
wazp #10

Jul 7th, 2016
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  1. [4:38AM] another dimensio: unless he doesnt know teh game in depth lol the mechanics
  2. then hed prolyl get ownewd by me
  3. oh
  4. dude check this out uhhh
  5. body=vessel
  6. mind=control center
  7. soul=reflection of the mind
  8. lol
  9. its basic..
  10. but like thats what it is lol
  11. [4:40AM] PaleEarnhardt: wow ur goin rigth now
  12. [4:40AM] another dimensio: oh and intellect is composed of 5 components (longevity & stability of memory, (depth of comprehension) prcoesssing speed of comprehension), (logic) & (reason)
  13. lol so watch out dude i been workin on processing speed
  14. for comprehension im failing like a million times just going with what comes first in mind
  15. but its gettin faster
  16. [4:42AM] PaleEarnhardt: wow uve become a lil scholar since i stopped playin
  17. [4:42AM] another dimensio: ya lol
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