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- def download_portfolio(self):
- '''
- \r[GeoPap]
- \rIt sends the appropriate query to the database
- \rand fetches the answer as a file
- '''
- params = request.get_json()
- '''
- input example:
- {
- 'regions': ['China'],
- 'markets': ['Beijing', 'Changsha', 'Chengdu', 'Chongqing', 'Dongguan', 'Guangzhou', 'Hangzhou', 'Hong Kong', 'N/A', 'Nanjing', 'Qingdao', 'Shanghai', 'Shenyang', 'Shenzhen', 'Suzhou', 'Taipei', 'Tianjin', 'Wuhan', 'Wuxi', "Xi'an", 'Xiamen'],
- 'gates': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
- 'comparables': True
- }
- '''
- # remove invalid entries
- params['markets'].remove("N/A")
- columns=['score_order',
- 'region',
- 'stargate_market',
- 'target_region',
- 'target_market',
- 'gate',
- 'subject_property',
- 'comparable_property',
- 'price_1p',
- 'avg_price_per_desk',
- 'occupancy',
- 'discount']
- # Note the problematic entries
- problematic=[]
- for mark in params['markets']:
- if "\'" in mark:
- problematic.append(mark)
- # print("These have invalid characters:\n%s"%(problematic))
- regions="target_region=\'"+"\' OR target_region=\'".join(params['regions']).lstrip("OR ")+"\'"
- markets="target_market=\'"+"\' OR target_market=\'".join(params['markets']).lstrip("OR ")+"\'"
- gates="gate=\'"+"\' OR gate=\'".join(params['gates']).lstrip("OR ")+"\'"
- comparables_bool=params['comparables']
- # Replace the problematic entries with the unproblematic ones
- for word in problematic:
- markets=markets.replace(word,word.replace("\'","\'\'"))
- # The basis of the query
- query='''SELECT * FROM portofolio_top5
- (%s) AND
- (%s) AND
- (%s)
- '''%(
- regions,
- markets,
- gates)
- # if comparables_bool==True then all score_order's are selected
- # otherwise only score_order==0 are selected
- if comparables_bool:
- query+='''AND \n\t('''
- for i in range(7):
- query+='''score_order=%s OR '''%(i)
- query=query[:-4]
- query+=")"
- else:
- query+='''AND \n\t(score_order=0)'''
- # order first by subject_property and then by score_order
- query+='''\n\tORDER BY\n\t (subject_property,score_order)'''
- # print("-----------------------")
- # print("This is the query that is about to be sent:\n%s"%(query))
- with self.db_connector.get_db_cursor(cursor_factory=NamedTupleCursor) as cur:
- cur.execute(query)
- portfolio=pd.DataFrame(data=cur.fetchall())
- portfolio.columns=columns
- # round up the avg_price_per_desk for those that score_order=0
- rounded_prices=portfolio.loc[portfolio['score_order']==0,:].loc[:,'avg_price_per_desk'].round()
- columns.remove('avg_price_per_desk')
- portfolio.loc[portfolio['score_order']==0,:]=portfolio.loc[portfolio['score_order']==0,columns]
- portfolio.loc[portfolio['score_order']==0,'avg_price_per_desk']=rounded_prices
- # Make it pretty
- columns2delete=['score_order','target_region','target_market']
- portfolio.drop(labels=columns2delete, axis="columns", inplace=True)
- portfolio.rename(index=str, columns={
- # "score_order": "score_order",# This is deleted
- "region": "Region",
- "stargate_market": "Market",
- # "target_region": "target_region",# This is deleted
- # "target_market": "target_market",# This is deleted
- "gate": "Gate",
- "subject_property": "Subject Property",
- "comparable_property": "Comparable Property",
- "price_1p": "1P Market Price",
- "avg_price_per_desk": "Avg market price (USD)",
- "occupancy": "Occupancy (this mo)",
- "discount": "Discount (this mo)"}, inplace=True)
- print(portfolio)
- # Download
- output = BytesIO()
- writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine='xlsxwriter')
- portfolio.to_excel(writer, sheet_name='PortfolioView')
- filename="PortfolioView.xlsx"
- return send_file(output, attachment_filename=filename,as_attachment=True)
- # avala = {'avala': 'avala_katravala_vrika_tripa_ta_vala'}
- # return json.dumps(avala)
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