possible. It's... about time the kid had something going for him." He bit his own tongue. He'd spare Dave the excruciating talks for now. Not until he was more used to him. Kankri had also been a little overbearing in this talk. They both kinda fucked up.
  265. [10:44:30 PM | Edited 10:44:58 PM] dirk: Some more nodding until you think he's finished his ramble. Of course, the way Karkat talks about how much he talks, Kankri must be holding back, or Karkat may be exaggerating just a bit. Perhaps it's a combination of both. You wouldn't be too surprised. Karkat *does* have the uncanny ability to blow things way out of proportion. Maybe that has something to do with the anxiety attacks. He overthinks and it basically leads him into a downfall. Kankri has finally slowed down in his talking and you're guessing this would be the right time to bail and get some work done back at your apartment. You stand, half a cup of coffee still in hand.
  266. "It was nice talkin' and all, but I gotta fly. Work shit." You shrug. "I'm sure you'll see me around, though. Hope you won't mind if I snag Karkat for a day or so."
  268. [11:04:13 PM] ♔dersekind♔: He stood and nodded as well, collecting his own cup and smiling pleasantly to the blonde. "Absolutely, Dave. Break is coming up for the students soon, I'm sure he'd love spending time out of the apartment during it for once." Goodbyes were exchanged, Kankri patting Dave on the back in a friendly manner before he left. Called Karkat to let him know the chat went - as far as he could tell - pretty well. -- Karkat took the call out of class, opting to leave early since there were only ten minutes left in the period anyway. He was a little on-edge since Dave hadn't texted him, grumbling as he mounted his bike and took off towards home.
  270. [11:09:00 PM] dirk: You'd forgotten to call or text Karkat. Oh well. You'll call when you get home. You say your goodbyes to Kankri and duck out of the coffee shop, driving home in silence, thinking about the talk. It'd started out pretty badly, but in the end you're pretty sure it went alright. Once you're home, you'll call Karkat to invite him over.
  271. You pull into your parking spot. The plaque in front of it reads your apartment number, and your name. Though everyone knows you live in the penthouse. You take the elevator up, speaking briefly to a young woman who'd just moved in. Young, yet still older than you. You're constantly forgetting how young you are. You feel older. You feel more mature.
  272. Once you get to your apartment, you dial Karkats number and shove your phone to your ear, waiting for him to pick up.
  274. [11:24:03 PM] ♔dersekind♔: Karkat decided to make a quick stop at the grocery store, picking up a few things and shoving them into his backpack. It amounted to a few bottles of soda and various boxes of cracker snacks. A few other things too but by the time he'd pulled out of the parkinglot he'd forgotten what they were. The two had pretty much cleaned out Karkat's stock, so a restock was necessary. His back hurt by the time he got home, and he began unloading things into the fridge and pantry. Oh - phone was ringing. It was Dave. Eager to hear how the call went he answered quickly - and he couldn't keep the relieved smile out of his voice. "Hey."
  276. [3/7/2013 10:33:00 PM] dirk: Karkat answers quickly, as per usual. It's a nice comfort, but it makes you feel bad. You suck at picking up the phone. You're constantly missing calls and texts until hours later when you get to picking up your phone. You try not to think about it as you keep the phone at your ear and lay back across the bed. You put him on speaker and lean back, letting your hand drop to the side. "Talk went fine. Started out kinda rough but I was ready for a fight, was all." You say. You're doing your best to try and talk slowly. "Seemed fine near the end, though. He seems like an okay enough guy. Talks a lot."
  277. [3/7/2013 10:42:58 PM] KARKAT: "I fucking warned you about that," Karkat grumbled as he closed the fridge and threw his bag onto the couch, "loves hearing himself talk. Can Kankri Vantas extend this conversation longer than necessary? Let's find out." He sighed, flopping onto the couch and accidentally kicking the remote off the table. "Fuck." Chased after it, grumbling more. "But you're okay though? What... did you talk about?" He was almost scared to ask. But he was curious, if nothing else. He wanted to know what Kankri had said about him. If Dave didn't tell him, that'd... be okay. He turned on the TV and leaned back, flipping through the channels absently. He had a bit of homework but fuck that. For now.
  278. [3/7/2013 10:48:01 PM] dirk: You roll over to curl around your phone. You wish Karkat were there. You miss him already and it's hardly been two days. How are you ever going to survive if Karkat goes on a vacation? Or if you go on a vacation? It'll be hell. He'll have to come with you or you'll have to tag along. Either that or constant calls. You really are needy. "I'm fine, stop worrying." You pause, thinking over the conversation between you and Kankri from earlier. "Panic attacks," as you list the reasons, you stick a finger in the air, as if that'll help. "Social anxiety, that you're 'sensitive'," you imitate Kankri's voice on that word (badly) but snort anyway, trying to keep the mood light. "Trust issues, night terrors, yada, yada."
  280. [3/7/2013 11:27:42 PM] KARKAT: Ah. Yeah. He was blushing and he was thankful forever that Dave couldn't see it. "The whole nine yards, huh." He was quiet; a little ashamed that he came with so much baggage. He tried desperately to form some sort-of thought in his head that didn't sound pathetic, stupid, needy - "And you're okay with all that?" much for that. "I mean -" Stop digging, Karkat. "I don't... I try to keep it toned down..." He rubbed his hand over his face. Goddammit. Laughing in spite of himself, he moved to lay face-down on his couch. "He doesn't waste any fucking time in ruining my life, that's for sure."
  281. [3/7/2013 11:31:13 PM] dirk: Karkat is unsure. He's worried and you're not surprised. It's not like you're going to break off the relationship over some emotional baggage. You're probably worse, you just cover it up better. No older cousin to preach the good word of your issues. Thank God. "I don't mind. I ain't perfect either." You cut him off slightly. You just want him to shut up and calm down.
  282. After a short pause, you start talking again. "I mean-- now that I know everything about your issues I'm sure you'd wanna know some of mine uh," shit did you really just offer that. You groan. "That's not what I meant, like, I have issues, too. Don't feel shitty over it." You rub your right temple with one hand, the other arm covering your eyes.
  283. [3/7/2013 11:49:34 PM] KARKAT: "It's a little hard not to. But I'll try." He wished he wasn't in a tiny empty apartment right then. By himself, with TV on as background noise, facedown on his couch trying not to freak out. Which was also hard. He didn't know if he wanted to be alone or have someone there. But Karkat was getting restless and he stood, pacing around the living room anxiously. "Uh-" Gnghn. "D-did you wanna... um..." For some reason it was suddenly hard to communicate, and he knew it was his goddamn anxiety again. Talking on the phone was not his strong point. Without saying anything he hung up, bonked his forehead with his phone a few times before shooting a text. 'SHITTY LIVING ROOM RECEPTION. ANYWAY. DID YOU WANT TO COME OVER OR SOMETHING? IF YOU'RE BUSY IT'S WHATEVER.'
  284. [3/7/2013 11:57:02 PM] dirk: You grunt at him at that. He starts trailing off. He's not very good at talking on the phone. Even with you. You listen patiently as he stutters and trails off. He hangs up. A couple minutes later, he texts you. You roll your eyes at his excuse, but you'll give him the benefit of the doubt and pretend to buy it. 'not busy you should come over here though i can pick you up if you want'
  285. You wait a few seconds before you think up a viable reason.
  286. 'rather not face kankri again
  287. hes a little bit intimidating you feel me'
  288. [12:02:49 AM] KARKAT: He knew his lie had been seen right through, but he was thankful it wasn't brought up. He really was getting better - months ago he wouldn't even have answered the phone. Not even if Kankri was calling. And there was one time he had to call 911. That... hadn't been a good experience for anyone. But he always answered, and 99% of the time it was with eager excitement. That had to count for something. 'YEAH. SORRY ABOUT HIM. IF YOU WANT TO COME GET ME YOU CAN. I'VE GOT SOME HOMEWORK BUT NOTHING TOO BAD.' He left out the part about not wanting to be sitting around by himself. There was at least that. 'SHOULD I BRING ANYTHING?'
  290. [12:29:10 AM] dirk: 'nah
  291. ill be there in like an hour gotta pick shit up from the store'
  292. With that, you shove your phone in your pocket and stretch. It's around dinner time and you should probably be picking up something to eat while Karkat is over. You'll get enough so he can have some, too, if he hasn't eaten yet. You hop in the car, starting it up and making your way to the store. Once you arrive, you sigh a bit. You gather frozen food and a loaf of bread, among other things. You pay, throw the bags in the backseat of your car, and start on your way to Karkats place. Once you arrive, you knock on the door, shifting around on your feet and trying to look good.
  293. [12:38:04 AM] KARKAT: He also pocketed his phone, heading to his room to throw a few things into his beaten up overnight bag. Just... in case. Halfway through he took his phone out of his pocket, texting Kankri. Then he turned it off. He didn't need another six-message long text from him about one thing or another. Even if he didn't have to be so vague with it anymore. He sprinted to the door as he heard the knock, taking a deep breath for a sigh as he opened it. He was in the hallway in an instant, the door already closed beind him before he had his arms around Dave in a needy, quiet hug. He mumbled a soft 'hi' into his shirt, but didn't relent right away.
  295. [12:56:19 AM] dirk: The drive to Karkat's isn't very long from the store. The QFC acts as a midpoint between his apartment and yours. It's only about ten minutes until you're knocking. He answers the door fairly quickly, you could hear him running to the door. Cute. He swings open the door, bounding into the hallway to grab you and pull you into a hug, the door slamming behind your back. You rest your cheek against his hair. You don't want to let go of him quite yet and he doesn't seem like he wants to let go either. You're totally okay with this. You kiss the top of his head. "Hi."
  296. [1:11:48 AM] KARKAT: His hands gripped into the back of Dave's shirt for a minute, sighing again in a bit of a relieved way. He felt guilty about the phone thing. All of it. The conversation and the hanging-up. Face lifted from his shirt, still not wanting to let go. He rest his chin on his chest, staring up at him. "Sorry." He figured he should get the stupid stuff out of the way - and apologizing helped make him feel a little better. "I got overwhelmed. I - when I was younger I used to get really angry. So I started clamming up when I got anxious." He figured he might as well continue the story that Kankri didn't know the half of. "It turned into shitty social problems and I hung up on you and I'm sorry."
  297. [1:21:01 AM] dirk: You gently stroke his hair as he pulls away. You try to soothe him with just your touch. You want him to be comfortable. "It's okay." You assure him. You really don't mind. "I understand." You mumble back.
  298. You kiss his forehead. "It's alright. Have you eaten yet?" You change the subject. "I got enough food for both of us. We can eat and watch a movie." You glance at his shoulder, which is sporting an overnight bag. Oh. Well, that could be completely innocent, if you weren't putting it into the wrong light. You blush as soon as you notice it. "P-Planning on staying the night?" You're supposed to be the stronger one here, goddammit.
  299. [1:39:39 AM] KARKAT: Karkat always loved people petting through his hair but it was sort-of an awkward enjoyment so he never mentioned it. Quiet, unnoticeable glee was had as he was given it, but that was it. Deep breath. Deeeeeep breath. Subject change! Thank fuck. "I haven't. That sounds awesome." Eyes flickered over his own shoulder at the glance. Whoa. Wait. Dave stuttered? Blushed? Was it not okay? "Is that not okay?" It took him a second, but then it dawned on him. He blanched. Recoiled slightly. "Whoa, I didn't -" Colour returned to his face full-force, a brilliant shade of red. Perfect. "I-I mean... if y-you..." Shit, he was doing it again, shrinking back into himself. Did Dave want that? Karkat was okay with it if it was what he wanted? Should he just go back in his apartment and crawl under his bed and hide for the rest of eternity? Grip tightened further in his shirt, Karkat pretty sure his hands were fists.
  300. [1:45:24 AM] dirk: Karkat's hair is soft. You like the feel of it. It's thick and dark. Pretty. You think he likes it when you do this. Sometimes he'll smile or nuzzle or it'll help him calm down a bit. It's a useful thing to know. Hopefully soon you'll find other things to calm him down, too. You have to think for a moment. Your face is red and his is, too. "That's okay. Um, if it happens it happens." You clear your throat. "For now we can go back and eat dinner and watch a movie or two, okay?" You stroke his hair some more. Assuring him that there's no pressure might help? It would be... Fun? You're not sure. You've never done... That. Before. When you were 15 Bro gave you 'the talk' and gave you a bottle of lube and a box of condoms. They remain under your bed to this day, untouched for years.
  301. [2:01:12 AM] KARKAT: A little nod was given to the reply. Well. Okay. Now that he'd completely embarrassed himself. If it happened it happened. What an eloquent way to put it. It actually made him feel a little better that he worded it like he did; it was non-committal and respectful and regardless of whether or not Karkat was willing to 'give it up' or not was made irrelevant. But if he did want it... Karkat /was/ willing. Who else would he...? Erhm. Kankri had done basically the same thing - except it probably lasted an extra three hours longer because. It was Kankri. Ugh. He actually smiled at the offer - or maybe it was the hair petting - and nodded again. "Sounds great. I'd really like that." He guessed he had to let go so they could move, huh. Noooo. He uncurled a bit, leaving one arm around his waist rather tightly. "Lead the way."
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