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- Muddle around in Cyc's imagination
- | Try Now | Project | Documentation | Support | Feature Requests | Bugs | CVS | OpenCyc | CycL Programming |
- This project delivers Java APIs, Ontologies and other Tools that you will need to use CycL, KIF (Knowledge Interchange Format) and soon enough DAML (DARPA Agent Markup Language) content into an episodic simulation inside a virtual world MOO.
- Browse to the Development Machines Web Interface at
- The system is sometimes down or being recompiled and the previous usernames and passwords may be reset.
- I intend to offer a stable connection point for persistent user engineering in a short while.
- You also may log in via: telnet://
- I suggest using Linux telnet since terminal control was not completely developed in my current system and may get confusing otherwise.
- Use a username when prompted that is one complete word like "BobBrown"
- Project Goals
- 1) To test and do practical Knowledge Engineering about a virtual realm of objects. (Expertly build rooms with objects based on rules.)
- Sometimes its easier to model the world as and how we see it. Room building Exercise to give it a try.
- 2) Perform higher level operations and model how state changes happen with our objects
- hasAttributes Exercise, Event Exercise
- 3) To animate non-player character agents from propositional rules
- 4) Provide a interface for humans to involve themselves in the lives of logically created agent creatures.
- 5) To represent episodic models of memory for each agent. (As well as abducing or creating 'Beliefs')
- Room building
- (The comments ';' are only when debug output is turned on)
- [dmiles@Area1002 mud]$ assert (isa DouglasMilesOffice RoomInAConstruction)
- T
- [dmiles@Area1002 mud]$ teleport DouglasMilesOffice
- you are now in DouglasMilesOffice
- [dmiles@DouglasMilesOffice mud]$ look
- Nothing apparent about douglas miles office '#$DouglasMilesOffice'
- (!)
- [dmiles@DouglasMilesOffice mud]$ new Thing as Tool Hammer.
- ; Asserted
- ; (thereExists (?X)
- ; (and
- ; (isa ?X Hammer)
- ; (isa ?X Tool)
- ; (located ?X TwistyPassage45SKFn)))
- ; Warning
- ; (genls Hammer Tool) is previously entailed
- ; Your new default object is 'ToolHammer53455345SKFn'
- > set ColorProperty Blue
- ; Asserted
- ; (hasAttribute ToolHammer53455345SKFn ColorProperty)
- ; (attribute ToolHammer53455345SKFn Blue)
- > look
- You are in a maze of Twisty passages with exits leading in all directions.
- Someone or something has discarded a Blue Hammer here.
- > take hammer
- ; Retracted
- ; (located ToolHammer53455345SKFn TwistyPassage45SKFn)
- ; Asserted
- ; (located ToolHammer53455345SKFn Player8)
- Persisted Data Model
- At any time we can serialize the 'MOOState' context (Microtheory).
- This is meant to be a solid context comprising of instances and sets. The other ontologies about understanding and using these can stored as well as hypothetical rooms and objects. They in could be called 'Exemplars' for example the Unicorn Pegasus is a mythological creature and could live cut off in in the 'Giant Room Of Mythological Creatures' and looks and save like an instance of Unicorn. But Pegasus' room may not be part of the relevant KB and therefore not effecting to the rest of the system. But how would we persist information that does not fit into a 4D space? For example these two rules:
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?PERSON Human)
- (acquaintedWith ?OTHER ?PERSON))
- (acquaintances ?PERSON ?OTHER SimpleContactAcquaintance))
- (implies
- (spouse ?X ?Y)
- (friends ?X ?Y))
- ==================================================================================================================
- The LogicMOO English programming examples:
- [the, shopper, drank, the, pepsi]
- (thereExists ?shopper4675
- (and (isa ?shopper4675 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) )
- (thereExists ?pepsi6
- (and (isa ?pepsi6 PepsiCola )
- (and (occursDuring ?drank7550 Past )
- (and (isa ?drank7550 DrinkingEvent )
- (performedBy ?drank7550 ?shopper4675 )
- (consumedObject ?drank7550 ?pepsi6 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- [the, shopper, drinks, the, pepsi]
- (thereExists ?shopper4675
- (and (isa ?shopper4675 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) )
- (thereExists ?pepsi6
- (and (isa ?pepsi6 PepsiCola )
- (and (occursDuring ?drank7550 Now )
- (and (isa ?drank7550 DrinkingEvent )
- (performedBy ?drank7550 ?shopper4675 )
- (consumedObject ?drank7550 ?pepsi6 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- [the, shopper, bought, fries]
- (thereExists ?shopper4794
- (and (isa ?shopper4794 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) )
- (and (and (isa ?fries20 Frying )
- (objectOfStateChange ?fries20 ?POSSESSOR13610 ) )
- (and (occursDuring ?bought3 Past )
- (and (isa ?bought3 Buying )
- (buyer ?bought3 ?shopper4794 )
- (objectPaidFor ?bought3 ?fries20 ) ) ) ) ) )
- [the, shopper, bought, fries, with, his, pepsi]
- (thereExists ?shopper4863
- (and (isa ?shopper4863 (FrequentPerformerFn Shopping ) )
- (and (isa ?pepsi42 PepsiCola )
- (and (and (and (isa ?fries103 Frying )
- (objectOfStateChange ?fries103 ?POSSESSOR13613 ) )
- (and (isa ?bought4 Buying ) (seller ?bought4 ?shopper4863 )
- (objectPaidFor ?bought4 ?fries103 )
- (buyingPerformer ?bought4 ?pepsi42 ) ) )
- (equals ?POSSESSOR13613
- (OneOfFn (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Post )
- (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Pre ) ) )
- (controls (OneOfFn (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Post )
- (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Pre ) )
- ?pepsi42 ) ) ) ) )
- | english2Kif("I see you").
- assert(known_phrase(verbSemTrans(#$and(#$isa(?ACTION1, #$VisualPerception), #$pe
- rformedBy(?ACTION1, ?Speaker), #$perceivedThings(?ACTION1, ?TargetAgent)), true)
- ))
- e2c("George fell last year").
- [[txt, 'George'], [tag, staart, nnp, np]]
- [[txt, fell], [tag, z, vbd]]
- [[txt, last], [tag, z, jj, ap, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, year], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('VP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('PP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])
- (implies
- (equals ?GEORGE2
- (OneOfFn EddieGeorge-FootballPlayer-American
- (CityNamedFn "George" RepublicOfSouthAfrica ) ) )
- (and
- (isa ?FELL1 Event )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?YEAR5 CalendarYear )
- (isa ?YEAR5 ContemporaryArtifact ) )
- (or
- (and
- (isa ?FELL1 CuttingDownATree )
- (objectOfStateChange ?FELL1 ?YEAR5 )
- (doneBy ?FELL1 ?GEORGE2 ) )
- (and
- (organismKilled ?FELL1 ?YEAR5 )
- (isa ?FELL1 CuttingDownATree )
- (performedBy ?FELL1 ?GEORGE2 ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I see you").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]]
- [[txt, you], [tag, laast, ppss, ppo, prp, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (and
- (isa ?SEE1 Event )
- (thereExists ?TARGETAGENT
- (and
- (isa ?TARGETAGENT Person )
- (or
- (and
- (isa ?SEE1 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SEE1 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SEE1 ?TARGETAGENT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I seen the wood").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, seen], [tag, z, vbn]]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, wood], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (and
- (isa ?SEEN1 Event )
- (thereExists ?WOOD5
- (and
- (isa ?WOOD5
- (OneOfFn Wood Wood-GolfClub WoodedArea ) )
- (or
- (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?WOOD5 )
- (and
- (isa ?SEEN1 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SEEN1 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SEEN1 ?WOOD5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I sawed the wood").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, sawed], [tag, z, 'NLWordForm', 'Verb', 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, wood], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (and
- (isa ?SAWED1 Event )
- (thereExists ?WOOD11
- (and
- (isa ?WOOD11
- (OneOfFn Wood Wood-GolfClub WoodedArea ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SAWED1 SawingSomething )
- (objectOfStateChange ?SAWED1 ?WOOD11 )
- (doneBy ?SAWED1 ?SPEAKER ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I see two books on a shelf").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]]
- [[txt, two], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, books], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]
- [[txt, on], [tag, z, in, 'Adverb', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, shelf], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('PP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 7)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (and
- (isa ?SEE2 Event )
- (thereExistExactly 2 ?TWO2
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?TWO2 BookCopy )
- (isa ?TWO2 Thing ) )
- (and
- (or
- (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?TWO2 )
- (and
- (isa ?SEE2 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SEE2 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SEE2 ?TWO2 ) ) )
- (thereExists ?SHELF5
- (and
- (isa ?SHELF5 ShelfInABuilding )
- (on-UnderspecifiedSurface ?TWO2 ?SHELF5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I see two books sitting on a shelf").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]]
- [[txt, two], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, books], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]
- [[txt, sitting], [tag, z, vbg, 'GerundiveCountNoun', 'GerundiveNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic', 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, on], [tag, z, in, 'Adverb', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, shelf], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('PP_non_cyclic', 6, 6), p('QP', 7, 8)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (and
- (isa ?SEE3 Event )
- (thereExistExactly 2 ?TWO4
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?TWO4 BookCopy )
- (isa ?TWO4 SittingDown ) )
- (and
- (or
- (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?TWO4 )
- (and
- (isa ?SEE3 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SEE3 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SEE3 ?TWO4 ) ) )
- (thereExists ?SHELF11
- (and
- (isa ?SHELF11 ShelfInABuilding )
- (on-UnderspecifiedSurface ?TWO4 ?SHELF11 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I can see you").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, can], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, see], [tag, z, vb]]
- [[txt, you], [tag, laast, ppss, ppo, prp, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (and
- (behavourCapable ?SPEAKER ?SEE4 )
- (and
- (isa ?SEE4 Event )
- (thereExists ?TARGETAGENT
- (and
- (isa ?TARGETAGENT Person )
- (or
- (and
- (isa ?SEE4 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SEE4 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SEE4 ?TARGETAGENT ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("Fido is a dog").
- [[txt, 'Fido'], [tag, staart]]
- [[txt, is], [tag, z, bez, vbz, 'BeAux']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, dog], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- (implies
- (properNameString ?FIDO3 "Fido" )
- (thereExists ?DOG8
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?DOG8 InsultingSomeone )
- (subjectOfInfo ?DOG8 :POSSESSOR ) )
- (and
- (isa ?IS1 Living )
- (occursDuring ?IS1 Now )
- (preActors ?IS1 ?FIDO3 )
- (actors ?IS1 ?DOG8 ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("Who is the president of the United States of America ?").
- [[txt, 'Who'], [tag, staart, nnp, prp, wp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, is], [tag, z, bez, vbz, 'BeAux']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, president], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun', 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, of], [tag, z, in, 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Of']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, 'United', 'States', of, 'America'], [tag, z]]
- [[txt, ?], [tag, laast, ?, 'Punctuation-SP']]
- (thereExists ?Who
- (thereExists ?PRESIDENT46
- (and
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?PRESIDENT46 Thing )
- (isa ?PRESIDENT46 Thing ) )
- (isa ?PRESIDENT46
- (OneOfFn PresidentOfOrganization
- (SubcollectionOfWithRelationFromTypeFn Person president Organization ) ) ) )
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?IS10 Living )
- (occursDuring ?IS10 Now )
- (preActors ?IS10 ?Who )
- (actors ?IS10 ?PRESIDENT46 ) )
- (thereExists ?G300312
- (and
- (eq ?G300312 UnitedStatesOfAmerica )
- (possessiveRelation ?G300312 ?PRESIDENT46 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I saw him").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, him], [tag, laast, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (and
- (isa ?SAW1 Event )
- (thereExists ?HIM
- (and
- (equals ?HIM
- (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr ObjectPronoun ) )
- (or
- (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?HIM )
- (and
- (isa ?SAW1 SawingSomething )
- (objectOfStateChange ?SAW1 ?HIM )
- (doneBy ?SAW1 ?SPEAKER ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SAW1 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SAW1 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SAW1 ?HIM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I saw him Monday").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, him], [tag, z, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, 'Monday'], [tag, laast, nnp, nr, 'CountNoun', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (implies
- (occursDuring ?SAW2 Monday )
- (holdsIn ?SAW2
- (and
- (isa ?SAW2 Event )
- (thereExists ?HIM
- (and
- (equals ?HIM
- (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr ObjectPronoun ) )
- (or
- (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?HIM )
- (and
- (isa ?SAW2 SawingSomething )
- (objectOfStateChange ?SAW2 ?HIM )
- (doneBy ?SAW2 ?SPEAKER ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SAW2 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SAW2 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SAW2 ?HIM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I saw him January").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, him], [tag, z, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, 'January'], [tag, laast, nnp, np, 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4)])
- (thereExists ?SPEAKER
- (and
- (isa ?SPEAKER Person )
- (implies
- (occursDuring ?SAW3 January )
- (holdsIn ?SAW3
- (and
- (isa ?SAW3 Event )
- (thereExists ?HIM
- (and
- (equals ?HIM
- (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Masculine-NLAttr ObjectPronoun ) )
- (or
- (awareOf ?SPEAKER ?HIM )
- (and
- (isa ?SAW3 SawingSomething )
- (objectOfStateChange ?SAW3 ?HIM )
- (doneBy ?SAW3 ?SPEAKER ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SAW3 VisualPerception )
- (performedBy ?SAW3 ?SPEAKER )
- (perceivedThings ?SAW3 ?HIM ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("I saw him January twenty first").
- [[txt, 'I'], [tag, staart, ppss, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, saw], [tag, z, vbd, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, him], [tag, z, ppo, prp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, 'January'], [tag, z, nnp, np, 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]
- [[txt, twenty], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, first], [tag, laast, jj, od, rb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'NongradableAdjective', 'OrdinalAdjective', 'WHAdverb']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5), p('PP_non_cyclic', 6, 6)])
- e2c("Monday ' s concert should be good").
- [[txt, 'Monday\'s'], [txt, 'Monday', '\'s'], [txt, 'Monday'], [tag, staart, '\'s', 'nr$']]
- [[txt, concert], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, should], [tag, z, md, 'Modal']]
- [[txt, be], [tag, z, be, vb, 'BeAux']]
- [[txt, good], [tag, laast, jj, 'Adjective']]
- e2c("We did it in Jan").
- [[txt, 'We'], [tag, staart, prp, ppss, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, did], [tag, z, dod, vbd, 'DoAux']]
- [[txt, it], [tag, z, prp, pps, ppo, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, in], [tag, z, in, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, 'Jan'], [tag, laast, nnp, np]]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('PP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5)])
- (thereExists ?WE
- (and
- (equals ?WE
- (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Plural-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun ) )
- (and
- (and
- (occursDurring ?IN3 ?G431374 )
- (bodilyDoer ?WE ?IN3 ) )
- (implies
- (properNameString ?JAN68 "Jan" )
- (and
- (occursDuring ?IN3 Now )
- (holdsIn ?IN3
- (in-UnderspecifiedContainer ?WE ?JAN68 ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("Failure to comply may result in dismissal").
- [[txt, 'Failure'], [tag, staart, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, to], [tag, z, to, in, 'InfinitiveComp', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional']]
- [[txt, comply], [tag, z, vb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, may], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]
- [[txt, result], [tag, z, nn, vb, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, in], [tag, z, in, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, dismissal], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective']]
- seg([p('VP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('PP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('PP_non_cyclic', 6, 6), p('VP_non_cyclic', 7, 7)])
- (implies
- (properNameString ?FAILURE3 "Failure" )
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?RESULT3
- (AdverbFn Comply-TheWord ) )
- (and
- (behavourCapable ?FAILURE3 ?RESULT3 )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?DISMISSAL9
- (NounFn Dismiss-TheWord ) )
- (agentPopularity ?DISMISSAL9
- (HighAmountFn PopularityLevel ) ) )
- (and
- (occursDuring ?RESULT3 Now )
- (holdsIn ?RESULT3
- (eventOutcomes ?FAILURE3 ?DISMISSAL9 ) ) ) ) ) )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?G461366 Thing )
- (isa ?G461366 Thing ) )
- (to-UnderspecifiedLocation ?FAILURE3 ?G461366 ) ) ) )
- e2c("Absence to comply may result in dismissal").
- [[txt, 'Absence'], [tag, staart, 'CountNoun', 'CountNoun-Generic', 'NLWordForm', 'Noun']]
- [[txt, to], [tag, z, to, in, 'InfinitiveComp', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional']]
- [[txt, comply], [tag, z, vb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, may], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'ProperCountNoun', 'ProperNoun']]
- [[txt, result], [tag, z, nn, vb, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, in], [tag, z, in, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'CountNoun', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'Preposition-Locative', 'VerbParticle', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, dismissal], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective']]
- (implies
- (properNameString ?ABSENCE3 "Absence" )
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?RESULT7
- (AdverbFn Comply-TheWord ) )
- (and
- (behavourCapable ?ABSENCE3 ?RESULT7 )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?DISMISSAL18
- (NounFn Dismiss-TheWord ) )
- (agentPopularity ?DISMISSAL18
- (HighAmountFn PopularityLevel ) ) )
- (and
- (occursDuring ?RESULT7 Now )
- (holdsIn ?RESULT7
- (eventOutcomes ?ABSENCE3 ?DISMISSAL18 ) ) ) ) ) )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?G495123 Thing )
- (isa ?G495123 Thing ) )
- (to-UnderspecifiedLocation ?ABSENCE3 ?G495123 ) ) ) )
- e2c("He made a request that there be an investigation").
- [[txt, 'He'], [tag, staart, pps, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, made], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, request], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, that], [tag, z, in, cs, dt, wdt, 'Adverb', 'Complementizer', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Definite', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, there], [tag, z, ex, rb, 'Adverb', 'AdverbOfPlace', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'There-Existential', 'WHAdverb', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, be], [tag, z, be, vb, 'BeAux']]
- [[txt, an], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer']]
- [[txt, investigation], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- (thereExists ?HE
- (and
- (isa ?HE Male )
- (and
- (isa ?MADE1 Event )
- (thereExists ?REQUEST8
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?REQUEST8
- (OneOfFn InformationRequest-IBT Request Requesting-CommunicationAct ) )
- (isa ?REQUEST8 Thing ) )
- (and
- (or
- (causes-Underspecified ?HE ?REQUEST8 )
- (createdBy ?REQUEST8 ?HE )
- (doneBy ?REQUEST8 ?HE )
- (and
- (isa ?MADE1 MakingSomething )
- (performedBy ?MADE1 ?HE )
- (products ?MADE1 ?REQUEST8 ) ) )
- (and
- (isa ?BE29
- (AdverbFn There-TheWord ) )
- (thereExists ?INVESTIGATION7
- (and
- (isa ?INVESTIGATION7 Research )
- (and
- (isa ?BE29 Living )
- (occursDuring ?BE29 Now )
- (preActors ?BE29 ?REQUEST8 )
- (actors ?BE29 ?INVESTIGATION7 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("He stated the fact that there be an investigation").
- [[txt, 'He'], [tag, staart, pps, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, stated], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, fact], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, that], [tag, z, in, cs, dt, wdt, 'Adverb', 'Complementizer', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Definite', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, there], [tag, z, ex, rb, 'Adverb', 'AdverbOfPlace', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'There-Existential', 'WHAdverb', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, be], [tag, z, be, vb, 'BeAux']]
- [[txt, an], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer']]
- [[txt, investigation], [tag, laast, nn, 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- (thereExists ?HE
- (and
- (isa ?HE Male )
- (thereExists ?FACT10
- (and
- (ist :POSSESSOR ?FACT10 )
- (and
- (implies
- (isa ?STATED3
- (VerbFn State-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?STATED3 ?HE ?FACT10 Past ) )
- (and
- (isa ?BE31
- (AdverbFn There-TheWord ) )
- (thereExists ?INVESTIGATION15
- (and
- (isa ?INVESTIGATION15 Research )
- (and
- (isa ?BE31 Living )
- (occursDuring ?BE31 Now )
- (preActors ?BE31 ?FACT10 )
- (actors ?BE31 ?INVESTIGATION15 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("Many were angered by the hearings").
- [[txt, 'Many'], [tag, staart, dt, jj, nnp, pdt, rb, 'Adverb', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun', 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, were], [tag, z, bed, vbd, 'BeAux']]
- [[txt, angered], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, by], [tag, z, in, 'Adverb', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional-Telic', 'WHAdverb', 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, a], [tag, z, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, hearings], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun', 'GerundiveCountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('VP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('PP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6)])
- (thereExists ?MANY
- (and
- (or
- (and
- (equals ?MANY Many-NLAttr )
- (isa ?MANY
- (CollectionUnionFn Individual NLGenQuantAttribute ) ) )
- (and
- (equals ?MANY Many-Quant )
- (isa ?MANY
- (CollectionUnionFn Individual PositiveIntegerExtent ) ) )
- (and
- (equals ?MANY many )
- (isa ?MANY
- (CollectionUnionFn GeneralizedQuantifier-Conservative Individual ReflexiveBinaryPredicate TruthFunction ) ) ) )
- (and
- (occursDurring ?ANGERED3 Past )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?G626264 Thing )
- (isa ?G626264 Thing ) )
- (and
- (implies
- (isa ?ANGERED3
- (VerbFn Anger-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?ANGERED3 ?MANY ?G626264 Past ) )
- (thereExists ?HEARINGS5
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?HEARINGS5 Hearing )
- (objectActedOn ?HEARINGS5 :POSSESSOR ) )
- (by-Underspecified ?G626264 ?HEARINGS5 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("Many who initially supported Thomas later changed their minds").
- [[txt, 'Many'], [tag, staart, dt, jj, nnp, pdt, rb, 'Adverb', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun', 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, who], [tag, z, wps, wp, 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHPronoun', 'WHPronoun-Subject']]
- [[txt, initially], [tag, z, rb, 'Adverb', 'WHAdverb', 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, supported], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective']]
- [[txt, 'Thomas'], [tag, z, np, nnp]]
- [[txt, later], [tag, z, rbr, rb, 'Adjective', 'Adverb', 'AgentiveNoun', 'AdverbOfTime', 'WHAdverb']]
- [[txt, changed], [tag, z, vbn, vbd, 'Adjective', 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, their], [tag, z, 'pp$', 'prp$', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'PossessivePronoun-Pre', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, minds], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('X', 2, 2), p('PP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6), p('VP_non_cyclic', 7, 7), p('NX', 8, 9)])
- (thereExists ?MANY
- (and
- (or
- (and
- (equals ?MANY Many-NLAttr )
- (isa ?MANY
- (CollectionUnionFn Individual NLGenQuantAttribute ) ) )
- (and
- (equals ?MANY Many-Quant )
- (isa ?MANY
- (CollectionUnionFn Individual PositiveIntegerExtent ) ) )
- (and
- (equals ?MANY many )
- (isa ?MANY
- (CollectionUnionFn GeneralizedQuantifier-Conservative Individual ReflexiveBinaryPredicate TruthFunction ) ) ) )
- (implies
- (and
- (or
- (and
- (equals ?MANY Agent-PartiallyTangible )
- (isa ?MANY
- (CollectionUnionFn Collection ExistingObjectType StuffType TemporalStuffType ) ) ) )
- (and
- (isa ?CHANGED1 Event )
- (and
- (controls ?THEIR ?MINDS4 )
- (and
- (equals ?THEIR
- (PronounFn ThirdPerson-NLAttr Plural-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr PossessivePronoun-Pre ) )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?MINDS4 TakingCareOfSomething )
- (beneficiary ?MINDS4 :POSSESSOR ) )
- (or
- (and
- (isa ?CHANGED1 IntrinsicStateChangeEvent )
- (performedBy ?CHANGED1 ?MANY )
- (objectOfStateChange ?CHANGED1 ?MINDS4 ) )
- (and
- (isa ?CHANGED1 ReplacingAnObject )
- (objectActedOn ?CHANGED1 ?MINDS4 )
- (doneBy ?CHANGED1 ?MANY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SUPPORTED1
- (AdverbFn Initial-TheWord ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SUPPORTED1
- (AdverbFn Late-TheWord ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SUPPORTED1 Event )
- (implies
- (equals ?THOMAS2 JackThomas-911FOAF )
- (or
- (satisfiesStandard ?MANY ?THOMAS2 )
- (and
- (isa ?SUPPORTED1 ShowingSupportForSomeone )
- (beneficiary ?SUPPORTED1 ?THOMAS2 )
- (performedBy ?SUPPORTED1 ?MANY ) )
- (and
- (isa ?SUPPORTED1 SupportingSomething )
- (supportedObject ?SUPPORTED1 ?THOMAS2 )
- (supportingObject ?SUPPORTED1 ?MANY ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("Those that want to come can come").
- [[txt, 'Those'], [tag, staart, dt, nnp, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, that], [tag, z, in, cs, dt, wdt, 'Adverb', 'Complementizer', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Definite', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, want], [tag, z, vb, vbp, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, to], [tag, z, to, in, 'InfinitiveComp', 'Preposition', 'Preposition-Directional']]
- [[txt, come], [tag, z, vb, vbn]]
- [[txt, can], [tag, z, md, 'Modal', 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, come], [tag, laast, vb, vbn]]
- seg([p('PP_non_cyclic', 1, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('PP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('VP_non_cyclic', 6, 6), p('VP_non_cyclic', 7, 7)])
- (thereExists ?THOSE
- (and
- (or
- (and
- (equals ?THOSE Backreference-ClassB-NLAttr )
- (isa ?THOSE
- (CollectionUnionFn Backreference-NLAttrType Individual ) ) )
- (and
- (equals ?THOSE Demonstrative-ClassB-NLAttr )
- (isa ?THOSE
- (CollectionUnionFn Demonstrative-NLAttrType Individual ) ) ) )
- (and
- (eventSOT ?EVENT88 ?THOSE ?OBJ88 ?TIME88 )
- (implies
- (occursDuring ?WANT3
- (OneOfFn ArrivingAtAPlace HavingAnOrgasm ) )
- (holdsIn ?WANT3
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?G738781 Thing )
- (isa ?G738781 Thing ) )
- (and
- (implies
- (isa ?WANT3
- (VerbFn Want-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?WANT3 ?THOSE ?G738781 Now ) )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?COME4 Emission )
- (isa ?COME4
- (OneOfFn Buttocks Can CanningFood ) ) )
- (to-UnderspecifiedLocation ?G738781 ?COME4 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("the best costumes got prizes").
- [[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']]
- [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])
- (thereExists ?COSTUMES5
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?COSTUMES5 Costume )
- (isa ?COSTUMES5 Thing ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES7 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT7
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT7 ?COSTUMES5 ?PRIZES7 Past ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("a best costume got prizes").
- [[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']]
- [[txt, costume], [tag, z, nn, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])
- (thereExists ?COSTUME5
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?COSTUME5 Costume )
- (isa ?COSTUME5 Thing ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES15 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT14
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT14 ?COSTUME5 ?PRIZES15 Past ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("some best costumes got prizes").
- [[txt, some], [tag, staart, dt, dti, 'Adverb', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHAdverb', 'WHDeterminer']]
- [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']]
- [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])
- (thereExists ?COSTUMES10
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?COSTUMES10 Costume )
- (isa ?COSTUMES10 Thing ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES23 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT21
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT21 ?COSTUMES10 ?PRIZES23 Past ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("the best five costumes got prizes").
- [[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, best], [tag, z, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']]
- [[txt, five], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6)])
- (thereExistExactly 5 ?FIVE1
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?FIVE1 Costume )
- (isa ?FIVE1 Thing ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES31 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT28
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT28 ?FIVE1 ?PRIZES31 Past ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("best costumes got prizes").
- [[txt, best], [tag, staart, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']]
- [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('QP', 2, 2), p('VP_non_cyclic', 3, 3), p('QP', 4, 4)])
- e2c("best five costumes got prizes").
- [[txt, best], [tag, staart, jjt, jjs, 'CountNoun', 'Adjective', 'Adverb']]
- [[txt, five], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('ADVP_non_cyclic', 1, 1), p('QP', 2, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])
- (implies
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?COSTUMES42
- (NounFn Five-TheWord ) )
- (isa ?COSTUMES42 Costume ) )
- (hasEvaluativeQuantity ?COSTUMES42
- (MediumToVeryHighAmountFn Goodness-Generic ) ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES65 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT45
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT45 ?COSTUMES42 ?PRIZES65 Past ) ) ) )
- e2c("five other costumes got prizes").
- [[txt, five], [tag, staart, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, other], [tag, z, jj, ap, 'Adjective', 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 1), p('PP_non_cyclic', 2, 2), p('QP', 3, 3), p('VP_non_cyclic', 4, 4), p('QP', 5, 5)])
- (thereExistExactly 5 ?FIVE18
- (and
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?FIVE18 Costume )
- (isa ?FIVE18 Thing ) )
- (isa ?FIVE18 BIOS-OTHERSurveillanceSyndrome ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES73 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT52
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT52 ?FIVE18 ?PRIZES73 Past ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("the other five costumes got prizes").
- [[txt, a], [tag, staart, dt, at, 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'Determiner-Indefinite', 'Postdeterminer', 'WHDeterminer', 'CountNoun', 'MassNoun', 'MassNoun-Generic']]
- [[txt, other], [tag, z, jj, ap, 'Adjective', 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, five], [tag, z, cd, 'CountNoun', 'Determiner', 'Determiner-Central', 'Determiner-ClassA', 'Determiner-ClassB', 'Determiner-ClassC', 'ExpletivePronoun', 'IndefinitePronoun', 'Number-SP', 'ObjectPronoun', 'PossessivePronoun', 'PossessivePronoun-Post', 'Postdeterminer', 'Pronoun', 'Pronoun-SubjectOrObject', 'ReciprocalPronoun', 'ReflexivePronoun', 'SubjectPronoun', 'WHDeterminer', 'WHPronoun']]
- [[txt, costumes], [tag, z, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- [[txt, got], [tag, z, vbd, vbn]]
- [[txt, prizes], [tag, laast, nns, 'CountNoun']]
- seg([p('QP', 1, 2), p('QP', 3, 4), p('VP_non_cyclic', 5, 5), p('QP', 6, 6)])
- (thereExistExactly 5 ?FIVE19
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?FIVE19 Costume )
- (isa ?FIVE19 Thing ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES81 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT59
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT59 ?FIVE19 ?PRIZES81 Past ) ) ) ) )
- e2c("other five costumes got prizes").
- (implies
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?OTHER12
- (NounFn Five-TheWord ) )
- (isa ?OTHER12 Costume ) )
- (isa ?OTHER12 BIOS-OTHERSurveillanceSyndrome ) )
- (implies
- (isa ?PRIZES89 AwardPractice )
- (implies
- (isa ?GOT62
- (VerbFn Get-TheWord ) )
- (eventSOT ?GOT62 ?OTHER12 ?PRIZES89 Past ) ) ) )
- e2c("some other costumes were really bad").
- (thereExists ?OTHER52
- (and
- (and
- (and
- (isa ?OTHER52 Costume )
- (isa ?OTHER52 Thing ) )
- (isa ?OTHER52 BIOS-OTHERSurveillanceSyndrome ) )
- (implies
- (and
- (isa ?BAD14
- (NounFn Real-TheWord ) )
- (isa ?BAD14
- (OneOfFn Badness-Generic Badness-Moral ) ) )
- (and
- (isa ?WERE6 Living )
- (occursDuring ?WERE6 Past )
- (preActors ?WERE6 ?OTHER52 )
- (actors ?WERE6 ?BAD14 ) ) ) ) )
- English Parser
- Show All
- Please wait..
- Assertion
- ['Hypothetic-I', 'Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee', 'Hypothetic-Drank']
- Variable Quantification
- Or Constant Name Refactoring To Customize The Assertion (Persistent)
- Hypothetic-I
- Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee
- Hypothetic-Drank
- (situationConstituents Hypothetic-GenitiveFrame Hypothetic-I)
- T
- (subEvents Hypothetic-GenitiveFrame Hypothetic-Drank)
- T
- (actors Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee)
- T
- (preActors Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-Drank DrinkingEvent)
- T
- (performedBy Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
- "Formula
- (#$performedBy #$Hypothetic-Drank #$Hypothetic-I)
- was not well formed because:
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$Agent-Generic
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$performedBy
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$Agent-Generic
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$performedBy
- (via #$deliberateActors)
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$Agent-Generic
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$performedBy
- (via #$awareOf)
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- "
- (primaryObjectMoving Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
- "Formula
- (#$primaryObjectMoving #$Hypothetic-Drank #$Hypothetic-I)
- was not well formed because:
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving
- when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlowEvent
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving
- (via #$objectMoving)
- when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlowEvent
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving
- when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlow-Translation
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$SpatialThing
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving
- (via #$objectMoving)
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$PartiallyTangible
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$primaryObjectMoving
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- "
- (objectMoving Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-I)
- "Formula
- (#$objectMoving #$Hypothetic-Drank #$Hypothetic-I)
- was not well formed because:
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates inter-arg-isa #$FluidTangibleThing
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$objectMoving
- when argument 1, #$Hypothetic-Drank, isa #$FluidFlowEvent
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- Term #$Hypothetic-I violates arg-isa #$SpatialThing
- applicable to argument 2 of relation #$objectMoving
- in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- "
- (consumedObject Hypothetic-Drank Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee)
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-Drank Event)
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-Drank Situation)
- T
- (termStrings Hypothetic-Drank "drank")
- T
- (occursDuring Hypothetic-Drank
- (IntervalBeforeFn Now AnIndefiniteAmountOfTime))
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee Individual)
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee SomethingExisting)
- T
- (termStrings Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee "the arabian coffee")
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee Coffee-Ground)
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee Coffee-Beverage)
- T
- (equals Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee ArabianPeninsula)
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee ArabianHorse)
- "Formula
- (#$isa #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$ArabianHorse)
- was not well formed because:
- #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee is known not to be an instance of #$ArabianHorse in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- sbhl conflict: (#$isa #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$ArabianHorse) TRUE #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>
- because: (#$isa #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$Coffee-Beverage) True-JustificationTruth
- (#$genls #$Coffee-Beverage #$Drink) TRUE
- (#$genls #$Drink #$LiquidTangibleThing) TRUE
- (#$genls #$LiquidTangibleThing #$FluidTangibleThing) TRUE
- (#$disjointWith #$FluidTangibleThing #$Agent-PartiallyTangible) TRUE
- (#$genls #<(#$CollectionUnionFn (#$TheSet #$Person #$Animal))> #$Agent-PartiallyTangible) TRUE
- (#$genls #$Animal #<(#$CollectionUnionFn (#$TheSet #$Person #$Animal))>) TRUE
- (#$genls #$NonHumanAnimal #$Animal) TRUE
- (#$genls #$EquineAnimal #$NonHumanAnimal) TRUE
- (#$genls #$Horse #$EquineAnimal) TRUE
- (#$genls #$Horse-Domesticated #$Horse) TRUE
- (#$genls #$ArabianHorse #$Horse-Domesticated) TRUE
- "
- (conceptuallyRelated Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee ArabianPeninsula)
- "Formula
- (#$conceptuallyRelated #$Hypothetic-The-Arabian-Coffee #$ArabianPeninsula)
- was not well formed because:
- (#$isa #$conceptuallyRelated #$IrreflexiveBinaryPredicate) in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>
- "
- (isa Hypothetic-I Individual)
- T
- (properNameStrings Hypothetic-I "I")
- "Formula
- (#$properNameStrings #$Hypothetic-I \"I\")
- was not well formed because:
- Asserting a literal with predicate #$properNameStrings is prohibited in mt #<(#$ParseMtForSourceFn (#$StringInDocumentFn #$NLTESTMT \"I drank the arabian coffee .\"))>.
- "
- (equals Hypothetic-I
- (PronounFn FirstPerson-NLAttr Singular-NLAttr Ungendered-NLAttr SubjectPronoun))
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-I SomethingExisting)
- T
- (termStrings Hypothetic-I "I")
- T
- (equals Hypothetic-I Hypothetic-I)
- T
- (isa Hypothetic-GenitiveFrame Event)
- T
- Each rule is kept in an instance of an Assertion. Physical Regions of the MOO may be effected by any 'Set' of instances from the Assertion Class. Assertions can be divided into Microtheories that can be believed by agents (or Mobs). The MOO reserves no special entity for enforcement of rules unless an agent has been assigned specifically to a room to do so. Most cases agents in the room are picking from there own private array of Assertions which is separate from an entity using the room's set.
- Supported configurations
- LINUX (currently developed on Redhat 7.x)
- JDK 1.4
- Jakarta Tomcat 4.x
- OpenCyc 0.6.0
- SourceForge Logo
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