

Mar 9th, 2025
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  1. -- Kino Drone Script for OpenComputers (Optimized for Memory)
  2. local component = component
  3. local computer = computer
  5. local modem = component.list("modem")()
  6. local drone = component.list("drone")()
  7. local geolyzer = component.list("geolyzer")()
  8. local radar = component.list("radar")()
  10. modem = modem and component.proxy(modem)
  11. drone = drone and component.proxy(drone)
  12. geolyzer = geolyzer and component.proxy(geolyzer)
  13. radar = radar and component.proxy(radar)
  15. local base_address = "a676e3d0-282e-401b-8848-bd6ee3b3fa98"
  16. local tablet_address = "3998d9fd-c974-4254-8237-bcbb434d7e64"
  17. local scan_mode = "normal"
  19. -- Define the scan range (adjust these to match your actual scan parameters)
  20. local scan_x = -2 -- Start X offset relative to Kino
  21. local scan_y = -2-- Start Y offset relative to Kino
  22. local scan_z = -2 -- Start Z offset relative to Kino
  25. local scan_width = 4-- Width of the scan area
  26. local scan_height = 4-- Height of the scan area
  27. local scan_depth = 4-- Depth of the scan area
  28. local scan_radius = 16 -- ✅ **Total scanning area**
  29. local scan_step = scan_width  -- ✅ **Step size for moving between scans**
  31. local fine_motor_control = false
  33. local kino_x, kino_y, kino_z = 0, 0, 0
  35. local function debug(msg)
  36.     modem.send(base_address, 123, "debug", msg)
  37. end
  40. drone.setStatusText("Ready")
  42. if not modem or not drone then
  43.     debug("Missing modem or drone component!")
  44. end
  46. local function sleep(time)
  47.     local start = computer.uptime()
  48.     while computer.uptime() - start < time do
  49.         computer.pullSignal(0)  -- ✅ Allows OpenComputers to process events
  50.     end
  51. end
  52. local function is_air(x, y, z)
  53.     local hardness = geolyzer.analyze(x, y, z) -- Get block hardness
  54.     return hardness == 0  -- Hardness 0 means air
  55. end
  56. -- **Optimized Movement Function with Position Tracking**
  57. local function move(dx, dy, dz)
  58.     drone.move(dx, dy, dz)
  59.     sleep(0.5)  -- ✅ **Wait for movement to complete**
  60.     kino_x = kino_x + dx
  61.     kino_y = kino_y + dy
  62.     kino_z = kino_z + dz
  63.     debug("📍 Normal Move: X=" .. kino_x .. " Y=" .. kino_y .. " Z=" .. kino_z)
  64. end
  66. -- **Chunk-Based Scanning with Absolute Position Adjustments**
  67. local function scan_chunk(x_offset, z_offset)
  68.     if not geolyzer then
  69.         debug("No Geolyzer found, skipping scan.")
  70.         return
  71.     end
  73.     debug("🔍 Scanning chunk at offset X=" .. x_offset .. " Z=" .. z_offset)
  75.     local scan_data = {}
  76.     local success, result = pcall(geolyzer.scan, -2, -2, -2, scan_width, scan_height, scan_depth)
  78.     if success and type(result) == "table" then
  79.         for i, density in ipairs(result) do
  80.             local x = ((i - 1) % scan_width) + kino_x + x_offset
  81.             local z = (((i - 1) // scan_width) % scan_depth) + kino_z + z_offset
  82.             local y = (((i - 1) // (scan_width * scan_depth)) % scan_height) + kino_y - 2
  84.             if density > 0 then  
  85.                 table.insert(scan_data, x)
  86.                 table.insert(scan_data, y)
  87.                 table.insert(scan_data, z)
  88.                 table.insert(scan_data, density)
  89.             end
  90.         end
  91.         debug("✅ Chunk scan complete at X=" .. kino_x + x_offset .. " Z=" .. kino_z + z_offset)
  92.     else
  93.         debug("❌ Scan failed at X=" .. kino_x + x_offset .. " Z=" .. kino_z + z_offset)
  94.     end
  96.     -- **Send scan data immediately**
  97.     for i = 1, #scan_data, 20 do
  98.         modem.send(base_address, 123, "scan_data", table.concat(scan_data, ",", i, math.min(i + 19, #scan_data)))
  99.         sleep(0.1)  -- ✅ **Prevent overloading the network**
  100.     end
  101. end
  103. -- **Full Area Scan: Kino Moves & Scans Each Chunk**
  104. local function scan_full_area()
  105.     debug("🔄 Starting full area scan...")
  107.     for x_offset = -scan_radius, scan_radius, scan_step do
  108.         for z_offset = -scan_radius, scan_radius, scan_step do
  109.             scan_chunk(x_offset, z_offset)  -- ✅ Scan each chunk
  111.             -- ✅ Move to the next scan position
  112.             if z_offset < scan_radius then
  113.                 move(0, 0, scan_step)  -- Move forward in Z direction
  114.             elseif x_offset < scan_radius then
  115.                 move(scan_step, 0, -scan_radius * 2)  -- Move right and reset Z
  116.             end
  117.         end
  118.     end
  120.     debug("✅ Full area scan completed.")
  121. end
  123. -- Confirm script upload to sender
  124. modem.broadcast(123, "kino_update_success")
  126. -- **Main Loop: Handles movement + scan mode**
  127. while true do
  128.     local _, _, sender, _, _, cmd, value = computer.pullSignal(5)
  130.     if sender == tablet_address then
  131.         if cmd == "move" then
  132.             if value == "forward" then move(scan_step, 0, 0)
  133.             elseif value == "backward" then move(-scan_step, 0, 0)
  134.             elseif value == "left" then move(0, 0, -scan_step)
  135.             elseif value == "right" then move(0, 0, scan_step)
  136.             elseif value == "up" then move(0, scan_step, 0)
  137.             elseif value == "down" then move(0, -scan_step, 0)
  138.             end
  139.         elseif cmd == "set_scan_mode" then scan_mode = value
  140.         elseif cmd == "scan" then scan_full_area()
  141.         elseif cmd == "fine_control" then
  142.                 if value == "on" then
  143.                     fine_motor_control = true
  144.                     scan_step = 1
  145.                     debug("🔧 Fine Motor Control ENABLED")
  146.                 elseif value == "off" then
  147.                     fine_motor_control = false
  148.                     scan_step = 4
  149.                     debug("🔧 Fine Motor Control DISABLED")
  150.                 end
  151.         end
  152.     end
  153. end
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